The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1917, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 32

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Y. M. C. A. " fc
Ton know how to do something but don t
know how to get lomethlng to do. We can
tell you how or send you to It. During pwt
7 years wo have placed, or helped place
themselves over ll.OOO men and boys. ThU
service a privilege of membership In the
Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for
a year under guarantee that you will se
cure employment or refund of membership
fee. See Secretary J. W. Palmer.
MONEY Thousands of graduates making
pood as chauffeurs, repairmen, machinists,
salesmen, battel y and ignition specialists,
garage owners. Up-to-date equipment.
Individual, practical Instruction. We help
students earn living. Write for catalogue
and free advanced Ignition course today.
Kattonal School of Engineering, Los An
geles, established 19Q5.
100. PAYABLE $10 monthly, will make
you $2000 within three years. The busi
ness is high-grade, licensed under the
strict laws of Oregon. Success Is sure,' as
the state holds In trust a large bonus,
which can only be earned by the manager
after you are receiving profits. Make us
prove this statement. Interview by ap
pointment only. BF 40, Oregonlan.
FREE a special course In tractor and elec
trical engineering to those taking the auto
course prior to Feb. 15. Have a large class
now graduating and have room for a few
i- snore men. Open to visitors 9 A. M. to 10
T". M. (Catalogues). The only up-to-date
school In the West. 20th and Hawthorne
A POSITION with good future is open with
good Portland concern for bright, ener
getic young man experienced In general
- office work and well qualified as ledger
man. Reply at once In own handwriting,
- giving least salary to start, age, expe
rience, references and telephone number.
V 79, Oregonlan.
A COMPETENT bookkeeper and typist who
has woraed in t'ortiano can secure $J.uu
monthly with wholesale house; must be
ex perienced in modern commercial cor
poration bookkeeping and capable of ad
vancement ; specify qualifications In each
of particulars named or do not apply.
Give Pacific phone address. N 83, Oregonlan.
EDGE RM AN, pine mill, $3.50; tallyman.
marKer on cnatns, i.&o; married
planer feeder, $2.75 up; married man line
up for edger, $2,50 up.
FARE ADVANCED 10 young men to
work around large factory, $30 and board
to start; fare advanced.
235 Burnside St.
WANTED Man to haul for local whole
sale house; will make year's contract
with satisfactory man. who must have
S60O cash for first payment on truck, bal
ance monthly payments, and can be "paid
out of contract; give phone number, iv
V04, Oregonlan.
MAN In small factory; quick with hands
and handy; one with executive ability to
manage help, get out orders and hustle;
steady work; $12 to start; state experience,
age, whether married, etc. Y 65, Ore
gonlan. .
all ready to wear, in the best makes; $25
men's suits for $15, and $30 values for $20,
Jimmy Dunn, Eilers bldg., 2d floor, cat-ty
corner from Pantages Theater.
WANTED Reliable men to sell groceries for
wholesale house direct to the consumer in
Washinitton and Oreeon: a good position
for the right man. Write W. T. L., or call
at Palace Hotel, 4.46 Washington St., Port
land, Or.
IF YOU are out of a Job and want high
class selling position calling on the house
wife, a postcard will put you in touch with
& $40 to $80 a week proposition. Div. M
1423, American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Le
mon t, IU.
WANTED -Chemists and laboratory men to
help supply shortage of drugs, dyes, etc.,
cut off by war. Learn through sure, easy
home-study method. Call International
Correspondence Schools, 345 Washington
tt. Both pnenea.
.W ANTED-Those desiring high-class po
sitions in feouth or Central America.
Hawaiian or Phillonine Islands. DostaKe
for particulars. Pacific Name & Address
Company, Chamber Commerce bldg., Los
WANTED First-class (open shop) ma
chinists for heavy lathe; also boring mill
work; steady work to first-class men.
8-hours day, time and half for over
time. 417 Oregon bldg, 5th and Oak st.
POSTOFFICE clerks, carriers, railway mall
and custom-house employes, $75 to $150 a
month ; life Jobs; no striKes, no lay oris ;
annual vacations. Pacific States School,
McKay bldg., city.
DO you want a good position? Take practical
courses, gas or electrical engineering; learn
automobile ana gas tractors ; complete in
formation Illustrated catalogue. Sent free.
Seattle Engineering School. Seattle, Wash.
YOU LEARN to be an optometrist and op
ticlan ; It Is profitable; day or evening
classes. The e Iveyser Institute of Op
tometry, Inc. Send for catalogue or call
at 202 Columbia bldg., 865 Washington st.
RAILROADS want men for traffic inspect
ors; big pay, promotion, free transporta
tlon, chance travel overseas: experience
not necessary; ask for free booklet C-5.
Jr rontier Prep, fcchool. Buffalo, N. Y.
AT ONCE A bright young man, preferably
one with experience, to act as a salesman
on an exceptional magazine club proposi
tion; a gooa pay and cnance tor advance
ment. 72;i Chamber of Commerce bldg.
EXPERIENCED farm hand, either single or
married, on rruit rancn ; must oe gooa
with horses; steady job for right man; no
cigarette smoKer neea appiy
X W. JACOBSEN, Paterson, Wash.
SECRET service, American, traveling, for
eign; opportunities for officers also inex
perienced ; preparation where necessary
Dy leading worm s expert. Asiatic Pa
cine Agency, ban Francisco.
W AN X ED b lrst-ciass (open shop ) gray
iron foundry molders; o-hours' day, time
nnd half for overtime; good wag-s and
steady job to competent men. 417 Ore
gon bldg., nth and Oak st.
ot promotion, reason able salary to begin
increase as earned. Lawyer or law studen
preferred. State age, experience and refer
enoes. it u, oregonian.
THERE is an opening in wholesale house
xor a orignt ooy wno nas been tnrougn
the grammar grades ; must be neat, ac
curate, willing to work and eager to learn.
Answer in own handwriting, giving ex
perience, age, references and phone. T
78, Oregonlan.
WANT live, wide-awake young man, age 25
to 30. with selling ability, to manage tne
sale of something entirely new which is
being Nationally advertised ; good propo
sition to the right party; should be at
tractive to ctock, bond or book salesmen.
T 75, Oregonian,
YOUNG man wanted to fill responsible posi
tion as stenographer, booKKeeper ana gen
eral office man in broker's office : busi
ness ability, initiative and integrity nec
essary; moderate salary to start; good
future prospects. Inquire Underwood
Typewriter Co., employment dept.
WANT man with family to work in small
town 14 miles irom jrorxiana, wno wn
purchase acre tract and make it his home;
easy terms, or take lots, house equities or
partly paid contracts as iirst payment.
AH 70, Oregonian. t
DENTIST One who wants in for himself.
excellent opening. Tabor 5124.
Help Wanted Agents.
if this Is not greatest money-making-honsft-tft.housA
Tiro nosi tlon. N R. G
LAUNDRY TABLET washes clothes 10
minutes, without rubbing. Contains no
lime, lye, paraffin wax or other injurious
chemical, cannot posibly injure clothes or
hands. Nothing like It on market. Posi
tively wonder of age; sells 15c. enough for
5 family washings. Supply free samples
and guarantee sale of every package you
buy. Just leave the free sample with the
housewife and, when you call again, she
is eagerly awaiting to become your steady
customer. Secure territorial right at
once, or you will regret it. A lc postal
brings sample and full particulars.
