THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 18, 1917. 13 PORTLAND'S HEALTH IS BEST IN NATION Infant Mortality Only 3. Per .1000 Here, White Figure for United States Is 17.3. LONGEVITY IS MARKED Statistics Show Death Kate for Ages From 6 0 to 00 Years Is Great est la This City, and Smaller for Those .Below 50. Eleven and three-tenths per cent more people born In Portland reach the age of 20 years than In the average city of the United States. Of Port land's total number of deaths, 8.6 per cent more are of persona between the ages of 00 and 90 years than in the average city. Portland has nearly 60 per cent! fewer deaths of children un der one year of age than the average ' city. Such are facts shown by a compre hensive tabulation of deaths made up by the City Health Bureau, using the official population figures of the UniterJ States Census Bureau and the official mortality figures in the area of the United States included in the registration area, which takes in all large cities. The completed report was filed yesterday with. Mayor Albee by City Health Officer Marcellus. The tabulations were prepared by City Milk Chemist Callaway. It is shown that In 1918 Portland had the lowest death rate of children under 2 years of age from diarrhea and enteritis of any city in the United States, and probably in the world. The tabulations, which are the first of the sort to be compiled locally, throw a new and Important light on Portland - as a health city and particularly on the city as a healthy place for chil dren. Child Death Rate Itedoced. 11 IB BHUWn LllO L J i ..... duced its death rate of children under 2 years from 32.6 per loou Dirins i In a 1909 to an even s per iuuu in jam . 1 n n n nr cent In seven years. This is the lowest rate In the United States. Seattle is sec ond, with deaths per 1000 births, or one more per 1000 than Portland. Figures regarding infant mortality are astonishing. Federal figures under date of 1914 show that of the total deaths In the census registration area of the UniUd States 17.3 per cent are children under 1 year of age. In Port land the deaths of children under 1 year aggregate 9.8 per cent of the to tal deaths, or nearly 60 per cent fewer than the average for the United States. The same is true with deaths of children aged from 1 to 10 years. The average for the United States is 8.7 per cent of all the deaths. In Portland it is 5.1 per cent. In the United States the averages show that of the total deaths 3.8 per cent are between the ages of 10 and 20 years. In Portland the rate is 3.6 per cent. These fig ures show that far more people reach the age of 20 in Portland than In the average city in the United States. Portland Itate Below Average. The averages for the United Stales show that of all the deaths 29.8 per cent are between birth and 20 years of age. In Portland the percentage is 18.5, or 11.3 cent under the aver age. This means that 11.3 per cent more persons born here reach 20 years of age in Portland than In the aver age place In the United States. Of the total of deaths in Portland 8 per cent are between the ages of 20 and 30 years; 9.9 per cent are between 30 and 40 years; 10.5 per cent between 40 and 50 years; 13.6 per cent between 50 and 60 years. Another remarkable thing in the tabulations is that of all the deaths In Portland 16.6 per cent are between the ages of 60 and 70 years. The average for the United States is 12.8 per cent. Also 13.5 per cent of the deaths ars between 70 and 80 years, while the average is 12.8 per cent. Also 8.4 per cent of the deaths are between 80 and 90 years, while the average elsewhere ' Is 6.7 per cent. Figures Are Tabulated. v The Health Bureau tabulations show the decrease In the death rate of chil dren under 2 years o f age from diarrhea and enteritis as follows: Deathi. Rate. mon. . . 1010. .. mil... 100 32.6 73 57 3S 15.2 9.S 7.7 mi : ....o 50 1914 J5 mi.-. ! 