The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1917, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 39

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read the impressive service in front of
a crackling fire, which was surrounded
with Easter lilies, the fireplace being
flanked on either side with stately
palms, tall candlesticks, and the fire
light shedding- a soft glow over the
pretty ensemble. All about the rooms
"were baskets and standards filled with
lovely Spring flowers, the keynote of
the color being pink and white.
Festoons of smilax were used over
the entire house, the drawing-room,
dining-room and reception , room being
adorned further with quantities of love
ly pink roses in addition to the Spring
flowers. The ceremony was read in
the livin .-room, and only the immediate
families were asked to attend. At 9
o'clock & reception was held, a number
of close friends also being included.
The bride was adorable in a, wonder
ful gown of ivory satin, made short
over a petticoat of Carrickmacross
lace, which peeped below the satin
skirt. The gown was embellished with
crystal embroidery, and the long court
train of the satin was enveloped by the
filmy tulle veil, the latter being held in
place by a chic cap of the Carrickma-r
cross lace. She carried a shower bou
quet of white spray orchids and lilies
of the valley.
Miss ucker wore a pretty go.wn of
tulle and satin, of a lovely turquoise
shade, and she carried an arm bouquet
of pink roses and fresias. Mrs. Tuck
er, mother of the bride, was handsome
in a smart gown of grey charmeuse
trimmed with silver and tulle draperies.
She also wore a corsage of orchids.
Mr. and Mrs. Biddle left for a month's
. trip in California, and upon their return
will take up their residence either in
Salem or Vancouver, Wash.
Miss Margaret Mears, and her fiance.
Norman N, Rupp, were the guests of
honor for the dinner party presided
over by Miss Ansa MacMaster Thurs
day night. In addition to the honor
guests, covers were marked for Mr.
and Mrs. William MacMasters, Miss
Helen Ladd, Miss Elizabeth Jones, Mrs.
Hazel B. Litt, John C. Adams, Ray
Small, Maurice Dooly, Jr., Aubrey
Watzek and the hostess. -
Miss Elizabeth Wiley, daughter of
Captain Wiley, of the United States
Aavy, arrived Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Erskine Wood to visit her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. S. Wood
Miss Wiley is a charming young girl
and will be extensively entertained by
' the younger set.
Miss Alice Warren, of St. Paul, ar
rived here Wednesday to be the house
guest of Miss Rhoda Rumelin for an
Indefinite stay.
. Miss Alice Tucker, her fiance,
Bpencer Biddle, and the former's
cousin. Miss Sally Adams, of Seattle
were honor guests at an informal din
ner dance for which Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Ankeny McArthur were hosts
riday night at their home on Port
land Heights. The rooms were decked
with Spring flowers, the dinner table
adorned with a basket of the fra
grant blossoms being circled by 20 of
the younger set.
A charming affair of the latter part
of the week was the luncheon presided
over by Mrs. Raymond B. Wilcox at
her new home on Portland Heights.
The table appointments were exquisite,
a basket of fragrant Spring flowers
being circled with corsage bouquets of
violets, marking places for Mrs.
Chester G. Murphy, Airs. George A.
Warren, Miss Mary ' Robertson, Mrs.
Carl L. Wernicke, Mrs. S. L. Ward. Miss
Irene Daly, Mrs. Stanley G. Jewett, Mrs.
Arthur M. Mears and the hostess.
Of all the Valentine day parties and
functions perhaps the most absorbing
to Portland society is the -Visiting
Nurse Association birthday tea, which
will be given this year at the residence
of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. A num
ber of charming features will make the
affair more than ordinarily interest
ing, among them being the programme
of dances to be given by Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Grady. Home-made candy will
be offered for sale, Mrs. A. A. Morrison
to have charge of the candy table. She
will be assisted by Miss Jean Morri
son, Miss Helen Honeyman, Miss Nancy
Zan, Miss Rhoda Rumelin and Miss
Ruth Teal.
