TITE SUNDAY OREGOT5TA3?, PORTLAND, FEBRXTART 11, 1917. 17 MU1 FOR BAHLE SHAFTS IS ASKED Colonel Garrigus Would Have Memorials -on Gettysburg and Chickamauga. $5000 SOUGHT IN OREGON science Under Three Tsar; Euckln, 1 Can We Still Be Christians ; Letters I ot a Ministerial Son by a Man of thej World: Moffett. American Indian on a New Trail; Dickson, The Kirk and Its "Mind and Body: How the ftllnd May Win Mastery" will be the subject of Dr. LJndley's lecture In Library Hall on Monday evening. February 13 at 8 o'clock. On Wednesday evening-, Feb ruary 14, Dr. Llndley will speak on "Will-Power, With Suggested Exer cises." Beginning Tuesday evening, Feb ruary 13,. and continuing through March 20, Professor Coleman, of Reed College, will give a course of lectures on King Lear in room 11 of the Central Library at 8 o'clock. Professor Ansel Alphonso Knowlton. of Reed College, will give an Illustrated lecture In Library Hall on Thursday evening, February 15, at 8 o'clock, on XTnion and Confederate Veterans Are One on Plan for Recogni tion of Restoration of Peace Between Former Foes. To raise money, -mainly through the public schools of the country, to build memorial halls upon the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chickamauga, the Gettysburg-Chickamauga Peace Me morial Halls Association has been or ganized in Portland. Colonel Lewis C. Oarrigus is its president, Lynn B. Coovert, secretary and H. C. Wortman, treasurer. It is the Intention of the association to raise from 15000 to J1000 In this state to carry on the Nation-wide campaign for raising the memorial money, and the first contributor to the lund is H. C. Wortman who has sub scribed $100. In July, 1913, at the great fraternal union of the Blue and Gray at Gettys burg, the 12,000 ex-Confederate soldiers assembled there adopted resolutions expressing a desire to erect peace me morials which should stand for Ameri . can brotherhood. The resolutions were written by Colonel Garrigus, one of Oregon's two representatives. Union Veterans Take Up Idea. Later Colonel Andrew Cowan, a promi nent ex-Federal Army officer and presi dent of the Society of the Army of the Potomac, strongly advocated the peace memorial suggestion. An organization followed called the Gettysburg Peace Memorial Association, Its membership containing ex-Federal and ex-Confederate soldiers In almost equal numbers, supposed to include the most prominent Jiving members of each army. The avowed object of the association "was to obtain an appropriation from Congress with which to build the me morial. A bill for that purpose was Introduced by Representative Shirley. of Kentucky, but Congress never acted upon It. Colonel Garrigus, one of the vice presidents of the association, did not want to see the matter dropped, so he was instrumental in the formation of the local organization. Memorials to Typify Peace. The Gettysburg-Chlckamauga Peace Memorial Halls Association contains representative members of the Sons of the American Revolution, the Grand Army of the Republic, the United Con federate Volunteers, the Women's Re lief Corps, the Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Daugh ters of the Confederacy, the Sons of United States Veterans, the Sons of Confederate Veterans, the Spanish War Veterans, the Loyal Legion, the Boy Scouts, the Congress or Mothers and the Parent-Teachers Association. It Is Intended that the two memorial halls the association will get subscrip tions for shall typify peace that exists between the two sections that were once at war, and that shall be used for such patrlotlo assemblies as may find it convenient to meet there. It is expected that Colonel Garrigus will make a tour of the country In the Interests of the association, but will visit only those cities to which he Is Invited. Any subscrptlons for the peace me morial halls may be sent to any of the officers. I pi" BWIUUU1J.,IIUIWW..IUUIIIJI II Mil f - ' J j I I IX - Jf 1 1 ; u i Colonel Lewis O. Garrla-ue, la Caarae of Raisins; Fond Cor Patriotic Memorial. "New Ways for Old." This U the first lecture in a series on "Power." Mrs. Mable Holmes Parson, of the University of Oregon, will meet her class in the Modern Drama on Saturday evening, February IT. at 7:45 in room H. BANK FDR POOR PROFITS REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION HAS SIX FEB. CENT DIVIDEND. PROFESSOR DECRIES WAR DIU W. T. FOSTER DELIVERS AD DRESS AT TURN HALL. Reed College Head Contends That Both Combatants Always Are I Worse Off After Strife. A series of potent facts relating to National policies of war and peace were pointed out by Dr. William Trufant Foster, president of Reed Col lege, in an address delivered Friday night before an audience at Turn Hall. X'ourth and Tamhill streets. The causes leading to wars In the past, compared with the results achieved by the same wars, formed an essential part of the argument. It being contended that both combatants are worse off after settling their differ ences by force. "Who won the Russo-Japanese War?" asked Dr. Foster. "The answer depends upon what you mean by "win. Two months after the war was over, the Japanese people were paying 30 per cent taxes to pay for the war. This means