The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1917, SECTION THREE, Image 37

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NO. 7.
Annual Convention Oregon Retail Merchants' Association, February 19, 20,21 Delegates and Their Friends Are Cordially Invited tb Make This Store Their Headquarters
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Filled Books of S. & . Stamps Redeemed in Cash in Gift Room, Fourth Floor Tea Room on Fourth Floor
Home Journal
For best results in making up
your Spring apparel use Ladies'
Home Journal Patterns. Easy to
cut by and authentic in style.
Pattern Department, First Floor.
Trunks, Bags
4th Floor
Trunks, Suit Cases and Bags in
dependable makes --all sizes and all
styles. Let us supply your going
away needs and save you money.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Opening Display of New Silks and Dress Goods
' Presenting the Season's Newest Weaves for Spring Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists
New Khaki -Kool Sport Silks $4 Yard
New Sport Pongees in Fancy Stripes
Main Floor New Khaki-Kool Sport Silks
for suits, skirts and dresses. Shown in nov
elty design and also in the wanted 01 AA
plain colors. Priced at, the yard P
NEW La Jerz Sport Silks in Cf
the new shades. A yard now at PJ."
NEW Fancy Taffetas and satins in wide
range of beautiful stripes and plaids. The
prices range from $2 up to $3 a yard.
Main Floor New Sport Pongees for suits,
dresses, skirts, etc. These are shown in the
leading colors in very popular stripes.
NEW "Imported Pongee Silks, 34 inches
wide. Natural colors. Priced for this sale
79?, 89?, 98? and up to $2.00 a yard.
NEW Extra Heavy Imported Pongee
Silks for Spring Coats and Suits. Priced
now at $2.00, $2.50 and $4.00 a yard.
New Pastel Broadcloths at $4.00 Yard
Imported Scotch Tweeds $4 and $5
Main Floor Beautiful New Pastel Broad
cloths for afternoon and evening wear. 54
inches wide. Shown in full line (PI ff
of the wanted shades. Price, yard P '
NEW Cravenette Coatings 56 JT? AA
inches wide. "Priced at, the yard P3vv
NEW Serges, Gabardines and Poplins, in
wide range of the wanted, colors and black.
New Cream Wool Goods in wanted weaves.
Main Floor Imported Scotch Tweeds in the
fashionable new mixtures for sport suits,
skirts and coats. 56- inches wide, fl 1 CC
Two lines, priced at $5.00 and P
NEW Diagonal Bolivia Coatings, PZ fiPi
60 inches wide, the yard now at PO.VJV
NEW Broadcloths in black and wanted
colors; also new wool velours and the new
Shepherd Checks for skirts, suits, dresses.
See Special Displays in Seven Windows and in the Departments on Main Floor
More Good News of the Incoming Styles
New Suits New Dresses New Coats New Skirts
THE GARMENT STORE invites you to come and view the new Spring styles to come and look around at your leisure examine the
fabrics, note the many new and novel style touches and see for yoursejf the matchless tailoring and unquestioned style superiority of the
garments on display. Scarcely a day passes that we do not receive new shipments of suits, coats, waists or wearables bf some sort the
very newest creations fresh from the makers. Consider this a personal invitation to attend this informal showing of new tyles tomorrow.
Spring Suits
At $25
Second Floor Beautiful new mod
els in Norfolk sport effects, box
plaited from yoke with half belt.
Also coats having flare hip. Skirts
gathered or plaited. Scores of
new styles at above price. Materials
include Repps, gabardines, serges,
wool Jersey and fancy mixtures.