The committee in charge ' of the
affair is: Mrs. Morrison. Mrs. James
D. Honeyman. Mrs. Helen Ladd Cor
bett. Mrs. Donald Spencer and the
chairman, Mrs. Jame B. Kerr. As
sisting in the dining-room will be
Misses Helen Ladd. Margaret Webber
I V'Ona Guthrie. Marjorie Forbis. Louis
Small. Antoinette Mears. Mary Stuai
Smith. Helen Whitney, Kemna Kloster
man, Clarice Biles, Ruth Shull, Dorothj
Ptrowbridgo and Mrs Clifton N. McArthur.
An interesting and delightful affair
of recent date was the dance given by
the men of house F of Reed College.
The dance was an event of Saturday
night and was given in the assembly
hall of the college. About 100 young
folk made merry during the evening
and in addition to the girls and boys
of Reed College the following Port
landers were present: Alice Smith,
Dorothy Strowbridge, Dorothy Stine,
Margaret Marvin, Jeanne Stevens, An
toinette Mears and Misses Mary
Brownlie and Maurine Laber, of last
year's graduating class.
Members of the faculty who attend
ed weret President and Mrs. William
T. Foster, Miss Susan Bacon, Miss
Florence Read, Miss Malda Rossiter,
Dr. Max P. Cushing and Dr. William C.
Mrs. Harry L. Sherwood will be at
home Wednesdays during the season
from 4 until 5:30 o'clock at her new
residence, 630 Vista avenue.
Mrs. Sherwood's young son has re
cently been promoted to Lieutenant in
the Royal Naval Air Service.
Honoring Miss Katharine Ecob, of
New Tork, who is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Harold M. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs.
Sawyer entertained with an informal
tea Sunday afternoon, to which a
number of the young men of society
were asked. It was a decided change
from the women's tea parties and
proved most enjoyable in every man
ner. The rooms were aglow with
Spring flowers, . pink tones predomi
nating, rne attractive tea table was
presided over by Mrs. D. P. Thompson
Mrs. H. C. Wortman, Mrs. Walter
Smith, Mrs. Edwin C. Parsons and Mrs.
Frederick Kiehle. The hostess was
further assisted about the drawing
room by Mrs. Folger Johnson, Misses
vv innifred and Laura Miller and Miss
Genevieve Church.
Mrs. John A. Keating asked a num
ber of the visitors' old friends to
luncheon at the University Club on
Tuesday, later entertaining them with
a box party at the Orpheum vaudeville.
Her guests were Miss Ecob, Mrs. Mable
Holmes Parsons, Mrs. C. K. Curry, Mrs.
Sawyer. Mrs. D. T. Allen, Miss Alice
Jones and Miss Eleanor Gile.
Miss Margaret Raeder will be hostess
for a bridge party on Monday compli
menting Miss Clara Marsch, fiancee of
Dr. Byron Loomis.
Adams, Mrs. C. T. Swlgert. Mrs. R. E.
Moody, Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes, Miss
M T. Isora, Mrs. W. T. Foster, Mrs.
Charles Scadding, Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt,
Mrs. T. L. Eliot Mrs. J. D. Hart, Mrs.
Edward Boyce. Mrs. Edgar B. Piper,
Mrs. W. D. Wheelwright, Mrs., David
Loringrf Mrs. Richard Montague, Mrs.
R. Koehler, Mrs; R. G. Coffey, Mrs. 1. N.
Fleischner Mrs. Robert Strong and
Mrs. Margaret B. Biddle.
Mr..' and Mrs. -Harold Young's dinner
dance, which was a charming event of
Thursday night at the Multnomah
Hotel, was complimentary to Mr. and
Mrs. James E. Davidson, who are pre
paring to go to their new home in
Omaha. Seated around the prettily
decked table were 30 of the younger
married contingent, the gala Valentine
decorations making a pleasing foil for
the handsome gowns of the women.
The little ballroom was decked with
festoons of the pink hearts, baskets of
pink roses tied with fluffy tulle bows
being ' arranged artistically about the
room. The dinner table was adorned
with a broad basket filled- with ex
quislte pink roses and lacy ferns.
tied with the airy bows of pink tulle,
and the ensemble was most artistic and
Mrs. A. F. Biles and daughter. Miss
Clarice Biles, will entertain with
large reception at their home in Twen
ty-fourth street, on Saturday after
noon. It will be one of the most In
teresting affairs of the week.