Dept. E-62, 140 W. Van Buren, Chicago.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
THE Shaw Advertising Company, manufac
turers or tne notea naw line or art ana
business calendars, fans, pencils, signs,
leather and other high-grade advertising
special ties, desires to secure the services
of several reliable and energetic men to be
gin work immediately. We are interested
only In men who mean business and are
seeking a permanent connection; men who
possess ability to call on banks and other
high-class business establishments. Our
line is one with merit and worthy of the
best efforts of the most capable salesmen.
Liberal compensation to the right men.
For particulars, address the Shaw Adver
tislng Company, Kansas City, Mo.
sires salesman for Northwest. Man
with established business preferred.
Would consider man carrying small
nonconfllcting lines In conection.
Give full experience, amount of sales
and references in first letter.
St. Louis, Mo.
HIGHEST-CLASS salesman wanted
by Seattle Branch Safe-Cabinet
Co. Experienced typewriter, check
protector or office specialty men
preferred. - Splendid opportunity
for right man. References re
quired. Address Seattle Branch
i-le-Cabinet Co., 1300 Fourth aye.,
Seattle, Wash.
to sell combination plnchback and regular
coat to young men. If you can sell 50 suits
each season here Is biggest money-maker
in Dusiness. write, giving run particulars,
Kingsbaker-Beiersdorf, 50S South Fifth
ave., Chicago, I1L
SALESMEN High-grade, able to handle best
paying specialty proposition ; weekly ad
vance to the right man; old established
house; territory now open in West and
Northwest; this Is a Job for a $500O-a-year
man. i, r. bcovuie, j.yo- railway n.x-
cnange. st. Louis.
SALESMEN wishing an up-to-date side line
can at Alain st.
SI. 000 FOR vour next 100 days: spot cash:
new money-malting invention ior agents,
creneral agents, managers. Recently in
vented ; 1.000,000 already sold ; 200 more
salesmen wan tea at once ; amazing auto
matic com Dressed air washing machine;
wasnes iud or ciotnee o minutes, nu craaiva
to turn or levers to push; no rubbing;
works like magic. Price only $1.50 makes
sale at every house; 200 per cent profit. L.
Palmer, Glen Allen, Ala., put out on trial
30S machines. Bold 107; profit, $107. Write
today. Wendell Co., 1137Oak, Lelpslc, O.
NEW invention, ventilated chemical indoor
closet for country, village, suburban homes;
no plumbing; no waterworks; no cesspool;
absolutely odorless; 30 days' free trial
guarantee; every village and farm home a
customer; an order every house; one agent
made $112 commission 8 hours; agent' b
outfit free; exclusive territory contract.
Write today for full particulars of this
biggest winner ever offered to salesmen.
Address Shafer Mfg. Co., 402 Colton bldg.,
Toledo, O.
TWO young ladies, capable of handling parts
and specialties1, for road show; clever ama
teurs considered. Call bet. 10 A. M. and
1 P. M., 1215 Delaware st. Wdln. 3703.
AMERICAN couple will give good home and
educate school girl; no other children;
aaopt ir satisiactory ; references ex
changed. G 7U, Oregonlan.
MIDDLE-AGED women to etieane In a histh
class profession; must be ambitious and
quicK to learn: profitable and pleasant oc
cupatlon. Address H 77, Oregonian.
WANT housekeeper for widower and 9-
year-old daughter. Scandinavian pre
f erred, good home. J. P. Carlson, 1902
.morgan st., Aoeraeen, wash.
MIDDLE-AGED lady to assist with cooking
in country German or Swedish preferred;
good steady position for right party. AO
t , urtgonian.
WAiN J7ED Experienced lady presser on
ladles' work at once. XT. S. Laundry Co.
ctry cleaning dept.. Grand ave. and E,
Yamhill, ii ilea. East 202.
BIG HIT Our 5-piece aluminum set is all
tne rare. Cheaper than enamel ware;
sells like wildfire. Guaranteed 20 years.
Retail value $5; you sell to housewives
only $1.08. Biggest seller f the age; 0
sure sales out of every 10 shown. Others
cleaning up $10 to $20 a day. Answer
this quick to secure your territory. Dlv.
30M2. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Le
mon t. ill.
EXCLUSIVE territory for Tuffley's Tire
Tonic ; guaranteed to stop punctures in
stantly; it minimizes blowouts, is not
sticky, does not injure rubber; saves time,
worry and money; every auto needs Tuff
ley's Tire Tonic. Retails at $0 per car.
Address, with references. Auto Improve
ment Mfg. Co., San Diego, Cal.
START you In business1, furnishing every-
tning; men, women, to -oo weemy
operating "New System Specialty Candy
Factories"; home, small room anywhere;
no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime.
Booklet free. RAGSDALE CO., Box S,
East Orange, N". J.
$3 WEEK and expenses. Free samples.
iroia and silver letters ror store ironts.
office windows, glass signs. Anyone can
put on. Big demand everywhere. Liberal
offer to general agents. Metallic Letter
Co., 433 N. Clark, Chicago.
SELL MEXICAN diamonds, spare time; beau-
titui pocKet sample case mattes saies on
sight ; have rainbow fire of genuine di-
monds: fool exnerLs: stand tests. Write to
day. Mexican Diamond Importing Co.. 255
Las Cruces. New Mexico.
EVEN if you were deaf, dumb, blind you
could sell our aluminum utensil cleaner.
Every housewife grabs it on sight. Steady
trade and big money in protected territory.
w rite quicK. uiv. American Aiumi
num Mfg. Co., Lemon t. 111.
LIVE agents everywhere to sell something
new, necessary to every Individual ; no
competition. Big nrofits. Shlpmen ts pre
paid. Write today. .Nix Chemical Co.,
hiknart, ina.
$oO PER WEEK easily made; business
grows without work; I collect and deliver;
guaranteed raincoats, seir-auvertising: i
orders galore; sample caa.t free. Don A.
Skinner, &41& West Ohio. Chicago, III.
WANTED First-class (open shoo) boiler
makers; good wages to good men; 8-hours'
per day, t ime and half for overtime. 417
Oregon bldg.K 5th and Oak st.
MARRIED man to work on dairy farm;
board extra help: give reference and
wages wanted first letter. Write Stuart &
Carnnhun, Warrenton, Or.
WANTED First-class tire repairman and
vuloan izer ; must be able to give good
reference. Address H. C W care Black
stone Hotel.
MEN and women make big money selling
our nouseiioia specialties: experience un
necessary. Write for particulars. Pedvin
& Jensen Co., 515 3d St., San Bernardino,
i aiiiornia.
MAGAZINE solicitors, crew organizers. 4e
and ;ic magazine propositions. Red -hot
fefllers; big profits : unlimited territory
State experience when writing. Postal
Subscription Company, Minneapolis. Minn.
"WANTED A-l clothing salesman to assist
in special sale; one who hos experience;
please state salary wanted. Address P. J.
Krecken ridge. Astoria, Or.
WA NTED By corporation, boy with me
chanical a bilh y to learn trade; trade
school graduate preferred ; good advance
ment. D Oregonian.
MEN wanting firemen or brakomen posi
tions, beginners $120 monthly; positions
guaranteed competent men. Address Rail
way Association, t-are Oregonian.
$3.50 XTP.
Drop In and look them over. Orpheum
Cleaners, 355 Stark, corner Park.
WANTED Handy boy for light factory
work; $7 to sturt; steady work; one liv
ing at home preferred ; state age and
experience. Y Sfi, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class (open shop) pattern
makers, 8-hours' da y, time a nd half for
overtime, first-class wages to competent
men. 417 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak st.
