The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1917, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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"The Blue Paradise" Is an Operetta Which Enjoyed Flattering Prosperity
at New York Casino Theater Libretto Possesses Sparkle and
Melody .Which Alone Hold Audiences Enraptured.
Gevuriz Furniture Co., Inc.
185 to 191 First Street, Near Yamhill
Portland's Most Reasonable Home Furnishers
Selection Made bv American
Society of Philadelphia Ends
3-Cornered Contest.
Be Sure and See Bucks' Combination Range for Coal, Wood or Gas
finest Specimens From All Over
. World "Will Be Received for Cul
tivation Under Climatic Con
1 dltlons ot Northwest.
Portland is the official Rose City of
the Northwest. Notice was received yes
terday by City Commissioner Baker and
Tark Superintendent Convill that the
American Rose Society at its meeting
Jn Philadelphia last week selected Port
land, thus ending a three-cornered
light for the honor which has been
waged by Portland, Seattle and Tacoma
for a year past.
The selection of Portland means that
an official test garden will be estab
lished here for the testing of all types
of roses entered in the market of the
Northwest. Roses will be sent from
growers all over the world for testing
under rules laid down by local mem
bers of the American Rose Society and
by members of the Portland National
Hose Test Garden, an organization com
prising 200 clubs of Portland.
Portland first entered the race for
. the Northwest honors a year ago dur
ing a visit here of Robert Pyle, chair
man of the National committee of the
American Rosa Society. Seattle then
entered the race, followed, by Tacoma.
, The three cities have been waging their
respective campaigns since.
Board to Be Named.
In accordance with the rules of the
American Society. Portland organized
me roruana naiionai nuui jest bur
den, having a membership of 200 lm-
provement clubs, parent-teacher cir
cles and other or&ranlzatlons. F. W.
Mulkey was elected president of the
, organization.- Commissioner Baker and
. Park Superintendent Convill forthwith
telegraphed notice of the organization
and made formal application for selec
. tlon of Portland. The fight was won
last week.
Formal notice Is expected within a
day or two from Benjamin Hammond,
of Beacon, N. Y., and at the same time
notice will be given of the selection
of three local members of the American
Society to act as Its local committee
In conjunction with the local organ
. Izatlon and the Park Bureau. Formal
notice that Portland has been selected
will be called to the attention or rose
' growers all over the world at the Na
' tlonal Rose Show at Philadelphia March
20 to 23.
Already applications have been re
ceived from growers who want to have
roses tested here. The first application
'has come from George. C. Thomas, Jr.,
a multi-millionaire, who grows fancy
. roses as a hobby. He is now establish
ing a big garden In New Jersey. His
lather was a partner of the late J. Pler
pont Morgan.
Great Variety Amond.
Others who have applied for local
tests are Conrad & Jones, of Westgrove,
Pa.; Bobbink &" Atkins, of Rutherford,'
N. J.; Wallace R. Plerson, of Connect
icut. Roses will be sent here from all
over the world as .soon as the formal
announcement is made.
The place for the local test gardens
has not been selected as yet. but will
be taken up a soon as the three local
named. The American Rose Society
will send out at least three medals each
-t year to be awarded. Commissioner Ba
ker plans to supplement these medals
with some to be awarded in the highest
classes and for the beet general merit
. by the city of Portland. This will give
all roses that win local honors a stand
ing in the official catalogues.
The news of Portland's selection is
' heralded by rose lovers of Portland as
one of the most important advantages
received by Portland, inasmuch as it
will bring this city to the attention of
;the rose-growing world more empbatl
', cally than ever before.
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i mHii BLUE PARADISE." that will
March 1 and 2, is a foreign-
made musical comedy, or operetta, if
you prefer the more dignified title.
which enjoyed a flattering prosperity
at the New York Casino Theater and
which has been cordially welcomed on
In the quality and texture of the mu
sical score and in the humor of the li
bretto "The Blue Paradise" is eaid to
possess all the sparkle and melody that
is so characteristic of the best of com
positions that have come to us via the
Austrian capital during recent years.
Gliomas Graham, 65 Years Old, Has
lilved Here 0 1 Years.
. " "This citizen will not be subject to
the wiles of the average demagogue,
..commented Presiding Judge Ganten
tiein yesterday when he admitted to
' oitizenship Thomas Graham, deaf mute.
