The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 32

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24 North Second at.
WANT Ganu-iawer. S3. 50: nlanerman,
$3.00; oss bearer, $2.75; line-up man for
trimmer, 92.75; mill blacksmith, close In;
O laborers, country road, (2.50, 8-hr. ; 3
married men lor mill yard, $2.25 to $2.50;
- man and wife for ranch, $2.50, free fare;
2 coal miners. $1.00 a con; 4 section men,
! city.
J ohn Duncan, the barn boss, please
. call,
-WANTED a single man. honest, active. 40
to 55 yrs. old. to occupy a cabin in a
young orchard and look after fences and
keep stock out, etc. Very little work re
' " quired. As payment will give free use
of 2 to 3 acres of ground for garden, etc.,
-. to be ploughed and harrowed soon. Cabin
.' with stove, wood and water all free. The
right man with ambition to keep chickens
. . and have a truck patch of his own can
make an easy living. Must batch. Have
some other ranch work at various times
and will pay you for this. Within 70 miles
" og Portland. AV 595. Oregonian.
' $100 TO $200 invested $10 monthly In an
absolutely safe, big, clean, new business
' that will stand closest investigation, the
profits of which will educate your chil
dren. pay off that mortgage, build the
new house or protect your old age. Give
telephone number for appointment. AL
110, Oregonian.
WE HAVE openings under a general agency
contract for 3 first-class men; previous
experience not required, but evidence of
ability and first-class references are re
! quired. North American Accident Ins. Co.,
103S Chamber of Commerce bldg., Port
. land. Or.
MACHINISTS, toolmakers and designers
wanted to Increase earnings through study
of L C. S. mechanical engineering course.
Bure, easy, home-study method. Develop
- Inventive genius. . International Corre
spondence Schools, 345 Washington at.
Phone Marshall 3711. A 3432.
Machinist who wants -interest to mfg.
4 enterprise; must be capable of finest
work, to superintend mfg. Here Is op
portunity for right man to make himself
independent. Y 100, Oregonian.
WANT a well-educated young man, capa
ble of acting as buyer In large store; fur
niture experience preferred ; must have
executive ability; good opportunity for
right man ; none but "live wire" need
apply. AN 119, Oregonian.
WE can use a good machinery blacksmith;
also a helper used to steamhammer work;
steady work and good wages to men that
can fill the bill; b nours, time and half
for overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and
; Oak sts. No fees charged.
WE require men of character and ambition
, permanent positions in our sales organiza
. tlon; cover small territory, live at home;
very fine Income assured. REX TYPE
. WRITER CO., 28 E. Jackson blvd., Chi
cago, 111.
MUSICIANS Amateur musicians should investigate-
opportunities offered by Oregon
Coast Artillery Hand. The Federal pay
- bill applies to this organization. Room for
a few good men now. Inquire at Armory
next Monday evening.
AUTOMOBILE PCHOOU conducted on prac
tlcal shop basis. Teaches thoroughly con
struction and operation of motor cars ;
special reference to ignition and carbure-
tion. Address Division C, Department of
Education, Y. M. C. A., Portland, Or.
.WANTED First-class, open-shop, all-round
machinists for large lathe, planer and
boring work; best wages and steady work
. .. to competent men, 8 hours, time and half
for overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 6th and
Oak sts. No fees charged.
'HAVE a good proposition for young ener
getic real estate salesman, one able to
close exchanges and finance self. Give
age, experience and references. BP 105,
' Orgonlan.
night schools. Laboratories unexcelled. In
structors practical engineers. Address Di
vision C, Department of Education, Y. M.
C. A., Portland. Or.
"WANTED Flrst-calss, open shop, wood
patternmakers, steady work, best of wages
x to competent men; 8 hours, time and half
for overtime. 417 Oregon bldg., 0th nad
Oak eta. No fees charged.
IF YOU are out of a Job and want high
class selling position calling on housewife,
0 lc postcard will put you in touch with $40
to. $80 week proposition. Dlv. M. 1423,
SOLICITORS wanted, good proposition to a
, man who can deliver the goods. Apply
between 9 and 10 A. M. Monday. Feb. 19,
- - to the National Gas Governor Co., room
427 Railway Exchange bldg.
-WANTED First-class, open shop, all-round
gray iron foundry molders. steady work
and first-class wages to men that can fill
the bill. 417 Oregon bldg., 6th and Oak
sts. No fees charged.
SINGLE man for orchard and ranch work
at Hood River; must bo able to handle
horses and milk one cow. Call Sunday
. morning at Alexandra Court. 53 Ella st.,
jor phone W. B. Pickerson. Marshall6170.
WANTED Auto painter; munt stripe and
finish; permanent job to one who can
make good; $5.50 per day of 8 hours.
WaUace. Idaho.
STEADY" employment, good wages; day and
night classes; few months learning; prof-
" itable work. Watchmaking, Engraving
School, 218 Commonwealth bldg., 0th and
Ankeny. Portland, Or.
WANTED Good, strong, intelligent boys.
who live with their parents, to learn
iron molders' and coremakers trade; not
over 18 nor less than 16. 417 Oregon bldg.,
J 5th and Oak sts. No fees charged.
PROMOTER to assist in organizing new
company; must be a high-grade man. ac
customed to earning $10,000 a year. Don't
answer unless you have had real experi
ence. AO 86. Oregonian.
DESIGNING engineer with executive abil
ity and experience in designing pneumat
ic tools preferred; state experience in de-
tail. Y 118, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR drive private machine; wife
for doing housework. Apply with ref
erences, age, salary expected. O 107,
Ore gon i an.
WANTED A few open shop, all-round boll
- ermakers, steady work and best wages to
competent men. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th
. and Oak sts. No fees charged.
FIFTEEN ex-regulars for hon-commls-sfoned
officers in new Natl. Guard com-
- pany now beinsr organized. Good pay,
instlgate. S 98, Oregonian.
$20 WEEKLY made writing names for mall
order houses; no canvassing: particulars
- , for stamp. The Guide Company, Mem
phis, Tenn.
STENOGRAPHER Young man for credit
and collection work. Must state age. ex-
perience and references In first letter. AB
102, Oregonian.
WANTED 2 wide-awake boys with wheel.
Also one boy with wheel for work after
school. Apply Federal Telegraph Co. No.
7. Board of Tra de bid g.
'THIRTY men with a little more courage
than the average American lad between
... the ages of IS and 30, good pay, short
hours, investigate. BP 102. Oregonian
DX-REGULARS of the IT. S. Armv get in
touch with Leiut. Walker, Armory. Port-
land. 10th and Couch sts.
WANTED Two first-class coatmakers for
- Ogden, Utah. D. B. McBrlde & Co., Royal
OFFICE boy, wholesale house; state age
' experience, references, phone number AE
103. Oregonian.
MAN to do kalHominlng for board and room
js part payment; must have reference
V 08. Oregonian.
IF YOU are an advertising salesman and
... want something good, call salesmanager.
Broadway 245 or A 3332 for interview
- HUSKY boy. familiar with Ford, to drive
delivery truck; state age and experience.
I) lQu, Oregonian.
- Vlf A VTLTl I 1 ' r .'
