The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1917, Section One, Page 19, Image 19

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Peace Conference Adjourns
Without Results, Arbitra
. tors Not Having Arrived.
Delegates to Meeting Ask for Police
Protection and Betray Alject
Fear La Grande Fracas Is
Declared "Frame Tp."
Portland policemen were harried to
the East Morrlon-nti-eet station last
nlsrht at a o'clock: to look for 10 more
Chinese tons; gunmen due In from San
Francisco at 10:15. Chief Clark, from
a (I rices received from San Francisco,
expects an outbreak at any time and Is
naJUng every endeavor to keep Tort
land from being flooded with tonic can
men. Peace waa again refused by the war
ring tongs of Suey Sing and Hip Sing
at a meeting held yesterday afternoon
In the quarters of the Chinese Benevo
lent Association, 2C7VS Davis street.
Arrayed in argument were the Hip
Sings and their alHes. the Bine: Kuncr-
Itow Leongs. against the Hop Sings and
the Suey Sings.x
At the conclusion of several hours of
fruitless discussion the conference
came to an end. Strife between the
four tongs is again predicted to be In
evitable. It Is said the peace emmis
earles from San Francisco failed to ar
rive, and that the meeting was at
tended only by local representatives of
the tongs and the Chinese Peace So
ciety. Indicative of the fear felt by mem
bers of the tongs embroiled is the
fact that two representatives of the
Hing Kung-Bow Leong applied tor po
lice protection while on their way to
the peace conference. They were es
corted from Second and Oak streets
by Detective Captain Baty and dis
played the liveliest apprehension for
their safety.
Frequently the two delegates sought
to hide behind the ample girth of the
police officer. "Walk, ahead, there,"
- ordered Captain Baty. "The gunmen
will 'get' you If you loiter." The
delegates obeyed with alacrity.
At the conclusion of a long drawn
out hearing before Municipal Judge
Jjingguth, in which Deputy District
Attorney Ryan appeared for the state,
the seven supposed Hop Sing gunmen,
apprehended on Thursday night at
Salem while on their way to Portland,
wore bound over to the next term of
Circuit Court on Individual $300 bonds
requiring them to keep the peace. They
.oDiainea bona last night and. were re
Attorney- R. V. Maguire. appearing
Tor the Hop Sing tong, of which the
feven are members, was assisted by
Attorney James E. McCraib, counsel
for the Suey Sing tong. The defense
contended that the evidence was In
sufficient to hold the suspects. It was
maintained that all were on their
peaceful way to the canneries.
Each defendant possessed among his
effects .& small memorandum book
called a "cannery book," which was of
fered as evidence of bis intention to
pursue the hum-drum railing of la
borer. These books. Deputy District
Attorney Ryan maintained, were "fakes'
of. the first order, having been pre
pared as alibis before the seven left
Kan Francisco.
J. a Grande Incident Angers.
Attorney Maguire said, Immediately
after the hearing, that the bonds would
be raised and the suspects set at lib
erty. Their names are Leo Kim Neon
"Wong "Wen Teung, Low Lay Chai, Gee
King, Lu Pack Sam, Gee Wing Senk
and Low Jvi. All are youths of as
sured bearing, and seem far removed
from the coolie type of cannery hands.
"Jf those boys came here for trou
ble," commented Deputy District At
torney Ryan, "we've spiked their guns.
The police know them now, and It will
be as difficult for them to go Into ac
tion as for any well-known local gun
"Some Bing Kung men they make i
'frame-up,' " declared Moy Ham, of the
Hop Sing tong. "They shoot up in
air. When police come, they say, 'There
he go," and point at Hop Sing man.
fcio they aro arrested."
La Grande Outbreak Feared.
IA GRANDE, Or., Feb. 17. (Special.)
"Chinatown here is seething on the
verge of a general outbreak of tong
wars following a sudden and unex-
pected attack -upon Eng Chong, a
Chinese gardener. The assailant fired
five shots through a store window at
Eng last night but missed. Li Jim. for
Beveral years a Chinese merchant, is
among those accused by Eng as guilty
of the attack. 14 Jim and two others
are in jail.
