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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1917)
TIIE STJND AT OREGONIAJf, POKTLAND, FEBRUARY 18, 1917. HOFMANH CHEERED OFTEN AT HEILIG SOME OF THE EASTERN OREGON AND EASTERN WASHINGTON WHEATGROWERS WHO ATTENDED THE FEDERAL GRAIN STANDARDS HEARING. AND DEALERS Capacity Audience Is Most Enthusiastic Over Play ing at Concert. IS MANY ENCORES DEMANDED Ease of Manner In Presenting Most Difficult lumbers Delights and None of Usual Tricks Are Resorted To by Master. BY JOSEPH MACQUEEN. There is no doubt about it, Josef Hof mann. pianist of international fame and achievement, has a strong hold on pub lic regard. He is greeted nowadays with a personal liking almost amount ing to affection. At the Heillg- Theater last night Mr. Hofmann again faced a Portland audi ence In concert and at the ed of the rendition of the same programme that he gave last January at Carnegie Hall, New York City, he played so magnifi cently, with so much personal, quiet charm, that he was greeted with not only ordinary applause but with cheers. Think of this in Portland, Or., a city that has the reputation of being, cau tious in its acceptance of musical ar tistes! Nor was this all. Barely had the echoes of the last number of the regular programme died away, the "Venezla e Napoli" (Liszt), than the furore of popular approval began. There were cries of "More." Mr. Hofmann had actually to play four different extra or recall numbers before the audience would cease its ap plause. Mr. Hofmann was just a little tired, but he was glad to oblige. Qolet Charm Pleases. The last encore was an unmistake able "good night" one. but it was evi dently with deep disappointment that the audience went home. The wonder of it all is that Mr. Hof mann wins such a big piano victory so Quietly. His methods are the re verse of sensational. There is no mys teriously darkened stage. There are none of the cheap tricks of the piano juggler, no fancied exhaustion, no "fake" trance after each big number, as if the artist had just wielded a sledgehammer and was "all in." Mr. Hofmann, thank goodness, has an art so pure, so permanent; a technique so sound; an interpretation so poetic, that he can well afford to be himself. Last night some people, as they left the Heilig after the concert, said: "Hofmann is the greatest living pian ist. He has distanced all piano rivals everywhere." . Chopin Played Masterfully. This is a statement made by many friends on the impulse of the moment. Personally, I beg to differ to the extent that we must be true to our best and dearest piano ideals and remember the glory left and whichv still lives of Paderewskl and Busoni. These two latter pianists touch the canvas with grander sweep. They are tremendous in their artistry, more dynamic in cre ative values. They are the lightning of heaven, while others are its stars. Of course, Mr. Hofmann has reached starry fame. No man living plays Chopin so divinely, so poetically as he. His Chopin is a delicious dream, the delicate blush of a rose petal, and is stamped with the quiet, complete touch of a master. Hofmann's piano play ing is so easy that its very ease is deceptive until we try the same piano selections at home, or listen to others playing them. Four Encores Given. Hofmann's Schumann. Dvorsky, Rachmaninoff, Scriabine and Liszt are so finished that criticism is super fluous. His first extra number, after the Chopin "Sonate." was "Chant Polo nais". (Chopin-Liszt). His four recall numbers at the end of the programme were: "La Jongleuse" (Moskowski); "Nocturne in A-Flat Major" (Chopin); "Spinning Song" (Mendelssohn); march from "Ruins of Athens" (Beethoven Rubinstein). The concert was under the direction of Steers & Coman. and the house was crowded to capacity. The next attrac tion of the Steers & Coman series of concerts is the engagement of Rudolph uanz, pianist, and Albert Spaulding, violinist. March 29. REVIVALS START TONIGHT Meetings to Be Held In All Meth odist Churches. Simultaneous revival meetings will be begun this evening In most of the Methodist churches in the city and con tinue for 10 days or more. A resolu tion to that effect was introduced in the Methodist preachers" meeting re cently and a committee elected to out line the work. Lach church will arrange its own meetings to suit the local needs, but each morning fr6m 11 to 12 all the pastors will meet in the parlors of the First Methodist Episcopal Church where Lr. Stansfield. who is the spirit of the movement, and the chairman of the committee, will speak on the fol lowing themes as keynotes for each day: February 19. "Preaching the' Word. (This is the order of the day for the preachers' meeting to be held at the Deaconess Home). February 20, "The Doctrine of Sin." February 21, "The Word of Salva tion." February 22, "Sanctity and Service. February 23, "Human Destiny. Oxford Man to Lecture. A lecture of unusual Interest will be given in the parlor of the Portland Hotel Tuesday night at 8 o'clock by Dr. C. S. Boahne, sometime Fellow Royal Society of Oxford. The subject is "The Dreamers" and those who avail themselves of the opportunity o hearing Dr. Boahne are promised decided treat. Dr. Boahne is a world traveler o wide experience and great learning. At 17 years ox age he had earned his bach elor of philosophy degree and at 2 was adjunct, professor of languages In Harvard University. DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD Get a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea. or as the German folks call It, "Ham burger Brust Thee." at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time. It Is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, r s It opens the pores, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking a com at once. It Is Inexpensive and entirely vega table, therefore harmless. Adv. I J i'4 - - ' s - - s - f,- er f - i - " . k T ' , ' ' s . i f Pfzzz tst - ;f - t l 1 f f ' - :'y It I 1 ' J Top Row O. Van Taasel, of Madras, ry dale. Or. Bottom Row a. W. All of Walls Walla. RTLAND HAS CALL Wheat Growers of Inland Em pire Demand Elevators. BULK SYSTEM NECESSARY If Oregon Metropolis Would Bo Chief Grain Marketing Center in Faclfio Northwest Steps Must Be Taken Here to Attract. The wheatgrowers of Eastern Wash ington and other sections of the In land Empire say that It is up to Port land citizens themselves whether this city shall continue to be the chief grain-marketing center In the Pacific Northwest. They have strong sentiments for Portland and are anxious that Port land make adequate provisions to handle grain here by the bulk system. At a convention of growers and grain men held at Spokane Friday resolutions were adopted indorsing the programme initiated by the Commission of Public Docks for a public elevator system. 'The bulk-handling grain convention held In Spokane Friday was attended by more than 300 growers and grain men from Eastern Washington and Idaho and was a most successful meet ing," said G. B. Hegardt, chief en gineer of the Commission of Public Docks, who returned to Portland yes terday. The wheatgrowers of the Interior are solidly Denina tne movement to handle their grain in bulk. They are making extensive preparations to han dle this year's crop with that method. Many of the farmers are planning to build elevators on their own places. and others are organizing associations for the construction of community grain elevators. It was brougnt out oy various speakers that there is a strong senti ment in the Inland Empire for Port land. It was declared that Portland must make preparations at once to In stall a public elevator and terminal facilities for bulk handling. Resolu tions were adopted indorsing the move ment being launched by the Dock Com mission for the construction of "a. pub lic elevator.. Their action shows that the farmers of the interior are exceed ingly favorable to Portland and that, everything being equal, they prefer to do business with Portland rather than at Seattle. But the question of providing ample facilities for handling grain by the bulk method here will be up to the citizens of Porland themselves. We absolutely must provide to take care of the business, otherwise the greater proportion of the grain trade will be diverted to Puget Sound ports." C. B. Moores, chairman of the Dock Commission, accompanied Mr. Hegardt to Spokane and will remain there day or two to acquaint himself further with the bulk-handling question in Eastern Washington. JAMES D. MURPHY -SUICIDE Former Special Policeman Sends Bullet Into Head. James T. Murphy, aged 30, formerly a special policeman, was found dead last night in his home. 642 East Forty first street, with a bullet wound In his head. Deputy Coroner Smith, who' in vestigated, reported that Mr. Murphy had committed suicide. The body was discovered by neigh bors, who had missed Mr. Murphy since last Thursday. Mr. Murphy's watch lay on a dresser, and there was $214.05 in his trousers pocket. The body lay in a clothes closet, with one hand grasping the butt of the revol vex. Mr. Murphy came to Portland from Monmouth, 111. He had no relatives In Portland. The body was taken to the morgue. TWO FILE JDIV0RCE SUITS Mrs. Ruth Koeser Charges Her