"WANTED Honest. young. Inexperienced
Japanese boy to help with housework lawn
and garden; modern country home; three
- in lamny. r rea oroner, timsuoro, Or.
WANTED Reliable, steady young man to
drive Kord delivery car. Steady job; good
opportunity to get insido later. Call 140
Jd f.
WANTED Harness maker; one that under
stands cutting and ran run a Campbell ma
chine; a good, nllnround man. Address H,
L. Kuck, The Dalles, Or.
BE A DETECTIVE; earn $100 to $30O per
month ; travel all over the world. Write
bupt. Ludwig, 731 Westover bldg., Kansas
city, mo.
WANTED Competent married man as Jani
tor for apartment house, wife to assist, no
children; good steady job for reliable par
ties; references. If 75. Oregonlan.
WANTED 1 first-ctasa sash and door cutter
and short order man, also 1 sash and door
machine man : state wages. Address 213
K. rtos st., wana waua. wash.
"WANTED Assisfant manager for downtowr
eating house; bond required; state ex.
perience. 1 80, Oregonlan.
WANTED Pastry cook for dairy lunch;
only first-class man considered ; state ex
p trie nee. K 81, Oregonlan.
THOROUGHLY experienced tool and die
maker. Hotpolnt Electric Heating Co., On
tario, Cal.
SINGLE MAN for small farm, close In. rea-
Fonable wage, good home treatment. BF
o. Oregonlan.
WA NTED 1 0 men house-to-house canvass
liberal commission. V-J3 Henry bldg. Call
between and I A. M.
WANTED Experienced tlemakers. Stand
srd Timber Company, Evanston, Wyo.
I nlon fncific cont ractors.
RAILROADS want young men for tele
graph service. Call room &03 Panama
, bldg. for fun particulars.
VOREMAN for building company wanted
must be capable of making estimates, and
purchase g:sH stocK. x i. oregonian.
l'lit'MBERS, read my ad in "Business Op
portunities and "To Exchange column,
. i j .... V Annrnnian
DRi.rv'ERY boy. with or without bicycle
ulso extra boy for Sundays. Portland
Oyster Co.. 48 N. 23d st.
GOOD live solicitors ; Bteady work: easy
sales and big money; best proposition in
the city, oo uranq ave.
. waktkD A man with car for good money
making proposition. Apply D. Lollick, 209
N. 16th.
It T CUE agents and photographers, send
your enlarging, finishing and framing to
Universal Portrait Co., 1021 Golden Gate
ave., San Francisco. Cal. Highest quality
wora ana quicK service.
START the new year right, get this big
winner; targe iieia, tremennous demand :
particulars free. Joseph T. Albin, 1719
ave., beattie, vvasn.-
WE PAY $30 a week and expenses to men
with riKS to introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
ft, parsons. Kan.
EAKX $30 weekly selling vacuum masxage
outfit, operates by water power. Invesll
gate, unrton specialty Co., 703 Main st
Buffalo, N. Y.
WONDERFUL fireless heater (patent pend
ingi, sit coatiesjs in winter and be "warm
hs toast. ots lc daily. Agents bonanza,
h . hirao ley, box oa, (Jincinnatt, Ohio.
SE A i "alifornia flower beads. Swell lin
Big profits. Catalogue free. M (SSI ON
UhAl) CO., I'sio v . i-ico, Los Angeles. Cal
WANTED A Jeweler at Arleta station: wil
give room rent tree first month. Box 62,
Arlet a sta. Tabor 3 27-.
PORTRAIT men working independent, write
tor catalogue : .4-nour service. Robert;
Wholesale Portraits, Kansas City.
WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs
no more, jui ioara ot Trade bldg.
10O PER CENT profit. Partlcularn free
Port Supply Co.. Portland, or.. Dept. A.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
country; three . grown people In family;
wages $33, Appiy to- Mrs. Sharp, Main
WANTED An experienced stenographer
ana DooKKeeper, capanie or taKing com
plete charge of an office; give references
ana salary wanted. UK ol, Oregonlan.
woman to care for child during day: room
and ooard, small wages. Tabor 20 1. Ola
E. MJth N.
YOUNG woman for housework and care of
z cuitureu. Phone C 1709 or call at 300
cook ave., near Williams.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra
pner ; state reierences ana salary. g 4,
J? lUtai -CLAab stenographer for public ac
countant's office; must be capable of
lauuiatmg. AG 70. oregonlan.
PH YSICIAN opening training institute
wants trained nurse or lady with some
money as partner. Iv 70. Oregonian.
manent positions for young
women ; salary paid while learn
ing. Apply to tne Pacific Tel. &
Tel. Co.. ttth floor. Park and Oak
sta. between b:30 A- M. and :30
P. M.
SALESLADY, thoroughly experienced in
cloaks and suits; must have good appear
ance; good salary and permanent position
for competent saleslady; also a saleswoman
for hosiery and gloves. Address Skallerud
Dry Goods Co.. Astoria, Or
HOUSEKEEPER, experienced, good cook,
neat ana capable, lor rancn; two or inrea
men to cook for; refined, middle-aged
woman or woman with ohild; state par
ticulars and wages. Box 17, Route 3,
Hlllsboro. Or. , .
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo
men is now located at room dud new fo
lic Headquarters. Information, protection
or assistance, given to women and girls.
Interview confidential.
WANTED Lady of sensible age capable of
noiainsr position after receiving instruction
and proving ability ; no stenography 4 or
bookkeeping. Apply 2o Ainaworth bldg.
between 2 and 5 P. M. after Sunday
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
LUMBERMEN Young man, 35. wishes to
make change; 10 years' experience as
bookkeeper, then buyer and salesman, and
for past 5 years manufacturing end, the
last 2 years of which operated my own
plant ; thoroughly understand both lumber
and shingles; excellent references; rea
sonable wages; will go anywhere. AV 0o5,
YOUNG man, 2S. excellent selling ability,
accustomed to meeting the public, desires
a position where he can be outside in
the city or country part or all of the
time ; have been employed In Portland
for the past six years as Inside salesman
and can furnish first-class refs. as to
character and ability; can also furnish
automobile. R 82, Oregonian.
RETURNING member Troop A wants Job.
Was chief clerk for general contractor.
Understands construction accounts, oper
ates typewriter, good timekeeper. Has
sold construction materials and acted as
purchasing agent. Accustomed to working
15 hours per day and likes it. Minimum
salary to start $75. F 60, Oregonian.
AT ONCE Ten ladies to travel, demonstrate
and sell well-established line to our deal
ers. Previous experience not necessary.
Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Co., Dept. 70, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Students can earn board, room
and tuition. Telegraphy, stenograpny,
bookkeeping, law. Members National As
sociation. Catalog free. Mackay Business
College. Los Angeles, Cal.
WANTED At once, ladles to leave on trial
only with friends wonderful complexion
beautlner; no capital required; customers
pay when satisfied. Princess Company, box
1242, Seattle. .-
WOMEN as Government .clerks, J70 month.
Portland examinations May . bampie
questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept.
703B, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Types of all kinds for motion pic
tures, experience unnecessary ; particulars
furnished. Picture Producer's Exchange,
liox 1179, Los Angeles, Calif.
WANTED Capable girl for general house-
worK; pleasant room, ngnv worn. au in
person today between 10 and 12. tf2 E.
STRONG, experienced girl or young woman
zor general nousewora.; gooa cook; iarany
of 2; small flat; city references required.
Call East 5552.
