THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 11, 1917. CAPITOL BUILDINGS GUARDED CLOSELY Gates to White House Locked and Department Doors Are A Closed to Strangers. PUBLIC MEN ARE DELAYED President's Secret Service Escort Doubled Precautions Are More . Rigid Than at Any Time of Spanish-American, War. OREGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Feb. 10 Washington City has taken on mors of a war-time aspect eince the severance of diplomatic re lations with' Germany than prevailed in the National Capital at any time dur ing the Spanish war. This is true from the White House down through the departments, and into the Capitol. There is no undue or unusual military display. It rather is in the precau tionary measures taken to protect public men and public buildings. The White House grounds were closed within a few hours after the President announced to Congress that passports liad been handed to Ambassador von Bernstorff and Ambassador Gerard had been recalled. The public has been barred not only from the White House and the White House offices, but from the White House grounds. The big gates out front remain closed and locked, bar ring all vehicles, and even the gates at the pathways leading to the White House remain barred and locked, so that pedestrians also are kept at mora than a safe distance from the Presi dent's home and office. A somewhat ludicrous picture Is pre sented at the White House gates these days, for on duty there, in addition to the ever-present . detail of blue-coated policemen, are the suffragist pickets, with their yellow and purple banners. Public Men Are Delayed. So rigid Is the rule at the White House that public men having appoint ments with the President experience preat difficulty in gaining access to the White House grounds, and early In the vigil Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, chairman of the appropria tions committee, was forced to pace up and down in a biting wind for 15 minutes while he was being Identified, and that notwithstanding he called at the White House on the President's Invitation. At no time during the Spanish war was the great State, War and Navy Department building closed to the pub lic; today it is barred to all save those bearing passes, and each one of the . several thousand employes has to carry an identification card and pass In or der to reach hi3 or her desk each morning and during the lunch hour. Here, again. Senators and Representa tives are barred along with, the gen eral public. Newspaper correspondents having flally business in this big building have been forced to obtain passes. Watchmen Are Increased. The other Government departments are less rigidly guarded thus far, al though in practically every public building in Washington many of the entrances- have been closed, and the number of watchmen on duty at the open doors has been increased. This is true at the Capitol building, as well as at the departments, and in none of these buildings can -a stranger bearing a package of any kind gain admission. He must first deposit his package with the watchman. When President Wilson appears In public these days he is followed by double the number of secret service men who formerly accompanied him, and unusual precautions are taken to guard him against cranks. This move was made by the sercret service, which is entrusted with the task of protect ing the President at any and all times. By reason of these changed conditions i. n...... to much more confined now than before the break with Ger many and is necessarily unable to en Joy all the liberties that were safely his in the days before the break. SPECIALISTS ARE READY COLLEGE TRAINED BIEN OFFER SERVICES TO COVEItXMEJiT. Intercollegiate Intelligence Bureau Gathers at Washington t ; i Perfect Organisation. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Enrollment of college .trained technical specialists, whose services might be valuable to the Government in war times, was per sonally approved today by Secretaries Baker and Daniels, when the Intercol legiate Intelligence Bureau, created for that purpose, gathered here to perfect its National organization. Representatives of 50 or more edu cational institutions, headed by Dean William McClellan, of the University of Pennsylvania, who conceived the plan, called on both Secretaries, who expressed their gratification at the practical patriotism manifested by the college men. The organization will establish a cen tral bureau in Washington in direct touch with the War and Navy De partments. Committees at each college or university will enroll men of special training and ascertain their willing ness to enter the Government service on call. RESERVE PLAN IN FAVOR SENATE COMMITTEE APPROVES PROPOSED AMENDMENTS. by the committee would chanare the basis on which Federal reserve notes would be Issued to Federal reserve banks so that the practical effect would be to enable a bank to increase its