TILE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBKT7ATIT 18, 1017. BATTLE FLEET IS READY TO STRIKE Many Surprises Said to Be in Store for Germans in ji Case of Conflict. LOCATION IS KEPT SECRET President Prepared to Appear Co lore Congress Moment Overt Act Is Committed Delay Gives v America Time to Prepare. BT JOHN C ALLAN O'LAUGHLIN. WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. (Special.) Preparedness is the order of the day and even of the night in Washington. The Navy Department is equipping the fleet with everything: it may need to repel attack. The Navy-yards are receiving supplies and being: placed in condition to repair any ships that may be damaged and to push to completion the vessels under construction. The general board of the Navy, which has charge of all matters relating to strategy. Is holding constant sessions to devise plans for the protection of the fleet from hostile submarines and its effective use at once if war should com. Universal Training Advocated. The general staff of the Army is not only studying the strategic employ ment of the Army with particular re lation to Mexico and Cuba, where the German agents are reported to be at work, but with a view to the training without loss of -time of hundreds of thousands of young- men to fit them for military service. The Department U gradually coming around to the ad vocacy of universal training, which is understood to have gained the approval of the President. The President is prepared to appear before Congress the moment an overt act is committed. He is in daily, in hourly expectation of an incident oc curring which will leave no other alternative than to ask Congress to authorize him to move against Ger many. IlreaK With Bulgaria JVot Likely. " He has no doubt that diplomatic rela tions will have to be severed with Austria-Hungary which has adopted the methods of sea warfare inaugurated by the German government. So far as Bulgaria is concerned, it now seems that probably relations with her will continue and possibly also with Turkey. The situation with those countries in case of war would be similar to that of Italy which for months was at peace with Germany while engaged in war .with Austria-Hungary. Manifestly it would be against the public interest to reveal what the Navy and War Departments are doing. It i known, for example that the bat tle fleet is no longer in Cuban waters Attack by IT-Boata Expected. It is the belief of the naval strata gits that German submarines will at tempt a surprise attack upon the American fleet, not only for. the pur pose of doing as much damage as pos sible, but for the moral effect on Ger many and upon the neutral nations of liurope. Precautions have been taken to pre vent such an attack being successful. The most important is secrecy as to the location of the fleet. The nest lies in the measures taken by the fleet to protect itself. It is known that the ships are keep ing a sharp watch for periscopes and that they are cleared for action. There has been a general public im pression that the fleet is not as effl oient as it should be. Information ob tained by The Oreganlan correspondent shows that the fleet is far more ef fective than the people realize. Fleet Tina Surprises In Store. Moreover, it has a number of sur prises in store for the Germans should thoy care to come. The avy and war departments are co-operating for the purpose of pro tecting ports. Submarine nets are be Ing placed at the entrances or various harbors and they have been reinforced by stationary mines that will be ex plodod by electricity the moment con tact is made by a ship. As an indication of the way "in which the Navy-yards are being placed in con dition to bear the strain of war, it de veloped today that the electric equip ment awaiting installation in public buildings has been turned over to the yards. By this policy the power plant units will be largely increased and it is estimated that the capacity of tho yards and the gun foundries where the great guns are turned out for the Army and Navy will be doubled. Federal Use of Wires Provided. Plans also have been completed for the use of the telegraphs and tele phones by the Army and Navy, official of the companies being appointed offi cers of the Signal Corps and their men organized into signal companies, During war the Army would auto matically assume control of all lines. The railroads also will be placed at the disposition of the Government. The way they will be used is now being de termined by a special committee of the American Railroad Association, the chairman of which is Fairfax Harrison president of the Southern Railroad. The special committee has been divided into four sections, one for each of the Na lion's military districts, and the chair man of each has offices in the head quarters of the military department bis section represents. Every day's delay on the part of Germany in committing the overt act gives that much more time for the com pletion of preparedness. The author! ties are speeding up everything pos sible so as to assure the most effectiv operation the moment the President and Congress say the word. Attitude of Congress Disturbs. The Administration" is. disturbed by the attitude of Congress. Many Repub licans and Democrats are opposed to war with Germany, this being the con