10 THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 4, 1917. FOB BALE. Mittrellaneoun. NOTICE TO SHIPBUILDERS. LOGGING COMPANIES. MACHIN'B &HOPS. HOl'SB MOVERS. CON TRACTORS. CARPENTERS. BLACKSMITHS. WAGON MAK ERS AND RAILROAD CON TRACTORS. If yoa are In the market to buy .11 kinds of new and slightly used tools and supplies come to us first and If we have the article yod need, we can save you money, as we sell lower than anyone in. the city. Our stock consists of saws, small and large anvils, small and large vises, cable wire, hand trucks, log ging dogs, plumbers' tools, stocks and dies, small anchors, cross-cut caws oars for rowboata, steel and wood snatch blocks, new blacksmith forges, 4 office safes, dollies for moving furniture, jacks, screws of ail kinds, wedges, sledge hammers, shovels, picks and mattocks, all kinds of steel crowbars, all kinds carpenter's tools, anchor and all kinds of other chains, all kinds of tackle block, wood and eteel; chain blocks from Vz to 2-ton lifting ca pacity; all kinds of new and slightly used manlla rope at prices never heard of in the history of Portland; a large quantity of brand new double-sanded roofing paper at the fol lowing prices: 1-ply. $1 per square: 3i-ply. $1.16 per square; 3-ply. $l.oO per square. All kinds of tents, GO and 60 feet long and wide. In first class condition, at a reasonable price; 50,000 pounds second-hand rubber belting, from 2 Inches to 40 Inches, at a greatly reduced price, besides this list we have many other articles too numerous to mention J. LEVE, 189 FRONT ST. Between Taylor and, Tamhill. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WA.NTEp. My specialty is buying gentlemen's clothing and paying positively 40 per cent more than any other dealer. We need stock to supply our chain of customers, bee us belore selling your old clothing and shoes. Will call any place in the city. Marshall 3225, or 2o9 Madison St. PEOPLE'S bJfiCO.D-HAi STORE. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and ail kinds of tools and pay you all it is worth Our THREE LA ROE STORES' are ample proof that we handle nearly everything you need In the home' or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. Pbone Main 9072. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. . $7.50 PAID FOR ME.' SUITS $7.00. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS. SHOES, AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE. MAIN 2080. GLOBE STORE. MAIN 2US0. 285 FIRaT ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. faECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAIS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. THE RELIABLE BUYEK MARSHALL 1220. 229 MADISON ST. "WANTED Three or four-mold Akron-Williams vulcanizing plant, complete with boiler and bufxing stand. Must be In good condition. Give particulars, price, etc. Address Idaho Tire & Rubber Co., Inc.. Boise, Idaho. CLEAN UP for tke new year. Machinery, scraplron, supplies, metal or Junk. See M. Barde & Sons, 24 years In, Portland. Main 003. Front and Main sts. WANTED National cash registers of- any size or kind. Will pay the highest cash price. Give numbers, description and price wanted. Address AV 023, Oregonian. 2D-HAND CLOTHING BUYER; BE WISE AVD GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 2D HAND CLOTHING, 201 1ST. MAIN 734 CASH lor your old gold, silver, piaunum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. Jeweler, 218 Oregon lan b d g. WANTED One 60 or 75 H. P. return tubu lar boiler for 100 lbs, pressure. J 67, Ore HOUSEBOAT wanted, will rent, buy or trade clear lots; give description and what want ed in iirst letter. 62, Oregonian. BRING us your used, tools and cable wire. we pay njgnest cash prices. J. Leve, 189 Front St.. between Taylor and Yamhill. 125-POUND air pressure tank, size 36 Inches vy n leei long, or 4 leet by 12 leeu Phone Columbia 52. WANTED For spot 'cash, diamond, 1 to o wraiB, must oe oriuiant wnite stone. Phone Tabor 6062. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. New. second hand, black Jd from 3-8 to 12 inches. Any kind o Plumb ing supplies, bargain prices, for hi weeK. Now if you want to ave ioney i ee u before buying. Portland Pipe Shop, 269 71 Front st. Main 6325. WANTED First-class baby carriage. 2d- hand, collapsible. In A-l condition- -.. sonable. 323a Kerby. Wdln. 450, C 1229. HELP WANTED MALE. FIXTURES for sale from Bellamy's store mjxlwRIGHT. $125 month; married log at Grand ave. and Hawthorne at ft J1" fck man, $3; man and wife on 10-acre ain Monday, consisting ui r,, 1 fcafes, counters. Burroughs adding ma , . ' .. ltri,- coffee machine, ""'"' :,aV,Ip;. cutter, etc Simon's RflivsiPA Store. First and Alder. place, $40 and board; flunkey. $40: waiter. $10: house man. S40: 6 vount? xrtt-n armmH factory. $30 and board to start. Others too uuuieiuua to mention here. Ufii T OD A 1. TRENCH range," 3-oven, bricked In; steam table with steam connections for ran?e, i .fm dish warmer, 1 cash counter. rin,.inod aDartment. 1 lunch counter, o feet long, oak. Phone Broadway o or CENTRAL and South American opportunl PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 235 Burnside Street. HELP WAMEI V M ALE. "I AM JUST WAKING UP." That's the exact expression made by a young man in our office. He NOW knows the need of SPECIAL TRAINING. The business men oA Portind know that the big feature in wealth production is trained men of character. They established and support these VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS, fitting men to become expert: Accountants Office Managers Automobile Men Pharmacists Bookkeepers Salesmen Executives Stenographers Chemists Show Card Writers Draftsmen Wireless Operators Electrical Engineers, etc., etc. For complete information relative to any of the above schools address the De partment of Education, Dlv. C. Y. M. C. A. WANT selling agents, big money and friends iaaiyte inverted indestructible gas mantle sells at sight, owing to its proven high mnt;. minions in use; usaiyte nounies light, saves 1-3 gas, outlasts a dozen oth ers; every sale of TJsalyte makes steady customer and friend: every Usalvte cuar- ameea periect; don t miss this opportunity, write toaay sample outfit ruil selling in structions) of 100 Usalytes $3, 50 for $3. dozen 78c, prepaid. Retail 15c each. . 2 for oc. References. Dun & Co.. Com Kichanjte Bank. J. I. Robin, manufacturer and patentee, 130th at. and Park ave.. New York. ADVISORY EMPLOYMENT DEPT., Yi M. C. A. You know how to do something but don't know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or send you to It. During pat 7 years we have placed or helped place themselves over 11,000 men and boys. This service a privilege of membership in the Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of membership fee. Bee Secretary Stanley Baker. WANTED MONDAY. Ten general farm hands and milkers; man and wife to take charge of small farm; two men to do grubbing; 10 woodcutters ; ex perienced metal worker ; 1 experi enced railroad stenographer ; ex perienced lumber stenographer; 25 buckers and fallers. Eastern Oregon; delivery boys with bicycles. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 14th and Johnson Sts. MEN, LEARN AUTOMOBILES. EARN BIG MONEY Thousands of graduates making good as chauffeurs, repairmen, macninisw, salesmen, batteiy and ignition specialists, garage owners. Un-to-date equipment. individual, practical instruction. We help students earn living. Write for catalogue and free advanced ignition course today. National School of Engineering, Los An geles, established 1905. 1000 FOR your next 100 days; spot cash; new money-making invention for agents, general agents, managers; recently In vented. 