THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 11, 1917. V V k TROOP ADVICES AWAITED 11. AN S FOR RECEPTION DEPEND OX DATE OF ARRIVAL HERE. Big Military Parade, Banquet and Dance Scheduled Immediate i Muster Out Indicated. Until Acting- Adjutant-General Wil ron. of the Oregon National Guard, is advised definitely when the Guardsmen at the border start for home, comnle tion of plans for their reception will not be possible. If they do not arrive until Tuesday, it is not likely that they will be asked to participate In the ceremonies of the opening of the interstate Dridge. Tentative plans for their recentlon Include a big- military parade, banquet and dancing party. That the troops will be mustered out immediately upon their arrival was signified yesterday upon the arrival of Captain Coburn, inspector-instruclor of The Washington National Guard. He has been designated to muster out the Oregon troops. Major Milson is anx ious to obtain employment for 49 men, . who have advised his office that they have no jobs in sight. A canvass is being made among business bouses, but so far few positions have been found open to the young men. Wlnlock Defeats Centralia. CENTRALIA, Wash., Feb. 10. (Spe cial.) The Centralia . Business Men's Athletic Club basketball tea mwas de feated last night by the Winlock Ath letic Club, 74 to 19. Tono and "Win Jock will play for the chamiponship of Southwest Washington February 24. TOO I.ATE TO CLASSIFY. THE SCARLET LETTER TODAY, MAJESTIC THEATER, WASH. AT PARK. MAT. 10c; EVE. 15c. YOUNG Alamont driving mare, new buggy and harness, to trade for Rood cows or Rood 5-pass. auto; pay the difference. Walter Thebo, Boring. Or. R. 3, Box Oil. EIGHT HUNDRED equity in one house, 4 rooms and bath, for sale or exchange for anything of value; selling on account of health. Sellwood 3178. WANTED An auto mechanic; must be fa miliar with magnetos, starters and gen erators: if not first-class do not apply. T 15. Oregonlan. "WANTED Young man wishing to learn the garage business, capable of keeping ac counts, small salary. East 1300. 717 Haw thorne ave. FOR RENT 5 acres with a 5-room bunga low, 1 mile east of Lents Junction; cheap. Inquire 41)4 Market st- Apt. 3. RELIABLE firm has a good-paying manu facturing business in suburban town; eluall capital required. A 92, Oregonian. FINK arrangement (attorney pref.), includ ing law books, furniture, phone and girl to nngwer calls. 2Q9 Stock Exch. Main 3Q55. FOR SALE or trade. 6 a., 12 mi. from Portland, 6-room house, orchard and ber ries. Owner, 384 Ivon St., city. FOR SALE cheap, a high-oven Vulcan gas range; a snap. Call at 1005 E. Broadway. Phone C 200. LOST Lady's pooketbook on Richmond car containing money, keys and book of car tickets. Reward. Sellwood 1309. TOUR diamonds sold on commission. Beld Ing, the .leweler, 245& Alder at. Phone Main 161)2. m WANTED IS Backs potatoes. Answer. Give phone number and address. C 11, Ore gonlan. 6-ROOM house with fireplace, near Williams HV-e. and Broadway bridge. East 3021. Price $30. $13 cash, bal. payments. iiS nls. directory Is for the information of the public, to give as far as pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly fur nished by phoning Main 7070 or A 6095. House 40. EXTRAORDINARY opening for physician in Portland. See Edward Klent, 105 North 2d st. CN i'UHNISHED 5-room modern flat. 353 'ith Bt. Phone Main 7040. AUTOMOBILES painted. Portland Painting A Auto Painting Co.. 22d and Thurman. FOR RENT Two large, light lofts for man ufacturing purposes. 22d and Thurman. JOO LAYING hens for sale. 203. Call Woodlawn FORDS painted, $12; other cars $14 and up. Phone E. 5965. All work guaranteed. LOST Nickeled part-of headlight to hold glass. Call Sell. 2781. Re ward. GRADUATE nurse wants work: any rea sonable offer considered. Woodlawn 4706. WANTED a" good electric fan, cheap. Main 11.1I2. WANTED Young girl or Bchool girl to as sist with housework. East 6033. WANTED -First-class photographer; fur ther particulars, AR DO, Oregonlan. MUST SELL two finest singing canaries. Main 6Q87. WANTED Female English bulldog for breeding. Address 33 N. 4th St.. city. NEW, modern, sunny 4-rooro. flat; absolute ly clean. East 7721. WANTED Best auto $300 will buy. A 00, Oregonlan. WANT to buy oak double-drawer typewrit Ing desk. A 91. Oregonlan. JUILLINERY trimmer wants a position as trimmer. J 77, Oregonian. CLASSIFIED AD RATES . Dally and Sunday. Per Line. One time .' 