, u " janitor in an
I npartment-house; good proposition. Call
TWO experienced solicitors for work on out-of-town
daily; commission. Apply 702
Spalding bldg. Sunday 10 A. M.
WANTED Live agents, 100 per cent prof
it. Call between 9 and 12 Monday, 325
Corbett bldg.
SsUMBER young men wanted to prepare
v for telegraph and station service. For
ncuuti a can room. uu) rauama Dldff.
HOUSE to house canvassers. Good eommt.
sion. Brilliant Mfg. Co., 147 13th St.. West
WANT painting, gardening and liht rur.
penter work in exchange for dwelling or
. . rwui. tj lug, uregonian.
STRONG boy to drive grocery wagon. Call
m.K rtwg vnummn louayuei, 1U ana XX A. At.
WtktTT A-l shoemaker, all-around man. 90
run st. iviam 4JJ..
WANTED Ladies tailor. 407 Eilera bldg.
PLATEN pressfeeder. Watson
Company. 3d and Yamhill sts.
'WANTED Boy with wheel.
Apply 8 A. M.
Monday 712 iSlectrlc bldg.
WANTED First-class starch washer. Mult-
ituinuii naunury u., tuu iriisan.
ANOTHER big inducement; learn boxing
ATTORNEY desiring business, call Tabor
WANTED Boy with wheel or motorcycle
to worK; guaranteea. salary. 4iu Alder.
;FREE room, private home, for 'light work
mornings anu evenings. . a. jotn st.
JTHREE live wires wanted. Call Monday
m A. m., joa jst st., room o.
Help Wanted Agents.
WANTED Honest men and wmen to dts-
. tribute circulars, samples, etc., $40 weekly.
" Send for application at once. Outdoor Ad
, vertisins Co., Dept S3, 2sew Bedford, Mass.
Help Wanted Agents.
MAIL order dealers, keep posted on Import
ant mail order matters by reading Mail
Order News, leading mail trade journal
for more than 12 years; tS-page magazine
distinctly different from other trade jour
nals. Reports all Important happenings
in the advertising and mail order fields,
exposes frauds and fakirs, vapory schemes
and misuse of malls. Tells what leading
and misleading advertisers are doing, their
methods, how they succeed and fail. Lat
est information first hand, seasoned with
spice and ginger. Each number replete
with money-making mail order plans.
Remarkable offer For 25c silver we will
send to new patrons March number (just
out), containing details of the remarkable
"chain" plan, the "Scheme" Exchange,
the novel advertising plan, the scheme that
netted $50,000. the original Koal-Save
formula and inside details, the straw hat
powder plan, many other valuable money
making and money-saving tips to begin
ners, also directory of New England female
mail order buyers, etc. We will Include
free copy of Mall Order Truths, that
startling exponent of mall order facts
and fallacies. Order now. Remit by silver
or money order. No free samples. Mail
Order News Corporation, Newburgh, New
matic stove and furnace damper, guaran
teed; saves 30 per cent of fuel; keeps even
tire automatically Just at temperature you
wish; anyone can put it on in five min
utes; every home a customer right now;
low priced; 200 per cent profit to agent;
prompt shipments, exclusive territory. In
terborough Traction Co., of New York,
uses this automatic damper in their oOO
stations at a saving of 33 1-3 per cent of
coal; you sell it every time you show it;
W. H. Protzman, of Washington, sold 200
In 10 days; you can do this; your profit
over $250 cash; P. W. Lee. also of a little
town in Washington, sold 7 In SO minutes;
biggest, quickest, cleanest money-maker
of the age for agents, general agents dis
trict managers; $50 a week to $7500 a
year; territory now being assigned; get
your county free now. Write, today. Ar
nold Damper Co., 519 Damper bldg., 215- N.
Desplalnes St.. Chicago, 111.
If this 1b not the greatest money-making
house to house proposition. N. R. G.
LAUNDRY TABLET washes clothes 10
minutes, without rubbing; contains no
lime, lye, paraffin wax or other injurious
chemical; cannot possibly Injure clothes or
hands; nothing like It on market; posi
tively wonder of age; sells 15c, enough
for 5 family washings; supply free sam
ples and guarantee the sale of every pack
age you buy; just leave free sample with
housewife, when you call again she is
eagerly awaiting to become steady custo
mer; secure territorial rights at once, or
you will regret It; postal brings sample
and full particulars. Farquhar-Moon Mfg.
Co.; Dept. F2. 140 W. Van Buren sU,
Chicago, 111.
NEW INVENTION $10 per day to agents;
Quickedge Knife and Shear Sharpener for
household use: sharpens any kitchen, par
ing, carving knife or shears In 10- sec
onus; a child can use It; grinds both sides
of blade at once, automatically ; guaran
teed; a sale at every house; 200 per cent
profit gross lots; no charge for territory;
- business furnishes - capital, profits start
first day; low priced; no experience nec
essary. Ray Carter, of Massachusetts, sold
8o in four hours profit $36; J. H. Stemple,
of West Virginia, sold 45 first day; new
proposition, just out; complete particulars
free. Write today, giving name of your
county. Address Quickedge Sharpener Co.,
670 Sharpener bldg., 215 N. Desplalnes St.,
Chicago. III.
NEW invention, ventilated chemical indoor
closet for country, village and suburban
homes; no plumbing, no waterworks, no
cesspool, absolutely odorless; 30 days'
free, trial guarantee; every village and
farm' home a customer; an order at every
house; one agent made $112 commission
in eight hours. Agent's outfit free.. Ex
clusive territory contract. Write today
for full particulars of this biggest win
ner ever offered to salesmen. Shafer
Mfg. Co 464 Colton bldg., Toledo,
BIG hit; our 5-ptece aluminum set Is all the
rage; cheaper than enamelware; sells like
wildfire; guaranteed 20 yars; retail value
$5; you sell to housewives for only $1.98;
biggest seller of age; 9 sure sales out of
every 10 shown; others cleaning up $10 to
$20 day; answer this quick to secure your
territory. Div. 1032. American Aluminum
Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111.
EVERYWHERE, to sell Ajax chemical fire
engines. Minimum commission $40 on every
engine sold. Sell one or two machines a
week and earn $2000 to $4000 yearly. Fac
tories, stores. Industrial plants, private
estates, etc., use Ajax engines. No capital
required. Nationally advertised. Ajax Figa
Engine Works, 99 Liberty, New Y'ork.
START you in business, furnishing every-
ining; men, women, .iu to $200 weekly
operating "New System Specialty Candy
Factories," home, small room anywhere;
no canvassing; opportunity lifetime; book
let free. Rags dale Co., Box S, East
Orange N. J.
$50 WEEKLY up selling Mexican diamonds.
exactly resemble genuine; same rainbow
fire; stand tests, sell at sight, repeat or
ders. Write quick. Sample case offer free.
Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 255 Las
Cruces, New Mexico.
$30 WEEK, expenses: free samples; gold
ana silver letters ror store fronts, office
windows, glass signs; anyone can put on;
big demand everywhere; liberal offer to
general agents. Metallic Letter Co., 435
N. Clark st., Chicago.
AGENTS make 500 per cent profit selling
our auio monograms ana initials, window
sign letters, changeable signs and show
cards. 1000 varieties, enormous demand
Sullivan Co., 1123 Van Buren St., Chicago,
AGENTS sell auto owners and garagemen.
