The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1917, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Only Six of 45 or More Sur
vive Salazar's Attack
i, on Guzman.
Twenty-five Bridges Burned Sontli
of Juarez and Reinforcements
Are Cut Off Villa Warns
Aliens Not to Travel.
JUAREZ. Mel., Feb. 10. Villa troops
drew the first blood in the new cam
paign for possession of Northern Chi
huahua yesterday when Jose Tnej
Salazar's command of -00 almost anni
hilated the Guzman, garrison of de
facto troops.
The first report of the defeat of the
Carranza garrison at Guzman. 76 miles
couth of here, was received in El Paso
through Villa sources and was con
firmed by officials of the Carranza
garrison here late today. The strength
of the Guzman garrison is estimated
at from 45 to 55, and it was admitted
here unofficially tonight that all but
six soldiers had been killed or wounded.
The six survivors, together with a
wounded Captain of the Carranza army,
escaped and were picked up by a Mex
ico Northwestern work train 65 miles
south of Juarez. Reinforcements were
. asked from the local garrison, but no
train had been sent out late tonight.
Three wounded Carranza soldiers were
left in the Guzman station after the
fight, it was said.
The distribution of a Villa proclama
tion warning foreigners and nationals
from traveling In passenger trains be
tween Juarez and Chihuahua City
caused much excitement here today.
The burning of 25 bridges between
here and Barreal, 60 miles south of
here, by Villa followers, believed to be
under Salazar, caused a suspension of
all train service to Casas Grandes and
a strengthening of the Carranza out
posts around the town.
Villa troops were also reported In the
vicinity of Tierra Blanca, 20 miles
south, on the Mexican Central Railroad,
while roving bands were operating yes
terday between the two railroads, ac
cording to passengers arriving from the
One hundred troops from Guadalupe,
30 miles southeast of Juarez, were
called in today to strengthen the gar
rison, and General Murguia has ceased
to send escorts with trains between
here and Chihuahua City.
Conditions south of Chihuahua City
were reported here today to be .chaotic.
Bridges have been burned by Villa
troops in the vicinity of Jiminez, in
cluding a large suspension bridge over
the Rio Florida at Jiminez. and all hope
of General Dleguez sending reinforce
ments north has been abandoned, it
was said here tonight.
American Diplomat Is on Way to
Post in Mexico.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Henry P.
Fletcher reft here tonight for Mexico
to present his credentials as American
Ambassador. Accompanied by Captain
Frank R. McCoy, military attache of
the Embassy, ho will enter Mexico at
Laredo, traveling to Queretaro, the
country's new capital, over the National
Ambassador Fletcher should reach
Queretaro Thursday. Ramon De Negri,
in charge of the Mexican embassy, no
tified his government tonight of the
departure of the new representative and
asked that he be met at the border by
a representative of the Foreign Office.
Official and unofficial reports con
tinue to indicate growth of the anti
government movement in Mexico.
Inormation reaching the State and
War Departments indicates that Villa
has in Chihuahua approximately 8000
men. Already he has occupied the
greater part of the territory formerly
occupied by General Pershing, but of
ficials do not believe he will contest
the permanent possession of the field
against Carranza's army when it ap
Special Train of Five Cars Pro
vided by Carranza.
-QUERETARO. Mex.. Feb. 10. A spe
cial train of five cars, accompanied by
a guard of 100 picked soldiers, left here
tonight for Laredo to meet Henry P.
Fletchef, the American Ambassador to
Mexico. The train also carried a re
ception committee from the Mexican
Foreign Office. General Carranza will
receive Ambassador Fletcher's creden
tials in Mexico City.
When General Carranza leaves for
Mexico City a decree will be issued
re-establishing the capital of Mexico
there, probably about February 26.
Baker Mills Expect Shortage to Be
Relieved Soon.
BAKER, Or.. Feb. 10. (Special.)
Frieght tied up in the Wyoming snow
storm will begin to arrive at Hunt
ington tomorrow, local O.-W. R. &.N.
offices were advised today. This
freight is for all points along the road
between here and Portland and is ex
pected to reach all main line destina
tions by the first of the week.
The loaded cars are coming first and
any empties will follow probably by
the mldlde of the week. It is expected
that Baker lumber mills that are closed
down by the car shortage will be able
to resume within a few days.
The freights have just been dug out
of the snow that blockaded mails
near Laramie a v. eek ago.