power to issue such notes 40 per cent, and at the same time greatly increase the gold held by Federal reserve banks. Governor Harding, of the Reserve Board, appeared before the committee and urged this proposal, declaring it is desirable that every dollar possible or goia oe impounded in the Federal reserve banks to strengthen the sys tern. Other amendments approved author ize the Reserve Board to permit any member bank to accept foreign bills oi excnange up to 100 per cent of its capital and surplus, and permit re serve banks to receive deposits from nonmember banks for purposes of ex cnange or collection. Most of the Board's proposed amend ments already have been approved by the House banking committee, and Chairman Glass said today be expected to press mem in the House next week. SI10TT BILL TO PASS EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE IRRIGATION PROJECT SURE. Legislation Asked for by Oregon Desert Land Board to Aid Reclamation of Crook County Lands. OREGONTAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 7. (Special.) Acting on a favorable recommendation made by the Secretary of the Interior, the House public lands committee has favorably reported Representative Sinnott's bill extending for 10 years the time for reclamation of lands, included in the Oregon Cary acts lists 6 and 19. lying in Crook County. These two lists em brace in the aggregate 140,000 acreB, of which 86,000 acres , are irrigable. This legislation was asked for by the Oregon Desert Land Board. The lands affected, while embraced in two lists, are included in a -single irrigation project, and their complete reclamation calls for the construction of a diversion dam in the Deschutes River, near Betid, the building of 436 miles of canals and a flume a mile and a half long, which also is to divert water from the Deschutes River. About 61,000 acres under this system have been patented and 40,000 acres have been filed upon. . To date 28,000 irrigable acres are occupied by settlers, who number more than 1S00. Anappralsal of the farms on the project for 1916 shows J2.502.0G4 in value, and a crop and stock valuation of $785,000. The Desert Land Board reported that diligent effort had been made by the state, through its contractors, to re claim the lands, and points out that more land has been offered to settlers than has been taken. To have these contracts canceled now because the project has not been fully completed would work great Injustice to the set tlers on the project. - 1-CENTP0STTHR0WN0UT EFFORT TO BE MADE MONDAY TO RESTORE PROVISION. Anti-Liqnor Advertisement Also Elim inated From Appropriation Measure, but Will Come XTp Again. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. The pro vision in the- postal bill, increasing postage on newspapers and periodicals and reducing to 1 cent the rate on drop letters in cities, towns and on rural routes, was thrown out today in the Senate on a point of order made by Senator Hitchcock, Democrat. Senator Bryan, Democrat, for the committee, gave notice that he would move Monday to change the Senate rules to permit such legislation in ap propriation bills and would then again offer the provision as an amendment. A provision forbidding the mails to publications containing liquor adver tisements, going Into territory where such advertisements are unlawful was stricken out on a point of order by Senator Hughes. Senator Jones gave notice he would move -Monday to suspend the rules and then move to have the provision In serted. A two-thirds vote 'is required to suspend the rules. A separate bill to accomplish the same end already has passed the Senate, but not the lloude. GEORGE W. LILL IS DEAD Former Koscburg Hotel Man to Bo Buried at Eugene.- ROSEBURG. Or., Feb.. 10. (Special.) George W. Li 11. until recently pro prietor of the McClallen Hotel, died very euddenly here this morning from heart trouble. The body was sent to Eu gene tonight, where the funeral will be held Monday. Mr. Lill was born in Iowa, and came to Oregon 19 years ago. He first lo cated at Portland, but later moved to Gresham. where he lived until 15 months ago, when he came to Roseburg and purchased the McClallen Hotel Mr. Lill is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. T. O. Russell, of Eugene. He also leaVee two sisters, Mrs. John Hampton, of Eugene, and Mrs. Ida Baldock, of Ardale. Ia. , He was 45 years of age, and said to be quite wealthy. VIENNA SEES HOPE IN DELAY OF BREAK Sharpness Absent From News paper Comment on Inter national Situation. AMERICANS WELL TREATED Wireless Dispatch That Teutons and Teutonic Interests Get Court esy Creates Favorable Impression. VIENNA, via London, Feb. 10. Gov ernment circles and the public gener ally view the delayed action of Presi dent Wilson regarding the relations be tween Austria-Hungary and the United States as a somewhat favorable omen and wonder if no rupture is to occur. The newspapers. In a majority of cases, hold