"The MacDowell Club's recital tomor
row evening at the Masonic Temple is
creating a great deal of enthusiasm
among society folk. Many prominent
matrons are planning to entertain with
dinner parties, and later take their
guests to the concert. Among the din
ner hostesses will be Mrs. Clarence S.
Jacobson, Mrs. Walter F. Burrell. Mrs.
Helen Ladd Corbett, and Mrs. Solomon
Hirsch. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. S. Wood
will be hosts for two line parties,
which will include both the younger
and the marsjed contingents.
Mrs. M Loulsson accompanied Mr.
! and Mrs Gustav Simon, and their
daughter. Miss Helen Simon, last night
to California. Mrs. Loulsson was the
guest of her son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Louisson, for a
Mrs. Anna M. Newman, of San Fran
cisco, arrived several days ago to be
the house guest of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Loulsson, and
she will remain for several weeks.
The regular meeting of Pan Hellenic
Association will be held Saturday aft
ernoon, at which time the Beta Phi
sorority will entertain for the associa
tion at the residence of Mrs. F. L.
Knight, 178 East Fourteenth street.
A charming affair of the week was
the luncheon given by Mrs. Edward
Hol'man on Wednesday honoring Mrs.
Fred J. Hainee, who will leave soon
for an etxended visit in -the East. The
table was charming with an array of
Spring flowers, yellow tones predomi
nating. Tulips, pussy willows and daf
fodlls were effectively arranged. Dur
ing the afternoon -. Miss Katherlne
Brandes, who has a charming contralto
voice, sang a number of soloe, with
Mrs. Simon Harris at fhe piano. The
guests included: Mrs. Fred J. Haines,
Mrs. Hugh Glenn. Mrs. Louis Fliedner,
Mrs. J. E. Werlein, Mrs. Harry Gay
lord, Mrs. Isaac Fogel, Mrs. Thomas
W. WTatts, Mrs. Dr. Whitney. Mrs.
Frank Ball, Mrs. Albert Marten, Mrs.
Albert Jackson and Mrs. Edward Hol-tnan.
The Oxford "Pinch-Back"
A New Spring Suit Sparkling
With Style and Individuality
Just as sketched by our artist. A suit for smart
. street wear, for traveling, and for the business
woman. Pinch-back with patch pockets. Made in
' Oxford gray knitted cloth. A suit for those who
want something different. See it Monday, $28.50. "
Other Suits arriving daily $1930 to $5730
Scores of New Coats $12 JO to $37 JO
Fetching Spring Frocks $13S5 to $3SD0
Crepe de Chine
Waists $3.95
New Spring models in
old, champagne, apple
green7 flesh, maize and
white. Very special at $3.95.
"Little Lady in
Blue" Hat
Copied from the quaintly demure poke
bonnet that winsome Frances Starr is
now wearing in the New York play by
this name.
The "Little Lady in Blue" Hat, as
sketched, is developed in "candjr" straw
and ribbon at $12.50.
if '
24 f 128 JbdhJrJu off Wuhrgon.
lilt Ml
Over 500 nen Spring Hats
already here to choose from.
Enjoy seeing them Monday.
Society is taking a great interest in
the elaborate recital to be given Mon
day night by the MacDowell Club at
the Masonic 'Temple, when they will
present Mrs. Thomas Carrlck Burke,
the brilliant and well-known,
and Theodore Spiering. This affair
will be preceded by many dinner
parties for which several of the pat
ronesses will be hostesses, and it-promises
to be one of the most notable
events in the week's social calendar as
well as in musical circles. Patronesses
are: Members of the board of directors
of the clu'j, and Mrs. H. C. Wortman,
Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, Mrs. Clarence S.
Jacobson, Mrs. Solotwon Hirsch, Mis.
Helen Ladd Corbett, Mrs. Waiter F.
Burrell. Miss Ruth Catlin, Mrs. Henry
L. Corbett, Mrs. A. E. Rockty, Mrs. E.
L. Thompson. Miss Putnam, "Mrs.- C E.
Wolverton, Mrs. Jonah B. Wisp, Mrs..
