THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. FEBRUARY .1917. A) BY GHF?T"r2UDll r? corbctt i v i sf? 'x f lljltl!? - .. .. muffle. yfir-S- cymes' JET ZP&KStjfe-crsr, AS7?? As'7Jt 4t i 4 ' I 1 v. y .-.v.Srt .-.-jv---'.".' ."-",0: V-V-V-VTAX1 3 i yzs- :cSsjZ c?7 atAo 4j I ' ' I I J u ... .1 - erlne, Hart. Donald Crozier. Sterling-, R. Mrs. John 6. Parke entertained Tues day with a. luncheon in honor of Miss Alice Tucker, now Mrs. Spencer Biddle, and the following day. Wednesday. Mrs. David T. Honeyman was a lunrheon hostess, also complimenting the bride. Tuesday nicht Mrs. Helen LrfMid Corbett entertained for the couple. with are Or- pheuiu box party. A charrnlns affair of Friday night was the dance piven by the members of the Portland Heights Club for their president, James K. Davidson and Mrs. Davidson, the former of whon will leave this week for his new post at ! Omaha, with the Electric Bond & Sharo Company. Mrs. Davidson and the chil dren will follow witmn a lew weens. Friday night's dance was especially Bay and interesting, an elaborate sup per closing- the restlvitles. t-racticauy every member of the club turned out to bid adieux to their popular president. A number of affairs have made the week delightful for the popular couple. the afternoons being devoted to luncheons, teas and matinee parties for Mrs. Davidson. Dinners and theater parties in the eveninsr In which Mr. Davidson has shared Vie honors have marked the evenings. Patronesses for Friday nlprht s dance at the Portland Heights Club were: Mrs. Arthur C. Spencer, Mrs. Allen M. Ellsworth, Mrs. J. I McCool and Mrs. Frank I Gollehur. The social com mittee includes Mrs. II. V. Carpenter. Mrs. D. A. Pattullo. Mrs. Omar C. Spencer. Mrs. Brockwell Statter.'and Mrs. James B. Iverr. peutive hosts are preparing their lists of guests, both for dinner parties to precede the festivity and the box and line parties that make the Eleventh street Playhouse resplendent with mar velous gowns and jewels. An interest ing feature of the gowning of the stars of the operas, especially that of the Japanese drima donna, is the enormous price and magnificence of one heir- loom. It Is -valued at J13.000 and it I came to petite Madame Tamakl Miura through the friendship of a descendant of an old Japanese noble family. The gown was given to her by thia descendant, and it is of the heaviest of pure black silk, with most intricate of needlework, -in which pure gold thread is employed. Jewels stud many of the center figures of the embroid ery. As she makes a specialty of the two great Japanese roles In opera Cbo-Cho-San in "Madame Butterfly" and Iris in the opera of that name the question of wardrobe is a paramount one. And In the matter of wardrobe. It is interesting to note that because of the cradual transition from the ancient mode of Oriental dress to the modern ern rh ef the Uurooean. the famous robes of former days having been dis carded, the actors of the country are now reputed to possess the best ren-4 resentative costumes of the old Jap anese. Miss Alice Tucker's wedding, which, was a smart event oi lasi thrui. i Spencer Biddle. was one of the most unusual and attractive weddings of the season. The bride, who is a charming and lovely girl, was attended by her sister. Miss Esther Tucker, Lewis Mills actinir as best man. Dr. A. A. Morrison LADIES Order your Spring Suit now. Full line of Spring: and Summer materials and styled. B. FINK Ladles Tailor. 407 K II era Bid sr. siiiaiuHiHiiuiiiiiiiiiiniuiumimiiiiHiiimnuHnitii laiiimitiunraumiuiiiiiniuiitii iiniiniiHtNiuiitmnmiiiiHinimuiuiiiuiiiutuniiMHi VAiEXTIXE. the patron saint of romance, mystery and setlment, will rule supreme 'over the so cial gaieties of this week. Around the engaged girls and their consorts-to-be the major ' portion of the festivities will revolve, for there always must be b. reason for social affairs. Visitors to the city and those leaving, for their homes or sojo&rns South or East also will be included in the hosts" invita tional lists. This week, however, no other motif Is needed for entertain ment, as St. Valentine- Is all-sufficient excuse for all the frivolity that can be crowded into seven days. Spring, bringing in its wake the most marvelous assortment of riotous blossoms, beckoning to the passersby from the shop windows, inspires many of the hopitable matrons and maids to entertain, for floral decorations play an important part in the social life. With a hostess it is- always the "time, place and flowers," the other minor de tails, such as personal adornment, be ing secondary considerations, and what better variety or more wonderful col oring could be found anywhere! Even the rare white lilac's fragrance reaches beyond the portals of the doorways of the florist's shop, suggesting restful country lanes and farms in the early morning, which brings us to the full realization that the Lenten period is upon us. to be quickly followed by lOaster and. the early Summer vaca tions. Among tbe events of. interest thai ihave made the past week gay were the splendid concert given by Hart- ridge Whipp on Tuesday night at the Masonic Temple, the luncheon at which Miss Katharine Ecob was honor guest on Monday, Mrs. John A. Keating, hos tess: the dinner and theater party civen Tuesday night by Charles S. Holbrook in honor of Miss Mears and Morman N. Kupp; the dinner and the ater party, alc pa T.ueedaz 1 Xllo'lit, given to honor the Gustav Simons; the dinner dance for which Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Young were hosts on Thursday night at the Multnomah Ho tel; the dance complimenting the J. E Davidsons