The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 33

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l'OUXG couple with small child would like
furnished apartments in exchange for
worn, l. oregonlan.
WANTED Modern unfurnished H. K. room,
private family. West Side; no rooming
house. O 109, Oregonlan.
ROOvl wanted, new house or aDt. : coupte
employed; Nob Hill; $10. R 109, Ore
HuL'sEKEF-flXQ rooms. Including use of
piano; w waiKing aistance. c xuj, ure
UNFURXISHED room in modern apartment
house by luiiy teacher. G 03, Oregonlan.
WANTED 4 housekeeping- rooms. West
Sidej ground floor. B 105. Oregonlan.
WANTED 2 unfurnished rooms, gas. West
oiae. pnone Tahor
WANTED Housekeeping rooms, not over
810- East 3080. Miss Love.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED To lease at once. 5 or 6-room
modern house, on Oregon Electric, between
Portland and Multnomah Station. with
. large space for garden and chickens; or
would lease vacant adjoining lots If avail-
able. Phone Sellwood 1658 evenings.
YOUNG MAN wants room and board in
private family. Walking distance. 20 min
utes from Union Station, East Side pre
ferred, p 117, Oregoman.
l'OCNG gentleman desires room and board
in private family. Best references. BF
TOO. Oregonlan.
LADY wants room and board for com
panionship. Marshall 2810.
WOMAN, paralytic wants permanent home
with widow. Phone Marshall 1159.
i Business Places. .
LADY wants room, suitable for music
studio, two afternoons a week. AD 101,
BUITE nicely furnished rooms, with or with
out housekeeping; piano. Tourney bldg.,
2d and Taylor.
Furnished Roome.
448 Washington street at Twelfth.
Large, airy room, elegantly furnished,
clean, free phone, hot and cold water,
steam heat, fireproof, large ground-floor
lobby,, private and public baths, elevator
service, theater and shopping district,
strictly first-class accommodations, moder
ate prices. Inspection will convince you;
SOc per day and up: Special weekly rates
FURNISHED ROOMS, for young men. lnall
parts of the city; also in Y. M C. A, build
ing. Fireproof, telephone In each room,
shower baths; single rooms, $2.50 to $4 75;
double rooma, single beds, $1.75 to $2.75
Ser week. Including full association mem
ershlp, gymnasium, swimming pool, hand
ball court and many other club privilege
Information at Y. M. C. A. business office.
14th and Washington Sts.
A moderate-priced hoi el, with, first -rlass
service, with all comforts and con
veniences of the high-priced hotels, at
lower rates; rooms with and without pri
vate baths from 75c to $2 per day; weekly
rates $3 and up.
Fronting Public Library; uptown busi
ness district, but away from noise of traf
fic; running water or bath in every room.
Private phones, elevator; $3 to $6 per
week. Main 6958.
HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management;
Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so
licited; rates reasonable; hot and cold
water In every room. 270 Fourth St..
cor. Jefferson, opposite City HalL Phone
Marshall 5355.
124 14th St.. Cor. Washington St.
Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at
tractive spotless guest rooms. Individual
phones, continuous heat and hot water
service; $3 per week up; 50o to $1.50 day
Eleveutu and btmi au., bulldtnga
elevator service, telephone, hot and cold
water In rooms; 50c to $1.60 per day. Spe
cial rates by the week.
10th st., at Oak. Desirable downtown lo
latlon; respectable and strictly modern;
fireproof building, elevator and large lob
by; rooms i3 per week up.
Good, large, clean, modern rooms, stecra
heat; walking distance. $1.50 a week; $4
a month and up.
60. Washington at.
648 Washington at., cornor 17th.
Hot and cold water, steam-heated rooms,
$1.60 per week; $0 per month and up.
HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison street at 10th.
RATES 60o day up. Weekly $2 up.
Running water. Free phone ard hatha
HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th st Strlcly
. mudern; private baths an suite: room $3
up. Main 1472. A 47 S3.
CLEANEST rooms'fnity. reasonable. Pal
ace Hotel. 440 Washington si.
BltAM heat hot and cold water,
week up. 88 Grand ave.
FORD HOTEL, private (lath, phone. $12 up;
without bath. $10up. J83 Washington su
402 3d st. Nice room, reasonable. M. 7771.
HOTEL NORRId. 683 Alaer. Strictly mod
ern, $1.50,$2 and $2.50 a week.
THE Palace Hotel has the best rooms for
the price in the city. 446 Washington at.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; rent -reasonable.
508 Jefferson SU
Cnf umished Rooms.
$15 3-ROOM modern upper .flat, sleeping
porch, gas range, hot-water heater, parlor
stoves and linoleum. 251 E. 2d St. N.
$14, INCLUDING electricity. 3 unfurnished
rooms, steam heat, walking distanced 521
MODERN 5-room upper flat, 83 West
Park, at Oak. Marshall 3155.
Furnished Rooms in Private lamily.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, newly papered and cleaned, every
convenience, bath, hot and cold water,
Phone; rent reasonable. 535 Johnson St.,
rorner 16rh.
CONGENIAL gentleman or lady to room or
board and room; modern conveniences, pi
ano; Nob Hill; widow's home. Mar. 3400.
448 TAYLOR, near 12thclean7 homelike
sleeping rooms, single-double, rent reason
able. Jjlr.t-IKABL---, rooms, private home. C. S. pre
f erred; walking distance. Phone Main
TWO furnished rooms, with shower bath,
for gentlemen; electric lights and tele
phone. 335 W. Broadway, corner Market.
LARGE front room,- nice furniture, use of
nam, pnone anu piano; bunnyslde car.
ut'i r.. layior st.
MLt-Li rurmsned rooms, $1.75 up; quiet,
electric lights, heat and phone. 208 17th
st.. near layior. juain 7y-3.-
i K.MaHKU rooms ror respectable working
man: Utrlit housekeeping If riAnlrnii ftv
Front st.
LARGE, furnished room, suitable for 1 or
- persons, walking aistance. home conk
ing. Main C808.
FURNISHED room In strictly modern home,
furnace heat. Just across Broadway bridge,
235 Dixon. East 4fi'l
FRONT room In modern home, near East
ciue iiorary ana Washington High School.
V-' E. 12th St. Tel. East 6641.
$15 MO., two housekeeping rooms, steam
heat, phone, electric lights, gas range.
Ul -l-Xll DU
THREE nicely furnished rooms, light, water.
wood and phone; walking distance. $14
...v...... iaai. mil loo nouaoay ave.
$8 ATTRACTIVE, larira front rnnm n-lth
sleeping porch in modern Ladd'a Addition
nome; aistance. East 143.
-BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, walking, for refined people only. Phone
ONE or two choice rooms, with use of
piano. wanting aistance. West Side, rea-
j sonauie; gentlemen only. Main 0080.
NICELY furnished rooms: modern conven
iences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay,
near 10th
KICELY furnished, with phone, bath, heat,
-' per week. 28 1. Williams ave. East
LARGE airy front room, extra weli fur-
nisnea. lovery nome, price reasonable,
ciu-b in. ioi tieitereon, on 14tn.r
$0 PER month, small comfortable Voom for
gentlemen, so. Hroaaway. near Main
$4.50 MONTH Well-kept, warm rooni ii
basement for man. 434 Yamhill.
IN ICE five-room flat for rent. 661 E. Salmon
HAVE large, pleasant room In priaate lam
lly. walking distance. Phons Ki-st 380.
MODERN, warm, furnished room for 1 f
board optional. 67 Glisan. Marshall 1117
MODERN furnished room, suitable for one
or two. i4o E. Madison.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good
nome; references; ioo mil. lao Johnson.
