lO THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 18, 1017. LISTER VETOES BILL WITH EMERGENCY Act to Regulate Distribution of Prison-Made Sacks Is First, to Be Disapproved. FATE OF OTHERS DOUBTFUL spend a few days In preparing an ap peal from the decision of the Circuit Court there in the Byers water-rights case. A water-power site utilized by the Byers mill on the Umatilla Rivex is alleged to be the property of the Indians, although It Is now utilized by others. Congress granted the mill company rights to use the water, but this title has been attacked. The Government contends the Indiana have the ex clusive right to the waters involved In the suit. Industrial Insurance Amendment and Banking Code Favorably Regarded; Bone-Dry Law to Be Signed Tomorrow. OLYMFIA, Wash., Feb. 17. (Special.) Governor Lister registehed his first veto of the 1917 session of the Wash ington Legislature today In disapprov. Ing the emergency clause attached "to Senate Bill 32, by Cox, of Walla Walla. The bill provided that grain, wool or oyster growers of the state should purchase grain, wool, or .oyster sacks manufactured at the penitentiary at Walla Walla pro-rata to the number of sacks applied for by the Individual grower. According to Senator Cox and East- ern Washington legislators generally, this measure is designed to prevent growers with a 10,000 sack crop from applying to the penitentiary Jute mill for twice the number and disposing of the excess to speculators. In vetoing the emergency clause on this bill. Governor Lister states that rules for distribution of grain sacks manufactured at the state penitentiary, as adopted by the State Board of Con trol, amply provided for any contin gency that might benefit speculators. Governor's Attitude Indicated. The Governor's attitude on emer gency clauses, as exemplified In to day's veto was interpreted by the Leg islature to signify his position In 1915 that no emergency clause which blocks possibility of a referendum would be passed by the Governor except In mat ters affecting the public welfare. No such emergency is held by the Governor to actually exist in the mat ter of Jute mill product distribution, from which position supporters of the first aid amendment to the industrial Insurance act, and other bills carrying an emergency clause not already ap proved, are arguing uncertainty as to prospects of approval. Governor Lister declines to Indicate what his course will be on any bill unttl it is presented to him and consid ered, but he is generally regarded as favorable to the first aid bill as in troduced by Reed ' and McCoy and passed by the House. Banking; Code Favored. Both Senate and House committees, after Joint meeting today, decided to favorably report House bill 15, the state banking code compiled by a com mittee of the Washington State Bank ers' Associations and the state ex aminer, W. E. Hanson. The code Is designed to forestall necessity for a state depositors' guar antee act, two bills for wnich have al ready been Introduced in the Legisla ture, following the closing of several state banks in Seattle. The proposed code provides for a certificate of char acter and ability by the State Bank Examiner on chartering a new bank, with appeal to the courts In the event of unfavorable decision. ., State bank loans are to be limited to 25 per cent of capital and surplus of each bank, examination fees are In creased from a maximum of 400 to $500, the State Bank Examiner's salary Is raised from $3600 to $4200 annually, and his assistants' from $2400 to $3600. Bone-Dry Bill to Be Signed. Governor Lister positively Indicated today that he would sign the Halsey bone-dry bill on Monday. It carries no emergency clause, and Is, thereby. open to referendum action, which op ponents of the bill declare will be taken, and that the bill will be held up until the election of 1918. Extracts from "the records of both houses for this session show 12 House bills passed by the Senate to adjourn ment yesterday, and nine Senate bills passed by the House. The Governor has signed 14 bills passed by ' both houses. Distribution of the state road and permanent highway levies, the general appropriation bill, and fling and ap portlonment of the state inillage tax for higher educational purposes, still remain to be threshed out. 12 AT CHEHALIS INDICTED : 1 Physician Is Accused of Illegal Pre scription tor Liquor. CHEHALIS, Wash.. Feb. .17. (Spe cial.) The Lewis County grand Jury adjourned today, having been in ses sion since January 29. Tfyls is the first grand Jury in Lewis County In eight years. There were- 12 Indictments turned in as follows: Pete Lyhes, assault;' M. H. Gott, grand larceny: Roy Spink. - burglary; Harry eKndall, burglary; James Samples, grand larceny ;' Clifford Hoyt and Lawrence Relnrlch, grand larceny; Vernon Ayers, forgery; Clarence