THE SUNDAY ' ORECONIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY IS, 1917. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAN TELEPHONES. Main 707O, A 6093 -Main 707U. A !.-. Main 7070. A i3 Main 7"70. A l." Main 7070. A 605 Main 7070. A BoS." Managing Editor i'lty Editrfr ,. Sunday editor . Advertising Department. Composing-room ....... 3 ' rt n t i ii k - room Superintendent Suilding. . .Main 7070, A 600o -Big- AMESEtKNT3. ORPHEUM (Broaiiwy at Taylor) time vaudeville at and 8:15. BAKER (Broadway or Sixth, between Alder and Morrison) Alcazar Stock Company in The uirl of the liolden West." This aft ernoon at -: 1 r and tonight at 8:lu. FA NT AGES (Broadway at Alder) I?n . equaled vaudeville. Three shows daily, L':;i0, 7 and 9:05. HIPPODROME (Broadway and Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving pictures. - to 5; t:4"i to 11 P. M. Saturday, Sunday, holi days, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. STRAND (Park. West Park and Stark) Vaudeville and motion pictures continuous. Towle. Ruth Ingrlis, Glen Rusher, Leslie Walrad; paper. "The Aim of Education and How Attained." Miss ". -ry Good: hymn, "Blest Be the Tie Thai Binds"; benediction. The Sunday evening: serv ice last week was also conducted by lay members and was successful. S. L. v Cooper's Home Robbed. The robbery of S. L. Cooper's home, at 895 Commercial street, Friday nisrht, was reported to the police yesterday. En trance was grained through a basement window during the absence of the family, and considerable jewelry stolen, including: a gold .locket and chain, set with chip diamond: round gold locket, lea.f design, set with small diamond; long:, gold neck chain, one lavalliere, pendant set with amethyst; child's Oregon grape ring, topaz ring, with pearls, tie pin of gold, woman's gold watch, engraved, 17 jewels: engraved gold bracelet and also $5.75 in cash. Detectives Goltz and liowell are work ing on the case. ' Seriks ov Lectures Pi.annkd. Rev. Klias Gjerding. pastor of the First IS'orwegian Danish Methodist Episcopal Church, tonight will start a series of Illustrated lectures showing the his tory of how a slave became the ruler of a great empire. lis subject i "From Slavery to the Power, of i JCing." The young women's society of the church "The Beehive" will give a social Tuesday night, February 20, when there also will be a sale of fancy goods. Sleeping-Car Service Starts Todat. Beginning today standard sleeping car service over the North Bank road between Portland and Central . Oregon points will be installed. Dining and observation car service will be in cluded on these trains, in addition to tourist sleeping-cars, operated daily. The standard sleeping-cars will be run Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays from Portland and alternate days from Central Oregon points. Presbyterians to Meet. The Presby terial Society will hold its next meet ing Tuesday in the First Presbyterian Chapel at noon. The speaker of the day will be Miss Vpham. of the New "York board of home missions. Mrs. Ruth Weybridge Tobias, an interesting and clever reader, will tell stories in the costume of the characters she will discuss. Luncheon will be served at noon and at 1:30 the meeting will commence. Missouri Woman Seeks Father. Mrs. E. T. Railey, of Marshall. Mo., has written Sheriff Hurlburt for aid in locating her father, Charles D. Samuels, who left her home when she was 20 months old and has not been .heard from since. Mrs. Railey asserts she has been told he is a cattleman of wealth in this section. She describes him as tall, round-shouldered, with light hair and brown eyes. Clothing and Passport Stolen. The room of C. N. Cozones and Theodore Marganls, at the New Green Hotel, was entered and robbed early yesterday morning. A quantity of clothing, be longing to Cozones, was stolen, to gether with a passport from Greece. City Detectives Hyde and Abbott are working on the case. Alberta Club to Meet. The Al berta Welfare Club will hold its next meeting at Vernon School, East Twenty-third street North, near Albrta street, on Tuesday, February 20, at 8 P. M. Dr. C. H. Chapman" will . dis cuss "The Commission Form of Munic ipal Government." " For Sale. One of the handsomest net of office fixtures in the