Diggs-Caminettl Petition to Go to
Supreme Court.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Applica
tion will soon be made to the Supreme
Court, it was reported today, for re
hearing of the so-called Diggs-Cami-netti
white slave cases. ' The court's
mandate affirming convictions of
Maury I. Diggs and F. Drew Caminetti,
of California, for violating the Mann
act have not yet been issued and it
is understood will be held up pending
action on request for the rehearing.
While rehearings are seldom granted
by the court new arguments regarding
construction of the Mann law are ex
pected to be presented by ex-Senator
Bailey, counsel for Caminetti.
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Photo by G. V. Buck, Washington, D. C.
Dr. Paul Ritter, the Swiss Minister to this country, has been instructed to take over all German interests
in the United States and act for Germany in any circumstance that may arise. One or more clerks and some of
the messengers now employed at the German Embassy will be permitted to remain in Washington to assist
the Swiss Legation in its work.
Secretary Lansing Says Na
tion Can Trust President. '
Belief Expressed That People, De
spite Trend to Materialism, Will
Rise to Test to tTpliold Flag
Should Occasion Come.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Secretary
Lansing at a banquet of Amherst
alumni here tonight, said that, although
the United States undeniably was near
the verge of war, "there always is the
hope that our country may be spared
the terrible calamity of being forced
into the conflict."
"It is a time," he said, "of anxiety
for us all; a time of heavy responsibil
ity for some of us. We are looking for
ward into the uncertainties of the
future and we are striving to read what
it holds in store for us and for our
country. We can hardly close our eyes
to the fact that we are standing near
to the verge of the war which has for
two and a half years wasted the great
empires of Europe and brought untold
woes to mankind. Ominous though the
situation may seem, there always is the
hope that our country may be spared
the terrible calamity of being forced
into the conflict. It i3 now as it has
been from the beginning, the wish and
endeavor of this Government to remain
at peace with all the world if it can
do so with honor.
Time One for Calm Thought. -
"I cannot discuss here the supreme
object of American thought today,
either to review the past or to prophesy
for the future. It is not a time to
speak, it is a time to think earnestly
and deliberately. It is a time for cool
ness and self-restraint, rather than for
surrender to the natural impulses
which are aroused by great events af
fecting the national honor, the national
duty and the national welfare of our
"I can only say this, that with the
same patience, the same forbearance,
the same deliberation and care with
which he has met the previous difficul
ties in our foreign affairs, the Presi
dent will meet the present crisis. The
Nation can trust him to act justly and
honorably and fearlessly, whatever may
lie before us. In his hands the destiny
of the United States is sure, the na
tional honor is safe.
"The American people ad I think
they are not diferent from other peo
ples have been growing more and
more utilitarian in these later years;
their thoughts and acts more and more
influenced by what is called the prac
tical and less and less by what is called
the ideal. Immediate and tangible
benefit is the apparent goal of Ameri
can effort.
"It is, indeed, a commentary on the
American people that not a few think
ing men have been asking with serious
concern: Have American eyes grown
dim to the achievements of the past?
Has the blood of patriotism ceased to
throb in American veins? Have we for
gotten that our heritage of liberty was
sealed with the lives of devoted men
and that it is a sacred trust which we
must hold and transmit unimpaired
to the generations to come?
Materialism RtKarded mm Menace.
"I believe most firmly that every one
of these questions can be answered in
the negative. I bell ve that at heart
the American people are loyal and
patriotic. Put to the test, I do not fear
the outcome. And yet 1 feel that the
spread of materialism has been a men
ace to our National character, to which
we should not be indifferent, a menace
which ought not and must not continue.
"To preserve in their high places in
the life of the republic those great im
pulses which have made us a virile and
proud Nation we must cultivate senti
ment and emphasize the ideal more
than we have done In recent years. We
must cease measuring accomplishment
by dollars and cents. Sentiment of
every sort, provided its object is noble,
is worth while."
Colorado "W
Mines 11.
BOULDER, Colo.. Feb. 10. The Uni
versity of Colorado basketball team to
night defeated the Colorado School of
Alines, S2 to 11, in a conference game.
Contlnued From First Page.)
State Department of Spain's willing
ness to do so.
