The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1917, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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Special Cars to Carry Dele
gates to Conference and
700 Are to Attend.
6essloa to Open Friday and to
liast Through Sunday, Meetings
ol Each Department of Work
Being One of Features.
The western half of the Christian
Endeavor convention will be held in
Salem Friday. Saturday and Sunday.
Special cars will leave Portland Fri
day morning and night and Saturday
night. More than 700 delegates are
registered so far.
The leading speakers will be Daniel
A. Poling, of Massachusetts, associate
president of the United Societies of
Christian Endeavor; C. C. Hamilton, of
Boston; Miss Lovella S. Dyer, president
of Washington State Christian En-
tieavor, and Lloyd Carrlck. president
of Oregon State Union.
Mrs. Hamilton is now touring the
western part of Oregon in behalf of
the Oregon convention, and in the in
terest of Christian Endeavor World.
The Salem convention is to be held
at the First Christian Church. Clinton
Ostrander is the chairman of the Sa
lem committee.
The big rally will be held in the
legislative chambers Saturday night.
Following is the Western Oregon
10:00-1 1:00 Registration.
11:00-12:00 "G-Iad-You-Came" rally. AO
dress by Governor Withycombe. Each Union
delegation to give demonstration, yell, sons
or stunt.
1:00-3:30 Meeting of all Friends Church
delegates. C. A. Hadley, presiding
1:45-2:30 Devotional, Dr. W. P. White.
3:30-3:30 "Let'-Go" programme. Thirty
brief addresses.
8:30 Visit to state Institutions.
. 7:30-7:45 Song service, Harold Humbert.
7:45-:00 Ktynote address, Daniel A.
9:0O-:80 Social hour, Balem committee.
9:30-10:00 Evening watch, C. C. Hamll
toru Saturday.
8:00-0:00 Meeting of life -work recruits,
Mlaa Ford.
8:00-11:00 Expert examinations.
8:35-9:3u revotlonal. Dr. White.
9:30-10:10 School of methods: Class I,
executive committee, Willie McGee. presid
ing; class 2, Junior work, Opal Whltely.
presiding: clara 3, lookout committee, B. B.
Feike, presiding; class 4. prayer meeting
committee, Gertrude Eakli). presiding; class
6. union work. L. R. Carrlck, presiding;
class 6. unorganized work, Kdna Whlpplo.
10:20-11:00 School f methods: Cla-s 1.
executive committee. Wlute McGee, presid
ing; class 2, junior work. Opal Whltely, pre
siding; class a. social committee, Gladys)
Miles, presiding; class 4, prayer meeting
committee. Gertrude Bakln: class 6, union
work, Ij. R, Carrlck, presiding; class . un
organised work. Edna Whipple, presiding.
11:00-12:80 -Business session.
12:00 Plcnlo lunch for juniors la one of
the churchea
1:45-2:30 Devotional, Dr. Wblte.
2:00-3:00 Meeting of Juniors and Junior
stunts. Opal Whltely.
2:80-8:10 School of methods: Class 1,
millions campaign, E. B. Felke. presiding;
class 2. intermediate work, Effle Torgensou,
presiding; class 8, evangelism, Alva Patten,
.presiding; class 4. .missions. Eatella Ford,
presiding; class 5, union finances, I,. R.
Carrlck. presiding; class 6, expert work.
Charles Graden, presiding.
8:20-4:00 School of Methods. Pame as
finst period except class 6, expert work,
Hlen Orr, presiding.
4:10-6:00 Junior work. Opal Whltely.
B:00-B:30 The High School Society, Miss
6:00-7:30 Banquets. 1, millions cam
paign. E. E. Felke, toastmaster. Address.
2. expert banquet. Charles Garden, toast
master. Address, C C. Hamilton. 3, High
school banquet. Effle Torgenson, toast
xnlstrees. Address, Dan Poling.
