THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 18, 1917. STEALING OF LOVE LAID TO ANOTHER NEW OFFICERS OF ROTARY CUB ELECTED AT ANNUAL MEETING TUESDAY EVENING. RUSSIAN TALKS SET V. i Ra.PdMUrfMtWt 5?V V5 "vlTC, tLiiwIli. L&mtun Professor J. B. Landfield to Tell of Notables Known. 1 WIS. MM I' . W- V 'V -y-, Cameron Defense Charges Jesse Troeh Alienated Mrs. Cadwallader's Affections. $1000 SETTLEMENT CITED Ex-Husband Accuses Wealthy Tlm berman of Undue Attentions and Joy Rides While Woman Was in His Employ. The defense for James E. Cameron, rvell-to-do timberman. accused by Charles L. Cadwallader of alienating the affections of Mrs. Cadwallader affections valued at $50.000 executed a flank movement yesterday when it charged that Jesse Troeh and not Mr. Cameron stole the love of Mrs. Cad wallader, and, further, that Mr. Troeh paid Mr. Cadwallader $1000 to avoid a threatened suit. This accusation, which the defense maintains it is prepared to prove, was made in the opening statements of At torneys John McCourt and Elton Wat kins to a Jury in the court of Circuit Judge Davis. Testimony in the suit will begin Monday morning. The alienation suit was begun after Mr. Cadwallader had secured a divorce from hia wife, November 25, 1916, on grounds of desertion. In his opening statement to the jury Mr. McCourt al leged that the reason for the alleged desertion of Mrs. Cadwallader was the failure of her husband to support her. He went on to assert that before the divorce proceedings were begun by Mr. Cadwallader that Mr. Cadwallader had accused his wife of being Intimate with Jesse Troeh and had demanded of Mr. Troeh money as the alternative of a suit. Date of Note Given. The attorney charged that In April, 1916, Mr. Troeh gave Mr. Cadwallader his note for $1000 to avoid trouble. The defense holds that Mr. Cameron had no more interest in the young woman than was natural in an em ployer for an employe who had been In his office several years. Mrs. Cad wallader was a stenographer in Mr. Cameron's employ before she was mar ried, and remained in his employ after marriage. Gifts of candy at holiday seasons and other attentions, -Including "joy- rides," are charged up to Mr. Cameron bv Mr. Cadwallader. In a deposition of Mr. Cadwallader, taken shortly after the filing of the suit. Mr. Cadwallader said the Joyrides he-remembered were on two occasions, when Mr. Cameron had called for himself and wife on a Sunday and had gone for a daylight trip out the Columbia River Highway. Mr. Cameron paid for the luncheon on one of these trips at Chanticler Inn, and monopolized the conversation, tes tified Mr. Cadwallader. Tnxl Rides Also Charged. Taxi rides were also alleged in the complaint. In his deposition Mr. Cad wallader said that Mr. Cameron had sent a taxi for his wife to aid her In going to work last Winter during the heavy snow when car service was de moralized. Another time, he said, someone told him that his wife had been riding in the automobile of Mr. Cameron on the East Side. Mr. Cam eron sent Mrs. Cadwallader home from work in his private automobile driven by his private chauffeur several times. said Mr. Cadwallader. Attorney Henry S. Westbrook ap Dears for the plaintiff in the suit. Mr. Cameron has timber interests in Camas and Goldendale, Wash., and Is president of the Cameron-Taylor Lum ber Company, of Bull Run, Or. He is married and has five children. CO-EDS CHOOSE ESCORTS Reed College Girls Assume AH of Men's Usual Prerogatives. Reed College women will not only assume equal rights at the dance which they are planning to give March 4, but also most of the prerogatives which have usually been the sole right of the men students. The girls have taken it upon themselves personally to invite the men of their own choos ing and the only choice left to the men is the old one which for ages has belonged to their sisters, either ac cepting or refusing the offer. The women are assuming all the financial responsibility and making all the arrangements, even to filling out the men's programmes for them. GASCARETS" FOR YOUR BOWELS IF For Biliousness, Bad Breath, Colds, Indigestion and Constipation. Enjoy Life! Liven Your Liver and Bowels Tonight and Feel Fine. Tour tongue Is coated! Look Inside your watch cover and see! That's bad Business. What have you been eating- What were you drinking? What kind of a lazy chair did you take exercise in? HEADACHY SICK How don't think it doesn't matter, be cause, it's your bowels that talk now evary time you open your mouth. That doesn't help your popularity, nor your earning capacity. Besides, a person with bad. bowels Is in & bad way and a coated tongue or a bad breath are sure signs of bad bowels and poor di gestion. Why don't, you get a 10-eent box of Cascarets at any drug store and give your liver and thirty feet of bowels the nicest, gentlest cleansing they ever ex periencedT Take one or two Cascarets tonight and wake