thatvthey gave three out of every ten hours' labor to settle for this war and to prepare for future wars. "A nation cannot win financial pres tige by winning battles. Commercial y speaking, it is impossible to win in a war. If Germany should capture London. Paris and St. Petersburg and take all of the gold found there, she would not have enough to pay the cost of the present war. "Trade is usually based upon friend ly relations. But a war destroys markets. jeopardizes investments, lowers the value of bonds, kills off customers and leaves both countries poor." Report Shows Rapid Growth of Busi ness In' Third Tear Many Work ers In Distress Are Aided. An annual dividend of 6 per eent was declared at a meeting of the Port land Remedial Loan Association, held Friday at the headquarters of the con cern, 394 Stark street. The association has lust closed Its third year and a report made at the meeting showed that It had made a rapid growth In volume of business. Loans made In 1914 were $68,255.69); In 1915. $90,325.04, and In 1916. $97,725.80. according to the report. The loans In January, 1917. reached the sum of $10,- taa.fao, a record In the history of the organization. The association loans money In amounts from $5 to $200 to people of small means, who cannot be accommo dated at the larger banks, and who would otherwise be forced to apply to loan sharks or other agencies. Many a working man and woman has been tided over the stress of hard times by this institution, and many homes have been Eaved. The rate charged borrow ers is 2 per cent a month. The directors at Friday's meeting decided to declare semi-annual divi dends of 3 per cent each In future. The directors of the association are: J. F. Daly, A. H. Levers, Wilfred P. Jones, Ira F. Powers, William D. Wheelwright, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. William F. Woodward, Robert H. Strong, secretary, and Ben Selling, president. R. D. Jennings Goes to Spokane. To provide Its patrons in the Inland Empire with better service, the South ern Pacific'will establish a commercial agency at Spokane. The office will be opened March 1 and will be In charge of R. D. Jennings, who was for merly traveling freight agent under General Freight Agent H. A. Ulnshaw at Portland. Public Blarkef let Grows. The publlo market on Tamhill street made a net profit of $244.75 for the city in January, according to the monthly report of Marketmaster East man filed yesterday. Receipts Trora rental of booths amounted to $486.25, while operating expense, totaled $241.50. Public Library Notes. t"D ELIGION" as we know it Is not XV some holy thing apart, let "down out of heaven, which cannot be touched with humand hands. It is a human product." "Our sciences, philosophies, econom ics, social and industrial ideals, above all our moral histoi-y, will be regis tered In the advance or decline of our religious consciousness," Is the state ment of Herbert Alden Youtz In his book on "The Enlarging' Conception of God." In the work entitled "Issues of Life." Elwood Worcester defined religion in Its root sense as a word meaning "to take up" again and agaii. to consider carefully, to have a reverent regard for." The many-sided views of religion and Its values are presented In varying colrrs In the following books at the Public Library, collected In a case near the door of the circulation department: Ilobertson, Pagan Corists; Batiffol, Credibility of the Gospel; Watson, Re spectable Sins; Horne, Romance of Preaching; Jewett, Person and King dom cf Satan; Lloyd, Creed of Half Japan; Frazer, Golden Bough; Zeublln, Religion of a Democrat; Carmichael. Overweights of Joy; Gladdin, Where Does the Sky Begin?; Crawford, The Church and the Slum; Soliloquies of St. AJgustlne; Latimer, Liberty of Con- FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Care That Anyone Can CM -Without Uiscosnfort or Loan of Time. We have a New Method that cures Asthma and we want you to try It at our sxpenss No matter whether your case la of lonr standlnc or recent development, whether it Is present as occasional or chronlo Asthma, you should send for a free trial of oui method. No matter in what climsts you live, no matter what your ass or occupation, if you sre troubled with asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send It to thos apparently bopsless cases, where all forms of Inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes." etc., have failed. We want to show everyone st our own expense that this new method is designed to end all diffi cult breathing, all wheeling, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This tree offer la too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupon below. 2o It today. FBEE ASTHMA COUPON. FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room 1829A. Niagara and Hudson Bts., Buffalo, X. T. fcend fres trial of your method to: IDoctorsFail "Terrible case of Eczema contracted when a Uftie boy fought disease for ten years, with half dozen specialists. Both legs in terrible con dition. Almost a nervous wreck. It took just 8 bottles to clear up this disease." This is the late testimony of a prominent newspaperman. His name and his remarks! le story in full on request. We have seen so many other cures with this marvelous liquid wash that we freely offer you a bottle on our personal guarantee. Try it today, tic. SOc and $1.00. ED hd o for Slcin Disease ri 1 i 1 Skidmor Dror Co. an Owl Iru Co. Look Over Your Farm Then Look Over This! T " asssssssssssnsssrsrn-sssrMrr"-- s " V at l. - v'w .?"