7:45-8:00 Song Bervlce, Harold Humberts
8:00-8:45 Presentation of budget.
8:45-9:30 "The C. E. World," C. C. Ham
6:30-7:30 Quiet hour. Dr. Wblte.
9:45-11:00 Convention Sunday school.
1. "Conventional Evangelism"; 2, "The Per
sonal Worker and His Text Book"; 3, "The
Sunday School Worker as a Personal
worker"; 4. "Life Work Recruits and Per
sonal Work."
11:00-12:00 Church services.
2:30-4:40 Thr-e rallies: Daniel Poling,
Miss Dyer and Dr. C. G. Doney.
6:00-6:30 Pre-prayer service. Miss Eakln.
6:80-7:30 Union Young People's- Meeting.
7:45-9:30 Closing rally. Mr. Poling.
ment of sufficient branches to accom
modate the business of -every com
munity. Products will be standardized
and so delivered to the market as to
maintain a price that will mean, a
profit to the grower.
During the three days of the conven
tion that 2000 merchants and buyers
from Idaho, Washington and Oregon
are expected to attend, many talks will
be heard.
C. W. Mullins. F. VT. Haskell, of
Woodburn; A. C. Marsters, of Rose-
burg; George W. Hyatt, of Enterprise;
J. C. Mann, of Medford, and Thomas
Harvey, president of the Coos County
Business Men's Club, will be la the
Tomorrow night the visitors will be
the guests of wholesalers and Jobbers.
Tuesday Nathan Strauss, of Fleisch
ner, Mayer & Co., will be on the pro
gramme, as -will Edward Cookingham.
As a feature trade discussions of five
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Harry W. Stone.
After gathering first-hand In
formation, Harry W. Stone, gen
eral secretary, will talk at the
T. M. C. A. at 8:30 o'clock today
on "Who Owns the Oregon Leg
islature?" Mr. Stone has kept a close
watch on the doings of the Leg
islature through the entire ses
sion, but for the last few days
has been in constant attendance
at open sessions and committee
hearings and acquainting him
self with some of the happenings
behind the scenes. -
There will be discussions fol
lowing his talk, and Bpeclal
muslo will be on the programme.
minutes will be given and a prize will
be awarded to the best speech.
A smoker will be held Tuesday night
and a number of special features have
been provided by the committee in
charge of Secretary Merrick.
Crowded Houses Expected March 7 and
8, When Alcazar Player Iut
on "Blue Envelope,
As the starting gun for opening the
campaign to raise funds to send the Al
Kader band and patrol to the imperial
shrine council at Minneapolis in July,
the Portland Shrlners have taken the
entire house at the Baker Theater for
two productions of "The Blue Envel
ope" by the Alcazar Players Wednes
day and Thursday nights, March 7 and
A committee has been appointed by
the temple to take charge of the af
fair and an effort will be made to se
cure crowded houses on those two
nights. A special ticket-selling cam
paign will be Inaugurated with this
end In view.
This committee is composed of: H.
Von Borstel, chairman; F. A. Van Kirk,
Dr. F. H. Dammasch, Robert Gordon,
W. A. Carter. L. G. Carpenter, Dr. Jack
M. Yates, A. B. Gottschalk, Harvey
Wells and J. E. Buckingham.
In addition to the regular play there
will be added attractions put on during
the two nights by the Shrlners and
their band. This will Include band
concert selections, ouartet numberiL
choruses and stunts. The general pub
lic will be welcomed both evenings.
The sending of the band and patrol
to Minneapolis is merely a part of the
programme which has been inaugurat
ed to bring the 1919 session of the im
perial council to Portland.
How Beat to Combat Mail-order Men
ace Will Be One of Malm Topics
of Session.
The vanguard of the retail mer
chants, who open their 11th annual
session here tomorrow, is arriving in
the city from many parts of .the state.