"IMr. Graham lives at 1529 Vincent
' treet, is 65 years old and has been in
America 61 years. He was born in
H. B. Hazard, Federal Commissioner
in charge of the naturalization proceed
ings, offered divorce as a possible ob
'Jeetion to admitting Mr. Graham.
A class of 26 foreign-born men were
,ndmitted to citizenship by Judge Gan
tenbein yesterday. They were present
ed by Ieputy County Clerk Easter.
Fair Board Members Xamed.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Feb. 17.
I (Special.) The Klamath County Court
Jias appointed I'. W. Snyder, of Swan,
.prominent stockman of that neighbor
, nood, as the third member of the
. Klamath County fair board to take the
, place of Lindsey C. Sizemore, of Fort
Klamath, whose term had expired. The
rother two members of the board are
George T. Baldwin, State Senator from
ihls district, and J. Frank Adams, prom
lnent rancher of this city. It is planned
to organize a fair association embrac
ing Klamath and Lake counties in
Southern Oregon and Modoc and Siski
you counties in Northern California.
Leo Stein is the author of the original
book and Edgar Smith Americanized
the piece.
Much of its musical fame rests upon
the beautiful love song, ' Auf Wleder
sehen," which has been phonographed
over the world.
There are many of the original play
ers in the cast and they are quite
capable of giving the melodious quali
ties of the operetta their full value.
In the cast are: John E. Young, Rob
ert G. Pitkin. Shep Camp, Cecelia Hoff
man, Helen Eley, Louise Kelley and a
chorus that has been selected with the
aim of securing as many fresh faces
combined with youth and beauty as
Letter to Senator Chamberlain
Tells of Dangers Ahead.
Development of "Water Powers and
Public Lands of Mountain States
Would He Placed In Hands
of Clique, Says Writer.
A copy of th- following" letter to
Senator Chamberlain has been received
for publication in The Oregonian:
Senator George E. Chamberlain, Washington.
Dear Senator As to House bill 4QR, the
public land atatea and the people of the
public land atatea most bitterly protest
against the leasing clause In that bill.
Under our public land system, established
nd consistently practiced since the very
inception of our Government, practically all
the public lands in states east of the Rocky
Mountains have passed to private owner-
chip and are taxable by the states in which
they lie for the support or state govern
ment; and the owners thereof are freeholders.
The proportion of Government land to
total areas lu each of the 1 1 mountain
states varies from 40 per cent in Washing
ton to 92 per cent in Arizona, with an
average of about 67 per cent of the total
area of the 11 states.
The various leasing bills now pending in
Congress were all drawn, promoted, lobbied
and caused to be Introduced in Congress
by the Secretary of the Interior, assisted by
Mr. Pinchot. and lobbied through the com
mittees by the Secretary. In the aggregate
these bills provide for the leasing of prac
tically all these public lands, thereby leav
ing them forever non-taxable by the states,
and making the future occupants serfs and
vassals of the ruling: landlord not free
holders. Feudal System In Feared.
In othr words, the leaders of the so
called "Conservation Party" are straining
every exertion to overthrow the sovereignties
Tells How to Loosen a Tender
. Corn So It Lifts Out
Without Pain.
Tou reckless men and -women who
are pestered with corns and who have
at least once a week invited an awful
death from lockjaw or blood poison
are now told by a Cincinnati authority
to use a drug called freezone, which
the moment a few drops are applied
to any corn, the soreness is relieved
and soon the entire corn, root and all,
. lifts out with the fingers.
It is a sticky substance which dries
the moment it Is applied, and is said
to simply shrivel the corn without in
flaming: or even irritating the sur
rounding: tissue or skin. It is claimed
that a quarter of an ounce will coet
very little at any of the drug stores,
but is sufficient to rid one's feet of
every hard or soft corn or callus.
You are further warned that cutting
at a corn is a suicidal habit. Adv.
t .
i , ,
i- - - 5
I - $ ' if J
I! - I
i . J
Mrs. Sarah A. Griggs.
COMSTOCK. Or., Feb. 17. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Sarah A. Orip-frs, who
has resided here since 1873, died
February 9. She was 71 years
She was born in Pittsburg and
went to Buffalo, N. Y.. to make
lier home with an aunt at the
age of 11 years, when her par
ente died. When 20 years old she
went to California and was mar
ried to J. A. Origars In 1869. They
came to Comstock In 1873.