While no mention has been made in
recent dispatches of the American Con
suls in Germany and the American
sailors brought in as prisoners on the
Yarrowdale, it is assumed all of them
will accompany Mr. Gerard when he is
finally permitted to leave Germany. The
Consuls will face a unique situation
waea iney arrive 4 m Switzerland, as
there will be 33 first class officers and
more subordinates whose positions
have suddenly been destroyed. The
present plan is to continue all these
men on the official payrolls under a
special emergency provision, some go
ing to posts in other parts of the world,
particularly South America, and others
being recalled to Washington on spe
cial duty.
Start From Barcelona May Be Feb
ruary S 1 or 25.
MADRID, via Paris, Feb. 10. A wire
less message from the Spanish Ambas
sador at Berlin to American Ambassa
dor Willard here, transmitted at the re
quest of Ambassador Gerard, asked that
passage for the Ambassador, Mrs. Ger
ard and the Ambassador's suite be en
gaged on the Alfonso XIII, leaving
Barcelona February 21, or on the In
fanta Isabel, steaming on February 25.
LONDON. Feb. 11. Two special
trains will be placed by the German
government at the disposal of James
W. Gerard, American Ambassador at
Berlin, for the trip to Switzerland, ac
cording to the Vossische Zeitung. quot
ing a Reuter Amsterdam dispatch. One
train will be for Mr. Gerard, his staff,
and family, and the other for Ameri
cans desiring to leave Germany.
The Vossische Zeitung confirms the
report that telephonic communication
at the American Embassy was cut off,
but explains that this was the result
of a mistake on the part of a subordi
nate official. Communication, it adds,
was restored by order of the foreign
BERLIN, Feb. 9. via London, Feb.
10 Ambassador Gerard's tram will
leave Berlin aproxlmately as scheduled
but will eater Switzerland by way of
Singen, instead of Basle, as originally
planned. Americans who will travel
with the Ambassador were informed
late this afternoon that their baggage
must be at the depot for inspection not
later than. 11 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing, so as to avoid delay and confusion
at the frontier.
Despite the fact that details of Mr.
Gerard's departure have been indefin
ite until this evening, the Americans
in Berlin have shown little tendency
to worry and the delicacy of the situa
tion has not affected the serenity of the
German public No more attention has
been paid to foreigners than is usual.
Americans have been treated with rigid
courtesy and no objection has been
raised to English being spoken pub
licly. Ambassador Gerard authorized the
Associated Press today to say that he
has neither given nor will under any
circumstances give an Interview of any
kind or description to any one before
he reports personally to President Wil
Exodus Begins, but Many Are De
tained by "Formalities.
COPENHAGEN, Feb. 10, via London,
Feb. 11. The first phase of the exodus
of Americans from Germany took place
today. A staff correspondent of the
Associated Press passed the Danish
frontier as the first American permitted
to leave Berlin, several hours before
the tiain with the official party of
Ambassador Gerard was scheduled to
leave the German capital.
Ambassador Gerard was permitted to
take with him, in addition to Embassy
and consular officials, American news
paper correspondents and a number of
personally recommended friends.
The vast bulk of Americans in Ber
lin have as yet been unable to "arrange
passport formalities" and are without
information as to when these "formali
ties" can be completed, but up to the
present they have' no reason to com
plain of their treatment in any other
respect. The attitude expressed of
ficially is that, of course, when these
formalities are completed they will he
perfectly free to depart, though the
date of departure is still uncertain.
Dutch Note to Berlin Protests
Chancellor Ton Bethmann-Hollweg
Sends Adjutant With Message.
LONDON, Feb. 10. A dispatch to
the Exchange Telegriph Company from
The Hague says .it is reported there
from Berlin that Chancellor von Beth
mann-Hollweg sent his adjutant to
Ambassador Gerard on Friday to bid
him farewell.
Kansas Aggies Are Winners.
MANHATTAN. Kas., Feb. 10. Kansas
State Agricultural College tonight de
feated Washington University of St.
Louts 46 -to 17 in a Missouri Valley
basKetbau game. ,
Zone Said to Bar Passage Between
Port Said and Gibraltar So That
Netherlands Shipping Can't
Go to Indies.
THE HAGUE, via London.- Feb. 10.
An official white paper issued here
gives the text of the Austro-Hungarlan
and German notifications respecting the
danger zones established in the subma
rine blockade and identic protests by
the Dutch government dated February
7. - The Dutch note points out that the
zone proclaimed as dangerous in the
Mediterranean completely bars miiura
between Port Said and the channel from
oiDraitar to Greece, so that the Indian
route, which is essential and of Impor
tance to the commerce of Holland as
a colonial power, is cut off.