Mur ray and Charles Moneymaker, statutory charges; Dr. J. T. Coleman, illegal li quor prescription and a grand larceny Indictment still out. f Not true bills were turned In against J. E. Willis, assault; H. B. Hart-man and Fred Wade, grand larceny. The final report commends highly the heads of all county departments. - 14-INCH GUN IS DISABLED Gears Stripped at Honolulu but Re sponsibility Is Not Placed. HONOLULU, T. H, Feb. 17. A 14 lnch gun at Fort Derussy has been found disabled, it was learned today, and will be out of commission, accord ing to unofficial but Tellable Infor mation, for about three months. -According to the report the gears were stripped either during or since the maneuvers held February 8. Colonel Alfred M. Hunter, Coast Ar tillery, admitted today that the gun was damaged but refused to make any further statement. The responsibility for the damage, It was said, had not been placed. 2780 VESSELS USE CANAL Tolls Bring in $3,677,095 and Cost of Operation Is $7,142,124. WASHINGTON, Feb. 17, K total of 2780 vessels passed ,through the Pan ama Canal up to January 1, last, since it was opened to traffic August 15, 1914. Their gross tonnage was 13.- 086,535 and the' total cargo carried was 11,652,405 tons. The figures are for 21 months out of a total time of 28 months, the Canal having been closed because of slides and other reasons for the re mainder of the period. Tne aggregate revenue irom tons was $3,677,695, as against a cost of op eration and maintenance of $7,142,-124. KUBLTS BILL- KILLED Senate Votes Down Anti-Pick-eting Bill, 20 to 8. MEASURE NOT DEBATED Majority Report of Judiciary Com mltee Adverse to Bill Adopted and Indefinite Postponement Follows House Reversed. BOY BEATS GIRL SPELLER Hugh "White, 13, Is Champion of Pierce Rural Schools. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 17. (Special.) Hugh White, 13 years old and a mem ber of the eighth grade at Elgin, is the best speller in the schools of the county outside of Tacoma. Hugh von that title when he spelled "silhouette" cor rectly after Nettie Conrad, of Clear Lake, had put the "11" In the wrong place. Hugh will represent Pierce County In the final spelling bee to be held at Olympia on March 6, when he will meet the champions of other counties in the state, who will spell for a diamond medal as first prize tnd a gold medal as second prize. WOMAN GETS.. DAMAGES Mrs. Josie Olson. Chelialls, Obtains $2 000 Verdict Against Doctor. CHEHALIS, Wash Feb. 17. (Spe cial.) A Jury In the Superior Court awarded Josie Olson $2000 damages against Dr. G. W. Kennlcott. Mrs. Oleorf received three bullets in her forearm in a near-tragedy several months ago Tn the lobby of the Security State Bank when her sister, Mrs. N. 1 1. Gibson, tried to shoot Mr. Gibson as a result of a family row. Mrs. Olson alleges her arm was not properly treat ed by the physician. Substitute Defense Bill Offered. .WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Senator Weeks, Republican, of Massachusetts, today introduced as a substitute for the Administration revenue bill measure t'o provide for Issuance of Government SVi per cent interest-bear ing bonds up to $760,000,000. of which $400,000,000 would be utilized for ex penditures of National defense. Pendleton Boy Hurt. PENDLETON, Or, Feb. 17. (Spe cial.) Edwin Sharp, the young son of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Sharp, suffered a broken leg this afternoon when a bi cycle he was riding and an automobile driven by H. M. Warren collided. The front w'heel of the bicycle was broken. LATE rrsrcLE - OF sheriff UURLBl'RT WELL-KNOWN ENGINEER. WATER POWER AT ISSUE Right on Umatilla - River Said to ( Conflict With Indian Grant. Robert R. Rankin. Assistant United States District Attorney, left Portland yesterday for Pendleton, where he will Cocoanut Oil Makes a Splendid Shampoo If you want to keep your hair In good condition, be careful what you wash It with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain muleifled cocoanut oil (which is pure and entirely greaseless) ia much better than the 'most expensive soap or anything else you can- use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it In. One or two teaspoonfule will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out eas ily and removes -every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. Tou can get mulsified cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It ie very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last everyone In the family for months. Adv. ' , -! I 8TATB CAPITOL, Salm. Or., Feb. 17. (Special.) The famous anti-picket-lng bill Is dead. With so little commotion that one not familiar with the issue and watch ing for it would never have suspected that something out of the ordinary was occurring, the Senate this morning gently