116 1- 3.6 3.4 3.0 Following Is the tab ulatton showing up Portland's extreme longevity: Per cent of total deaths. Portland. U. S. Under one year 1-10 years 10-iiO years i!O-:i0 years S0-40 years 40-50 years 50-60 years to-TO years ..... 70-80 years ..... 80-00 years 0 and more years 9.8 17.3 5.1 8.7 3.6 3.8 8.0 7.6 O.U 8.5 10.5 0.3 13.6 11. 'J 16.8 12.8 13.5 12.8 8.4 6.7 1.0 1.4 .U. S. registration area. In transmitting the report to Mayor Albee, City Health Officer Marcellus says the unusual reduction of the in f ant death rata in the last year has been due to the "constant efforts of the Health Bureau, coupled with the co-operation of the cleanup campaign conducted last Summer; the Portland Fire Bureau, educational work done by the Oregon Congress of Mothers, witli reference to infant feeding; the Visit- ing Nurse Association, the Oregon As sociation for the Prevention of Tuber culosis, the Oregon State Food and Pairy Commission and other organiza tions. REVERSAL IS FORECAST LEGAL OPINION EXPRESSED ON SOUTHERN OREGON DECISION. Coos Bay Wagon Road Company Case Ik Declared Not Analogous to Ore gon A California Case. Legal opinion in this city is to the effect that the decree of the Appellat Court at San Francisco declaring for feited the lanrl grant of the Coos Bay "Wagon Road Company, now owned by the Southern Oregon Company, may be reversed when the case is appealed to the Supreme Court of the United State:?. It is asserted that the ca"se is not analogous to the Oregon & California land grant case, although Judges Gil 1ert, Ross and Hunt are said to have tried to follow the Oregon & California case in rendering the decree in the Southern Oregon Company case. In the Oregon & California case Fed eral Vudgo Wolverton declared the lands forfeited In hta famous decree of July 1. 1913. -The Supreme Court de cree of June 21. 1915, reversed that opinion and In the Interim the land was vested In the United States and not subject to taxation or assessment. No forfeiture of the lands of the Southern Oregon Company was or dered, the title has always remained in the Southern Oregon Company, and the legal opinion has been expressed that it has always been and is subject to state taxation. It is the contention of some that the Ferris-Chamberlain bill, that provided for the disposal of .the 2,300.000 acres of land involved In the Oregon & Cali fornia land grant litigation, does not NOTED SI. I'M WORKER WHO WILL, LECTURE HERE. Brigadier Mary Stlllwell. Brigadier Mary Stillwell, of Chicago, in charge of slum and rescue work in the Western states for the Salvation Army, will ar rive lif Portland Tuesday on her annual Inspection tour. She will remain here until Friday and on Thursday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock will lecture in the parlors of the Portland Hotel on "Why Girls Go Wrong and the Prevent ive." On Wednesday evening Mrs. Stillwell will speak at Salvation Army Corps, No. 4 Hall, on First street between Washington and Alder streets. Brigadier Stillwell has spoken In the prominent col leges and universities in Kurope and the United States and Is rec ognized as one of the pioneer slum workers and rescue mis sionaries. Brigadier-Stillwell for mally opened the Portland Rescue Home for Girls operated by the Salvation Army and of which Nora Hudspeth is matron. obtain in the case against the South ern Oregon Company. TWO ARE FROZEN TO DEATH Several Frostbitten In Storm In Red River Valley. GRAND FORKES. N. D., Feb. 17. Two. men were frozen to death, and several others severely frostbitten in the storm which raged over the Red River "Valley Friday night and early this morning. M. Kolenaar, a farmer, who lived 25 miles northwest of Grand Forks, be came lost in the storm while driving home and on amandoning his team in an effort locate the road was un able to find his way back to the horses. Hi body was found this morning by the farm hand who had remained In the wagon. The body of Frank Anglesburg, a