Those who have already registered at
the Imperial,. headquarters for the mer
chants, are R. Alexander, of Pendle
ton, proprietor of the Alexander store;
J. E. Malley, representing the Ham
mond Lumber Company store at Mill
City; E. C. Benson, of Roseburg; J. A.
Johnson, of Astoria; C. W. Mullins. of
Astoria, and W. Kline, of Corvallis.
There are & number of Important
topics to be discussed by the mer
chants, among such being what course
shall be pursued to diminish the mall
order business that the retailers feel
Is taking away much of their legiti
mate profit. Another is the proposed
establishment of a clearing-house.
To fight the mail-order men it Is
proposed to start a financial cam
paign, and It is expected that the com
ing convention will pledge $10,000 to
begin with.
The proposed clearing-house is said
to embrace a scheme for the establish-
. "Dear Sir: In February 1913. I read
m the columns of a newspaper the
firescnption 01 a great pnysician, tell
ng those who suffered from nervous
ness, weakness, melancholia. inriio-a-
tlon. backache, headache and general
run-down condition,- how to get well.
I was in that deplorable condition, and
eo I had my druerarist fill the nreni-Hn.
tion herewith given for the benefit of
nerve-wracKen people. Mix together 1
oz. tincture cadomene compound, 1 oz.
compound lluld balmwort, 1 oz. com
pound essence cardiol and 3 ozs. com
pound syrup of sarsaparilla. Shake
well and take a teaspoonful after meals
and one at bedtime.
The very first bottle put new life
una energry into my veins, several Dot
tles fixed me up and "made' a well man
or tne. it nas done the same for Bev
rn others I have srlven It to and
think the public is entitled to it because
i tne good it will do. Kespectrully,
"NOTE The above prescription is re
liably good for nervous conditions and
as an lnvlsroratinsr tonic T.nml druc.
Klsts can fill it for anyone. Dr. Lewis
-falter. Adv.
Normal Has College Club.
mouth, Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) A
Camera Club has been organized in
the student body, with 100 enrolled
members. On all convenient holidays
field trips are made and photos taken.
When developed and printed the pic
tures are compared and criitcised.
j: y.r
John Henry Bayer.
Funeral services for John
Henry Bayer, who was killed in
an accident at the Sunuyside tim
ber camp, February 8, were held
Sunday from the Pike Methodist
Church at Yamhill. Or.
Mr. Bayer Was the eldest son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Bayer, of
Yamhill, and had been employed
at Sunnyside Camp for some
time. 4
He was born in Buffalo Coun- f
ty. South Dakota, in 1885, and t
came to Oregon with his parents t
in 1898. Since then, with the ex- J
cepiiun ui uLiw yeaF . passed in
Alaaka.'he has been continuously
at work in the Oregon timber
He is survived by his parents,
three brothers and two sisters.
Our Policy in the Future as in
the Past Honest Merchandising
McCall Patterns We Are' Portland
ents for These Famous Patterns
We Are
Now in Our
New Home
Cor. Third and
Washington Sts.
Entrances 264-266 Washington St. and 123 Third St
It has required considerable time to prepare our New Home; at last It has been accomplished, and
we are now awaiting therein an opportunity to extend the hand of welcome to our many old
ind loyal patrons and, as well, to the general public, from among whom we aim to secure a large
number of new customers. To all we add the assurance that we shall endeavor to be worthy of
their confidence and oatronaee through 'the continuance of our nni; V nf epllincr hnnpet voliaVilA
merchandise always at the most reasonably low prices not cheap goods, but reliable merchandise at bedrock figures.
Toilet Paper
Fine soft-quality crepe tissue. Put
up in the regulation Bize rolls. An
extra special for our grand open
ing sale Six for 25
No. 9 Moire Ribbon .