a similar view, with the result that the tone of the editorials is losing all its sharpness, tava in the case of a few radical papers, of which the Relch- spast. the most prominent Catholio organ, is the chief instance. All the other papers this morning confined themselves to discussing the attitude of the other neutrals toward the President's act regarding Germany, and expressing the hope that the American Government would learn therefrom that the central powers' case was not so one-sided as the friends of the entente would have the world believe. Several papers, knowing the Govern ment's attitude in matters affecting President Wilson's actions, refrained from committing themselves editorially on that subject, taking up the necessity or fuel and similar matters Instead. The Associated Press learns that the Austro-Hungarian government yester day Instructed the military and other public safety organizations that the greatest possible courtesy should be shown all American citizens in any event and that ppssible complaints by any American should receive prompt at tention at the hands of all the authori ties. At the American embassy the opinion was expressed this morning that the case looked hopeful. At noon the papers published, with apparent satis faction, a wireless dispatch from New Tork to the effect that the American Government had not taken radical measures against German and Austro Hungarian shipping and subjects, re ports of which were widespread here. The dispatch in question which stated that Washington had Instructed the American officials to proceed with cau tion and courtesy, made the best possi ble, impression. Emperor Charles has placed at the disposal of the people of the distribu tion of fuel his entire stable equipment that the coal which was accumulated at the depots may be distributed to the needy. He also has issued orders to the army to assist with, rolling stock and men. His order brought to light the fact that he is displeased with the in competence of certain officials and now keeps in contact with the food and fuel problems. PRINT PAPER PROBE ON FEDERAL GRAND ' JURY INVESTI GATING IN NEW YORK. Principal Change Asked by Federal ' Board Is to Permit Banks to In j crease Note Issues. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Several amendments to the Federal reserve act proposed by the Reserve Board have been approved by the Senate banking committee, and. will be reported to the Senate probably early next week. Committee members also are talking over a suggestion that if war comes all eligible banks would be compelled to become members of the reserve sys tem. National banks now are com pelled to be members, but membership is optional with other institutions, and there are about 15,000 eligibles which have never come in". The discussion of this subject has not taken any def inite form, however, and will not un less war conies. ' The principal amendment approved GUARDS PLACED ON COAST riarshfleld Residents Note Military Preparations. MARSH FIELD, Or., Feb. 10. (Spe cial.) Military emergency has wrought a marked change in several avenues in this section of the coast and all the Government property is now under guard. The Arago lighthouse was the first property to be safeguarded and all visitors have been excluded from the grounds and buildings. The coast guard station at Charleston is also the scene of stricter care in relation to visitors and the order came soon after the lighthouse was banned. Six marines went down the coast this week from Mare Island to guard the Cape Blanco wireless station, and the Armory of the Coast Artillery company is under constant watciv Wows 18, Y. M. C. A. 32. ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 10. (Special.) The George Washington Wows suc cumbed to the Y. M. C. A. basketball team here tonight, 32 to 18. They led at the end of the first chapter by a 14-to-10 score, but after that were un able to get more than one field goal to 10 by the Astorlans. Hermann, for the locals, scored 14 of the 32 points. McEntee and Daniels made eight and six points respectively. Iowa Pitcher aW'nts Job. Manager Walter McCredie . of the Portland Pacific Coast League Club yesterday received a telegram from Pitcher Frank p the Muscatine Club asking for a place. Frank won 12 and lost five games with that organization last season. The Beaver leader may sign him as he is a- free agent and have him report at Stockton March 14 Department of Justice Declared to Hate Evidence to Warrant Re quest for Indictments. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Federal in vestigation of the newsprint paper'sit uatlon has uncovered enough evidence, it was made known today, to warrant the Department of Justice asking in dictments of paper manufacturers for alleged anti-trust law violations. Al ready, it was learned, a Federal grand Jury in New T&ork Is taking testimony to determine If there has been a crim inal conspiracy in restraint of trade. Bainbridge Colby and Mark Hyman have been retained as special assist ants to the Attorney-General to aid in the inquiry. The Federal Trade Commission. which has furnished much of the infor mation on which the Department of Justice is taking action, announced to day that Francis J. Heney, of Califor nia, had been engaged as a special at torney in the Commission's inquiry into nign newsprint prices, and that under his direction the Commission would continue its investigation after a pre liminary report is made to Congress early next week. Additional data will be supplied to the Department of Jus tice as fast as it is obtained. The report to Congress, which was to have been made Monday, probably will be delayed for some days because of the illness of one of the Comrais sioners. It will be in the nature of an interim report, and will cover the ef forts of the Commission to find a solU' tion for an apparent newsprint short' age and relief for publishers from al most prohibitive prices that have ob tained for about a year. The Trade Commission. It la under stood, will report it has found that in creases in newsprint prices within. the year are from four to 20 times the advance in production costs. It will say there never has been an actual newsprint shortage, and that manufac turers have helped create a panic among publishers by intimating there was one, Progress of the War. THE harvest of the German subma rine campaign from reports re ceived Saturday increased the total loss of tonnage by S2.3S1 tons. Four Brit lsh and three Norwegian steamers are the latest victims of the U-boat block ade measures. The British tonnage totaled 15.905 tons and the Norwegian 6476. The British steamers lost were the Mantola, Lulllngton, Beechtree and Japanese Prince. The Norwegian steamers sunk were the Solbakken Ellavore and Havgard. The largest in tonnage was the Mantola, which raeas ured 6826 tons, and the smallest was the Havgard of 1100 tons. ' It is understood in Washington that the German government is forward ing to the United States a proposal that the two governments discuss methods of averting war between them. The method by which thi3 suggestion is being communicated has not been disclosed, but it is considered likely that the Swiss government is acting as the intermediary. A desire on the part of the German government that peace be maintained, notwithstanding the rupture of diplomatic relations, is'said to be clearly defined in the communfea tion, but it is not understood to carry any suggestion that Germany Intends to modify her submarine warfare. The United States, it is understood, is in vited by Germany to suggest any steps which it believes would prevent hos tilities. The communication had not been received, by the State Department when it closed Saturday. Washington's view was that the United States might not desire to enter upon such a discussion while vessels were being sunk In violation pf inter national law. . The Swiss legation In Washington has been Informed that Ambassador Gerard, his staff and 50 American citi zens would leave Berlin Saturday night by special train for Zurich. Switzer land. Arrangements have been completed for the departure from New York on Wednesday next of Count von Bern- storft and his staff on board the steam ship Frederik VIII for Chrlstlania, Nor way. Agents of the Scandinavian- American line in New York received permission of the owners in Copen hagen to use the vessel to carry the German Ambassador across the At The total number of vessels destroyed In the period of submarine operations of February 1 to 9, inclusive, is said to be 89. of which 21 were neutral ves sels. During that period, it is stated, more than 1100 vessels arrived at oi sailed unharmed from ports of the ITtiii.J t . : .. i AJlifiUUill, Two American vessels, the Rochester and Orleans, left New York on" Satur day for Bordeaux. Neither nf th.m Was na.lntefi with rttr snH -urhltfn BtHnM as the German government had pre scribed. The American line announced that none of that company's ships would do sent across the Atlantic unless the United States Government provided convoys or guns and gunners to protect the vessels. British forces retain their hold on the new positions east of Sallly-Satllisel. on the Somme front in France,- despite German attacks. The latest offensive movement of the Germans was preced ed by a heavy artillery bombardment, but the British maintained their line successfully. Artillery activity has been marked north of the Somme and along the Meuse, In the Verdun sector. South of Kut-El-Amara, In Mesopo tamia, British troops have taken addi tional trenches from the Turks. Only artillery engagements are reported from the other war theaters. VIENNA WOULD AVERT WAR Effort Made to Induce Germany to Let Americans ITse Mediterranean. LONDON. Feb. 10. ReDOrts from Vienna received at The Hague and transmitted by the Exchange Telegraph Company, say