1 hanie ad two consecutive time ......... .Z2 t-ame ad three consecutive times SOo buine ad ix or seven consecutive times 66c The above ratet apply to advertisements under 4Jsw Today" and all other claMdflca lions. e.cept the following:: Situation Wanted Male. Mutations Wanted Female. , For Kent Kornns Private Famllle. Hoard and Rooms Private Families. I oum keeping Koonis Private Faiuillea, Kate on the above classifications is 7 cents m line fuoh itiHrrttcn. The Oregonian will accept classified ad vert isementH over the telephone, provided the ndvertiher is a subscriber of either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. W nether ttuhseouent advertisement s will be accepted over the phone depends npon the prompt neott of payment of telephone adver 1 iNenients. "Situations W anted" and "Per .tonal" udvertitement will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders fur one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for rale. "BustneMn Opportunities." "Kouming llouses" and "Wanted to Kent. Serious errors in advertisements will be rectified by republication without additional charge, but such republication will not be made where the error does not materially afiect the value of the advertisement Cancellation of orders over the telephone not recognized unless confirmed the same day In writing. "City News In Brief advertisements must be presented for publication for The Sunday Oregonlan before ft o'clock Saturday after noon for other days publication before 9 P. M, OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Koom 103 Courthouse, Mix-street Eotnuce. Phone fi-un to 5 Main 87ft. Home phone A C525. Niglit call after office hours. Main S7M) Report all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small aniinala. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, aa we look after all Impounding. There la no more city pound. Just Oregon Humane Society. BIW1. HICKOK At the family residence. 493 Jar rett street. Arlie Hlekok, age 15 years, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlckok. Remains are at the parlors of the Piedmont Undertaking Company. Killingsworth avenue and Kerby street. Funeral notice later. EVANS In this city. February 9. Christo pher Evans, age 70. years. He Is sur vived by a wife and four children Joseph. John, Carl and L. Kvans. Notice of fu neral later. Remains are at Lhe residental parlors of Miller A Tracey, Washington at Ella street. KREUDER At Concord Station, February 10, Feter Kreuder, aged 76 years 11 months 18 days. Remains are at the resi dence funeral parlors of Walter C. Ken worthy. 1532-1534 East Thirteenth street, Sellwood. Funeral notice later. GREEN In this city, February 10, W. H. Oreen. Notice of funeral later. Remains are at the residental parlors of Miller & Tracey, Washington at Ella street. utETiyo noticm, . Come to the Portland Art Club's special "500" party Saturday night. Platter, first. 3 0 hand-painted rhlna prizes. Every Tues iay afternoon. 129 4th st- Everybody wel come. Admission 25c. The Modern Forester Girls Invite yoo to attend their masquerade dance, Friday, Feb. 1. Manchester Hall. 514 5th st. Good music. Dancing It P. M.. Admission 25c. ACCOKDION PLEATING. K. 8TEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord., side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 228 Plttock block. Broadway lOtfU. - AGATE ttlTKKS. M. 1874. Mfg. Jewelers, expert watchmakers. Millers. 48 V Wash., bet. Bdwy. and Park. ASSAVEBS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 12 2d Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. W. J. Makellm Probate, real estate, mining and corporation law; abstracts and titles examined; written opinions furnished. 1434 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 0748. LAWYER, 618 Plttock block. No charge for preliminary consultation. I- D. MAHONE. lawyer. 402 Panama bide Marshall C888. CANCER. " L. M. JONES, M. D. CANCER TREATED. Brewer bldg.. lath and Alberta. Wdln. alua CARPET WEAVERS. ' FLUFF RCUS FROM OLD CARPETS. Carpet cleaning, refitting, etc North west Rug Co., 188 E. 8th it Both phones. CELLULOID BUTTONS, BADGES. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. -887 Washington su Main 812 and A 1204. CHIROPODIST. William. Estelle and William. Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 802 Gerlinger bldg., southwest cor Per 2d and Aider. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. ELIMINATING medicines and operations. Permanently restoring health without drugs or scars. Dr. McMahon making ?- 1 adjustments $15. Macleay bldg. and Sanitarium. Patients satisfied. Knockers boost. Case questions free. DR DAN FORD, chiropractor and electro . therapist. Specialist in nervous disorders. Room U2 Swetland bldg. Phone Main 3781. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRAE LETTER CO., 010 N. W. bldg. Mar. 0822. 100 letters multlgraphed for $L COLLECTING AGENCY. W W. DAV1E9. collections. Gerlinger bldg. Main 8529. Bonded; reasonable charges. NE7H fS CO" Worcester bldg. Main 179& no collection, no charge; established loop. DANCING. MUSICAL. TO NEW STUDENTS I AM WORTH 81. PRESENT ME AT 34514 WASHINGTON. OREGON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. EM1L TH1ELHOK.V, Violin Teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. Marshall 1029. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. WHY PAY MORE 7 A SAVING O' 25 TO 50 Properly fitted glasses as low as Sl.oO: 4000 satisfied customers. satisfaction guaranteed. Chaa. W. Good man, optometrist. 