The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 11, 1917, Section One, Page 16, Image 16

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One Lad Who Says Parents
Are Dead to Be Taken After
Guardian Is Named.
Another Aspirant for Defender of
Colors Is Held in Jail as Run
away Search for Third Is
Requested by Mother.
TVie paths of two boys, each 16 years
of age, have led them to the Portland
police station within the last few days.
With the first lowering: of the war-'
. cloud each young patriot burned to
serve the Nation, and applied for enlist
ment. One waits In the City Jail, for
his parents' arrival, when he will be
taken back to Spokane and school. The
other, more happily fated. Is to realize
his ambition and enter the Navy, in all
Testerday morning', slim and straight
in his grimed overalls. Joseph Murphy
presented himself to Acting- Captain
Leo A. Harms. "I want to join the
Army," he explained, "but they say I'm
too light. I wonder If they'd take me in
the Navy?"
The delighted bluecoats thronged
about him. To their questioning, the
boy returned straightforward, manly
answers. He hailed from Baker City,
lie said, and was without kith or kin to
claim him. Four years ago his mother
was accidentally burned to death, and
a short time afterward his father
passed away. The eider Murphy was a
member of the Masonic order. , The
mother had Joined the Eastern Star
Army Rejects Iid.
For two years, the boy related, he had
fended for himself, working in saw
mills and playing a man's part In the
world. Of late his thoughts had turned
to service under the Flag. An attempt
to enlist in the Army had been met.
with rejection, because he was under
weight. -
A day or two ago, with $5 in his
pocket, young Murphy responded to the
Celtic strain and set forth from Baker
City to see what he could do about it.
He sent a suitcase, with his Sunday
suit and trinkets, to Portland by ex
press and resolutely "beat" his way to
Portland. . -.
' On Friday night he found hospital
ity at. the. T. M. C. A. quarters, and
early yesterday found his way to Sec
ond and Oak streets, to ask aid of the
police. So Atlng-Captaln Jenkins and
Desk Sergeant Thatcher accepted the
charge from the second-night shift of
the police, and became young Murphy's
enthusiastlo aides.
The suit case was taken from the
express office and the Sunday suit was
donned. A proper young American, a
distinct credit to the colors he seeks
to serve, stood forth. And they went,
Acting-Captain Jenkins and the boy, to
the Naval recruiting station in the
Dekum building.
Guardian to Be Named.
The recruiting officer looked the ap
plicant over with pleased appraisal. He
punched the unflinching son of the
Murphys judicially and mused for a
moment. "He'll pass, alright." was the
officer's conclusion.
The boy's story, which is not doubted,
will be investigated as a matter of
form. A guardian probably will be, ap
pointed. It is said, to conform to the
regulations, and, in due course, Joseph
Murphy will Join some ship of Uncle
Sam's fighting fleets.
In a corridor of the City Jail, while
the other boy "saw his dream fairly
launched to fulfillment. stood Paul
Warren, a Spokane schoolboy, his eyes
frankly wet with tears. Not this sea
Bon, at any rate,, will he shoulder a
rifle and Join the awkward squad. He
is to be taken back to Spokane.
On January 18, Paul Warren left the
home of his stepfather. Dr. F. W. Hlll
cher. of 1006 South Rockwood Boule
vard. Spokane, he says. Trouble at
school had brought the warning that
the reformatory was awaiting for him
if he erred again. He feared his step
father's threat, he said, took his
boarded dimes and nickels and came
to Portland.
For a few days he, too, stopped at
the T. M. C. A., while he sought work.
He got a Job with Closset & Devers,
but the work was too heavy.
Boy Dopes Hotel.
Last Monday his store of cash failed
and Paul Warren took to living by his
wits. At the Imperial Hotel he said his
father had gone on to Oregon City-
business trip and he was to stay at
the Imperial until his parent s return.
For two days the boy brazened it out.
Then the management became curious.
They found that Paul was wholly with
out luggage, save for a bottle of car
bolic acid, which he didn't know what
he was "going to do with.
Detectives Price and Mallet invest!
gated the case. It developed that the
boy had been reported as a runaway
from Spokane, and he was held to await
the arrival of his parents.