Mrs. Griggs is survived by her
husband, one daughter, Mrs. J. F.
Karl, of Cottage Grove, and Roy
Griggs, of this place.
of the 11 mountain states and subrert our
established system of land tenure, and In Its
stead to fasten upon the public land states
an ancient, feudal system of land tenure
ions; since discarded by all civilized nations
as only Rood for the bureaucrats!
The public land states must ever bitterly
protest their betrrs sectionaltzed, set off to
one side, degraded to mere dependent prov
inces, deprived of home rule and not allowed
to develop upon an equal footing with the
older states the equal footrng guaranteed
them by the acts of their admission to
the Union.
In this super-ambittlous political In
trigue Its promoters have exercised an
adroitness and political cunning always con
ceded to be worthy of a laudable cause.
Their first main step was to impose upon
our helpless territory, Alaska. now known
ail over the civilized world as the penal
colony of the United States of America
the Infamous coal leasing law, which has
been a most disgraceful failure. "
Their next main step Is to have Congress
pass H. R. 408, which includes comparatively
a small acreage of land, and then to use
that as an entering wedge to the passage
of ail their other leasing bills.
As to the admlnlHtratlon and disposal of
the public domain, for many Administra
tions" last past, the United. States has. In
effect, had no Congress, except Gifford
IMnchot and the Secretary of the Interior,
whose whole effort has been to make con
quest of power, influence, patronage and
gain for themselves, and to accomplish
their ends and reap the full reward of
their effort it is only necessary that Con-
gretr now pass the Secretary' leasing bills.
So far Congress has passed all his bills on
these most vital matters of government, as
a mere matter of course, without question.
and simply for his asking. Good govern
ment demands that when bills are drawn,
lobbied. Introduced, promoted and solicited
by appointive political officials not chosen
by, nor responsible to, the people, such oil
should be scrutinized by Congress with s
verest scrutiny. Up to this date precisely
the opposite has been tne fact.
Taskmasters Are Fesvred.
What coterie of politicians, pray, would
not like to be administrators of our vast
public domain, greater than many kingdoms
of Europe combined, with patronage, power.
perquisites, sinecures and graft unlimited?
lie must be blind. Indeed, and wholly lack
ing in ordinary human sagacity who can
not see that when our Secretary's "gen
eral leasing bills" are passed and the
whole vast public domain falls under the
personal control and administration of our
bureaucrats to "lease out to the miners,
farmers, stockmen, fruit-growers, etc.. etc,
we, mere citizens, will be called upon to de
fray the salaries and expenses of at least
1,000,000 political taskmasters to 'admin
ister the grand estate forest rangers.
farm rangers, fruit rangers, grazing rang
ern, mining rangers, mineral examiners,
petty officers. general solicitors, special
s d! id torsi attorneys, a pprairs, notaries
public, press agents, lecturers, detectives.
special agents, aecrvt service agent, affi
davit gleaners. lease drafters. bargain
makers, overseeers. star chamber courts.
collectors of rents, royalties, tithes and
graft, etc, etc., etc.
But who pays for all this?
We, mere citizens, of course.
That result will certainly reach to our
pocket books if it never does to our heads
'l ne Development or water-powers was
proceeding in an entirely satisfactory man
ner in the West, when the Secretary of the
Interior and his fellow conspirators caused
Congress to pass the acts of May 15, 189
February l.", 1901 (revocable permit law)
February 7. 190o; May 1, 1000, and March
4, 1011. all of which were designed by the
Secretary to throw the control and admin
istration of all water-powers and water-
power matters of the public land states
Into the hands of the Secretary of the In
Development Suddenly Quits.
Thereupon, development of mater-powers
suddenly ceased of course. Business men do
not Invest the vast sums necessary tor the
development of water-powers and make
those sume subject to the whims, caprice
and greed of a political boss.
Having by such cunning means, and by
procuring witnarawais or lands from en
try, driven the public domain into a cul de
sac, the noble Secretary now brazenly pro
claims that the only way to get It ou
again is to turn the public domain over to
the Secretary of the Interior to exploit and
lease out as above set forth.