Iiife Was Threatened. On Christmas eve, 1916, In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koeser. in Or.) Charles P. Kennedy and I). R.' Thomas, Imlay, h . S. Dement, V. II. Rogers, II. S. Portland, Mr. Koeser approached his wife with a revolver and threatened her life, Mrs. Ruth Koeser alleges in a suit for divorce filed In the Circuit Court yesterday. She says she was struck In the face by the fists of her husband several times before she suc ceeded In wresting the weapon away from htm. She charges further that Mr. Koeser struck her with his fist and kidnaped her child, Robert, aged 3, February 15, 1917, and is now keeping the boy in a place unknown to the mother. Mrs. Koeser asserts she had sup ported herself and boy by sewing most of the time since her marriage In Sa lem in 1912. Her husband is a waiter. She asks $20 a month for the support of the boy. W. R. Heales filed suit for divorce from Emma M. Heales yesterday. He alleges that on February 10, 1917, at their home, 610 Harney street, Mrs. Heales struck him and drove him from the house. She is intolerantly jealous of him, he asserts. They were married in Grants Pass in 1S97. ACTOR TO SPEAK HERE CRAVII.LE BARKER TO LECTIRE OX "WHY WORRV WITH ART I English Playwright-Producer Haa Rad ical Idea, on Aetlna and the Theater, It Is Said. Granville Barker, the English play wright-producer, to whom is credited much of the success of Bernard Shaw's introduction' to the drama-loving world, will lecture In Portland Mon day night, March 12, at the Eleventh fetreet Playhouse, under the auspices of the Portland .Drama League. Mr. Barker's subject will be "Why Worry With Art?" and he has an ingenious as well as thoughtful way of treating with his subject. Mr. Barker has some radical ideas on acting and the theater, which are of general Interest. He believes that the studies which are contributory to the art of acting should be followed by t 5 -N Granville Barker EnRllnh Playwright and -Producer, Sponsor of Bernard Shaw, Who Will lit In Portland Soon. the community at large and not by the theatrical profession alone, and that the grace of speech and gesture and sensitiveness in expression and under standing which It is the actor's busi ness to learn are the things which would improve each member of so ciety if practiced and studied earnest ly. "Acting." Mr. Barker has written "is the art on which all other arts are founded. Think of the number of callings that depend upon the person attached to that calling that of being a really good actor, not in the sense of being an impersonator of someone else, but in being a good interpreter! I think, in a sense, acting is The pro fession, because it is the foundation of a great deal more of the .amenities of modern society than modern society at the present time suspects. ' X - a : .'V f of Condon, Or. II. J. Elliott, of Per Murray, W. S. Clark and Reld Wolfe. 200 TALK ON GRAIN All Interests Discijss Stand ards at Federal Hearing. ELEVATORS ARE SOUGHT Farmers Say They Want to Ship to Portland, but Insist That Mod ern Facilities Be Supplied for Handling In Bulk. More than 200 persons Interested in the grain Industry of the Northwest. Including growers, shippers and mill ers, attended a hearing conducted Wednesday and Thursday In Portland by representatives of the Department of Agriculture. The hearing was called to gather information and seek sugges tlons to be usea later as a basis for establishing uniform grain ' standards. All phases entering into the Industry were brougnt in discussions and as a result a clearer understanding- among all interests was reached. In connec tion with the hearing the question of handling grain by bulk was discussed informally. It was made known that the growers of the interior are plan ning to handle grain by bulk exten sively. farmer. Want to Favor Portland. topeakers declared that it would be necessary for Portland to begin at once to make plans to meet the new condl tion. It was pointed out that unless a public elevator system and adequate terminal facilities were provided in Portland a great part of the grain traffic might be diverted to Seattle. Urowers or Eastern Oregon especially urgea roruana to nulla elevators, so that they could continue to ship their grain to this port. The hearing was one of the most successful and Interesting held since the series of meetings was started a month ago, declared the Federal rep resentatives. It also was the most important In point of attendance. One of- the surprising features was tne big attendance from Eastern Wash lngton. Hearings had been scheduled lor Seattle on Friday and