J. T. Teal. Mrs. C. H. Carey. Mrs. C. F.
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An engagement of interest that was
announced Wednesday by Miss Sadye
Ford is that of her sister. Miss Ivy
Dorothy Ford, to Harold1- A. Swafford,
of Oregon City. The Ford family has
but recently moved here from Salem,
the father of the bride-elect being
Rev. T. D. Ford, prominent in the
Methodist Church of Oregon. Mr.
Swafford is assistant manager of the
Willamette Navigation Company and a
member of a well-known Oregon fam
ly. The wedding will be a simple af
fair of early June.
The tea was a charming affair, al
though small and very informal, about
a dozen girls, close friends of the
bride-to-be, being asked.
At the Colonial party to be given at
Multnomah Hotel on the evening of
February 22 Robert Krohn and Miss
Georgia Wey will lead in a minuet
composed of 12 couples dressed in
Colonial costume and Miss Marion Far
rell, attractive young daughter of Sen
ator Robert Farrell, will give a pretty
dance. The dramatic skit being
coached by Miss Nina Greathous has
nine speaking parts, George and Mar
tha Washington being the leads. Pro
fessor W. H. Boyer is training a
horus of teachers, who will sing songs
of Washington's time. The entertain
ment, which is being given under the
auspices of the Grade Teachers Asso
elation, is for the benefit of the fel
lowship fund which is set aside for
teachers in need of assistance.
Mrs. Herbert Lee Gibbon (Nelle Bay
ly). who has been visiting her mother
here for several weeks, returned t ri
day night to her home in bpokane.
Durlnir her visit here she was the In
spiration for a number of charming
social functions, as she is very popular
among the young girls of Portland.
A gay and pretty "party was that of
the Tillicums Saturday night at Love's
Murlark Ballroom, the occasion being
the first of the 1917 series or flainty
dancing parties that is being given
everv fortnight by tnls aireaay pop
ular club, the newest among the city's
dancing sets. The beautiful ballroom
was gaily decked with flowers, ferns
and palms, with an abundance of new
pussy willow, all of which was gor
geously set off by hundreds of tiny
red hearts. The membership Is com
posed of 100 members of prominent
Portland people, with the subscription
book closed at that number and with
a large waiting list. The members are:
Messrs. and Mesdames B. F. Irvine,
William Brady, Ralph Watson, Sam
Owen C. B. Clark, F. S. Penfield. Percy
Garrlgues. A. R. Porter. L. W. Humph
reys, Charles A. Shae. C:- E. Irwin, Mr.
and Mrs. Sanderson, F. M. Kersch.. Otto
Webber, Dr. M. G. McCorkle, C. C. Mc
Colloch, Armeon Marion, Percy Allen,
V. N. Gatens, Charles M. Brink. J. W.
Creath, L. H. Peters, W. H. Guild. Mr.
and Mrs. Preal, B. E. Haney, R. D.
Robinson, Frank Hartman. Dr. W. E.
Stewart, E. H. Keller. W. C. Woodard,
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, Grant Mays, Ralph
H. Mitchell. R. Whittaker, Robert
Krohn, W. H. Bennett. Dr. Horace Bel
knap. Dr. H. R. Parsons. B. C. Darnall,
A. B. Peacock. J. P. Hoban. P. Roope,
Dr. Elof Hedlund, T. W.Saul, E. J.
Jefferies, Cliff Thomas, George C: Love,
F. P. Young, J. H. Miller and Allan
McCurtaln. . ,
One of the most delightful affairs of
midweek .was a dancing party given
by Mr and Mrs. Edgar H. Anderson at
their home in Overlook Addition. Mrs.
Anderson is a popular young matron
and a most charming hostess. Dancing
and cards were enjoyed by the guests,
among whom were Misses Inei Radell,
Ileiia Berger. Marie Winn, Mildred An-
deioon. Grace Miller, Maude Herrick.
Mess -s. George Bechill, James Roberts,
Paul Cudlipp, Vernerd O'Bryau, Dr. Anderson. William Mullay and
Dr. Walter Anderson.
Mra. DemDSter Isst. wife of the pro
prietor of the Union of Walla Walla,
is the house guest of Mrs. Sidney eoyie.
who entertained on Friday with a
luncheon at Multnomah Hotel.