It's nowJuBt high time that we, mere clt
izens. take a tumble to ourselves, scratch
our heads, and consider whether that's so
or not. on due reflection we think we per
ceive tne ioi lowing is irutn :
If the above-mentioned five ukases of the
Secretary of the Interior, which were en
acted into laws, by congress, were now
elm ply repealed, no new legislation enacted
and the President directed by Congress
restore these power sites to public entry, th
development of water-powers In the West
would immediately proceed with a rush.
in a manner entirely satisfactory to every
body in the United States except Mr. Fin
chot and the Secretary of the Interior.
By the passage of H. R. 408 nobody would
be benefited except the administrative of
freeholders under It: everybody else in th
ijnlted States would be Injured.
While the 11 mountain states hold within
their borders the great bulk of the public
domain of Continental United States their
representation In Congress is numerlcall
small, and It Is, therefore, urged that yo
use your great inrmenee in tne Senate
behalf of justice and fair play to assist
the merited defeat of the leasing clause
H. R. 408. Most respectfully
. Murray, Idaho, Feb. 10, 1917.
A hardwood
chair with
seat, similar
to cut. Extra
Solid Oak Davenport upholstered in good imitation
chase leather. Similar to cut. Special now at $21.75
Regular $12 solid oak Rocker,
wax finish with genuine leather
auto slip seat. Special at $7.35
We carry the largest and
most complete line of used
goods in the city at the
very lowest prices. No
matter how inexpensive or
high class yon wish, call
on us and we will prove to
you how to save money.
We are the largest dealers
in used goods in the city
and have no connection
with any other firm. Esti
mates cheerfully given.
' 1 ! l Massive Quarteredaktf m
I l! Top Library Table, special
All Feather Sanitary Pil
lows, each ....05
1000 yards of regular 50c
Pro Linoleum 89 '
Solid Oak six-foot exten
sion, waxed or fumed Din
ing Tables $11.85
Big lot of very slightly
damaged genuine Brass
Beds, 2-in. continuous post.
Reg. $30, this week only,
extra special .....$15.85
it eran
Reasonable Terms
If Desired
185 to 191 First Street, Near Yamhill
Out-of-Town Orders Packed and Delivered Free of Charge to Depot or Boat.
Reasonable Terms
If Desired
a i i
Director and Officer He-electert
Every Case Meetings Held In
Yancourcr and Portland.
Annual meetings of the Spokane,
Portland & Seattle Railroad and sub
sidiary companies were held on Thurs-
it unit trustees, directors and oin-
c.ers for the ensuing year were elected.
In each company the directors ana oi
ficers were re-elected. The meeting of
the Spokane, Portland & seame .nan
road shareholders was held at Van
couver and the -meetings of the affili
ated companies were held In the offi
ces of President L. C. Gilman In Port
The elections were as roiiows.
t- in,i.nt1 Ar Peattlo Railroad
t,... .1 M. Hannaford and Ralph Budd,
of St. Paul: 1 C Gilman, Portland; George
T Reld Tacoma, and K. V. Brown, Seat
tle: officer", U. C. tillman. president; George
T Reld. vlce-preeldent; W. F. Turner, controller-
W O. jiavlunon, aeeretary and treas
urer; R. 1L. Kaipn. "!"' ""ol"'
v. Pauraon. assistant secretary at
. r. i Trunin H M 1 1 WH V 1 ruBlCf 1. I.. '
nllmnn. V. K. Turner. James 11. Iverr ana
w ti. Davidson, of Portland; A. 1. Miller,
of Vancouver; officers, L C. Gilman, presl
w it Turner, vlce-nresldent and
rntroller: W. O. Cavldson, secretary and
-nr.... F". Pearson, assistant secretary.
Oregon Jlectrlo tjompany directors. ju
c r.llmin. W. V. Turner, blwsnl cookidi
ham. Charles H. Carey, w. o. usviawo ana
Oeorite K. Kelly, of Portland; J. S. Mas;-
artrv of iLuicene: .oincers. l. w urnnsn.
nrealdent: VT. F. Turner. vlce-preBldeiit ana
controller; W. Q. Davidson, secretary ana
treasurer; E. Pearson, assistant secretary.
United Railways company uireciors. 1
C. Gilman, W. F. Turner, W. D. bktnner.
John H. Burgard, Charles H. Carey. W. G.