MopieaK prevents tire punctures. In
creases life of tube and tire. Guaranteed.
Large profit. Write for sworn statements.
The Logan Mfg. Co., 4025 Nelson St., Chi
cago. HI.
EVEN If you were deaf, dumb and blind
you could sell our Aluminum Utensil
Cleaner; every housewife grabs it on sight;
steady trade, big money, protected terri
tory; write quick. Pi v. 832, American
Aluminum Mfg. Co., Lemont, 111.
FREE catalogue, samples; new goods, quick
sales; big profits; make $5 to $25 dally;
no experience; world's greatest specialties.
Cruver Co., Jackson & Campbell, Chicago,
AGENTS can double money on $3 world
beating patented specialty; every man and
most women are prospects; apply imme
diately for territory to manufacturers, 907
Liberty ave Plttsbu rg. Pa.
$oO PER WEEK easily made; business
grows without work; I rollect and deliver;
rum ranteed raincoats, self-advertising ; re
orders galore; sample coat free. Don A.
Skinner. 5415 West Ohio. Chicago, 111.
LARGE manufacturer wants representatives
to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses,
waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for
free, samples. Madison Mills, 590 Broad
way. New York City.
MAGAZINE solicitors, get next to our crack
erjack magazine proposition; year Good
Stories 25c, commission 20c: 50 order's
dally; whirlwind seller. Postal subscrip
tion Co.. Minneapolis, Minn.
PICTURE agents and photographers, send
your enlarging, finishing and framing to
Universal Portrait Co.. 1021 Golden Gate
ave., San Francisco. Cal. Highest quality
work and quick service.
LARGE manufacturer wants agents to sell
guaranteed, made-to-measure raincoats;
price $2.50 delivered; material, workman
ship incomparable; outfits free. Standard
Raincoat Co., 395 Broadway, New York.
AGENTS wanted, $300 monthly upward, to
represent our factory in every county;
every family prospective customer. Cali
fornia Light Supply Co., 38 N. Fifth Ave.,
AGENTS wanted for article which no house
wife can resist; sells at almost every home.
Byron Howe Sales Co., Box 35tJ, Station
C, Los Angeles, Cal.
EARN $5 to $7 daily restoring colors In rugs
and carpets on floor. Steady work; field
unlimited; new process; particulars for
stamp. G. ROOP. Berkeley, Cal.
START the new year right, get this big
winner; large field, tremendous demand ;
particulars free. Joseph T. Albin, 1719
12th ave., Seattle, Wash.
WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
78, Parsons. Kan.
WE need agents everywhere to handle our
quick selling household specialty. Suitable
for men or women. Liberal terms. F
rsarreii wO., dox ivxs nneiton, wash.
SELL California flower beads; swell line;
big profits; catalogue free. Mission Bead
Company, Y2S19 West Pico, Los An
geles, Cal. v
WANTED Mining etock salesman to finance
cieun pruposiuoii; guuu aeai to ngnt man
steady employment on several nrnnni
tions; no advance fees. AE 97. Oregonian.
AGENTS for city and eountrv m a Ira hi-
money seling a patent article; will stand
siricx investigation. zt tewetland bldg.
AGENTS Easy selling, ble reneatinc nPrT.
sity. Costs 5c, sells for 25c. Address box
1UO iKit CENT profit. Particulars free
t-orx auppiy jq.. rortianq, jr., Uept A.
WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy cost
no more, qui uoarq or trade bldg.
3 ENERGETIC salesmen. Applicant must
aciquicHiy. iru 1 1 xsa. or Id.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
CAPABLE specialty men. Oregon ; staple
line on new, exceptional terms ; vacancy
jij w , a.iLi iiuiivw uuiamiBxion contract ; j5
weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co.
2267 Carlin bldg., Cleveland, O.
SALESMAN, store and city, for side propo
sition ; acquaintance among business men
essential, no selling. Give phone. C 95,
THREE experienced auto accessory sales
men for city; guaranteed goods. Call Mon-
oay arter o:ou a. ja., 01a fit toe K blk.
SPECIALTY salesmen, or those wishing"
side line, apply at 229 Main st.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
THE Shaw Manufacturing Company, manu
facturers of the noted Shaw line of art
and business calendars, fans, pencils,
signs, leather and other high-grade ad
vertising specialties, desires to secure the
services of several reliable and energetic
men to begin work immediately. We are
interested only in men who mean business
and are seeking permanent connection ;
men who possess ability to call on banks
and other high-class business establish-
. merits. Our line is one with Vnerlt and
worthy of the best efforts of the most
capable salesmen. Liberal compensation ,to
the right men. For particulars, address
the Shaw Advertising Company, Kansas
City. Ml ssouri.
EXPERIENCED, preferably in advertising
specialties, to represent a strong, success
ful line of high-class exclusive art ad
vertising calendars and monthly service,
coupled with universally-known Blanchard
line of display advertising pencils, etc.,
the best all-year-round selling combina
tion. Exclusive territory now open in
Oregon and other places, which guarantees
a permanet, profitable future to a success
ful salesman. Liberal commissions ad
vanced weekly on orders. Give age, ref
erences and experience in first letter. Ad
dress King H. Gerlacn, sales manager,
Blanchard Bros., Inc., 19th st, and ath
ave.. Brooklyn. New York City.
sires salesman for Northwest. Man
with established business preferred.
Would consider man carrying email
nonconflictlng lines in conection.
Give full experience, amount of sales
and references In first letter.
St. Louis, Mo.
ADVERTISING specialty salesman wanted
10 represent us exclusively in Portland
and vicinity; good line, liberal commis
sion ; must be capable salesmen and give
us full time; sdvlse experience and give
reference; advertising specialty experi
ence preferable, but not necessary. C. E.
Erlckson & Co., Des Moines. Ia,
EXPERIENCE unnecessary; earn while you
1 earn; write large list openings and testi
monials from hundreds of students who
earn $100 to $500 month; address nearest
office. Dept. 311, National Salesmen's
. Training Association, Chicago, New York,
San Francisco.
MEN to sell Veronica Water on its merit
to Business and professional men for re
tail druggists, straight salary; references;
no objection to elderly men. Address J
H. Thomas, care Blumauer-Frank Whole
sale Drug Co. Straight salary.
MAKING country towns and small cities can
turn spare moments Into dollars through
our new sideline articles; 25 per cent com
mission paid on receipt of orders; pocket
samples free. Patent Novelty Company,
Fulton, 111.
FULL time or side line, quick selling spe
cialty 10 country merchants; commission
contract with $35 per week drawing ac
count. Many reorders, full commission on
same. B. M. Craig, Sales Mgr., 209
Houser bldg., St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN to sell Speed King motor gas.
new uiscovery; j. quart equals oo gallons
gasoline; large profits; territory going
fast; write quick fo- particulars. Speed
King Co., Stafford Kan.
STOCK SALESMAN for state of Washing
ton, excellent, investment opportunity, giv
tnar the Investor a life income; good com
missions and rapid promotion for man
who can make ood. 215 Washington bldg.
SALESMEN, our guaranteed raincoats at
$3.75, sell at sight. Money refunded if
not satisfactory. $1 commission each sale.
