14 THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 18, 1917. nrwiNTCss opport v n itixs. - . A, J. DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bid. FREE INFORMATION TO BUYERS About Business of Any Kind Anywhere. See My Larre Free List of TJNEQUALED BARGAINS. PACKING PLANT. $10,000 buys packing plant located In a rood town in Southern Oregon; operating 'J. ot the best 'markets in town in connec tion: clearing $400 per month net; price $10,000, stock at invoice; will give time on part. CASH STORE BUSINESS clearing $3000 annually; established 18 years; handles stationery, sporting goods, school supplies, confectionery, cigars and tobacco; just the thing for man and wife; will Invoice the stock or sell at lump sum. of $2800. A GOOD GROCERY stock and fixtures; will invoice about $1S00; sales run $30 to $60 per day, mostly all cash business; rent only $20; retiring from business. OUT-OF-TOWN GROCERY. Grocery score, exceptional opportunity; owner had excellent business; must dispose of it at once; stock will invoice about $800, fixtures $560; will sacrifice for cash. This store Is located In valley town of 15,000 population. CONFECTIONERY.' $600 buys a confectionery store located In live lumbering town in Wash., about R0 miles N, K. of Vancouver; doing splen did business; overhead expense only $20 per mouth and no competition. HARDWARE STOKE. $1150 buys a good little business and Clean staple stock; hurry, it's a snap. BUTCHERS, TAKE NOTICE. $300 handles the beat meat market on the East Side; swell place and first-class location. BEAUTY PARLOR AND MFG. STORE. $800 required ; well established trade; good location; rent only $40; sales $300 per month; exceptional opportunity for one understanding the mfg. of hair goods. RESTAURANT SNAP. $550 buys place clearing $200 per month; caters to laboring men only; daily receipts, $50; rent $35 per month. $1000 HANDLES CASH BUSINESS clearing from $300 to $400 per month; great opportunity for 2 live men; this Is an established taxlcab business. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE and property for sale, $6500 cash. COLD STORAGE ICE PLANT. $5000 cash required; all modern ma chinery; large warehouse; own water; K. , K. and water transportation. BLACKSMITH SHOP. Inland town, good point for business; will sell the building or rent and sell the machinery, tools and stock on hand. CIGAR STORE POOL HALL. $1000 required ; established years; never before offered for sale; invoice $3000; will sacrifice for $1800 or trade for livestock; going on farm; act quick. SMALL POOL HALL, $550 buys place; clears from $90 to $110 per month net. $100,000 foreign Corporation wants sales manager, sell patented specialty to mer chants; manufacturers; no competition; highest indorsements;, exclusive territory; 1 tremendous European success; new in ; America; $500 to $1500 capital necessary. ' 6cott Manufacturing Co., 123 W. Madison, Chicago. a BEST OPENING in State of California for millinery, hardware or drug store, tailor ehop or restaurant, only one of above in town of 2000 50 miles from San Francisco: fine country to support town ; stores all t modern, best location; rent reasonable. Fox further particulars address J. L. GLIKBARG, Sulsun. Cal. $100,000 manufacturing corporation wants capable man to manage office and sales men; possibilities unlimited; from $300 to ! $700 capital necessary; you handle own money; will pay expenses to Chicago if youxare man we want. Secretary, 1012 Republic bldg., Chicago. XJGHTNING puncturesealer Instantly seals all tire punctures; absolutely guaranteed; highest endorsements; 200 per cent profit; sales-managers wanted by established manufacturer; exclusive territory; $3iK to $1000 capital required. President, 334 Na tional Life bldg., Chicago. PA1ENTS Write for list of patent buyers and Inventions wanted; $1,000,000 in prizes offered for inventions; Bend sketch for free opinion as to patentability ; our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans & Co., 642 0th st., Washington, D. C. WANTED An idea! Who can think of Home simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth; write for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent." Randolph A Co., Dept. 380, Washington. D. C. BOARDING-HOUSE and restaurant in log ging country, with 16 steady boarders at $6.30 per wk., and transients; household goods, kitchen furniture and groceries; sickness cause of sacrifice. See or address Mrs. N. A. Humplet, P. O. Neverstel, Or., care C. N. R. R. R, Kerry. Or. $4500 BUYS an established furniture and undertaking business with $100 a month salary for telephone exchange. Stock will invoice one-third more than the price asked. Eastern Oregon location. PACIFIC AGENCY. 515 Swetland Bldg. MAN with ability and experience to Invest $1000 with services In a going concern out of town, capable of acting as manager; money secured with interest in business. ' -State experience and salary wanted; for in tervlew. G 101, Oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est In established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWGILL, Sec. 302 Henry Bldg. LADIES or gentlemen, we have an Interest ing proposition for those who have from $100 to $500 to invest. This is an old- established business and not one in pros pect. Call or write 011 Swetland bldg., 11 to 5. MANUFACTURING confectionery business ajid ice cream parlor, netting over $200 per month, located In good Valley town. population 500O; owner will stay and teach manufacture of candy; price $-0uu. Ad dress 2o4 2d St., Corral lis. Or. A $30,000 STOCK of general merchandise. will sell at small discount, or-will take $20,000 of Al mortgages or property if it is clear of incumbrance, balance cash. PACIFIC AGENCY, 515 Swetland Bldg. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Well-established confectionery and Ice cream parlor in good Willamette valley town; must sell on account of health. AV 403. Oregonian. FOR SALE Garage, repair and car sales business In & Western Montana town of 15,000; doing good business, but must, sell on account of sickness in family. AV oitf, Oregonian. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange m Business of any kind, anywhere. Mi A. J. DE FOREST, 205-207 Board of Trade Bids. JBTOCK of gen. mdse. in small country town good farming country; good stock; good business; stock and fixtures Invoice about fo-un; 73 cts. on dollar; cash. AG 103, Oregonian. AS PARTNER m established sanitarium. nurse, capaoie or taking run charge; un incumbered preferred. Services and $50 required: gooa proposition to right person. ri. vti, uregonian. ONE of the best-paying garages, located on the West Side automobile center; 40 cars in storage, cheap rent and good lease price $2000. PACIFIC AGENCY. 515 Swetland Bldg. MINERAL springs resort location, near Co lumbia Kiver Highway; property now wringing good, income; snap. Box lb4. Hood River. Or. YOU want drygoods stock? Will sell you goods direct from the mill on your note lor six monins at a per cent. i 102, Ore gonian. SALESMAN with ability and $1000 to $2000 to invest In a growing business can secure a good paying position. Investment se cured. L) lua, oregonian. OPPORTUNITY for young man to secure good paying position In mfg. concern by matting a sman investment, money secured. Address for interview, N 107, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted, first-class meat market, who is wining to take buying and killing part; requires $1200 to $1500. Answer L 100, Oregonian. WANTED A partner with $350 to estab lish a cigar business in best town in state. R 02. Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP, one-chair barber shop; good business, excellent location, cheap rent; easy payments. D 91, Oregonian. FOR SALE Dry cleaning and dye plant. $175; best in the city for the price; also boiler, engine. 4111 63d et. MILLINERY STORE for sale, best town in Oregon, cheap If bought at once. Muller & Raas Co.. Royal bldg. 6AWMILL and planer, including contracts on pine timber. $1500 will handle. Splen did proposition. BC 909. Oregonian. RIGHT party with $500 can get Al modern Columbia Highway Inn proposition. E 32, Oregonian. , WILL sell or trade delicatessen and lunch room, well located, desirable. AN 82. Ore gon ian. BOOKKEEPER with $1000 to invest In man ufacturing concern, good position and money secured. Address D 107, Oregonian. WANTED Lady partner with $300 to J BOO. Handle your own money. M 119, Oregon ian. MEAT MARKET for sale, doing good busi ness, mostly cash. East 6403. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day's work. Phone E.5703. LACE CURTAINS laundered; 13 years ex perience. Mrs. Scott. Tabor 0033. WOMAN, elderly, to read to . Invalids or blind. Bible preferred. Phone Tabor tplS. CLEANING and repairing shop, established 4 years, your own prica. Marshall 1373. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PAYING BUSINESS. Grocery and hardware store In Sunny side; average dally receipts $75; rent $35 per month; will sell at invoice price; Vtuis is absolutely a paying business, well es tablished, in the best location on the East Side; will Invoice about $2750. We also have the following businesses: Grocery Stores for Sale or Trade. Grocery on E. Burn side st., $600. Grocery on E. Burnslde St., $1400. General mdse. store on 60th, $5o00. Grocery on Belmont St., $700. Grocery on Belmont St., $3500. Grocery on E. Morrison, $12iK. Grocery on Grand ave., $40ttO. Grocery on Hawthorne ave., $500. Grocery on Foster road, $1625. Grocerw on Foster road, $70O. Grocery on Yamhill st., $1500. Grocery on Powell st., $fc50. Grocery on Ktllingsworth. $300. Grocery on Alberta St., $1200. Grocery on Alberta st,, $1000. Garages for Sale or Trade. . Garage on Belmont st $650. 1 Garage on Union ave., $450. Garage on Hawthorne ave., $50O. Garage near Wash. St.. $1000. Garage on Alder at., $1000. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. Rothchild Bldg.. 287 i Wash. 1 SU "FLOUR MILL" SACRIFICE. OWNER OBLIGE TO SELL 50-BAR-REL, MODERN PLANT, FIRST-CLASS CONDITION', LOCATED NEAR SPLEN DID "HOME" CITY IN HEART OF BEST FARM DISTRICT OF ORE GON, GOOD ROADS AND RAIL FACILI TIES (30 MILES TO PORTLAND) GOOD PROFITABLE BUSINESS THERE NOW FOR PRACTICAL MAN (ONLY MILL IN DISTRICT). SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. PART CASH. LIBERAL TERMS. CON SIDER GOOD CITY OR FARM PROP ERTY AS PART PAYMENT. ADDRESS OWNER. P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. FOR SALE. Two acres fruit and berries, yen era 1 store, hotel, hall and postofflce; buildings all new, centrally located in fine sheep and mining country in Northeastern Idaho, on State Highway; trade well established; no competition within 25 miles; price $15, 000. Will consider any good Income prop perty up to $7000, balance half cash. Address M. C. CALVIN', North Fork. Ida hoc INVESTORS magazine free to you. $10 In vested with us has made others $290 In few months. "Hoffman's Investment Jour nal." tells how this was done. This mag azine gives facts about the real earning power of money. Tells how many have started on the road to fortune. We will send It three months free. If you want to make money, write for this magazine today. Hoffman Trunt C!nmr n v Rlit Carter bldg.. Houston, Texas. DANDY BUSINESS OPENINGS. New town in Central Oregon needs hotel, store, other businesses; center of best tim ber in West; great opening. Also have some choice business and residence lots that will double in price In few months, on easy terms. Need some good live agents to handle same. CALL AT ONCE. Beery. 601 Yeon bldg. AN excellent opportunity for man to buy micreii in nign-graue ousiness; must be a 'live wire' and have executive ability and able to handle sales and office. Party with experience in stationary or print ing business preferred. AB 106, Orego nian. BUY Amalgamated Oil, cent a share; 100 per cent aividends in DO days possible; production now coming in ground floor stock, one cent " a share, doubles price shortly, $1 par value, $10 buys 1000 shares. Write full details. Amadgamated Oil Co., 1220 Colcord bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. FOR SALE Grocery. West Side, in the business district; good transient trade: no price cutting, no Sunday or evening business; annual business $11,000; price $2504; no trade; no commission. AJ 0fc, Oregonian. WELL-ESTABLISHED drygoods and cloth ing: ousiness. including modern rixtures, located a short distance from the city, for sale at a reasonable discount from original first low cost ; stock will Invoice about $10,000. Address AV 506, Oregonian. WANTED, an assistant business manager lor a bona fide business manufacturing an article of proven merit, also doing a general foundry business. Must be the right man and Invest in business. Call Monday, 208 Abington bldg. PARTNER wanted for a solid wood busi ness; owner busy getting In the wood wants a reliable man to tend the office, etc. ; pays good profits and your money will be secured. Call 24& Stark et. NEW corporation, with lucrative contracts. can guarantee investor or $2000 to .jio large, sure dividends; investment Insured. Will stand closest investigation. AO t7. Oregonian. $18,000 HARDWARE and implement stock. town or euu population; heart ot Willam ette Valley; excellent farming community; only stock of kind In town. Address AV 577, Ort-gonian. CIGAR and confectionery on transfer cor ner, doing 740 day; bummer will average $130 day ; best buy In the city; bargain if taken at once. See Ml Hers hip, 15 N. id street. SOFT DRINK place, cigars and confection ery, including u-room house, partly fur nished, stock and fixtures, cost .$2000, must be sold at once; $300 takes It. In quire 212 Morrison. DRUG STORE Well-located suburban drug store at transfer point, doing proO tattle business. Invoice $4000; price $33uO; $2000 cash handles. Owner not e druggist. BC 90, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE business; owner wants a partner to tend office, wait on customers, etc.; he prefers a reliable partner to de pending on hired help; pay energetic man $50 week. Call 248 H Stark st. FOR SALE General merchandise store. up-to-date stock, two acres land, close to depot ; new building, splendid chance, reasonable terms. Write Wm, Butler, Skamania. Wash. $20 BUYS deed to land, also Interest In oil wen mat snouia pay you iuu ior every dollar Invested; payments $2 monthly; complete information free. Address Texas Gulf Co., 1133 Union Bank, Houston, Tex IF TOU have money to Invest in cattle within 00 miles of Portland, no money nwersary for land or buildings, phone East 2512 this week after 6 P. M. for appoint ment, or write BF 91. Oregonian. MOTOR ITEMS will tell you who made the first automobile and other information. We will mail you copy free upon request. Loomis & Riess, 30 Broad St., New York, N. Y. A GROWING business wants a reliable part ner to help in store, etc.; can make good wages and a very small investment re quired. Call 2484 Stark st. SMALL general mdse. store for sale at 17th and Quimby sts.. N. Portland. New, clean stock. Cheap for cash. J. J AC KG LA, owner. GOOD-PAYING business, established 25 years, cigars, candy, fruit, all kinds soft drinks, place for ice cream or living room. Sell reasonable. 