NEATLY furnished room, modern home.
513a woytK. -
LARGE front sleeping-room, modern.
Kearney. Main 4441.
ATTRACTIVE room for gentleman, garage
far rent; 170 E. 18th st. Phone East 7632.
2 NICELY furnished rooms, free baih and
phone. Marshall 3485. 542 5th st.
NEWLY papered sleeping rooms; electrlcltv,
bath; very light; $5 mo. 200 Jefferson.
FLKMSHED sleeping room, suitable for one
or two gentlemen, $5 a mo. 66 N. 21st.
WELL-FURNISHED room, good ' location
and convenient, for gentlemen. 251 10th su
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
TWO clean, pleasant and well furnished
rooms, suitable for business gentlemen or
ladles. Can serve evening dinners. 244 W.
LOVELY parlor and bedroom, with good
. breakfast, to two gentlemen; $15 each, or
one $25; close in. West Side; widow's
home. Y 111, Oregonlan.
BEAUTIFUL, large room for two business
gentlemen or man and wife, fireplace,
well furnished, excellent table board; ref
exchanged if desired. East 6300.
LARGE furnished room, rtmnlng water, home
cooking and privileges, also young man
wishes roommate; investigate; good home.
Marshall 4005.
ONE or two young men may secure room
and board in modern bungalow; homelike,
with pleasant surroundings. Call evenings.
B 1889.
COMFORTABLE room, one or two gentle
men, close in, furnace beat. bath, all mod
ern; reasonable. Main 329L 322 Broad
way. UNFURNISHED room, steam heat, bath,
phone, $0 per month. 147 13th, near Alder.
COSY room, tlrst floor, well furnished, $0
month. 410 Salmon.
SMALL, neat room, to refined man, $4
month. 410 Salmon.
Rooma With Board.
53 Ella St.
An American Plan Residence Hotel.
Suites single Rooms Excellent Table.
A 82 1L Marshall 6170.
14th and Jefferson Sta.
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent quests.
Phone Main 0283, A 0628.
73S Hoyt St. Phone Main 8305.
An American plan residence hotel, at
tractive rates to transient or permanent
gusts. Table unexcelled.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences; walking distance;
$3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 Ka 7th at.
PARKVIEW Family hotel, 886 Montgomery
su. In South Parkway; walking distance;
excellent table; reasonable rates. M. 8783.
828 10TH ST. Rooms with board, home
cooked meals, hot and cold water, waik
Ing distance. Main 77U6.
THE WHITEHALL, 203 6th. American plan;
very convenient and reasonable.
THE STRYKER, 554 Couch; family hotel,
rooma single or en suite; reasouable ratea
Rooma With Board In Private) Family.
FURNISHED rooms for rent, with or with
out board, in private family. Newly fur
nished, home privileges. 452 E. Couch St.,
4 blocks from Burnside bridge. Walking
EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished eteam-
neated room with sleeping porch; also
single room; good home-cooked meals In
refined, homelike place. West Side; easy
walking distance. Marshall 2438.
451 TENTH Walking distance, nicely fur
nlshed, sunny room, with excellent meals;
all modern conveniences and home com
forts; suitable for two gentlemen. Mar
shall 1200.
EXCELLENT board and beautifully fur
nlshed rooms, suitable for two or more:
twin beds. 2 dressers, parlor, piano and
home privileges. Main 6381. 414 MUL
ROOM and board for schoolgirl living four
blocks from Franklin High School; 1630
Division su Call Main 130 Sunday after
noon. LALD'S ADD. Pleasant room, nicely furn.,
mod. home, including all home privileges;
excellent table; ideal for young men or
ladles employed; reasonable. East 156.
SUITE of 3 large-rms. beautifully fur
nished; has fireplace and tiled bath; suit
able for 5 or 6 young men; excellent board;
also piano. Main 0381 414 Mill.
housekeeping rooms, cheap; hot and cold
water, phone, reasonable. 100 N. 18th.
Main 8103.
ROOM and board for two. walking distance,
rates reasonable, home conveniences. Phone
East 7daa.
PLh.AoA.NT room, facing park, with or
without board; 2 meals, woman employed.
302 Park, cor. Columbia.
COMFORTABLE room with board. In prl-va-e
family; suitable for two. Modern.
Main 9485.
NICELY furnished room and excellent board'
In private family, walking distance, Irv
lngton district. East 3007. ,
451 TENTH Walking distance, nicely fur
nished, neat, pleasant room on 3d floor,
board optional. Marshall 12C9. -
HAVE reasonable rates for brothers and sis
ters, or mother and son, or man and wife.
327 E. 11th St. N.
WANTED Refined gentleman to room and
board In private family, close In. East
PLEASANT room with board. Reasonable.
west siae. Marsnau 4-lua. 6J.i West Broad
way. ROOM and board for 1 or 2 gentlemen, home
cuoHing, warning aistance. 09 Trinity
Place. Main 1401.
IDEAL home for children; mother's care;
mi iisivrautw, reasonable. AJr 04. ore
gonlan. .
LARGE upstairs front room, suitable for 2
Keuuem-ii or man ana wire; use or piano.
847 Hail. Marshall 5516.
PLEASANT room with board; modern ac-
commoaations. esi Glisan. Marshall 1248.
EXCELLENT board and room. C54 Johnson
bt.. .viain ioiu.
FURNISHED rooms with board.
porctuaao 11th. Main 3834.
LADY boarder, one block from carllne. In
nice nome on r.ast side. Woodlawn 1351.
CHEERFUL room, always warm, excellent
aoard. Marshall 577.
PRIVATE room and board, home cooking.
BABIES to board: mother's special care; 1
LARGE well-furnlshed room, walking dla-
tance. 695 E. Taylor, cor. 15th. B 2573.
ROOM with private bath and board, ele"-
., .i,,;ij. iiuiiiu, otf viay.
BOARD and room reasonable In refined
country nome near Portland. Tabor 479.
PLH.ASANT front room, best location I
walnut Park. Phone Wdln. 2236.
BOARD and room, very reasonable, walking
-- yimicgra. iiarsnau OHO.
Furnished Apurtments.
GLADSTONE ANNEX Three-room apart-
' ', iiiuiuuina iirni. nMt Tin. ...,
cold water: also two light housekeeping
- , , iiouo ,Ul JtfUS.
BY the week or month, furnished two-room
apts., fine location, close In. reasonable
rales to permanent tenants. The Rose
lyn. 110 N. 21st. Phone Marshall 4141.
Furnished 2 and 8-room apta. Also single
room; reasonable rates.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Well-lighted, new-
i-imniBnea apt.; tnree rooms and bath,
on car line. $25; woman preferred. Main
00-1 z.
3-ROOM basement furnished apTI adults
only. $18.50. Including light, heat, gas
" - . . ,., -J, n " 1 - ui 1 11 1 up, near 24th.
SERENE COURT. E. 1st and Multnomah
oeautiiui 8-room furnished apt.. 2 dlsap-
-a - uicwpg-rooma. Jast 802,
FURNISHED 3 or 4-room apu. reasonable;
steam heat; new brick. 840 Mississippi
NICELY furnished apt.; heat,
gas; exclusive neighborhood.
Main 4885.
ciose in.
NICELY furnished ant.. 2 room,- vn.i,.
ette and bath, phone. 482 3d at. College
MODERN two-room furnished apta, walk-
tt 1 up- xne Aico, couch
FLORENCE APTS.. 388 11th 3 and 4 rooms
npipiety lurmsnea, including piano;
DENVER APARTMENTS strictly modern
--. o, oorn xurnisnea ana unfurnished
$18 up. -W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227.