Monarch Sample Co., 505 Temple Court,
ROAD salesman now open for city or out-of-town
territory, calling on confection
ers, grocers, druggists and general mdse.
stores; excellent references and selling
ability. L 97, Oregonian.
WOULD like to communicate with a sales
man interested in covering the state with
me with a Ford car. L 91, Oregonian.
WANTED School girl, 8 to 12 years. Will
lurmsn gooa noma ana clothing. Phone
Wood lawn 82.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
must understand watting table, no cook
ing. 331 Jefferson st.
WANTED experienced girl for second
wora. assist witn child 4; references.
Tabor 1107.
MATURE woman for position of trust. Per
manent to ngnt party. Not office work.
References. P 115, Oregonian.
GIRL for light work, no laundry, Mondays,
xnursnays on; iu mo. cor. 4fcth ave.
and 76th st. S. E.
MILLINERY saleslady for afternoons ; only
experienced need apply. $10 per week to
start. 3by Alder su ;
WANTED German, Swede or Norwegian
girl as housekeeper for small family;
wages $20 pr month. fcO E. 16th N.
EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper for retail
grocery and to answer telephone. Apply
froth and Sandy blvd.
NEAT girl to assist with housework and
nei p care wi tn ooy ; good home, small
wages. Tabor 3762. -
RELIABLE girl for light work Saturdays.
in exenange xor piano lessons. tiellwood
WANTED A girl for light housework.
smaii iamuy. rnoue laoor ti. 006
E. 41st st.
GIRL wanted to help with housework In
small family. Apply llfci Royal Court,
near 30th st.
WANTED Woman to cook for three on
ranch, $20. Call 10 to 4, 820 Chamber of
YOUNG girl to help with light housework,
email family, no washing. Call morning,
46U 0th st.
RELIABLE girl for general housework.
Call 11 :o E. Glisan. Take Montavilia car
to Laurelhurst station, walk west block.
AMATEUR singers wanted. AP 103, Ore
gonian. CAPABLE cook, references required. Phone,
mornings. Marshall 3956b
ROOM and board for lady for household
services part of time. Y 104. Oregonian.
WANTED To assist with housework, neat
girl who likes children, $15. Tabor 5071.
WANTED Lady room-mate. Phone Mar
shall 442, apt. 24. r
HIGH SCHOOL girl to work for room and
board. East 6997.
GIRL for housework in flat ; no cooking ;
small family. 573 E. 8th at. N.
WANTED Experienced
work. Phone P 3326.
girl for second
WANTED Girl for general housework. East
WANTED A lady to solicit advertising for
school paper. W 108. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
63 0 E. 26th st. N. East 465,
WANTED Girl for housework. 693 Gan
tenbeln ave.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, out of city; wages
$10 per month. AM 34. Oergonian.
SOMEONE to help with housework for room
and board. Call mornings. 89 E. 18th st.
SEWING girl wanted to learn ladies' taiioT
ing. I. Reubin. 3b9 Alder st.
WANTE P N o. 3 co i 1 ar girL Multnomah
Laundry Co., 400 Glisan.
YOUNG man wants neat housekeeper; refer
ence. Hillsboro. Or., R. F. D. 4. box 105.
LADY barber wanted at 32 Glisan, cor
6th st.
Typewriting 5 mo. 209 14th. Main 3893.
THIS ad. and 25c good for manicure or halr
dress. 307 Northwest bldg., 6th and Wash.
LADY canvassers wanted. Toilet prepara
tions, Cood pay. Apply at 229 Main st.
WANTED A girl to assist in general house
work; no children. Apply 381 Tenth at.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 810
Overton st.
ATTRACTIVE girl waitress, willing to start
for small wages. Apply 252 Everet t.
GIRL for housework, small family. East
WOMEN wanted for general housework, ref
erences. Phone Main 2647.
WANT good girl in small private boarding
house; no cooking. 79 W. Park.
WANTED Girl for general housework, $20
per month. East 2125.
WANTED A good waitress, must be clean
and neat appearance. 420 Hoyt, near 10th.
PRIVATE-HOME-for children, any age: 15
years' experience. 714 Everett, Mar 2162.
CHORUS girls, experienced. Call Mana
ger Casino Theater, 4th and Burnslde sts.
FINISHER for ladles tailor.
407 Ellers
WAITRESS, family hotel, $20, room and
board. 2 meals. 253 6th st.
HOTEL and family help! Howe's Em p.
Agency, room 435. 270 hs Washington st.
GIRL for general housework. 789 Lovejoy
WANTED Experienced hemstitch operator.
AE 102, Oregonian.
WANTED Young lady barber. Write Daisy
Auston. 929 Eye st.. Fresno Cal.
A GIRL to do light housework. Call at 1139
Vernon ave.. Alberta car.
GENTLEMAN, 86. would like housekeeper,
good cook. L 102, Oregonian.
WANTED Woman with grown son to work
on farm Apply 814 Selling bldg.
WANTED Young- girl to assist with house
work. Phono East GSS8.
manent positions for young women;
salary paid while learning. Applv to
the Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., 6th floor.
Park and Oak sts.. between 8:30 A,
M. and 6:3a P. M.
WANTED Neat, competent, healthy girl
lor general housework In country home;
moJ ern cottage. 2 In family; would take
widow with daughter over 5 years. Call
Mrs H. Williams, Seward Hotel. 10-12
A. M. or S- p. M., Monday.
WANTED An experienced woman for flt
ting in an exclusive cloak and suit store;
only thos competent need apply; state
Place and length of experience, salary
wanted and -phono number, m 10S. Ore
gonian. HOLSE KEEPER About 40. unincumbered,
in respectable working class widower's
family of 6. $15 per month. Give particu
lars in first letter., C. Van Hine, Corvallla.
Of- No triflers.
MUSICAL hostess for resident hotel will
give board for piano playing three nights
a week from 6:30 to 8; prefer married
woman whose husband will room and
board In house. Mar. 2197.
ACKAMAS Tavern. Oregon City. Or.,
middle-aged woman wanted to help In
rooking, wait on table, good tips. If suit
able, chance for a raise. Phone S05 J,
Oregon City.
MUNICIPAL. Bureau for Protection of Wo
men Is now located at room 303 new Po
lice Headquarters. Information, protection
or assistance given to women and girls.
Interview confidential
AT ONCE Ten ladles to travel, demonstrate
and sell well-established line to our deal
r , -Previous experience not necessary.
Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Co., Dept. 70, Omaha, Neb.
JlAIy ' education and culture, not under
o, capable of holding position after re
ceiving Instruction; no stenography or
bookiag. Call after Sunday between
room Ainswortn bldg.
WANTED Students can earn board, room
and tuition. Telegraphy, stenography,
bookkeeping, law. Members National As
sociation. Catalog free. Mackay Business
College. Los Angeles, Cal.
$lo0 SALARY for 60 days work paid woman
In each town to distribute free circulars
and take orders for White Ribbon Con
centrated Flavoring. J. S. Ziegler Co.,
WOMEN as Government clerks, $70 month.
Portland examinations May 9. Bamola
questions free. Franklin Institute. AeDt
Rochester, N. Y. '
WANTED Types of all kinds for mot Ion pic
tures, experience unnecessary ; particulars
furnished. Picture Producer's Exchange,
Box l'.79. Los Angeles. Calif.
