The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1917, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Wot All German Consuls to Ac
company Ambassador
: to Berlin.
Steamship Frederick Till to Carry
Suite to Copenhagen Vessel
Is Being Guarded Carc-
fully at New York.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10 Arrange
menta today were completed for the de
parture on Wednesday of Count von
Bernstorff and bis staff aboard the
steamship Frederik VIII for Christt
ania, Norway. The former Ambassador
and the personnel of the Embassy will
leave Washington Tuesday night.
Not all the German Consuls who were
Telieved from further duty here with
the breaking off of diplomatic relations
between the united States and Germany
will accompany Count von Bernstorff
out of the country. It was learned to
day that a number have been instructed
by the German government to depart
from their former posts for points in
faouth and Central America.
NEW YORK, Feb. 10. The steamship
Frederik VIII was given permission by
its owners in Copenhagen today to con
vey former Ambassador von Bernstorff
and his suite to a Scandinavian port,
according to a cablegram to the Scandi
navian-American line officers here. No
date has yet been set for the vessel's
departure, but the officials of the Scandinavian-American
line thought she
was likely to get away Tuesday or
Wednesday. In addition to the Am
bassador's suite provision has been
made for carrying about 200 German
Patrol of the waterfront by launches
carrying rapid-fire guns in the vicinity
of the Frederick VIII and heavy land
guns about the approaches to the ves
sel are part of the precautions wnicn
will be taken to protect Ambassador
von Bernstorff and other German of
ficials at their departure from this
port Wednesday.
Yeoman in Charge of Work Pleased
With Results,
T1EXD, Or., Feb. 10. (Special.) Six
recruits for the United States Navy
have been procured here in the past two
days by Chief Yeoman Enos and Sur
geon Sinclair, recruiting officers from
Portland. Of these, W. J. Fllppen, W.
It. Cannon and E. J. Davidson left last
night for Portland, and Charles E.
Chamberlain, W. S. Reese and W. M.
Larson started tonight. G. Giesar also
passed the examination, but was un
able to procure the consent of his
parents to his joining the service.
The number of recruits procured
here In two days' work is considered
unusually large by Yeoman Enos, who
attributes the success . to the dlplo
matte break between the United States
and Germany.
Many Telegrams to White House Are
In Same Language.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. Thousands
of telegrams from different parts - of
the country urging steps to maintain
peace between the United States and
Germany reached the White House to
day. Many of them were the same in
language and evidently were the re-r
eult of an organized movement. -
Kepresentatives of the Emergency
Peace Federation, recently organised at
New York, called at the White House
today In an effort to make an engage
ment to see President Wilson next
week. A mass meeting will -be held
here Monday. One of the objects of
the movement is to secure a referen
dum on war as suggested by William
J. Bryan.
? - y
I '
1 r?V ''KpT
i f . wfr 11
TopRece.t Snapshot of Connt von Bernstorff, ex-Ambassador of Germ.nv.
'" ncninoni. uelow Count Tnrnow.Ll -v ., . :
. - . . anu nu
Note to Berlin Condemns New
Submarine policy.
Kew York Militiamen Take Federal
j Oath lor Service.
NEW' YORK. Feb. 10. Mor than
J000 men of the three battalions of the
State Javal Militia became Federal vol.
unteers today, subject to the Presi
dent's call, by taking the Government
oath. Vincent Astor, an ensign, will
be one of Commander Forshew's aides.
A school for recruits has been opened
on the naval training 6hlp Granite
Responsibility for All Acts Resulting
From Operations of Submarines
Is Placed on the German
ade and consequently to leave entire
ly with the Imperial German govern
ment the responsibility for all acts
which will Involve Brazilian citizens,
merchandise or ships and which are
proved to have been committed In dis
regard of the recognised principles of
international lav and of the conven
tions signed by Brazil and Germany."
. (Continued From First Page.)
I-ady Gives Simple Home Recipe That
She Used to Darken Her
j Gray Hair.