208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2816.
p-room niceiy lurnisneq apartment.
WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 8-room apta
$10 up; heat, light, bath; clean, respect
able. 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington.
STRICTLY modern j-room furnished apart
ment, private bath, hot and cold water
727 Milwaukle au Sell. 85.
ARGYLE APTS., 841 14th: nicely furnlshii
clean, airy 2-room apta,; private bath.
liBinie, io up, new management.
NEWLY furnished 8 and 4 rooms, sleeping
porch, hardwood floors. Portnomah, 200
xain su
BENSON APTS., 205 N. 20th. near Keamev
" beautifully furnished apts. All new and
clean; a rooms. fnone jaarstiali 4448.
LEONCE Apartments, nicely furnished 3
room i.'ont apartment, private bath and
pnone; rent reaaonaDie. 180 North 22d
THE New Westminster Apts., 8th at Madi
son ;4-room furnished apartment.
NEW furnished apts.: concrete block; $10
jand $12. 1162 Union ava. n. Wdln. 512.
660 FLANDERS S-room furnished apt.. $4
week. Main 8251.
1, 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, aaa,
light $3 up. New Hart 170 2d st
CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy, 2-room apartments,
$13 and $18. Marshall 2817.
660 FLANDERS 8-room furn.
floor. $16 mo. Main 8231.
LEONARD, 3-room apartments, steam heat
nice and clean. 6C5 E. Main.
ONE room with kitchenette, two closets.
2 1710. 551 E. Yamhill.
Furnished Apartment.
Just completed, this new. modern
brick apartment-house : all conven
iences; we have a limited number of
garages and make this proposition
as long as same last: Anyone rent
ing an apartment for a period of 6
months, a garage free. For those
without machines, a special discount
for 6 months' tenancy. This beauti
ful apartment-house Is located at
39th and Belmont streets, near Lau
relhurst Park. For further informa
tion see manager at apartment
popular. 10th and Salmon Bta.
well known.
of highest standing.
A house of quality
comfort and
service. .
Fifth and Columbia' eta.
Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank's
tore; good surroundlnga; strictly modern
2 and 8-room furnished apartments, all
outside, with French doors and balconies.
12th and Taylor.
Moat modern apartmenta on the Pacific
Coaat; furuisbed complata.
Roof Garden in Connection.
Walking distance. - References.
Elegant, 5-room front apt., sleeping porch.
14 windows, furnished in Turkish rugs,
mahogany and linen;- will sub-let to de
sirable tenants; best reference; bachelor
apt. Mar. 2830.
JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington at. One
tf-room and one 4-room apt., oeautiiuuy
furnished, all new and clean; best ven
tilated apts. In Portland; all outside rooms.
Cornea, ot King and Washington. Phone
Main 7653 or A-7552.
N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ava.
New, completely lurnished 2 and 8-room
apta, Solid brick building; white enam
eled Interior; large kitchens; service first
class; walking distance.
250 N. MTH ST., near Marshall, finely fur
nished 1-room apt. wltii kitchenette, steam
heat and light Included. Just the place
for refined party with reference. Rent
15. Telephone Marshall 2722.
GKOVE8 APARTMENTS, 181 Grover. corner
Water, renovated and under new manage
ment; S. Portland car; furnished 2-room
suites. Sleeping rooms. $5 to $14 month.
Hot and cold water.
Park at Madison. Modern 2, 8 and 4
roora furnished apartmenta. close In. by
week or month.
Completely furnished four-room apart
menu vacant Feb. 17. Cor. Clackamas and
Rosa. Phone E. 8172.
Unfurnished Apartments.
18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod
ern new building. 2. 8, 4-room unfurnished
apartments, with shower baths and every
convenience; references required.
BEAUTIFUL 6-room unfurnished apartment
lor rent In Ickersham Apts., 18th and
Flanders; centrally located; every modem
convenience; residential district Call
Main 2201.
FOR RENT 2-room apartments, large liv
ing room, kitchenette, aressing room ana
bathroom, rent only $01 per month, in
cluding phone, heat, hot and cold water.
355 Chapman su
NICE fcUiTE of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping
rooms at 24-1 M-iillngswortn ave.. cor.
Vancouver. Low renu Phone Woodlawn
FORDHAM An unfurnished 4-room apart-
menu white enamel and mahogany ainish,
best of service. Kent reasonable. Mar
shall 1S81.
Most exclusive apts. lu city from 6 to
9 rooms each, unfurnished. Call 60 N.
23d st., or phone A 1072.
APARTMENT New, absolutely modern,
sleeping porch, fireplace, exclusive, beau
tiful view. In Southmoreland. Telephone
Sellwood 201. Office Main 4835;
425 W. Park, now open; new 2-room,
hardwood floors, mahogany tlnish. flrst-classi-ervlce;
all light ppts.
Beautiful 4- room apt., all outside
rooma; every modern convenience; walk
ing distance. Main 1192.
4-room unfurnished apts., sleeping
porch. 22d and Glisan. Mar. 8181.
$12 7-ROOM. modern; bath, fireplace, wide
porcn, basement, garaen, lawn, Derries,
rosea. E. 76th. near Glisan. Main 6041.
THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 8, 4T
rooms, reasonable. Marshall 8360.
6-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch, Bryn
Mawr, 185 E. 15th su; $30.
UKACE APTS., 24th and Northrup. Modern
6-room apts. Phone Marshall 1019.
BRUCE APT., 25th and Northrup, modern
6-room apt. Phone Main 4008.
ORMONDE Modern 4 and 5-room, outside
pot porcnes. Main BJui.
$20 LOVELY 4-room corner apu. walking
aistance. Wellington uourt. 01 j,vereiu
MODERN 6 outside rooms; bath and fur
nace; reasonable. 629 Everett st.
F-nrnUhed or Unfurnished Apartmenta.
186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing
ton, large. attractive. sunny outside
rooms; private balconies, modern, supe
rior service, unsurpassed view, walking
Furnished and ur.turnlehed 2, 8 and 4
roem ; rates moderate; good service, spe
cial arrangements for pt-rmanent tenants
Phone Marshall 2961 and 2U64. Walking
distance, 21st and Irving.
REX ARMS. Phone East 6577.
Sunnelde earltne. close In; 2 and S
room; desirable and reasonable.
way 4 rooms, fur, or unfur. ; corner apart
ment, wall oed. two entrances, private
pnone, warning aistance. aiain zooo.
THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and "Harrison
Strictly modern, all outside anartmente:
Ideal location; references. Phone Main
1091 and 1052.
High-class, perfect In all details. 49
Lucretla su Marshall 10 IB. A 8637.
WINDSOR APTS, 3 rooms unfur., 2 rms..
aur.; clean, comionaoie, nomeuice. 2 blks,
carllne. walking distance. East 2007.
GLENN Apts., 084 Hawthorne, furnished and'
unxurnisnea apts. tor rent, no children.
Tabor 6100. B. 238V
ROSENFELD (brick). 14th and E. Stark.
8 and 4 ropma. private phons. quiet
APARTMENTS for rent reasonable.
Alblna ave.
6-ROOM flat on E. 12th St., also 4-room flat
on E. Davis st. near 12th. East 4247.
5-ROOM house, modern, between Broadway
and Steel bridge. 251 Halsey.
MODERN 5-room flat, east end Broadway
bridge. A bargain. East 1415.