WOMEN, full time $15. spare time 25o hour,
selling guaranteed Wear Proof hosiery to
wearer; experience unnecessary. Guaran
teed Stocking Mills. Norrlstown, Pa.
CAPABLE woman about 40 years old for
general housework in suburban town. Call
Monday morning or Monday evening at
777 Flanders st., near 23d.
WANTE D Girl for cooking and general
work; must be good cook. Apply Mrs. Nio
olai. 951 Westover road, head of Johnson
WANTED Strong, willing woman or girl
over 25 for general housework; must be
good plain cook. Call at 1345 Tillamook
at. or phone Tabor 602.
RELIABLE woman to cook and serve dinner
evenings daily for 3 people; must be good
cook; references required. Phone Main
6uhQ Monday morning between lo and 12.
DEMONSTRATOR for household necessity;
experience necessary. Please do not an
.swer without you mean business. Pom-Or-Lem
Co., Inc., 607 Union ave.
I OUR bright young women solicitors, new
field, good profit. Call Monday, between
30 and 12 A. M ltf Kothchlld bldg.,
287 Washington st
WANTED Competent cook and housekeeper
for men's club, out of the city; must ap
ply by 10 o'clock Monday. F 100, Ore
WANT to take care of child, board and
room, 2 to 5 P. M. or evenings. 1578
Glisap. Tabor 4342.
WANTED Competent cook. Northwest cor
ner Vista ave. and Clifton et Portland
EXPERIENCED operators on shirt fronts
and shirt cuffs. Mt. Hood Factory, 233
Couch bU
LADIEe or gentlemen, I have a good com
mission proposition, if you have the abil
ity to sell. AP 115. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl wanted for general
housework and cooking; no washing. 603
Vista ave.
WANTED Elderly lady to help with house
work In country. Small wages. Home
comforts. Address AV 579, Oregonian.
GEN'ERAL housework; Inexperienced for
eigner or school girl for half day. Tabor
A GIRL to work In office part of day; one
attending business college preferred! O
I Ql, Oregonian.
LADY that can meet the public and handle
agents; excellent proposition. M 104, Ore
gonian. WANTED Girl. general housework. One
.that can cook. middle-aged preferred.
5127 70th p. E.. corner 52d ave. Tab. 1694.
NUMBER young ladies wanted to learn
telegraphy; big demand for operators.
Call room 503 Panama bldg.
GIRL that can work on a typewriter couple
hours, day (any hours) ; shorthand not
needed; state wages. M 100. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Must have first-class
experience; state age, recent employment,
phone number. AE 99. Oregonian.
WANTED Live agents. 100 "per cent prof
it. Call between U and 12 Monday. 325
Corbett bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must be a good plain cook; no children;
$25 per month. -374 E. 9th st. N.
YOUNG woman for housework. Phone C
17o9 or call at 300 Cook ave., near Will
lams. WANTED rA solicitor for advertising; pre
fer lady who is Catholic. W 101, Ore
gonian. GIRL for general housework. Call morn
ing. 565 E. 3d at. N., cor. Knott. Take
Broadway car.
WANTED Good girl, wages $1.1 per mo.
6fr9 Flanders. Sleep home preferred.
WAITRESS wanted to work forthe noon
hour. 462 Glisan street.
LEGE wilt teach you the trade In eight
weeks, pay you while learning, give you a
set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get
you a position ; 82 schools in U. ti. and
Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor.
2d and Burnslde.
bCHOOL Men and women to learn the
barber trade In 8 weeks, tools free, paid
while learning. Scholarship and diploma,
get you a position. Tuition reduced. 28 N.
2d, cor. Couch.
STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy,
salesmanship, English branches at an ac
credited school; write or phone Main 690
for cutalog; graduates guaranteed posi
tions. Betinke-W iilker Busiz;a College,
167 4 th et.. near Morrison.
women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks;
position guaranteed; tools free; paid while
learning; tuition reduced. Can earn from
$15 to $25 a week. Expert instructors. 2ii
years In business. 233 Madison at.
FOR expert . shorthand training. Miss Cun
ningham's Stenographic School. 32u Lum
ber Exchange bldg. Main 1114.
Broadway-Yamhill bldg. Individual In
structions. 'Positions when competent.
Every day from lo A. M. to 4 P. M.
and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and
Friday from 7 to P. M.
to get relief in any way are Invited to
attend these clinics In our big clinic hail.
will examine and diagnose your case and
direct your treatment.
CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure
and modern science of curing and pre
'ventlng diseases.
CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause;
health returns.
433 Hassalw St., at 7th. East Side. East 6586.
Dr. Elliott. Director of Clinics.
THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL offers a week's
"free trial." We do not give any "free
courses," but allow one week FREE at
the beginning of the course to prove that
our combined auto, gas engine, starting,
lighting, magneto and electrical course
For Information about the FREE TRIAL
- OFFER call or write
SS8 Burnslde St.
WANTED Men. women to try examinations
for Government Jobs; $75 month. Address
AV 502, Oregonian.
MAN and wife to work on farm near Port
land, M 102, CrefiODiao,
SOON, railway ra clerks examinations,
Portland ; commence $75 month ; aampls
questions free Franklin Institute, Dept.
B Rochester. N. Y.
WATCHES cleaned, 75c; mainspring. 75c;
work guaranteed. 218 Commonwealth
bldg., 6th and Ankeny.
Bookkeepers suid Clerka.
Capable and trustworthy, well educated,
with high-class business qualifications and
broad experience, is open for a proposi
tion to become manager or confidential
man with firm or Individual J 60, Ore
Are you looking for a young man for
office work, salesman, shipping clerk,
timekeeper, etc. and one who Is not
afraid of work, will work for the Interest
of his employer, can give best of refer
ences? If so. write AL 91. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 23 years old. wants position
In office of large company, where there
Is a chance for advancement. Worked 3
years in one of largest offices In this
city. References from last employer. AF
116, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as superintendent of
logging R. R. ; have many years' experi
ence, at construction work, bridging and
general R, R. work; capable of taking
charge of engineering work; also beat of
references. A 77, Oregonian.
POSITION in general mdse. business by one
w ho has had many years experience In
country store as manager and buyer. Al
references as to ability and integrity;
would consider buying Interest. K 84, Ore
gonian. YOUNG MAN with 3 years' general bank
ing experience wishes to get a position In
country bank. Will consider usfcall lnvest
ment If necessary. B 100, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as day or night hotel
clerk; good mixer, with host of friends
and A-l reference; can take full charge
if necessary. F 101, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as store manager; have
had six years experience with large cor
pora t ion ; can furnish best of references.
BO 112. Oregonian.
STUDENT attending business college wants
work for after school hours and on Satur
days: anything considered. AK 116. Ore
gonian. WANTED Position aa clerk; have had ten
years experience In general merchandise
store ; can furnish references. BO 111,
TRUSTWORTHY young man wants clerical
position, wholesale house or corporation;
good penman, rapid, local experience.
Y 103, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, capable, wants position as
salesman or clerk with some live firm, W
111. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, stenographer, best of refer
ences, wishes position. Phone Main bU-4
between &-10 A. M.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier,
male, wants position; references. J us,
Oregonian. .