For years I tried to restore my. gray
hair to its natural color with the pre
pared dyes and stains, but none of
them gave satisfaction and they were
ell expensive. I finally ran onto a
eimple recipe which I mixed at home
that gives wonderful results. I gave
the recipe, which Is as follows, to a
number of my friends, and they are
all delighted with It. To 7 ounces of
water add a small box of Barbo Com
pound. 1 ounce of bay rum and ounce
of glycerine. These ingredients can
be bought at any drugstore at very
little cost. Use every other day until
the hair becomes the required shade.
It will not only darken the gray hair
but make it soft and glossy. It is not
etlcky or greasy and does not rub off.
Superfluous Hair.
Any woman can remove unsightly
hair without discomfort or injury to
the most delicate skin by simply apply.
ing ?.th9,ted part a made
ty adding a little water to Demosant'
a perfumed powder. Upon Ita removal
In to or three minutes the skin will be
found smooth and hairless. A single
application usually suffices for the
most obstinate growths. Demosant' la
perfumed and will not irritate or dis
figure. - Doea not stimulate the growth
of new hair. Fully guaranteed. For
t-o cents one can obtain a generous sup
ply by mall In plain wrapper from the
Bsbencott Laboratories, Portland Or
or any drug or department store can
supply It. Trial size for 23 cents, which
la not perfumed.
. ............... .i.,.,.,-,-,.,. gyyy
RIO JANEIRO. Feb. 10. The Bote
handed to the German Secretary of For
eign Affairs by the Brazilian Minister
at Berlin. In reply to Germany's decla-
ration of tlio resumption of unrestrict
ed submarine warfare, was made public
here today. Th text is as follows:
"I have transmitted to my govern-
ment by telegraph your letter of -Feb
ruary 3, In which your excellency -In
formed me of the resolution of the
German imperial government to block
ade tireat .Britain, its Islands, the lit
toral of France and Italy and the East
ern Mediterranean by submarines
which would commence operations on
February 1. Your letter stated that
the submarines would prevent all mari
time traffic In the -'zones above men
tioned, abandoning all restrictions ob
served up to the present In the em
ployment of means for sea fie-htlnsr
and would use every military resource
capaDie or the destruction of ships.,.
Kew Move la Reaentedu
"The letter of your excellencv 'nlil
further that the German government,
having confidence that the government
of Brazil would appreciate the reasons
ror the methods of war which Ger
many s forced to take on account of
the actual circumstances, hope that
Brazilian ships would be warned of
the jaiiser they ran if they navigated
1119 lnieruicted zones, the same as pas
sengers or merchandise on board any
other ship of commerce, neutral or oth
erwise. "I have Just been directed to Inform
your excellency that the Federal gov
ernment has the greatest desire not to
see modified the actual situation, as
long as the war last, a situation in
which Brazil has imposed upon itself
the rigorous observance of the laws of
neutrality since the commencement of
hostilities "between nations with whom
she has had friendly relations. My
government has always observed this
neutrality while reserving to itself the
right, which belongs to It and which
it has always been accustomed to ex
ercise, of action in those cases where
Brazilian interests are at stake. The
unexpected - communication we have
Just received announcing blockade of
wide extent of countries with which
Brazil is continually in economic 'rela
tions by foreign and Brazilian ship
ping has produced a Justified and pro
found impression through the imminent
menace which It contains of the unjust
sacrifice of lives, the destruction of
property and the wholesale disturbance
of commercial transactions.
Formal Protest Entered.
"In such circumstances and while ob
serving always and Invariably the same
principles, the .Brazilian . Government,
after having examined the tenor of the
German note, declares that it cannot
accept as effective the blockade' which
has Just been suddenly decreed bv the
Imperial government. Because of the
means employed to realize this block
ade, the extent of the interdicted zones.
the absence of all. restrictions, includ
ing the failure of warning of even neu
tral menaced ships and the announced
intention of using every military means
of destruction of no matter what char
acter, such a blockade would neither
be regular nor effective, or be con
trary to the principles of law and the
conventional rules established for mill,
tary operations of this nature.