FLAT of six rooms and bath. 781 Hoyt st
Inquire 130 6th. Phone Main 6278.
MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d
and Washington sta Main 8988.
MODERN 8-room uppef flat 427 Clay st,
near 11th. Phone East 8.
FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished flat 828
13th st Phone Main 3063.
LIGHT, modern S-room frat. Rent $13.50
Apply 488 East 12th St., near Division.
DESIRABLE single flat. 353 6th. near Mar
ket. Call 349. Phono Main 7040.
MODERN. 4-room flat with sleeping porch,
close In. East Side. Phone Wdln 2561.
5a ROOMS, bath, pantry, $12; 8 rooms. $15
202 McMillan St. Main 3001 or East 4198.
FOUR rooms and sleeping porch, clean, new,
desirable location, low rent. East 7721.
NEWLY tinted 8-room upper flat, all out
side rooms. East 1855.
IRVINGTON S-rm. upper flat, reasonable
right party, adults only. POO Tlila mook.
LOWER 5-room flat.- 852 Jackson stT Kti
at. 400 Park st
. DESIRABLE unfurnished upper Bat of
10 rooms and 2 baths, suitable for large
family or few boarders. 400 Jackson
St.. West Side. Rent reduced from $45
to $23 month. Inquire at 409 Jackson St.,
lower flat, or 363 W. Park. cor. Mill.
MODERN 8-room flat, large balcony, dls-.
appearing bed, gas range, linoleum. Cor. K.
10th and Halsey. W. L Swank. Main 1808,
East 148.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS 5-room flat, fire
place, large porch, hardwood floors, beau
tiful view, $.'10. Phone forenoons -or even-
lngs. Main 2639.
EXTRA .well kept flat, four rooma. den.
sleeping porch, gas range, linoleum, phone,
water, garbage collector, $20. 803 Mon
roe. near Union ave.
5-ROOM upper flat, most homelike and mod
ern flat in town; walking distance; best
residence district; no children. 243 E. 13th,
cor. Main.
VERY desirable heated flat. 4 large, light
rooma. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, gas
ranee, front porch, fine view, 063 Front
St., near Bancroft, $25. Marshall 3978.
$2u Unfurnished lower flat, 4 large rooms
and yard, live blocks from Portland Ho
tel; no carfare; West Side. Apply 289
$10 A MONTH -4 rooms, deelrable location
close to school and carllne. Ogden. 107
Shaver. Woodlawn 202.
8-ROOM flat, furnace, fireplace, buffet,.
Dutch kitchen, linoleum, qulev aunny.
walking distance Tabor 354.
$18.50. Including water, modern 5-room up
per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc
66 E. 19th su N., cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373.
FOR RENT Two flats, -furniture for sale;
good proposition for man and wife. 203
N. Union ave. East 7312.
MODERN 5-room lower flat, clean large
rooms, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch,
open. Hawthorne car. Tabor 1507.
$20; range.
Open today.
Choice 5 rooms, like new, only
porches, etc 371 L. 16th.
Tabor 994.
COUPLE wishes three or 4-room furnished
flat, close, in. reasonable. AD 100. Ore
gonlan. WEST SIDE Choice location, modern 6
room sunny flats; porchea, lawn. 743 Over
ton. 5-ROOM modern flat, white enamel kitchen
and bath; good location. 910 Commercial
st. Woodlawn ."7281.
BEAUTIFUL view, modern, 8 and T-room.
heated, must be seen to be appreciated.
P!6 Savler su
HOLLADAY ADD., modern 5-room flat with
or without garage; close In. 2H2 E. 2d St.
N.. corner Multnomah. East 2U48.
4 AND 5-room flats, sleeping porch, hot
water heat, wall bed, gaa range, tight,
airy. E. 21st, Hawthorne. Tabor 191I3.
8 ROOMS, linoleum, gas range and water
heater: clean. 13th, near E. Ash. E. 287L
Fam!ned Flats.
IRVINGTON My own 5-room lower Bat, at
tractively furnished; linen, cut glass, bric-a-brac
and piano; reasonable to right
party. 611 E. 9th st. N-, cor. Stanton.
NICELY furnished modern 4-room lower,
gas electric, furnace, stove, private ve
randa, sleeping porch, phone, water, $25.
4(8 Hall.
LOWER furnished 6-room Bat for rent; peo
ple with small children need not apply.
Phone East 6914.
FURNISHED 5-room upper flat phone
Woodlawn 1864. 1028 E. 21st. N., Alberta
FOR RENT Furnished lower 4-room flat:
Tree phone, water and garbage. 201 Mor
ris and Vancouver ave.
4 ROOMS with- bath, pantry and sleeping
porch. Water and phone free; garbage
cared for. East 8154.
$12.60 NEATLY furnished cosy flat for
two, private bath, stove heat, walking
dlitance. adults. 600 Belmont. '
2-Ri'OM flat, furnished, gas, electric llghta.
hot and cold water. $10. 533 Rodney
ave. East 8070.
4-room. partly furnlnhed flat, 152 E. 20th
st. East 3287; $12.
$11 Clean, sunny lower four-room flat, 672
Mississippi ave.
CAUL and see 4 large rooms and bath near
Laurelhurst Park. Tabor 1017.
3-ROOM modern furnished flat. garden
space. K. 20th SU Sellwood 708.
$12.50 3-room modern furnished flat. 652
Mill. Marshall 4174.
6-ROOM, corner. Couch School dlstrlcu Main
Housekeeping - Kootna.
ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur
nished, steam heat, running hot and cold
water, phone In every room: 7 blocks
from 5th and Morrison sts.. $14 up. 291
Columbia St.. near 5thu
$2.50 A WEEK up. completely furnished
housekeeping suites, absolutely clean, every
convenience; single room, $2 up; desirable
people only; tave carfare. The Cadillac,
3d, near Jeiferson.
NICELY furnished housekeeping suites.
Walking distance, both phones, $2 per
week and up; newly renovated. Main
7771. The Warrenton. 402 3d su
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th; fur
nished 2-room . housekeeping apts., rea
sonable. SEVARG APTS.. 271 Broadway, near Madi
son; nicely furnished 1-room apt. with
kitchenette and sleeping porch. Rent $10.
SMALL furnished H. K. room, steam heated.
$0. including cooking gas and lights. Bel
knap Apts., 187 17th, near Yamhill.
FOH RENT Nice clean front room for
light houaekeeplng or sleeping room; close
In. 40 Madison at-
FURNISHED 2-room apts., steam heat, $12
to $15 a mo. The Hindell, 209 Market,
near 4th.
H. K. ROOMS. $1 wk. and up; brick bldg.;
free lights and bath. 95 Russell su
2-ROOM apt., steam heat, hot and cold
water. 488 Washington, corner 15th.
NIi;E housekeeping rooms. 554 Williams
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
1 OR 2 H. K. rooms, nicely furnished; free
gas. bath, phone; lights, heau Call after
5 P. M. 306 14th.
$3.50 PLEASANT 2-room suite, steam heat,
walking distance. 621 EveretU Phone,
CHILDREN WELCOME. 2 housekeeping
rooms, $12; light and heat, -furnished,
pleasant surroundings. Main 7364.
THREE rooms, nicely furnished, bath. gas.
llKht and phone. Sellwood 2114. 400 Uma
tilla ave., (10 per month.
$8, $11 NICE sunshiny fur. housekeeping
suites; light, phone bath, walking dla
tance. 604 E. 6th. Sellwood 1109.
NEWLY renovated, well furnished H. K.
rooms. Electricity, bath, gas; reasonable.