Word of the trouble has reached
Chinese centers elsewhere and several
ffunmen arrived at noon today only to
be rounded up by the police and de
- ported. Eng Chong was assaulted a
year ago and horribly beaten with a
revolver butt. A general outbreak Is
Tine End-Is in SigEt!1
Used Pianos and Player Pianas Being Quickly Closed Oat
Yesterday "was a hummer at the Semi-Annual Clearance Sale
at both Eilers Stores. Shrewd buyers are taking advantage of the
extraordinary values offered. - High-grade makes at prices $45,
$95, $145, $195 and $265.
Eilers Music Stores have surely looked busy for the last few
days. Orders are being received from every point of the compass.
Customers from nearby towns are making special trips to investi
gate this .truly wonderful sale.
For instance: Yesterday, an Autopiano went to Glendale; a
Stanley & bons to Kendnck, Idaho ; a Lester to Hoquiam, Wash. ;
a Schoenberg and a Kimball to La Grande; another Kimball and
a Kimball Player to Woodland; a Kimball Organ to Newberg; a
Decker to Stanfield; a Chase & Baker Player and one of the
famous Bungalow Player Pianos to North Yakima; an Eilers duo
tonal goes to La Monta, in Central Oregon, and another Eilers to
Clackamas; and even a btrohber in mahogany was sent to far
away Ketchikan, Alaska.
The rate at which these pianos are being purchased indicates
that this sale can continue but for a few days longer. Why not at
least investigate? It costs you nothing and we are sure that a
way can be found to enable you to provide your family with a
satisfactory piano. The different instruments are offered in
groups as follows :
Tn this group are Included a. Fischer,
Steinway, a Hobart M. Cable, and sev
eral others.
UROIP B" at 03.OO.
These are more pretentious- pianos
and include such makes as the Hallet &
Davis, Herbert, Keedham, Pease, Kohier
& Chase, etc.
CROIT "C AT $145.00.
In group "C" an almost endless va
riety of fine pianos Is to be found. $145
cash, or $10 down and $5 a month buys
them. Such well-known makes as the
Kimball, Ho hart M. Cable. Bailey. Smith
ot Barnes, Steinway, and so on.
GROUP D" AT S195.O0.
This srrouD consists of verv choice
and especially fine instruments. A
Strohber In mahogany, a Steinway in
ebony, a I.ndwie in beautifully figured
hurl walnut, a Hardman In dark case, a
rvimnati in lancy quartered oak, ana
many others.
GROUP "E" AT $26.5.00.
Finally. In Grouo "E" is nre.aenteA
wherein a. large variety of the costliest
pianos can be found. The famous
Chickerinar In mahogany, a beautiful
Kimball (exposition model), largest and
fanciest style: a Strica A Zetdler, an
especially built Instrument and a rare
example of the piano-makers art:
beautiful Haddorff in walnut, a Pack
ard In mahogany, one of the very latest
styles, nearly new.
We are offering . such makes as the
Weber Pianola Piano, the George Steck
the Wheelock and others, at prices from
$250 to $350. These Instruments are
guaranteed to be in first-class condl
Our famous two - year exchange
agreement will be given with each in
strument, meaning that a buyer may
have the free use of any of thes in
struments for as long as two years.
Such used instruments may be given
back to us as part payment on any
new piano of higher . price, full price
now paid being then allowed toward
payment of such new instruments.
Telephone er write oniric-. Thna. Ifvln. nn nf own ahnnlri wrif nr tfol
phone for descriptive lists and numbers. We aend these Instruments subject to
examination. A deposit should be sent to show good faith. Such deposit is
cheerfully refunded If instrument, after delivery, is not found satisfactory to
Don't fall to be on hand urW Hfnnrla-v mAralnff in rnr, AM- f tliM av.
tractive bararalns. This sale, mm lbv. will -nlnn nntfl varv la
sola. Kememoer tnat every Instrument is fully guaranteed and. at the prices
quoted, will be taken quickly. KILKKS MUSIC HOUSK. the Nation's Largest
ut-uirra. now wo siores. lin f ount t- at Morrison 14a Brundwnv at Alder.
William Matthewson Refuses
to Prosecute Assailant..
Victim of Attack Witli Ax Says He
Counseled Erring Brother to
Keep Cool but Advice Only
Seemed to Add to Fury.
Impassivle and patiently stubborn,
William Matthewson. of the Pentecostal
Faith Mission, nursed his wounded
neck yesterday and declined to prose
cute the man who had swung at him
with an ax.