GOOD accountant wishes small set books
to keep evenings. AD 108, Oregonian.
M I seel laneoutft.
HANDY man around machinery, also un
derstand running gasoline engines; some
experience with steam boilers, would like
position In some piant. AG 106, Orego-
nian. t
EXPERIENCED dairyman wants to set
tle in Portland or vicinity; practical and
dairy school experience; Ice cream a spe
cialty; can start March 15 or April L
C. C. Deal, Ames, la,
WANTED By reliable, thorough! experi
enced clothing and furnishing salesman,
city or out-of-town position; good refer
ences and personality. L yi. Oregonian.
RESTAURANT MANAGER desires" position;
good organizer, can arrange svstematlc
service; excellent references. AH 103. Ore-
CHAU FFEUR, who Is 26. single, does own
rpnuirinv r- n t b n H .uwa,,I 1 V. t.
references, wishes permanent employment.
Phone E. 7163 or F i0. Oregonian.
A MAN, single, with references, to work
in repairing shop of lawnmowers, bicycles
and keys; experienced. 462 Flint st. East
WANTED Position as farm manager? 4
years' practical experience with 2 years
at Agricultural College; beet of refer
ences. AM 112. Oregonian.
RELIABLE and competent man and wife
desire management of apt. -house after
March 1 on salary or percentage basis;
references. AK 115. Oregonian.
MAN and wife want work on farm, woman
to do cooking, man to work on ptace;
life experience; best of references; capable
of taking full charge. AN 114, Oregonian.
RELIABLE and competent man and wife
desire management of apartment-house
after March 1 on salary or percentage;
references. Janitor. Ardmay Terrace apts.
MAN wants work as porter, janitor, - ele
vator or all around; reference. Wood-
lawn 5146.
WANTED By an efficient man and wife
management of class A apartment house;
reference. Marshall 1S52.
EXPERIENCED florist and gardener seeks
permanent situation, private or commer
cial; excellent references. T 33, Oregonian.
CEMENT work, frame and concrete gar
ages, genera I contracting and repairs.
Woodlawn 2278.
WANTED Work by young man and wife,
n teaming : go anywhere. Address 1205
Water st. Raymond. Wash.
YOL NG man. experienced driver. wants
work; references. Marshall 201 or O 116,
YOUNG man, several years' ry. and clerical
experience, wants work: references. Mar
shall 7b4, of C-115 Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED painter, respectable, must
have work at once; neat, honest work ;
prices right. AE 101, Oregonian.
MAN and wife want permanent Job on
ranch about April 1 ; no oblection to
Eastern Oregon. L 98, Oregonian.
YOUNG married man wants position as
talesman, any line. Address AL 85, Ore
gonian. HIGH-CLASS, reliable caretaker for private
plac; at present employed; Al references.
A J 93. O re go n 1 a n .
AN energetic young man wants Job In
garage; have 3 months" experience; If In
terested, AL P2. Oregonian.
GENTLEMAN with Dodge automobile, some
nuoinsa amui). aaires proposition. M 1Q,
CHEF STEWARD. 25 vearn tnrln
references; very economical: thoroughly
lumpctcHi iiiu.ii. 4i lvtf, uregonian.
EXPERIENCED farmhand wishes a lob on
a farm, $35. found. General farm work
prcierren. a n mw. uregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED mm Wants work, fair edu
cation, good penman: will work very rea
sonable. Call Main 2262.
WALL tinting with Muresco: carpenter con
tracts for new or repair work; cheap now
Manny, Fell wood 2421.
USEFUL man wishes situation In private
family as gardener and -caretaker. Gar
diner. 146 N. 17tn st.
A MAN with family wants janitor work; can
hang paper, paint, kalsomine and make
himself useful. N 106. Oregonian.
POSITION by electrician famlHar all classes
work, expert on storage batteries. Phone
Marshall 2208.
YOV70 German-Swiss wants steady Job In
city or farm; reasonable wages; can drive
team. R 107 Oregonian.
A-l CARPENTER wants day work or con
tract, good ref erencea Address AL 1 17,
YOUNG man wishes position In men's fur
nishing or boys department ; go out of
tow n ; ref eren co. A E 92. Oregonian,
YOUNG man, married, wants work, waiter
by trade; will take anything. AD 106,
RELIABLE young man desires position as
automobile demonstrator or teacher. BF
17, Oregonian.
MARRIED man wants equipped ranch on
shares or salary. V 101, Oregonian.
WANTED Job as chauffeur on truck.
Tr.bor 2H36.
BEST concrete work done at reasonable
price. Call East MR2.
FIRST-CLASS pastry baker wishes position;
can take full charge. AM frl. Oregonian.
KA LSO M I N ING. painting, plaster patching;
reasonable. Woodlawn 2-li0.
PAINTER wants work. R. Madsen. Tabor
SHOE SALESMAN, 2 years' experience. B
106, Oregon ian.
EX PERI EN CED married Janitor wants H.
K. room; small wages. M 107, Oregonian
PASTRY BAKER wishes position, steady,
reliable man, good refs. East 2446.
EXPERIENCED gas tractor engineer wants
long Job. K 02. Oregonian.
PA :NT ING, pa pe r I ng and tinting, good
work, charges reasonable. Tabor 6079.
JANITOR with office building experience
wants work: reference. Tabor 3410.
PAINTING, pap-ring, tinting: dayr con
tract; reasonable. Main 679.
JAPANESE wants work as schoolboy or
after 4 P. M. O 118. Oregonian.
STUDENT would like work for room and
bjard ; hotel preferred. East 171. room 315.
$5 FOR JOB Local reference. Room 407,
Edenhol m Apts. Marshall 2239.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wish position
in private family. Main S693.
YOUNG man attending school will work for
board. Phone Bdwy 423.
FARMER, aged 35, single, having practical
working experience of all details con
nected, with farming, "both dairying and
agricultural, seeks responsible position on
ranch. Can run and repair all machinery
also engines, gas and steam, having had
charge of some of the largest ranches In
the States; not afraid of work. State full
particulars R 106, Oregonian.
WANTED Situation by baker who is ex
perienced on all kinds of bread, fancy
rolls, French pastry, pies, cookies, large
cakes and ornamenting : can take charge
of any piant and give best of references,
R. E. Grace, 936 E. 21st St., Los Angeles,
CAN you use a man In your business who
will work for your interest, one who is
not afraid of work and one who would
appreciate a good job and try to satisfy
all he meets ? If you want such a man,
write W 112. Ore gon lan.
YOUNG man with several years' experience
In railway service wants position with
wholesale firm ; answer quick if you can
make use of my services, as I expect to
leave the city within 30 days, AE 05,
MAN and wife, thoroughly experienced in
all lines of farming and stockralsing, want
the management of stock or dairy farm.
Best of references as to ability. N 104,
STEADY, reliable man. thoroughly experl
enced bookkeeping, accounting, cashier and
office work; married. best references
character and ability. Easi 6445 or Main
YOUNG MAN, very handy with tools, wants
t work. Experienced mostly in electric wir
ing and pipefitting. Good education. Ref
erences. L 103. Oregonian.
rsrrcATaurrs wanted female.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
sires to make a change; would go out of
town. 5 years experience; references. V
frO. Oregonian.
GOOD bookkeeper desires position with good
firm; will work 8 hours a day. Want Sat.
afternoons off; work guaranteed, M 117,
YOUNG, willing girl, out -of -practice book
keeper and stenographer, will do any
kind of office work; salary no object if
m chance for advancement.'- Marshall 2 SI 6.
DICTAPHONE operator, stenographer.
thoroughly experienced wishes position;
best refere n c es. AG 105. Oreg onia n .
STENOGRAPHER desires posltionTCall Main
SS2 before S;S0 A. M., or at room 203
Globe bldg.
NEAT, weil-educated young woman, good
references, wants office work. Address AV
533. Oregonian.
BOO KEEPER Capable, reliable bookkeeper
and typist, wants a Job. A-l penman.
References. Salary nominal. 208 3d st.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and general
office assistant desires permanent posi
tion. East 405.
STENOGRAPH ER desires position, f ew
months' experience. Tabor 1512.
STENOGRAPHER, experienced and capa
ble. wishts permanent position. Wdln 2467.
CAPABLE lady wishes stenographic posi-
'tlon; city references. C 106, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS stenographer, young woman,
desires position Mare hall 545.
YOUNG lady, with experience, desires cler
ical position. Sellwood 1123.
INEXPERIENCED stenographer desires po
sition. Call East 565H.
POSITION bv young lady with general of
rtce experience. Tabor 4390.
LADY Wishes position as assistant book
Keeper; good references. East 3177.
A-l STENOGRAPHER. 10 years' experience.
Will accept temporary position. Main 6334.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires poai
tlon. Moderate salary. Tabor 431.
A LONG-EXPERIENCED shopgirl wants a
few more customers ; old things made to
ook line new. xti xtitk St., apt. 3. Main
CAPABLE dressmaker will go out. sewing,
or will sew at home; good references;
prices reasonable. 4811 S. E. 72d SU
Tabor 4107. 1 1432.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes day en
gagements, gowns, etc. Satisf autiton guar
anteed. Marshall 1947.
FIRST-CLASS dfcf ssmaklng, alteration, rea
sonable; work guaranteed. Marshall 2476.
Argyle Apts., 14th and Market. Apt. 8.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker" v lubes' engage
ments, one-piece dresses specialty, home
work $4) a dress. Mar. 4065.
PL A IN and fancy dressmaking; rates very
reasonable. Phone East 5023. Ask for Mrs.
WANTED One unfurnished room; dress
maker wants sewing for rent. AD 105,
FOR dressmaking at re&sonarl prices call
up Marshall 23o9. SO0V Morrison sc., room
EXCEPTIONALLY fine pianist for picture
theater. BF 9 2. Ore g onian.
MILLINERY, fancy gowns, make-over work.
Prices reasonable. SL'tt Kearney st. A 1567.
SEWING 25c per hour; good references!.
Phone Ea s t7 5 SL
DRESSMAKING. alterations: satisfaction
guaranteed. Call Miss Wells. East 171.
DR ISSMAKER Experienced. wishes en-
gagc-ment by day. 11.75. Marshall 1757.
VERY neat dressmaking, bv dav or piece;
guaranteed, reasonable. Marshall 2705.
WANTED Comforters to make;
sonsble. East 6341.
price rea
EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $2.50 pr dav;
quick work, references. Woodlawn 5-'7.
ARTISTIC dressmaker. Ute"of New York
City; reasonable to introduce. B 2n75.
DRESSMAKER will go by day or take
horn e. Eas t 132 7.
EX PE RIENCED" dressmaker, $ L 5 flTpe r" day.
Phone A 1606.
PRACTICAL NURSE wants position caring
for aged couple or Invalid ladles. Am a
good hand to care for sick people and re
lieve their sufferings In a few hours In
some cases. Am an honest, honorable and
Industrious lady. I want from J30 to gtio
per month, including room and board, ac
cording to amount of responsibility and
work required, p 96. Oregonian
Maternity work a specialty; mental pa
tients received ; tra Ined nurses onlv; con
genial surroundings; terras very reasona
ble. Tabor 26S7.
EXPERIENCED, reliable nurse wants work
l-3 klnd oI ca8e- Reference!. Main
Nt RSE. maternity cases, best city doctors
references, $15 per week; will take full
charge of home. Wdln. 514!.
PRACTICAL nurse, hospital experience, best
of doctor's ref.; any kind of cases. Phone
Tabor 3464.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes day work. Main
ERICKSOVS White Shield Maternity Home.
No publicity. 798 E. 72d N. Tabor 4 6M 1 .
YOU NG LADY wan t s pos Itlon as practical
nurse. Marshall 19.0, Apt. 228.
4f71. after 11 A. M. Sunday.
CAPABLE lady, unincumbered, with long
experience, desires management of flrt
clans apartment-house. Economical, effi
cient; highest references. Telephone East
4siO for appointment.
RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman wants
housework In Portland, plain family; com
petent, clean housekeeper. State wages,
give full particulars in reply. Y 109,
NEAT, attractive woman 35. girl 13, thor
oughly experienced, good cook, wants po
sition as housekeeper, farm Eastern Ore
gon or Washington preferred. AD 102,
WANTED Position as housekeeper or com
panion and care of a semi-invalid. Par
ticulars, phone Main GO 14, Miss Stephens,
374 14th st.
POSITION as chambermaid or working
housekeeper, by one t borough Iv experi
enced ; prefer place out of Portland L
92. Oregonian,
WANTED Position aa housekeeper In wid
ower's family; capable and a good cook;
all letters answered. Phone Tabor 30Sti.
1079 E, Morrison.
Y'OUNG woman, with 8-year-old boy. wants
housekeeping for widower or business
woman ; excellent references, small pay.
O lit. Oregonian.
OLD lady, neat housekeeper. Industrious,
agreeable, wants position as housekeeper
for one oh two elderly men. G lu7. Ore
gonian. RESPECTABLE lady with gfrl desires po
sition as housekeeper or assistant; will go
out of town. Tabor 431.
YOUNG woman with boy axed 5 wants po
sition as housekeeper. Address Mrs. O. F.
R.. .56 E. 87th st. Portland.
HOUSEKEEPER, capable, middle-aged. wJU
serve you for $5 a week. AG 100, Orego
nian. COMPETENT and experienced young widow
wants position housekeeping. Main 905o.
room 23.
MIDDLE-AGED widow wants to assist gen
tleman in caring for small rooming-house
or apartment. G 108. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED widow with boy 14. wishes
to keep house for widower without chll
d re n. G 1 09. Oregonian-
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by
day. Tabor 23M.
LADY with daughter. 16 years, wishes posi
tion housekeeper, reference. Main 2233.
WANTED By lady, position as housekeeper;
rood cook; beat xeX, U ttd, Oregouu
MOTHER'S help; lady wishes to assist In
family work and care as mother's heiper.
Please write and address Mother's Help,
86 S Klilinysworth ave.
TWO experienced women want cooking,
housework or housekeeping. Marshall 42S,
room 10.
MUST have work, plain cook, helper or
keep house, country preferred, or city.
LXPERIEXCKD cook wi-i cooking or gen
eral work. Main 2i51 Monday from a, M
to 4.
RELIABLE middle-aged lady wants houb
work. T 49. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants domestic work part of day,
go home nights. BP 99. Oregonian.