In light blue, navy, pink, lavepder,
cardinal, etc, etc Special for our
Ribbon Department only, yard 70
Regular sizes. A splendid 25c val
ue, special for our opening Bale
price Each, 9
Snap Fasteners
White only, priced for our grand
opening sale
Dozen, 5
36-Inch Percales
"One of the best makes." Large
assortment of elegant patterns in
light, medium and dark colors; full
yard wide. Most desirable for house
dresses, boys' waists, shirts, etc
Regular 15c and 18c value. Open
ing sale price only
Yard 1254 c "
Danish Poplar Cloth
No need for us to tell you of the desirable qualities of
this justly celebrated fabric They are well known to
you all. - There are just a few pieces and only a short
line of colors. Come in early and secure your share at
our opening price of
29c -Yard.
27-Inch Plaid
Just a few good patterns . in
these; very nice for school wear,
where you want a reasonably
low-priced fabric For our open
ing day only. Price
15c Yard
58-Inch Suiting
Fine for skirts, suits and coats.
Only black, hunter's green, dark
olive and garnet left, but a sur
prise bargain for you at our
opening sale price of
69c Yard
Silk Poplins
We shall continue the sale of these excep
tionally popular fine dress fabrics and
have still a full line of all those desir
able shades, which you may secure at
our opening sale price of
59c Yard
Made of splendid grade percale,
comes in light and dark colors,
choice patterns. Monday only
5 New, Snappy Models
m 'Women's Skirts.
in black, navy, plaids and checks, specially
priced for our Rcady-to-Wear Department
"Balcony" only $2.98
Up-to-the-minute styles in -crepe de
chine and pussywillow silks. White,
pink and maize. The values are
extraordinary. We urge you to be
early. Monday only. Choice $1.08
Bleached Pillow Cases
Of splendid quality muslin. Size
42x36 inches, hemmed ready for
use. "A great , value." Priced for
our opening
Sale, Each 13j2l
Best Devonshire and
Romper Cloth
100 pieces to select from, large as
sortment of choice patterns. Regu
lar 25c grade. "A rare bargain."
For our grand opening sale
Fancy Flowered Cretonnes
Limited quantity, fine for draperies
and quilt coverings. An exceptional
offering for our Drapery Depart-
ment. Yard 9
Ocean Pearl Buttons
Assorted sizes. Regular 5c value.
A limited quantity of these at the
extremely low price of
Dozen 1
Children's Cotton Hose
In medium fine or heavy rib, double
heel and toe; also double knee. In
sizes 6 to 10. Opening sale price
12i2 Pair.
32-Inch Manchester
Immense variety of colorings,
splendid styles for dress purposes.
Priced for our new store opening
Union Suits
High neck, long sleeve, ankle
length. Size 4 to 14 years. Priced
for our new store opening sale at
Bleached Sheets
One of our special leaders. Size
72x90 inches. An extra good qual
ity for service or everyday wear.
Now is the time to lay in your sup
ply ' At Only 59 Each
Ladies' "Burson" Hose
Black only, double heel and toe,
hemmed top, regular sizes. Priced
for opening sale
19 Pair "
Men's Cotton Sox
Size 10 and 10!-j only. Black with
white feet, seamless. Take advan
tage of this rare opportunity. Only
3 for 25
Feather Pillows
Regular size, made of fancy flow
ered tick. Limited quantity of these
at the extremely
Low Price of 59
100 Yards Spool Sewing
Black and colors. Regular 10c val
ue. Priced for our opening
Sale 5 Each
Men's Heavy Work Shirts
Extra full size, large assortment of
colors, well made. These are good.
For our opening sale
65 Each
81-Inch Unbleached
Splendid quality. Priced for our
new store opening sale
27 Yard
Wool Comfort Batting
Size 72x84 inches, weight 2 pounds.
Come in early and secure your
share at our grand opening sale
Union Suits
Just the thing for this season of
the year. Exceptionally good value
if you want underwear. You will
not be disappointed. At our new
store opening sale
Price 69
36-Inch Curtain Scrims
In white, cream and ecru, with
hemstitched borders.. A splendid
20c value. We reserve the right to
limit quantity sold to a customer.