dition "reported to Berlin as certain to develop by German diplomats before they left Washington. . Knowledge of the views of Congressmen is responsibl for the determination of the Presiden not to appear before the Senate and th House in Joint session until he has had such a clear case that no one can question the propriety of his grave de cision. It is realized, however, ' that Ger many s policy is intimidating many hips from leaving our shores. This ia congesting freight and soon will cause cerious shutdown of plants. How Ion the United' States, can permit th method of warfar&.to- continue is matter which is seriously eoncernin the President and his advisers. N. M. Dean Seriously III. N. M. Dean is critically 111 with pneu monia at his residence, 29 East Th teenth street North. He is under the care of two physicians. A street-railway company at Wind eor, Ontario-, --advertised lately for . women to acV as car conductors. THREE AMERICAN LINERS HELD AT PIERS AWAITING DECISION : . Ji: : I. - i -' 1 ' - r.LlP)fe 4r LEFT TO RIGHT SEW YORK. ST. PAtX AD ST. LOUIS. . When the American liner New York arrived February 12 from Liverpool, three American llner wera at their piers at the foot of West Twenty-second street. New York, for the first time since 1898. It was a strange thing for the crews of the three vessels to meet one another. Many of them had worked for the American line for years, yet never had laid eyes on the fellow-employes they saw February 12. The three big liners will be held at their piers until a decision is reached between the line and the Government regarding them. It was learned, however, that the company was unable to obtain guns for the vessels, and that It would be Impossible to do so unless the Government supplies them. The American, line has advised Its agents throughout the country to discontinue bookings of passengers on the ships. FOUR VESSELS SUNK U-Boats Destroy Three and Fourth Is Mine Victim. ALL1 FLY BRITISH FLAG Two Killed. Five Injured and 19 Missing From Lady Ann Three Meet Deatli on Queensland, All Others Being Saved. LONDON, Feb. 17.- Four vessels with an aggregate tonnage of 7185 tons made up the total losses to merchant men today as a result ot the German ubmarine blockado. Three of these vessels fell prey to German submarines. while a fourth was sunk by hitting a mine. Lloyd's announced the elnking of the British steamer Lady Ann, 1016 tons, which was lost by striking a mine. Two of the crew were killed and five injured. The captain and 18 men are missing. Tho British steamer Queensland, 2701 tons, was victim of a submarine. Three men were killed and all others of the re w were saved. V v The British steamer Marion Dawson J 2300 tons, Lloyd's announced, wa truck by a torpedo from a submarine and destroyed. The British steamer Marie Leonhardt of 146S tons, was also a victim of a submarine, Lloyd's announced. The steamer Marie Leonhardt is listed in the marine records as a Ger man vessel owned by Leonhardt & Blumberg, of Hamburg. She is one of the ititerned German chips requisitioned for entente service. BERLIN, Feb. 16. (By wireless, via Tuckerton. N. J., to the Associated Press, Feb. 17.) One German submarine returning to her home base reports that during a period of 24 hours, she sank merchant chips aggregating 50,000 tons. Another German submarine has a rec ord of sinking a total tonnage of 35,000 in five days. Progress of the War. .A TTACKING in force the German XX lines on both sides of the River Ancre, in France, British troops on Sat urday penetrated about 1000 yards on ; front of one mile and a half, south of the stream and gained ground on the northern side. The latest success follows upon the British capture of Grandcourt, also on the southern bank, and brings them within a short distance of both Mirau mont and Petit Mlraumont, northeast of Grandcourt. Field Marshal Haig s forces also carried an important Ger man position north of the Ancre on t front of about 1000 yards nortn of the Baillescourt farm. German counter-attacks were with stood successfully by the British, who report that they inflicted heavy losses on the Germans. The British also cap tured at least 268 prisoners, including five officers. Farther northward on the front in France, British troops car ried out successful raids into the Ger man lines. Continuing their advance on Kut-el Amara, in Mesopotamia, British troops have taken more positions from the Turks, and prisoners captured Thursday number nearly 2000 including 89 of ficers. On the right bank of the river Tigris the British seized important strategic positions. Belated Turkisn official statements admit retirements in this region. British shipping amounting to 7485 tons, was reported sunk' Saturday as the result of the German block ade measures. Three of the four steam ers sunk the Queenswood, 2701 tons Marion Dawson. 2300 tons, and Marie Leonhardt. 