farmer of Thompson, N. D., was found frozen within 100 yards of his home. Two farmers who were caught by the bizzard while driving t town were badly frostbitten. One of their horses froze to death. NEUTRALS DECLINE BID Ambassador Elkus Invites Diplo mats to Dinner for Discussion. SOFIA, via Berlin to London, Feb. 17. The Balanska Bosta publishes a Con stantinople dispatch to the effect that American Ambassador Elkus had in vited the diplomatic representatives or neutral states to a dinner at the Em bassy for the purpose of interchanging political opinion.! " Not one of the neutral envoys it adds, accepted the invitation, all send ing their regrets. . Fair Dates Announced. ST. HELENS, Or.. Feb. 17. (Spe cial.) The Columbia County Fair As sociation has selected September 26, 27 and 23 and has elected the follow ing officers: W. J. Fullerton, presi dent; It. N. Lovelace , and J. W. Pome- roy, vice-presidents, 'and J. w. Allen, secretary-treasurer. Man Who Saw Lincoln Die Passes. SPRINGFIELD, Mass.. Feb. 17. Henry Safford, 77, believed to be the last survivor of those present at the deathbed of Abraham Lincoln, died here today. Read The Oregonian classified ads. WHO IS DEAD. K vim y 5.-:, - i 1 V J. C. Ardrey. J. C. Ardrey, for a number of years prominent in public, life in Oregon, was buried at Milwaukee Cemetery last Wednesday. Death occurred Monday In Portland. Mr. Ardrey was long in active serv ice, being successively postmas ter at Arlington and La Grande, receiver of the United States land office in Portland and. Chief of Police at La Grande. Mr. Ardrey is survived by the widow and a daughter, Ruth, and a son, Nate Ardrey. i J? i . i ' " V X c" 5 I T ROAD ASKS itllLLIOliS 0,-W. R. & N. Company's Bud get for 1917 Is $2,700,000. MANY ITEMS AUTHORIZED Important Improvements and Addi tions of Much New Equipment to Bo Made Several Bridges Are to Be Filled. If the amounts asked for by the va rious departments of tho O.-W. R. N. are authorized about 12,700,000 will be expended in general betterments this year. Many of tho Important items have been authorized already and plans are being made to install Improvements. Considerable new equipment also has been authorized. i Among the betterments decided upon are the following: .Three miles of doubln track between Meacham and Kamela. over the Blue Mountains, to cost 165.000. beven thousand tons of 100-pound steel rails, which will be laid between Bake.- and Huntington, a distance of about 30 miles. These rails will be the heaviest used by any railroad in the West. The cost will be $400,000. The company has ordered eight heavy freight engines to be used on the moun tain division between Pendleton and La Grande. One bic snowplow also has been ordered for use there. This new equipment will cct $400,000.- Four large wooden bridges on the line between Pendleton and Spokane will be filled. It Is estmated that about 600,000 cubic yards of earth will be removed in this work. The cost will be $100,000. Smaller bridges .and tres tles at various points on the system will be replaced with concrete arches. A bascule bridge will be built over the St. Joe River on the Couer d'Alene branch at a cost of 75.OO0. A large trestle on the Spokane-Ayer line will be filled at a cost of $90,000. Seven grade crossings in the eastern part of the city will be established. The company' share of the cost of this work will be $600,000. The only extension work to be un dertaken this year, according to pres ent jJlans, will be the construction of a 10-mile feeder from the Beaver branch in the Couer d'Alene district to provide shipping facilities for mines in that immediate district. Plans have been adopted to make extensive improvements at the picnic grounds at Bonneville. MISS W0 OTTO N IS STAR Astoria Girl Will Flay Lead In Pageant at University. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Feb. 17. (Special.) Miss Emma Woot- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wootton. of .Astoria, and a prominent junior In the university, has been se lected to play the lea-ding part in the Oregon pageant that will be staged on the campus commencement week. The pageant will be a reproduction of the history of Oregon. Miss Wootton played the part of Wal lulu in the "Bridge of the Gods" when it was staged at the Astoria Centennial in 1911. She is prominent in dramatics on the campus, being a member of the University Players, a drama organiza tion. She is also editor of the Oregana, the university year book. She is a major in the school of Journalism and a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority. I4v Atita Caa Hake Bur, Quick Money The "MANNING" Kerosene-Oil, Gas-Producing BURNER! The Manning1 Kerosene Oil Gas Pro duclng Burner generates gas from Kerosene Oil. Can be fitted In fur nace, stove, range or heater, water heater, coffee urn, candy furnace, or, in fact, any place that a good heat ia required without alteration of any of these appliances. For use in homes, hotels, stores, boats or any place where fuel Is used. MANUFACTURED BY H. W. MANNING Lighting & Supply Co. 63 and 63Vfc 6 in St., FortUnd, Or. ! Campbell Hill Hotel 741 Washington Street. Phone Slain 7584. S P. M. to 7 P. 31. BOo SVXDAY Dixy Ell Grape Punch. Head Lettuce with Dressing-. Queen Olives. Creole Soup. Lamb Chops with Shoestring Potatoes. Top Sirloin Steak with Shoestring: Potatoes. Roast Chicken with Dressing and Mashed Potatoes. Creamed Cauliflower. Pop-Overs. Pear Preserves. Mince Pie. Ang-el Ice Cream. Cake. Crackers. Coffee. Cheese. Campbell Hotel Twenty-Third and Iloyt Sta. Phone Marshall 881. 4 iSO to 6 :30 P. M. WEEKDAY DIXXER 40c ............. . . .".."........ FRANKLIN SAFETY SELF - FILLING Fountain Pen The one perfect self Trilling-, perfect- writing Safety Pen that is u n b r e a k able, has no parts to get out of order and no a n n o y 1 ng rubber sacks. FOR. SALE BY DEALERS. Prices $1.50 to $15. OO FBAKKUN FOUNTAIN PKN CO. Distributors MARSHALL-WELLS HARDWAKK CO. BLUM AVE R- FRAN K ItKVff CO.. I 1 ) 1311 I I L SEE ALSO BACK PAGE this section for other interesting Meier & Frank store news. 0 Beginning Tomorrow and Continuing This Week Only OUR GREAT MONTHLY SALE OF f DRUGS 1 Demonstrating Most Conclusively That We Always Undersell We Reserve the Right to -Limit Quantities at These Prices TTT? "FT TT 25c Lilas Arly Talcum Pow x der with every bottle of Vi- vaudou Violet Toilet Water in this sale at 75c. I Face Creams Talcums 85c Squlbb's Tal-- Q cum at X&7C lBo Williams' C a r n a- cum.Tr.l:2for25c lBo Massatta Talc um .tp" ISo Jergen's Crushed Rose and Violet Tal- cIk?a"tr:.2for25c ICo Mennen's Narangla Sen Yang and Kleh- cum at. . . 2for25c 26c Lehn & Fink Ol Talcum at. 15c Samurai Wis- O-, taria Talcum... lC 15o Babcock'a Cu t Q Hoses Talcum at. .ZJC Soaps 10c Colgate's Allround s.aaipat8pe:3for25c 10c California Medicat- a?.s..a.p.3for25c 10c Physiol aim' and SES.e.'."3for25c 10c Jergen's Old- T Fashioned Soap at I C 10c Wiiliams' AsHorted toa7p.ko4for25c Shah Peraiaoe Soap priced tt. .3C 711Whlte Rose Ulycer- prtcedOaatP.3f0r50c BOc Rarus Theat-O Q rlcal Cream at..OI7C 50c Still man's 39c Freckle Q ream. BOo B e r r y1lS,, Freckle Cream H3C BOo P a 1 m olive Ay Vanishing CreanxO C 75c Pomp elan Cream at UUC I1.B0 Oriental 1 in Cream at.. . . J X 1 U BOc MalvlnaOQ Cream at OS7C 60o Hind's Honey and Aim ond Lotion specip.l at. 2oo Holme i on Krostllla at JC 15c Benzoin and "1 O Almond Lotion.. ImC Colgate's Cold Cream f.p!?!?S0cand25c Creme KlciyaC priced at only...HuC Face Powders g E0c L a B 1 a c he o Q Ji Face Powder atOsC K BOc Java Rice 07 & Face Powder atO I C 50c Palm olive 4 0 Powder at 'rOC 50c Pozzonl Faceqn Powder at Oi7C BOc W'akelees" Camel- line (liquid). :40c special at. BOc Wisdom Robertino (liquid). spe-OQ cial at Ol7C BOc Velveola S o u ver aine Powder, on special at OtC 25c Javola Face I C, Powder at XiOC 2uc