209 Morrison. Main 2124. PATENTS. PATENTS that protect and pay; advice and books free; highest reiereuces. best re sults, promptness assured; send sketch or model for search. Watson E. Coleman, patent lawyer. 624 F St.. Washington. P. C. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. c. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. 601 DeKum bldg. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Aliaky bldg. Get my new booklet. "Chronic Diseases"; Its free. PIPE- PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 8, PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 Front au. corner Stark. Main or A 1418. BAU RUGS AND JTLUFF BUGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrain, Brussels, Smyrna. Axminster, rag rugs, all sizes; mail orders prompt; booklet. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. 9x18 Rugs cleaned 8x10 Rugs cleaned 7 WESTERN FLUFF KIG CO.. 54-56 Union Ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. SCALP SPECLL1STS. ROSEXA TAYLOR Masseuse and scalp spe cialist. 160 Park St. Marshall 336. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. 8514 6th. et-wbt?rkwa,,d ak: 4 Private lessons. $2. M- eve; latest dance- guaranteed class Thurs.. Bat, eve., 7-8:80. Bdwy. 216Q. DEKUM DANCING SCHOOL Latest dances. ?nass,?QTe.s- anJ Krl- ev Private lessons. 50c. 308 Dekum. Marsh. 1276. Main 7444 tae ,our or more dancing pupils: high-class work; no school. Mar. 476 EVE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT. I.IJMM Tr'a'raent by specialist; glasses fitted. Ur F. F. Casseday. 517 Dekum bid.. 8d A Wn' FIRE insurance! ' PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE! CO. MESSENGER SERVICE. HhfTYi MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and . . a. imug anna do, A Z1DS. FREE STORAGE. FREE MOVING. Telephone tor uur proposition; we cap save you money; storage, packing, mov ing, shipping. Modern Brick Storage Warehouse. SECURITY STORAGE dc TRANSFER CO.. Office 105 Park St. Main 0105, A 1051 Warehouse 44-46 E. 6th st. N. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goooa specialists; storage, packing, snip ping and moving; horse or auto vans; special lretght rates to all points. C. O. PICK. TRANSFER dc STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine sts. Broadway 506. A 1906. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan St., corner 13th Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks; lowest ln surance ratea In the city. MADISON ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office, 180 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 76WL ' wood! GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. Panama Fuel Co. Main 5720. A 6809. WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS PTJBRTTILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 209 gd at. AUTO SPRING MANUFACTURING. Mfg. and repair- SPRING COasP tng; 4000 springs carried in stock. 15th & Couch sts BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park at Pavta. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE. L- Dinkelspiel Co, 2ird?ecornerBo'a'k: GRAIN MERCHANTS. M. H. HOUSER. Board of Trade Building. GROCERIES. WADHAMS ae CO., 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO.. 58-55 Front St. HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front street. MANUFACTURERS LADIES' NECKWEAR. EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO.. 8514 5th St. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis sta NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES. WEINHARD'S GOLDEN AMBEH NECTAR. Henry Weinhard Plant, lttth and Burnslde ts. Phone Main 72. A 1172. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN A CO.. 2d and Taylor sta, PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-80 Front St. ttlMBINO AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. 1 KUNE. 84-86 Front St. PRINTING. PRIWTIWfJ W. BALTES COMPANY. IIIIHII11U 1st and Oak sta. Main 105. A 1115 PRODUCE. PRODUCE, dried fruit, correspondence so II .ited. Union Produce Co.. 128 Union ave. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERD1NG & FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis sta WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL HAPKR CO.. 230 2d st. MEETING NOTICES. COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tomorrow (Mon day) afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple, for the pur poue of conducting the funeral of our late brother, J. A. Frakes. All master Masons requested to attend. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Sec MACCABEES. N. B. All members of Portland Tent No. 1 who wish to go with degree team to Oregon City tomorrow (Monday) Feb. 12. are re quested to be at First and Alder streets by 7:15 P. M. Train leaves at 7:30 P. M. All who can are urged to go. GEO. S. BAKER. R. 1C PORTT,AND COUNCIL NO. 2005, KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY, will give a "500" card party end dance Thursday evening, Feb. 15. Dancing after 10 o'clock. Admission 15 cents. Knights and friends Invited. Gevurtz Hall, Front and Gibbs sts. GENERAL GERMAN AID SOCIETY All members of the General German Aid Society are requested to attend the funeral services of our late member, B. Adams, at the chapel of J. P. Flnley A Son. tomorrow (Monday). February 12, at 1 o'clock P. M. M. FLE1SCHHAUER. Sec CHICKENS! EQUITY LODGE, NO. 105, F. A. U will give "500" and dance Tuesday evening, Feb. 13. 1017, Arcanum Hall; 20 hands. First prize, dressed chickens. Union music. Ad mission 15c. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD. NO. 42. B. A. Y.. will give "500" and dance Thurs day evening, February 15. 11117, Moose Hall. 20 hands, good prizes. Union music. Ad mission free. DANCE riven by the Royal Neighbors Thursday evening. Feb. 15, at 8:30 o'clock In M. W. A Hall. 11th and Burnslde sts. Admission 25c. Everybody welcome. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 65. W. O. W. "500" dance wHll be given Friday. Feb 10 In W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th. LeVanway's orchestra. Cards 8:45. Dancing 'at 10 o'clock. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins. New designs. Jaeger Bros., 131-3 Sixth, at. FRIEDLANDER'S, Jewelers, for Emblems. Class Pins and Presentation Medala Designs and estimates furnished free. 310 Wash. FUNERAL NOTICES. PANEK In this city February the Bth. Carl Charles Panek. aged 41 years 1 month 8 days. The funeral services will be held to morrow, (Monday) February 12, at 2 o'clock P. M from the residence funeral parlors of Walter C. Kenworthy, 1532 1534 E. 13th. Sellwood. Frienda Invited. Interment Milwaukie Cemetery, BALDWIN At the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mr W. J. Morton. 1113 Missouri ave., on Feb. 9, 1917. Mrs. Vivian Baldwin, aged 24 years; is survived by her husband, Wr. W. Baldwin, and 2 children, her par ents. 2 brothers and 2 sinters. Funeral tomorrow (Monday), 2 P. M.. at Chambers Company's funeral parlors, cor. Kirby and Emerson sts., opposite Jefferson High School. Interment Rose City Cemetery. ADAM In this city. February 10. at Ills late residence. 174 North Fifteenth street, Balthazar Adam, aged 67 years. The fu neral services will be held tomorrow (Mon day), February 12, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Services at the grave private. CRAW At the family residence, 131 East Thirty-third street. February 10, Arthur John Craw. Jr aged 22 years 5 months 10 days. . Funeral services will be held to morrow (Monday), February 12, at the residence pariprs of Breeze & Snook. 1026 Belmont street, at 2 P. M. Services at the grave private. FARRAR In this city, February 9. at his late residence, 119 Hazel Fern place. Squire Farrar, aged 76 years, ex-postmaster, of Salem, Or. Funeral services at the Un dertaking Parlors of Clough & Webb In Salem at 1:30 today (Sunday), February 1L Please omit flowers. FRAKES The funeral services of the late Joseph A. Frakes will be held tomorrow (Monday). February 12. at 2:30 P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. Masonic services at the grave. BREIDENSTEIN The funeral services of the late William F. Breldensteln will be held today (Sunday) at 1:30 o'clock P. M.' it the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son. Montgomery at 0th. Friends Invited. Interment private. GORDON At Fort Rosecrans, Cal., Febru ary 3. Edward N. Gordon, aged 38 years. Remains arrived In Portland in care of the Holman Undertaking Company and In terment In Rivervlew Cemetery on Satur day, February 10. FINF.KAL DIRECTORS. Edward Holman, Pres.: W. J. Holman. Sec; J. E. Werleln. Treaa. EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant 5 Third and Salmon Streets Main 607, A 1511. PERFECT FUNERAL SERVICES FOR LESS " MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Lady Assistant. Wash, at Ella lit., Iet. 2oth and 2 1st. alala X6U1, A .88. West Side. J. P. FE'LET SON. Progressive Funeral Directors, MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. DUNNING A M'ENTEE, funeral directors, Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broad way 430. A 4558. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING. INC., East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. East 62, B 2528. R. KELLER A CO.. 502 WILLIAMS AVE. East 10SS. C 10SS. Ladv attendant. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. BREEZE & SNOOK 1M:tB4,tm.0,lt SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. M'n 4152. A 232L Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. E. 80th and Gllsan. Tab. 4313. ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison sta. Main 6133. A 2285. P. L. LERCH. East lTth and Clay streeta. Lady attendant. East 781. B 1888. MAUSOLEUM. "THE BETTER WAY" Humane, Scientific Security for the Dead, Sanitary Protection for the Laving. RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Terminus Rivervlew Carllne. Taylor's Ferry Road, For Particula r Inquire Portland Mausoleum Co. Phone B dwy S5L 636 Plttock Block. FLORISTS. CTJT RATE FLORIST. Fine cut flowers and plants, funeral and wedding designs, at half price. 768 Gllsan. Take 23d-treet car. Phone Mar ehall 4372. or A 1464. Quick delivery. MARTIN FORBES CO., Florists. 8B4 Washington. Main 269, A 1260. Flowers for all occasions artistically arra n ged. CLARKE BROS., Florists, 287 Morrison St. Main or A 1805. Fine lowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. Sell ing bldg.. 6th and Alder sta TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 6102. A 110L HORTICULTURE. PRUNING, spraying, tree surgery, grsftageu xpert gardeners. Nicholas. Mala 7411. CREMATORIUMS. MOUNT SCOTT PARK Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. D 6L MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th St., opposite City Hall. Mala 8564. Philip Nen A ebns for memorials. cHsBLAEISING. GRANITE! CO. I U THIRD AT I-I.AJ3ISOINI STREET. KKW TODAY. Two Blocks From New Shipyards I HAVE 1 ROOMING HOUSE, 1 APART MENT BUILDING 40 rooms each, at sur prisingly low rent. A Money-Making Proposition to the Right Party J. A. Williams Main 1927 WELL IMPROVED CENTRALLY . LOCATED BUSINESS PROPERTY PAYING SIX PF.R CENT NET ON ;ir,o.MKi. Will Take Some Good Property In Ex change, Some Cash, Balance Long-Time Mortgage. WELL IMPROVED CORNER ON BEST STREET IN CITY, FAIR, INCOME. PRICE $125,000 Want Good, Clear Property and Mort gage. R. F. BRYAN BOO CHAMBER. OP COMMERCE. A REAL HOME I I Located in Irvington I on an acre of ground. Tjarpe maple and fruit trees over 40 years old. Beautiful house elegantly iliushed in hard wood, eiht rooms, three well-appointed baths, servants' quarters, double garage with room for saddle horses. For informa- tion and appointment for inspect- tion call F. E. Bowman & Co. 213 CHAMIIER OP COMMERCE. 5TH ST. LOT $9000. TERMS. 30x100, all Improvements paid, between Morrioon and Jeffron nt. Income $360 per year.. (Assessed for $990O). See Frank L. McGuire FOR WEST SIDE INVESTMENTS, 411-414 Ablnsrton lllclg. Main 1068. North Fifteenth St. We Have Client Who Will Build at N. W. Cor. 15th and Johnson Sta. lOO x lOO FEET ONE - STORY BUILDING Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 FOIIITH ST. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city property at 6 and t per cent. Farm and suburban loans at current rates. Liberal repayment priv ileges allowed. No delays. LAHUU LOANS SPECIAL RATES, A. H. BIRRELL CO. si; -2X9 Northwestern Barak Butldini Marshall 4114. A 4118. Loans of $10,000 and up on Im proved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. Lipscomb, 242 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS tVK HAVE INSt'Tt ANCK MONET AT K PRIVATE FUNDS AT 6 AND 7 Robertson & Ewing SOT-8 Northwestern Bank Bids. MORTGAGE LOATS S300. S500. S600 Any Sum From $1000 to $50,000. Farm Acreage and City Considered. CEO. II. THOMAS. No. 267 Oak St., Room Alnaworth Bids;. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. ttmr Own Money at Current Rate, MIMl ll'AL AND COKl'OHA l IGM BONDS. FARM AND CITY LOANS. hO Fssrts a.t Bonrd of Xrnds Bids;. EHBLGOKCO 6 7 LOANS ON MORTGAGE SECURITY MOHTHWCSnERN BANK BUILOINg MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7 Ortcos Investment A MortirasTn Cs. Of flora SMMi-4. 1TO Third St. MORTGAGE LOANS OR MORE 6-T-S Repayment Privileges. Private Funds. J. I KAR.VOPP, KT, Bui. Bid. JNO. B. COFFEY Insurance, Surety Bonds 3Q4 WILCOX BLDG. MAIN TOS DOOLY & CO, Inc. Est. 18S6 0nnn 812 Board of Trade Bids. f II N Unlimited Eastern Funds. City and Farms. Insurance. SE2ZS2ZB A 18G1 liouds. Mir. 702 NEW TODAV. Auction aies AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169. 171. 173 SECOND ST. Near Yamhill. RECILAR SALESDAYS MONDAY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A. 31. We are constantly rerielvlncr rnnsle-n- ments of all kinds of used FURNITURE, CARPETS. nil.S, RANUESBEDDINt;. DISHES, utensils and other effects, to oe soia lor what they will bring. Par ties furnishing: can 'save money by attending- our auction sales. Yon n r sure to find something you can UBe, and jvu m&KQ me price. OUR PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT WlXIi PROVE OP INTEREST TO CONNOISSEURS. We cannot begrin to itemize the Im mense line of goods we have for sale, but can truthfully say we have some of the choicest pieces to be found in the cny, including; SOLID MAIIO.A Y library tables, ladies' desks, bcokcases. chairs. rockers, dressers, dressing tables, etc. We especially call atten tion to some very fine DIMM; suites in golden oak. satin walnut and early English. These goods must be seen to oe appreciated, for the LIVING ROOM we have leather-covered daven port and rockers of vnrinns kIvIam large tables, reclining chairs with learner cusnions. all or the