city. Quarter-sawed oak, beveled plate glass, with brass trimming Will ac cept any reasonable offer. Especially suitable as bank fixtures for interior city. Apply Mr. Rothchild, 11 North Broadway. Adv. , Salvationists ' to Take Oath. There will be a swearing in of recruits at the service of Corps No. 1 of the Salvation Army tonight at 8 o'clock at 'the corps headquarters, 243 Ash street. There will be a holiness service at 11 o'clock today and a praise meeting at 3:15 P. M. Circle Presidents Meet Tuesdat. A meeting of all circle presidents and past presidents of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic has been called for Tuesday afternoon. February 20. at 2 o clock. The meeting will b held in the Grange Hall at Milwaukie. Mrs. Hidden to Speak. Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden will be the principal speaker tonight at the i rancis Willard Me morial service at the Third United Brethren Church. Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-second avenue Southeast. The programme begins at 7:30 o'clock. Prop. Lindlet Lectures This Even ivg. At the regular meeting of the Open Forum. B,roadway. between Yam hill and - Taylor' (T'nitarian Chapel), Prof. Ernest H. Lindley will speak, on "Mental Hygiene." Doors open at 7:15. ree discussion. All welcome. Adv. Patriotic Fete Prepared. A patri otic entertainment will be given by the Young People's. Society of the Swedish tabernacle. Seventeenth and Glisan streets, Thursday night, February 2 at 8 o'clock. A splendid programme and refreshments have been prepared. On account of financial troubles and having to leave Portland will sell n. large, splendid quality Turkish rug for $250, easily worth double that amount. Don't fail to see this if you want a bargain in an Oriental rug. Address C 108, Oregonian. Adv. Ex-Governor Geer to Speak. T. "T. Geer. ex-Governor of Oregon, will speak tonight at the Pilgrim Congrega tional Church, Shaver street and Mis souri avenue, on George Washington A Washington birthday service has been arranged. T. J. Lewis to Lecture. .-Are the Preachers of Portland a Failure?" is the subject of the lecture that T. J. Lewis will deliver at Turn Hall, Fourth and Yamhill streets, this evening at 8 o clock. Admission is free. Card Partt Planned. The Lincoln Garfield Women's Relief Corps will give a card party Friday evening, Feb ruary 23, in room 52o Courthouse. There is nothing better than "Webster" Havana cigar. Its fragranc is delightful. Sig. Sichel & Co., dis tributors, 9:! Third street. Adv. i,adies wisning to ao their own millinery work may receive instruc Hon in private class.-Phone Tabor 443 for appointment. Adv. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contractin architects, moved their offices to 924 Northwestern Bank building. Phone Mar.' 646. Adv. Oriental Rcos repaired, cleaned. M. E. Dinihanian, 135 Wth. Main 2674. Adv, Prices remain same at Puritan Cafe teria. 4th and Stark. Music. Adv, REBEKAHS HONOR OFFICERS Rose City Lodge, 3fo. 17 0, Enter tains at Special Session. Rose , City Rebekah Lodge, No. 170. held a special session on Thursday evening. February 15. for the purpose Ipf entertaining the president of the as- . . .'-Ml. 11... . . V... .J semoiy, ivirs. ienie tmcuuui e, miu other assembly and grand lodge offi cers. . Initiation of four candidates in Im pressive and beautiful drills and tab leaux marked the entertainment of the evening. Mrs. Eloise Roadruek. on behalf of Rose City lodge, presented a beautiful set of Silver salad forks-to Mrs. . Wat ten burg. A bouquet of carnations was presented to Mrs. Lancaster, vice-president. At the close of the session the officers and nearly 200 guests proceeded to the banquet hall, where a dainty lunch was served. The honored guests were Mrs. Wat tenburg, Mrs. Lancaster. Mrs. Cosper, secretary; Miss Jacobs, treasurer: Mrs. Allingham, chaplain; Mrs. Swan, assem bly trustee; Mrs. Tomilson. trustee of home: H. S. Westbrook, grand master; E. E. Shawn, grand secretary; Frank E. Weed, grand conductor; Mrs. Woodman, past president: Mr. Wheeler, past grand master; Mr. Stuart, past grand representative. TEACHERS ARE TO BECOME ACTORS IN COLONIAL PLAY Old-time Minuet, Plantation Melodies and Settings of Revolutionary Period Are to Feature Production for