GIRL wishes general housework. Call Main
1213: references.
LINCOLN School girl wants situation, good
home. AK 117, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED house maid with first-ciasa
city references, wishes position la small
family. No East Side, or Heights con
sidered. Marsh. 707.
PRIVATE lessons In grammar, literature
and composition by experienced teacher;
club papers and manuscripts revised and
edited. Call Main 634.
NEAT young lady working In office wishes
a place in private family where she can
pay little and help work for room and
board. G 112, Qregonlan.
English certificate. 2
music teacher.
years finishing
course in Germanv: snecial attention brk
ward pupils and be g inn era. Ta bor 1132.
YOUNG lady, thoroughly experienced la
alteration work, men's and ladles' suits;
also sales lady, city or country. Hotel
Grant, Mar. 2430, room 301.
YOUNG woman wants light housework, no
heavy washing, few hours during week,
m o. nuui. rt uregonian.
POSITION aa pianist In moving picture
theater on th East Side; good eight
reader. Y 87. Oregonian,
CAMP work wanted; experienced. Phone
Marshall 1591. room 10 Mx. and Mr.
REFINED woman deetres hour work clean
ing; all kinds sewing, machine, hand.
Phone D 1208.
WANTED French pupils by young lady re
cently from Paris. Call Broadway iU9 be
tween 9 end 11 A. M.
GOOD laundress wants washing, cleaning!.
Reasonable. Call evenings and Sunday.
Miss Smith. Woodlawn 312.
LADY wants furnished home to care for
d urn's Summer. Ref. furnished, D 106,
WANTED Steady position is cashier in
restaurant by thoroughly competent young
lady. Phone Marshall 875. room 2.
T O sisters wish position In camp of 23
men. as cock and waitress. Barton Hotel,
room 43. Main 5652.
WIDOW witn sons wishes Janitor work, or
by day, evening functions; reference.
Woodlawn 5140.
A YOUNG, willing woman wishes to take
place to care for sick people. Address
1125 E. 10th st. N. Wdln. 2170.
EXPERIENCED cook wants position In pri
vate family, cafeteria, restaurant or hotel;
beat of references. Main 5t)9.
WANTED By widow, a position as com
panlon to elderiy lady or as housekeeper.
East 5455.
YOUNG woman wishes ppsislon. Switch
board operator or cashier. Room 3. Mar.
CAPABLE German woman wants day work
or by the hour; references. T loS, Ore
gonian. REFINED German lady wants position as
second maid, small family; references,
S 19. Oregonian.
WOMAN wants day work: references given.
Phone E. 5lU3. room l!7.
WOM AN wants day work 2."tc hr. Phone
Main 5S61. 1 ring room 19.
CAMP work wanted by man and wife; ei
pcrlence and ref. 34'i u. Wash., room 7.
RELIABLE girl wants work as office as-
sistant or cierK. tie fvv Uregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants houseclean-
Ing. Tabor 3;iS. Call 'all week.
CURTAINS hand laundered. reasonable
rates. Call and deliver. East
POSITION as cashier or other office" work,
short hours preferred. Woodlawa 41L
Y'OUNG German lady wants positon In good
plain farm. AG 102. Oregonian.
MOTHER and daughter would I'.ko work
in camp, cooking. P 92. Oaegonlan.
BEST of care for Infants In my home; $10
per month. Sellwood 3136.
BAY or hour work wanted" Ella Madsen.
Tabor 6923.
YOUNG 'girl with little experience. wanTa
work In confectionery. E int. Oregonian.
WA NT ED Posit Ion In doctor's or dentist's
office by graduate nurse. Call Eist 3o!.
EX PE R I E N'CEDc hambermaid wants work.
Main 331.
LACE curtains hand laundered ; first-class
work guaranteed. Sellwood 801.
WOMAN wants day work, washing and
ironing only. Sellwood 431.
WOMAN cook, with girl 15, wflnts cooking'
for camp or crew of mn. Main el35.
CARE of child about 3 years of age. 40 i
."ook ave.
GOOD hand launderer wishes day work or
bundle washing. Tabor 4-75.
WANTED Day work, cleaning and wuh
ins. Phone Wood lawn 293.
LADY wants day work washing or houee
oUanmg; prefer West Side. Call A 1654.
Y'OUNG woman wants work by day or
hour. Phone Main 7223.
DAY work u anted sweeping and cleaning
apartments or nomes. t jio. uregociau.
TEACHER wishes private tutoring in grade
EXP. laundress wishes work for Monday
good ironer. Main 3S16.
WIDOW wants work, washing or cleaning;
need work. Main 4585.
5 calls for rent houses last Monday. A
freat mary of (hose we could not suit,
f your house had ben listed with us it
might have jut suited some of these
parties. Come right in and list your
propert v.
Modern well-furnished honse of 6 or T
rooms wanted by March L Must be within
U 2i or 30 minutes of city. West Side pre-
lerrea. out win consider lrvingion oisirtCL.
City references given. Phone Main 4blo.
FILL. Rental Dept., J. L. Hartman Com
pany, successors to Hartman & Thompson,
J19 Stark st. Main 20S.
WANT by March 1, not lss 4 -room flat or
house, furnished, in neighborhood of Ladd
School or Lincoln High ; reasonable. 47 4
Clay, Jernquist.
WANTED to rent, modern 6-room bungalow
or lower flat, between now and Marcn 15.
Must be near good car line. Will take long
lease. Tabor 52 0
FAMILY, two adults, desires an unfur
nished house not Inter than April 1. 5
to 7 rooms, one wit h ga rage preferred.
AM 111. oregonian.'
WANT 6 or 7 -room furnished house with
garage. In Irving ton, on 1 to 2 years'
leas?. Give location and rental. AP 9o,
WANT to rent well-located bouse on West
Sjde to furnish for rooming or apart -merit.
15 to 35 rooms. Cail Main 9tT,
WANTED TO RENT Furnished or partly
furnished houseboat or tent. E. H.. 501
Board of Trade bldg., or Marshall 173.
4 ROOMS, modern, fruit, garden plat. Im
proved streets; for 1 year, 910 month. AJ
101, Oregonian.
TO buy for cash or rent ; furnished or
partially furnished, modern houseboat, in
good condition. N 8. Oregonian.
5-ROOM furnished bunpalow. Would like
garage. Prefer Franklin High district. 115
E. 4th st. Best of reference.
YOUNG couple want room and board in
private family. Must be Al. Residential
district preferred. East 3646.
MODERN 7-room house In Irving ton, with
garage. Lease desired by March 1- No
children. J 99, Oregonlan.
WANT furnished bungalow In good district;
prefer with piano and Victrola. M 112,
WANTED A furnished house; lease de
sired; have no children; references ex
changed. M 96. Oregonian.
STRICTLY" modern 7-room house, 744 Hoy;,
Inquire at premises.
FIVE or six-room, furnished modern flat
with piano. AH 1Q4. Oregonian. t
W ANT E D T o re n t 5-r m modern bun ga
low. Phone C 2K22.
COUPLE wants to rent house or fiat rea
sonable. E 97. Oregonian.
FUUNISHED home, bungalow or flat, fo
young couple. AL 114 Oregonian