Tet a third boy is sought by the
Portland police, who have been asked
by the mother, Mrs. Julia P. Jones, of
American Falls, Idaho, to restrain his
ambition to enter the Army. The
mother has telegraphed that her son,
Walter Ellsworth. 16 years old. ran
away from school at Weiser, Idaho,
February 6, after having announced
hi3 intention to become a soldier.
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Creed Evans Wounded in Right
Thumb; William McLeod
Then Tries Knife Play.
Left Paul Warren, Runaway Boy From Spokane, Wash, Who Mast Return
to School. Center Police Sergeant Harvey Thatcher, Who Admires Their
Sentiments. Right Joseph Mnrphy, of Baker City, an Orphan, Who Will
Be Adopted by the United States Navy.
H. C. Berry's Product Employs
Suction Fans to Convert Reslst-
Into Driving Power.
Success Proved by Models.
Turning the handle of a new elec
trie water heater for bathrooms one
way permits hot water to flow and
turning It in the other direction ob
tains cold water.
Don't Suffer! Instant Relief
Follows a Rubbing With
"St. Jacobs Oil."
Stop "dosing meumatism.
Tt's nain only: not one case in fifty
reaulres internal treatment. Rub
anotliine. penetrating "St, Jacobs Oil'
riKht on the "tender spot," and by the
time you can say Jack Robinson out
comes the rheumatic pain and distress.
"St. Jacobs OH" conquers paint It is
l harmless rheumatism liniment which
never disappoints and doesn't burn the
skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiff
ness from aching Joints, muscles, and
bones; stops sciatica, lumoago, back
ache, neuralgia and reduces swelling.
Limber up! Get a small trial bottle
of old-time, honest "Bt. jacoDs oil'
from any drug store, and in a moment
you'll be free from pains, aches and
stiffness. Don t suffer! Rub rheuma
tiBm away. Adv.
'ortland Man Combines Merits
of Zeppeiins and Planes.
will be capable of operation in any kind
of weather, because to fight a head
wind. It will be simply a matter of
speeding the blower to the sume rate as
the gale.
The merits of the machine for mili
tary purposes, he says, will depend
upon the fact that It can be operated
In any kind of weather, that It will be
rapidly mobile, like an aeroplane and
will be able to hover like a Zeppelin.
Mr. Berry will leave soon for the
East to place his models and plans in
the hands of the company that is tak
ing the proposition up.
Namesday of St. Scholastica
served by Exercises.
An airship that combines the merits
of mobility of the aeroplane and
stability of the Zeppelin has been pat
ented by H. C. Berry, of 251 First
street, and is being taken up by cap
italists In New York, and will be pre-
A? J
f "niir ill " 4t'T(irriTrinnifmii
Berry, Portland Inventor,
Who Has New Airship.
Angel. Or., Feb. 10. (Special.) The
Benedictine Sisters and the students at
Mount Angel Academy celebrated the
namesday of the foundress, St. Scho
lastica, of the Benedictine order for
St. Scholastica founded this order
14 centuries ago. In Oregon the Bene
dictine Sisters established an academy
and convent. 27 years ago. They
have an academy and normal. At the
present time Mother Agnes, O. S. B., is
head of the convent.
Rt. Rev. Abbot Adelhelm Odermatt.
a pioneer priest of the state, celebrated
high mass. Rev. Michael De Neff was
deacon; Rev. Ildephonse, chaplain of
the cademy, was subdeacon; Rev. Am
brose Walsh, assistant priest. Master
of ceremonies was Rev. Mr. Boniface.
The Sisters and students sang a four
voice mass.
sented to the United States Govern
ment for consideration in the near future.
Mr. Berry is the inventor of the float
ing waterpower plant which was re
cently tried out at Oregon City before
a committee from the bureau of manu
facturers and industries of the Cham
ber of Commerce, and proved success
ful. Local capital has taken an Interest
in the floating power plant and it has
already been advanced materially to
ward the status of a. going concern.