very best. In BEDROOM FURNISHINGS you will find such items as twin beds of the latest designs complete with metal springs and fine felt 'mattresses, equal to new; also a large assortment of orass ana enamel beds, dressers and chiffoniers in almost nnv tvi- Wlimn body Brussels and Axminster room-size rugs, carpets ot various sizes. RANGES We have such makes as th Mallnahle Monarch, Majestic and others; also a large line 01 gas ranges. OFFICE FURNISHINGS Roll and flat-top desks, typewriter stands, card cases, revolving chairs, of fice tables, fireproof safes, etc., etc. GROCERY MERCHANDISE DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION. We deal in bankrupt stocks and can save you money on anything we have for sale. STORE FIXTURES EQUIPMENTS We can fit you up with cash registers, scales, counters, showcasesand other fix tures pertaining to an up-to-date store. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 2 P.M. AT OUR SALESROOMS, 169-171 SECOND ST. STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Including DRY GOODS, MII.I.INERY, NOTIONS, lilUM'IK WARE. TIN WARE. HARDWARE, CROCKERY. LKUlbHlbS AND TOBACCOS. J. T. WILSON. AUCTIONEER. Cash Paid tor Kurnlture. Stocks ot Mer chandise. Etc. Sales at Residences n Specialty. Main 1026. AUCTION SALES Ford Auction Co. MONDAY, 2 P. M., 191 SECOND ST. We have received several consign ments of medium furniture for this sale. including almost everything necessary for modern housekeeping, and you can not afford to miss this sale if you are in need, ol xurniture of any kind. AT RESIDENCE, 447 MAIN ST. . NEAR THIRTEENTH, TUESDAY 10 A. M. The owner. Mrs. Frasier. has favored us with instructions to sell the entire furnishings of her 12-roomed house at 4 47 Main street, on Tuesday next at 111 A. AL. Among other useful Items you will find good Axminster and Brussels rugs, round dining table, chairs, rockers, portieres, lace curtains, linoleum, kitchen cabinets, gas plates and gas ranges, dishes, utensils, good dressers, heavy metal beds, comforts, sheets, blankets, pillows, breakfast tables, pic tures and everything that goes to fur nish the home complete. This is a nice, clean lot of medium furniture and well worthy of your at tention if you want bargains in furni ture. E. G. FORD, AUCTIONEER. WE SELL AGAIN ON WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 2 P. M. EACH DAY, And you are sure to find a good assort ment of medium furniture to chose from. FORD AUCTION CO. 191 SECOND ST. $25,000 WANTED ONE-HALF INTEREST FOR SALE TO AN ACTIVE PARTNER IN A LOCAL MANUFACTUR ING PLANT. ORDERS SOLD n TO CAPACITY OK PLANT TO OCTOBER. Want Capital to Enlarge. For Interview Address A 81, Oregonian, NEW TODAY. ESTABLISHED ISO 2. On Tuesday Next WE SHALL SELL FOR A LADY, WHO IS LEAVING THE CITY, THE COST LY FVRNISHINGS AND GENUINE TURKISH RUGS, ETC. OF HER PRIVATE RESIDENCE. THESE GOODS ARE NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE BAKER AUCTION nOVSE, COMPRISING! One large Turkish rug, about 9x11. and two others about 4x6; genuine leather davenport, quarter-sawed oak library table, mahogany and oak library rock ers, several pieces of old copper and brass, mahogany hall seat and mirror, Wilton and Axminster rugs in various sizes, oil paintings, pastels and other pictures, Alaska curios. Jardinieres and stands, leather drapes, dictionary and other books, oak desk table, parlor desk, beautiful dining suite in Califor nia fumed oak. viz., pedestal table and set of colonial chairs with leather seats, dinner ware, two full-size brass Deas, two enameled beds, best steel springs, silk floss and felt mattresses, pillows, comforts and bed linen, mahog any dresser, chifforfier and lady's princess dresser en suite, also lady's dressing stand with mirror, oak dress ers, cmrromer and dressing table, cost ly brass child's crib, silk dranes. u n holstered sofas and cushions, gas range and many other costly articles; also piano piayer ana records. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. Intending purchasers will kindly call tomorrow and inspect this fine lot of gooas. i ne Turkish rugs are rare and most of the furniture is practically new ana wen wormy or your most careiui attention. AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT lO A. M. AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE, MASONIC TEMPLK BLDG., YAMHILL & WEST PARK STS On Wednesday Next AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE, 350 CLAY SI, NEA.R PA.KK ST. We have been favored with instructions from Mrs. V. L. Mitchell to sell the fur nishings of her residence at above ad dress, comprising parlor tables, rock ers, bookshelf, large mirror, Morris chair, lace curtains, leather drapes, pic tures, drophead Singer sewing machine, Brussels and velvet carpets, stair car pets, heaters, oak folding beds, round dining table and chairs, china cabinet, crockery and glassware, iron beds, springs, mattresses, pillows, lots of bedding, dressers, commodes, wardrobes, Axminster hall rug. 3x; small rugs, gas range, gas plates, nearly new Ruud water heater, heater with water coil, utensils and many other useful lots. AUCTION ON WEDNESDAY NEXT AT 1 A. M. AT 350 CLAY ST. NEAR PARK ST. On Thursday Next WB SHALL HAVE ANOTHER I.OT OF GOOD KI HMTI HK TO O F V E R VOl". AlCTION ON" THURS DAY NEXT AT AO A. 31. Preliminary Notice On Monday. Ib. liHh. Next. We Shall Sell st the ('. M. Olsen Transfer A Storaire Co. Warehouse on Pine St. On Wednesday. Prh. SStb. Next, We Sell Unclaimed Bnggaite, Etc. for the O.