AT once, a couple of young ladies with ex
perience in selling for an attractive ana
remunerative proposition. Apply 723
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and house
work: ; no washing or ironing ; aiso ex
perienced girl to assist In second, work and
care of children. Main 6330.
WANTED A girl to assist with housework.
small family, no washing, sm ; lovely
home for right girl. Phone Woodlawn
4492, or call at 1100 Vanvouver ave.
THOROUGHLY competent girl for general
housework; must be good cook; family
of 2; references; wages $30. 400 E. lbth
st. N.
WANTED Experienced general Insurance
girl; state experience salary expected;
references present employer; answer in
own handwriting. AP 28, Oregonlan.
NEAT, attractive woman for light worR
about apartment-house ; pay 5 -room
apartment, with heat, light, 4T&s, hot
water, etc. Phone Main 4124.
EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for organiz
ers, sick and accident fraternal order.
Cal 1 Mond ay 10 to 12 A. M. or 2 to 4
P. M. 710 Dekum bldg.
NEAT girl for housework and assist with
coo King, 3 in ramiiy, fia to start. call
between 10 and 12, Eaat 4344.
BOARD and room for young woman In mod
ern home; ?12 per month. Tabor OOoti.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted, middle-aged lady
preierreu; wmower ana cmugnters going
to scnooi. -v e, oregonian.
WANTED Settled woman to do housework
ror employed couple. Give phone No. In
letter. AF 78, Oregonian.
LEGE will teach you the trado in eiicht
weeks, pay you while learning, give you a
set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get
you a position , 32 schools In U. S. and
Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor.
2d and Burnside.
GRAMMAR grade pupils; experienced lady
teacher, with state cextif icate and best
recommendations, will take a few pupils
who for physical or other reasons are be
hind in Bchool work and give them very
special and kindly help in one or more
subjects. Phone Tabor 723.
fcCHOOL. Men and women to learn the
barber trade In 8 weeks, tools free, paid
while learning. Scholarship and diploma,
get you a position. Tuition reduced. 3$ N.
2d, cor. Couch.
Capable and trustworthy, well educated.
with high-class business qualifications and
broad experience, is open for a nroooai
tlon to become manager or confidential
man with firm, or individual. J 00, Ore
go nla.
WANTED Position as superintendent of
logging K. R. ; have many years" experi
ence at construction work, bridging and
general R. R. work; capable of taking
charge of engineering work ; also best of
references. A 77, Oregonian.
GOOD office man and salesman wants posi
tion ; references. K 78. Oregonian.
LUMBERMEN A capable, energetic, expe
rienced mill mechanic: If you have some
thing difficult or want increased efficiency,
you will do well to Investigate this party;
confidential, reliable and have references.
Address AK 79. Oregonian. Can see the
party today and tomorrow at Olympia
MIDDLE-AGED man and wife, up to date
in all lines of farming, with the best of
references, want position on well-improved
stock or dairy farm where woman can
keep house, man to work as general farm
hand; can take full charge it necessary.
o oregonlan.
POSITION In general mdse. business by one
who has had many years experience in
country store as manager and buyer. A
references as to ability and Integrity;
would consider buying interest. K. 4, Ore-
Expand your business ; increase your
earnings -by getting away from time
stealing details. Let me handle your ad
vertising and correspondence. Would
also undertake window-trimming, show
card writing. Young, clean-cut, honest
and a Christian. H. R. Harvey, 1323
Terry ave.. Seattle. Wash.
CAPABLE woman wants day work, 25c hour
ana cariare; ret. Call weekdays, Pet.
8:30 A. M. and 5:30 1 M., Main 7001,
A 1517.
YOUNG man, artificial leg, desires work in
small restaurant; willing to go in as aisn
washer ; can do any light work around
house or garden; ref. Call week days bet.
8:30 A. M. and 0:30 P. M., Main 7051,
A 1517.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
OFFICE work by mature woman, have
some -knowledge of bookkeeping and type
writing; willing to apply myself to any
kind of office work to learn business. AK
75. Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER, accurate, has had ex
perience In commercial and private sec
retary work, desires good permanent po
sition. P 81, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as stenoeranher or
bookkeeper; reliable and accurate; some
experience; moaerate salary. AG el, Ure-
LADY very much In need of employment de
sires position In doctor's office, or will
consider other proposition. AL. 79, Ore-
gom an.
EXPERIENCED stenographer, rapid and ac
curate typist, desires permanent position.
Main 4717.
POSITION as bookkeeper or cashier in of
flee; have had some experience as typist.
Xiu do, oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, vounr lady, bealnner.
would l(ke office work part or most of
day; best references. Phone Marshall 869.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier.
can operate typewriter; good references.
juarsnati J. you. Apt. -o.
LADY stenographer. business experience
ana aaaptaoie; wants change. J tv, Ore
YOUNG lady stenographer would like posi
tion as oeginner, zor au or part ox day.
it none r,asi onu.
BRIGHT young girl wishes general office
work, knowledge ot bookkeeping. Phone
Wdln. 3IK15.
EXPERIENCED timekeeper and office as
sistant, good typist, wants work with rail
road, logging or construction company;
will go anywhere; good references. M i4.
WANTED Position by one now employed
selling high-grade specialties; man of
merit and producer on audience; if have
a reputable offer to make, specify what it
is; reference submitted. Y fe4. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED processer and double seam
machine operator wants a job in a fruit
cannerry, competent to take charge it
desired. Address Processer, 535 Savier st,,
CHAUFFEUR or mechanic wishes outside
position; 8 years' experience; do own re
pairing; wishes to drive touring car. truck
or delivery ; well acquainted with city.
Call F. Miller. Marshall 320.
YOUNG man, 26, good education, would like
to connect himself with firm or corpora
tion where there is chance for future pos
sibilities; salary to start no object. AC
87. Oregonian.
LADY canvassers wishing remunerative
employment at home. Call afternoons, 220
Main st.
WOMAN to work in apt. house, cook 2 meals
aay, easy nours, go home nights. Call
Main 553.
WANTED A young girl for light house
work; sleep out. Apply at once 231
Hooker st., or phone Marshall 8"T.
HEALTHY, energetic woman, not afraid
or work, ror permanent position with old
establlshed firm. AB S4. Oregonian.
WANTED Woman to help with housework;
?i- per montn. Doard and room. Phone
Tabor C20O.
WANTED Girl to assist with general house-
worK, . in lamny; one wno speaks Kronen
preferred. 350 E. 45th North. Tabor "J778.
WANTED Unincumbered housekeeper for
gentleman with a-year-oid boy. AB el,
Oregon ian
WANTED 10 women house-to-house can
vass, liberal commission. 62J Henry bldg.
Call between 1 and 3 P. M.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
Swedish preferred ; good wages. P. O. box
n.i, .Mosier, or.
FEW more young ladies wanted to l-mn
telegraphy. For full particulars call room
juj t'anaina oing.
WANTED Housekeeper, by an American. 114
years old, light housekeeping, apartment ;
state age. n i o, oregonian.
WANTED GIRL, light housework, sm;. tl
family; laundry sent out. Call 0;i Clack
amas, evenings.
GIRL for companion to 5-year-old child
light housework and a good home, elope
In; ?I4 a month. Main 7;c after b A. M
lOLi.Nii girl to assist wit n housework; no
cooking required. Phone mornings. East
WOMEN to represent large ma n u fart u ring
company; pormannr position, gooa monev
Apply b t one". Address H 7?, Oregon is n.