307 1st st. SHIPBUILDING promises large profits; company in process of formation has some shares for sale; will stand closest Investigation. AN 90, Oregonian. RETAIL lumber and building material; no competition; a going business in big, pros perous territory; stock and unfilled orders on hand. Price $750O. 303 Concord bldg. GROCERIES, coffee, teas, etc.; opening for energetic man In a strictly cash Dusi ' ness; profits $150 to $200 month. Call 24b V Stark st. FOR SALE Well-located small cash gro cery; low rent, two living-rooms, stock, fixtures and furniture, good income, will invoice. Phone Tabor 6414. DRY GOODS Stock of about $5000 clean, staple dry goods and furnishings In live mfg. town; fine location on Main st. Ad dress AV 581. Oregonian. FOR SALE To close an estate; well equip ped grocery and naitery in nest vaJley town, doing a good business. Address Box 273 Albany. Or. ARE YOU THE MAN to be my partner u rawing au momi. anu pruius 1 ruin es tablished, legitimate business; $6000 re quired. AD 107, Oregonian. $150 BUYS well-paying restaurant;, location, cheap rent, living-rooms, man, 431 Chamber of Commerce. good Lay- GROCERY STORE for sale very cheap. Lo cated at 10 N. 3d st. Inquire at 73 N, :id st. WANT a man handy with tools for a icrow ing business; only $250 cash required. Call 24H") btarK sc. FOR SALE Grocery store, stock and fixtures; excellent location, very reason able price. Tabor 4967. GREENHOUSE FOR SALE. 4"0O ft- glass, barn, house, etc.. H acre good sou; by owner. 1926 E. Madison st. FOR SALE One of best grocery businesses In Portland; sales average 12S per day; excellent opportunity. AN 30. Oregonian. WANTED To hear from owner of some good running Business ror sale. O. O. Mattson, Minneapolis, Minn. LADY to manage office In San Francisco. for California, Must invest $300. Money fully secured. ur wo. oregonian. k a LESMEN for Pacific Coast: new article: no competition; immense possibilities; re quires some money, o QTegonian. TRADE a house or clear lots for a grocery store. AJN lis, oregonian. THEATER for rent, fully equipped. See J, Kober, 466 Dekum ave. CONFECTIONERY store for sale; can clear $5 day. can otarK si. LAWYER wanting ope nine, call Tabor 6033. BfSlNKSS OPPORTryiTIEq. MAN, handy with tools and a few hundred dollars, can get one of the fastest and cleanest money-earners on earth; will make you independent for life in a few years: safer than a National bank and will stand the most rigid investigation ; should earn you over .00 per month; eight to ten months in every year; if you want a money-getter and you can handle machinery and men, call and investigate. Call 205 Adams street, one block north of the east end of the steel bridge. HAVE YOU ENOUGH MONEY? If not, $20O or more, paid in monthly Installments, will give you a protected interest tn an absolutely safe, big, new, clean business that will stand the closest investigation, the profits of which will educate your children, pay off that mort gage, build the new house or protect your old age. Give telephone number for appointment. AL 118, Oregonian. H-ACRE, residence, storehouse and stock, Just 9 miles from Condon, Oilllam County, can be bought for $2000, $1200 down, good terms on balance; good school and two large warehouses, postoffice, two daily trains. If you want a place where you can make some money, drop me a line, care Multnomah Hotel. S. H. Webb. WAR on earth has raised the price on the products of earth. Now is the time to buy a home or farm. Stop the high cost of living at once. The greatest bargains In earth, on earth, are now awaiting your pleasure. Farms, timber, homes, stores, hotels. See JOHN BROWN, Gresham, Or.k or phone 613. CONFECTIONERY and sport goods store In center of best East Side business sec tion; plenty of room and good opening for delicatessen and light luncj). I am the owner and want to go East; 310 trades considered. Information at East 5007 be tween 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. GROCERY, doing better than $1200 per month, splendid location, must be sold at once in order to accept proposition In East; will take $1150 cash for stock and fixtures complete. Don't answer unless yo,umean business. W 113, Oregonian. BAKERY AND LUN'C H O PEN'ING. Only bakery and lunch counter In Brownsville, Or., a good town of close to 1000 population. Must sell at once. Will invoice. E. S. LOWPEN, Owner, Brownsville, Or. FOR BALE Cigar store and billiard parlor; good lease, good location; doing more busi ness than any poolroom In Willamette Valley; no blue sky for sale. Come and Investigate or write to H. Hutton, owner, Eugene, Or. $2000 BUYS an established grocery and deli catessen. Stock alone worth the money. Auto delivery. Doing $60 & day. East Side In the apartment-house district. PACIFIC AGENCY". 515 Swetland Bldg. POOLHALL, conf. and barber shop, 40 miles from Portland; electric line; fixture stock, lot and building $1600; good loca tion; no opposition. W. A. Wood, Monitor, Or. MEAT MARKET. COUNTRY TOWN. $800 cash will handle lot, residence and shop, well equipped; good team, slaughter-house; two electric lines; called East. J. Haas, Dekum bldg., owner. MAN wishing to secure a good position and working Interest In a legitimate business can secure same with a small investment of $500 to $1000; a going business and money secured. G 102. Oregonian. ' MACHINE SHOP. Am compelled to dispose of my fully equipped machine shop. Going East. Well paying specialty trade. Price and terms, address AV 693, Oregonian. SEVERAL choice out-of-town light grocery and confectionery stores, poolrooms, pic ture shows, garages, general merchandise PACIFIC AGENCY, 615 Swetland Bldg. BUSINESS CHANCE. Fortune here for some one with $1000 with or without services, lady or gentle man. Mfg. adjunct to shipbuilding. Put thisoneinyournat. Ati 112, oregonian. SALOON for sale In flourishing bay town. 5000 inhabitants; best corner there, 30 miles from San Francisco; good business proposition. Box 144, Martinez, Cal., Old Heidelberg Inn. PARTY with facilities for mfg. small ma chines to take interest In enterprise. No investment required. At least a year's work ahead, y 101, oregonian. LIVELIEST country newspaper on Coast for sale; great sacrifice if taken at once; some cslbIP required. Address AV 594, Oregonian. WANTED Good, responsible agent for Jackson automobiles. Particulars and cata logues address Northwest Jackson Distrib uting Co.. 1113 E. Union St.. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE Auto repair shoo and bunealow. 