-W. R. V N. Company mt the Ash - Street Dock. WE BUY GOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE. PHONE US AND WE WILL GLADLY" CALL AND PAY VOL" CASH. W. C. BAKER A: W. II. DEAN, Furniture Dealers and Auctloneera, Masonic Temple Ilaildlng, Yamhill and West Parle Streets). Both Pbonea. $50 LOTS $50 Terms, $5 Down, $2.50 Per Month Lots at a Small Price OPPORTUNITIES OF Big Profits These lots are located within a few minutes' walk of the business center of that fast-growing Central Oregon metropolis ' Bend has doubled its population in the past few months; is growing every day. Why not let its growth mean dol lars to you? Call or write for particulars. The Brong Co, 267 Vz Oak Street, Portland, Or, Main 1743 F arm ILosnis (3 o NO COMMISSION Eastern life insurance money can be borrowed of us on first class farms at 6, without com mission. Write to us direct and save money. We refer to any bank in Portland. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY 607 Concord Bldg. Corner Second and Stark Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON NEW TODAY. MONTANA FARMS 7tlTS:isTt. Lonsr A Co. Are Now Belnsr -Su t,,( I .1 and Sold at Retail 20.000 acres in the ramoua Judith Basin in tracts of from SO to 5000 acres. BUY direi'T mmi THE OWNERS. Save apents' commis sions. Prices lowest. Terms easiest. t or full particulars and price lists, write J. B. LONG Jt- CO, Bx 143-1. Great Falls, Montana. REAL ESTATE. For Sale $325 BUYS 80x100 lot on Francis ave.. near East 37th street, and two blocks from car; cost owner $750 eight months ago. See IS. M. .Brown. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 10- Fourth street. INTERSTATE BRIDGE open for travel this week; a fine business corner near ap proach CHEAP. Your opportunity. "Ixxik ahead" and take advantage of tills great international highway. SEE MR. JOHNSON. THE OREGON HOME BUILDER 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $9S5 PIEDMONT LOT 9S5. Price cut from $1500 to $9!5; all im provements In and paid; very best part of Piedmont: $4S5 cash, balance terms. Are you wide awake? If so get busy. Chances are you will never buy as cheap again. Sunday call Woodlawn 2SSS; week days Main. 1189. $25 CLEARED, LEVEL LOTS $25. $1 month, no Interest. Townsite, rich farming district, best poultry country, cen ter over $1,000,000 population, network railroads. Write for particulars now. D. F. HICKEY. Colman bldg.. Seattle. IRVINGTON SNAP. S2400 buys 100x100. facing East on E.. 21st, between Stanton and Siskiyou: street improvements paid. M, A. Newell, 20" Merchants Trust bldg. IRVINGTON SNAP. . . P't BOxllM). E. 15th st.. facing west. ISO feet north of Siskiyou; street liens paid. Price $1100 spot cash. GODDARD WIEDR1CK. 243 Stark St. BEAUTIFUL LOT O.N E. 42D ST. N Surrounded by good homes, on carllne, and another one block from car; either at a great sacrifice. Address AO 845. Oregonlan. $450. : ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. I wia sacrifloe beautiful lot. close to Jfjj no assessments; worth. !00. Tabor 5TH ST. LOT 350, KASY TERMS. KOxlOO lot and old bonne; Bt. Impt. all paid. No. 448 5th, near College mU Ideal apart ment aite. A wonderful buy. See Frank L. McGuire FOR WEST SIDE INVESTMENTS, . 11-414 Abington Bids. Maun 1088. ROSE CITY LOTS. SNAP. 2 fine lots, one In block 142. one in block 144. $1000 for the two; half cash. 816 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. WA.V;;',-"r PARK wants five new homes; f. ,00 cash will build you a house you de sire. sr . H- SWART. Main 7231. 80 4th St. SPLENDID building lot. In excellent neigh borhood; owner will sell for $700; S1O0 down, balance $10 per month. 7 per cent: Just the place for someone wanting to build a home. H. E. Reeves, 245 Vi 1st st. ROSE CITY PARK. 50x100. St.. builder's second mortgage; terms; price $75o; $100 down. $15 month Illckman-wtlson. 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6S6a. C 2121. EIGHT lots In Irvington, Including 2 cor ners. for $4950. subject only to existing city liens and taxes; undoubtedly greatest bargain offered today; splendid proposi tion for builder. BO 79. Oregonian 30"e OF VALUE. Lot near Union ave.. Portland bird Price 4.,0. H. G. Epton. 4o2 Chamber of Commerce bldff. At lit:, hlph and sightly, 42d and Powell Valley; make us an offer. Atkinson A Nichols. 