YOUNG girl for general housework ; smail
family, small house; no washing; c
m o rn i n g. 409 Ot h st.
APPRENTICE GIRL for drapery workroot
8-hour day. Call after 0:30 P. M. at 1105
E. Washington st
STEN'OGRAPHER, wholesale house; must
be experienced ; state pa rtlculars; phone
numner. ak t-i, oregonian.
BIG money and steady work for good live
(solicitors; easy sales; best proposition in
tne city. Grand ave.
GIRL to wait on peopl In flower store aft.
ernoons; must have some experience.
Marshall 4372.
BIG money to agents. big
Hutter Merger, uim Jtn st.
seller. Magic
GoO amateur singer musician for road.
Mar. 430i, room t, today only.
Help Wanted -Salesmen.
FOR general mercantile trade. Oregon, to
sen new proposiiion or merit. acancy
now. Attractive commission contract; f35
weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler o..
Wholesale Jewelers, 2200 Carlin bldg.,
Cleveland. Ohio.
AGENTS for Oregon. Wyoming and Nevada
to take territory selling a patent device
highly indorsed by city officials and de
tective agencies: absolute protection for
every home, store, garage, etc.; inexpen
sive jamoney-maker. H 82, Oregonian.
FULL time or side line; quick selling spe
cialty to country mere nanus; commission
contract with $33 per week drawing ac
count; many reorders; full commission
same. B. M. Craig, sales mgr., 200 llouaer
bldg., St. Louis. Mo.
WE WANT high-grade men for every county
in state to sen staple gooas usea in every
home, direct from manufacturer to user.
Our lines will show handsome profit. A.
H. ' Foster Company, Oil Crary bldg., Se
attle, Wash. '
SALESMEN", experienced specialty, for Hill's
Jfoney and I ar ana otner medicines; no
side IIne, liberal deals, advertising and
terms: 2a per cnt commission paid semi
monthly. New York Drug Concern, New
SCHOOL GIRL wanted, family of 3 adult;
small wagps, no wasning. near nigh school.
rT fj. intn, near siarx.
STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy.
saiestru nsnip, tnensn branches ut an ac
credited school ; write or phone Main fiOO
for catalog ; graduates guar -j teed posi
tions. Behnke- Walker Business College,
1)7 4th tt.. near Morrison.
women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks ;
position guaranteed; tools free; paid while
learning ; tuition reduced. Can earn from
(15 to $25 a week. Expert instructors. 20
years In business. 233 Madison at.
CASH for your spare time. Men and women
who liRe aiamonus can mane easy money;
no capital, experience, soliciting ; beauti
ful genuine gem tree. Write Quick- Ameri.
Jewelers, Riverside, Cal.
MISS ULCKl'.Kb ULtolw l:ul,l,h.uc,
Broadway-Yamhill bldg. lndividuu.1 in
structions. Positions when competent.
MARRIED man, 32. wants Job on farm; ex
perienced, A-l horseman and stockman,
capable of taking charge; would take
equipped farm on shares. 614 Morgan st.,
Portland. Or.
PAINTING, carpenter work, paperhanglng
and kalsomining, reasonable. Call week
days, bet. 8:3o A. M. and 5:30 P. M.,
Main ?Q31, A 1517.
MARRIED man wants chance to take
charge of farm. Phone Cook, Main 81 33,
or write F. J. W.. 284 Main st, Port
land. Or.
IN or out of town bv bookkeenar exneri
enced in lumber and building material.
itererences. a ir&is.
STENOGRAPHER wishes to take charge of
oiiice part or aay; prerer doctors office
reference. X 8i, Oregonian.
PERMANENT position by experienced
BEGINNER wants position as stenographer,
East 2100.
YOUNG lady with some experience wants of-
iice wortc. & 7.i, oregonian.
CASHIER wishes position, or light offlcs
work, lp yrs. experience. Mar. 5463.
YOUNG lady stenogranher wishes nositlon
experienced. Phone Marshall 4400, apt. 103
FIRST-CLASS stenographer, young
desires position. Marshall 545.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po-
buiuq. roone .cast 400.
POSITION wanted as office girl;
advancement. P SO. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posi
tion. Tabor 431.
1 r efts m ake ra.
EXPEItl ENCED florist and gardener seeks
permanent situation, private or commer
cial; excellent references. Address T 33,
CLEAN, active, capable and reliable all
around fnrm hand wants steady work and
good home, medium sized general farm.
Dick Marsh, 105 10th St., Portland.
HANDY man, good worker, wants any kind
of work; prefers work on farm. Call
weekdays, bet. H::iO A. M. and 5:30 P. M.,
Main 7 P.M. A 1017.
COUPLE Japanese want position In family;
man Is first-class cook, wife do house
work and wait on table Marshall 1441. A
MARRIED man wants to take charge of a
small chicken and dairy ranch; am a flrst
clabs brooder man and understand Hogau
lzing. AF 81. Oregonlan.
MARRIED man wants position as working
foreman on fruit ranch ; has had several
years' experience in Mosler and Hood
Hiver districts. P. O. box 121. Mosler, Or.
MAN. Hplendid worker, wants housecleaning,
beating rugs. etc. ; 25c hour and carfare ;
rc-f. Call weekdays, bet. 8 :.'0 A. M. and
f:30 P. M., Main 7031, A 1517.
YOUNG man wants chance to work for liv
ing expenses and small wages till April;
age 25; chance of learning business ob-
jHt. A J 8, Oregonlan.
WANTED Agents for guaranteed hosiery.
AD oregonian. m
FREE. Every day from IO A. M. to. 4 P. M.
and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday from 7 to 9 P. M.
to get relief in any way are Invited to
attend these clinic in our big clinic hall
will examine and diagnose your case and
direct your treatment.
CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure
snd modern science of curing and pre
venting diseases.
CHIROPRACTIC removes tha cause;
health returns.
433 1 1 o St., at 7th. East Side. East 6336.
Dr. Elliott. Director of Clinics.
10 PER CENT of first mo. wages for infor
mation lending to job as watchman, etc.,
by ex-Navy H. O. ; good walker; reference;
20 yrs. old. Phone Marshall 2ii3'., room 407
WANT elevator; experienced ; any wages.
Drake (artificial leg). Main 1703, Ore
gonian ttldg.
MAN and wife, age SO. want posit ion
manage ranch or stock farm in Eastern
Oregon ; experienced. AV &o3, Oregonian,
PRAi TICA i-t male nurse wishes position. In
valid, mntal case; can do housework If
desired; best reterences. Main IniO.
CEMENT work, frame and concrete garagen,
gen. contracting and repairs. Woodlawn
227 .
ALK&h, rehned, efficient, general and
surgical hosDital training-: irtitni rofr.
ences, desires position in hospital, doctor's
office or on private cases in or out of
town. jts e. oregonlan.
MAN wishes elevator work, garden ine or
iuBmtti(jnman wortt; rer. jaii weekdays,
net. :do A. M. and 0:30 P. M., Main
t IKST-CLASS. experienced dressmaker
wishes engagements out by day; one-piece
suits specialty; city reference; terms rea-
Duuaoie. .Mars nan 40O5.
u 1Kb r - CLASS dressmaking. alterations.
guaranteed ; reasonable. Marshall 2170.
K j ie, apt, o.
IRST-CLASS dressmakinc and tnltorinv n
reasonable prices; working girls given spe-
.Vltl ttucniimi. 000 x ammii, 3iain xiii.