on Friday night, for which the - Portland Heights. Club offjeers were hosts, and the wedding yesterday, of Miss Alice Tucker and Spencer Bid dle. which was a charming home af fair. An event of Interest scheduled, for this morning- is the cross-country run to be taken by the members of the Portland Hunt Club; starting at 9 o'clock from the riding academy and finishing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Nicol. Flrlock station, where they will be entertained- at breakfast. Later the assemblage of smartly at tired equestriennes will be picturized by the cinema man. who will represent a large film exchange, the pictures to be shown all over the country. The premiere event of the week so cially and musically is the recital to morrow night at the Masonic Temple, when the MacDowell Club will pre sent Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke and Thomas Spiering in a piano and violin recital. Of paramount importance among the Valentine festivities, is the annual Val entine tea which will be given this year at the home of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. A feature of the event is the programme of dancing to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grady, the clever and artistic interpreters of the art terpsichore. On the same day the first of the se- rlres of ' talks on Russian literature and current events will be given at the Little Theater by the celebrated Dr. J. D. Landsfield. !- . . - Monday night was a gala one at the Orpheum vaudeville, a number of prom inent folk making up line and box par lies, In. all cases, the festivities were followed up by supper and dancing at the Multnomah Hotel. One of the largest parties was that given in hon or of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav imon. who left Thursday for California for ev- eral months' visit. The party occu pied two boxes, and included the Sim ons, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ehrman. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Flelschner, Mrs. Sigmund Frank, Mrs. Ludwlg Hirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Fsederick Seller and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Loulsson. One of the upper boxes Vas occu pied hy Mr. and Mrs. Winslow B. Ayer and Colonel and Mrs. c E. e. wood Miss Margaret Mears and her fiance, Norman N. Rupp, were honor guests for another ef the box parties. Charles S. Holbrook was host for the affair preceding the theater party with a din ner at the University Club. Additional guests were Mrs. Hazel B. Litt. Miss Claire Wilcox and Jervia E. W. Stephenson. One of the line parties was made up of Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Wernicke. Miss Ruth Teal. Miss 'Isabella Gauld. Mr, and Mrs. M. E. Crumpacker, Miss Kath- iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK Spring Styles and Materials 1 Choice Patterns ud xne umi sijiea ZZ TO CMM f TOM. Are New Being saewa. Schweitzer & Eagin 1 j LADIES' TAILOHS. 3&2V4 WASHINGTON STREET. Next Doer te the Uaaelwoad. gimmiimiimimiiiHmmmmiiimiiire Society folk are taking a great deal of Interest In the opera season, which will open here at the Eleventh-street Theater for three performances on March 5. The Boston National Grand Opera, with many Portland favorites. will give this brief season of opera. nd even at this early date the pros- WheletiaTe Retail Kstabllsbed XOUtt g Oriental Rugs g Save 25 by purchasing Oriental Rugs now. We doubt if you will ever again. be able to buy them so reasonable. U " O g CartozianBros. g n Imitortera ef Orleatal Rags. II WaahiDgtoB at Tenth. Pittock. BIk. Engraved bedding Invitation aivf An nouncement. Social and Business Cards. Sted Die Embossed Personal. Lodgs, Profes sional and Business Stationery. State kind samples desired. rVLl&& Morrison st. bet. Iyt 4th and 5th. TeL ILQYfEBS. Wal es A 1545 Eccentric Novelties for Spring JLarge Purse, or Handbag combined with KhakUKool Skirt v A very wonderful KhaM-Kool Skirt is of the nat ural linen color, striped with a chain of green and gold ; a prettily styled bag of the same material is attached to the belt, and hangs as a pocket over! the right hip. The stripe of the material forms a belt and falls in sash effect over the left hip, the ends being finished with green silk tassels. This is priced at $32.50. A Coat-Dress Thi3 is a striking garment, to be worn either as ' a coat or a dress. It is designed in fine blue serge, gracefully hanging in box pleats from the yoke, and buttoned from neck to hem with gray pearl buttons; a gray collar finishes the neck; novel pockets and stitching are used in trimming. This sells at $35.00. Brilliant Suit of Pongee and Japanese Cretonne-- A suit that has caused more comment than any thing we have received this season. It has a -three-quarter length coat of the natural-colored pongee, deeply edged with bright Oriental-colored . cretonne; a large collar, cuffs and sash of the same. The skirt is entirely of the cretonne. This is priced at $48.50. We are safe in saying these are some of the most out-of-the-ordinary things to be found in the city. But we are also showing many charming things in the more staple styles: Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Millinery, etc. Really very moderately priced and designed to please all tastes. v i ' - i-i & I - .! P ' ill! II I II I' II 'Outfitting o2P Washington Street at Tenth fiiuuunnuuututnmtRutiunmimnttimmimmtnmiuiinimw Wc Invite You to View Our. Many Pretty Styles s- for Spring ' yiii-m.iiM ,,,,,.if,.iiuiiiiiii,niiiiiiii.niMUiiiiMiiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimltmu