SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY, VOL. XXXVI. SUNDAY MORNING, PORTLAND, OREGON, FEBRUARY 11, 1917. NO. 6. We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purcheses Amounting to 10c or More Filled Books of S. & H. Stamps Redeemed in Cash in Gift Room, Fourth Floor Save, Your Trading Stamps Bicycles, Tricycles, Coasters, Baby Carriages, Sulkies, Etc. Best Makes, Fourth Floor Kodaks, Cameras, and Supplies, Fourth Floor Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors, Second Floor Appetizing Luncheon served daily from 11:30 to 2:30 in the Tea Room on the Fourth Floor. All foods are prepared in our own spotless kitchens and only the very best of every thing used. In planning your shopping tour don't fail to include luncheon here. Reasonable prices. Portland Agents for Ladies Home Journal Patterns and Publications. The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Portland Agents for Famous Ohio Standard Electric Suction Cleaners. Portland Agents Bon Ton & Royal Worcester Corsets We show a full line of the popular models in these two well-known makes. Consult our expert corset ieres in regard to your new Spring Corset. See special ad on page 5, section 3, of this issue. Opening Exhibition of New Wash Fabrics for Spring 1917 i m Ml Authentic Styles in New Spring Suits $15 to $65 i Garment Store, Second Floor Notable evidence of this store's en terprise is seen in this remarkable showing of the new Spring Suits the largest and most complete display we have ever had so early in the' season. Sport styles are again prominently featured for Spring wear and here you will find the newest and cleverest mod els in a wide range of the new shades. There are also the more fancy cuts and those in tailored effects. Various materials gab ardines, serges, poplins, flannels, wool Jersey, Summer Bolivia, velours,- Borella cloth, etc. Belted and loose effects. Many very smart Suits are made up in the fashionable checks and plaids. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF GARMENTS FOR LARGE WOMEN AND ALSO STYLES ES PECIALLY DESIGNED FOR MISSES AND SMALL WOMEN. New Spring Coats $10.00 Up to $49.50 Garment Store, Second Floor Every day new Coats are. being added to our already large stock. The styles embrace every new and favored mode of the season. There are clever new Sport Coats .in the fascinating new colorings plain and in checks, plaids and stripes. The materials include the new Borella cloth, serges, pop lins, flannels, gabardines and velours and also the ever-popular mannish mixtures. Many of the new Sport Coats have novelty belts and large patch pockets. All sizes. Priced $10 to $49.50 Spring Dresses Garment Store, 2d Floor Charming, indeed, are these new ' I " - ' 1-1 ...wu.a, uunibj I". J . 1. . J " IL'I till, JJ. Jf labCObj ming. Attractive styles in long-waisted effects with gathered orlij nlaited skirts havine" sash which t.ies at front, nnrl hark TIcJ A veloped in' Crepe de Chine, Taffeta Silks, Georgette Crepe, Serges and Wool Crepes. Many are made up in com bination of two or more materials. Dresses for street and party wear. All leading colors. Prices range $12.50 to $49.50 Ml UJ Vil Special Display of New Spring Waists $2.49 to $10 m an Aft New Spring Petticoats 2nd floor Taffeta and Silk Jersey some have silk jersey top and taffeta flounces. All the new bright tones, plaids, changeables and stripes. Scalloped, plaited and ruffed effects. Prices range $3.69 up to $9.95 Dress Skirts in tailored and sport styles made up in serges, poplins, flannels, Khaki Kool Taffetas and various other materials. Priced $5.00 to $22.50 Garment Store, Second Floor Dainty Waists of Georgette crepe in the newest Spring shades particularly in the smart bright tones so much in demand. Also beautiful Waists of crepe de chine, taffeta silks, fancy striped wash silks and khaki-kool silks. Many are shown in com binations of various colors. Some are effectively trimmed with touches of hand embroidery, others with fine tucks, laces, etc. Novelty styles for dress occasions, also tailored models. Full range of sizes. The prices for these dainty Waists range from $2.49 on up to $10. OO AT $3.(59 there are any num ber of beautiful new Waists made up in crepe de chine, Georgette crepe, taffeta, laces, chiffon and net. All the new shades, such as Nile, peach, rose, mustard, etc. AT $5.00 you may choose from great many handsome new Waists in crepe de chine, taffeta nets, Georgette crepe and various other materials. Tailored and novelty styles. Full range of sizes in lot. Another Lot of Waists M At $2.98 M On Sale Monday at the Bargain Circle on Main Floor Not a Waist in this entire assortment but is worth much more than the sale price. Great many different styles, ranging from the tail ored models to those appropriate for evening wear. Materials include Georgette crepe, crepe! de chine, taffeta silks, nets and laces. (T Extra special for Monday's selling at P' I Garden-Making Time Is Drawing Near Garden Tools Third Floor Our new Spring stock of Garden Tools is now ready Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Spading Forks, Trowels, Turf Edgers, Pruning Shears, Cultivators, Grass Hooks, etc. best of materials each tool thoroughly tested in every process of manufacturing and is guaranteed to be free from defects. Look over your stock of Garden Tools list the arti cles you need and let us quote you prices. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with purchases. -Long or Short Handle Shovels for 800 -Long or Short Handle Spades for 800 -Garden Hoes or Rakes priced at only 300 -Spading Forks, long or short handle 800 -Lawn Rakes, regulation size, only 5O0 -Turf Edgers of best quality, priced 750 -Cultivators, 6O0; Ladies' Spades at 300 -Grass Hooks or Grass Shears only 350 -Pruning Shears best quality now at 3O0 -Weeding Hoe, extra strong, priced 350 -Long-handle Garden Trowels priced 200 -Trowels at 100; Potato Hooks only 8O0 -Dandelion Diggers, long handle, at 150 Garden Hose We are prepared to supply your needs in Garden Hose at lowest possible prices. In anticipation of present high cost of ma terials we placed our orders many months ago. If you are going to buy Garden Hose this season right now is the time to do so, before further advance in prices. We have all grades and all sizes. GET OUR PRiCES. House Wares Dept., Third Floor. Headquarters for Sherwin-Williams Paints ESa l y XfssS NewLaceBoots for Spring One Fashionable Model As Illustrated A C-l f New Lace Boot Sll- JJL J for Women. Vamp of black Trostan calf and tops of gray buck. Imitation tip and vamp is daintily pinked. A very smart new boot for street wear. Shown in a complete range of sizes. A Of t New lace boot on rXL PJ. JL the popular "New York" last. Medium high straight heels with neat narrow toe. One style on this last has vamp of coca brown calf with tops of brown buck. Very dressy for all occasions. Full range of sizes. Remnant Sale! REMNANTS of Embroideries, Remnants of Laces, Remnants of Dress Trimmings, Remnants of Ribbons THOUSANDS OF Rem nants and Short Lengths brought to light by inventory will be closed out Monday at BIG REDUCTIONS IN PRICES. See special tables ar ranged in rear Ribbon Dept., 1st Fl. See 5 Big Windows on Alder Street! MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY will be Open ing Days in the Wash Goods Store a formal presenta tion of the new season's choicest weaves in the most comprehensive exhibit ever held in the city. In order that you may have some, idea of the importance of this event we direct your attention to an extraordinary display of Wash Fabrics in five large windows on Alder street. SEE "THEM! New Sport Fabrics 12V2C to 60c Yd. NEW SPORT STRIPES in all the leading colors for dresses, skirts, waists, etc. These are sure to be very popular, so don't wait until the best are picked out. Shown in ginghams, per cales, Devonshire cloth and in crepes. PRICES range from 120 to CO0 yard. Aisle of Cottons, on Main Floor. NEW SPORT FABRICS Plain colored voiles in all the new shades gold, chartreuse, orchid, bisque, hockey, shadow green, old rose, navy. Thirty-six inches wide. Priced at, yard 500 it! qjs: 81 New Silks On Display Indications point to a strong demand for silks the coming season particularly for pongee, La Jerz and kindred weaves. We have the popular silks in all the wanted colors for Spring. New Pongees Plain white Pongee, imported quality, 27-inch. Prices range from $1.50 up to $2.50 yard. 36-inch Imported White Pon gee, $1.75 to $4.00 yard. Imported Pongee Silks in nat ural color. Prices range from 790 up to $4.00 yard. . La Jerz Silks ' This is one of the very new and desirable silks, particularly adapted for sport apparel. Plain colors only. Priced, yard $3.50 KhakuKool Silks Shown in many clever new de signs and in plain colors for sports apparel. The yard $4.00 New Spring Laces and Embroideries Main Fldor New shipment just opened fine embroidery edges, insertions, headings, beading edges, baby flouncings, dress flouncings, allovers , and camisole embroider ies in every wanted width and vast range of patterns. Popular prices. Complete showing of new Cotton Nets for dresses, waists, linings, etc., widths range 36, 45, 72 inches. New Curtain Lace Edges and fine shadow lace edges in ecru and white, narrow and medium widths. Also Cluny laces in splen did assortment of patterns. Prices range from 50 up to 100 yard. New Val Lace Edges and Inser tions 2 thread and fine diamond meshes. Good assortment of patterns in this special shipment. "Nevatare" Silk Nets Special $1.49 Yd. Main Floor Another big shipment of these splendid nets just in by ex press. Dressmakers and women who do their own sewing will do well to supply their needs now while the wanted colors are here. "Nevatare" Silk Nets give satisfactory wear and are used extensively for evening dresses and waists also for linings. They come full 72 inches wide and are to be had in practically all the new Spring shades