10 miles from Portland, on West Side highway, cheap. D. R. DeUross. Tigu.rU, Oregon. PICTURE theater, completely and mod ern! y equipped, now for sale or to expe rienced people may rent. Write box 635, Roseburg, Or. 160 ACRES timber. Port Orford, cedar, oak and fir on Klk River. 7 miles from Port Orford; will exchange for country general mercnanoise store, v vv, Oregonian. $1000 WILL purchase Interest in manufac turing wholesale business; double money in one year; gooa salary, ju AJ.3, ore gonian. CLEANING, DYEING PLANT. modern equipment, room to operate laundry. Ideal location, steam heated; sacrifice. Owners, O 110, Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPH business and outnt for sale cheap; will consider agate grinding out lit as part payment. Address AV &U1, Ore gonian. OLD established cash grocery business. stock, fixtures and property; Ideal loca tion ; can show 15 per cent net on cash price, terms, no trade. im oregonian. WANT two good carpenters with little money to finance business; can have steady iauor ana proui-snaring. u iuj, orego nian. FOR SALE Good sawmill with the best of a xuture ahead or it; this mill is a money maker; get particulars. Taylor Real Es tate Agency, cioverdale. Or. FOR SALE Grocery, West Side, with living rooms; cheap rent ; splendid proposition for someone wanting a business of their own. b 1U2, oregonian. A CONFIDENTIAL listing of your property with us means results; If you need the money, come see us. PACIFIC AGENCY.515SwetlandBldg: MACHINIST wants partner to superintend mrg. A few hundred win make you inde pendent. State experience In detail. AB U0. oregonian. FOR SALE Cigar, candy and tobacco store with pool and billiard parlors, at Baker, Or.; modern, well located, 'tor particu lars, write Joseph J. Heilner, Baker, Or. FOR $4500 cash, one-third interest In first class proposition that will yield laree re turns. Will bear closest investigation. ao 110. oregonian. CREAMERY location, wholesale or retail. sale of by-products will pay expenses. 387 i-ast -Morrison su A SMALL storeroom with furnished house keeping rooms in rear, cheap for cash today. Call o 1 i. btn st. ; low rent. MAKE offer for millinery stock; must be sold owing to sicKness; no reasonable of fer refused. 443 10th. Main 1447. PARTNER with $500; manufacturing of ice cream and candy; got a good thing, can't handle alone. b4tt Milwaukle st. bell. 2427, BUSINESS partner, man or woman, with anout sou cash, write or see J. to. Jvnauss. 43o onamoer 01 oommerce. GROCERY $000, stock, fixtures; East Side, close in. cheap rent, no trades, Phone B 1810, COUNTRY grocery, doing good cah busi ness; low rent; win sen at invoice. AU 104. Oregonian. , WANTED Woman with few hundred dol lars as partner in restaurant; good Valley town. a. uu, oregonian. FOR SALF, Confectionery store. Good trade and good location. This Is a snap. can lapor jui. WE have 40 grocery stores from $400 to $40,000 cash and trade. Pacific Agency, Inc., 015 swetland oiag. FOR SALE 100.000 shares of Commercla Mining co. stocK. at auc a snare. P 101, Oregonian. STOCK of hardware and furniture In good location, invoice aooui t uuu. Address F. Gooklne, Elma, Wash, PANTS shop for sale; best stores In town. 314 coucn mag. SMALL bakery and lunch-room doing good business ior sale or trade. Taoor 7."0. 2 ONE-CHAIR shops for sale. Kemp Barber Supply to., xtx wasn. su AUTO truck, milk route and transfer bus! ness at a Dargam. &eiiwooa'iWJ. BrSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED, DHl'G STORE wanted, city or suburban small stock preferred. AK 111, Orego nian. WANT to lease furnished hotel In small town or will trade 160-A. S. Dak, farm. P Oregonian. WILL pay ell cash for apartment-house over 50 rooms; price ana, rvui must 00 ngnt D 49, Oregonian. WANT to buy grocery or cigar stand, $300 to $r00. Must be a bargain. Cash or trade. M 118, oregonian. "VViLL Invest a few hundred dollars with services in a going business that is on a paying oasis, y iuu, oregonian. YOUNG man -with few hundred dollars t invest, wants paying proposition. W 110, Oregonian. WANTED Bakery in country town; s full particulars In first letter. B. Lisle, 3826 Hoyt ave., Everett, Wash. LAWYER Experienced, wants to associate with law firm in Portland, invite inter view. Address AV 582. Oregonian. WANT to rent completely furnished hotel. city or country. AB 103, oregonian. BrPrVESS OPPOBTTNTTTES WANTED. WILL pay as high at 80c on the dollar of In voice prices for nrst-olass general mer chandise stocks, especially grocery stocks. stocks up to $100,000. J. SIMON A BRO.. Firsthand Alder Sts. WANTED Hy Eastern merchant, a general niercnandise store, small town or country preferred: will pay all cash for satisfac tory discount. What have you? AV Oregonian. WANTED. Apartment or rooming-house of 50 to 60 rooms. Must be In first-clnss condition, location, and priced right. Owners only. B 99, Oregonian. WANTED Suitable building for hotel about . rooms, witn dining-room ana otner ac commodations; would take long lease If propositions are acceptable. Inquire AN 116. Oregonian. HOTEL WANTED. Wanted F"irst-clas country hotel: state name, location and full particulars In fh-3t letter T 94, Oregonian. WANTED Grocery business valued about t-twu to -'.tu; win trade most desirable lots in Laurelhurst on East Gltsan at. AJ 10, Oregonian. WANTS to buy or rent a meat market In a country town, with population bOO to 2O0O. In Eastern Oregon, Address P. O. Box 26, Harrisburg, Or? WANT clean grocery stock up to $2000, auout nan casn. Daiance terms; state loca tion, rental, invoice and selling price. AJ 97, Oregonian. CASH for general merchandise or shoe store. imperial Arms. M. Z., city. LOST AND FOUNT. LOST Pit bull terrier pup; color, buckskin. wnite stripe in race; answers to name or "Duke." License number 2505. Liberal reward If returned to Otto Kieck, 320 10th st. LOST In Portland. Feb. 11 or Feb. 12 lady's diamond ring, hung on a gold neck 'lain, r inaer please return to oregonian Publishing Co. and receive reward. LOST on East 39th between East Market ana -fc-ast uilsan, a black handbag contain ing eyeglasses and crochet work. Reward. 1148 E. Harrison. Tabor 6926. LOST Mexican Chihuahua dog, brown; half ring white around neck, reward; lost near Peninsula Park Friday afternoon. 1220 Mississippi ave. Weight 5 lbs. Wdln. 55. LOST Tuesday evening, black pocketbook witn gray fittings and lining; some silver, other contents valuable to owner only. Re turn to Multnomah Hotel. Reward. WILL LADY who found black f and bag jipman, wolf lavatory J? rlday, all Tabor io'j, reward. LOS'T A bunch of keys. Finder return to i. .Knignt. 474 East Alder St., or tele phone East 66. Reward. LOST in Meier & Frank's. Thursday, ladles' bju nuRBei oroocn. j&eweLra ior return. Phone Tabor 2006. T . KT" Pnru -.n olnU. K .......... 01,4 ana -ist sis., on irv in g. itetura to iw irving. LOST One bunch of keys on chain. Please ueuver to -fciusnong CO. VI Park St., ana gf 1 re w a ru . LOST 2 Boston Bulla, one male, one fe male, liberal reward will he paid ior return to Everett az. LOST Will party who found blue leather purse in .Majestic Theater Saturday alter noon, please return? Call Main 6887. LOST Tuesday, tomahawk shaped garnet brooch. Main 76. LOST Jan. 31, small red mosaic brooch. Liberal reward. 