IS TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 11, 1917. GREAT PAPER MILL HEARS COMPLETION First Unit "at Ocean Fails, B. C, to Operate April 15 and Second January, 1918. PLANT IS ON GOOD HARBOR BIG PAPER PLANT WHICH IS NOW NEARING COMPLETION AT OCEAN FALLS, BRITISH COLUMBIA, PORTLAND. AS SUBSIDIARY OF CROWN-WILLAMETTE PAPER COMPANY OF 7 Facific Mills Company, Controlled by Crown-Willamette Paper Co., of Portland, Is Concern in Charge of Big Pvlant. The large new paper plant of the Pacific Mills Company, Limited, now rearing completion at Ocean Falls, British Columbia, probably will be ready for operation about April 15, ac cording to A. J. Lewthwaite, resident manager of the Crown-Willamette f a per Company at Portland, who returned & few days ago from a visit at the Ocean Falls plant. The Pacific Mills Company Is owned and controlled by the Crown-Willamette Paper Company, of Portland, which is backed by Portland and San Francisco capital. The steel und concrete buildings about to be completed at Ocean Fails furnish a total floor space of approxi mately 350,000 square feet, with ma chinery and equipment capable of pro ducing 100 tons of. paper daily. Second Unit to Rise. In the immediate future a second and larger unit Is to be erected direct ly across Link River from the new buildings. The second unit, which is to be about 10 per cent larger than the first, will have a capacity of approxi mately 125 tons of paper a day, giving the complete plant a capacity of 225 tons daily, or 67,500 tons for the 300 working days of the calendar year. When completed the British Colum bia mill will not only be larger than any of the other plants of the Crown Willamette Paper Company at Oregon City and Lebanon, Or., Camas, Wash, and Floriston, Cal., but will be - one of the largest paper mills in the world. It is estimated that between 600 and 700 men will be employed in the two units at Ocean Falls. Most of the paper made at the Ocean Falls plant will be what is classed as news print and "craft" paper, with sulphate and sulphide as the "chemi cals." The products will be Bhipped to Australia, to various points along the Pacific Coast and to a number of scat tered foreign countries, including the prominent Oriental ports. Within a distance of 50 or 60 miles of the new townsite of Ocean Falls the Crown-Willamette Paper Company owns between 4.000,000,000 and 6.000, 000.000 feet of fine timber, mostly spruce and hemlock, which is of splen did quality for the manufacture of paper. Channel Is Deep. Ocean Falls is located about 380 miles north of Vancouver, B. C, and about 30 miles inland at the head of Cousins Inlet, an arm of the Pacific Ocean. The channel is already 30 feet and will be even deeper and wider as soon as dredging operations are completed. Three or four lines of steamers serve the port, water being me oniy means oi entrance and exit. , Electricity supplied by the hydro electric power plant of 6000 horsepower potential capacity will be used to operate-the mill as well as supply light, heat and energy to the town which has feprung up as a result of the new in dustry. The main building, of steel and concrete, covers a ground area of 800 oy so reet. The mill site Is not far heinn, i.i.v Lake and directly below the rapids of -r aus. me construction work nas Deen carried forward by the com pany engineers. A. B. Martin l th resident manager at Ocean Falls. The company officials hope to have the complete plant of two units in opera ndi! ujr January i, isis. GEORGE W.GALBREATH DIES Oregon Pionec. of 1852 Succumbs After Long Illness. George W. Galbreath. Oregon pioneer or 1852, died at his home near Tualatin, Washington County, January 31, after a long illness. Mr. Galbreath -was one of the best known farmers in Washington County, having been a resident of that locality all but 12 years since coming from his home in Van Buren County, Iowa, at the age of two years. At the age of 20 years Mr. Galbreath left for Idaho, where he was engaged In mining for 12 years. Upon his mar riage, in 1877, he returned to Tualatin and located on a farm west of that , place. He took an active part in civic af fairs. ' He Is survived by a widow and seven daughters. They are: Mrs. Ben Car penter, Miss Nettie Galbreath.' Mrs. Lottie Foster, Mrs. W. S. Campbell, Miss Martha Galbreath, Mrs. Olive Nel son and Miss Edna Galbreath. Three brothers and two sisters also survive. i MO '-WW--""'"""" "v ' " i"'y . . T" ' - ? (K- "J i - , . . v - J . Wis f' -JV-i -fe-" . .. . -V -.