Davidson and E. Pearson. Officers, I, c.
Gilman, president: W. F. Turner, vlc-presl-
dent and controller: w. o. uaviason, sec
eretary and treasurer; K. Pearson, assistant
Pacific & Kastcrn Railway mrectorg. I..
C. Oilman, "W. F. Turner, Charles H. Carey,
W O. Davidson and E. Pearson. Officers.
I'C Gilman, president; W. F. Turner, vice
president and controller; W. G. Davidson,
secretary and treasurer; E. Pearson, as
sistant secretary.
Ruth Realty Company Directors. I C.
Gilman, W. F. Turner. James B. Kerr, w.
G. Davidson and E. Pearson. Officers. L
C. Gilman. president: W. F. Turner, vice-
president ana controller: v , uaviason.
secretary and treasurer; E. Pearson, . as
sistant secretary.
Railroad Step Taken at Klamath.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Feb. 17.
(Special) The City Council this week
unanimously adopted resolutions desig
nating 14 different pieces of real prop
erty In this city and between this city
and Olene, 12 miles east, which will be
needed for the proposed Oregon, Cali
fornia & Kastern Railroad. This was
the first step toward condemnation
proceedings. y
Babe of Two Years Drowns.
POME ROY, Wash.. Feb. 17. (Special.)
The 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Snodgrass was drowned In
the Pataha Creek Thursday morning.
The child was missed by her mother
a. few minutes after she had left the
house and half an hour later Vint Gil
bert picked the dead body up from
shallow water 100 yards below the
plHce Flif had fallen Into th stream.
r i km
6rh Tootkache
Sold everywhere - 1 5c
C. S. Dent & Co.
Swell aSsut , Detroit. HIcb, I
New Sleeping Car Service
Found Way to Health
Without Using Knife
Doctor Recommended Opera
tion for Gall Stone Trouble
but Mother Objected.
In her work as an evangelist In the
mountain districts of West Virginia.
Mrs. Mary A. Ferree, who lives at 1964
Madison Ave.. Huntington, W. Va., was
frequently called on to relieve suffering
among her charges and became familiar
with the practical value of remedies
easily available. When her daughter
became ill and the doctor Anally said
the trouble was gall stones and that an
operation was necessary, Mrs. Ferree
would not consent. In a letter to the
Plnus laboratories she says, "After four
doctors had treated my daughter, and
we had tried various remedies without
avail, I heard of Frultola and Traxo
and tried It as a last resort. The first
dose brought immediate relief and after
using three bottles or Frultola and two
bottles of Traxo she was entirely cured.
I nrav that my testimony may be the means of helping others to health
Frultola and Traxo are compounded from the original Edsall formulas at the
Plnus laboratories . In Montlcello. - 111., and can be purchased in drug stores
doctor's prescription Is not necessary. Frultola Is a pure fruit oil that acts as
an intestinal lubricant and disintegrates the hardened particles that cause so
much suffering, discharging the accumulated waste, to the sufferer's Intense
relief. One dose Is usually sufficient to indicate its efficacy. Traxo is a tonic
alterative that is most effective to rebuild and restore the weakened rundow
A booklet of special Interest to. those who suffer from stomach trouble can be
obtained by writing .to. the Plnus Laboratories, Montlcello, Illinois.
Sunday, February 18
Beginning; Sunday, Feb. 18, a standard Pullman
sleeping car will be operated between Portland and
Central Oregon points, as follows:
Leave Portland Sunday, Tuesday. Thursday.
Iave Bend Monday. Wednesday. Friday.
This is in addition to the present DAILY
will be CONTINUED.
Change of Time:
Both sleeping cars will be handled from Portland
on North Bank Limited, No. 2, leaving at 7:10 P. M.,
instead of on Local Train No. 8, as formerly, leaving
at 6 P. M Arrive at Bend 7 :20 A. M.
For reservations and further information phone
Broadway 920, A 6671.
North Bank Ticket Office
Fifth and Stark Sts.
The World's Greatest External Remedy
Pain In Olde,
Rheumatism, Backache,
Any Local Pain.
orQO Every Wiqhif
FT Tor CoristiTtion,Ifeadache.Indiesticrt&
I. TT ?r ?r m r . w m r tv ,w w v ?r
ssMSWai H l in l