UNFURNISHED room wanted by good
uifBiimnei , pay rent sewing. AB
CHEF, cook, all-around man, wants posi
tion hotel or restaurant. Phone Main
w-o, room e.
FANCY crepe-de-chlne or georgette waists,
$2; 310Fliedner bldg. Main 7310.
DRESSMAKER wants work by the day. Call
LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats re lined.
11 r. .uucKitr, 41j Morrison. ila.ln tilo;
RELIABLE dressmaking, nurses uniforms,
e-. auy etyie. union ave. :s. c 17&4
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing
uy u.v. x a uor ..iJi.
L.i'hKifc,.NCt,D dressmaker and tailoress
win sew oy tne day. Fhone East 8071.
MAKEOVER shop. 202 Filed ner;
gowns to order or remodeled. Mar
SEWING by the day. Phone Tabor 46S3
Dome 1 lc.
EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants gen
eral nousework. family adults; $35 per
month. Phone Monday, Marshall 4100 or
A 4125. .
MIDDLE AGED WIDOW, experienced house-
Keeper, desires position In widower's
home. Tabor OS22.
EXPERIENCED girt wants general house
work in small family of adults: can serve
table nicely. East 6113. Call Monday.
CAPABLE woman, 33, desires work mend
ing, hemstitching, making curtains or care
of children, bet. hours 9 to 4; $1 and
carfare; A-l ref. Call weekdavs bet. 8:30
A. M. and 0:30 P. M., Main 7001. A 1517.
CHILDREN to care for at my country
home at, Fairview, Or., on the Columbia
Highway; best of references. Mrs. A. M.
Clark, G res ham, lSx; 12 miles from Portland.
WORK WANTED Honest, Industrious lady
wants worK; is wining to do any kind or
honest work; is a good hand to take care
of aged people, middle-aged people, chil
dren and sick people. B b-, Oregonlan.
MARRIED woman desires short -hour work.
attendant xor ornce or cnampermald. Call
weekdays, bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M..
Main 7051. A 1517. s
A WIDOW and small child wants cooking
xor small crew, nousewortc in country, $-0
to start. Mrs. Sallerd, Kidgefield, Wash.,
R. R No. 2.
ENGLISH dressmaker desires fine sewing
ana emoroiaering ; a-j. ret. ; 91.10 per aay.
Call weekdays, bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30
1M., Main 7051, A 1517.
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position as
worKing housekeeper, linen-room lady or
chambermaid; have had several years
experience. T 2. Oregonian
'OUNG woman, with 2 small children,
wants 2 rooms in private family in ex
change for care of children or light house
work. Mar. 709.
PRIVATE lessons in English grammar, lit
erature and composition by experienced
teacher; club papers revised and edited.
Call Main 6834.
CAPABLE, experienced chambermaid de
sires wora; must go home nights. Call
weekdays, bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M.,
Main 7051, A 1517.
LADY desires position in doctor's or den
tists suite or oil ices; excellent bookkeeper,
stenographer; accustomed to meeting peo
ple. S 73. Oregonian.
GIRL attending business school wishes em
ployment auernoons. Phone Marshall
4704 after 3 o'clock.
A COOK with daughter 15 wants cooklne
in camp or for crew of men where hus
band can have work. Phone Main S135.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants upstairs work:
can do plain dressmaking; wages $25. V
80. Oregonlan
FIRST-CLASS violinist, with piano accom
panist, open for engagements, dances, par
ties. etc G SO, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants work Mon
day and Tuesdays. Call mornings Wood
lawn 854.
CAPABLE, experienced lady wants position
as cashier or checking. K 75, Orego
nian PUPILS for French lessons wanted by youn
lady recently from Paris. Call Broadway
219 between 9 and 12 A. M.
WANTED By experienced, competent wom
an, management of apartment or rooming
house; Mould leave city. A 75. Oregonlan.
A REFINED woman wishes management oC
a high-class apartment-house. AP 93,
WANTED By woman. 40 housekeeping"
for business couple; tine cook, small wages,
good home. A 70, Oregonian.
W ANTED Position as private exchange op
erator, or clerk In small concern; can give
best of references. AO 32. Oregonian.
WANTED By middle-aged lady, manage
ment of apt-house; can furnish reterencct.
Phone Sellwood 3180.
LA UN DRY work and cleaning ; also taking
care of children ; good references. Mar
shall o02S.
PRIVATE lessons In English given to
grown people; Eastern teacher. W 75,
ture, piano, FYench. $2.50 mo. 100 Lowns
dale st.
INTELLIGENT young lady wants to go Into
money-making proposition at once. B 75,
SITUATION as cook for 6 or 8 men on
ranch by competent widow; no triflers. Al
77, Oregonian.
YOUNG woman, experience In kitchen work,
wjuld like position as helper. Marshall
YOUNG woman with experience 'as" assistant
In doctor's office, wishes position. M.ilu
RESPECTABLE lady wants day work.
housekeeping or ironing. Prefer West Side.
A 1654. ; 1
LACE CURTAINS hand-laundered ; work
guaranteed. Sellwood hoi.
RELIABLE girl wants position In private
MATERNITY and surgical hospital Nor
mal confinement cases, including druKS.
dressings, physician's services, two weeks
hospital care, nil for 40. Very reasonable
prices for medical and surglcil cases, in
cluding physician's services. Woodlawn
COTTAGE hospital. 11M4 E. Murrifjn St.;
maternity work a specialty; also men
tal and convalescent patients received;
trained nurses only; couKniMl surround-
lngs$l-$13 week. Tabor 20a7.
A YOUNG, willing woman would like to take
place to care for sick people. Address 115
K. ltth st. N. Phone Woodlawn 2170.
RELIABLE girl wants position In dentists
or doctor s or rice. fcewwooa
NEAT, reliable girl wants work; clerking
candy store preterred. F 84, Oregoniaa.
STENOGRAPHER wishes position; good ref
erences. ooaiawn
COMPETENT laundress wants work by day.
Phone Broadway 4tli.
COMPETENT young woman wishes cleaning
or Ironing by hour. fcell. 100.
CLEAN UP for the new year. Machinery,
scrap! ron. supplies, metal or junk. See M.
Barde & Hons, 24 years in Portland. Maiu
t03. Front and Main sts.
SOON, railway mall clerks" examinations.
Portland; roinmence $75 month; sample
questions free Franklin Institute, DepU
3!t B. Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Experlencefl house to houao can
vassers for a popular food product. Ap
ply between 12 and 1 Sunday, 1213 North-
western Bank bldg.
WANTED Men. women to try examinations
for Government jobs; $75 month. Address
AV 502,a Oregonian.
WANTED A strong boy with wheel
delivering. Independent Printing Co.,
SCHOOLGIRL in small family; good home,
small wages: must know something about
cooking. 453 E. 12th N. East 7518.
GIRL for housework: no cooking; 3 In
family. 573E. 8th st. X. Call mornings.
WANTED An experienced waitress; private
family ; good references. 215 King st.
Typewriting $5 mo. 209 14th. Main 3893.
EXPERIENCED hem-stitching
wanted at once. Tel. M. 7239.
WANTED A competent girl to do second
work; good wages. Tel. Main 2 1 9 .".
GIRL to assist with housework, small fam
ily. M2 Johnson st.
GIRL for general housework and assist
with two children. 7S9 Lovejoy,
EXPERIENCED hairdresser and manicure,
Portland Hotel halrdresslng parlor.
WANTED Girl for general housework; $20
per month. East 2125.
EXCELLENT permanent position, open Fob.