- 4 NT 1 IRE SHOOTING III T0I1G WAR FEARED Seattle Murder Makes Two Deaths on Side of Hop Sings-Suey Sings. HOPE OF PEACE SMALL FIRST UNIT OF ULTIMATE MILL THAT 19 TO PRODUCE 235 TOSS OF PA PER DAILY. BANDIT'S RITES SET Funeral of Chris Evans Is to Be Held Tomorrow. FIRST HAUL WAS $600 Sontag Amused by Seeing Partner In Train Hold-Ups Sitting on Jury- Spectacular Escape Once Made From Jail. Funeral services for Chris Evans, bandit leader, whose death at the St. Vincent's Hospital Friday night closed a picturesque career, will be held Mon day at the chapel of Miller & Tracy, 178 Ella street. Definite hour has not been set, owing to the fact that rela tives are awaiting the arrival of a daughter from California. Rev. Father E. P. Murphy, of St. Pat rick's Church, Seventeenth and Savier streets, will officiate at the services. Burial will be at Mount Calvary Cem etery. Chris Evans Is survived by his widow. who lives at 340 Second street: a son. Joseph Evans, of Vancouver, Wash.; three sons in Portland and a daughter in California. $600 Takn on First HmL It was on the night of January 21, 1889, that Chris Evans began his career as a bandit by the robbery of a South Pacific train. In company with GROWERS TO BUILD PLANT Stanfleld Union to Store and Pack Fruit Products. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis. Feb. 10. (Special.) Plans are being laid by the Stanfield Fruit growers' Union for the construction of a cold storage and packing plant. The new plant will be equipped with gravity carriers and the latest types of grading machines, making it the most modern of any in the Northwest. Professor C. I. Lewis, head of the de partment of horticulture at the Oregon Agricultural College, and Paul H. Weyrauch. president of the Fruit growers' Exchange, Inc., will assist in planning the structure. The Union has been successful this season, satisfactory arrangements having been reported for the market ing of peaches, berries and all produce or that section tor this year. EWING L. FORRESTER DIES Ex-Patrolman of Police Bureau Sno cumbs to Tuberculosis. Ewlng Jj. Forrester, formerly a pa trolman of the Portland police bureau, died at the home of his mother. Cabool, Mo., January 21, according to a letter received yesterday by Patrolman H. A. Lewis. For two years Mr. For rester had been an invalid, suffering from tuberculosis. On February 5, 1912," Mr. Forrester was appointed to the Portland polic force, serving as a patrolman until Feb ruary 12, 1915, when failing health forced him to resign. He was a popular officer. He was unmarried and was 32 years old. John Sontag he boarded the train near Goshen, Tulare County, Cal. After trav eling , a short distance they put on masks, climbed over the tender, or dered the engineer to stop, proceeded to the express car and without diffi culty obtained about $600 and then escaped. They had tied a couple of horses in the neighborhood which they rode back to Evans' ranch near Visalia, Cal. Numerous other successful train hold ups were also carried out by the two men, who were later joined in their operations by John Sontag's brother, George. On one occasion Evans and John Sontag obtained $5000 as the re sult of the robbery of a train near Plxley, Cal., and George and John Son tag got $9800 when they 'held up a train at Western Union Junction near Chicago. These were the largest sin gle hauls made by the men during the course of. their operations. Evaoi on Jury Amused. Evans, whose long, flowing beard gave him the appearance of a typical farmer, was considered a hard-working and honest man and his family highly respected. For that reason it was a long time before the authorities began to connect his name with the train robberies. It is related that on one occasion, when George Sontag went to Visalia to join Chris Evans, he found the lat ter sitting as one of "12 good men and true" in judgment in the case of some petty offender. Knowing Evans as he did, George Sontag Is said to have had difficulty In keeping a straight face at the sight. It was after being found guilty of murder on December 14, 1893, and whil-1 waiting sentence in the Fresno jail that Evans succeeded in making his escape In a spectacular manner. Walter Smuggled