"I must return good for evil. he
said with slow, grave emphasis. "There
Is yet tlmo for him to turn and be
saved. The misguided man is in tho
hands of Providence."
"Humph!" snorted Deputy District
Attorney Deich with vexation. "You'd
let him have a try at cutting your head
off .and not take action? Your honor,
this man is 'nutty." Turn him loose."
Judge Langguth so ordered it, and
William Matthewson stalked from the
Municipal Court, secure in the superior
pride of meakness and assured that he
Is destined to "inherit the earth."
Two houseboats were swinging In
the Willamette current at the foot of
Mill street Friday afternoon when Mat
thewson met the godless fellow who
to society, somewhat chastened, maybe,
but the better for it. William Mat
thewson signed the complaint. He waa
taken before Judge Arthur Langguth
to swear to its verity.
The oath halted him. He hesitated.
His grave countenance took on new
"I will not take the oath." He set
the verbal obstacle down with delib
erate finality.
For a time they debated sendin
William Matthewson to a cell, there
to be held as a material witness while
Deputy District Attorney Delch worked
out the- mode of prosecution against
his assailant. The star witness re
mained unmoved. At length they gava
It up and sent him forth, to be sum
moned If the law overtakes Mik
Demar. who is believed to have been
his assailant.
As for Mike Demar, late Friday aft
ernoon he was seen to row lustily
across the Willamette River, while
William Matthewson gazed in sorrow
ful rebuke across the widening reach
of water. Demar's houseboat has boen
seized by Harbormaster Speier, in
contemplation of a surprise when the
owner comes to claim it.
: ?
Gar Value
What Makes It?
A most important factor in determining the value of the motor
car you buy this spring is the stability of its manufacturer.
Assets and good will create stability. .
So it is interesting to you, as an Overland owner or admirer'
to know that the assets of The Willys-Overland Company
are more than $68, 000,000.00.
Its good will can best be judged by the steadily increasing num
ber of Willys-Overland purchasers.
From 3304 cars in 1910 our annual business grew steadily to
142,441 cars in 1916. Our contracts call for more than..
200,000 cars this year.
It's well to consider such fixed facts before you purchase your car.?
Light Four)
Touring . S665
Roadster . . $650
Country Club J750
Big Four
Touring .
. Coupe a
Sedan .
Light Six
Touring .
Coupe .
. $985
. $970
. S1385
. S15S5
Four Touring
Four Coupe.
Four Sedan .
Four Limousine $1950
Eifiht Touring . S1950
AO pricmM . o. b. Toledo mnd subject to chmg without noticm
n Broadway at'Davis St. Phone Broadway 3333
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
Manufacturers of Willys-Knight and Overland Automobiles
and Light Commercial Cars
"AUdelnU.S. A.2
much regret that their many friends
bid them adieu. They have been resi
dents of this city for six "years and
Mr. Davidson's promotion In business
circles has been very rapid. He is a
member of the leading clubs, all tho
business organizations, as well as many
of the social organizations.
Corns Loosen Off
With Magic "Gets-It"
2 Drops Do the Work, Painlessfy.
"I tell you, before I heard of 'Gets-It'
T used to try one thing after another
for cornfl. I still had them. I used ban
dages and they made my toe so big it
'Corn TJHve Yon Wad? Try "Gets-It"
1 and They'll Peel Right OS1
Tv-as murder to put on my shoe. I used
salves and other things that ate off
more of the toe than they did the corn.
I'd cut and dig with knives and ecis
sors, but now no more fooling for me.
Two drops of 'Gets-It' did all the work.
It makes the corn shrivel and get so
loose that you can Just pick it right off
with your fingers!"
There has been nothing new dlscov
ered for corns since "Gets-It" was born.
It's the new way the common-sense,
simple, sure way.
"Gets-It" is sold everywhere, 25c
bottle, or sent on receipt of price by E,
Lawrence & Co., Chicago, I1L
Sold In Portland at all stores of The
Owl Drug Co.
The Oregonian today omits
publication of the fourth Install
ment of "Patrla," the romance of
preparedness, which has been ap
pearing as a serial. The omission
is due to the failure of the copy
for this week's installment to
arrive In time to be printed. The
next episode will appear In The
Oregonian next Sunday, February
25. "Patrla" has been dramatized
for motion ' pictures and is ap
pearing in Portland and other
cities simultaneously with publi
cation of the articles.