145 No. 2 2d. Main 8084, LOST Short strand of medium-sized pearls. mono 1 ao. o. itewaro. LOST 1 glove, bet. 62d and 47th. Sandy Diva. -none taoor zt4f. STRAYED Large orange Angora cat; stub nose. Kewara. Marshall O107. FOUND Some money. Call Feb. 19. George Selzle. 155 S. 16th St. LOST Greek letter fraternity pin. Call Main .V4 f. LOST Airedale dog. named Paddy. Re- ward. Fhone Main 8868. liOST A bunch of keys. Call Wake tie Id, Fries & Co., 85 Fourth st. LOST A blue cloth sash belt about 2 yds. long. .Mam Ji4 Monday ; reward. LOST Airedale dog, named Paddy. Re ward. Phone Alain S8W. HOTFL9 AND ROOM ING-HOr PES. WATCH TACOMA GROW. S0-room apartment-house, 6 batha, 3 basements 2rx70), whole house now he lnc overhauled at m cost of nearly $6000; should rent, unfurnished, for $15 month, and double that If furnished. Located 5 blocks from Union Iepot. on main thoroughfare In Tacoma, where th government soon will establish a monthly payroll of (si)(J.000, the future home of the biggest shipyard and steel plant on the Coast. Mr. Oregonian, hadn't you better get In here on the ground floor? $3000 cash or good paper will handle, balance long time at o per cent: will also consider good land in trade: owner going to Alaska. Write KESS1NGEH, KRUMAN CO.. .04 California Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. 3a RMS. Very centrally located. Will guar antee this to clear fi.o per month. A.11 In best condition. Price S1U00: terms. 66-KM. apartment house. Elevator and all modern conveniences. neatest house in town. Very close In. Will stand closest Investigation. Price $3000. Eaiy terms. 48-RMS. Ktrlctly modern, elegantly fur nished. Right In town. Making fine money. Price $2000. Very easy terms. 13 RMS. Closc-ln corner on Main st. Fur nace heat, electric, gas, etc Very finely .furnished. All full. Clear, nearly tiu per mo. Only $550. 13 H. K. RMS., all on one floor. Best neigh borhood, a snap for $350. YATES REALTY CO.. 249 4th St. COUNTRY HOTELS. Furniture and lease of Co-room hot.1. Columbia River Highway; rent $225 mo. Kumiture and lease of 41-room hotel. Coos Bay country, rent $175 mo. Van. Xuyn & Walton. D15 Cham. Com. IF- YOU WISH To buy, sell or exchange a. Hotel. Rooming or Apt. -House. I A. J. DE FOREST, 209-207 Board of Trade Bldg. IK YOU are In the market for a. neat, up- to-aate, strictly mouern, uttie noiei mat will make you some money. Investigate this place of 27 rooms and lobby, all newly furnished. Address AV 583, Oregonian 40-KOOM strictly modern hotel, fine cor ner brick, het location In Portland, money maker: $10o cash will handle. Walla A Anderson. 103 A West Park. MRS. M. J5. LENT. Lcadl.. Hotel, Apartment-House Agent. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 624 K. W. Bank bldg.. 6th and Morrison. WANTED to rent, a furnished hotel with privilege of buying furniture or property at end of one year, city or small town. AP 114. Oregonian. FOR SALE Residential hotel, medium size. newiy xumisnea, Dest location; must De seen to appreciate; good money-maker; will consider terms. AH 91. Oregonian. !0 ROOMS, housekeeping, good location, nice furniture, will trade for C-room bunga low and uftuma noma. Wella & Ander son, 103 V4 West Park. 15-ROOM furnished house, cholc. residence location, close to. West Mde. excellent for boarvlng: bargain. $6l0 cash; no agents. Y 105. Oregonian. MODERN 40-room hotel, right downtown. corner, brick, turning people away every day; investigate. Price $2b00. Terms. AO s4 o. oregonian. 13 ROOMS, housekeeping, rent $.10; fine location, dandy house, nice home, good money-maker; bargain. Wells & Ander son, 163 West Park. FOR absolute protection and beat bargains In rooming or apartment-nouses, see mem bers or Ke.tity Boara. YATES REALTY CO. 249 4TH ST. 30-ROOM corner brick hotel, strictly mod ern, money-maker, aanuy, nice place; $1200, terms. Wells & Anderson. 163V. v est Park. FOR SALE OR LEASE A small hotel of ii rooms. luniniieu, .uvu .wawwu. uuu. Mam l i . a vt J- LOOK 8 rooms, good furniture, very, very fine location; rent oniy iarKe yam. $100 cash, balance easy, ez in. zist. WANTED Furniture for 5 rooms; must be cheap, or small wesi cm. ivuiuiub-iiuuk, Close in. Jri -lot, vnnuuwu. UP-TO-DATE apt.-house. West Side, first class condition. "35 apartments; bargain for cash. AE 78. oregonian. HOTEL. APTS., OR ROOMING-HOUSES. ANY SIZE. PRICE OR LOCATION. MRS. KRAXTZ. 601 YEON BUILDING. in ti tr ROOMS. neatly furnished, all full steam heat. Must be sold. Investigate. BF U3, Oregonian. (i.ROAV house, close in, well furnished. convenient for roomers and boarders, for sa.le cheap. Main 1014 for appointment. 40-ROOM strictly modern hotel at a sacri fice; terms. Investigate this. Layman. 4:11 Chamher of Commerce. FOR SALE 21-room rooming-house for $300. aiarsnaii .woo. 40 ROOMS, modern, good income; will sell reasonable. uwnor, v no, ureBonian. MAHOGANY furniture. 12-room house, rent $:j5; always tun; snoo. 1 oa. FOR SALE 15 rooms at bargain for cash good business. Call Columbia 268. ll-ROOM Part cash, part terms; this place can be seen any time, r-none .Main 0.1 GOOD-PAYING 'rooming-house for sal. cheap; torma cash. ioi. uiiun su WOTFT.S ANT ROOMTVG-HOFPES. A. J. DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. Free Information to Buyers About HOTELS. ROOMING OR APT.-HOUEES. See My Large Frea List of TJNEQUALED BARGAINS. 70-room commercial hotel for sale or trade; located In the heart of Portland; well furnished, large lobby, office, ladles' parlor, elevator and depot bus; will sell or trade tbe furnishings right and give 5 years' lease at reasonable rent. lBO-room hotel located In laboring man's district; class A modern brick bldg.; large, beautifully furnished lobby, pool hall, card room and lunch counter tn con nection: complete furnishings cost $25, OO0; owner, non-resld.nt. will sacrifice for $10,000; take $i50O down or prop erty up to $5ooo, and balance monthly; 6 years' lease at cheap rent la offered, 76-room modern hotefwlth 40 private baths; cheap rent: A-l business: furnish ings cost $10,000; my price $5M0, time or part trade; it's au absolute bargain. 80-room apt.-house; SO 2. 8 and 4-room apartments; private phones and baths, automatic elevator; fine brick bldg., with private balconies: e.at furnished by the landlord; a wonderful opportunity for lady alone; $1000 cash handles It. 36 -room apt.-hous.. all on one floor; this Is something extraordinary to find In a 2 -room apartment-house; strictly mod ern In every way - and handsomely fur nished; price only $2000. 82-room transient hotel tn the down town district; brick building; steam heat and running water In all the rooms; price $600. 80 rooms right near SHIPBUILDING PLANT, nicely furnished. nearby. all housekeeping; modern bldg.; rent $50; Income $120. with chance to Increase to about $100; price only f'JOO. $400 cash. 24 rooms, part sleeping and part apart ments; nicely furnished and clean as a pin; running water and steam heat In all of them; fine appearing building; rent only $60 per month; price $800. part time. 22 rooms transient In the downtown district with a nicely equipped and beau tifully furnished apartment for your own quarters; run by present owner b years; enough said; price $40O cash, p ROOMING-HOTJPW SPKPIALS. 96-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Most modern apartments in city, fine corner location, automatic elevator, apart ments always full with waiting list; rent very reasonable. Price only $j'oo. ."JO-ROOM TRANSIENT HOTEL. Brick building. 