up feeling fine and fit. All Headache, Dullness, Biliousness, Bad Breath, Stomach Sourness, Cold and Constipation gone wake up with your head clear, tongue clean, stomach tweet, liver and bowels active, step elastic and complexion rosy. Cascarets work while you sleep never gripe or sicken. Cascarets act so gently that you hardly realize you have taken a thorough cathartic. They don't bother you all next day like salts, pills, oil or calomel Cascarets being perfectly harmless is best children's laxative. Adv. , 4 I - ' '?H : i ' ) ! ir - I J- i v : Mr ' : ( ' ' Jr ' ' Ml t nfiHioMtanarft I "rCi, mil in i m in iiiililiiwMrliMililiilir-lifrrtiiLTnr 'nfi ;1jL' If'" j ' V , r I It tH J - ROTARY HEAD NAMED Charles E. Cochran Is Presi dent of Portland Club. OTHER OFFICERS ELECTED Real Service to Community Will Continue to Be Policy for En suing Twelve Months, Says New Leader. A year of results comparable to those achieved during the year 1916 by the Portland Rotary Club, is prom ised for the coming 12 months by the new set of officers which was elected at the annual meeting Tuesday night. The new president of the organization. Charles E. Cochran, defines the policy and programme of Rotary as follows: Rotary la a voluntary association of business men chosen according to a process designed to eliminate compe tition and dedicated to the develop ment in each member of a new capa bility for service. "The programme of the Rotary Club for 1917 will major on three features: "Information, Unselfishness and Ser vice. Members Business Leaders. "The membership in the Rotary Club comes from the business and profes sional men of Portland. As a rule they are the leaders in their line of activity. If they are not such at the time they become members, it is only a question of time when they will be come such by the practice of the ethics of Rotary. "The business man Is In danger of becoming isolated by too close adher ence to business. While he is as straight as Euclid's line, which is the shortest -distance between two points, he is likely to become as narrow. "Rotary insists that the business man become informed, broadminded and tolerant; that he know at all times the condition of his own business and understand the profession or trade to which he belongs, sufficient to sur vive competition and a growing desire to increase his knowledge of all other subjects. "Rotary finds expression in a right eous regard for self-interest, without selfishness.. They are good forgetters of petty jealousies, cutting criticisms and the little things which mar and dwarf, and at once commend the en deavors of any man designed to pro mote the general welfare. Community Service Proposed. "Rotary proposes to be of real er vice to the community. It will be in terested in public afairs. It will not become a partisan to persons, but will to principles. Its members have learned that the Income account in business Increases in proportion to the quality of service rendered, and have laid it down as a rule: 'He Profits Most Who Serves Best.' " Other officials chosen at Tuesday night's election are as follows: Vice president. C. B. Walters: secretary, J. I Wright; treasurer, Estea Snedecor; assistant secretary. W. L. Whiting. The secretary, treasurer, and assistant secretary have all held office the pre ceding year and Were re-elected. WILLIAM ANGLE IS DEAD Late Medford Man Descendant From William Penn. MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) William Angle, aged 77. died at- his home here Thursday. Mr. Angle was a native of Pennsylvania and a de scendant of William Penn. He came West as a young man and located In Jacksonville. He married Mary S. Walker Decem ber 23, 1878. To this union five chil dren were born, four of whom are liv ing. He came to Medford in 1884 and started the firm of Angle & Plymale, general merchandise. He was In busi ness for many years. He built the Opera block. He leaves a widow, three daughters, Mrs. Prudence Piatt, Mrs. Katherine Gaddis and Mrs. Berniece Howard, and one son, Charles F. Angle, all of Medford: also one brother, L. L. Angle, of Ashland. Ashland Library Shows Growth. ASHLAND, Or.. Feb. 17, (Special.) The city Library circulated 31.226 vol- r U , i&frdiMilHH,ii mitt. , . : . &iMKt&&XXtiA umes In 1916, according to a report filed by the Library Commission with city authorities. Only two hooks were lost, 35 being condemned. The institu tion gained 585 volumes during the year, mainly by purchase. There are 2916 specific borrowers' cards on file. The state Library, through local chan nels, has also been made available. LUMBERMEN TO MEETT WEST COAST ASSOCIATION MILL BOLD SESSION AT SEATTLE. Mill Problems and Especially Car Short age Will Be Topics Up for Discussion. The West Coast Lumbermen's Asso elation will hold its regular monthly meeting at the New Washington Hotel, Seattle, on Friday afternoon, February 23. Preceding tnis association