Mr. Berry's experiments which have
resulted In his new type of airship have
extended over a period of 30 years,
though it Is only three years since his
work began to materialize into the defl.
nite application of the principle he had
been testing out.
Models Are Successful.
He has made three models, the
smallest 200 pounds and the largest
3000, and has operated them success
The principle on which he has de
veloped his aerial craft does away with
the propeller that is used In the aero
plane and on the Zeppelin, and, to use
his .own expression, employs suction
fans In the body of the machine to con
vert the resistance against which the
airship must go into driving power.
The centrifugal blower within the
machine,' which is shaped in general
like a Zeppelin, draws the air in at the
nose, creating a partial vacuum at the
forward end. Half of the air drawn
in is discharged through the box rudder
at the rear, filling the displacement and
cutting off suction that might retard
the speed, while the remainder Is dls
charged along the intake air column
and thrown back along the outside of
the dirigible by means of diversion
blades. This, according to Mr. Berry,
removes all resistance caused by coun
ter air currents and creates a pulling
power equal to the driving force of
the rear discnarge. tnus eliminating
all back pressure. In other words, the
dirigible simply sucks itself through
the air.
Weather Is Ko Bar.
The dirigible is fitted with planes so
that when the lift of the gas In its
body ceases to be operative, the planes
can be adjusted for either upward or
downward motion of the machine under
the blast of air discharged around the
body of the car.
Mr. Berry declares that the machine
Coos and Curry Manufacturers Also
Employ Sales Agent.
Corvallis. Feb. 10. (Special.) The
Coos and Curry Counties Cheese Asso
ciation, recently organized to stan
dardize and market the cheese output
of the counties, have hired an inspector
and a selling agent and are ready to
begin business.
At a meeting held in December the
organization elected directors. H. A.
Chaplin, cheese specialist, has been
sent by the United States dairy division
to give free service to the association,
r An organization similar to this one.
which was started in Tillamook
County, has met with considerable sue
cess, enabling the farmers to get better
prices for their butterfat . and aiding
materially in the jareting and stan
dardization of the cheese output.
Most all of the cheese factories in
Coos and Curry counties have Joined
tne association. ,
'Just Wanted to Break Your Arm,"
He Tells Victim of Sis Shot, Who
Had Befriended Him When
Previously In Trouble.
Creed Evans, deputy probation of
ficer of the Juvenile Court, was shot
and slightly wounded by William Mc
Leod, a 16-year-old boy he had under
arrest, yesterday afternoon.
"Where's your gun?" he had asked
the boy. who was reputed to have a
.38-callber revolver with which he had
frightened other boys.
"Oh, It's out of the house," replied
the lad.
"But where is lt7 persisted the of
ficer. "well. If you must know, here it is,"
was the quick answer, as William
whipped the gun from a trouser pooket,
aimed it at Evans' stomach, and pulled
the trigger. It snapped on an empty
chamber. 'Again, he pulled. But Evans
had recovered from his surprise and
had reached for the revolver by this
time. He succeeded In knocking the
muzzle aside, but the shot pierced bis
right thumb.
It all happened in the front yard of
William's home, 522 East Thirty-first
street North. The boys widowed
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod. had
Just stepped to the lawn when her son
rired at tha orricer. She promptly
Boy Makes Knife Play.
With blood flowing from his injured
thumb, Evans retained hold of the re
volver and succeeded in wresting' it
from the youngster's hand. He then
half-carried, half -dragged Mrs. McLeod
into the houBe, dashed water in her
face, and began to bathe his bleeding
As he did so, he became aware of a
quick step behind him and turned in
time to see William coming toward
him with an open clasp-knife. He dis
armed the boy and took him to the
juvenile quarters In the County Jail.
"I didn't want to kill you when I
shot," explained the juvenile gunman
later. "I just wanted to break your
arm. You wouldn t leave me alone.1
Possibly unknown to himself, William
had Injured the best friend he had in
the Juvenile Court. Two weeks ago
when he was arrested with Edward
Smith and Linn Cooper, boys who ad
mitted the theft of five automobiles
and the burglary of two houses. Chief
Probation Officer Keady and Deputy
Simmons were inclined to send him to
Salem. It was on the representation of
Evans that William was released on
, parole.