Revolver. The waiter who brought in his meals smuggled a revolver to him, and when the waiter started to leave and the door of the jail corridor was opened the man held up the jailer and walked out. He was again arrested, however. on February-19 of the following year by a posse of 50 men. On February 20, 1894, Evans was sentenced to serve the remainder of his life in the California State Prison, later being pardoned. After he had been sentenced, his wife and his daughter, Eva, appeared throughout the state of California in a melodrama called "Sontag and Evans." This depicted the bandits as persecuted heroes. MICHIGAN SOCIETY TO MEET i Plans for Membership Campaign to Be Laid Monday Night. The Michigan Society will met at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in room H, Central Library, to discuss plans for a membership campaign along lines pro posed by the Chamber of Commerce for the entertainment of visitors to the National - Education Association convention. Among the speakers will be City Commissioner Baker. City Superintend ent of Schools Alderman, Mark Wood ruff, of the publicity bureau of th Chamber of Commerce, and others. Members of other state societies will be urged to attend. More than 15,000 ex-MIchlgan res idents live in Portland. Mrs. Belirens Wins Again. Mrs. Fred Behrens. 1463 East Seventh street North, who won the prize for the most original costume at the United Artisans' costume ball Thursday night again won first prize Saturday night at the. masquerade ball given by Kirk patrick Council, Knights and Ladies of Security, at Moose Hall. On each occasion Mrs. Behrens wore a dress made exclusively of Morning Ore- gonians reprinted on cloth. There were more than 500 contestants at each of the events. ICR MILK IS USED United Staes Consumes Ten Billion Gallons Yearly. AS FOOD IT IS PERFECT Dr. W. II. Norton Tells Employes of Oregon-Washington Railway & Navigation Company Value of Milk to Humanity. Ten billion gallons of milk are con sumed annually in the United States, Dr. W. II. Norton, of the medical staff of the O.-W. R. & N. Company, told employes of the company in an address last week on "Use of Milk as a Food." Dr. Norton paid tribute to the per fect food value of milk, telling of its adaptation to the wants of all, from the new-born babe to the person of mature years. While testifying to ex cellence of the fluid as food, the phy sician also said that it was one of the principal sources of disease. "Milk, in its natural state, or pre pared by pasteurization," said Dr. Hor- ton. "is healthful, while milk lmprop erly cared for and impregnated with bacteria is responsible for innumerable diseases and ailments that not infre- auently terminate fatally. "In the United States there are 10. 000.000.000 gallons of milk consumed annually. One-fourth of this is used Local Chinese Take Precautions. Wealthy Merchants of Both Fac tions Leave the City Deputy Ryan Threatens Clean-Up. Between 75 and 10O Chinese san irn, representing two of the tonga. have left Saua Francisco (or Portland, I according; to information ferreted oat i last night In the tong-war center of Portland by Detective Royle. Portland Chinese, friends of the Chinese In San Francisco who are sending; the aran- mrn, were notified of the exodas and told to be on the lookout for arnnmen. As a precaution against an outbreak of the Chinese tongs in Portland, men- I bers of the Hip Sing Tong, one Involved in the most recent flare-up of the Oriental clans, last night, under cover 1 of darkness and with police escort. transferred all records and moneys of the Organization from New Chinatown to Old Chinatown. With the aid of a taxicab. the police and Alex Sweek, attorney for the Hip Sings and Bow Leongs, the money and records were taken from 834 North Fourth street to the headquarters of the Chinese Free Masons at Second and Oak streets, across from the police sta tion. Patrolman Drake and Motorcycle Patrolmen Crane and Morris lent pro tection. At 8 o'clock the Hip Sing head quarters were dark and deserted save for a lone watchman. Tonormen Walk Warily. Tongmen in Portland walked warily yesterday or stayed within their homes and stores, behind windows that were closely shuttered aralnat espionage or bullets. "There will be more fighting. and soon," was the prediction of the best-informed residents of both old and new Chinatown. Deputy District -Attorney Ryan, who has been in charge of the Investiga tion of the killing of Mar Duck, the i th F. trhii m,ir.iir Suev Sing bravo, on Thursday night three-fourths are used in milc prod- believed that strife could not be ucts, such as butter and cheese. Six- I venea, ana inai me ou?