4 private baths, steam heat, modern in e-ery respect; rent only $12o per month; lease; price only $1iu0, terms. Must be sold Monday. SO ROOMS. RENT $100. Part housekeeping, good furniture and carpets, located best rooming-house dis trict; sickness cause of selling. Price re duced to $22f0 for quick sale. 18 ROOMS. RENT $35. team heat, part housekeeping, located right downtown, clears $0 per month. If you want a little moneymaker, see this. Price SS50. If you are looking for a rooming or apartment-house, see us. Our list Is com plete and our listings are all personally Inspected by us. AlemDers or neaity tioaxo. ASSOCIATKD l.NVtSTSlt.i tU.i 601 Yeon Bldg. APARTMENT HOTJSBJ BARGAIN. $47R0 bays a good paying, centrally located, well furnished and modern apart ment house of 32 1, 2, S and 4-roomed apartments on corner, at 8 carllnea. good lease; will consider good lot or what have yo. in part payt7 no Agents. Owner, a qp, Oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. WILL receive sealed bids at my office, 740 Moritan building. Portland. Oregon. up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday. Febru ary 19, 1017, for a stock of merchandise located at Burlington (near Llnntoni. Ore gon. of the Inventory valuation of $700.14. consisting of groceries $387.44. hardware $!H.73. household medicines $07.90, furnish ing goods and notions $122. 07. toother with fixtures of $160.60. or total of $HiM.74. Terms cash. Certified check for Id per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock Inspected at Burling ton. K. L. SABIN. Dated Portland. Oregon. February 15, 1917. M iscellwneoua. BARGES for rent, capacity 500 tons. Mala a. FINANCIAL. HONEY LOANED. Residence property. 0 to A per cent. Business property. 5 to e per cent Farm property. 7 to S per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO.. 711 Pittock bite. FREE book. "Money In Oil" shows how you can make quick prorjts. steady dividends. Small investment. Now drilliug. Approved State Banking Commission. Neosho Co., K. C. Life bldg., Kansas City, Mo. STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. M 99, I oregonian. FUNDS Immediately available, well located mortgage loana; large amounts. 21 07. Oregonian. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's Interest In contrscts purchased. Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen! bldg. WE WANT some money from owner, good security; some scocks ana mortgages tor sale, big discount- Beery, 601 Yeon bldg. V. -1 BUY mortgages, bonds and nutea. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO, 00 4th st. Board of Trad. Bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis ec Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Kstate. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARR1NGTON. 80 Fourth Street, Portland, Or. $2500 TO LOAN at 7 per cent on good real live property. .Must oe aorta at least $Tiooo. B Joo. Oregonian. $200,000 TO LOAN In sumo to suit; build ing loans, lowest rates, vv . i. jiec k. aia 818 Falling bldg. Phones Main 8407. MONEY to loan on larga ranchea A- P. Adams, OUT Lumoermeoi Diug. uroaawajr 181. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC, Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. 5V, AND 6 PER CENT MONEY. For farm and city loans, W 12. Ora- gonian. $13,000 AND $2000 to loan on gilt edged first mortgage. 1 per cent; no commission. R 110, Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR FARM PROPERTY: WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED. Phone Tabor 2628. CLIENT'S money, $."00 to $3000; must loan. See attorney, COO Pittock block. Broadway 174tt. MONEY" In sums from $000 up to loan on town property or acreage. iror particu lars call at 404 Piatt bldg. To LOAN $1(H0 to $0000 on Improved city or farm property at 6 and 7 per cent, E. J. Geiser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. I WANT to loan $3800 at 7c. this week; might divide for good mortgages. X 110. Oregonian $00,000 TO LOAN on residence property In amounts to suit at 6'. Loan Depart ment. McKenzle & Co, G15 -Gerlinger bldg. WANT loans of $000. $800 and $1200 on good clear properties. Geo. C. Howard, 314 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per .ant up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, 8 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO, 800 OAK ST. $200. $830. German 4 $900. $1200. $1800. Fred W. Co, 732 Chamber of Com. LOOK. NOW Money 5 to 8 per cent. H. L. Murton. 805 Pittock block. Kroadway 1748. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm, no commission. P. O. box 878. city. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co, 424 Cham, of Com. MONEY Any amount, 8 to 8 per cent. iL Selta. 81Q Spalding. Main 85s4 W. A CLIENT has $700 to loan, Rothchild bldg. K. T. Price. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Harding. 818 Chamber of Com. UNLIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 per cent. DOOLEY et CO.. 812 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, chattel mort gages bought. C. W. Pallett. Fenton bldg. FARM loans. 6. any amount. No commis sion. 416 Piatt bldg.. Portland. $2000 PRIVATE money to loan Atty.. 416 Piatt bldg.. Portland. at once. $000 TO $2000 private money on real es tate. Call Broadway 401. 79i MONEY to-loan from $30O to $10,000, on real estate. AL 97, Oregonian. $500 TO $5000 on Improved city or farm property. Call East 6320. $1500 TO LOAN on real estate. Ringler & Co, 228 Henry bldg. Chaa. $1000 OR $2000. term of 3 years. 8 per cent. AF 117. Oiegonlan. $;oo $.oo, jaoort. EASY TERMS, 7 per cent Biiiscw, i-oti Gerlinger bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to l.oan on Real Estate. QUICK LOAN FFRVICE. CASH READY SUOKT KOTICB. ITED EXPENSE. LIM- $200 TO $5O0 ON FIRST MORTGAGE. 7-8 PER CENT: WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR CONTRACTS. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTEKPRISES. W ILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. EQUITIES IN ESTATE. ETC.. UPON LIBERAL TERMS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE TJS. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO 20 SELLING BLDG. OUR Installment plan Is th. best and surest met nod or paying a loan. $32.28 per month for 88 months or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for SO ncntij pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city propertx Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN 242 Stark Street. Portland. Or. MONET," -7-8 PER CENT. EXPENSE LIMITED: NO APPRAISAL FEE. WILL" ARRANGE AMOUNT TO SUIT. $20O TO $5000 (RESIDENCE LOANS "?-. SEE US TODAY. . NO DE LAY. MONEY READY. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 20t SELLING BLDG. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 64 PER CENT. Any amount. No Delays Repayment Privileges. CLARK. KENDALL & CO.. SOS. 200 Northwestotrn Bank Bldg. WILL LOAN ANY PART $5000. $250 TO $3000. 7-8 PER CENT. NO EXPENSE TO APPRAISE OR AT TORNEY FEE. CITY OR FARM LOANS WANTED. GIVE FULL INFORMATION. ADDRESS C. EPPINGER. P. O. BOX 22. PORTLAND. 0 PER CENT money. 8 to 5 years, residence property; will accept $100 or more OS principal at any interest period payment; 8 Per cent money o business property, same terms. Pacific title 4t Trust Co. 7 Chamber of Commer a Marshall 12. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, oromptly closed. Attractive repaying privilege., A. H. B1KKEU, CO, 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 411a, MONEY TO LEND, without delay, on city property at 0 to 7 per cent, rate to fit security and desirability of loan; farm loans at lowest rates; safe deposit boxes for rent. Union Safe Deposit Ac Trust Co.. 24 Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount on Improved city and farm property; will consider good building loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main 6015. 133 4th St. A 281S. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO, 202 Stevens Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on real dence or business property; low rates. mortgages and contracts purchased RESERVE INVESTMENT CO.. 828 Henry Bldg. Marshall 4909. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 up on going rate of Interest. OTTO & HAKKSON REALTY CO. 413 Chamber of Commerce. SEE US today money -any amount on Im proved property 6-7T.. Long or short time Joans. Installment loana. Main 11. CKLLARS-MURTON CO, 25 Yeon Bldg. 6 PER CENT MONEY Wlllamett. Vai.ef farm loans; no delay; no commissions, Devereau Mortgage Company. 807 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. ft FER CENT loans will le made on central retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cent on other seourltlcs. EDWARD E. GOUOal CO.. Northwestern Bunk bldg. S.20UO. 13000. $0000 AND $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent. F. K. Bowman A Co.. 212 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on city and farm. 6. per cent and up. JOS. C. GlUiiuX, 3o6 Gcrllnger bldg. Money to Loan -Chattels and Salaries. FURN IT Li RE S ALA R LOANS. LOA-NS. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. AUMhat la necesssry to establish credit with us Is that you either own iurniture. pianos, or that you are working either will ao. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO, Licensed. 817 Falling Bldg. IF YOU NEED MONET. PEH TJS. SALARIES ... CHATTELS. Loana made to persons on salary or fixed Income: on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal pron. arty: legal rates. Business confidential: private offices, PORTLAND l.o A N CO. Licensed). 8O8-307 Dekum Bldg. HOMB INSTALLMENT CO. Organised by salaried men for mutual piotection. Money advanced on ea.arr, diamonds, furniture, etc Easy Install ments. Legal rates. Securities purchased. 202 uc&ay bldg. Alain l.'ti. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C Myers Herman, man- agar. 8U4 stark St. Money loaned oa auv monds. Jewelry, pianos, n. h. furniture. 1.1 NKY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry: legal rate; all article, held 1 year; established since le88. Dan Marx, 2?3 V ashington. LoaM Wanted. WANTED $10,000 at 6 per ceirt, business nroDerty: $0000 at 7 per cent, business property. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Com mcrce. $12,000 ON highly Improved dairy ranch, Marlon County. Income $1800 per month. Gilt-edge loan. Will pay AP 101. Oregonian. WANT $1500 loan on $."500 place. 2 miles from Hood River. House is Insured for $lo0. Will pay 8 per cent, but no com misfion. J 114. Oregonian $000 AT TU. Securlfy. 5-room house and lot In Williams Ave.' Addition ; value. $2ooO. All Improvements paid: no commission. A high-grade mortgage. X 116. Oregonian. WANTED $000. Will secure you with a ten-acre orchard wrrtu $3000; will pay 8 per cent. 72 MS. WANTED $0000 on close-in West Side, well Improved Income property; largo lot. t13 4'ham. of Com. Main 1106. WANT $1."00 on nice bungalow and lot 60x 100. near Jefferson High School; no agents. Call 31l Bd. of Trade. Main 74.V2. WANT $1000 on nice, modern bungalow, H.twtherne district. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. M al n 7402. LOAN wanted, $1300 on 160-acre farm In Yamhill County. Call A. E. Borthwlck. 307 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall oS. WANTED to borrow about $2000 private money to build a home, not over 7c.: pay no broker's fees. Phone Marshall ltt,o. WELL Improved wheat ranch, worth $40. 000; want $12.ood. loan; no brokerage. Ad' 10S. Oregonian. 40 ACRES. 'JO in cultivation, good buildings, on hard-surface road. Want $1000. Elliott, 01 Northwest bldg. $0o0 ON 40 acres opposite Astoria: timber cruise SoO.OOO; value $2000. M 115. Ore con 1 an. V.' ANT E D Lo a n on foundry building, plant and site: will pay good Interest, security 8 times that of loan. WANT to borrow for 0 mos. to 1 yr.. $ on $1000 personal property. Insured. 00 o lilt, oregonian. LOAN WANTED. $110 on good city property to bo first mtg. C 98. Oregonian. LOANS wanted $3000 for three years at 6 per cent on choice Irvlngton residence. BD 10.", Oregonian. WANT $1000. 3 years. "1 and Salmon. Ritler, Board of Trade bldg. ye on house. E. Lowe at Co, 33d 207 WANTED From $250 to $500 on good busi ness security. E 3.'). Oregonisn. WANTED $200. good security. 10 per cent. AF 12. Oregonian. LOANS wanted of $lO0 and $2000; good security; no brokerage. P 119. Oregonian. $000. 2 YRS., value $16u0. 7 per cent, on bungalow, 406 Conch bldg. LOANS WANTED $300 on Improved city property. P 118, Oregonian; WOULD like to talk with man with $10,000. D 102, Oregonian. WANT $400f at 7 on 10 acres cholc. river front. T Oregonian. WANT $t;o0 on 3 full lots. Peninsula, Own er. V 86, Oregonian. WANT $250 on good lot. 10 per cent, no broker. W 86. Oregonian. WANT $1000 loan on small improved farm. Owner. V 89. Oregonian. $1100 8 per cent, on Improved residence property. Alberta district- East 6329. $300 8 per cent, on flno corner lot, value $1000. East 6329. WANTED Loan, first-class apartment; best security: no agents. BC 101, Oregonian. WANTED $2250 on West Side home, bungler & Co, 4 lienry. bldg. FINANCIAL. Loans Wantc-o. WANT $1000, $1300, $1000. $4000 and $5000 at 7 per cent on best city resldenca properties. . SEE MR. LEHMKUHI THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $2000. Business house wants $2000 loan, ample security, not real estate; will pay $39 month and 8 per cent. Look into it. W 114. Oregonian. $2500 - 6 PER CENT, on modern comer residence, choice location. $18.uoo. per cent, income- propeaty. alued $05,000: rents for $6000 a veax. Reserve Investment Co, 328 Henry Bldg. LOAN wanted, $15,000, 69'.. no commission, from private parties, on inside business property, valued $30,000, 5 yeaxa. . G, I. Gratton. Newberg, Or. YOUNG man with growing business wishes aoitovt at o per cent interest, payabl. monthly, assets worth $20,000, loan will Increase assets $7000. AE L Oregonlau. $7500 LOAN wanted for 3 years at 77. on exclusive rortland residence, worth $25. 