Priced for new store opening sale
11 Yard
In appreciation of the
patronage accorded us by
the public we will keep
open Saturday evenings
9 o Clock
With the opening of our new home we have inaugurated a new feature in merchandising, one which we
feel certain will appeal to the great buying public of this city and very specially to thote who have to
exercise economy in their expenditures and yet desire only the better qualities and the modern patterns
and styles of merchandise. This we have designated as THE ECONOMY BARGAIN CIRCLE," whereon
we shall display weekly special lines of serviceable, desirable merchandise, priced so that they will defy
competition, for a One-Day Sale Only. Not cheap gods, but good merchandise cheap. It will pay you
to visit this department often, aa we are going to make special inducements from day to day.
Economy Bargain Circle Sensational One-Day Waist Sale
A brand-new purchase that enables us to offer VALUES that surpass even those that have made this
store famous for its WAISTS.
LADIES' WAISTS,' up-to-the-minute styles in voiles and lingerie, trimmed with dainty Oriental C52.r
Laces and pin-tuck effects. Just for Monday 3D
tm "WIimsjk yj. jp j ' P'JU i -in,, u. i"L ai-i j ji.i mm hup, mihiu'm ii-I.hiiwm u u.'i-j.mi s.j.h..,, iict'jh
Cotton Fleeced Blankets
In tan or gray with colored stripe
borders. Really worth $1.35 each.
Priced fotour opening day only
9S Pair
Hemmed Napkins
Good size, extra heavy quality. A
startling reduction for only
J8ft Each, 75$ Dozen
Unbleached Sheets
A sensational offering for our Do
mestic Dept, at only G9c"
Women's Fine, WooL High-grade
Knit Sweaters
In green, gray and cardinal, with
belt in back. Regular $4 value.
Priced for our grand opening sale
Each S2.9S
Double bed size, filled with pure
white cotton stock. An exceptional
offering for our Blanket Dept. Only
Colgate's Talcum Powder
Assorted odors. A very unusual
value for our new store opening
Bale Each 10
Huck Towels
An exceptional offering of Huck
Towels; splendid quality, very ab
sorbent ; white or red borders. Size
18x36 inches. Priced for our new
store opening day
Each 12'2.?
Extra Heavy Bleached and Un
bleached Turkish Towels
Unusual offering of heavy Turkish
Towels. Close, spongy weave, size
22x45 inches. Now is the time to
lay in your Summer supply at only
21 Each, 5 for S1.00
Limit 1 Dozen to a Customer.
Wool Sweaters
In green, cardinal, gray, white and
navy. Regular $1.50 grade. Lim
ited quantity of these at the ex
tremely low price for our grand
opening 98
Crochet Spreads
Limited quantity, heavy weight.
Choice patterns, but a surprise bar
gain for you at our opening sale.
Limit one to a customer.
Women's Gowns
In fine- longcloths, nainsook and
cambrics, etc. Beautifully trimmed
with rich imported Oriental laces
and embroideries. Slip-on styles.
Values to $2.50, but a surprise for
our Underwear Department, and
opening sale price 79c
The Store That Saves You Money
DEKUM BUILDING, S. W. Corner Third and Washington Sts.
Open Saturday
Evenings Until
9 o Clock
Entrances 2564-266 Washington St. and 123 Third St.
David C Ecclea, of Og-den, and. Asso
ciates Inspect Land for Mammoth
Plant That Is In Prospect.
The proposed sawmill that Is to
handle the timber recently purchased
by the Kccles interests from the Du
Bols Lumber Company will bo situated
at St. Helena on property now owned
by Charles R. McCormlck & Co.. pro
viding negotiations now under way are
David C. Eccles. of Ogden. Utah,
head of the Oregon. Lumber Company;
Charles T. Early and Raymond B.