290 Jefferson st.
WANTED 2 congenial ladles to room and
board. $5 per week each: piano, home
comforts, widow's home. Mar. 3400.
8 ROOMS, first floor, gas range, sink. 2
beds, piano, grate furnace, bath, phone,
laundry, reasonable. 429 Market
TWO H. K. rooms, very nice and clean,
running water, electric light, beat 347
Market st. .
LOWER rooms, sleeping porch, pantry,
$11 mo.; sink, range, connecting bath,
free phone, electricity. 892 4th.
NEATLY furnished 8-room H. K. suite,
close in, steam heat $9. 274 Holladay
1, 2. 3 4 LARGE furnished rooms, ground
f 1 lor, light and cheerful, corner house, $7
to $13. 421 12th st Main 6453.
2 COSY H. K. rooms, sink, gaa range, phone.
$7.50 a mo. 444 lu. Oak; no objection
to t-hildren.
Rose City Patk 2 H. K. rooms, light heat
co'd water, fur. heat, phone, garden, $12
mo. . unfur. Tabor 6940. O 2896.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, steam
heat. $1.25 and $2 per week. 147 13 th.
near Alder.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 828
Clay st Phone Marshall 4771.
3 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, very rea
sonable, close in. 8 E. 7that.
TWO rooms and kltehenetts. heat electric
lights, phone; no children. 434 Yamhill.
ONE furnished housekeeping room. 328 Clay
St. Marshall 4771.
$9 MO. 3-room furnished 'cottage; heat
laundry, bath, phone. Wdln. 1854.
2 CLEAN housekeeping rooms, close in,
reasonable. 450 Hall.
$10 3 ROOMS, fur., modern home, close In.
East 4379.
THREE fine furnished housekeeping rooms,
fireplace, close In. East 2922;
407 W. BROADWAY, large front room, run
ning water. heatevery convenience, $10.
NICELY furnished room In private family
400 Clay St. cor. lOth .
THREE cosy housekeeping rooms. $13 per
month. 688 Pettygrove. Main 8423.
NICE front and single room, reasonable;
bath, phone, heat 889 Taylor.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms fer 3
respectable working men. 692 Front st
FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. 418
Mill street -
SINGLE housekeeping rooms, furnsce heat
hot and cold, free phone. 193 W. Park.
$0 PER month. 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms. 621 -E. llth st
3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms,
cheap. 68 E. 8th t. N. : phone.
CLEAN, reasonable, housekeeping rooma;
electricity and heat. 404 Parkr su
THREE unfurnished, lower floor H. K.
rooma 743 E. Stark, cor. 22d. East 5356.
THREE very nice, clean front H. K. rooma.
214 13th.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
THREE suites of H. K. rooms. Everything
new. Just open; sinks in every room, hot
and cold water, big yard for children,
dandy location, free phone, right across
from Christian Science Church. 594 Ev
erett H1CEI.Y. furnished suite of 2 rooms, with
kitchenette. Fireplace, also furnace heat,
gas. phone, lights free. Desirable and re
cently vacated. Very reasonable to per
manent party. 745 Hoyt. Mar. 4733.
THREE large, cheerful, neatly " furnished
housekeeping rooms, modern home, nicely
located, adults. ,2BU E. 47lh South. Haw
thorne ave.
TWO cheerful, neatly furnished housekeep
Ing rooms, heau light, hot and cold wa
ter, phone, bath, first floor. 141 N. lth
su. corner Hoyu
CLEAN, furnished, well-heated rooms; bath.
gas range, electricity: modern residence;
deslrablu location; 1 block Hawthorne car.
34E. Maaison. East 753L
$1 TO $2.50 a week; furnished" H. K. rooms:
free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 0U39.
406 Vancouver, near Broadway.
NICELY furnished apartment. S rooms and
kitchenette, heat, light and cooking gaa
furnished 365 Halsey ou
TWO front rooms" first "floor; also large
room, kitchenette, hot and cold watei,
wash trays. Seethese.. 656 Flanders su
2 LARGE, newly furnished. " hot and' cold
.i. i.s-ii. neat, pnone ana Datn tree.
gaa range. 655 Washington su
1 OR 8 furnished H. K. rooms, bath, phone,
electricity, $7 and $10 mo, 651 E. Mor
rison. ONE completely furnished housekeeping
room with free phone, bath and light, for
15 per month. At 595 Williams tva.
1 OR 2 H. K. rooms, clean, sunny; free gaa,
bath, phone, heat. Call Sunday and even
ings. 300 14th su
3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private
home suitable for business people. $12.
286 13th. Phone A 8648.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 294
Eugene st.
A department operating for the
convenience- of our patrona and
friends. A service absolutely with
out charge to you. Our listings of
houses, bungalows and apartments
Is most complete.
Third and Yamhill Sta.
$1000 NEW, modern 8-room bungalow, with
one acre ground, all In cultivation; also
chicken-house and barn, at 809 East 73d
- $2500 8-room bouse, sleeping porch. 868
East 41st St.; 6-room bouse. 952 East 25th
su North, rent $12.50. Main 3407.
9-room house on corner In best sec
tion of Laurelhurst, with garage, $40; 7
rooms $25: 6 rooms In Rosnmere with
garage, $25. Sunday, Tabor 8433, during
week Main IT0O.
LARGE nine-room house, between Johnson
and Kearney streets, on North 17th. which
I wilt rent at the exceedingly low figure of
$22.50 and fix up to suit tenant An Ideal
place for a private family wishing to
rent out a few rooms to help defray cur
rent expenses. Full particulars will be
given by seeing attorney at 404 Piatt Wdg.
$3U 7 rooms. 584 E. 23d su N. '
$22.50 10 rooms, 144 N. 18th.
$12 6 rooms, 001 Commercial St.,
JelXerson High School.
404 Wilcox B 1 dg. Main 86!9.
2 FIVE-ROOM cottages; two bedrooms,
modern, hot and cold water, gas; Just the
piece for young married couple or few
children; healthy district; $5 per mo. to
right people. Main 6869. 104 Fifth st
$15 460 60th su, 5-room bungalow.
$15 640 52d st". 6-room modern house.
$20 507 87th St.. 5-room bungalow.
ODELL. Tabor 4012, 60th and 6andy.
$50 mo.. 12 rooms, double garage, mod
ern conveniences, large, beautiful grounds;
East Side. Jaa. C. Logan. 4U0 Oregonlan
BUNGALOW at 1871 E. Alder. 7 rms, $20;
almost new and strictly modern, furnace
heat, fireplace, beautiful view, fruit trees.
Key at 1870 E. Alder. Fred A. Jacobs,
agent. 104 5th st.
MODERN 8-room house In first-class con
dition, newly tinted and all ready to
move In; has flreplsce. furnace, large
porch and reasonable rent. Call 443 11th
FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. fine
cundltlon, 252 9. 37th, near Madison, one
block Hawthorne car at 37th, $18. H. H.
Staub, 1027 BelmonU
549 E. 42d N.. 8-room modern; hardwood
floors, furnace, garage, full basement:
high-class neighborhood; exceptionally
good value. $25. Main 1243. Tabor 1038.
FIVE-ROOM bungalow close to car and
good school; modern conveniences; only
$s per month. For particulars call at 404
Piatt bid K.
8-ROOM corner house at 575 Main atreet
near Multnomah Club; suitable for room
era: rent only $25 per month.