1468 tons were presumably submarine victims. The fourth, the Lady Ann, of 1016 tons, waa sunk by a mine. German reports attribute marked success to the operations of Individual U-boats within the laBt few days. One submarine, it is announced, sunk 50, 000 tons of shipping in 24 hours, while another averaged 7000 tons a day for five days. The renewal of fighting along the Moldavian frontier of Roumanla wa virtually the only new development of the last 24 hours in the field of mlli tary activity. Berlin reports the be ginning of a battle Saturday morning north of the Oituz Valley. Whether the Russo-Roumanian or the Austro German forces were the aggressors was not indicated. Petrograd has not ye reported on this operation. On the Franco-Belgian front Infantt I River. The activity in the Champagne, where the Germans suddenly delivered an attack on Thursday, seems to have aecreuwd somewhat, but fighting still is taking place there, Berlin chron icling the repulse of a French attack. The afternoon report of the French War Office referred only to artillery actions. In the field of aviation the -naval contingents have been more than usually active. German naval airplanes bombarding military objects near Dun kirk and Coxyde, behind the entente lines on the northern end of the Franco-Belgian front, and also throw ing bombs upon merchant shipping in the Downs, off the English coast. British naval machines bombarded the Ghlstelles airdrome and buildings and shipping at Bruges, Belgium. .The Swiss Minister at Washington has given to Secretary of State Lans ing full information concerning the de parture of 86 former American Con suls and their families in Germany. The details were not made public, but it ia understood that it supports pre vious promises to facilitate the de parture of Americans. Turkey has given to Ambassador F.lkus at Constantinople expressions of friendship for the United States and of hope that friendly relations may continue. No reference was made by Turkey to any intention on her part to support Germany s submarine policy. The American legation in Berne, Switzerland was notified today that the American Consuls now in Germany will arrive in Switzerland Tuesday afternoon, and it is expected that many Americans who have been residing in Germany will accompany them. FIGHTING PASTOR DEAD REV. nni'S GWTXX, PIOSF.ER OF isr.a. was oxcB folicbmax. Circuit Rider Who Made . Reputation Also in Ring Was Thankful to God far Vae of Arms In Need. TOLEDO, Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) Rev. Rhys Gwynn, who died at Puyallup, Wash., Feb. 8, was once an expert boxer, and, although he scarcely tipped the scales at a hundred pounds, he made some of the most sensational arrests known to the annals of the A Rev. Rhys Gwynn. Fighting Pas. tor and Pioneer, Who Died Re cently. ruraina ponce records or years ago. He had tho Slabtown beat, which at that time was the toughest in Port land. Old timers still remember how he whipped a prizefighter from Aus tralia who couldn't get a fight in Port land until Mr. Gwynn volunteered, en tered the ring and won. Withal ha was a very devout man, and said he was " thankful to God, for he gave me strength to wield my arms." Mr. Gwynn was born in Pontypool, Monmouthshire, Wales, Great Britain, August 26, 1834. He- was a pioneer to Oregon in 18S2. In the early days he was a "circuit rider, with headquarters at Silverton, Or. He had preached in every county in Oregon, except the ones recently formed; studied in Palestine, conducted a mission in Alaska and written an unpublished book on "Sunday as the Real Seventh Day." Rev. Mr. Gwynn married Sophia Ruh rill at Oregon City, before Isaao Moore, December 30, 1861. Six children sur vive Mrs. J. . .M. Phillips, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. R. T. Haseeltine, Spring dale, Wash.; R. R. Gwynn. Toledo, Or.; C. C. Gwynn and . W. K. Gwynn, of Puyallup, Wash., and Mrs. J. F. Peterson, vUvcrton, Or. fighting was resumed near the Ancre t ? . t 4 - i , r , j I ih - Ni ls ts ,. v ! l :- f v--. ' : IF Vf. i r ii nfm an , -i Ma ja. BMssmsBMsuiaaauT AS TO SAFETY AT SEA. FOE HOT BELITTLED Earl of Derby Says Crisis of War Will Soon Come. NEED FOR MEN , IS ACUTE British Cabinet Officer Declares Germany lias Enormous Reserve rower and Will Make Mighty Effort to Win. LONDON. Feb. 17. The' Earl of Derby, Secretary of State for War, speaking at Bancs today, expressed th- opinion that the critical period of the war would occur in the next few months. "I would be a raise friend," he said, "if I did not warn the country that the war is going to be long continued and a struggle even more bitter than in the past. It can only bo won by everyone doing his utmost. The three things most vital are money, men and munitions. Money and munitions arc being supplied in large quantities. -aien we want and must have. The na tion will have to make greater sacri fices in the way of giving Its manhood to fight its battles. You will not win Oie war by saying you have won it, il am as confident as anyone of the eventual result, but do not be led away into the too grejit optimism of think ing that the end is near. There is nothing that pleases us more than to hear that the German nation Is at its last gasp. 1 do not think it is true. I believe the erman nation is suffer ing, but it still has an enormous re serve of power and will make a great and gigantic effort to gain the mastery. "I believe we are going to see the critical period of the war in the next few months. We must face it with courage. I confidently predict it will be a successful six months for us, but at the same time I do not think it will be a walkover. "You must receive bad news equally with good news, with the same cour age, the same gameness and the same determination. Th re ia but one mot to for every man and women in the country, namely, "to stick it out." That is what you have got to do. At what ever coFt, at whatever sacrlflres. stick Will Never Be Without This Simple Laxative Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Relieved Her Baby When Nothing Else Would. Little Max Pendergast Is now four years old, and a fine, neaitny noy. When butta tiny baby. In fact almost from birth, he suffered a great deal from constipation. His mother. Mrs. Carl W. Pendergast. Red Key. Ind., heard of Dr.. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, obtained a bottle of it from the drug store, and with It was able to quickly correct this condition. Mrs. Pendergast says Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has saved them from call ing the doctor many times, and that she will never be without a bottle of it in the house to use when needed. She found it equally effective as a laxative tor herself and other members of the family. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 1s a com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, pleasant to the taste, mild In action. and positive In effect. It does not gripe or strain, and contains no opi ate or narcotic drug. It is the ideal family laxative, mild and (pleasant for baby, yet acting quickly on the strong est constitution. To avoid Imitations and Ineffective substitutes be sure to ask for Dr. Cald- PROTECT BABY'S TENDER SKIN FROM IRRITATION ONE of tbe things that makes babies irritable, peevish, cross and petu land Is chafing of the delicate skin, due to beat or friction. The delicate skin of babies is particularly subject to this trouble and it causes n end of worry for the child as well as the mother. If your baby's skin shows the slightest redness or tendency to irri tation, you can relieve it Instantly by using a little Santlseptic Lotion. This preparation heals and soothes the skin and Is Invaluable even as the baby rrows up-because it heals burns, scalds, iijulsi,, nhrvtvibUd vi the skin aini need by one of our expert men or women fitters, you will enjoy a sense of security and comfort. Thousands of men and women can testify to the merit of our service in this particular line. If desired, will fit you at your, home. AUBSK It out to the bitter end and the bitter end will mean for you perhaps priva tion, but for those who come after you freedom from the horrors which we have' experienced during the last two and a half years. DIVER KICKS SHARKS AWAY Scientist Submarine Explorer Says Maneatera Think He Is Fish. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 17. To study coral reef formations and take pho tographic notes with submarine cam eras. Professor Alfred G. Mayer. dtrec-H tor of the department of marine biology of the Carnegie Institute, and Profes sor I R. Cary, head of the department of biology, Princeton University, ar rived here yesterday on their way to Samoa. They will make their investigations. they said, under water, wnere, protect ed by diving hoods, they expect to spend most of their time. Professor Cary said he had no fear of sharks; that he had frequently worked with sharks all around him. 'They do not recognise us with our hoods on," lie said, "as humans, but seem to think we belong to the subma rine fauna. We frequently have fairly to push the bigger fish out ot our way, while others insist on diving between our legs." LAND SCANDAL CHARGED Speculators Said to Have Profited on Soldiers' Homestead Rights. WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. By a new construction of the law relating to sol diers' additional homestead rights, an nounced today by Secretary Lane, heirs and administrators of estates of Civil War veterans, other than widows' or minor children and their guardians, are excluded from the right to acquire pub lic lands. Speculators are said to have made large profits by securing letters of ad ministration on the estates of soldiers and. says a statement issued by the Interior Department, "the approprla tion of the public domain by such means has acquired the proportions of a scandal." PRESS PROBE MOVE LOST Resolution Not Considered by House of Representatives. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Objection by Representative Adalf, of Indiana, today prevented the House from considering a resolution to inventlgate charges which Representative Callaway, of Tex as. inserted Into the record February V that 25 American newspapers had been subsidized by English money vn der the direction of J. 1". Morgan & Co. and others. "Doesn't the gentleman think," asked Mr. Adair, 'that enough money hae been wanted on Investigation of mat ters which had no foundation what ever?" well's Syrup Pepsin. See that a fac simile of Dr. Cadiwell's signature and his portrait appear on the yellow car ton in which the bottle is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be ob tained by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald well. 425 Washington t5t Monticello, Illinois. rashes very effectively. Its healing qualities cause thousands to use It for all kinds of skin troubles such as Insect bites, poison oak or ivy, fever or cold sores, etc., as well as for sunburn, tan, freckles, pimples and facial blem ishes. antiseptic Is easily procured at most drug stores, a good-sized bottle costing but 50c. If your druggist cannot sup ply It, 25 cents in stamps or r-in sent to the manufacturers, the Ksbencott Laboratories, Portland. Oregon, will se cure, postpaid, a largo introductory bottle. A1 I -' '"i.T ' I; Fitting a Truss Properly is the task of a skilled, experienced person. Every case presents its own problem. We have made this branch of our calling a spe cialty for many years. When one of ouk trusses has been fitted for your particular, STREET AT WIST BftBK MABSHAU. .470C HOME A '7I J Doctor Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight 50 Per Cent in One Week's Time in Many Instances Free Prescription Yoo Caa Have Filled aad lise at Homo. Philadelphia, Pa. Do you wear glass es? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If so, you will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there Is real hope for you. Many whose eyes were failing say they have bad their eyes restored tn irough the DrtnelDle or tnls wonderful free pre script Ion. One man says, after trying it: I was almost blind: could not see te read at all. Now I can read everything without any glasses and my eyes do not water any more. At night they would pain dreadfully; now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me" A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed haxy with or with out glasses, oui arier using n acription tor it days everything seems clear. I can even read fine print with out glasses. is oeuevea that thou sands who wear glasses can now dis card them In a reasonable time and multitudes more will be abla tn strengthen their eyes so as to be spared me irouoie ana exnense ot ever aet- Ye; iars o Have Made Me an My .Practice Is Limited Illgh-Claas Dratlatry Oi to ly : .. . - v- t ; . -v.- ,,:-..;?.. xv, t, t ' V;-v v - " r. i,: ,f.r. ; "-:; WV --; . i.r -.--. , Ji; . -.-- t -.v-; .. - ... . '.4,-, f 4,' JSa - tv. ,. si -.. i . i,, ; VZOif-. f- "... Most any dentist can pull a tooth and not hurt you. It doesn't take much of a mechanic to drill out a small decay in your grinder and fill it up. BUT let me tell you this: If you want a full upper or lower bridge, with only two or three teeth left for attachments it takes a man with experience in that particular branch of the profession or you will be sadly disappointed in appearance of it, in the wearing quality and in the most important feature of it all the chewing service it should give you. REMEMBER, anyone can cut prices, but it takes BRAINS to turn out better work. Remember MY GUARANTEE GUARANTEES: (1) That the Dentist doing the work is a registered, qualified, competent, experienced operator, capable of doing his work in a first-class manner. (2) That he understands Asepsis and Antisepsis, and uses every precaution to prevent infection; that instruments are careful ly sterilized and the hands and linen are scrupulously clean. (3) That the materials used are of standard quality, exactly as represented, and as good as or better than is used on similar work by other first-class Dentists charging the same or often double the prices. (4) That the mechanical work, plate, crown and bridge, is made carefully and accurately by qualified mechanical Dentists who do nothing els, and that perfect fit is assured. (5) That I am personally ready, able and willing to make right at any time any work done in this office that proves unsatisfactory or faultyif material or workmanship were at fault. That is all the public asks or expects. It is as little as the Dentist should give, if he is fair, square and competent. To do less is to acknowledge inability to do good work or un willingness so to do. MY PRICES FOR GUARANTEED WORK Electro Whalebone Plates. .... $15.00 Flesh Colored Plates $10.00 Ordinary Rubber, All Red $5,O0 Porcelain Crowns. . . .$3.50 to 85.00 Gold Fillings, from $1.00 22-K Gold Crowns... S3.50 to $5.O0 22-K Gold Bridge $3.50 to $5.00 Electro-Painless Dentists IN THE TWO-STORY BUILDING Corner Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon Eye troubles of many d- script! ons may be wonderfully bene by. following the simple rules. flted nen is mo prescription: uo to any ac tive drugstore and get a bottle of Bon Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet In a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear u perceptibly right from the vtart and In flammation will quickly disappear. If ?our eyes are bothering you. even a Ittle. take steps to save them now be fore it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been saved if they had cared for their eyes in time. Not Another prominent Phynlclaa to whom the &bov article vm submitted, sale: "BonOpt la a very remarkable remedy, lis constituent Insrecrltfnta art vrell knowa to eminent eye epeclallets and widely pre scribed by them. The manufacturer guar ante It to treurther. eyeeisht 0 p.T Mat in one week'a tlm In many instance or r tund th money. It can b obtained froam any good Qriivslst and is one ot th very tew preparation I feel should b kept oa hand for res alar la almost vry laiul.y." Jkdv. xoenence Absolute i Master of My Trade! Dentist.s came and pro, but the ELECTRO PAINLESS will always be with you. All Work 15 Years! Open Nights All Other Work Proportionately Low We Have the Knowledge, Ability and Experience ting glasses. P