slip'ped' the skids under It and slid It Into oblivion, so far as this session of the Legislature is concerned. The vote by which this was 3one was 20 to 8, one Senator being absent. The measure did not even reach a place on the Senate calendar, the question on which the vote was taken being the Indefinite postponement of the bill. Question Barely Discussed. There Is no possibility of Its being reconsidered in the closing hours of the session late tonight or early Sun day morning. To do so would require a suspension of the rules. This takes 20 affirmative votes, and with 20 votes recorded against It the attempt will not even be made. There was no debate on the measure. The only rollcall In connection with Its consideration came on the motion of Senator Hurley, of Xtalheur County, to substitute the minority report of the Senate Judiciary committee, reo ommendlng that the bill do pass, for the majority report, recommending that it do not pass. Two of the seven members of this committee. Senators Hurley and .Vin ton, had signed the minority report. Four had' signed the majority report adverse to the bill, they being Senators Olson, steiwer. Wilbur and Dimlck. Senator Handley did not sign -either report and was absent when the bill came up. Eight Vote for Measure. Senator Hurley's motion, to substi tute the minority report for the ma- Jority report put the Issue squarely before the Senate on a test of strength, A rollcall was demanded. The only discussion was the explana tion by Senator Vinton that on this motion those favoring the bill would vote yes and those opposing It would vote no. The vote was as follows: For substituting the minority report that the bill do pass: Senators Bishop, Cusick, Farrell. Hurley, LaFollett. Smith of Josephine. Vinton and Wood -8. Against substituting the minority re port: Senators Baldwin, Barrett, Dim lok, Eddy. Garland. Gill. Hawley. Hus ton, Leinenweber, Olson, Orton, Pierce, bnanks, famith of Coos. Steiwer. Stray er, Wilbur, 'Von dor He lien, Lewis and Moser 20. Merita ef Bill Questioned. The majority report adverse to the bill being thus adopted automatically by rejection of the minority, the ques tion then came on the indefinite post ponement of the bill. There was no rollcall. but on standing vote the result was identical with the previous vote, 20 Senators favoring Indefinite postponement and eight voting against It. The antl-plcketing bill. Introduced in the House by Representative KublJ after a series of hearings held before the Multnomah delegation, which was divided as to Its merits from the start, passed, the House two weeks ago with only two or three votes to spare. , It has been before the Senate Ju dietary committee ever since. BILL TO CUT SALARIES DIES Hood. River Officials Are Not to Suffer Any Reduction. STATE CAPITOL. Salem, Or, Feb. 17 (Special.) The House today killed Senator Wilbur's bill decreasing the salaries of officials of Hood River County. When the bill came up Rep resentative Stephens, of the salaries committee, threw the House Into com mlttee of the whole and amended the bill so the salaries were virtually the same as at present. Then the House turned around and sent the bill down the skids. The vote was so heavy that the few who had been for it changed their votes, making it unanimous. getting" roads In Marion County." he; said. Thomaa took occasion to speak in opposition to the bill on Its merits, but was ruled out of order after he had spoken for about 10 minutes. Crandall also got In about five minutes of gen eral opposition before the committee of the whole voted to reject Al Jones' amendments. Under the direction of Representative Forbes the committee, adopted the var- rlous sections as amended and reported back In favor of the bill. With the bill up before the House on its own feet. Representative Belland started the argument In its favor. He appealed to the patriotic impulses of the members, asserting good roads are essential to the "preparedness" cam paign now under way in this country. Bean took the floor for the measure. He explained it In some detail, calling attention to the fact that If 'Oregon is to (wv and improve and prosper she has to have good roads. This bill pro vides a start, be said. He emphasized the point that though Multnomah County paya nearly 40 per cent of the taxes, all the money arising from sale of the proposed bonds is to be spent in the outside counties. Gore, who objected to some provi sions of the bill last night, came out for it today. He said his objections still stand, but he would waive them rather than vote against the Dill, wnico he heartily favors in principle. ROAD BILL PASSES HOUSE (Continued From F1rt Pac-e. II. G. Hurlburt. HERMISTON, Or., Feb. 17 (Special.) H G. Hurlburt. who died Tuesday near Hermlston, was best known as an engineer and irrigatlonlst. He was con struction engineer In 1870 on the Southern Pacific through Doug las County. . When the O.