10-ROOM, thoroughly modern and clean
dwelling; Mt. Tabor, Hawthorne car; large
.grounds; $45. 11U0 Northwestern Bank
FOR KENT Good 6-room house, gas range,
etc.. very clean and newly tinted. 423
Halsey. Broadway 1715.
MODERN 7-roora and sleeping porch, partly
furnished, with 4 cultivated lota and fruit.
$-'Q per mo. 7 E. 71st su
$13 ATTRACTIVE modern Hawthorne bun
gslow; 4 large rooms besides bath. 423 E
43d st
EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, 67 Davis st,
bet. 21st and 22d st. Inquire bftml Rosen
blatt. 5th and Alder.
6-ROOM house, small garden and frutt
trees, excellent car service. MA carllne.
954 Alblna ave. Woodlawn 2203.
$8 PMALL house, with acre. 20 fruit
trees. Mt" Tabor, near car. Owner. 263
Front st., room 4.
MODERN 4-room cottage. $11 per month.
Including water, nice yard, close In. 661
Roedway ave Sellwood car.
10-ROOM: also 8-room modern house, walk
ing distance; will renovate to ault the
party. Main or A 2474. "
$8 4-ROOM modern cottage, near school,
fruit. 1121 Simpson st Phone Main 1713.
Alberta car.
STRICTLY modern 6-room bungalow, with
carpets and linoleum. Adults only. 503
E. 35th st. near Clinton.
$15 MO. 6-room modern. Flrland Addition.
$16. 6-room modern home. Chas. Rlngler
& Co., 228 Henry bldg.
garden; $0.
thorne car.
-room cottage, two lots for
8629 67th IU S. a Haw-
8-ROOM buhgalow with garden, two miles
east of Lents Junction, Eatacada carllne,
$8 month. East 6356. '
$10 PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow,' 8
rooms and large porch, native trees. 765
Upper drive. Main 670.
7-ROOM modern house, large basement, fur
nace, yard good order. 648 and 650 2d
st. Inquire 566 3d st.. near Lincoln.
FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow. East
24th and Overton. Call Eaat 4765. Rent
$15. 1
CLEAN, modern 6-room cottage, large lot
$12. 350 Ivy at East 4470.
RENT. $4 Garden space, S-room house,
small barn. D 1366.
4-ROOM house near Walnut Park. 1038
Cleveland ave. Woodlawn 1083.
SEE THIS Best 8-room house In Mt Tabor,
4d and E. Stark. tl5. Tabor 554.
3S7 I'.'TH ST. Fine 12-room house, rent $3u
Phone East 7727.
MODERN 8-room house, walking distance.
West Side. Tel. Main 9172.
7-ROOM house, 44 10th st Inquire 468
Park st. Rent reasonable.
$15 Modern six-room house; 3000 square ft
sunny garden spot 716 E. Morrison.
A-10-ROOM -house, corner. Inquire 618 Cor
bett bldg.
LOST Double gray shawl on Portland
Heights. Call Main 895.
2-H-HOOM bnnjralows at cor. of E. 43d anJ
Madison. Tabor A -Si.
A HOUSE with 8 lots, all kinds of fruit
Fulton Park. Marshall 3456.
5-ROOM bungalow, modern, except furnace;
no children. E. 8th and Schuyler; B car.
MODERN 6-room bungalow. 1 a. ground.
1178 Woodward ave. Main 8475.
FOURROOM modem houe7 $10: lawn,
roses, garden. 1808 Siskiyou. Rose City car.
3-RM. clean, mod. cottage. blk. Alberta car.
large garden, fruit 1065 E. 7th st. N.
6-ROOM cottage. $7.50: 4-room. $5.50; walk
ing distance. Inqulr 660 Kerby.
NICE, clean, 7-room house, 33 Grant. In
quire 854 Lincoln. Main 4235.
I-ROOM house for rent Eaat 29th and
m Davis. East 6110: make me an offer.
6-ROOM house, Al condition, gas and elec
tric, free water, $14. E. btark su
6-ROOM house, on Elizabeth St.. Portland
Hts. Key at 485 Davenport East 3322.
IRVINGTON $30 month. 7-room modern
house. ay 400 Oregonlan bldg. Logan,
10 5-room modern bungalow,
fireplace. built - in conveniences,
everything in fine condition. 2t8
73d su. Montavllla car.
$8.60 5-room. modern house,
large ground, 4705 70th st. S. E.
$4.00 Four-room cottage, large
ground (inclosed. small barn,
Lenta. And several others.
413 Cham, of Com. Bldg.
$30 A HOME for anyone wha
loves a yard; this place Is modern
in all r-espects: has 8 rooms, bath
and sleeping porch, yard la lOOxlli,
has cherries, apples, plums, berries
of all kinds, holly tres. vines and
0 choice roses. The place was built
for a home and will only be rented
to those who will take the same
care that the owner would of lu
Take Hawthorne car to 57th street
and see the place for yourself. 809
67th su Call for key at 833 67th au
$40 Welt Side, choice 8-room home.
$22.50 Irvlngton. ciose In. Bdy., 7 rma.
$-'J Rose City Park, fine 7 rooms.
$18 Union ave., 6 rms., good location.
$18604 Halsey St., Irvlngton, 6 rooms.
16 1283 E. Wash,, 6 rms.. good house.
$16 Division su. nr. 60th, modern, 8 rma.
$15 Woodlawn. near car. good 7 rooms.
$ 8 Po. Portland, 4 rma. modern.
f 8 795 E. 9th su N. 6 rms. modern.
$ 8 8 rms., only one block to good car.
A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern
Bank Bldg.. Marshall 4114, A 4118.
Phone Marshall 4600. A 8101.
T. have at all times a reliable list ot
nouses, flats, apartments, etc.. In all parts
of the city; avail yourself of this FHEK
service. Information cheerfully furnished.
MODERN 4-room bungalow. $8. 71st. 6604.
1 block Mt Scott or modern 7-room new
house, full basement, fireplace. 64th su.
8320, 3 blocks from Powell valley, 3 from
Creston store. $12. Call owner. Tabor -t:t.-t
Monday or Tuesday. 7 to 8 A. M.. 5 to 6
r. da.
MODERN 7 Rooms A Sip. pch. Bunga
low HUME. Ivory Finish. F. Place. Gas
water Heater and Range. $35. -
' Marshall 5458.
A GOOD 6-room house to rent: garden.
Chicken yard. hot. enlri wnl.r htLf-. nl.ntv
fruit; needs some repairs; will make for
a gooa permanent small family. No 1911
Portsmouth ave.; key at real estate of-
f!iM I x r .
FOR RENT My home In Holladay Park,
unfurnished, 7 rooms. 8 bedrooms. One con
dltlon: tlreDlace. laundry In basement, fur.
nace heat line fruit and shrubbery; cor
ner lot. two blocks from two carllnes.
Rent $29 per monttu Phone Tabor 58M9.
TO MENT Modern 7-room bouse, furnace,
fireplace, etc; first-class condlttui .?
ceesible to streetcar lines; rent $27,511. close
In to city. 480 Oregon su. bau East 6th
and 7th sta Call at house or call up
owner. Tabor 1800.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, newly
tinted throughout, with acre lot fruit
trees, shrubbery, berries, vegetable gar
den, chicken yard. etc., on Portland
boulevard, near Kenton, $23. Phone Wood
lawn 1028.
1207 E. BURNSIDE ST. 7 Rooms and
nip. jrcn. witn Garage. $30.
Marshall 6458.
6 ACRES, 6-room house, shed, poultry and
cow barn, garden, runnlna water. fruits.
berries: school adjoins; telephone; 14 miles
out on suburban car. auto roads, $10
montn. uwner. n-d corbett Ding.