For these reasons, the Brazilian
government, in spite of Its sincere and
keen desire to avoid any disagreement
with the nations at war, with whom it
on irienaiy terms, believes It to be
German communication was directed Is
lacking. It Is considered certain that it
has been forwarded by the government
of Switzerland. The Swiss Minister
here, who has taken over German In
terests in this country, called at the
State Department this afternoon and
saw Counsellor Polk. Both refused to
oiscuss tne conference, but It Is consid
ered probable the Minister, on behalf
or Germany, communicated that gov
eminent s viev s. If he did, the Ger
man suggestions were. It is believed.
Bcu orally.
It is regarded as Improbable that spe
clfio suggestions would be put for
ward, at least until the United States
ina.cates in some way its sentiment to
ward the general proposal for a cis
i.uHionu ine development, however,
served to draw attention to proposals
for distinctive markings of vessels and
rraustmenu ror passage of American
passenger-carrying liners In the note
announcing unrestricted submarine
Bern(oi-ffg Efforts Con tinned.
It was disclosed tonight that when
fr7.V. o. . "ernstonr . informed the
or ine new German pol-
.-, . cwun ws last week made to
bring about a discussion apparently de
signed to result in the United States
''us not to lane any serious ae
t on and that Administration officials
ucuiineo. to consider it. The
present efforts, which are more or less
different in character, are lnnV.
as being more formal in
those made at first. "
, v, was tnrown upon
: vi view wnen It was
learned today that while the Berlin
government was arranerini? fnr v,.
campaign of ruthless warfare, certain
German diplomats In various parts of
the world were notified that
military necessity" prevpnt
granting of a period In which neutrals
might adjust their maritime Interests
every care would be exercised that
neutral and especially American
senger-carrying ships would not be
tack? t0 unwarned submarine at-
Favorable Action Unlikely.
The manner In which th now .
man proposal was received in official
quarters left the impression that there
was littlo possibility of a favorable re
sponse here. The attitude of officials
has been that only two onn,-,o ,
open to Germany; that she must either
pursue her ruthlessness at the hazard
of war with this country or restore her
repudiated pledges given In the Sussex
case. It has been felt here that Germany
has beeu warned more fully than she
f.-.any r,sht to "Pect regarding the
attitude of the United States and that
oho uaumea on ner rnnrsA nrttu 1 1
knowledge of its results. Tf i.
that r.arni.i.. ,111 - - "T V" .
.T v r ,u a position to
negotiate In the matter until she has
withdrawn from a campaign which the
United States has condemned with the
most serious step it could take short of
Officials, however, annarniti.
surprised at the German T
one diplomatic quarter it was charac
terized tonight as calculator ,i
the State Department responsibility for
. -"-.""'- uwn actions may lead
to. It Is realized also that It will have
an effect on the pacifist and the pro
German elements In the country which
will be embarrassing to official's here.
Man, Whisky, Captured In Chase.
MARSHFIELD, Or.. Feb. 10. (Soe.
cial.) Chief of Police Carter and oth
er city officers this morning captured
Edward Elliott, following a thrilling
automobile- race towards North Bend
and took a suitcase from him contain
ing 13 Quarts of whiskv. TCiitn -
locked In the city Jail, and will be tried i
& uuuLiegger on aaonaay.
os e -
rr J?f IffTTif to our announcements of the Rush-Order, Close-Out Sample Sale has been gratifying indeed. Each
57fa?Tr?w?w enthusiasm grow apace each day Jias marked a gain in the sale of samples which must be disposed
of to make room for new goods arriving for Spring business. Each day has been a signal for adding new reserve
samples to the floor display of advertised goods. Each and every member of the sales-force has caught the sSritTf
?rl?1rt2f?-ctl?8 Une; Wh-ic must So at once, to make room for new goods now commencing to
arrive m carload lots. Entire homes furnished now at saving prices and easy terms. SHOP NOW AT EDWARDS'!
. JIS ifinMli StHNI Mfiit t-e lf tn )Z'
Nrnsw imiiii "Simii
' awtwi sum)
- fe a i-
mull ikt
Vltd IH.'r-
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7. it'lmnitl Tfi
MI iiimiih f i
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UliHIS SJKil "" J!!"! 2! S
Ms.!. uiu, j;n;;:5 G'!!!8
m mmm maxiS SmSl
Wlia Uaiaal un3 rr,- 1
Pima m naja.riiw
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a. mull Li.