that the Austro-Hun garian government Is negotiating with American Ambassador Penfleld over the Question of allowlncr AmpHum tn travel unhindered in the Mediterranean, hoping thereby to avert a severance of relations Detween Austria-Hungary and the United States. It is not exnected. the iHsnaich aaa that the negotiations will succeed, be cause Germany 13 averse to giving any pledge regarding Americans on the ground that it would weaken the blockade in the Mediterranean and Austria-Hungary is unable to give a guarantee without German sanction. T0RPED0B0AT IS SHIFTED Government Takes Over Craft From Washington Naval Militia. Formal relinquishment by the Wash ington Naval Militia to the Government of the torpedoboat Goldsborough, for the last two years training ship of the naval militia unit at Tacoma, has been made. In view of the unsettled international conditions, it is understood that the iroldsborough will not be brought to Portland at present to be used by the Oregon Naval Militia as a training ship. nut win oe kept on reserve on Pusret Sound until more definite orders are received from Washington, D. C. The Goldsborough has been removed from Tacoma to the navy-yard at Bremerton. HONOR IS PAID TO LINCOLN Hood River Veterans and Relict Corps Hold Meeting. HOOD RIVER, Or., Feb. 10. (Spe cial.) A joint meeting of the Canby Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and Canby Corps, of the Woman's Relief Corps, was held today in celebration of the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. A feature of the celebration was the personal reminis cences of Lincoln by E. L. Smith, who attended the Republican Convention of I860, when Lincoln was nominated for President. Mr. Smith also told of hav ing met Lincoln at the latter's home in Springfield, 111. Lincoln s Gettysburg Address was read by Sanford Smith, Commander of the local Post. Likly Runabout Wardrobe Trunk "The Seneca" A hand trunk for short trips, meeting all stateroom regulations and having the convenience of upright wardrobe trunks. Constructed on best quality box, with square ends and covered with heavy vulcanized brown fiber. Bound on all edges with black vul canized fiber. "LIKLY" cold rolled steel hardware, self-locking excelsior lock. Hand riveted through-' out. Good quality linen lining, having complete drawer section as shown. "LIKLY" steel top frame, with follower and complete set of hangers. Will carry six suits or gowns. 41 inches high, 22 inches wide, 13 inches deep. 1917 Catalogue price $28.75. During This Week's Sale Priced at $19.75 Alder-St- Window auck strict at west rex MAB5MAU. 4-700-rlOVCE A6I7I J BIG PLANT BURNED Pittsburg Former Munitions Factory Loss $14,000,000. FEDERAL PROBE TO BEGIN Blaze Wipes Out Machine Shop of Union Switch & Signal Company. Two Thousand ' Sheila Are Believed Lost, Too. PITTSBTJRp, Pa., Feb. 10. The ma chine shop building or the United Switch & Signal Company, the largest plant for the manufacture of switch signals in the United States, and until recently engaged in filling munition orders for the European governments, situated at Swlsavale, a suburb, was destroyed by fire early tonight with a loss estimated at (4,000.000. The. cause of the fire has not been determined, although officials of the company believe it resulted from spon taneous combustion. . The blaze started in the packing de partment of the building. Only a few men were at work in the building at the time. For more than half an hour it was Impossible to throw any water on the tire because of frozen water plugs. The machine shop building covered 450,00a square feet. It contained the emergency hospital, packing-room, ex perimental department and general ma chine shop. More than 2000 shells in the packing-room awaiting shipment probably were destroyed. According to the president of the company, A. I- Humphrey, no shells had been manufactured at the plant since last November. The Union Switch & Signal Company, which was founded by the late George Westlnghouse in 1881. was recently taken over by the Westlnghouse Airbrake Company. United States Marshal Joseph Howley announced tonight that investigation of the origin of the Are would be made by agents of the Department of Jus tice, lie said that while Government officers had no suspicion that the fire was of incendiary origin, yet the Gov ernment was interested, in view of the fact that war orders had been, filled by the company. SILVEBTON CLUB ELECTS Commercial Body Backs Project for Road to Salem. SIIiVERTON. Or.. Feb. 10. (Special.) At the annual meeting of the Silver ton Commercial Club held here .las' evening. F. E. Calllster, cashier of the Coolidge & McClaine Bank, was elected president, and George W. Ilubbs, sec retary. During the ensuing year the Com mercial Clab will work in conjunction with the County Court on a proposition to build a hsrd surface road between 1 YVf-. of Stylo tfKd Sorvico I The $12.00 Boot has reached us, but WE sell