10-ROOM HOUSE at 1164 Patton ava. for
$10; -room house, sleeping norch and
sraraae at H9n th at r,.r -.i- 4-r-r.nm
house at 3 0O E. 34th st for $7; keys 1334
vv. jauic oiug. pnone Main I61L
Real Estate and Rentals.
Grand ave. at E. Ankeny.
FREE STORAGE Household goods stored
free; expert movers, packers and shippers
Manning Warehouse Transfer Co 9tS
and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703.
Modern fiats, with sleeping porch.
Main 1434.
WANTED Married couple or lady to Join
' ferred. Walking distance. Eaat Side. Mar-
snail 9411.
FOR RENT Five rooms. also sleeping
porch, fireplace, furnace, full cement base
ment nnlshed attic, hardwood floors, mod
ern. etc. Phone East 48t-0.
FOR RENT or lease for one year, an 8-room
modtrn house in Ladd'a Addition, near
-win ana Mawmome ave.; rent very rea
sonable. BO 90. Oregonlan.
RENTERS SEE my list of VACANT Homes.
aiju uuiuiij. various prices.
- 801 Panama Building.
ion. carpets snd curtalna. L. L. Saunders,
617 Board of Trade.
7-ROOM house: low rent; sas or electricity
to suit tenant; garage, loin st car south
to 505 6th st See it today.
FOR RENT --6-room modern cottage, rent
$12.50. 12t Corbett st. Key at 1301,
south. Phone Tabor 4330.
6-ROOM house, near carllne: 10 minutes out;
key, Plttenger, Cook and Williams ava.:
low rent
FOR RENT Country home, acreage plowed,
Tlgard. Write W. F. Reagor. Belllngham.
Wash., or aee J. J. Mills. Tlgard.
6-ROOM $13.50 mo. 449 Broadway
at 6-room house, not modern. 615 4th
st. $10.75 mo. J. C. Williams. Main 1027.
3-ROOM house. 622 East 69th?! gas and
water, low rent fine garden place, ii blks.
from Rose City ear. Main 6-27.
MODERN bungalow. 6 rooms, close In, good
location, paved street $12.50 month. Hat
field. 165 4th st
10-ROOM residence. thoroughly modern,
good district. East Side. 1100 N. W. Bank
bldg. Main 937.
FOR RENT Small house, large garden. 2
chicken houses, fruit berries. Phone Eaat
ROSE CITY 5-r. modern bungalow garage.
$22.50; 5-r. modem bungalow. $20. Hub
bell 4Sonj52d and Sandy. Tabor 2161.
TWO 6-room houses, sleeping porches, lire
less cooker, N. 17th snd Brosdway and
Inquire at 647 Weidier only.
6-ROOM bouse, on large lot. close to chol,
plenty of fruit, cheap rent to right par
ties. Tabor 1831.
FOR RENT Cosy 5-room bungalow, clean,
fins yard, rent $12. Woodstock car. 7 i-v
K. 2;.th st. Phone Sellwood 2a.
FOR RKST tt-room buncalow. on Portland
Hetghts, fins view, reaaunsb-e rent furni
ture for sale. Marshall S0;11.
FUR RENT Two houses, four rooma one
6-room. for $6.50 and $7 50. one block
Richmond School. Call 443 E. 43d.
IRVINGTON Modern 8-rootn house, fur
nsce. fireplace- hurdwood floors, garage
$35 per mo. Phone East 6003.
5-ROOM bungalow. 773 East 27:h st.; walk
lng distance from S. P. shopa Sell-
wood 175.
S ROOMS and basement 2 blocks from
Union ave. car, $8. Phone Woodlawn 4314.
414 Skldmore at
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Perlander st. and
Upper Drive; 6 rooms, modern, $17.50.
Irwin. Main 6322.
MODERN 6 snd 8-room corner house, cen
trally located; rent reasonable. 395 11th.
fe-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy, near
22d. Inquire 180 6th st. .Main 6278.
8 rooms, modern. 81st, E. Couch; shrubs,
fruit trees, cheap rent 228 Morrison.
8-ROOM house, gas. electricity: walking dis-
tance. 6il7 Evert tt SU Phone East 8.
8-ROOM modorn. $20. 129 E. Sd au N. Phons
East 4241.
STRICTLY modern. 7 rooms, fireplace fur
nace, water heater, yard. 722 E. Main.
FOR RENT Modern 7-room house, nice
yard and flowers. Woodlawn 1790.
MODERN 6-room house, sleeping porches,
etc., to responsible partlea.776 Marshall.
775 E. ANKENY. 6-room. modern, perfect
repair. $157 Phone B 2408.
MODERN cottage and 6-room house, close
In. 687 E. 8th su Sellwood 1313.
6-ROOM modern house, furnace, walking
distance. 729 E. Yamhill.
PIEDMONT Six-room modern house, $20.
1181 Halght ave.. corner Jeasup.
E. Side. 6-rm. FREEMAN. 410 N. W. Bldg.
$20 5if 1ST ST., good 8-room house, $15.
873 Kelly.
GOOD 7-room house. $16. S75 Kelly st.
West Side. Phone Sellwood 1640.
MODERN 6-roora house. 170 E. 14th; easy
walking distance.
5-ROOM modern bungalow, 3th and corner
Tillamook. Phone Marshall 3457.
A HOME on Cherry st N., 260.-Inquire 613
MODERN bungalow, place for chickens, Mt
Scott car to Nashville. 6735 67th b. E,
I nrn Uh rd H oawa.
rooma. modern bungalow, completely
V,. furnished. sleeping porch.
im iTS I .' n,c" Pmce lor garden, cor.
JS,V-, J?U5y. ' 15 Pr month to adults
... vian fvtn ave. . i-.. cor. 6 - 1 st.
:,E,.TLr '""'shed 4-room modern cottage.
. wun roses and fruit trees. In
S.i- . ULrtct- one hlock from carline. 2-
minutes from business center: rent $17.50
10 desirable tenant Phone Tabor 4mS
10 ROOMS, nicely furnished, can be used as
r-,,i. - " nice lawn and garden
iVt'l- wi .rent all for $18 or l"cr !
Wnn 1, 1 ,' uPPe.r for $S. Beery,
...Mm iei.
"?,1LI-' ST' wh" ""y ln stuffy old room uu" or hot'-'- when you can get nicest
. ""--go. u or minutes waik. fo
almost nothing T Finest view of city an
city aud
""""" e to appreciate.
SMALL furnished house, comfortable, clean.
V""1 v-vu street 1 Dlock from car.
Z , It ?cellent garden ground. good
neighborhood. Phone Sell. 789 or call at
i84 East 80th su fcouth.
VERY desirable house' of 8 rooms, beautiful
.uuuu. piece ror vegetablee and chicken
house, fruit treea N. E. corner 62d and
E. t-tark. Call Tabor 1517.
1VE rooma. furnished bungalow, modern
and clean, piano, fireplace, all the conven
Sae?J. ot me. near Richmond car. 2609
43d st Tabor 248L
FURNISHED house. 6 rooms. 8 bedrooms.
porcn and rurnace. large yard, fruit tres
and berries: nice garage, adults. E 80th.
Call Marshall 2109.
RESPECTABLE sdult family can rent clean,
convenient partly furnished 8-room. down-
;?jrnhome'. nlc lewn. rare chance. T
lOO, Oregonlan.
