The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1917, SECTION THREE, Page 2, Image 38

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Clarice Biles betrothal came as a
climax: to the merry vortex of gaieties
that marked, the past week.
With the advent of Ash Wednesday,
the first day- of the long- penitential
season, arriving- this week, social af
fairs will be considerably- tempered.
Although the Lenten period- is no
longer regarded with as much piety
and self-sacrif icingr a-s In farmer years
by society of this city, large and for
mal parties will be taboo for a time
at least. Mi-Carerae, which tai reality
spells carnival to society, will un
doubtedly be appropriately observed,
possibly with a French ball, similar
to that which marked last mid-Lent.
Right in the midst of self-denial
comes the short season of grand opera,
which opens .March. 5 at - the Heilig
Theater, Already many of the
hostesses-to-be have made up their
lists for line and box parties, in some
instances preceding the event with a
Apropos of opera, it may Interest
the young folk of society who suffer
because of their inordinate desire to
be slim, or thin, to know that the
famous and beloved Maggie Teyte, the
pretty girlish soprano who will sing
Marguerite," has found ner pnysicai
delicacy an obstacle in her operatic
career. Rotund prima donnaa have so
long held the center of the limelight
that even the intelligent rench puD
lic. with all their plaudits, were un
able to convince the world thst she
EARTS and flowers, suggested by
engaged girls and Valentine day,
were the order of the week in
all the parties, both afternoon nd
evening. Visitors In the city also
made - the week bustle with gaiety.
Miss Alice Warren, of St. Paul, re
ceiving the largest share of social at
Contrary to Portland society's cus
tom, which is to begin the week in the
middle, the very first day of last week
opened with a whirl of festivities, including-
the announcement of an ev-
gagement on Monday and it closed yes
terday with an announcement party.
Miss Nancy Zan's engagement was made
kupwa on. SioiuUy.- 2e&tr4ay bill
was an artist of the first rank,
saying: "She cannot be a great artist
because she isn't fat." She is very
popular in the social world, And faith
fully adheres -to her 'determination to
refuse all dinner and luncheon parties,
although she admits she would like to
attend them, as she loves a good time,'
but it is not conducive to good stage
work, so says the fascinating little
prima donna.
Going back a few days ego. the most
important event socially was the an
nual Valentine Visiting Nurse Associa
tion tea given Wednesday afternoon at
the residence of Mrs. Helen Ladd Cor
bett. It was a charming affair, and
well attended by many matrons and
maids who reserve their tirrfe only for
philanthropic and civic affairs. On the
same day the opening of the series of
lectures by the rrnowned Dr. Jerome
Landsfield. of California, waa given at
the Little Theater and called forth a
large and appreciative audience. The
Apollo Club on Tuesday night was a
smart social event, as well as a bril
liant musicale, also the splendid con
cert given Monday evening by Mrs.
Thomas Carrlck Burke and Theodore
Spiering, under the auspices of the
MacDowell Club. Society attended both
affairs in large numbers, and they are
among the most notable and artistic
affairs of the season, musically and
Mrs. Allen Lewis' luncheon on Mon
day was' a charming affair, with Mrs.
Adams, of Seattle, as ho n ore.
Miss Ruth Shull's dinner on Wednes
day night, honoring Miss Alice War
ren, of St. Paul, was also delightful
and artistic, the week's festivities be
ing opened for Miss Warren by Miss
Rumelln. who entertained with a large
and charming tea. which event waa
doubly Interesting, as the engagement
of Miss Zan to Robert E. Scott was
announced by the hostess. Wednesday
night Mr. and Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley also
entertained for the St. Paul . visitor
with a delightful dance. Miss Rhoda
Rumelin sharing honors with her house
guest, Thursday the same belle waa
the guest of honor for the tea given
by Miss Zan, the latter being honoree
for Miss Ruth Teal's luncheon on
Thursday. Miss Kathryn Hoyt's dinner
party and dance on Tuesday evening
was one of the most delightful and ar
tistic events of 'the week.
An event that is claiming the at
tention of society is the reception to
be given by Mrs. A. E. Butterfleld and
her daughter. Mrs. Allen Pendleton
Noyes. on Thursday afternoon, honor
ing the former's house guest, Mrs.
Chase, of California.
Literary affairs, musicales and a gen
eral uplifting move will occupy Milady
for several weeks.
Complimenting Mrs. Frederick O.
Wheeler, Miss Olga von Destinon was
hostess for a very pretty informal tea
on Monday afternoon. The table was
unusually lovely with a large Dresden
bowl filled with fragrant and vari
tinted Spring flowers, small silver
vases filled with the blossoms being
arranged at either end of the table.
Mr. and Mrs. Wheelwright, who have
been touring Southern California for
several weeks, returned the early part
of last week.
Mrs. David Rohrton. accompanied
by her aunt. Miss Nevason. is passlns
a few weeks in California. They are
at present In San Francisco.
Honoring Miss Elizabeth Wiley, of
Washington, TV C, who is th hoii
VMmal We RrtiQ
Jbatalliatee4 10
g Oriental Rugs
Save 25
by purchasing Oriental Tsugs now.
We doubt if you will ever again
be able to buy them ao reasonable.
S CartozianBros. S
Porters f Ortesrtal Ran. 11
Waela-t at Tetl, rittock. BIk. II
Order your Spring Suit now. Full line
of Spring and Summer materials and
Ladles' Taller, 4U7 Kllera Bids.
Charming Spring Dresses $16.50
We have just received a number of clever wool crepe dresses in exceptionally pleasing
style. " They are cut on the Billy Burke order, gracefully draped in pleats from a yoke,
and caught in, high waisted, with a belt embroidered in gold thread. They have white
silk collars, and some of the cuffs are piped with white. These come in rose, navy and
Copenhagen. Nothing could be prettier f or N street or afternoon wear, and they are
really wonderful at the price. See these Monday. . . "
Our latest novelties to arrive are
the large and small sailors in straw
and Georgette crepe, trimmed in all
the new Chinese effects, in black
and all the new shades, with dainty
colored facings. Silk Ribbon hats .
for sport wear are daily gaining
-in popularity. You will enjoy
wearing a Spring hat early, betore
everyone has one, and these we are
showing are
enough for
the most fas
tidious tastes.
Bright colors in suits
are surely coming into
their own this season.
The new shades of
brass, gold, olivette,
etc., are especially at
tractive from the
point of novelty. You
will find our-prices
are not high.
Novelty Skirts
Have you seen some
of the wonderful
skirts we are show
ing?. We are quite
sure that there are no
prettier novelties to
be found anywhere,
and the variety is
such that you will
surely find one to
your liking.
Your Charge Account Solicited
Washington Street at Tenth