"'nils, V.I
"i imius. Miia en 2 in!! !"'"i
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'ES SSS!2. S!" !! KSSS
til lis lii.litu aa Z7 - niTUlI BiHrlUl kmmi u
wimo iimiifi muum
"1n TfliM will 'I nu
muli.i. mm wwi.-SiSS iZ Z ZSSi SliS
i;."jini ifimirt -oi'Sia iudcb m 9 mm mm
UtJKll LjJ LLiLil iiriulM
tans mi
'HI Utita sm.
"I 111141 tl
t art
50C a Week
Royal Oak
This Royal Oak Flntshed
Library Table has a 42x28
Inch top. The legs are
massive and sturdy 2
Inches square! There is a
roomy shelf underneath the
top and handsome book
racks at each end. It Is a
table that will be an addi
tion to any living-room, li
brary or den. It is a regu
lar J9.50 table specially
priced now at 86.95.
Go-Carts 95c a Week
fck. V 7'"Zr'7 4 ft an 'as." ' '
top, drop back and wheel
To n r 1 st
co 1 lapsl
b 1 e tan
Go - Cart
with a u
to m oblle
hood and
clu r a b le
now at
cart, J3
SS5T value, at
SI. 39
Lloy ds"
Pr I ncess
col 1 apst
b 1 Sul
kies, tan
or blrfck
guards, 6.95
50c Cretonne
Beautiful new spring cre
tonne drapes in Tapestry
designs. Ideal for living
and dining-rooms: regular
50c values, now, only 39
"Sleep well
Mattress 95c ;
Week 3jWS35a
Edwards Sleepwell Mattr
are non-absorbent, shane-re
lng of all-cotton, felted In laminated lavers. Guaran
teed not to bunch or become lumpy. Guaranteed sani
tary, money rerunnea it not satisfied:
r orty-iive-pouna
Klfty-pound Sleep
Fifty-pound Sleep
luikicu ii not satinea:
i SLEEPWELL, now SS15.75
pwell. now ISIT.SO
epwell. now S18.30
Sewing Machine Specials
Zenith J40.00 drophead sewing machine. Has been 0 7C
been used a short time, buMn first-class condition ijZ'TilO
Special No. 2 machine, brand new, specially priced. $25. OO
. $32.50 Overstuff erj Rockers, Tapes- AC
try Upholstered, Special .0 1 .yd
A large, room rocker with splendid shaped back and big.
comfortable big wing sides and well-set arms. Tapestry
upholstered spring seat; sides and back also covered with,
-tapestry. Big value.
Charge It at Edwards
Edwards credit" system Is as broad and
liberal as It Is possible to be made! Buy
what you want pay each week or each
month and enjoy your home while buying
Itl Tou pay no premium for the accoma
tlon and during this sale you save and
save bia: come see compare!
1 mmmmtm
Is noted for
Its com
pleteness and the va
riety of the
patterns and
c o 1 o rings
you want a
rug for living-room
home or
c o u a t r y
Out-of-Town Folks
Your Credit Is Good, Too!
Tou may live In Baker City or Klamath Falls in either
vent your credit Is good at Edwards' buy what you see
advertised, or write for special prices on what you want and
we will take the responsibility on satisfying you If we
don't, return the goods at our expense.
$14.00 Tiree Wool Fiber 9x12 Rugs,
special now
Three beautiful' patterns In rich colorings of brown, tan and
bung alow,
you will find
just what
you want at
Edwardi" at
saving pric
es and eay
Exchange Old for New
Exchange your old furniture for new at Edwards" an allowance of
generous proportions will be made. Many exceptional bargains are
now ready for the thrifty buyer in this department. Call, phone or
write for Information.
land week after next. Leland Finch,
secretary of the local association.
thinks Baker will make a creditable
showing at the meeting. Local re
tallers are especially Interested In the
plan for a united battle against mall
order houses, because an effective cam
palgn was waged last year by many of
. E. Ferguson Will Become Grain
Inspector at Kansas City.