Fellowship Fund. LYLE WOMEIS CLUB DINES Report of Pasco Oood Roads Dele sate Is Heard. LYLE, Wash., Feb. IT. (Special.) The banquet given by the Ladies' Pro gressive Club last week was attended by more than 100 persons. The hall was beautifully decorated. Frank Blair was toastmaster. The especial feature of the evening was the report of the Pasco delegate, William Morgan son. He gave a. complete outline of the good roads meeting held at Pasco. Mr. Morganson was the delegate sent to Pasco by the Lyle Ladies' Progres sive Club. Don Norris. merchant, and L. H. Lawson. banker, also represented Lyle at Pasco. E. Norris spoke on "Improving Our Town for Tourists." Other speakers of the evening were J.-J. Bachmann, F. H. Duncan and Rev. H. Hersner, or Hood River. A solo by Miss Ella Gaspard and duet by Mrs. Gaspard and Mrs. f ran It I'lum mer were well received. COLLEGE CRUSHING ROCK Mt. MOUNT ANGEL, Or., Feb. 17. (Spe- ial.) The large rock crusher installed t Mount Angel . a few years ago gain in operation. Mount Angel Col- ege is repairing the main roads which ead up to the college. ;After the col ege has finished this work the city is xpected to take advantage of the rusher and begin work. ' A few years ago. at the cost of al most $2000, the rock-crushing plant was installed. The plant is run by dynamo, the power being secured from Silverton. It has a capacity of about 150 yards a day, almost double the ount turned out by the old steam plant. The expense was borne jointly by the county. Mount Angel road district. by the college and City of Mount 'AngeL DEBATE TOPIC ARRANGED University Teams Chosen for Trian gular Contest. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. Feb. 17. (Special.) The question for the annual debate between the univer sity. Oregon Agricultural College and Stanford University has been settled, with the wording as follows: "Resolved, That the method of settling disputes by compulsory investigation, with a compulsory acceptance of award, should be adopted in industrial disputes in volving 100 or more persons.-- The two Oregon debaters who will debate on the negative side of the question at Palo Alto on March 2 are Earl Flelschmann, of Eugene, and Nich olas Jaureguy, of Tacoma, Those de bating the affirmative on the same night at Corvallis will be Vivian Kel- lems. of Eugene, and Walter Myers, of The Dalles. Laymen Conduct Services. GRESHAM, Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.) The Sunday ' evening service of th Methodist Episcopal Church will be conducted by the lay members, and will begin at 7:30. The following pro gramme has been prepared for the service: Opening exercises: talk, "Op portunity-Responsibility," N. O. Fuller vocal solo, "Teach Me to Pray," Ml Mattie Wells; reading, "The Lost Dream," Mrs. B. L. Walrad; addres "Phases of the Sunday School," A. R Lyman; quartet, "Rock of Ages," Delia Ansel Aids in Road Improve ments in Vicinity. if "H " ' ?A V - ' 1 X - - ? V(yw - .-ft JLS&J, Sd'SiA.l : Wfcfciu"' " )fm ft -iiUMninliliiimfltJilnnlni'' ; ff3S - Wjjf 1u i i ' jt Alt, - l III n :' l- P0:- I fy " ' I If- BU6HNELL A M . E $ - '.' JWJWUP.IJ i! . ' ': l; if I f ,i : ; ' ; 1 - ! ' i ' --,1111,1, iM-m.MrirtiiWitiaililliwiliitiiiTOTiiil nniilrimii ir i jL iimirmnnnKi-niumMin mr y, .nrrW j -j DRY LEADER 15 TO VISIT REV. K. J. MOO UK TO BE HOSiOI GUEST AT LIMHEO.V General Aaslatant Soperlatendeat of Anti-Saloon Leasne Will Make Two Addreuea While la City. Prominent Portland business men and local Anti-Saloon. Ieague Workers will be hosts at a. Shrove Tuesday luncheon at Multnomah Hotel, in honor of Rev. E. J. .Moore, general assistant superintendent of the -Anti-Saloon League of America, who will arrive in Portland Monday evening. Mayor Albee will be chairman of the luncheon, and, if possible. Gover nor Withycombe will come to Port land to speak and introduce Dr. Moore, whose topic will be "Prohibition, Pros perity, Publicity and Preparedness in the Present National and World Crisis and Our Enlarging Opportunity." Rep resentative J. E. Anderson, father of the "bone-dry" law, will be another speaker. . Following the luncheon Rev. Mr. Moore will go into a conference at the headquarters of the Anti-Saloon League with the local committee on the best methods for co-operation