- omns wouiu. teen per cent of the diet of the people soon retaliate against the Hip Sings of the eountrv consists of milk and 1 witn more snooting. milk Drodiicts. I "Should another duel be fought," de- "MUk is not only a perfect food, but clared the Deputy district Attorney is si at prevailing prices it is one of the cheapest of foods. The use of pure milk should be encouraged. Dr. Norton advised his hearers to write to the National Capital and se cure a bulletin on milk issued by the Government. This publication is ob tainable free of charge. It was pre pared by thoroughly competent men and has much that will be of value to every reader. The doctor described in detail the methods in use for the preservation of milk. He told of the heating which kills the bacteria, the temperature at which the milk should be kept, and the processes In use in Southern Europt Asiatic Turkey and Bulgaria, whereby the people of those countries prepare and use the milk, which has proven so efficacious in treatment of certain bodily ailments. Exhibit Is Interesting. An interesting exhibit was shown to the audienceconsisting of a glaas re- night, "we will raid Chinatown and clean it up, taking eVery tongman in sight." Further trouble Is forecast by tne news of the sseattie oaiue. wnerem Harry Wong was shot to death early . yesterday morning. By the advices of local Chinese, Harry Wong was a mem ber of the Hop Sing tong. and was slain by a gunman of the Bing Kung Bow Leong tong. The alliance of the Bing Kung-Bow Leong tong with the Hip Sings and the similar alliance of the Hon Sing and Suey Sing tongs ren ders the local situation precarious. Peace Treaty Is Posted. On the bulletin board at Second and Oak Btreets is posted a manuesio i the treaty executed Friday Deiweeu the Bing Kung-Bow Leongs and the Hop Sings. It bears the seals of both, and is an agreement to refrain from participation in the local fight as al lies of the two weaker tongs at war. Yet this neutrality is sirameu. pentaclfl. which contained the result I x t .. wine-, secretary of the Chi of a test for bacteria. The doctor ex- nese Peace Society, admitted yesterday, plained the number shown and told and the treaty may at any time be ren how the bacteria multiplied at a rate dared ''Vrtt-. that is seemingly incredible, and yet "powerful tonn. will enter the fray. iwu r,r . ,!,) .h.. and four tongs win '""' local strife. nr- h.v. He-reed to be neutral. com- the general office build- mented a Bing nf" .""S. b. uality was ot mn J1""" borne out by actual test Dr. Norton had made a test of the milk which is supplied to the women's reetroom in lng, and said that the q the best. It not only quirements of the law but is above the ne" ani Hip sing tongs. It average required by the statutes. is-atS hastily fled from the city yes- The address was replete wtlh valu- I8."' the outcome at Sea side, where a number of them have cottages. They were met at ourtl and Everett streets by City etectlye It not only meets the re- I ,,, merchants, high in able information, the doctor telling of the constituent parts of milk, and his audience was enlightened as to the caaeine, the salts, the globular cells of fat and the water which go to make the healthful solution the North MEMBERS OF PORTLAND CATERERS SOCIAL CLUB WHO HAVE ADOPTED CO-OPERATIVE PURCHASING PLAN FOR RESTAURANTS. -, - T-A .. . . ' ' ' ' ! ..7 Jt Mrftnw - - n5f t V -4 TMS c. - ,nli rnrted to Bank depot, where they took the early morning Astoria irin. ins the coaches they demanded that the train be searched for hostile gun men. But one Chinese was found on the train, and he was passed by the de-. parting merchants as not suspicious. Both Factions Mtnsrle. i-. v. riii-i that these were said 1 to be members of the warring tongs, I the Suey Sing and Hip Sing, the mer- chants mingled freely and amiably to- gether. It Is said, evidently preferring to leave the ardors and risas oi m to their henchmen. The release of Wong Hong and Wong Yin. members of the Hip Sing tong, taken in the raid following the killing of Mac Duck, was