meeting will be the annual meeting of the Fa cific Lumber Inspection Bureau, the certificate of which Is recognized by practically every foreign government and every exporter and importer of lumber in the world. It is announced that the association meeting will be devoted primarily to the discussion of mill problems which now confront the industry, with special attention being paid to the handling of lumber at the mills, a problem said to be constantly becoming more serious i view of the car shortage and the con tinual accumulation of unshipped oraers. r O. P. M. Goss. consulting engineer of the West Coast Lumbermen s Associa tion, will be one of the principal speak ers before the Northwest Mining Con vention. at Spokane, Wash., on Febru ary 21. Mr. Goss will discuss the use of structural timber in mining operation and also the increasing use of wood stave pipe. COUPLE HELD FOR TRIAL Son of Prominent Palouse Country Banker Involved in Case. LEWISTOX. Idaho, Feb. 17. (Spe cial.) Preliminary examination has been waived In Judge Erb's court by Uladys Korteen and iarl Whitlow, Pullman, Wash., on a serious charge, and both were held to the District Court for trial during the March term. The defendants were arrested In Lew iston on December 30 upon complain of the woman's husband, who is also a resident of Pullman. It was charge by the husband that Mrs. Rodeen an Whitlow occupied a-room at the Bol linger Hotel, giving fictitious names on the hotel register. The families of both defendants are socially prominent in the Palouse coun try. Whitlow is the son of Mark Whit low, one of the Commissioners of Whit man County, and who has extensive land and banking interests In the In land Empire. Pomeroy Plans 3 Days Celebration. POMEROY. Wash.. Feb. 17. (Spe cial.) Members of the Pomeroy fire department received permission from the City Council Wednesday to handle the local Fourth of July celebration, which will be staged for three days. July 2, 3 and 4. Virgil Chenea, Paul Rambo and Herbert Glllis compose a committee to handle the festivities. In proportion to Its size a fly walks 13 times as fast aa- a man, can run. WIFE IS RUSSIAN PRINCESS Discussions of Problems of Day Also Are to Be Features of Lec tures to Be Held at Little Theater This Month. "Turgenlev and Tolstoi" Is the sub ject for the lecture which Professor erome Barker Landfield, formerly of the University of California, will give at the Little Theater, Twenty-third treet near Washington, on Monday at o clock. The lecture Is the third in a series that Professor Landfield is giving In Portland on notable Russian writers and current events from observations gathered by him in extensive travels in Europe and Asia and from personal contact with some of the leading Kus- lans. Professor Landfield married the Prin cess Louba Lobanoff-Rostovsky, of St. Petersburg (Petrograd) and the al liance, together with his prominence in research work, subsequently brought him Into Intimate touch with the most noteworthy of the Russian intellectual and artistic leaders. Intimate Touch Given Lecture. These Intimacies are reflected in his lectures on the Russian writers and his talks on European current events have the double value of being highly Interesting and authentic. He is not only a fellow of the Royal Geographic al Society and a member of the Rus sian Imperial Geographical Society, but he Is a member of the American Historical Association, the American nstltute of Mining Engineers and a member of the Phi Beta Kappa fra ternity. He Is also a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity. Professor Landheld led the mining explorations in Kirghiz Steppes in 1898, the Ural Mountains in 1899, the Chut khotsk Peninsula, in Northeastern Si beria, in 1900 and the maritime prov inces In Eastern Siberia in 1907. For some years he was Instructor In history at the University of California, ending that work in 1907 after a five years term and taking up writing and lecturing and varied explorations. Professor Landfield has been brought to Portland by Mrs. Walter Burrell and Mrs. Clarence Jacobson and during his stay in Portland he is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Lazell. 350 Thirty second street North. Current Events Discussed. A number of Portland Intellectual leaders are Interested In the Russian literature just-at present, which is largely responsible for the choice of the lecture tomorrow afternoon on Turgenlev and Tolstoi" and the subse quent lecture Wednesday afternoon, also at the Little Theater, on "Recent Russian Writers." On Friday night, February 22. Pro fessor Landfield begins a series of cur rent events talks In which a number of Portland- men and women are in terested. He will talk at the Little Theater on "The Balkan Question. Rus sia and the Slavs." On the evening of Monday, February 26. his subject will be "Germany. Austria and the Project of Mittel-Europa." On Tuesday night. February 27, his subject will be "The Mexican Question, the Monroe Doctrine and the American Foreign Policy." "The Basis of End-uring Peace" will be discussed, on the afternoon of February 28 as the probable concluding number in the lecture series. The lectures are arranged on a non- profiting basis and are Intended to sat isfy a research hunger of the intellec tually inclined in Portland. The first two lectures last week were largely attended and were the Inspiration for considerable social activity as well. PIONEER WOMAN IS DEAD Mrs. SI. S. Haas, Formerly of Polk County, Passes In Arizona. COTTAGE. GROVE. Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) Mrs. Matilda S. Haas, who died at Kingman, Ariz., February 6, and was buried at Mineral Park. Ariz., February 7, was born in Shelby County, Ohio, -March 28, 1834, and crossed the plains to Oregon with her parents, William and Susanna Robinson, by ox team in 1847. She was married to Washington L Riggs In Polk County April 29. 1849. To this union were born seven chil dren, of whom three survive: Ann C. Hubbard, of Falls City, Or.; John L. Rlggs. of Chloride. Ariz., and Leroy W. Riggs. of Cottage Grove. She is also survived by one sister, MA. S. J. Scott, of Creswell. Or. She was married about 1877 to James W Hau in Mineral Park iri, at C. w , tunerai lark. Ariz., at which place she resided until death. twl Si Frank S. Stone Is Dead. SANDY, Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.) Frank K. Stone died at his home, the Tape's Cold Compound" is pleasant and affords Instant Relief, A. dose taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a cold. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and air passages in the head, stops nasty discharge or nose running, re lleves sick Ueadache. dullness, feverish ness. sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay 'uffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! Ease your throbbing head! Nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief as Tape's Cold Compound." which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, causes no Incon venience. Be sure you get the genuine. Don't accept something else. BREAKS A, COLD IN A HURRY Do You- Realize the Benefits and Delights of a. Proper Morning Toilette? 'A FEW moments spent each morning In the proper care of the mouth, throat and nasal passages will go far toward making the en tire day more pleasant and more worth while. It will not only make you more comfortable, but It will lend a feeling of exhilaration and pro tect you from all manner of germ contagion, such as colds and grippe, as well as the more dangerous contagious diseases. Try these suggestions for even two or three mornings, and you will find them so beneficial and pleasant that you will surely wish to con tinue. When you first arise, go into the bathroom and bathe, as Is your usual custom. Then cleanse your teeth with Benetol Tooth Cream. This is the only tooth cream in the world that Is really antiseptic and germicidal iothers clnlnt to be, but they cannot show any real germicidal strength.) Now put from 12 to 20 drops of Benetol In a glass and fill it with hot water. With this, rinse your mouth and gargle your throat. Drink what is left down to a small quantitv. Dilute this still further by about 4 to 1. With this, either use a nasal douche or snuffle It up your nose to clear out all the accumulated phlegm and catarrhal inflammation. All Druggists Sell All Benetol Products and Recommend Them as the Best for the Purposes for Which They Are Advised. Manufactured Only by THE BENETOL CO., Benetol Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. ii i :mn wrmmtmi ,vm i r i m. mn.j . n .. ......... i, i. in ., . 1-r-rft.M- -. - -. -.- !!, M , ,, , ,, -,, Peek-a-boo farm, 10 miles east of Sandy, on the Mount Hood road, Thurs day, after a lingering Illness from stomach trouble. Mr. Stone was 42 years old and had lived in this vicinity several years. The funeral was held from the home today. Rldgefleld Girl Best Speller. RIDGEFIELD. Wash., Feb 14. (Spe cial.) A spelling contest was held here last Friday In which the three best spellers from the seventh and eighth grades of the Pioneer school and the three best from the local school met to compete for the state spelling contest to be held at Olympia, Wash. Miss Doro thy Weber of the Rldgetleld school. won and so will take part In the last county spelling match to be held at Vancouver next Friday. Miss Weber In the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer H. Weber, of this place. Convention Date to Bo Set. The executive board of the Pacific oast Claim Agents' Association will City Physicians Explain They To Make Beautiful, NOW BEING USED BY Quickly transforms the flabby flesh, toneless tissues, and pallid cheeks of weak, anaemic men and women Into n perfect glow of health and beauty Often Increases the strength of delicate, nervoas, run