A r m Ho Soap. 25cPear sGlycer-1 Q Ine Soap at IOC Williams' Barber Bar a?sp.ke2forl5c 10c Jap Rose Glycerine ?iaaipat?.e.:3for25c Lady Mary Face Cfl Powder at OUC Mary. Garden Face $1 Powder at.. GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM NESS AND MUDDY SKIN Effectually, speedily and permanently relieves skin troubles. Gives a delicately clear and refined complexion desired by every woman andadmired by all. It is a perfect, non-greasy toilet cream and posi tively will not encourage the growth of hair. Priced at $1.10 and 60c. Trial size bottle 15c. i Pronounced S nearunsr. aiwiijs loung Has proved a boon to thousands of women in preserving a fresh, beautiful complexion. Known as the "Queen of Beautifiers," it softens and nourishes the skin and prevents wrinkles, blotches and all such disfigurements. This "Little Pink Brick of Beauty" is used aftd indorsed by many leading stage and film stars. One month's usage of Sempre Giovine will convince you of its merit. The 50c size, special for this sale at 39c. Marietta Stanley's Egyptian Pow der, Priced at 50c and 23c. i D M MUM MCUCt EGRDEIJS Malted Milk CAGLX BRAND HAS NO EQUAL 3ou)m CokocjooMjuCo The- QuAi.fTY' StOr.c- or Portland - " ' i-i ii. nil i in AND TOILET ARTICLES SASSAFRAS BARK For the blood. Ours is a good clean bark that makes excellent tqa. Priced at one pound 35c, four ounces, 10c 10c Palmollve SoapT special at......... f C Tooth Pastes and Powders BOo Pebeco Tooth Qft Paste priced atOIC iSoKslynoion. Tooth Paste..... aUC 2Bo Dc Lyo n'a "I T Tooth Paste at- X C 26c Kublf oam 1Q Tooth Wash at.. IOC E5o Arnica Tooth - Q Soap special at.lOC RevelatlonToothO Powder at muC 25c Woodbury's or Dental Cream atvl C B u r r 1 11 Tooth np Powder priced ..AJC BurrlU Tooth Q C Paste priced at.. -OC l Pyorrhoclde QQ Tooth. Powder. . OI7 C 25c Kanltol ToothOA Powder priced.... A3 C 25c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder.. UC Hair Tonics 50c Plnaud's EauJf de Quinine 4UC 50c Wyeth'a Sageo and Sulphur at.HuC Empress Hair Iyed4 (all shades) at.... U1 SI Danderine lorQfl- the hair OUC 25c S a n 1 t o 1 Of) Shampoo at J C o u r's box... 21c boc j a p 1 liaris A T KDeclal art tui. 25c W 1 1 1 1 a ma' 1C. Shampoo at..... XJl $1 Newbro'sye Herpiclde priced luC Vaseline Hairofi Tonic priced at..buC Plnaud's B r 1 1 35c llantine priced.. "The Magical Beautifier" An elegant and delicate prepara tion for the skin and complexion. It purifies as well as beautifies. Highly recommended by physicians, ac tresses, singers and women of fashion for over half a century. REMOVES PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, RED em -pray Jo-ve naij BORDEN'S PURE MALTED MILK Is a perfected milk food, wholesome and delicious, prepared by the most im proved process, whereby the nutritive elements of the richest cows' milk and strengthening cereals are scientifically combined. FOR INFANTS, NURSING MOTHERS, TRAVELERS, ATHLETES, SPORTS MEN. and for invalids this milk is unsurpassed- The best physicians recommend it for babies' use it is the most nour ishing prepared food your baby could have. Three sizes; $2.98 80c 40c. It will shopping Infants' Foods Merck's Sur ro7 of Milk. 1-lb O I C Robinson's Bar- OC ley Flour, l-lb..DC Squlbb's Sugar of Milk. 1-lb. ..OUC 13.75 Borden's or Hor llck'a Malted QQ Milk at 04i0 $1.00 Borden's or Hor llck's Malted Dft. Milk at OUC 75o Mellln'se Food, special atUuC Hospital Size Dennos' Food, priced o OK at 3 Brushes 25c-35c Tooth Brushes with pure bristles that are guaranteed 1Q to stay In XiC 25a Hand and f Q Nail Brushes. ... X J C 60c Hair Brushes with unbleached andQQ stiff bristles. . .OiC 60c Bath Brushes with detachable hail- QQ die at OiJC 60c Cloth Brushes wtlh 60o Sloan's ment, special. 60o Klns's New 3A IMscovery at OtC 60c Mlona Tub- Ol lets reduced io..OtC 60o Pond's Kx- 0 tract at OHC 60o Kal Hepatlcao A - reduced to 60c Electric ters. sr icclal Mercoli ized priced at Haxolite priced CQ during this sale 0 17 C Pinkham's Vege-?Q table Compound OiC Pierce's Favor- OQ lte Prescription, OIC Pierce's tlolden Medi cal Discovery, JQ priced at DiC Household Remedies Ar'm'tlcCascara OC ttagrsda, 4 Ar m'ticCascara , la. Epsom Salts. 1 lb. J priced at C loc Boraclc reduced to Spirits of phor. 2 or, black horsehair 39c 15o Witch bristles at. 8-oz. bottle...., Advertised Remedies Imported Hum. 6-ox. Senna Leaves, oz. priced at. $1 Sloan's Lini ment, special.. 69c RubberGoods $1.75 Fountain Syringe, Maroon Rubber, .best (trade, 2-qt. sijie.'guar a n t e e d for CI 1 Q one year. ... 3 X X $1.25 Water Bottle, $1 King's Nwu Discovery at 57C $1 Sal Hepatlca a.69c reduced to. Jl Pond's Ex. CQ. tract reduced to..O7C Maroon $1 Klectric Bit 'tV.69c anteed Tor ters, special a Tear, 2-qt. MELBA MASSAGE CREAM and CLEANSER rA great favorite among the fa mous Melba beauty preparations. A perfect emulsion of fine oils, which gives the skin best and most last ing results. Used every night, the skin is kept fresh, clean and youth ful. Priced at, jar, 50c. MELBA POWDER ttm n aitv nnv I "The purest tone for the A light, delicate powder that will not easily rub off. De lightfully soft and fragrant. Tints to match various com plexions. In dainty box, with chamois, 50c. k- T " av.V,v- Cos ported Galega a wonderful flesh developer. The ingredi ents in these tablets are absolutely pure and are all of a highly beneficial order. This superior tonic and developer on sale the regular $1 size at, box, 85c; 3 boxes, ?2.25. Improves poor complexions and preserves and heightens the beauty of those that are already good. Does not grow hair. It has a very dainty odor and stays sweet. Defies sun, wind and dust. Special in this sale at 45c. MELOROSE FACE POWDER is highly indorsed by its many users the country over. Large box in white, flesh or brunette shade special 45c. The FAMOUS POMPEIAN MASSAGE CREAM Completely cleanses the pores of the skin. A fresh, clear skin and a healthy, f-osy glow always follow the faithful use of this'wonder ful massage.' It makes youth linger in one's face. Pompeian tones the Bkin and removes the "tired" lines. Positively will not grow hair. -Three special prices 79c, 60c and 40c. P03IPEIAN NIGHT CREAM soothes, softens and beautifies the skin, roughened by weather, age or any other cause. For use at any time, but particularly effective if used before retiring. Will not grow hair. Jars, 75c, 35c; tube, 25c. CLIP OUT THIS ADVT. serve as a most convenient list. Use it every day. ! 1 25c Mavis Toilet Water with T7"D TT TT every jar of Vivo Cold XVl-l- Cream purchased in this sale, priced at the jar, only 50c Lini :34 c 1 Syringe, red QQ rubber, size 2..0&C $1.00 Revolving Sprav Syringe, spe- -t oq clal at OXaOS $1.00 RubberpQ Gloves special atO7C 76o Infants' Hot Water Bottle. Maroon R n b- utC Blt- -O A - ber, round shape.) 59c at.,uti special at.. Wax 59c only. Miscellaneous 85o Formaldehyde Fu tnigators for r r 1000 cubic feet dC 60c Formaldehyde Fu- nilgators for 50c 2009 cubic fee. 10c Charcoal Tablets, priced special. Sin. for XUC 10c Bronchial Loz enges, special 2 1 f for .-. 1UC Peroxide of Hydrogen, one pint, priced OC at only aOC 100 Calomel and Soda oe..muC oz...-v Tablets. 1-10, 19c 19c i grains... Acid 11 X XC 6-g rain Llthla Tablets priced. Cam lie 25c Alkaline An-1 tiseptic Tablets.. X DC Harlem Oil priced T at bottle I C SOc Whisk Brooms priced special atn 1 only ailC 2rc Whisk Brooms priced special at 1 only 1 I C 10c Powder Puffs "T reduced to I C loc Chamois Skins, priced special 1 Q- nt onlv XC $1.23-$1.60 Pull-QQ man Aprons... 7uC for.. Hazel. 11c 'yOC. bot. AuC ?10c Rubber, puar- one 89c $1.00 Roll Ups. 69c size. ,ptum at. . ffipeSulS tS. face."; Are used and recommend ed by dainty women every where. Willard White Co.'s Vaucaire Galega Tablets contain the genuine im iPGMPEIAN MASSAGE CREAM .? f r ...r Drug and Toilet Goods Shop, Min floor. y