- 1 tit a bf z-- ' c Si.r and Your Car Chassis Gives You Tractor and Auto Both b-fM-r' Ksf r'-'f;;;" 3 "Vwiswisill. -,Vs ...' , SI-" 1 M.i.s.-jU, ,,. See This Farm Wonder on Display at 3 63 Oregon Street. Portland r-s'e Just All Tractor cs A Real Farm Tractor The "UNIVERSAL" converts any Ford or other car into s clean-cut, practical light tractor. 1500 pounds of wrought and cast steel traction wheels, gear, braces and hitch, clamped to your auto chassis. You plow and haul with, it as easy as you drive your car. Why Two in One? If you can't afford an extra auto chassis, then buy a "UNIVERSAL" and have a perfect tractor and an auto both. If you can't afford the two, then use your auto full time and a "UNIVERSAL" full time. Don't have either one standing; idle in a shed. "Two in one" means more tractors for the man of mod est capital. Plows Six to Eight Acres a Day According to soil. Pull3 a four to six-horse load; pulls two bottom plows six inches deep and has reserve. It is a wonder for pulling spreaders, har rows, mowers, drills, binders, trucks, and its light weight, broad tractor wheel bearing make it an in comparable equipment for cultivating. Body Should Be Off The "UNIVERSAL" is a clean-cut tractor. Body of car is removed; no need for body with the "UNI VERSAL." Special seat provided with equipment. The "UNIVERSAL" is a farm implement, pure and simple. - ' Economical and Indestructible Heavy cast' steel hubs and pinion and gear and hitching frame; all rolled steel wheel treads and spokes. Internal gear and all parts easily replaced at a light cost. Fuel consumption and lubricating oil a positive minimum. Gasoline IV. to IVi gal lons per acre, according to soil. INVESTIGATE 4 ' 1 v i a V; T --"-t7f J IMS git Interior Factory Universale Ordered for North west Farmers Speed for Plowing and Road Work Plowing1 2 miles an hour, road normal 4 to 5 miles per hour. Cooling equipment furnished for Ford. Other auto , engines do not need cooler. . Strict Tractor Lines Compare it with any other tractor offering. Investigate. The "Universal" not only is superior in looks, but it is su perior in action. It is absolutely the only practical tractor of its kind in the market, and it is a super-tractor compared with any other light tractor. Simplicity and Many Other Points Nothing new to learn. Not an intricate part in the entire attachment. Simple as a farm wagon. You don't have to be a machinist to drive a "Universal" Backs up with im plement attached. Turns in a short circle. Has a perfect hitch, that works any" way you want it a bitch the prac tical farmer will appreciate. ' Guarantee Read our guarantee of the "Universal." - Bon Simple to Attach and Detach Remove body of auto and clamp chassis to "UNIVERSAL" in three hours; put back chassis to auto body in same time. A' pleas ure car for Sunday, Tractor for Monday. Or get back to auto at end of busy farming sea-.. son. No Holes to Bore No mechanical - work the "UNIVERSAL" exactly fits your auto. Simply clamped on. Mere monkey-wrench work. No Increased Load on Engine Pull is all on high gear. Secret of power is in reducing the gear, giving high power, less speed. All strain or pull is on the "UNIVERSAL,"- which has powerful tubular steel strain and weight axle. No Rubber Tires Left On Tires are removed from auto. Rubber tires slip in steering on plowed field. The "Uni versal" has center flange on front steel trac- tor rims for steering. Works in Sand or Mud The light weight, the 14-inch width of trac tor driving wheels, make it ideal for all con ditions. Provision made for weighing down with ballast for pulling extra heavy loads. Power Drive The , "Universal" could be used for power drive for chores, husking, spraying, etc See our nearest agent. Write us; we will tell yon his address. tVTT g - See our nearest agent. Wrie us; we will tell y OfSlt.rlt. Write for our literature. See the "Universal" "Tractor Facts" and other literature FREE. "Tractor Facts" tells "all about the i "Universal." It should be read by every man interested in Tractor equipment. We will be pleased to send you this folder and other im portant literature free. Write to address as follows: Gerlinger Motor Car Company, Dept. O, Ta ,coma, Wash. Gerlinger Motor Car Co: Manufacturers of the Universal Tractor Attachment and Gersix Trucks TACOMA . PORTLAND Gerlinger Motor Gar Co, Distributors for Multnomah County c 363 OREGON STREET, PORTLAND AGENTS WANTED WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE We may put you at once in touch with our field representative. He may be near you. Responsible firms or individuals wanted to rep resent the "Universal" in unas-sijnef- territory. The "Universal" meets a real need and sells on sight. Large sales in Oregon and adjoining states in 1917 assured. Gerlinger Motor Car Company, Dept. O, Tacoma, Wash. Compare It The Universal 'Has No Equal! ivf i