Parole Violation Reported.
Yesterday morning it was reported
that the boy had violated his parole.
and Evans, being familiar with- his
case, wa,s sent for him. He was found
at the Portland Broom Works. East
Twenty-fifth and Irving streets, and
was first taken to his home.
The boy wore a khaki unlfocm.
though he admitted he was not a Boy
Scout, and the long coat well con
cealed the bulge of a revolver in i
trouser pocket. The weapon was of
ancient design, with heavy bulldog
frame and large caliber.
William probably will be sent to the
State Training School at Salem. He
has an elder brother and sister and
a brother 8 years old. He and his
oldest brother assisted their grand'
father, William G. McLeod, to support
their mother, and this was one reason
for the leniency previously shown the
youthful bad man. The boy was In
trouble a year ago with the authorities
for the first time.
AH Used Pianos and Player
Pianos to Be Closed Out at Once
Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Commences Monday Morn
ing at Both Eilers Stores
MANY PROMINENT MAKES INCLUDED, at Prices That Are Lower Than We Have Ever Been
Able to Offer Heretofore for Fully Warranted and First-Class Instruments, Thus Affording the
Public .One of the Greatest Opportunities for Piano Buying Ever Known.
Sale Prices in Groups at $45, $95; Still More at $145; a Number at $195; and
Some at $265.
Monday morning we commence in real earnest to
close out all used instruments. Never before have cir
cumstances made it possible to offer such a vast assort
ment of the world's best and most desirable instruments,
including uprights, player pianos and grand pianos and
talking machines.
For the past few months we have been selling a
great many player pianos and high-grade instruments
on very easy terms and at prices heretofore unheard of.
We have been so successful in this undertaking that we
have secured a large number of good used pianos, taken
in as part payment on these beautiful little Bungalow
players, Chickering player pianos and Autopianos. Our
Group "A" at $45.00
The oldest pianos are to be found in
this group. All of them are on sale at
the uniform price of each. Amone
them, the Hezelburg In ebony case, suit-
aDie ror practice worn; a tuctn, oia
style; a Stelnway In rosewood case, tone
reauy equal to new; a Hobart M. Cable,
fire damaged but a good musical in
strument, and several others. At the
low price of 845 apiece, we feel that
we should get all cash and not be asked
to put a time-payment contract for so
small an amount on the books, but we
deliver to any part of the city, with
stool to match, free of charge, or will
box it f. o. b. depot.
Group at $95.00
Should a more pretentious piano of
still better tone quality be desired, then
the pianos In Group B at $95.00 are
available. There are many different
makes of modern uprights, among
them a Needham, a Kohler & Chane, a
Herbert. Hnllctt & Davis. Pease. These
are all uprights In good condition. We
00 not ask all cash lor these. A small
payment down to guarantee faith and
weekly or monthly payments may be
Group "C" at $145.00
r f . ji 1 .
.in vruu(j clu niniuaL diiuidd, vuiiciy
or fine pianos Is to be found $145 cash
or $10 down and SS a month buys them.
such well-known makes as tne .Kim
ball, in walnut case; a Hobart M. Cable
in quartered oak; a Bailey In dark oak;
a Marshall & Wendell In mahogany; a
Smith & Barnes, large size mahogany;
a Stelnway in ebony; a McCamon; a
Singer in oak; a Brewster in mahog
any; a Gay lord in beautiful figured
quartered oak; a Wlllard in mahogany,
and many other well-known and prom
inent makes are to De touna in this
Group "D" at $195.00
This group consists of very choice
and especially fine instruments. Most
of them cannot be told from new.
Kimballa In fancy quartered oak: Mar
shall & Wendell In mahogany; Lester
In elegant figured mahogany; a Story
& Clark In quartered oak; a Strohber
in figured mahogany; a Stelnway In
ebony; a beautifully figured burl wal
nut Ludwig and a modern Hardman in
dark case, and so on.