The Dutch government recalls its
earlier protests against the British and
German measures relating to the proc
lamation of war zones in the North Sea
and continues:
"With all the more reason the gov
ernment is obliged to abject with ex
treme energy against the regime now
announced, which not only applies to
much vaster areas, but also Includes
attacks on neutral ships, whatever their
cargo or destination, and without dis
crimination as to whether their pres
ence In said zones is voluntary or not."
it is further pointed out that, even
had Germany qualified the new meas
ure as a blockade, the merciless de
struction of neutral ships would be
contrary to international law, which
only permits the confiscation, and not
the destruction, of blockade-runners.
Germany," continues the note, "does
not use the term blockade, and rightly
so, because- it cannot be applied to such
vast areas and because by the rules of
international law it can only be di
rected against traffic between hostile
ports and in no wise against direct nav
igation Detween two neutral countries.
Now the German warships are ordered
to destroy ships, irrespective of their
trafficking with enemy ports or be
tween neutral ports. "
"Faithful to the Drinclole which in
always been observed in this war, the
wueen s government can only see in
such destruction of neutral ships vio
lation of the rights of nations, to say
nothing of attack upon the , laws of
humanity, if this happened regardless
of the security of the persons aboard.
The responsibility of the eventual de
struction of Dutch ships and the loss
of life will fall on the German govern
ment, and all the more heavily in the
foreseeable event of Dutch ships being
forced to enter the danger zone by con
straint of adversary warships exercis
ing the right of search."
Ventura Park Wants Better Service.
GRESHAM. Or.. Feb. 10., (Special.)
A mass meeting of the citizens re
siding along the Mount Hood Railway
will be held on Tuesday evening at the
Rockwood Grange Hall, when members
of the Ventura Park Improvement
Club and the Russelville Improvement
Club will also be in attendance, and
plans for the betterment will be formu
lated. It is expected that a repre-
A Brilliant and Fascinating Display of
Women 's Spring Suits
Correct in Every Point That Makes a Spring Suit Fashionable This Year.
Attractively Priced Models From $16.95 Up to $40J00
We believe our stock to be exceptionally well rounded out for this time of the year,
and have no hesitancy in offering, these Suits as to thorough charm and desirability
many exclusive designs in Silk and Woolen Street Suits and exquisite Silk Frocks, pat
terned especially for conservative wearers. Of particular attractiveness are the
New Sport Suits at $23. 75, $24. 75
One can hardly over-estimate the desirability of sport garments this season, for they
seem to have made a tremendous impression wherever shown.
Particularly is this true of the new Jersey Knit Suits, in the popular new shades of
gold, honey, apple green, rose and gray.
Styles that, while giving the wearer the breezy, easy swing, of the outdoor, athletic
woman, still adhere to the elements of design so desirable in distinctive street suits
Feel at liberty to come and inspect these Suits whether you are prepared to buy or
not try them on if you wish ; you will not be obligated in any manner.
New White Goods
at 25c to 75c Yard
New Piques New Whipcords New Poplins
NewCheviots New Gabardines New Oxfords
Also plain and fancy waistings and suitings, as
well as the extremely popular White Voiles that
are shown in stripe, check, plaid, dash, flake,
dot, lace and plain styles all prices from 25
up to T50 a yard.
Dress Ginghams at 15c Yard
Hundreds of pieces of the best standard quality
staple and new styles and colorings.
Madras Waistings at 25c to 40c
Also Shirtings, both shown in attractive new
styles and most desirable colors.
R. & G. Corsets at
$1.00 to $2.50
Together with our regular stock lines are included
three particularly attractive and popular Spring
models. No. 148, of fine coutil a topless model
for dancing or athletics priced at $1.23; model
392, for the average figure, at $1.50, and model
388, an exceptional value, at $2.00.
Crisp New Embroideries
Planned months ago when market conditions
were very different from what they are today.
This saie presents desirable, up-to-date Embroid
eries for Spring and Summer garments at prices
impossible of duplication later in the season,
yard for dainty, well-worked Edges and In
sertions. Choice new patterns in three and
four-inch widths. v
y yard. Choice from an extensive variety of
C new patterns both Edges and Insertions
in 4 to 6-inch widths.