15. Capable salesman, Oregon, staple line,
general retail trade. Liberal commission :
$35 weekly advance. Ralph H. Ide, 70-0
Williams bldg.DetrolL
SALESMEN wanted ; having established a
general store trade, sell laces packed in
silent salesmen cabinets free. 12 H per
cent commission. Cabinet Lace Works,
276 Canal St., New York.
VACANCY Feb. 15 with old house; perma
nent position ; cover Oregon, staple line
sold exceptional terms ; high commission ;
$35 weekly advance. Sales Manager, suite
70, 800 Woodward. Detroit
REPRESENTATIVE capable of acting as
territory mgr. after experience in our
quality product for big buyers; no invest
ment required. Box 1, Station . E, Cleve
land. '
SALESMAN, traveling, capable, experienced
in dealing with municipalities preferred, a
3, oregonian. .
STt'DY law at home,
642, city.
Address P. O. box I WANTED Salesman, advertising Fine; all
C 4Mfc uia m ucwuumi
SCHOOLGIRL to assist with light house
work: ; small family. Tabor Ft son.
THIS ad and 2."c good for shampoo or mani
cure. 30 Northwest bldg.
GIRL for light housework. Must like babies.
$2i; good home. Marshall 2624.
GIRL for general housework; one child; $20.
hnone aast rtnzo.
GIRD wanted for light housework.
20th st. North. East 4045.
624 E.
TRADE scchool girl, family of three, wages,
good home, walking distance. Main 2283.
WANTED Good. strong girl for second
work. Call Sunday bet. B and 4. 331 Jeff.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged lady for
ngnt nouseworK. tan so. 4 js. i:th s.
GIRL to assist in housework to adult. Phone
woodlawn 7lo.
WANTED Reliable girl to assist
housework. Woodlawn 2208.
WANTED Flrst-claas
12J4 E. 28th st.
chocolate dipper.
CHORUS GIRLS, experienced. Call Manager
casino -i neater, 4in ana turnsiae.
1ST-CLASS trimmers and makers wanted.
Apply Muller & Raas Co.. Royal bldg.
NEAT, reliable woman to take full charge
or smaii ooaraing-nouse. 001. oy.
WANTED Good dancer and three girls for
refined road show, .'in Globe bldg.
Gift! to aa&iat with, iu use work. SeU.
WATCHES cleaned. 75c: mainspring. 73c;
work guaranteed. 21 S Commonwealth
bldg., 6th. Ankeny.
$16 3-room cottage.
modern. Main J.
ga and el ect ric ;
305 Yeon bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
SINGLE man. 3;". long bank and credit ex
perience, thorough If gal training, wants
position nemanains ruuaoiiiiy, r?wi" nu
bility, in or out of city; references. E 85.
YOUNG married man wishes position as
clerk In grocery store or bakery; ivastern
experience; or can drive auto delivery;
good references. E 84, Oregonlan.
YOUNG married man, 20. desires clerical
position ; six years rauroaa ana lumDer
experience; anything to start if chance
for advancement. East 7403.
BOOKKEEPER now employed wants set of
noons to keep in tparo time, i'houe cash
ier. Broadway l-". .
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants private
car to drive or would take a for-hire
car on shares. L 7.1. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, handy with tools, desires to
learn general repairing; small wages. 10t0
Belmont st. Tabor 6220.
bA PbKi b.i El German child' nurse posl-
..., onjfiMin 10 iigm upstair: rets,
furn. Wages S;to-$35. Main JS2U.
INVALID, elderly couple, room, board, home
i-iMimn m. t ii) r?i. iaDor L'Jjj.
PRACTICAL nurs will work reasonable
Phone Marshall II.VJ, Mrs. Davis.
&AfhKi h n o o prar 1 1 ca 1 n u rso wishes
ui any Kiria. rjlisi .H.4.
nurse call East 470!.
WANT position In moving picture as pian
ist, good sight reader. East Side. Y 87,
MARRIED man wants Job as foreman on
ranch; can handle anything In ranch line.
Address l."3 B t.
Gi k"D collector wishes position with relia
ble nrm. Can furnish references. O
7S. Oregonlan.
JANITOR- snd tteam engineer, with 14
years' experience, wants employment; hM
tools for repair work. Call Marshall 221.
TOrVi man at ten ding Holmes business
College wants work for room and board.
Tel. Main M3.
BAKER, nil around bread and rake. 17 yonrs
perience; steady job. In or out of city;
references. G 82, Oregonian.
BTU DEN Twou Id like work In ho tel. el
vn tor, switchboard, etc., for board or room.
East 171. room 213.
EXPERIENCED traveling salesman. em
ployed at present, desired city position, of
fice or outside. Marshall o2ftl.
HARDWARE man wants position; 15 years
experience. J. E. Marcy, 373 Nehalem ave.
Phone Sellwood 1008.
LA D. 1 8, some plumbing shop experience,
wants steady work ; can go out and put
up fixtures. Main 3708J
WALL tinting with Murcsco; carpenter con
tracts for new or old work; cheap now.
Manny, Sellwood 2421.
LIVE WIRE specialty salesman; give me an
interview. fnone marsnan
TWO boys want steady work; ages 18. East
BY married man. experienced In bookkeep
ing accounting ana general ornce worn;
steady; thoroughly reliable; best refer
ences as to character and ability. E. 6443
YOUNG man, 24, wishes clerical position, ex
cellent reierences, sou uuuivKcrri , nmii,
.to start at a nominal salary. AN 80. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT will audit or keep few more
sets of books; day or nigni; expenencea,
confidential, rapid; correspondence, collec
tions. AH SI. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as salesman. book
keeper or warehouse man ; nave general
business experience; local references. Ad
dress AB 78, Oregonlan
PRACTICAL lumberman desires position
with lumber company as bookkeeper, of
fice manager or salesman: 12 years' ex
perience; good references. Y78, Oregonlan.
CLERICAL position wanted with corpora
tion or other reliable firm : rapid, trust
worthy man. good penman, local expe
rience. AL 78. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, timekeeper, office man and
commissary clerk desirea position ; beFt
references; 14 years' experience. E 90,
LANDSCAPE gardener wants steady Job. AJ
M. oregonian
MAN and wife want work on ranch. Write
or call H ak in. -it r.. nancocK st.
for position.
N 74.
n. experienced,
wants work. Phone C 1778 Sun-
OHCHARO trimming snd treating; will go
anywhere. f. 0. nox mn, city.
PRINTER-PRESSMAN wants work; best of
references. A l, oregonian.
BAKER, At, all-round or helper, wants
work. Geo. Smith, fc! Sixth St.
GOOD young Japanese coupIe want good
position. aii rana.i.oi -a Everett st.
SPRAY your trees and roses now for dls
ease. P. O. box 110$. city.
CARPENTER, day or contract, small Jobs
apupreciatea. laoor .1 J.Ht, u j-i.
RELIABLE man. middle-aged, wants work.
collections, elevator joo; rei.Main 023.
STUDENT desires work for board and room.
C 7.. Oregonian.
POSITION as store clerk, collector, office,
stock keeper, warehouse man ; moderate
salary. Tabor 5497.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper would like to
keep set of books evenings. Marshall 3452.
Mr. Roberts.
YOUNG married man, 5 years' experience
at grocery and delicatessen and soliciting,
city. J 78. Oregonlan
STUDENT, attending business college, wishes
some kind of work for after school hours
a-nri, on Saturday, AK 74. pregonlaa
PAINTING, paper hanging, day or contract;
reasouaoie. iviain 01 if.