New Tc-rk. N. T. It Is conservatively estimated that over three million peo ple annually in this country alone are taking Nuxated Iron. Such astonishing I results nave oeen repontsu iruiu iia h b aoctors and laymen, that a lumber of physicians in various parts of the country have been asked to ex- I plain why th plain why tney prescriDe n. bo ih sively, and why It apparently produces s mnrh hetter results than were ob tained from the old forms of Inorganic iron. Extracts from some of the letters re ceived are given below: Dr. King, a New York physician and author, says: "There can be no vigor ous iron men without Iron. Pallor means anaemia. Anaemia means iron deficiency. The skin of anaemic men and women is pale. The flesh flabby. The muscles lack tone the brain fags and the memory fails and they often become weak, nervous, irritable, de spondent and melancholy. When the Iron goes from tl.e blood of women, the roses go from their cheeks. "In the most common foods of Amer ica, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies, polished rice, white bread, soda crackers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti, tapioca. sago, farina, determinated cornmeal, no longer is iron to be found. Refining processes have removed the Iron of Mother Earth from these im poverished foods, and silly methods of home cookery, by throwing down the waste-pipe the water in which our veg etables are cooked, is responsible for another grave iron loss. "Therefore. If you wish to preserve your youthful vim and vigor to a ripe old age. you must supply the Iron defi ciency in your food by using some form of organic iron Just as you would use salt when your food has not enough salt." Dr. E. Sauer. a Boston physician who has studied widely both In this country and in prominent European Medical In stitutions, says: "As I have said a hundred times over, organic iron is the greatest of all strength builders. It people would only throw away habit forming drugs and nauseous concoc tions and take Nuxated Iron. I am con vinced that the lives of thousands of persons might be saved who now die every year from pneumonia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver and heart troubles, etc. The real and true cause which started their diseases was noth ing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of iron in the blood. "Not long ago a man came to me who was nearly half a century old and asked me to give him a preliminary ex amination for life insurance. I was as tonished to find him with a blood pres sure of a boy of 20 and as full of vigor.' vim and vitality as a young man: in fact, a young man he really was. not withstanding hia age. The secret, he said, was taking iron nuxated iron had filled him with renewed life. At 30 he was in bad health: at 46 he wss careworn and nearly all In now at 50. after taking Nuxated Iron, a miracle of vitality and his face beaming with the buoyancy of outh. lis i . s7 mm Tm4 WsrM mi Try These Special Suggestions V ' "' Cg PMPHLCT INSIDE ' Jin fl SrCJ-?"4 - Jfl Ml M u t"r v- When you use Benetol as your morning mouth wash and gargle, we would strongly urge that you swallow a part of It. This will sterilize the stomach and bowels, prevent stomach trouble, dure dyspepsia. Indigestion, gas on the stomach and ulceration of the stomach. In fact, the more you use Benetol products, the more you will value them as being far superior to any others. One trial of Benetol Ointment will convince you that nothing has ever equalled this prepara tion as a tonic for the skin. It Is an absolute physical impossibility for a man to contract "Barber's Itch" or any other contagious Bkln disease if he uses "Benetol" or "Benetol Oint ment." Try these suggestions rinse your mouth gargle and swallow "Benetol." You will feel so clean so sterilized so antlseptically clean that you will never go back to the old way. Full directions for the use of these articles packed In every carton. CAUTION Always Insist that your druggist supply you with Benetol in the original red cartons. meet Monday at 10 A. M. at 620 Elec tric building, and will set the date for the convention of the association which is to be held here next Summer. Other general plans for the convention will be considered tentatively at this meet ing also. Members of the executive committee are: J. H. Handlon, of San Francisco; A. M. Lee. of Seattle; F. M. Hamilton, of Seattle: D. C. Davis, of Tacoma; C. A. Blackburn, of Butte, Mont., and T. G. Aston, of Spokane. STREET WORK PROPOSED Paving of Morrison Link Is Con templated. Proceedings are to be started at once for the paving of Morrison street, be tween Chapman and Stout streets over a fill constructed about five years ago between the grounds of the Multnomah Amateur Athlgttc Association and the old exposition building grounds. A petition signed by the owners of th Prescribe Nuxated Iron Healthy Women and OVER THREE MILLION