?''iTL,-ND "E--3HTS. furnished or unfur
nisned. modern home. 7 rooms, choice lo-
Phone AlVi!ai Ch 10 li'ht
, ,NG,T-N For months, nicely fur
nisned. modern 6-room bouse, with aleep
n.T,,porcn' P''r Piano, furnace, etc. No
chlldren;close in. $25. Phone East 6S;3.
FOR RENT Good, modern house, furnished,
and one full lot for garden: located Rose
or phone Tabor 6223.
FURNISHED modern 6-room house, gas. ossement. fruit garden, chicken
I- T? o 1P E- 2Tl - Alberta car.
Call Sunday.
MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnished, pi
ano, corner 39th and Stevens: good loca
tion. Be there Sunday from 1 to 4.
COMPLETELY furnished Hawthorne ave. 8
467 hou--. bedrooms, furnace. Tabor
FURNISHED 4-room cottage. batlZ gai
garden. 950 Alblua ave.. cor. Prescotu
I, car.
FOR RENT Furnished bungalow. Rlsley
station. Oregon City carllne. Inauire Mrs.
Tyre W arren. Oak Grove 37-R.
4o 8 rooms, modern, completely furnished;
?oraf,e;, fil5 KH'ott ave. Palmer-Jones Co..
4"4 llrox blug. Main S0:9.
afRitTLl modern 6-room bungalow, with
carpels and linoleum. Adults only. .503
L. 3jth St.. near Clinton.
FURNISHED 5-room cottage:"bath and efec
tncity; $12 per month. 402 Miller ave.
Sellwood car,
NICELY furnished 5-room cottager reason"
sble. piano fireplace, garden, references
jrequlred;ll47E;Llncolnsu Tabor 1487.
FOR RENT Good 5-room cottage, fur
nished. 1106 Belmont, l-unnyside. $18. H
H. Staub. 1027 Belmon t.
FURNISHED house, modern conveniences,
two baths, fine fireplace, best West Side
vesldence district. Main 2528.
LOVELY (t-room : hot water, heau hardwood
floors. 204 N. 24th. Mar. 1!79.
FOR RENT Furnished modern 6-room bun-
gajgwjL.3-'5gst31ihat-. "ear Hawthorne.
FURNISHED home ln Irvlngton for rent.
Call East 4S40.
house for renu Marshall
WELL furnished house, boarders can be
taken: good location. J tli, Oregonlan.
NICE 4-room cottage. E. 25th, near S. P
cars hops. Call East 3225.
-'OR RENT .-room furnished house. oTl
v. -run. iot jinioo. woodlawn 00-
5-ROOM furnished house. No. 10. E. jth N
Call morning-- Phone E. 4J-75.
$12.50 4-ROOM house. Mill ou. nearly lur-
niahed. Grocery. 3d and Mill.
MODERN, new 6-roonu Hawthorne, $25.
Tabor 1900.
NEAT 5-room bungalow. 1121 E. Mill, near
Hawthorne. Call Sunday afternoon.
A large-size store room, 25x100. vn 1st
St.. suitable for furniture, hardware " or
any general Un of business; tauod concrete
busement; cheap rent, with lease. App.v
l-" 1st St.. Mr. Lewis. Marshall 58R1
A STORE 50x50 feet, full g:ass front, corner
of Front and Oibbs sts, a few blocks from
steel shipbuilding planu Inquire C 8.
Brant 185 1st su Marshall iml or Mala
151 1.
ENTIRE second floor. 50x100. at 150 5th
St.. over Moore's Cafeteria; all glass front
suitable for display of Ap
ply 20i Mohawk b!dg 3d and Morr.eon
sts. phone Marshall 125. Low renu
COR. 10th and Washington Open or closed
front, suitable groceries, cigars, fruit etc -living
rooms In rear; $23. K. J. Da'y "1
Falling bidg. Mam 5o"v3.
GOOD store, corner 6th and' Oak. brick
bldg.. basement, fireproof vault, reasona
ble rent A. H. B1KHELL CO.. 217 Nor'h-
western Back bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411.
S55 MIS3. ave.. 24x64; good location, good
basement Woodlawn 2 '2.
OFFICES, store rooms and halls; alseTroc-as
suitable for llgnt ma nuractarlng; office
bul.dlcg accommodations: rent reasonable,
Sweeney Investment Co.. 815 Dekiua b-dg
84 and Washington sta.
PRIVATE office, reception room, phone and
girl; also share office. $7.50: furnished
private office. $10. 209 Slock Exchange
OFFICES, either single or 3. 8 and 4-room
suites. 815 Dekum bldg., 8d and Washing-,
ton sts
CENTRALLY located offices in modern
fuepro'if building. Washington st, corcer
of 4th. Rothchlld bldg.
WANTED Doctor with personality to share
office room with established dentist Kent
$15. Inquire Sellwood 140.
DESIRABLE office space on ground floor. $5
per month; desk, office equipment tele
phone, etc., free. $08 Oak ei.
NICE light desk-room twlth dekt (-r rat
cheap. The Gilbert Co.. S4 Ta-nV:!.
WELL-FURNISHED private" a!se
cewt room, $ and $T. ' -4 Che-n. of cm.
OFFICES. $7 up;
fm-.h err-.oa.
ra.-r.a. a -a Swvtiaad .-lg.
1'Uli ATK kfrTi.-e. r-ev-r: i .,-rv-.- -tJ r'lvvaa.
1. K. Moor. '.; l;.r-J ot Tra.'e.
ci.tCT io.i ovvr aruicsiore. Jams
IV Pt-te-v. to; r-.Ter st WooJwn '.
LODCV. 1IA1.!.J, completely furnished. Alia
ky bide. 31 ar.d Morrison. 11. G Terry.
Ait-. Main S134. Main 94U0.
ASSEMBLY HALL, rapacity about 100:
terms reasonable. Inquire 434 Northwest
ern Hank b'dg.
M larellaneouo.
GOOD duck preserve for rent If taken at
once. Phone East 2409.
MUCH, engineer wants partner to start
business In Portland. About $500 will be
sufficient capital. Important work on
hand and much more available. Y 106
. Oregonlan.
DRUG STORE Big bargain this day; fine
location; price only $iHl0; worth a great
deal more; best of reasons for wanting
to sell. Call 24S Stark st.
WANTED First-class carpenter with some
capital to join In building business: con
tracts ahead. Phone Woodlawn 4006 for
Interview evenings.
OFFICE BUSINESS Partner wanted for
old-established business: pay salary $100
month, also share of prolits. Particu.ara
24S Stark st.
ANVO.NK wishing to Invest In a mine that
gives promise of making a big producer
should Invest igate this, p 91, Oregoniau.
DANDY grocery and confectionery ; busy
street Some trade. Owner, Marshall
OLD-ESTABLISHED cleaning, pressing busi
ness; no competition; price $225. Bargain.
Wdln. 2422.
CASH paid for stock of shoes, clothing, fur
nishing goods, any size; give details. V
08. Oreaonlan.
BILLIARD parlor location, room 60x30. Best
transfer corner ln city; low renu :
East Morrison st
GROCERY snd delicatessen, fine place for
man and wife. Terms. Main 3291.
FOR SNAPS in roomlng-nouaee see PacLflo
Agency. Inc.. 615 Swatland bldg.
GOOD creamery, gooa town, all or hall! In
terest. AV 601. Oregonlan.
HARDWARE STORE, doing good business!
Must be sold. B 16, Oregonlan.
$250 PLACES you in large paying business:
your opportunity. AP 102. Oregoman.
CIGAR and confectionery, good standchean.
423 Morrison.
BIG paying business for land, auto, equities,
or what? 200 4th st