IF YOU want good concrete work done at
reasonable casn, jau -t-aet oubi:.
RELIABLE man. middle-aged, wants work.
collections, elevator job; ref. Main 8023.
PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling;
chep. aay or contract. paarsnaii rSo.
TREE trimming, fruit and shade trees.
O. box 1109. city.
STRONG boy, 10 years of age, wants work
Inside preferred. East 1324.
WANTED Plowing and harrowing any-
wnen on nit. rcott nn. jaoor o 1
KALSOMINING. painting, plaster-patching
reasonable. Woodlawn 2490.
PA PTRY baker wants position ; good In all
1 ines : can take charge. East 2446,
YOUCr xuaa wauU work. SalL
efficient, practical
ERICKSOVs White Shield Maternity Hon
No publicity. 7:S E. 72d N. Tabor 4S1.
WANTED By a refined, middle-aged wo
man, the management of an apartment
House; must b in a nice location. FiHl
particulars in iirst letrer. Address House
keeper. A e3. Oregonian.
WANTED Position. honrekeper. widower's
iiome; no- onjection rm idren school og ; economical manager. Make home
pleasant. References. East 2033. 34"J
rteimom. Airs. . ummms.
.EXPERIENCED, very capable woman of
middle age, wants housekeeper's position
ior tceniiemun or wmower wiln, rami v.
Portland, $23 or $30. AB 77. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER Position as housekeeper
r u 11 1 nc-ii in uci wmow in nome or
widower, or wort in utore. .X 7i, Ore
A RESPECTABLE middle-aged widow
wishes posit Ion as housekeeper for wid
ower or elderly couple. Marshall 349.
1 an lany in room iu.
WIDOW, alone, age 33, good cook, wants to
k"ep house for barneior or club in city.
rnone runany or Aionaay, x io o f.- M.
Marshall fitturi.
HOUSEKEEPER, practical nurse. wishes
place in man m nome; nave had much ex
perience with children; $20-$23. 214 E.
WAITED By lady, position as housekeep
er' ror some gentleman; no onjection
country. Address 270 Sixth St., room
Phone Main 722.1.
A FIRST-CLASS housekeeper with one child
wants a position; furnish best of refer
prices. C 77, Oregonian.
CAPABLE woman of experience to take
charge or or help witu hotel or apart-ment-house;
references. M 7S, Oregonian.
WOMAN desires work for man with grown
children ; -J to sa. 214 East 45th st.
D 105.
HOUSEKEEPER wants position In widow
er s or oacneiors nome; economical, clean
and respectable. b 12, Oregonian.
REFINED, trustworthy widow of 3 years
wants position in rennea wiaowers home.
Y KH. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING in widower's family by
an unincumoorea wiaow. . rnone Alar
shall 3107.
REFINED, educated young widow wanted
as housekeeper for bachelor. Address AR
1 j. ore gonian.
REFINED lady with boy r years wishe
position In widower's home, housekeeper,
rnone Mam ay.', k. w.
WOMAN with girl 9 years old wants posi
1 1 'III un nuurrivrrri . .uoiii ir.u.
WANTED by lady, position as housekeeper
is gooa tooit. r .. uregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING for bachelor or widower
no objectionto cmia. .Phone 760.
WANTED Day work, good cook and laun
dress, houseaeeper. 1 aoor 4 r.i.
REFINED lady wishes position as house
keeper for wiaower. aj h, oregonlan
NEAT, refined young woman with 14
months-old baby wants position In small
family. A V 033, oregonian.
YOUNG German lady wants permanent posi
tion in iamuyo two, u ej, oregonian
RELIABLE middle-aged lady wants house
work. T 40, oregonian.
GIRL would like place to assist with house
work; wages g m. oregonian.
RELIABLE woman will care for children.
WOMAN wants day work.
only. Sellwood 4.-1.
washing, ironing
LACK CURTAINS hand laundered reasonable
rates; work guaranteed. East .'2.l.
RELIABLE woman with family desires any
Kind of day v. n K. V udiu wn t'i.
W I DOW wants work, washing or cleaulng;
ned work. Mam 4-v".
WANTED Comforters to make ; price rea.-
nonahi. Phone La tni.
WANTED Position ns
tl phone experience.
P. B. X. operator.
Call East 37'ifi.
LADY would like detectivo work.
WOMA N wan ts day work, 2."ic hour.
T. phon M:un 1, 1 ring.
A STRONG, billing woman want washing
or house cle.i n ing. Ma run a II ..;.
SWEDISH girl wants housework.
WANTED A position as cashier. Cull T-
ior 03. 4.
LACE curt a ins laundered ; 1 3 years" ex peri -
en-. Mrs. i-roM, lannr !...
YOUNG lady wants position In dental of
fice; experienced. Phone Col.
YOUNG lady, university graduate, wants of
fice? worK or piano playing.
YOUNG woman wants day work: need work
badly; exp. ; can give ref. Main 1 v4.i.
WANT elderly worn n n to care for children
n exchange for room and ooaro. Jiv.
EXP. laundress wants work for Mondays:
good ironer. Main .iIO.
LADY wishes work as chambermaid. AJ
7.. Oregon lan.
REFIN ED young lady wishes position 1
doctor or dentist ornce. can 'Jan.
EXPERIENCED woman wants, day or hour
work. Phon Tabor ..
EXPERIENCED German woman wants work
by day or hour. Mars-nan -.
Ho u sett.
WANTED To rent by March 1. modern
4 or 5-room nous, one or more lots; per
manent ; A-l references. Phone C 1GIS, or
RK 00, Oregonian.
WANTED On or before April 1. 6 or 7-room
unfurnished house for family or two adults;
must be modern ; one with garago pre
ferred. AC 83. Oregonlan. ' -
WANTED Room snd board In private fam
ily, tor elderly lany : ail convenience, on.
f i rst floor. East OG1 7.
A FURNISHED cottage or partment omUI
Tor one month, oepm r eb. 1 near 2M h
and Glissn sts. AP 7S. Oregonlan.
WANT to rnt. small house with garden.
fruit and place for chickens. Give descrip
tion and price. AR 7", Oregonlan.
EMPTY flat: own rs put some furniture In
and keep them rented ; want ciose-ln xiats;
adults. X. 82. Oregonlan.
YOUNG couple wants soon modern buy
low ; must be good neighborhood. lZhj.
4249. BO 03, Oregonian.
FURNISHED bungalow. with piano pre
ferred. 011 he. o. or .irt. v. cars; aauits.
Maiu GooO, room 6.
WANTED To care for a furnished house in
absence of owner, by refined couple. Mrs.
Graves. Wdln. 2203, 94' Albina ave.
RESPONSIBLE couple, no children,
modern house: consider partly fur.
g a I ow. J 83. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent. 12 or 1 4 -room houw, stilt
able, for housekeeping rooms in a good lo
cation. V 77. Oregonian.
WANTED By couple, no children, amoJI,
nicely furnished bungalow, with garden
room. Call East 3271 before 1 P. M.
WANTED 3 or 4 rooms, partly furnisheVi;
good neighborhood, walking distance.
West Plde. P 77. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished small house or
cottage. Q 80, Oregonian
WANTED TO RENT House with 1 to 5
acres garden laud. C 93, Oregonian..
IIOij.SE with rew acres near carline; give
fuil particulars. A 79. Oregnian.
WANTED to rent 5-room house wltli
axae or space Ior one, Phone, fcieU 251i