ALBANT, Or., Feb. 10. (Special.)
After teaching In the junior ilgn
School here only a few days. Professor
O. E. Ferguson resigned yesterday. He
received word that he had been ap
pointed a Government grain Inspector
at Kansas City.
Professor Ferguson will be succeeded
by Otto I Fox. who has been taking
Baker to Send Merchants.
BAKER, Or.. Feb. . 10. (Special.)
Baker merchants plan to send a dele-
Ita duty, to protest against this .Wock-. Association, whica wlii mU t in T Port-
Here is a fine -old-fashioned
recipe for coughs, colds or ca
tarrh trouble that has been used
with great' Buccess. Get from
your druggist 1 oz. of Parmint
(double strength), about - 76c
worth, and add to It U pint of
hot water and 4 oz. of granulat
ed sugar. This will make full
half a pint when mixed. Take
one tablespoonful 4 times-a day.
No more racking your whole
body with a cough. Clogged nos
trils should open, air passages of
your head clear up so you can
breathe freely. It Is 'easy to pre
pare, costs little and is pleasant
to take. . Anyone who has a stub
born cough or hard cold or- ca
tarrh In any form should. -give
this prescription a trial.
post-graduate work at the Oregon Ag
ricultural College.
Third Block Projected in Week An--nounced.
BEND, Or., Feb. 10. (Special.) An
other new building, the third to be an
nounced here his week, will be erected
in the business section this Spring, ac
cording to an announcement made to
day. The building will be put up b T. M.
O'Donnell and will be located on Wall
street. Loeal brick will be used, tho
total cost being abo $6003.
Embassy Cat Off Ten Minutes After
Passports Are Requested.
LONDON, Feb. 10. Ambassador
Gerard, says an Exchange Telegraph
Company dispatch from The Hague,
sent to the German Foreign Office
through a neutral channel a formal
? aa.aj.-g&j8a; l
F ALff IJ I Iiimssi
MaHaHIM H I LI WWm Jl. f , .U ml.
l - fi
f M
Kersey .
I 3 oo
Slickers anil Rain Coats
that turn rain $2.50 and $3
O. D. Shirts . .$3.50 and $1.50
Sweaters $2.23 to $5.00
Waterjdng Rain Hats. . .$1.00
Watch Caps $1.00
Leather Gloves. . .75c to $3.00
We beg to advise that these shirts are
made from genuine Government Ker
sey, nothing: to equal them for double
the money. They wear like iron.
Teamsters, Loggers, Farmers, Miners
should have one.
Compasses. . .$1.00 and $2.00
Navy Knives 50c and 75c
Blankets $2.00 to $6.00
Corduroy Trousers $3.75
Wool Trousers. $2.50 to $5.00
Wool Riding Breeches
$5.00 and $6.50
Munson Last Army Shoes $6
Marine Shoes $5
Meat Choppers $3.50
protest against the cutting off of the
Embassy telephones by government or
der 10 minutes after he had requested
his passports.
Flush Your Kidneys Occasion
ally if You Eat Meat
A Shipment of Ditty Boxes Just la,' 81 Each.
Come to 04 Third Street and See the Most Interesting Store In
Portland loa Don't Have to Buy. .
Iso man or woman who eats meat
regularly can make a mistake by flush
ing the kidneys occasionally, says a
well-known authority. Meat forms uric
acid which clogs the kidney pores so
they sluggishly filter or strain only
part of the waste and poisons from the
blood, then you get sick. Nearly all
rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, constipation. dizziness,
sleeplessness, bladder disorders com
from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache In
the kidneys or your back hurts, or if
the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of
sediment. Irregular of passage or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, get
about four ounces of Jad Salts from
any reliable pharmacy and take a ta
blespoonful la a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and vour
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
salts Is made from the acid of traps-e
and lemon juice, combined with lithla.
and has been used for generations to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to activity, also to neutralize the
acids In urine so It no longer causes
Irritation, thus ending bladder disor
ders. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithla-water drink, which all regular
meat eaters should take now and then
to keep the kidneys clean and the blood
pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney
complications. Adv. -