112 West 6th St.. Vancouver. W ssh. TWO LOTS. Irvington district, worth $2500. Make me cash offer. No acents. No coin mission. Phone owner Sunday. Tabor 5540: daily. Main 5649. TWO lots. 1O0 feet from larguertte ave.. buw. oi nawmorne ave.: sewers In streets paved, all paid, $S25, cash. $2,5 5lxH(. WESTMORELAND. ISO feet south of Tolman ave., facing east, on lth . Go look. Frank L. McUulre. Main ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Very desirable lot In first block, easy to build, unobstructed view, big sacrifice for $180O. A i2. Ore gonian. UNI VE RSITY PARK Lot. 50x1 OO, corner Fiska and Oberlin sta, for aula, cheap. Phone Tabor 61M14. $275 OoxlOO. N. W. COR. S7th and Burn- lo tX 10 iown' s Jer month. Main $135o CASH will buy i large lota, N. . cor. E. 82d and Alberta sts. LONG. 121 banks St.. San Francisco. FOR SALE cheap, southeast corner Sandy blvd. and 73d st. Aildt. as t". W. Jayne. li. F. D. No. 1. Corona. California. $2.i0 60x100. 1'- bl.icks Gllsan St.. on 78th, sidewalks and sewer In and paid. R. W. Bell. 2'lft On g.. man bMK. PENINSULA lot. 1"; koTmI location; no incumbrance Phone Marshall 1902 evcu- lngs. T H R EE very desirable lots. 2 blocks from center of Kenton. Inquire owner, J7o2 Brandon St. Woodlawn 4452. ltl S K CI TY PAKK .!5c cash; no aswsss- iiieois; once sola lor SilMI; look St this; Call 71'-. E. KSth St. N. you can't beat It. $475 WILL buy $1200 lot, on Irvington car line; will pay you to see it today. Call Main 14H4. - IF TA KEN this week, will sell Irvington corner. iOOxloo. for $15lo plus city Hens antl taxes. BO 31. Oregonlan. $1,.0 U-ACRE, r.c car fare. Bull Run water, sold last year for $300. Geo. T. Moore Co . 518 Ablngton bldg. $200 TERRACE PARK. 50x100. cost 7uo. $700 Laurelhurst 50x100. cost $1400 CHAS. K1NGLKH ii CO.. 22S Henry B'flg IRVINGTON lot, very choice, east facing. $1000. clear, terms. O 77, Oregonlan. BROOKE Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. A few bargains. Mar. 4827. $li0 EACH for 3 lots on Peninsula ave. Call at 200 Ky. Ex. bldg.. or call Main KQflS. GOOD Laurelhurst lot for sale chea p for cash. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. IRVINGTON lots: somo special bargains. Neuhnusen & Co., Lewis bldg. M. Kitls. ALAMEDA PARK, 00xl00. well located cor ner. East 7855. LOT on 40 acres for srnril) house, evtn trauc $l.r.'HI. S 7S. Oifgunlan. $!Ooo Irvington corner lot. all cash, sub Ject to street liens. N S. Oregonian. SACRIFICE Inside lot. E. Morrison, near F 15. Oregonian. K. 15th ; $5000. terms. For Sale -Houses. $1750 FIRLAND Addition. 5-room. modern. $1750, Woodlawn. 7-room. modern. $2100, Portsmouth ave., 5-room. modern CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 228 Henry Bldg. MODERN 6-room house, Hawthorne district, furnace. fireplace, reception hall, pass pantry; lot 40x100. with fruit trees; 2 carlines. 15 minutes to city; must be sold; cash, terms or trade. Owner, Tabor 4291. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, nearly new; two bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, .breakfast-room, full basement, laundry traj; cost tH5. Will sell now for $1625. Telephone Broad way 1058. $4oo CASH gels new bungalow. East Side, strictly modern; long terms on balance. Fine furnishings Main 3072, Main 6411. F. McFarland. 505 Yeon bldg.. Portland. WEST SIDE 3 houses, income $30 monthly, assessed at $5440. Take $4250 for immedi ate sale. fl25o cash, balance 5To. Rum mell A RummelL 274 Ktark st. $3000 EQUITY in a $6500 B-room modern home, or will trade for 6-room modern home on or more lots; will assume. Owner, Tabor 5852. WE HAVE several big bargains in houses both on East and West Sides, on verv easy terms. Fred A. Jacoba Co.. 104 5tii street. SACRIFICE 6-room modern bungalow, nearly new; lurnace. na ru womi iioors. BUnroom. all built-in conveniences: $1050 equity for $200. 806 Oak su Phone Broadway 1658. FINE lo-room heme, splendid location, lot invxiw, gur&ge, irvingion. .cast I .i. Vs H. lierdman. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern house. 9 rooms, quarter diock. line view, half cash or smaller house. 516 Selling bldg. LAURELHt'RST LOT. $930 equity lor $200; must sell. Oregonian. E 93. YOUR own terms, 5-rm. cottage, full cor.' lot. 131 1 E. 12th su N. Frank L. McGuire. Main 10fi. 2 ROOM house and lot, 50x100. all fur nished. $550; $250 will handle. 206 Ger- llnger bldg. Main 2818. $2O50 NEW 5-room mouern bungalow, dou ble constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace. fixtures and shades. T 79. Oregonia n 3-ROOM unplastered cottage on r.OxJ.00 lot. $590. $25 down; lot worth $750. Phono Broadway 1658. MUST lose equity in modern 5-room bun galow, all conveniences. If you have a llt tle cash money, investigate. Tabor 2296. STRICTLY modern 7-room bungalow. $2900 near Rose City car. Take good lot pari payment. Owner, D 83. Oregonian. PORTLAND Heights home, modern, craft J iew, larse grounds. K 04. Oregonian. FOR SALE A fine piece of Staperty. c 314 baa K&iaei at, ft