Group "E" at $265.00
Finally Group E Is presented, where
in a large variety of the costliest pianos
can be found. The famous Chickering
in the new art finish mahogany case;
a beautiful Kimball exposition V model,
largest and fanciest style. The Strich
& Zeidler, an especially built instru
ment and a rare example of the piano
makers' art; an exquisitely figured burl
walnut Haddorff; colonial style Mar
shall & Wendell; a Kranich & Bach in
rich dark mahogany; a Packard, one
of the very latest styles and which has
seen but a few months' use. Also two
of the famous Eilers duo-tonal pianos
in every way equal to new; a Geo.
Steck In mahogany and still another
Ludwig; a Bush & Gerts. All of these
pianos are marked at one and the same
uniform price of $265. Most of these
have come to us in part payment for the
Piano Player de Luxe. A u t o p 1 a no,
Chickering 1'lexltone and Kimball
Player Pianos Drop, Too
A Weber Pianola Piano at $300. a
Stuyvesant at $285. a Wheelock at $325,
a Playautoma at $265, a Cadillac
Cecelian at $350, a Geo. Steck at $265, a
Shoenberg at $290, a Steger & Sons at
$250, and many others at big reductions.
These instruments are guaranteed to be
In perfect condition and modern in
every respect.
shops have been busy during the month of January
putting these used pianos in first-class condition. Some
of them, in fact, had been used but little, and are
nearly new.
These instruments have been tuned and regulated
and are now on display in our two main salesrooms
151 Fourth st., at Morrison, and at 142 Broadway, at
Alder. Such open cut in prices as we now make may
disarrange the immediate music trade here, but we feel
obliged to make this sacrifice. In no other way can we
hope to dispose of these instruments sold. Space here
will not permit us to enumerate all of the pianos on
sale; however, we will enumerate a few of the attractive
bargains offered as follows:
Our famous two-year exchange agree
ment will be given with each instru
ment, meaning that a buyer may have
the free use of any of these instru
ments for as long 41 two years. Such
used instruments may be given back
to us as part payment on any new
piano of higher price, full price now
paid being then allowed toward pay
ment of Buch new instruments.
Special Talking and Singing
Machine Clearance Offers in
the Phonograph Department
This sale affords you a chance of tak
ing advantage of our famous "Talker"
clearance offers, among which are in
cluded fine outfits that have been taken
in part payment from buyers of the
higher-priced styles and new Edison
disc phonographs, also Bungalow
Player Pianos. All are in fine condi
tion and In most every respect as good
as new. Every machine has been ex
amined and tested by our phonograph
expert and are guaranteed to be In
first-class condition. These bargains
will be picked up quickly, so call at
once in order to secure choice. Terms
to suit. Any Instrument will be sent
subject to examination and approval.
They are arranged in groups as follows:
A Talkers with 32 selections. Includ
ing record album. $28.80 each.
B Talker with fine record cabinet built
in and 26 selections; exceptional
value at $72.90.
C High-grade mahogany cabinet
styles, with 30 selections, at $77.50
and $95.50 each.
D Talkers with 30 assorted records
specially priced at $32.50 each.
E5 Talkers, with 40 records, outfit that
formerly sold at $100, now at $15.50
V One $200 type mahogany case at
$138. Another at $200, mahogany
type, including 40 selections.
Telephone or write quick. Those living out of town
should write or telephone for descriptive lists and num
bers. We Bend these instruments subject to examina
tion. A deposit should be sent to show good faith. Such
deposit is cheerfully refunded if instrument, after deliv
ery, is .not found satisfactory to the buyer.
Don't fail to be on hand early Monday morning to
secure one of these attractive bargains. This sale, as
above, will continue until every instrument is sold.
Remember that every instrument is fully guaranteed, and
at the . prices quoted will ; be taken quickly. EILERS
MUSIC HOUSE, the Nation's largest dealers, now two
stores, 151 Fourth street at Morrison 142 Broadway
at Alder street.
but the blaze was quickly extinguished
by the Fire Department with about
$100 damage to the building and a
small amount of laundry on hand.
The building is owned by Mrs. Rose
Webb, who is now visiting in Califor
nia. It is believed she carlred no Insurance.