in the drive for National prohibition, which Rev. Mr. Moore says will become an accom plished fact in 1920. The committee which he will meet Includes E. A. Baker hairman; Judge A. L Veazie. vice hat rman; Rev. A. C. Moses, secretary; William F. Woodward. E. Quacken- bush. J. T. Wilson. Bishop M. S. Hughes, of the Methodist Episcopal diocese of Oregon; Dr. John H. Boyd. Dr. Joshua Stanstleld. Dr. T. W. Lane and State Superintendent R. P. Hutton, of the Anti-Saloon League. Tuesday evening a Lnion-dry mass meeting will be held, at Centenary Methodist Church, East Ninth and Pine streets. Besides an address by Rev. Mr. Moore, live-minute talks will be given by J. E. Anderson. ex-Governor Oswald Wst. 3. P. Newell and Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, state president of th4 W. C. T. II. . Much of the discussion at both the luncheon and the rally meeting will be about the National-dry amendment. which the Irya are trying to force through Congress before its adjourn ment March 4.- Rev. Mr. Moore will have much to say on this, as he had visited many of the states in his Na tional inspection tour. It will also be announced that copies of the Oregon bone-dry law have been sent to states. MISS MARIAN FARREI.I.. "WHO WILL DACE AT COLONIAL ENTISRTAIX- MENT OK Oil A UK TEACHERS. rjHE colonial entertainment of the I Portland Grade Teachers' Asso elation to be given at Multnomah Hotel on the evening of February 21 promises to be an interesting event. ' The programme will open with a dramatic skit performed by nine char acters represanted by some of the prin cipals, high , school instructors and grade . teachers. The scene portrays a visit of Mrs. Washington to General Washington's headquarters at Valley Forge in 1778 and forms a charming background for the beautiful' minuet danced by ten couples in colonial costume. The min uet will be led by Miss Georgia Way and Robert Krohn. who will also dance a duet. Miss Marian Farrell. the dainty little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Farrell, will do a solo dance. Music of the period will be. furnished by Miss Metta Brown, by the Ladies" Chorus, and by a male quartet singing negro melodies. The music is under the direction of W. H. Boyer. At the close of the formal pro gramme dancing in the ballroom of the hotel to strains of the Royal Russian orchestra, and cards in the tearoom will be enjoyed. The proceeds of the entertainment are for the fellowship fund of the as sociation. Tickets' are on sale at Woodard, SCHOOL OPERA DELIGHTS FRAXKLIX HIGH SINGERS PROVE SURPRISE TO AIDIBXCE. VETERANS HONOR LINCOLN George AVriglit POst and Relief Corps Have Celebration. A joint celebration of Lincoln's birth day and St. Valentine's day was held by George Wright Post. No. 1, Grand Army of the Republic and the Women of the Relief Corps at the Grand Array headquarters in the Courthouse last Wednesday night. A campnre pro gramme and a dinner were features of the celebration. The hall and tables were decorated with patriotic emblems and hearts. suitable to the character of the occa sion, and a valentine' was placed at each . plate. About 200 guests were served. With Commander Thomas Jordan and Mrs. Emma Roberts presiding, a num ber of toasts were given. REV. E. H. PENCE TO SPEAK Series of Addresses Planned at Uni versity Y. W. C. A. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Feb. 17. (Special.) Starting tomorrow Rev. Edward H. Pence, of Portland, will conduct three- lectures for the women of the university under the su pervision of the Y. W. C. A. Dr. Pence will lecture on the "Three Essentials of Christianity as Viewed in Religion," being a "Supreme Person 'A Supreme Motive and "A Supreme Experience and Its Products. On Wednesday the university Y. W. C. A. will hear an address delivered by Dr. J. D. Adam, of Hartford, Conn. IRVINGTON. We offer f or - sale an exceptionally fine home; hardwood finish; no finer location in the city. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3026 Adv, Onn Logging Camp to Resume. CENT R ALIA, Wash.. Fb. 17. (Spe cial.) It is reported that the Onn log ging camp, north of Pe Ell, is prepar ing to resume operations following shutdown of several months, cansed by weather conditions. CARD OK THANKS. I desire to express my thanks and appreciation to the many kind friends for the beautiful floral offerings and for the kindness and sympathy shown during the illness and death of my inotner. Aav. aa.ix ULtiABUH, Clarke & Co. store and at Sherman & Clay's. The following will be patronesses for the teachers' festivity: Mrs. Mary Bar low Wilkins, Mrs. Clara Summers. Mrs. Agnes Greenleaf, Mrs. Edward Alden Beals, Mrs. James N. Davis. Mrs. C. U, Gantenbein, Mrs. G. J. Frankel. Mrs Alva Lee Stephens. "Mrs. George W McMath, Mrs. C. . Jackson, Mrs. Fran cis Drake, Mrs. y. F. Woodward. Miss Mary Frances Isqm, Mrs. Iewis R. Al derman. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, Mrs, Alan Welch Smith, Mrs. Isaac Swett Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke, Mrs. H. H Parker. Mrs. W. C. Witzel. Mrs. F. S. Albaugh. Mrs. H. T. Blough. Mrs Ulysea Grant Smith, Mrs. Richard W Montague. Mrs. W. II. T. Green. Mrs, Edgar WhUney, Mrs. Robert Krohn, Mrs. Horace Kenton. Mrs. Charles A. Johns, Mrs. Robert S, Farrell. Mrs Boudinot Seeley, Mrs. L. T. Newton Mrs. Murray Manville. Mrs. Arthur O. Jones. Mrs. Emma B. Carroll, Miss Fannie Porter. Mrs. A. E. Watson. Mrs. Emma Ixm Blanford. Mrs. Cora B Fraine. Mrs. L. B. Hoye, Mrs. Josephine Lisher, 'Miss Ann Cooley, Miss Madge Hill, Miss Anne Dudley, Miss Harrle Monroe, Miss Winifred Dennis Miss Dess Rawson, Miss Eugenia Norse1. Miss R. H. Thomas, Mrs. George O. Dnrkee Mrs. Dorothy Bingham and Mrs. Joseph A. Pettit. Cast of -Pirates of Penmance" Haa Many Stara and Chorus Work la of Exceptionally High Order. On of the most delightful of the seasons school entertainments was given Friday night at Franklin High School whei students presented the favorite light opera, "The Pirates of Penzance," under the direction of Rob ert' B. Walsh. The very melodious musical operetta with its bright set ting and really difficult song num bers was one of the biggest entertain ments that any of the Portland High Schools have attempted during the year. The young thespian singers really did justice to the production. There is romance in the story and ever so many wild dashing pirates, who are really good fellows after all, and Just as many pretty maidens who in the end finds each a sweetheart. Wylie Doran won honors with his able singing and characterization of the pirate chiertain. Richard.- Etha Kennedy was charming as the demure yet arden.t Mable and Harold Oppen lander sang the part of Samuel. George . Powers had the laughable but lovable role of police sergeant; who is responsible fpr more than one laugh. Much of the stage had been made over and enlargedfor the staging of the "Pirates" and practically all of the scenery was new. In the. role of the very pompous Major-General, with the great big voice that boasts of tfeing "the model of a modern major-general." Fred Kel ly won the admiration and applause of the audience. Nellie Sanders appeared in the part of -winsome Edith and Helen Johnson was winning as Kate. Esther Baird scored decided successes as Isabel. Honor is due to both the boys and girls' chorus, for their singing was a tribute to the directing of Professor Walsh and their own ability. Pro fessor Walsh has studied in Germany and has a superb bass voice. H has been directing with choruses and sing ing with them for months to prepare them for the production. The pic- turesaue costumes and stage set tings are largely due to his ingenuity and direction also and to that of the students who ablv assisted him. It was impressive to see so large a num ber of students really able to sing and working in unison. Y. M. C. A. TOUR IS MADE Delegation From University of Ore gon Visits Cottage Grove. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Feb. 17. (Special.) With the purpose of interesting high school students in higher education, ten university mem bers of the V. M. C. A. spent a portion of last week in Cottage Grove as guests of the 'citizens. "The feature of the se ries of lectures was an Illustrated talk by Nicholas Jaureguy. president of the student body, the pictures being views of campus life, rallies, buildings and other campus activities. A special assembly was held at the high school and several religious meet lngs during the afternoons and even ings were held in the various churches, The members making the trip were Martin Nelson, Astoria; Randall Scott, Springfield: Clinton Thlenes, Eugene Nicholas Jaureguy, Tacoma: Kent Wil son, Oregon City; George Wilcox. Grass Valley; Jamee McCallum, Eugene: Leo Cossraan. Creswell: Frank Campbell, Dallas, and J. D. Foster, secretary, of Eugene. MISS M.A.H0DGD0N DIES PORTLAXD'S EARLY-DAY TEACHER PASSES AT OLD HOME. Big Part Played In Ovfcanlsatlon Portland Woman's Union for Care of Working Girls. Miss Mary A. Hodgdon. whose death occurred on February 6 at Melros Highlands. Mass.. was a resident of Portland for many years. She was th daughter of George and Sarah Scot tioagaon. ana way Dorn in ipswicn Mass., July 4, 1836. After her gradu ation from the Ipswich Seminary, through the suggestion of Rev. S. H, Marsh. D. D.. president of Pacific L'ni versity. Forest Grove, she started to Oregon via the Isthmus of Panama, an arrived at Portland in May, 1861. After teaching a year at Pacific University, Forest Grove, Miss Hodg don returned to Portland and opened a private school in the basement of th First Congregational Church, north west corner of Second and Jefferson streets, and maintained it there for year. Then she changed the locatio of the school to a building on Fourt street, between Jefferson and Columbi especially erected for her by William S. Ladd and Judge Erasmus D. bhat tuck, where she remained four years. In 1867 Miss Hodgdon went to Wall Walla. Wash., and was a teacher Whitman Seminary (now Whitma College) for four years. In 1S71 sh returned to Portland and was con nected with the public schools, prin cipally the High School, until 189 when she went to California. After respite of three years she returned to Portland and remained until the Fal of 1898, when she returned to Ipswich to care for an aged father and pass the remainder of her days. Mrs. Rosa F.. Burrell, Mrs. T. Clapp and Miss Hodgdon were the in corporators of the Portland W oman Union. GREETERS ADD DELEGATE Presentation of "Ruffles" Enables Local Chapter to Increase Torce. As a result of the presentation o "Raffles" by the Alcazar Players Tues day the Greeters will be able to send one more delegate to the Greeters' an nual convention at Boston in July. It is planned by the local chapter of Greeters to bring the convention to Portland in 1918. and te more dele gates they are able to send the better they will be able to accomplish their purpose. In addition to the play "RafTles," a comedy song act was presented by a trio comprising Billy'. White, Earl Ed munds and E. Shlller. who sang both old and new original Greeters' songs. MEN WHO DRESS WELL Wear tailored clothes. They cost but little more and give better satisfaction. It is easy to buy a tailored suit from us. Only $10 down, balance J5' per month. Unique Tailoring Company, 309 Stark street, between Fifth and Sixth. Adv. SUITS PRESSED, 35C. . Dry cleaned, Co.. 309 Stark. $1. Unique Tailoring Broadway 614. Adv. Commerce Safe Ueposit Vaults. 91 Third street. Both phones. Adv. ELIZABETH SIMPSON DEAD Xaitve of Kentucky Passes at Home In Drain, Aged 85. Mrs. EllzaNeth Cox Slmpeon. wh came to Oregon in 1865. passed awa January 23 at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. Clementina Wise, at Drain, just six days before her 85th birthday. During her childhood her parents movea from her native state, Ken tucky, to Missouri, where, in 1853. she was married to Francis Marion Simp son. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson remained in Missouri until the close of the Civil War, when they followed the immi gration westward and settled in Yam hill County, Oregon, later moving to Drain. To Mr. and Mrs. Simpson eight chil dren were born: Joel Simpson. Mon tana; A. L. Simpson, Missoula; Harvey Simpson (deceased), R. L. Simpson, Lakeview, Or.; Mrs. Ella Long, Divide, Or.; Mrs. Rosetta Boggs (deceased), J. F. Simpson. Portland; Mrs. Clementina Wise. Drain. Funeral services were held January 25 . at the Christian Church. Rev. Mr. White officiating. In terment took place at the Masonic Cemetery, where she was laid to rest beside her husband, who died May 20, 1904. EPILEPTIC NOT IDENTIFIED Man Stricken at Cliamber of Com merce Is in Hospital. Investigation is being made of the identity of an unknown middle-aged man. who was seized with convulsions Friday afternoon as he was leaving the Chamber of Commerce building. Taken to the Emergency Hospital, he passed rapidly from seizure to seizure, and his condition became so serious that he was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital. At (no time has he rallied suffi ciently to give his name. Engraved .