Plain colors, stripes and checks,
See these new Suits
on display priced at
Spring Suits
Second Floor At this price we have
a wonderful range of styles both in
the popular sport models and in the
more dressy styles. Some have dou
ble belts crossing in front, others in
Norfolk effects. Many of the new
Suits have . patch pockets and are
trimmed with braids, buttons, etc. All
the wanted materials and CQ
colors. All ; sizes. Priced P S . I
Spring Suits
Second Floor Suits of wool serge,
gabardines, wool jersey, cheviots
and novelty mixtures. Novelty
sport models in smart belted ef
fectscoats in some instances are
plaited from yoke. Skirts' plaited
or gathered at belt. At this price
there are any number attractive
new Suits in checks, stripes, fancy
mixed effects and in C"2C f)f
plain colors. Choice at PJ J"U
Mildred Underwear Week
Mildred Stout Undermuslins
At Reduced Prices
Second Floor This will be "MILDRED WEEK" in the Muslin Underwear
-P u u tt 1 O- TTJ 1: 4.
special reduced prices. Every' garment is designed and made especially!
for stout figures and are guaranteed to fit perfectly. Best of materials
and trimmings used in the making. All inside seams reinforced to in-
sure better wear and ALL seams are nicely tailored and stitched flat.
"MILDRED" Stout Undermuslins are shown in Night Gowns, Corset
Covers, Petticoats, Combinations, Envelope Chemise and Drawers. Stout
women should supply their Spring needs now and save during this sale.
Women's Knit Underwear
Monday, at the Center Circle, Main Flqor, we
shall sell special lines of Women's Spring Union
Suits and Vests at reduced prices, as follows:
in light weight for Spring wear. Knee-length and
sleeveless with V neck. These are nicely finished
garments in regular and out sizes. Two TQ
lots, specially priced for this sale 39 up to OC
LOT 3 WOMEN'S VESTS in sleeveless 1 Q
low-neck styles. Priced special now pnly
LOT 4 WOMEN'S VESTS of fine grade 'jr
cotton. Regular and out sizes. Special at
weight with low neck and sleeveless. Fine
grade lisle. Shown in all sizes. At 3o0 and 3' C
1 1-2. I
... Women's
New Spring
$12.50, $17.50, $20
Up to $48.50
Second Floor Presses for street
wear, Dresses for evening wear,
Dresses for any and all occasions.
Latest long-waist -effects, extra
full-plaited overskirts, large collars
and cuffs. Also gathered skirts
with side pannieres and skirts
plaited to yoke. Materials are sat
ins, taffeta, crepe de chine, serges;
some in combination of. two' or
more materials. Finished with
fancy colored embroidery stitching,
beads, silk-covered buttons, etc.
Plain colors, checks, stripes, etc. All
sizes. Prices $12.50 to $48.50
for girls and youthful women.
, Spring styles are now ready for
your inspection. $17.50 to $25
Spring Opening Display Of
New MS& Suits
For Girl s 10 Years and Up
Second Floor Mothers and daughters will hail with delight the coming
of these new trig little "Silverleaf Suits for girls. Designed by the
foremost creator of juvenile apparel, these smart "Silverleaf" Suits will
appeal to all mothers who have girls over 10 years of age, for they are
not pnly the last-word in style, but they are economical-as well. Won't
you come in and -see these new "Silverleaf" Suits? We want to show
them to you, and you needn't feel at all obliged to buy. Various styles
to meet the fancy of the most critical little lady in Portland.
"Silverleaf" Suits range in price from $13.75 on up to $25.00
Odd Lines Infants' Wear y2 Price
Sacques, Capes, Hoods, Shawls, Etc.
Second Floor Odd lines , Infants'
Apparel priced for quick selling at
just half former prices. In this
assortment there are Infants'
Slips, Sacques, Capes, Hoods, Flan
nel Shawls and Wrap-
Second Floor "Smith Baby Shop"
Dresses only one or ftvo of a kind
and size. Dainty styles, made up
in fine quality ginghams, crepe
and dimities. Exceedingly fine
t needlework
pers. Your choice at ; r
ALMA SHIRTS for infants cotton, wool-and-cotton,
all-wool and silk-and-wool. Sizes 1 to 6. Specially priced.
put intol r(f
snts. Now 3
New Spring Coats
$17.50, $25, $35
A 7. 5 0 We show an cxcel-
i-VLOl lent assortment of
the new Coats in smart sport mod
els with or without belts. Many
in much-wanted checks, stripes and
plaids, also plain colors. Materials
include wool poplin, serge and
French flannels. -Second Floor.