T1 AQ as well as black and white. Priced very special, the yard only PAT' Metaline Cloth, 88c Yard Main Floor Metaline Cloth is used very often in conjunction with "Nevatare" Silk Nets for evening and party frocks and fancy waists. These are shown in 36-inch width in various colors to match the above nets. For a short time we offer Metaline Cloth at Special 880 and $1.35 yard. Mail orders will be filled at these very special prices. Boys' Wash Suits for Spring Chambrays, Linens, Repps, Cheviots And Madras Cloth Ages 2 to 8 Main Floor One of the many attractive styles is shown to the right. Fresh new Spring merchandise just out of the boxes. Shown in great many models. Long or short sleeves, high or low collars. Plain blue, white and tan, also in novelty stripes. Prices for these Boys' Suits range from $1.50 to $3.75 Boys' Wool Suits $5 to $15 Boys' Store, Main Floor We are now ready to fit your boy with a new Spring Suit. The styles are varied and the fabrics and patterns are most at tractive. Particularly smart effects are to be'eeen in the new mixtures and novelty weaves. Belted Nor f oiks are again the favorite. All have sport pockets. Ages 6 to 18 years. Prices range $5 to $15.00 WE GrVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH PURCHASES. Beautiful Imported Zephyrs at 29c Yard New Ginghams, 12, 15c, 19c Yard Main Floor Imported Zephyrs in delightful new colorings. Plaids, stripes, checks and plain colors for dresses, skirts, waists, etc. Priced at, special, the yard 29c Main Floor New ginghams in vast assortment of patterns. Standard qualities that will laun der and give satisfaction in every way. New plaids and plain colors. Prices range 120 to 190 yard. Dainty Printed Voiles at 35c to $1D0 Yard New Oriental Crepes, 29c Yard Main Floor Rich Oriental hand woven crepes our direct importa tion. Shown in all the new sport styles and in plain colors ' to match. Ask to see these ' new crepes. Priced at 290 yard. . New Madras Cloths, 25c, 35c, 40c to 60c Yard New French Batistes, 35c, 50c Yard Main Floor Dainty voiles in all the new printed effects, also plaids, stripes and old-fashioned Paisley patterns. Excel lent assortment to select from, 350, 400 up to $1.00 yard. Main Floor Special showing of new madras cloth. These are es pecially desirable for waists and skirts also for men's shirts. Priced 250 to OO0 yard. Main Floor New French Batiste Tor lingerie white, flesh and blue. Prices range 350 to 5O0 yard Linen Auto Suiting 45 inches wide brown, blue, tan 500 Yd. Beautiful New Silk-Warp Crepe de Chine and Chantilly Crepes just in. Knickerbocker Voiles and Beautiful Printed Crepe de Chine. All colors. New Devonshire Cloth in great variety of patterns. Price 250 yard. New White Goods Main Floor Complete showing of all the staple plain weaves, also novelty effects. New Voiles, Silk-Warp Crepes, Gabardines, Silk Striped Madras, Organdies, Seed Voiles, Marquisettes, Japanese Nain sook, Pearline Cloth, Cloister and Monastery Cloth New Flaxona in Plain and Fancy Weaves, Nainsooks, Dimities, Lawns, ' Longcloth, etc. Linens, Towels, Sheeting BLEACHED SHEETING of splendid heavy quality. Perfect goods, absolutely free, from dress ing. A limited quantity on OO, sale, 2 yards wide, yard O- PILLOW Cases at special prices. CHILDREN'S Bath Towels with fancy colored borders at Half Price, special LARGE SIZE Fancy Check Bath Towels, blue or pink. Priced TQ- special now at low figure of 1212C PORTLAND AGENTS FOR RICHARDSON'S FAMOUS LINENS. Women's Silk Hosiery Famous Kayser Make Monday the pair $1.25 Center Aisle Main Floor Here is a bargain in silk hose that will at tract the attention of all thrifty women, for there are stockings in this lot which formerly sold at double the sale price. Odd lines in the cele brated "Kayser" make in black and colors, also a big lot of tan silk hose in another well-known make No telephone orders or mail orders accepted for this special. Women's Silk Hose of excellent qual- (PI ity in good range of sizes, priced special for Monday, the pa: - P .!.'-' Next Wednesday Will Be St. Valentine's Day lc to 25c The Center Circle, First Floor, will be given over to a great spe cial showing of Valentines tomor row and Tuesday Greetings, Fa vors, Score Cards and hundreds of other novelties for the occasion, ranging in price from 10 to 250. Also special display of Valentine Decora tions, Second Floor, and Fancy Valentine Boxes in the Candy Department., 1st Floor. Give the Heart Full Sway on St. Valentine's Day In our book stock you will find a large assortment of appropriate books for, Valentine Offerings, in prices 25c to $5, comprising books of Poetry, Sentiment, Art Gift and Travel Books, Newest Copyrights, dainty selections from the Classics, etc. Some A ppropriate New Fiction THE WISHING MOON. Louise Dutton $1.35 SEVENTEEN. '. Booth Tarkington $1.35 UNDER THE COUNTRY SKY. Grace Richmond .... ' $1.25 DABNEY TODD. Wescott $1.35 COURTIN' CHRISTINA. J. J. Bell. The Book Shop, Main Floor .$1.00