-W. R. & N. -was built he was chief en gineer on the line from Portland ' to Hood River, and located the line from Walla to Spokane. From 1881 to 1886 he was on the Northern Pacific through Mon tana. He left that work to lo cate at Arlington in the stock business during the days when the present wheat" fields were covered with waving bunch grass. For the last 20 years he had been interested in irrigated lands. He was married in 1872 to Lydia R. Burnett at Roseburg. who died in 1888. He later mar ried Annie McCorkle at Sumner, Wash. One son, Thomas, of Hermlston, and two daughters, Mrs. H. R. Newport, of Hermls ton, and Mrs. M. E. Scott, of Bronx, Wyo., of the first mar riage, survive him. Three sis ters, Mrs. M. A. King, Mrs. Alice Welster and Mrs. Edwards, of the Oregon Conservatory of Music, reside in Portland, and a fourth sister, Mrs. I. H. Brega, in Pen dleton. Sheriff Hurlburt. of Portland, is a; nephew. BROWNELL GOES HOME TTMEJ UP, PAT ENDS. BO REPRE SENTATIVE PACKS GRIP. Clackamas Member Not Worried by Extended Sesslom Plan aa He Thinks Session Over. STATES CAPITOL, Salem. Or.. Feb. 17. (Special.) Representative Brownell is one member of the Legislature who is not worried about an extended session. Yesterday was the end of the 40-day period provided for under the constitu tion as the term of the legislative ses sion, so Brownell packed up his be longings, took his grip and beat It for Oregon City. He wasn't back today, and he Isn't coming back for the Mon day session. "The state pays me for only 40 pays.' he commented, "and I have given my time for 40 days. I have business to attend to and I'm going home to attend to it. Good night." SUMMERS' PORTRAIT ORDERED Legislature Wants; Painting of Gen eral In Capitol. STATE CAPITOL. Salem. Or. Feb. 17. (Special.) An oil painting of the late General Owen Summers is to be pur chased by the state and hung In the Capitol as a tribute of appreciation of the services rendered by this valiant soldier for the honor of this state and country as commander of the Oregon troops In the Philippines. The Legislature today passed the bill introduced by Representative Mueller, himself a veteran of the Spanish-American War. appropriating 1250 for such a portrait. The Secretary of State Is authorized to commission an artist to paint It. Dr. Poling to Speak at Reed. Dr. Daniel Poling, an associate pres ident of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, will address the students of Reed College tomorrow noon on "The Challenge of the Kingdom." More than 80,000 employes are paid year each. Government civil less than $820 a purpose of making some amendments offered by Representative Gordon. The Gordon amendments, which had been prepared by the friends of the bill, merely empowered the State Highway Commission to build roads by day labor If the contractors' bids are rejected. Al Jones caused a sensation by of fering to strike from the bill all those sections designating and describing the roads and routes to be Improved under provisions of the bill. Jones' motion really proposed to take the heart out of the bill. Some mem bers refused to take him seriously, but he Insisted that he was in deadly earn est. Moreover, he declared he would vote for the bill if amended as he pro posed. Jones argued that his plans would give the Highway Commission full power to locate the roads. "I'm willing to take my chances of 1 W'.ii.'.ILJUH'lHWi ''-.jfVr.-. uv. 1. 9 Mr. Fred Johnston, after 87 years' experience in newspaper work In the East, Including IS years with lo cal papers, has severed his connec tions with the Evening Telegram and accepted a position of Special Representative of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. Company for this city. Mr. Johnston has a great many friends In Oregon, who will be pleased to know of his new loca tion, and his high standing and Christian character have endeared him to all with whom he has come in contact. He has been an active member and officer of the First Baptist Church and asBlsted in all movements for the making of bet ter citizenship. The Oregon Agency of the Massa chusetts Mutual Life Is the oldest Life Insurance Agency In the State, has over $7,000,000 Insurance in force and thousands of satisfied pol icyholders, and the Manager, Mr. H. G. Colton, cordially invites Mr. Johnston's friends to call on him in his new quarters, 310 Chamber of Commerce. The Multnomah Hotel The recognized center of Portland's social activities, mirably adapted to gatherings of all nature. Ad- B B B H H H ' a B a B B B B B B B B fl fl B 1.00 Table d'Hote Sunday Dinner ?1.00 . Served from 5 :30 to 8 o'clock. Music you'll like. Except Sunday Dancing During Dinner 5:30 to 8 o'clock a la carte