A silver tea will be given for the
Auxiliary of St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral
at the home of Mrs. N. A. Colman,
905 Lovejoy street, on Tuesday.
Mrs. E. G. Chandler and Mrs. Thomas
P. Blair entertained on Friday with
an attractive bridge luncheon. Yellow
daffodils and yellow satin ribbons
decked the table. ;.,.;
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Jr.,
(Dorothy Sharpe) are receiving con
gratulations over the birth of a daugh
ter born Sunday. The little girl has
been named Constance Patricia.
A farewell surprise party was given
Saturday in honor of James M. slgel at
the home of his parents. The diversions
of th3 evening were music and dancing.
About 50 guests shared the hospital
ity of the host and hostess. A dainty
repast was served late in the eveninfT,
during which toasts were given to wish
Mr. Sigel success. Mr. Slgel left Sun
day evening for Los Angeles where he
will engage in business.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Michael, of Che
halls. Wa.. are visiting their aunt, Mrs.
Anna Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Michael
are being extensively entertained.
A pretty valeatine party .was given
last night by Miss Marguerite Palttzsch
and Mls Ethel Nelson at the home of
the latter, 615 Tillamook street. The
ballroom on the third floor was con
verted into a woodland scene with
boughs of cedar and fir. Oregon grape
and ferns, which made a striking foil
for the garlands of red valentine hearts
strung about the room. The drawlryr
room was decked with quantities of
lovely Spring flowers, inv which the
daffodils and tulips predominated. A
stringed orcheetra was screened be
hind tall palms. About 60 of' the
younger set participated in the gale-
The regular afternoon teas given on
Thursday afternoon of each week at
Alexandra Court are increasing stead
lly in popularity. Last week about 80
guests dropped in during the afternoon
for brtdsre and tea. The next Sinner
dance at the Court will be given
Wednesday evening, and the affair
promises to be well attended, several
parties already having been planned.
These dances are Informal and are from
6:30 to 8:30.
The monthly afternoon bridge and
"500" card party of the women's de
partment of the Rose City Park Club
will be given on Wednesday afternoon.
It will be in the nature of a celebra
tion of Valentine day and the club
house will be decorated with flowers.
Mrs. Max Smith will be hostess for the
afternoon and the prizes will be potted
The women's auxiliary of the Ger
man Red Cross Society is planning to
celeate Washington's birthday by a
coffee party to be given at the Ger
man House. Refreshments, will be
PonUnui on Pajr 4.
gs : a
Emma K. Bargoyne and Dr. G. E. Wat tm Were Married Tuesday Xlght. Rev.
X. I Eliot Officiating. It Waa m S mall and Simple Affair With Only a
Ffw Close Friend In Attendance. Dr. and Mrs. Watts Are on a Short
Wedding Trip, and Will Make Their Home la. This City Ipoa Their Return.
See Onr Elegant
Stock of
Also "
ISO Tenth St.
403 Washington St.
Correct Spring Fashions
For Town, Suburban or Sports
wear. Distinctiveness and exclu
siveness are emphasized in the new
fabrics and colorings favored by
New York and London.
K. S. Ervin & Co., Ltd.
Custom Clothing and Shirts.
Imported Accessories for Men
and Women.
Second Floor Selling Building,
Sixth and Alder Streets.
2qt wAstaNcras st. pittock bu&
H O M E,
Broadway, near
Morrison, will
be ready next
month. It will
open with an
entire n e w
Our Entire Stock of Furs
Now on Sale at Reductions From
One-Quarter to One-Half
Furs were never more in demand than at present Liebes Fur
were never more attractive or in greater variety. You can
save now on furs that will be good for years to come.
Included are
Fox Animal Scarfs, Capes, Collarettes, Muffs. Fur Coals,
Children's Furs, Fur Rugs, Robes, Caps and Milts.
288 Morrison Street
Shop for Women
EE i Portland Hotel Court EE
Opening Announcement
EE of the new f ZZ
I Spring Models
S comprising S
Suits Dresses '
Sports Clothes 1
Evening Gowns
Blouses Coats
Novelties ' ' I
A most cordial Invitation Is extended to the ladies of Portland to
view our exhibit of beautiful new apparel for Spring, to be held on