Clubs and Krtends CIve Farewell Fetes
to Portland Man Who Gael to
High Executive Position.
James K. Davidson, who has been
vice-president and general manager of
the Pacific Power and Light Company,
of Portland, for several years, left yes
terday to assume his new duties in the
Omaha office. Mr. Davidson will have
one of the highest executive offices in
the Kastern city, and en route will stop
at Salt Lake City to visit another of
the branches of the organization.
Mr. Davidson, with his family, has
practiced the .doctrine of ruthless force.
This is the way the victim told it.
his voice- calm and contained, devoid
of any trace of rancor, to Deputy Dis
triot Attorney Deich:
'I was at work near the houseboat
of Brother Atkins, of the Pentecostal
Faith, thrusting away the timbers and
logs that had collected before his
houseboat. This other man was there.
He, too, had a houseboat, and It was
moored by Brother Atkins' property.
Perhaps we didn't work fast enough
to suit him. I cannot say. At any rate.
he suddenly began cursing me and
complaining of the manner in which
was doing the work. Be calm
brother,' I counseled him, 'we shall
have it away in due time.' He be
came further enraged and flourished
the pikepole he was using.
" 'I'll run this pikepole through your
carcass.' he shouted at me. 'Calm your
self, brother,' I urged him, 'calm your
self.' He advanced toward me. I re
mained cool. 'Now, you're getting ex
cited, brother, I told him; I beg o)
you to be calm-
"He dropped the pikepole and seized
an ax. 'I'll cut your head off. he cried
with, an oath. Then he swung at me.
I do not think, to be exact, that the
fellow struck me with the blade.- Had
he done so, I am certain that his threat
would have been fulfilled. It is my
opinion that the rough handle, below
the blade, gave me this wound.
The Deputy District Attorney eyed
him disgustedly. "Once more I 11 glv
you your chance," he avowed, "and
once only. Will you swear to a com
plaint against him?" His voice rumbled
fearsomely, but was powerless to per
turb William Matthewson, of the Pen
tecostal f aith.
"1 do not believe so," was tho meek
reply. He is in the hands of Provi
dence. Good for evil, that's it; good
for- evil."
By crafty argument they at length
persuaded him that It was his duty to
the community to apprehend the erring
brother, 'that the law might show him
the error of his waja and restore hiin
Bullet Hole in Breast Indicates the
Manner of Deutli.
BELLINGHAM. Wash.. Feb. 17. The
body of Mrs. Sadie Morseson, aged 29,
was found by officers today near an
abandoned skid road, three miles south
of this city, with a large bullet hole in
the breast.
Richard Duncan, a locrsrer. who Is
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James K. Davidson. Who Has
Left to Take l"p Xew Charge
In Omaha. Kcb.
said to have come to Bellingham from
Seattle some time ago with Mrs. Mor
geson, is being held at the County
Jail, but denies all knowledge of the
crime. A rifle, a clawhammer and a
jackkntfe. as well as a tuft of hair,
which the authorities claim corresponds
to that of the murdered woman, were
found In Duncan's cabin.
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Be Paid
and Appeals Waived.
AUBURN, N. T.. Feb. 17. Wylio B.
Jones and Herbert E. Woodward, who
were found guilty In United States
court for fraudulent use of the malls
In selling Sargol. an alleged "flesh
producer." were sentenced by Judge
George W. Ray today to pay fines ag
gregating (30.000.
The defendants announced that they
would waive appeals and pay their
Busy Day at La Grande Ends "With
Bis Convention .Banquet.
LA GRANDE. Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.)
Delegates from the Tutuilla Indian
Mission and High School Gles clubs
this afternoon enlivened the delegates
to the Christian Endeavor. It was a
busy day and this evening about 200
attended a convention banquet in the
gymnasium after the strenuous day.
The programme was carried out
virtually as announced and there has
been a long list of excellent numbers.
Tomorrow will be another banner day
in religious discussion. Business oc
cupied considerable time this evsnin?
lust before tho delegates Mfere seated
at the dinner table.
Officers elected by the Grande Rondo
Union were: W. R. Walter, of La
Grande, president: H. B. Jory. of En
terprise, vice-president: Anderson
Weeks, Baker, secretary: Miss Effle
Finley, Wallowa, treasurer.