ordered by Deputy District Attorney Ryan yesterday. But one tongman Is now held In connection with the crime. He is Joseph Woo. or Louie Leong. the young Chinese who was wounded :n the foot in the fight at Fourth and Everett. Though he claims to have suffered as a bystander, he is held for murder by Deputy Dis trict Attorney Ryan. The score is now one-sided, say ob servant Chinese, counting the Seattle battle. Both deaths have been in the allied tongs of the Hop Sing and Suey Sing tongs. Tne gage oi uamo iu.j be thrown at any time, despite the peace pact of the more powerful tongs and despite their agreement not iq u tong troubles in other cities fan their wrath. As for th- Suey Sings and the Hip Sings, nothing save early hostili ties Is expectea. Attorney James E. Cralb, represent ing the Suey Sing tong, aided In the in vestigation yesterday. ""As, W. Beach. IS. J. Blasier. K. Oriesel, Kugene Cohn, I. L. Readlnsr From Left to R.Is;ht, Front Row L. Olcott, Joel Coe. A. H. Johnson, Ed Lamed. Otto Kline. II. W. Kent. J. J-;. Blasier. Back Row M. J. Slaidxey. F Finer, K. E. Lamadue. O. H. Watson. S. L. Dement. Charles F. Ernst, George E. Nelson, F. O. Balxlmer, Con Hllders, A. L. Inman, B. F. Brownlow, ti. J Beam, Harry T. Kent, F. M. Crissel, J. H. Oliver, Albert Coe. George E. Nelson, of Seattle, salesman for one of the largest flour milling concerns of the Pacific Coast, was the speaker before Friday's meeting of .the Portland Caterers' Social Club, which was held at the club headquarters in the Morgan building. . " Collective buying being one of the leading objects of the local caterers in forming their organization, Mr. Nelson ' criticised . their procedure from the salesman's standpoint, outlining a series of business principles which, he said, would strengthen any co-operative plan. An Important resource of large buyers,' he pointed out, is their ability to employ expert advisers, who are familiar with all phases of the market problems which continually arise. " . In place of the old system, by which restaurant men purchase foodstuffs according to their various guesses on market conditions, he commended the present system of purchasing as a remarkable advance. . . . . . ,.. . . . , Several phases of the restaurant men's problems were dealt with In close detail. Mr. Nelson having made a systematic study of the catering business. The preparation of bread and pastries in restaurants vas considered an important part of the caterer's duties. Pies, cakes and all sweet pastries, he said, should be prepared within the restaurant where they are Berved, preferably by a pastry cook who Is not required to make bread. Ordinary bread, he said, should be baked in restaurants only under exceptional circumstances, the efficiency of the modern bakery having brought production to a greater degree- of perfection and economy than could be achieved in smaller plants. . "I have made it a point to test the bread that is produced in every city of the United States," said Mr. Nelson, "and I find that the Portland bakers are doing work which Is sur passed nowhere. It would be impossible for any person to obtain the same results without a much greater expense." In addition to the quality of the bread produced here, Mr. Nel son commended its low cost. - UOP SIXG SLAIN IX SEATTLE Police Capture Supposed Bins Hung Gunman Running From Scene. SEATTLE. Feb. 10. Harry Wong. 24. a member of a prominent Chinese fam- I ily of Seattle, was shot ana Kineo. on I the street in Chinatown at 3:30 o'clock this morning. The police chased and arrested a Chinese, who gave his name as Jack Lee, who was near wong at the time of the shooting. The police think the murder is an extension or the tong outbreaks In Po.-tland and San Jose. Harry Wong was a. member of the Hop Sing tong. The shooting took place on street, between Maynard and Seventh avenues. t nree policemen, wno were standing a block away, heard the shots and saw Wong tail and. a man run away. They pursued the fugitive and caught him after a. chase of eight blocks. On la vacant lot. across which the prisoner had run. the police Tound an auto matic jsistol such as was used in the killing of Wong. Jack Lee, the prison er, says he is a laborer, years oii. Harry Wong was a native of Cali fornia. He was standing about four set from the sidewalk curb when tha first shot struck him in the neck