Early, of Portland, the Oregon repre
sentatives of the Eccles timber inter
ests, and Paul C. Bates, of Portland,
who was instrumental in closing the
$4,000,000 timber deal. Epent" Friday
going over the McCormick logging
road running out of St. Helens, the
two McCormick mills, water frontage
and booming grounds on Willamette
Slough at St. Helens.
They were accompanied by Charles
R. McCormick, of San Francisco; Ham
ilton McCormick, of St. Helens, and
Mr. Merrlman. of San Francisco, prin
cipal stockholders in the McCormick
The McCormlcks have a logging road
extending from St. Helens, well toward
ths new Eccles holding of 27.240 acres,
and are also able to provide a splen
did TnlllSfte and plenty of room to
handle logs at St. Helens. A mill with
a capacity of 225,000 or 250,000 feet
a day is proposed.
Creek Runs Through Property
Which Will Cost $15,000.
ASHLAKD, Or- Feb. 17. (Special.)
At a mass meeting held at the Armory
yesterday there was a free expression
as to the merits of the purchase of
Chautauqua Park by the city, the
amount involved being $15,000. The
area of the proposed purchase is about
seven acres of camp ground and forest,
Ashland Creek running directly through
the property. ,
- The transfer implies that every cent
of the purchase money shall be ex
pended by the Chautauqua Association
In a new building, not only for Chau
tauqua, but also general public pur
poses as an auditorium. Many urge the
erection of a building costing at least
$25,000. confident that the difference
between the amount realized from sale
of the park and the- maximum figure
stated can be easily raised by private
subscription. The prospect of the trans
fer has reached such a stage that plans
for the new structure are already on
Charges Against Four to Be Heard
Before Civil Service Board.
Hearings in the cases of "W. J. Cos.
tello, Charles Haberland and A. T.
Martin, firemen discharged for drink
ing and carousing while on duty, and
L, C Benfleld, charged with con
tributing to the delinquency of a minor,
will be held before the Municipal Civil
Service Board Friday afternoon. The
cases were set yesterday.
. Fire Chiefs who made the discharge
will undertake to get a decision against
reinstatement of the firemen. They
contend if these cases are not won by
the city, discipline in the Fire Bureau
will be a missing element from now on.
Garfield Licenses Total High.
POMERlTr, Wash.. Feb. 17. (Spe
cial.) Garfield County last year re
ceived $920 from liquor permits.
$2057.20 from automobile licenses and
$531 from hunting licenses, according
to the financial report, for 1916 busi
ness, of County Auditor E. E. PowelL
The total received from taxation dur
ing the year was $15.6S3.65, of which I for the county and the remainder for
$40,264.12 was for the Btaty. $56,206.40 I the city of Pomcroy, road an Hehools.
Stomach Relief! Stop Indigestion .
Gas, Sourness-Pape's Diapepsin
In five minutes I Neutralizes stomach acidity, reliev
ing dyspepsia, heartburn, distress. Read !
'Time It! Pape's Diapepsin1 will
sweeten a sour, gassy or out-of-order
stomach within five minutes.
If your meals don't fit comfertably,
or what you - eat lies like a lump of
lead In. your stomach, or If you have
heart-burn, that Is usually a sign of
acidity of the stomach.
Get from your pharmacist a 50-cent
case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a
dose Just as soon as you can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching
ofundigested food mixed with acid, no
stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or
heavy feeling In the stomach, nausea,
debilitating headaches or dizziness. This
will all go. and. besides, there wHl be
no sour food left over in the stomach
to poison your breath with nauseous
Pape's Diapepsin helps to neutralize
the excessive acid in the stomach which
is causing the food fermentation and
preventing proper digestion.
Relief in five minutes is watting for
you at any drug store.
These large 50-cent cases contain
enough Tape's Diapepsin" to usually
keep the entire family free from stom
ach acidity and Us symptoms of in
digestion, dyspepsia, sourness, gase9,
heartburn and headache for maty
months. It belongs in your home. Adv.