-. - v. Your Eyes to all appearances may seem normal of vision and strength, but subjected to scientific test and expert examination might reveal a condition that it would be well to counteract. Our optical service means skill and accuracy in eye examination and the fitting of glasses. No ex perimental -work here. We know we can satisfac torily prescribe and fit glasses for your particular case. Intrust your optical work to our care. KRYPTOK, TORIC and All Other Recognized Scientific Lenses Home of the SPECIAL $100 DIAMOND JAEGER BROS. 131-133 SIXTH STREET Oregonian Building ,; i M'-,,;;-.':i-.':''-r-!-'r -,i.:---: "" -!; u vi& See'; This I Interlocking Principle Permits grouping together all of. your ALLSTEEL filing units what ever your business or profession. Saves floor space. Minimizes your filing furniture expense. The inter membering principle of Office Furniture makes it unnecessary to go from file to file for books, card indexes, letters, maps, legal blanks and documents. ALLSTEEL. construction keeps records fire-proof, rodent-proof, climate-proof, dust-proof, sneak-thief-proof. ALLSTEEL looks like the most beautifully finished wood, and . B n R covers everything you need in filing equipment. i-H'oio. if we haven't in stock just the ALLSTEEL equipment you need, we will get it for you, (17) Filing Devices of All Kinds "Everything; for the Office" Omnibuses Bank Safes Vault Doors r Corner Fifth and Oak Streets A Beautiful Site' On the summit of the divide between the Columbia River and Portland, three blocks east of Union Ave. carlines, the great Pacific Highway, and just north of the beautifully paved Ainsworth Ave. High, sightly, quiet, pure air, invigorating and healthful. Sandy and gravelly soil. No mud. 150 by 200 feet in size. Yours for $4000.00, if taken at once. Write the owner, Geo. II. Hamilton, 474 E. Liberty St., Portland, Oregon. on his keyrinir is the name "E. H. Stark." but the city directory does not bear a name with similar in itials. Physicians say that the attacks from which he suffers are epileptic. Your Older Years will be well provided for if Endow ment Insurance is carried in the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. HORACE MECKLEM, General Agent, . . ...... Northwestern Bank Building USED PIANOS Kimball, oak, like new, $187 Vose, oak, worth $350, $238 Kelso, mahogany, good val ue, only $175 Steinway, rosewood, like new (small) $338 (Just the piano for your apart ments.) Conover, mahogany, fine condition $278 $50.00 Talking Machine $35 EASY TERMS Harold S. Gilbert The Reliable Piano Mer chant, 384 Yamhill St. Pianos Pianos Pianos Rented Bought Sold Most Reasonable Terms in Portland. w I IP v Books Bought and Sold OR BXl'HAT.ED. WlAi LIXG OF SCHOOL HOOKS, SCHOOL SI PPLIES A.MJ STATIONARY. Second-Hand Magazines nought. Sold and Exchanged. CAN SAVK YOU MONET. JOHNSON BOOKSTORE JESS Wool Bats Mattresses any size: and weight. Boy Direct Frm Manufacturer. Blaakcta, MattreaM u4 Keather KenavateaL Wa Da Waol Cardlns. Crystal Springs Finishing Works 13S 10 tli. Near Alder. Paoae Hai 3474 Claremont-Tavern Chicken Dinners Crawfish Main 59 Linnton Road HOTEL mm SAN FRANCESCO Gaanr Straov "lav ofv Union Squara Eimoean P'n S1.SC n day up Breaktac.oOc Lunch oOc Dinner $1.00 Moil Famous Maali, an the United States New steel and concrete structure. Center of theater, cafe and retail districts. On carlinxs transferring all ovar city. Take Municipal car line direct to door. Jdotor Bus meets tralaa and steamers Bf( I II Seattle's Famoms J t H Hotel a . , I Fine central location. Bvenr M V,rii:ri modern appoi ntment Cum P l k K Tf d e f finest on the CoavC a "43 RATES l w MaJ4?iJ 91 p T P with we of ban., - 5 A 42 per d-gr andp-Oipclrieba!B. L mm FRANK SCHRAMEK Manufacturer of Electric Body Belts 93. $5. 97 & 10 If You Are in Need of an Klectric Belt Send for a Booklet. fid FRANK SCHRAMEK 2IM Kront Street. lort land, Oreiroa. Nil -t 1