1 O yard. . Beautiful Embroideries in
'"2 scores of different patterns small
effects and bold designs 6 to 14-inch widths.
1 Q yard for 18 to 27-inch Embroideries
1 fC patterns for edgings, corset covers, floun
cings and baby dresses, including those with hem
stitched or scalloped edge.
O C? yard for 27-inch Embroideries with pat
5"C terns from 8 to 16 inches deep the
choicest designs in blind, openwork, floral and
conventional effects also those with ruffled edge.
yjQ yard for 27-inch Embroideries of fine
JC batiste, Swiss and nainsook a remark
able range of patterns and wonderful values at
this special sale price.
Men's Underwear
at 75c and $1 Gar.
FIRST Men's natural gray Merino Shirts and
Drawers in all sizes from 30 to 5Q. Super
weight garments of exceptional value at 75.
SECOND Men's extra fine natural gray Merino
Shirts, and Drawers of superior fit and finish.
All sizes from 30 to 50 at $1.00 a garment.
New Envelope Purses at 79c
Made of fine quality black crepe leather; leather
lined and with mirror fittings. They come
7x3 inches and are especially underpriced
for this sale.
Springtime Specials in Dressfindings
and Notions
Fish-eye Pearl Buttons on sale at, card 50
Fancy Pearl Buttons on sale at, card 10
Black Crochet Buttons, size 14 to 45, card.. 150
Pearl Buttons, plain, 2 dozen for 5r
Ocean Pearl Dress Buttons, this sale at.... 100
6-Cord Machine Thread priced at 6 for.... 250
Shell Hairpins, 6 in box, the box 50
Tubular Shoe Laces, 2 pairs for 50
Middy Laces, this sale, 2 for 50
Heavy Nickel-plated Safety Pins 50
Fancy Beads priced at, the card 50
Women's Sew-on Hose Supporters, set 150
Children's Hickory Garters, pair 150
Perfect Waist for Children, pair 250
Heavy Dressing Combs priced at 150
Fiberloid Dressing Comb on sale at 100
60-inch Tape Measures, this sale at 50
Peri-Lusta Machine Thread, 3 for 1O0
Children's Hose Supporters priced at 80
"C Thru" Hair Nets on special sale at 50
Avon Wire Hairpins, this sale, package. .. .50
Omo Garment Shields, the pair 390
Kleinert's Brassiere, with 2 pairs shields. .. .790
Size 2, Omo Shields, for this sale at 180
Size 3, Omo Shields, for this sale at 230
Size 4, Omo Shields, for this sale at 250
Size 5, Omo Shields, for this sale at 290
Store Opens
at 8:30 A. M.
at 9 A. M.
"The Store That Undersells Because It Sells for Cash"
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
at 6 P. M.
sentative of the Portland Railway
Light & Power Company will be at
the meeting. One of the subjects to
be dlecussed will be improved car serv
ice and electric lights.
Mayor Rice Refuses to Call for Dis
play of Flags.
ROSEBURG. Or, Feb. 10. (Special.)
Mayor Napoleon Rice caused some
what of a sensation here today when
he declined to issue a proclamation
asking the people of Roseburg to dis
play flags in common with the Mayors
.of many other towns and cities
throughout Oregon.
"We have many people of German
ancestry in Roseburg and I consider
them among our best citizens. I do not
believe it is right to create dissension
and discord among the different classes
of people, regardless of the present
crisis," the mayor said. "There are also
many people in Roseburg who are fin
ancially unable to purchase flags.
"It Is my opinion that these people
would quickly shoulder a gun and fight
for their country."
Mayor Rice's refusal to Issue . a
proclamation has caused considerable
dissension here.
Student Equals World's Record.
BRUNSWICK, Me., Feb. 10. William
Hayes, of St. Johns Preparatory School,
Danvers. Mass., twice equaled the
world's record for the 40-yard dash at
the Kastern Interscholastic indoor meet
Doctor Tells How to Strengthen
Eyesight 50 Per Cent in One
Week 's Time in Many Instances
A Free FreacrlptloB Yea Cam Have
Filled and liae at Home.
Philadelphia. Pa. Do you wear glass
es? Are you a victim of eye strain or
other eye weaknesses? If so. you will
be glad to know that according to Dr.