down folks 200 per cent In two weeks time. DR. jgW-. fc2KX (tAJGi "Iron Is absolutely necessary to en able your blood to change food Into living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, your food merely passes through you without do ing you any good, and as & consequence you become weak, pale and sickly look ing. Just like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron. If you are not strong or well you owe It to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who were ail ing all the while double their strength and endurance and entirely rid them selves of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver, and other troubles In from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after they had In some cases been doc toring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced Iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron, simply to save a few cents. The iron demanded by Mother Nature for the red coloring matter in the blood of her children is. alas! not that kind of iron. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than use less. Many an athlete and prixe-f ighter has won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled his blood with Iron before he went Into the affray: while many another has gone down in inglortous defeat simply for the lack of iron." Dr. T. A- Wallace, a physician of many years" experience in this country and who has been given many honor ary titles in England, said: "I have Kiven .Nuxated Iron a lair and pro- M UmC tfMatf Pii liinr. m rC Fmste Hisitilt OH DlS Ten TWt tTVTTTD STATU WAK DtPARTMlMT AND FO STATE CITY A-rt OTHfJt HOSWTAtS ATT15T rrs value. HUNDHIOS c fMVSICIANV SURC0 OEHTISTS AND VETUUXA. IAN3, MEN PROMINtNT IK EVERY SRANCH Of THE WtOlCAL rBOFEM'O MJX BENETOL. THE. LETTERS ARE OI BEt at OUR lASORATOfiV greater part of the ground was filed yesterday with Commissioner Dieck. The Improvement If put through will be about 600 feet in length and will connect Morrison street with Wash ington street for traffic, which Is di verted now because the stretch is not paved. The plans call for the exten sion of the tracks of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company along the street, and this company therefore will bear a large part of the cost of the Improvement. Coos Knights of Pythias to Meet. MARSWFIELD. Or.. Feb. 17. (Spe cial.) The Coos County Knights of Pythias lodges have arranged to hold their annual convention at Coqullle February 19. when visiting grand offi cer. Leslie E. Crouch and Jack Clark, of Portland, will be present. The aft ernoon will be devoted to business and the evening will be taken up with a banquet and a social time. One of the oldest Knights of Pythias orders In the state. Myrtle Lodge No. 3. Is located In Marshfield. Why Strong Vigorous Men PEOPLE ANNUALLY longed trial. T have been more than pleased with the results and will continue its Use." Dr. Schuyler C. Jaques. Visiting Surgeon of St. Eliz abeth's Hospital, New York City, said: "I have never be fore given out any medical information or advice for publication, as I ordinarily do not believe In It. "But in the case of Xuxated Iron I feel I would be remiss ' In my duty not to m e n t ion it. T hav 1 taken it myself and civ- en It to ni y pa tients with most furoris- n&r and satisfac tory results. And those who wish onicklv to Increase the! Htrenartti. nower and en durance will find it a most wonderfully ef fective remedy." Dr. James, late of the United States Public Health Service, says: "Patient In an enervated and devitalized state of health those, for instance, convales cing from protracted fevers, those suf fering: from & lonpr-ptandinff case of anaemia, all such people, in my opin ion, peed iron. Of lte,. there has been, brought to my attention Nuxated Iron. In practice. I have found this an ideal restorative and upbuilding agent in thse cases above mentioned NOT K? Nuxated Iron, which n prescribed and recommended above by physicians in mich h icreat variety of rased. In not a. patrnt meUlrine nor secret remedy, but one which In well known to drujrsiats and hoM iron constituent- are widely precrlbed by em inent physician both in Kurope and Amer ica. Unlike the older inorganic iron products it la eaitly assimilated, rioea nut injure i he teeth, make them black, nor upnet the tnmarh; on the contrary, it is a mom. potent remedy in nearly all forma of Indirection aa well aa for nervous, run-down condition. Tb manufacturers have auch rreat con fidence in nuxated Iron, that they offer to forfeit H0.m to any charitable Institution if they cannot take any man or wumnn under 0 who lacks Iron, and Increase thlr Btrens;th 1im per cent or vr in four week time, pro v Mef they have no serious organ 10 trouble. They also offer to refund your money If it does not at least double our strength and endurance In ten days' time. It is dispensed in tuta city by Ike 6l Drug