Spokane on Saturday, but many of the Eastern Washington growers elected to attend ine i oruaiw meeing. A. large con tingent of growers, millers and dealers was present from Walla Walla. Expert. Are Heard. On the first day of the hearinr Dr. W. J. T. Duvel, crop technologist In cnarge or grain standard investiga tions of the Department of Agricul ture, presided and on the second div Dr. Charles J. Brand, chief of the of fice or market and rural lnveetiga tions, was chairman. Other represent atives of the Government present were L. M. Jeffers, in charge of the Portland oftice of the Federal grain supervision George Livingston, specialist in grain marKeting: is. B. Qulggle. of the so lienors' office; R. C. Miller, supervisor in grain inspection; S. A. Regan and Milan Xoder, assistants in the Portland onice. CLUB BOARD IS TOJELEGT MULTXOMAH DIRECTORS TO HOLD SESSION MONDAY NIGHT. A. B. McAlpln or W. W. Bank Expect ed to Be Chosen President F. E. Wat kins Refuses to Run. The annual election of officers of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club of directors will be held tomorrow night In the directors room, starting at 7 o'clock. Three clubmen have been named for the presidency, but one of them has declared himself to be out o the running. Indications are that the honor will fall either to A. B. McAlpln or W. W Banks. Mr. Banks is one of the si hold-over members of the board. Fiv new directors. A. B. McAlpin, C. Henri Lab be. Edward C. Sammons, Frank K Watkins and P. W. Lewis, were elected at the annual meeting of. the members last Tuesday night, and in order to elect Mr. McAlpln, if they, all stick to If You Want All the Latest Victor Records You Must Call on THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. The enjoyment you obtain from a Victrola depends largely upon the character of the record service. To reap the fullest enjoyment you must have the records of the popular "Hits" while they are NEW and other selections when you want them. - We give the strictest expert attention to our Record Department and our vast experience in handling Victrolas and Records has taught us how to give SUPERIOR VICTROLA SERVICE. Again and again we have been able to f urnkh records in popular demand when other dealers claim a shortage of supply. We list below three numbers. which are in greatest demand now: 18183 Mammy's Little Coal Black Rose .... 75c 17882 There's a Long, Long Trail 75c 35605 Poor Butterfly (Medley Fox Trot). . $1.25 Won't you drop in tomorrow and hear these and other late records? From our aids to helping you select records down to our system of quick delivery we offer advantages that appeal to discerning music lovers with irresistible force. Visitors are always welcome in our Victrola rooms, whether they are ready to purchase or not. VICTROLAS ON EASY TERMS $15 TO $350 gether. it would be necessary to secure on of the holdovers. Frank E. Wstklns name was men- loned for president, but he announced esterday that pressure or personal usiness would keep him from even considering the matter. As for the lce-presldent s position, nothing has been said regarding the various candl- ates. P. W. Lewln. secretary. Is In line for re-election, while Edward C. Sam mo ns has been suggested for treasurer he will be a candidate. Plowden tftott has been treasurer for the last four years, but It was lmpos- Ible for him to consider running ror he board of directors again this year because of business duties. The chairmen of the various commit- ees will come ud for consideration, al though no appointments will be decid ed on until the next meeting, which is lated for a week from tomorrow nignt. MR. BROWN THREATENED MADMAN SAYS HE WILL TAKE LIFE OF ATTORNEY-GENERAL. District Attorney Jfeuner, at Rosenurs;, Gets Letter sayinari I Will Kill You Like a Di." ROSEBURO, Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.) Acting upon Instructions from Sher iff George Quine. of this city, the om cers at Tacoma. Wash., late today ar rested Carl Scholz on. a charge of threatening to kill Attorney-oenerai George M. Brown, of Salem, ana Dis trict Attorney George iseuner, oi noo burg. Attorney-General Brown tonight telegraphed the Roseburg officials that he would either have Schols turned over to the Federal officials for prose cution or committed to the Oregon Hos pital for the Insane. Schols lived in uougias jouniy unv.ii about three years ago. when ne was arrested on a charge of insanity and committed to the asylum. He was re leased from that Institution some time afterward, and returned to this city. where he engaged In farming. A iew months later he