A -f- IC Handsome ne
rVL JrJ Coats, new s p o
e w
models, also dressy model a in Bo
livia cloth, velours, poplins, etc.
4- there are coats for
x".L kJJkJ aii occasions in
styles to please every fancy. Vari
ous materials. Stripes, checks, etc.
New Spring Skirts
WOOL SKIRTS in such popular
materials as gabardines, serges,
velours, poplin and broadcloth.
Fashionable new sport models in
plaids, stripes, checks and plain col
ors. Many have patch pockets.
These are shown in full plaited or
flare styles, also in medium width.
Prices . range, $3.98 to $20.00
in a splendid showing of the. latest
models sport , styles and dressy
cuts for all occasions. Fine grade
soft taffeta, also Khaki-Kool and
silk pongee. Shown in fashionable
new large plaids and sport stripes;
also bordered silks. Prices range
from $5.00 on up to $22.50
Sale of Hair Switches
Dept., Second Floor
Beginning Monday morning we shall dispose of three
special lines Women's German Hair Switches at prices
"Ci which average, about half regular. Mail orders filled.
LOT 1 German Wavy Hair Switches in as-
at only
sortea snades, specially, priced now
LOT 2 German Wavy Hair Switches a-" -pn
made in three separate stems at low price of
LOT 3 German Wavy Hair Switches 1 flO
made in three separate stems at low price
of j?o.yo
FIRST QUALITY HAIR Transformations for all around (P"? QO
the head assorted shades, specially priced now for this sale PJ'0
Model Grocery
Fourth Floor Ranch Eggs, "3
Monday special, the dozen J Jt
Canned Asparagus Hick- tlC,-.
mott's large white, two cans T"Jt.
Shield Brand Silver Leaf Lard,
special now at 60, $1.05 and $2
Tree Tea Ceylon, English
Breakfast or Uncolored Ja-IC
pan one-pound package for Jt.
Women's New
High Boots
Main Floor The last word in style
Laced" boots of "Surpass" kid,
"Elite" vamp, tipless, with closely
trimmed soles and half-Louis heels
Tops of fine white washable kid
An exceedingly smart, dressy boot
All sizes and priced
now- at only, the pair
Same model in all black $7.50
Garden Seeds
Complete stock of reliable Gar
den and Flower Seeds in Gro
cery Department on 4th Floor.
Odd Lines
H Price
Main Floor You will find many
extraordinary bargains in this lot.
Odds and ends in laces and dress
trimmings of various kinds priced
for quick selling at HALF PRICE.
Panne Satin Ribbons
19c to 90c Yard
Main Floor Just in, new Panne
Satin Ribbons, especially desirable
for new Spring millinery. Widths
range from 1 to 6 inches. Popular
colors. Priced 19 to 90 yard.
NEW Etamine Ribbons -JftJ
for hat- bnds, 2 inches wide. vC
NEW Velvet Ribbons in all theJ
wanted widths and new shades.
W O M E N'S Linen and 1 f
Shamrock Kerchiefs. 'sDecial J-vJ
SPECIAL NOTE Women who seek the distinctive, the new and ex
clusive styles will find the very latest Spring models at this store.
Silk Petticoats
for Spring
Second Floor Petticoats in the
newest sport colorings in plain,
stripes, plaids and floral effects.
High-grade taffetas, messalines
and silk jersey. Deep full flounces,
finished with scallops, cordings,
ruffles, ,etc. Regular and extra
sizes. Prices from $4.50 to $10
Spring Waists
$5 to $10
Second Floor Exquisite new mod
els made of Georgette crepe. Styled
with new large collars having dain
ty tucks, front also tucked to
match. Frilled or turn-back cuffs
in new tapering effect. Newest
shades chartreuse, flesh, coral,
mustard; also new sport stripes.
Prices range $5, $6.50, to $10
Sale of
New Waists
At $2.98
Bargain Circle, First Floor Doz
ens of smart styles in this special
lot of high-grade Waists. Tailored
and fancy models made up ' in
Georgette crepe, Crepe de chine,
taffetas,' nets, laces and chiffons.