Pendleton Land Brings 928,000.
PENDLETON, Or.. Feb. 17. (Spe
cial.) David H. Nelson, prominent
Umatilla County farmer, purchased a
half section of choice wheat land to
day from Earl P. Tullock for $J6.000.
The land is located about three miles
northwest of Pendleton. The deal was
made through W. H. Morrison, of Helix.
Read The Oregonian classified ad.
been prominent and active In clubdom
and in social circles and he has served
as president of the Portland Heights
Club for a few years. They tendered
him a farewell dance and reception re
cently, and at their last meeting elected
Allen M. Ellsworth president to suc
ceed Mr. Davidson.
Another event of much interest given
to honor Mr. Davidson was the banque
at the Hotel Oregon on Wednesday by
the National Electric Light Association
and the American Institute Electrical
Engineers. More than 100 members at
tended the banquet. A. S. Moody presid
ing and John M. Laing. who has been
appointed to succeed Mr. Davidson In
the Pacific Power and Light Co., giv
ing the address.
On Tuesday, the handball team of the
Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, of
which the retiring officer was an active
member, gave him an elaborate lunch
eon at Hotel Oregon, also presenting
him with a band some gold pocket knife.
Many charming social affairs have
made the past ten days delightful for
both Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, the latter
planning to join her husband in the
East sometime in April. Both are very
I popular in this city, and it is with
The Reliance of the Home
Thousands of good American homes haye learned to rely upon Peruna. For the
quick and satisfactory treatment of colds, coughs and catarrhal, disturbances of the stom
ach and intestines, it has become a valued standby. Home makers know that these troub
les must be taken in-the beginning that colds and indigestion Ieadto chronic catarrhand
that chronic catarrh soon becomes systemic, involving the mucous membrane that lines the
nose, throat, lungs, stomach and intestines. To" prevent and "overcome this. condition,
many declare there is nothing so reliable as Peruna, with its
Nearly a Half Century of Usefulness
Thia'record can only be the result of real merit. The test of time will eliminate any unworthy
article. But it will also firmly establish the worthy. The American people have thoroughly established
Peruna. as a household remedy of proved value. The "experience of the users is proof -to you.
There is hardly a- community in the United States that doe's not contain -someone who has
derived benefit from the proper use of this household remedy in the last half century.
Peruna Tablets are made after the same formulary as the liquid, omitting the solvents. Ttey
are convenient,, economical and effective, and pleasant to take. A box in .your pocket means tmick
protection irom colds, indigestion and depression. - Keep ; them
at hand, ready to use at the first symptom.
Manaliri Tablets are an ideal .laxative.. They are delicious to
the taste, mild but reliable in their action, 'and stimulate the liver
as -well asthe bowels, cleaning out the waste matter. If used as di
rected, they overcome constipation and enable the formation of reg
ular and correct habits. There is
no reason why you should allow
yorlr health to be undermined by
this evil when you can get Manalin.
Perfectly safe for all people.
Children like these tablets.
Mrs. Edward Bispin?, Dev SU Faribault, Mlnn Vntes:
"As I have Tiow entirely recovered through the use of
Peruna, I express to you my best thanks. I could not sleef
at night even when I was very tired. I had pain in the
abdomen and always felt weak. My heart sometimes beat
so hard and then all at once it would stand still until I
was wet through with perspiration! I took Peruna accord
ing to your directions and in four months I had fully re
covered my health. I recommend all whoave. -catarrh to
write to Dr. Hartman and take Peruna." '
Mr. Frank Lampey, Box 66, Bristol, New Hampshire,
writes: "I would like to say a good word for your Peruna.
I took a very sudden cold that settled .in- my throat and
lungs,- and I was so hoarse I could hardly speak aloud. I
took one teaspoonful every hour for twelve hours, and m
twenty-four hours my cold was about all gone. It is the
best medicine for a cold that I have ever used. I used to
have terrible pains in- my bowels after eating, and some
times did not get over this pain for two or three hours. I
do not'have any pain after eating now, and can eat every
thing. Peruna has done the job. "
Price 25 and 10 cents.
Liquid form 35c and $1.00 bottles.
JL X.& di Ail a valuable new book for every house
hold containing a great deal of practical information, is youra
for the asking. At the druggists or write for it.
Sold by all Druggists
Toe Penma Company, Colombos, OHo