Lewis there is real hope for you. Many
whose eyes were failing say they have
had their eyes restored through the
principle of this wonderful free pre
scription. One man says, after trying It:
"I was almost blind: coold not see to
read at all. Now I can read everything
without any glasses and my eyes do
not water any more. At night they
would pain dreadfully; now they feel
fine all the time. It was like a miracle
to me " A lady who used It says: "The
atmosphere seemed hazy with or with
out glasses, but after using this pre
scription for IS days everything seems
clear. I can even read fine print with
out glasses." It is beNeved that thou
sands who wear glasses can now dis
card them in a reasonable time and
multitudes more will be able to
thai. ... , ,
J thfl trouble and expense eC ever get
ting glasses. Eye troubles of many de
scriptions may be wonderfully bene
fited Dy following the simple rules.
Here is the prescription: Go to any ac
tive drugstore and get a bottle of Bon
Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet
In a fourth of a glass of water and
allow to dissolve. With this liquid
bathe the eyes two to four times daily.
You should notice your eyes clear up
perceptibly right from the start and in
flammation will quickly disappear. If
your eyes are bothering you, even a
little, take steps to save them now be
fore it is too late. Many hopelessly
blind might have been saved if they
had cared for their eyes in time.
Note: Another prominent Fhyalrlan to
whom the above article wu submitted, ald:
"Bon-Optj is a very remarkable remedy.
Its constituent ingredients are well known
to eminent eye specialists and widely pre
scribed by them. The manufacturers guar
antee It to strengthen eyesight fo per cent
In one week's time In many Instances or re
fund the money. It can be obtained from
any good druggist and la one of the very
few preparation I feel should be kept -on
hand for regular use ia almost every
today. In both the trial heat and the
finals his time was 2-5 seconds, equal
ing that made by W. D. Eaton at Boa
ton in 1905.
Canal Governor Invites Sox.
CHICAGO, Feb. 10. Colonel J. J.
Morrow, Acting Governor of the Pana
ma Canal Zone,, has extended an invi
tation to Charles A. Comlskey. presi-
dent of the Chicago American baseball Illinois is not known.
club, to train his team there next year.
President Comiskey said tonight he
probably would accept the invitation.
Battleship Suddenly Sails.
VERA CRCZ, Feb. 10 After four
months" stay in these waters the
United States battleship Illinois sud
denly left here this afternoon on spe
cial orders. The destination of the
Your Clean Kitchen
cannot do anything for foods that reach it from
unsanitary surroundings.
' In this new store foods ' are perfectly pro
tected in a modern building in specially de-
. signed fixtures and by refrigeration.
It costs no more to buy foods that you feel sure are not
contaminated before they reach your home.
Portland's Leading Grocers for Over Thirty Yrsra.
OFFICK, "ON THE SQUARE." Slain M3 A 4432.
Relief from Diabetes Obtained by Use
of Old Reliable Remedy
Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy baa
brought health and happinea to many
who thought themselves beyond aid.
Diabetes is a peculiar and baffling
disease which the medical profession
seems to be unable to accurately de
scribe and definitely cure despite the
many years of experimenting and re
search by foremost physicians through
out the world.
Diabetes is invariably the result of
impaired nutrition this results in an
excess of sugar in the blood and fail
ure of the food to nourish, hence a
gradual wasting away while eating
Symptoms of the disease are in
creased thirst, excess of urine, emacia
tion and dry skin, often with sweet
ish odor.
Following are a few voluntary words
of praise from a man who has used
Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy with
gratifying results. Perhaps you may
be benefitted in a like manner.
"I had been troubled with Diabetes
for eight years. I heard about War
ner's Safe Diabetes Remedy and I
tried some of it and got myself in good
condition and went to work again. Ono
man said he doctored for two years and
that one bottle of Warner's Safe Dia
betes Remedy did him more good than
all the doctors. I am much pleasexi
and so thankful for your life-saving
remedy that I cheerfully recommend it
to anyone troubled with Diabetes and
I hope this will be the cause of helping
many sufferers." (Signed) James Piatt.
Nat'l Military Home. Dayton, Ohio.
Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy i.t
made from a formula tried and teste-1
and used with remarkable results dur
ing the past 40 years. As the name in
dicates, Warner's Safe Diabetes Rem
edy is absolutely safe as it is made
from herbs and other beneficial in
gredients. Sold by leading druggists every
where. Kree sample on requeBt. War
ner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 263.
Rochester, N. Y. ,