00O. No brokerage. Deal with principals. M 111. Oregonian. WANTED To loan from private parties. eiwv ior mree years, a per cent; banaf Koad district, $4oo three years, per cent. Main 104 Fifth st. $15,000 AT 6 per cent wanted on brick building, income $2, 00 annually. Lymau & Sengatake. Oil Henry bldg. $300 FROM private party, first-class real estate security. JJ va. oregonian. WANT $2000 on Portland residence. Pay 8 per cent and $100 bonus. Last 7464. PEKSONAL, TIRED OF POVERTY! If yon are tired of slaving for wagea or salary while others around you art growing rich and independent. If you ar. tired of poverty and have the ambition that every American ought to have, tha determination not to stay poor In thia great land of opportunity, the determin ation to rise above poorly paid toil and social obscurity, writ, me now. today. Let me tell you of a road to wealth. No work for you to - do. Plan backed by best men and women of com munity. Don't pass this by, it may change your whole life for the better. Tear this advertisement out right now, this min ute. Send name and address, and get In teresting Illustrated book and fuil in formation, all absolutely free. Do it right now, for this opportunity won't last, CH AR1.K3 A. SAUNDERS. 778 Broaii- way. Denver. Colo. GET WELL FREE. Every day from 10 A. If. . to 4 p. M. and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 9 p. M. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to ret relief in any way ar. invited to attend these clinics In our big ciinlo hall. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will examine and diagnose your case and direct your treatment, FREE TO ALL. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe. aane. sura and modern science of curing and pre venting diseases CHIROPRACTIC removes tha cause: health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. 4.43 Hassalo st, at 7th, East Sloe, Phone East 6038. Dr Elliott. Director Clinics. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 80-inch wavy switch. 2 sep. ........ ,$L50 24-lucn wary switch. 8 sep..... lm All-around transformation .......... L4j Hairdreaslng. shampooing, face massage, nalr boboiug. manicuring, 20c Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings. 90c We buy your combings, feanllary Parlors, 4UO-412 Dekum bldg, ed andV ashing ton. Marshall 1701L NEW, FULLY EQUIPPED.-SANITARY!-Electric-cabinet batha to eliminate urto acid: aclentilic body manipulation for sluggish circulation, EleclropaUue In stitute, 327-s-u Pittock blocs, Prlvat. rooms, qualified nurse assistant, liouxs lo A. M. to 8 P. M. $5 REWARD $5. A friend of Mrs. C. Clovan will give $5 for her postofflce address. J. C. Kalnier, P. O. Box 672. WaUa .Walla. Waah. 1'E.N of all ages, suffering from weakness, nervous, blood, skin, kiuney and bladder diseases, write; interesting book, symptom blauk, advice free, sealed. Dr. Myers, 316 Nlcolet ave, Mlnii.apolls, Minn. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse gives treatments for rheumatism, lumoago, neu ralgia, etc, massage and bath, lady assist ant. 310 Park au Marshall 0OJ3. Hours 9:3 A M. to II) P. M- Open Sunday. FEB VET at UANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; nairuressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment, iteiuoved to 4i Aider. near Broadway. Main 548. Uki. ANGUS,-DRUGLESS-HEALER, cures nervous auiuenta, fits, stammering, riieumatitrm. dealncss, chronic uiseases; reasonable terms, oil East Nlnlu, cor. Market. COME to the Spiritualist meetings at tha Aliaky Hall, ou elorrieotl at, near lid. 11 A- M. and 3 to 8 P. M. Lecture and mes sages. Social all-day trance. Lecture at 8 P. M, Admission free. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles etc., perma nently removed; electric needle. Phy sicians' reierelices. specialist Uadyi. 1O01, 4th st, at Morrison, Koom 22. liur. 1143. WILL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parks or Parker, who lived in Seattle in luoo. lvlo. pleas. Bend their address to box ou, Winchester, Idaho. GERMAN nurse, massage, electrlo blanketa and baths for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc.; latiy trained nurse assistant. 200 11th st. Open Sundays. Marsuail 3637. TRaViNED nurse desires a few refined pa trons for light magnetic and massage treatment- liOVs 2d at, cur. lauilliii, 2d floor, rooms 22. 23. RATTLESNAKE oil. sure cure for deafness, dryness, ringing in the ears. K, B. JsCUUGGS, 41U 13th Ave, Greeley, Colo. SOPHIA B. SKIP, removed to 1632 Peninsula ave, St, Johns car to Penn. are,, 1 blka. north. Woodiawn 23-10. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any bills unless contracted by myself in per son. Frank L. Williams or F. L. Williams. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by mult.ple-needle method: consultation free. Mile. DeLong. 0Q4 Sa-etland bldg. MRS. STEVENS. 24 years in Portland; 20th century science in palmistry taught; spirit ual readings daily. 370 Taylor au REFINED lady wishes girl. 2 to 0 years, to care for: good home, playground, clot,. In; no other chlldreu. Phone East hlOi. KE V. iL LA MAR, Spiritualist medium, teaches palmistry and card reading, daily. 230 6th s t. AZA II. RIBBECKE. graduate dermatolo gist. Hair and blemlslies permanently re moved. 129 s 12th. near Wash. Mar. 3-00. ANYONE knowing wherabouts of Ted Dau forth please notify mother. Mrs. Eva JJau forth, 400 16th st,Dehver, Colo. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, light, heat, v.ec and vibratory massage. Dr. Margaret Haynie. 317 Swetland bldg. Main litiJ. TYPEWRITING. manuscripts copied, en velopes addressed, etc.; reasonauie prices, AR 114. Oregonian. ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation, rheumatism. lumbago, face and scalp; salt baths. 420 Clay st. Main b309. AsLAFaO prompt. y relieves Huuicne, neu ralgia and la grippe, lor aa.a by port. land Hotel Pnarmocy. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A. Price, meet. lurs, 'Aueauay, anu o a-, ax.; readings drily. 21i C:ay. Mar. 3000. A 2294. CHILDREN'S class in dancing and dramatio art, now auiiu..,.. ,w a. .v.. u.u., aiu, 470. WILL board a baby girl free of charge from 1 to 4 weeks old. AD 104, Ore gon ian. WANT to adopt baby girl from first oa 3 or 4 weeks old. AD lo3. Oregonian. PRIVATE school of dancing, dramatio art. 810 Ellera blug. Residence. Mar. 476. GRACE BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory m aasa g e. Ollice 4U. 3d floor. HOH Bdway. FOR adoption, baby girl 2 years old. In nuire 200Arthur at- BESSIE WAY LA N D, facial massage, scalp treatment;.. 350 x.s Morrison st. office 2o2. UUWAU ei IRVIN. electrlo treatments. Room 7. 291 Vi Morrison st- VIBRATORY and . electric treatments for rheumatism, office 210. 300 S Morrison st. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. . D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. Main 3473. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly calle. Flga 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213. m Balm ot mornings. SWITCHES made from your combings. S. F. Pierce, 2U7 Holladay. East 2784. HOROSCOPE forecasted. Instruction. Adams Astrological School, 330 V, Morrison st. LILLIAN LA MONT, massage and bathal New Greene Hotel, 6G V 6th. room 2. FRANCES DE MAYO, scalp specialist. 2K1 i Morrison st. office 11. xi AY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and card reading. 282 Park st- Main 754 MAGNETIC treatments. 170H 2d st. 41b. floor, apt. 9. Msrshall 2497. MAY IRVIN. electric Morvison. room 7. treatmec ta. 291 i. ELECTRIC treatment, scalp and massage, 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. SCALP massage and shampooing. 30O Yamhill st, near Park. Room 1, MISS JOHNSON, chiropodist and maaseuaa, Alain 004.