service, and dancing until midnight. Music by the Royal Purple Orchestra In the Beautiful Arcadian Gardens Grant Smith & Co., Owners Ei-ic V. Hauser, Pres. H. H. Cloutier, Mgr. i aa b bqieboihi The Book That Couldn't Be Written Today THE. war would make it editorially impossible to produce the new Encyclo paedia Britannica today. . The war has made it me chanically impossible to pub lish this famous work today, even if it could be written. One of the reasons why the Britannica stands out as the greatest work of Its. kind is that the 1500 contributors were chosen regardless of what country they lived in, on the basis that each man was the best man in the world to handle the particular subjects. This editorial feature makes the new Britannica the mosc universal book of reference in existence. More American experts con tributed to this masterwork than ever contributed to any other encyclopaedia. More English authorities as sisted in its preparation than in that of any English work. More French experts wrote for the Britannica than for any French encyclopaedia. More German scholars con tributed to it than to any Ger man work. These facts are some of the reasons why the new Britan nica could not be duplicated today. Today It would be impos sible to organize this great in ternational board of contribu tors and obtain from them what they gave to the Britan nica when it was compiled. Some of them, indeed, are in the trenches. Most of the others have a direct interest in the war and could not write free from a strong uncon scious, if not bitter, prejudice. They could not present . na tional or historical subjects in a neutral way. Even the Americans, writing upon Eu ropean subjects, would find it - difficult to restrain their feel ing one way or the other. If the Britannica were not already in existence it could not be prepared today. The present edition was written before men's passions were aflame and their judgments warped. Even if it were written and had only to be put into book form, this too, wouldbe im possible. The reason why the Britan nica stands as an unexampled triumph of bookmaking as it "does of knowledge - collecting lies in the use of India paper. India paper -so extraordi narily thin, so exceptionally strong, so opaque makes a volume of 1000 pages only one inch thick and as easy to handle as a magazine. The Britannica could not be printed today on India paper any more than its con tents could be duplicated. War has cut off all importa tion of the flax necessary to the manufacture of thi3 mar velous paper. The fact that the war has made the new Britannica im possible of duplication either in content or form makes the possession of a set something beyond the mere owning of a great reference work. But if you are to own a set printed on genuine India paper, you. must get it now. For the only ones available are those in stock at the present time. Their number Is limited. .De cide today to own a set and select your issue and binding. Of the total number of sets of the Cambridge Issue print ed on India paper, less than 5 per cent remain unsold. ' This is the large-page, large type, wide-margin issue. 29 volumes, each one inch think, 30,000 pages, 41,000 articles, 1,500 contributors, 15,000 illustrations, full-page plates and maps. (For prices of the popular "Handy Volume" Is sue see below) . Sets of the Cambridge issue are offered on the following terms: Cloth Binding $166.75 cash, or $5 with order and 36 monthly payments of $5 each. Three-quarter Red Morocco $203.25 cash, or $5 with prder; 44 monthly payments of $5 each. ' Limp Suede, Full Leather $255.25 cash, or 5 with order; 54 monthly payments of $5, - each (a very original book case is included). Genuine Full Morocco $267.50 cash, or ?5 with order; 57 monthly payments of $5 each. The popular-size, popular price "Handy Volume" Issue is identical with the Cam . bridge Issue in text and illus trations, with a smaller page and smaller type, andsell3 for about 60 less. Sets are of fered on these terms : Cloth Binding $74.70 cash, or $1 down; 27 monthly pay ments of $3 each. Full Brown Sheep, Morocco Grained $90.75 cash, or $1 down; 28 monthly payments of $3.50 each. Three - quarter Crushed Green Levant,Morocco Grained $104.40 cash, or $1 down; 28 monthly payments of $4 each. Full Crushed Green Levant, Morocco Grained $117.55 cash, or $1 down ; 28 monthly payments of $4.50 each. Which do you prefer the large or the small book? To help you decide we will gladly send, on request, for your in spection, a volume of both the Cambridge and the "Handy Volume" issues in any binding desired. But act at once. The number of sets in some of the bindings is very low. Address: The Encyclo paedia Britannica, 120 West 82d Street, New York-City. You can see sets and leave orders at THe J. K. Gill Company Third and Alder Sts.