was again axresiea nnn recommitted to the asylum. Hcnoia escaped from the institution some time ago and went to w asmngion, wnoro uo has since made nis nome. Durlnir his residence there he has written a-number of letters to Attor-nfv-General Brown and District Attor ney Neuner, in wnicn ne mreaienea iq kill them on sight. The last of these was received by District Attorney Neuner yesterday, and was written in German. The writer declared in this letter that the two officers were re sponsible for his incarceration in the asylum, and they had Influenced Super intendent Steiner . against arranging for hla release. In the concluding paragraph or the letter Schols said: "I am after you fellows and I will shoot you like a dog." Valo Crapplers Defeat Penn. NEW HAVES'. Conn.. Feb. 17. Tale defeated the University of Pennsylvania in wrestling tonight. IS to to. Cash Buyers, Attention! WHY PAY 325 AT PIANO STORES WHEN YOU CAN BUY IT HERB FOR $145CasK $275 used old model pianos for cash 35 $300 used upright pianos for cash.. 9 63 $325 used upright pianos for cash..' 95 $425 used upright pianos for cash..l SECURITY STORAGE CO. 109 4th St k.V. ' ..' T'lH I Mil I Hi . i II yu "Superior Victrola Service" Morrison Street at Broadway Other Stores San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose, Los Angeles. San Diego and Other Coast Cities. KISER VIEWS GOING Rare Collection Will Be Dis played in the East. C. C. M'KIN TO MAKE TRIP Mary Itoberls Tlineliart Has Pre pared to Superintend Exhibit in Philadelphia Knos A. Ulills Also to Aid. An effective plan for placing the West before the Eastern public will be realized In a few days when a col lection of pictures by F. IL Klser, a Portland photographic artist, will bo en route to Eastern exhibition halls. under the auspices of the Portland Ad Club. The plan of taking some of Mr. Klsers pictures East was first sug gested by Mary Roberts Itinehart last Summer at Glacier National Park, and she has even shown great enough In terest In them to make all arrange ments for the display of the collection In Philadelphia. Mr. Riser s collection contains 137 pictures in large block and panel styles, showing the most marvelous natural colorings, that make them more like paintings than photographs. Included In the display which will be shown at the ballroom of Portland Ho tel this afternoon and evening and on Mondav and Tuedav are scenes f.The $12.00 Shoes in pearl gray, two-tone J m ;$ blue, two-tone brown embossed morocco, !:t.; l r two-tone and patent, lace, the JJ QC S-U pair v0D.CO Vi H We still show men's and women's con- 1 i 1 servative styles at S2.50 and S2.95 d I 1 I I -W-l A A A A 1 : t 1 'J " Extreme natty styles in brown, bronze, white and black and gray, $8 J y O styles U)4.yj) Despite the steady . advance in leather prices, we still maintain the leadership on each of our 60 stores as sellers of up-to-the minute styles at a saving of $1 to $3 on every pair. Put us on your shopping list NOW! I If I m SaanpleL 129 FOURTH, OPP. on the Columbia River Highway and the Columbia River. Crater Lake, the Lake Chelan region, western slope of the Cascades, Glacier National Park and seashore retreats. After the three days' exhibition at Portland Hotel the pictures will go East with C. C. McKlm. first to Kansas City, where they will be shown at Convention Hall, and then to other large cities of the East. In Wash ington. D. C. Enos A. Mills, writer and lecturer, will take charge of the pic tures. In Boston Walter Prlchard Katon will assist In the exhibition; In Philadelphia Mary Roberts Rinehart- The assembly of pictures represents 18 years of Mr. Klser's work. He haa scaled the mountains with his camera and has worked with his colors In a manner that has gained him a Na tional reputation. Mr. Kiser plans to send back to all the principal cities each year a new collection of Orbn scenery. All th local and Eastern exhibitions will bo free and public. HOMESTEADER GETS $500 Act of Congress Passed for Benefit of Tillamook Settler. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Feb. 17. The House of Repre sentavties recently passed Representa tive Hawley's bill to psy Preston B. C. Lucas, a homesteader in Tillamook County. $500 for improvements on his homestead, which he lost when it was discovered he had improved the wrons land. The error was due to erroneous Gov ernment surveys, and because it was a Government error the House held that Lucas was entitled to reimbursement. He loses the land erroneously Im proved, but has been permitted to per fect title to the tract he supposed ho was entering. IhoeStore CIRCLE THEATER m ll