Extra special offerings fl0 QQ
for Monday priced only P
WOMEN'S Sport Sweaters with
or without belts or sashes. C 4 QO
Various colors. Special P '0
$3 Hats
Our new Spring stock of Well
ington Hats is now ready. Men
who have once worn a Wellington
will buy one again this season, for
they are undoubtedly the best Hat
values in the market today. Soft
styles in all the new Spring -shapes.
These are shown in various colors
and black. Stiff styles in black only.
Spring Wash Goods
In a Wonderful Assortment
Main Floor None too early to begin planning
your Spring and Summer dresses. At any rate,
whether ou are ready to buy or not you will
enjoy seeing the beautiful new dress materials.
tiful lace effects. All colors, yard at UVC
in rich raised pattern effects, the yard J
NEW FRENCH VOILES in all the very
new sport colorings. 38-in. to 7o yard.
new sport stripes. Roman stripes, checks and
plaids. Colors guaranteed absolutely OQ-.
fast. Priced now at only, the yard
duced in Portland by this store largest dis
tributers in the Northwest. All the new O,-.
patterns and colors. Priced now, yard J-
NEW DRESS GINGHAMS in plaids, checks,
stripes and plain colors. Excellent
quality. Priced special at, the yard
32 inches wide, the yard at J--HUNDREDS
Ginghams, Madras, Rippelette,
Galatea and Khaki Cloth just
opened up in the Aisle of Cottons.
4 !
'? t It
NEW PERCALES, in great as
sortment of Spring patterns. In
light, medium and dark colors.
Priced at 1S6 and 20 yd.
Piques, Nainsook, Longcloth,
Plisse, Silk-Warp Crepes, Linens.
Housekeepers' Needs
At Special, Low Prices
IMPORTED Turkish Bath
Towels, with extra heavy 7"r
nap. Priced special at J-
IMPORTED Bedspreads of
beautiful embroidered white ba
tiste. For twin and double beds.
Priced at $7.00 to $1(5.00 each.
in good hfcavy weight and
Priced now at
all-linen nat-
ural color Scarfing, yard
20-INCH Scarfing, nat- 2Cr
ural colors, all linen, yard
the sale priced special at JJV
LINEN Huckaback Toweling,
20 inches wide. Fancy CO--
pattern. Priced at, yard vJOt
broidered, priced spe- C1 Crt
cial now at, the pair P
Cloths, lettered and hemmed, blue
or red. $1.7o to $4.00 dozen.
IMPORTED White Satin Bed
spreads in plain or scalloped ef
fects. Exquisite patterns. Over
200 in this lot delayed shipment.
Fancy Lace Trimmed Doilies 98c
Silver Tea Sets $6.60
Department, Third Floor
Third Floor Extra special offer
ing for Monday. Silver Tea Sets,
as illustrated above. Four pieces
tea pot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher
and spoon holder. Pleasing de
sign and guaranteed qual- CiC CA
ity. Priced at, the set 4-.UU
OTHEIl Sets $6.75, $9.95, $12.80.
Silver Castor Sets, of
four pieces, priced special
Silver Bon Bon Dishes CM QO
priced very special at PA'0
--Silver Jewel Boxes T1
priced very special at P
Silver -back Mili ary QQ
Brushes priced special at P-.sO
Sale of Garden Tools
Entire Stock at Special Prices
Third Floor Short - Handle "7Q
Spading Forks special only
Long-Handle Shovels now 7Qr"
priced very special at only S
Garden Rakes of good O"?
quality. Priced very special
Lawn Rakes, regulation JCf-
size, priced very special at J'
Turf Edgers of the best zTC
quality. Priced special onlyOOU
Garden Cultivators priced C )
very speical for this sale at J"iC
Grass Hooks or Grass 2)
Shears on sale now for only JC
Prtining Shears of the best
quality specially priced now C
Weeding Hoe, good, heavy "20
grade special now at only J-t
Dandelion Diggers with a
long handle, special now for