Special Efforts Made by Navy,,
Marine and Army Men.
all musical organizations in Chehalii
will be asked to join.
Episcopal Rector at La Grande to
Preach on Patriotism.
LA GRANDE, Or., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) Rev.- Upton H. Gibbs, rector of
the Episcopal Church, will keep the
chancel of his church flag-bedecked
during the present Governmental crisis
and will deliver patriotic sermons as
The congregation has provided suit
able National emblems for the plan.
Quarantine Broken, Is Charge.
LA GRANDE. Or.. Feb. 10. (Special.)
An extensive measles epldemlo at
Union had its echo in Circuit Court
today, when Judge Knowles set down
for trial j early next week two cases
from Union In which Superintendent of
Schools Arant is accused of Removing
a measles quarantine flag, and Attor
ney R. J. Kitchen, prominent politician,
is accused of breaking quarantine.
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Seamen Expected to Bear Brunt of
Operations In Event of War.
Small Towns Send Volun
teers for Enlistment.
Special efforts are to be made by
the various divisions of the military
arm of the Government to organize a
greater Army and Navy. While offi
cers in charge of the Portland recruit
ing stations are non-committal, it is
understood that instructions have been
issued at Washington to Increase re
cruiting with all possible haste.
Early in the week the Navy recruit
ing office, in the Dekum building, re
ceived telegraphic instructions to main
tain a night recruiting force,-and yes
terday similar orders were received at
the recruiting headquarters of the
Marine Corps, in the Panama building.
In the event of actual war, it Is
pointed out that the Navy would be
called on to bear the brunt of opera'
tlons, and, as International complica
tions are still critical, the Navy De
partment is urging active recruiting
in all parts of the country.
Officers in charge of the local sta
tions report that the number of appli
cants to Join both the Navy and Army
is increasing. They say this is due
more to a special campaign started
two or three months ago than to the
present war scare.
During the past few days several of
the small towns and cities in the Norm
west have been contributing briskly
to the enrollment in both the Navy
and Army. Seven young men enlisted
In the Navy from Bend, and much in
terest in the Marine Corps is being
shown at Lewlston. Several' applicants
from the Idaho city are expected by
Captain Lovlck Pingston, who Is In
charge of the Marine Corps recruiting
service in this district.
By showing ability in military sci
ence. Clarence J. Conroy. a Portland
boy, has been promoted to the rank of
corporal in the United States Marine
Corns, according to an official Dune
tin from Washington, D. C. He is the
son of Mrs. Margaret L. Conroy, 671
Gantenbeln avenue.
He enlisted in the Marine Corps at
the Portland recruiting station, Novem
ber 11, 1914, and recently was recom
mended by the board or examining or-
fleers for this advancement. ie l!
now stationed at Mare Island, where he
will instruct the recruit "soldiers o'J
the sea" in their various duties on
land and sea.
Left William McLeod. Who Said He Shot. TVot to Ivlll but to Urnk the
Arm of the Man Wt Had llliu la Cuxtody. Might Deputy Proba'tloa
Officer CreeJ Evans.
Burdick Home Is Destroyed and Mc
Coy Laundry Damaged.
ECHO. Or., Feb. 10. (Special.)
Echo had two fires last night. At 7
o'clock the home of R. H. Burdick, on
the west bank of the Umatilla River,
was entirely destroyed, with most of
the contents, during tne temporary id
Hence of the family. Mr. Burdick car
ried $700 insurance.
At 3:30 this morning the McCoy
laundry, at the corner of Bridge and
Dale streets, was discovered on fire.
13 FARMERS ASK $60,000
Wallowa County Association Formed
and Officers Elected.
ENTERPRISE, Or., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of farmers and
stockgrowers held In this city the
Wallowa County National Farm Loan
Association of Enterprise was organ
ized, with 13 stockholders subscribing
for loans aggregating $60,000.
The board of directors is F. W. Smith,
S. A. Gotter, B. Parks, Edgar Marvin,
J. E. Baxter, Oscar Colpltts, Sam Lovell,
W. L Mulkey and J. L. Scott.
Officers are: President. 8. A. Gotter;
vice-president; Edgar Marvin; secretary-treasurer,
S. L. Burnagh, Jr.
Fair Board Meeting Called.