nr them at pO,J70 (Pearl gray, two-tone, blue, African brown, two-tone.) The $10 style we QC sell, best grades-Vw0 Despite the steady advance in prices we still maintain our posi tion as largest operators in high grades of up-to-the-minute styles at a saving of $1 to $3 on every pair. $7.00 styles brown, bronze, white and black, white and ClA QC tan and all white. :. . . S' We carry all the desirable styles in demand by the men and women of culture and distinction. QLinplePhoe Store here and Salem, to cost approximately $75,000. It is understood that liberal donations have been offered by prop erty owners adjacent to the Sllverton Salem road. 324 QUARTS OF BEER FOUND Supply Stored by C. E. Munroe In Palace Hotel Seized. Bottled beer 824 quarts of It was seized yesterday afternoon by Police Sergeant Sherwood and Special Agent Walter F. Geren. of the District At torney's office, in the basement of the Palace Hotel, at Twelfth and Wash ington streets. The owner of the beverage, C E. Munroe, proprietor of the basket groc ery at 248 Alder street, came volun tarily to the police station and was released on his own recognizance. The management of the Palace Ho tel recently was assumed by Its pres ent proprietor, who says the beer was stored there when he took charge. Klamath Surveyor Resigns. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Feb. 10. (Special.) E. B. Henry yesterday ten dered "his resignation as County Sur veyor of Klamath County. The County Court, which hnpnened to be in session at the time. Immediately accepted same, and appointed J. C. Cleghorn to fill Mr. Henry's unexpired term. Mr. Henry has been Surveyor of Klamath County for a number of years, and was re elected at the last general election, but has other business Interests here. Mr. Cleghorn was formerly with the United States Reclamation Service here. NO DRUNKS ON DOCKET Judge, However, Thinks ItToo Ear. ly to Give Bone-Dry Law Credit. "It'a too early to credit this happy circumstance to the new bone-dry law," commented Municipal Judge Laiigguth yesterday, as he cast, an appreciative eye down the docket. "But." he con tinued, "the fact remains that there isn't a single one on the sheet." Judge Langguth's reference was to the utter absence of any charge of drunkenness. Testerday was the first day which has shown a clear record of this frequent charge for some tlmn past. Speeders and trespassers and others of the "frequent" variety were all represented, but no devotee of Bacchus stood at the rail to take hid sentence. Govt rnment crematory stations are to be found in all parts of Japan. " 129 4ih St.bvt. 129 FOURTH, OPP. CIRCLE THEATER Years of Experience Have Made Me An Absolute Master of My Trade! i v - - t -" r S Dentists come and go, but the ELECTRO PAINLESS will always be with you c Mr Practice la Limited lllsa-Claas Dentistry Oi All Work 15 Years! Open Nights - Most any dentist can pull a tooth and not hurt you. It doesn't take much of a mechanic to drill out a small, decay in your grinder and fill it up. BUT let me tell you this : If you want a full upper or lower bridge, with only two or three teeth left for attachments it takes a man with experience in that particular branch of the profes sion or you will be sadly disappointed in appearance of it, in the wearing quality and in the most important fea ture of it all the chewing service it should give you. REMEMBER, anyone can cut prices, but it takes BRAINS to turn out better work. BY HONESTY OF PURPOSE, SKILLFUL WORK MANSHIP, PAINLESS METHODS and VERY Reason able Prices, I hare made by business a sweeping success. I have made it possible for the working man, the shop girl and the family in average circumstances to secure the necessary Dental Service without sacrificing self-respect. I have banished fear of the Dental Chair from the minds of the present-day generation, and even nervous women and timid children no longer consider a visit to my office a thing to be dreaded, because they know they will be spared torture and pain that was formerly asso ciated with dentistry. I PRIDE MYSELF ON THE FACT that my examina tions and advice are entirely honest and based on the actual requirements of the patient. If a tooth can be saved, we save it. If a small filling is sufficient, that is all we advise. If a crown or bridge work is necessary, I personally guarantee that the tooth will be placed in an absolutely perfect condition before it is crowned and the cost will be less than the same work can be done for else where. MY PRICES FOR GUARANTEED WORK All Other Work Electro Whalebone Plates. .. .$15.00 Flesh Colored Plates $10.00 Ordinary Rubber. All Red $5.00 Porcelain Crowns $3.50 to So.OO Gold Fillings, from Sl.OO 22-K Gold Crowns... $3.50 to $5.00 22-K Gold Bridge. .. .$3.50 to $5.00 Proportionately Low We Have the Knowledge, "Ability and Experience Electro-Painless Dentists IN THE TWO-STORY BUILDING Corner Sixth and Washington Streets. Portland, Oregon