CHEHALIB, Wash., Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) A meeting of the Southwest
Washington fair board is called for
February 21, when the heads of all the
departments will meet with Secretary
Walker and go over the plans for the
coming fair. The meeting will dose
with. a banquet.
Chelialls Plans May Festival.
CHEHALIS. Wash, Feb. 10. (Spe
cial.) The music season in Chelialls
probably will be closed In May with .a
May festival. Plans are under way
now for a four nights' festival, in which
Use "Gets-It," Lift
Corn Right Off
Shrivels, Loosens and It's Gone.
"Just like taking the lid off that's
how easy you can lift a corn off your
toe after it has been treated with the
wonderful discovery. 'Gets-It.' " Hunt
the wide world over and you'll find
nothing so magic, simple and easy as
"Gets-It." You folks who have wrapped
f X, Stop Pais
Sl Quickly
I Witk
If "Ctlt"
your toes in bandages to look like bun
dles, who have used salves that turned
your toes raw and sore, and used plas
ters that would shift from their place
and never "get" the corn, and who have
dug and picked at your corns with
knives and scissors and perhaps made
them bleed just quit these old and
painful ways and try "Gets-It Just
once. Tou put 2 or 3 drops on, and it
dries at once. There's nothing to stick.
You can put your shoe and stocking
right on again. The pain Is all gone.
Then the corn dies a painless, shrivel
ing death, t loosens from your toe, and
off It comes. "Gets-lt" is the biggest
selling corn remedy in the world today.
There's none other as good.
"Gets-It" Is sold by druggists every
where, 25o a bottle, or sent on receipt
of price by E. Lawrence & Co, Chicago,
Sold In Portland at all stores' of The
Owl Drug Co.
Without Apparatus," Inhalers,
Salves, Lotions, Harmful
Drugs, Smoke or
It is a new way. It is something ab
solutely different. No lotions, sprays or
sickly, smelling salves or creams. No
atomizer, or any apparatus of any kind.
Nothing to smoke or inhale. No steam
ing or rubbing or Injections. No elec
tricity or vibration or massage. No
powder; no plasters; no keeping in the
house. Nothing of that kind at all.
V V'" ' f
r A .'- 4
Something: new and dilierent, some
thing delightful and healthful, some
thing Instantly successful. You do not
have to wait, and linger and pay out a
lot of money. You can stop it over
nierht and 1 will gladly tell you how
FREE. I am not a doctor and this
is not a so-called doctor's prescription
but I am cured and my friends are
cured, and you can be cured. Your suf
ferings will stop at once like maglo.
I Am Free You Can Be Free
My catarrh was filthy and loathsome. It
made me UL It dulled my mind. It under
mined my health and was weakening my
will. The hawking, ooushinff. spitting made
me obnoxious to all, and my foul breath and
disgusting habits made evn my loved ones
avoid me secretly. My delight in life-was
dulled and my faculties impaired. I knew
that In time It would bring me to an un
timely grave, because every moment of the
day asd night It was sjpwly yet surely sap
ping my vitality.
But I found a cure, and I am ready to tell
you about it FREE. Write me promptly.
Send no money. Juat your name and ad
dress on a postal card. Say: "Dear Sam :
Please tell me how you cured your catarrh
and how I can cure mine." That's all you
need to say. I will undeetand, and I will
write to you with complete information,
VR1K at once. EKj not delay. Send postal
card or write me a letter today. Don't think
of turning this page until you have asked
for this wonderful treatment that can do for
you what it has done for me.
8AM KATZ. Kootn BO? 10.
S909 Indiana Avenue.- Chicag-o, HI.
If ir need of Pore Drags and Chem
icals, Shoulder Braces, Arch Sup
ports, TRUSSES, Elastic Stockings,
A. b d m Inal Supporters, Snapenaory
Bandages for Men, and all other
rubber goods of every' description,
send to the
Reliable Drtaggtata and
Third and Yamhill, Portland, Oregon.