1.O00.0OO already sold: 200 more salesmen wanted at once; amazing auto matic compressed , aid washing machine; washes tub of clothes six minutes; no cranks to turn, levers to nush no rubbing. W'orks like magic. Price only $1.50. makes sales at every house 200 per cent profit. L. Palmer, Glen Allen. Ala., put out on trial 108 machines, sold 107. profit $107. Write today. Wendell Co., 1136 Oak St., Lelpsic, Ohio. STOP HERE! Just out, Elsen regulator for .pora headlights; selling like wildrire everywhere; gives splendid driving light, lbw speed; keeps bulb from burning out; works entirely automatically; needed on every Ford; big profits, quick. Listen! Hopkins, Tenn., cleared $16.20 first day; White, Mich., $134 one week; no expe rience or capital required; show you how. Sales guaranteed. Hurry, don't delay. WTrite now, special information. Elsen In strument Co., 6o4 Valentine bldg., Toledo, Ohio. A MANUFACTURING company has opening for high-grade, clever, capable salesman, preferably one owning auto (or familiar with auto business) ; efficient man can make from $15 to $30 per day; we man ufacture proven and Indispensable acces sory for auto, motorboat and motorbike ; $50 to $100 gives you exclusive territory. Wilson C. Held, treasurer, 1777 Broadway, New York. SALESMEN, everywhere to sell AJax chemi cal nre engines; minimum commission $40 on every engine sold; sell one or two ma chines a week and earn $2000 to $4000 yearly; factories, stores. Industrial plants, private estates, etc., use AJax engines; no capital required. Nationally advertised. AJax Fire Engine Works. 99 Liberty. New York. WANTED Sales managers wfth Ford cars; travel, demonstrate and appoint local agents ror himpiex starter for Fords; big money maker; splendid commissions. Write quick for territory. Simplex Mfg. Co.. Dept. 658, Anderson. Ind. $100, PAYABLE $10 monthly, will make you $2000 within three years. The busi ness is high-grade, licensed under the strict laws of Oregon. Success' is sure, as the state holds in trust a large bonus, which can only be earned by the managtr after you are receiving profits. Make us prove this statement. Interview by ap polntment only. tBF 40, Oregonian. SATISFY YOURS j5lF by strictest. InveatiEa- tion that your money will be protected from every angle, then invest $106 cash or in monmiy payments in a clean, legiu mate, high-grade business that will post tively pay lou per cent yearly profits. In terview uy appointment only, ii o-i, ure gonian. WANTED Immediately. 1 bookkeeper. 3 traveling salesmen and 1 shipping clerk to join me in incorporating my already established factory of-exclusive line high grade goods; each member to Invest $3u0 to $500 and give his full time on a salary basis. Temporary office, 315 Stock Ex change bldg. Mr. Copeland. call 84 Broadway. iCOLLTOP desk, filing caoinej XVgun and 'rifle, bicycle, cheaper . than nnrtinn. or will uauo. w. rains. 12 1st. J-., . Kno' works, lnclud- I . vT-.-VJ!Z ! nod u new. at le.a wanted Flnrt-dass magneto mechanic by is "'""'"- . i r - u tn. 1 reiiaDle motorcar roinnanv nf ( l i - nftu tha" a'f- o, hi loreuuo" " ' Must be familiar with magneto .tarter. i anu Kenerators. sia a ntrt nH ..-..,.-. ence, married or slnKle: elve refernr ties; send 00 cents for booklet bv former executive down there, describing actual conditions, salaries, etc., names and ad dresses large corporations and individ uals employing Americans. Get Into touch " 1 1 uiei'i. v.. : o. A. service, wiu lioy Is ton North, Seattle, Wash. 40 H. P. gasoline marine -engine, .with re- naemrwithaTutomic;cutout; set wire lea instruments. East 17Q. - y t . iltuc i have nearly new 7&- 'pound capacity, hand or power Mtanetonn. churn for sale. u. . - land. Wash. , YOUR diamonds sold on commission. Beld ing, the jeweler. 245 4 Alder st. Phone Main iuu. Answer In own handwriting. K" 111111. BD 35, Ure- WANTED Stock salesman : must be first class, to sell stock In automobile factory making cars that do away witfi the differential and gears ; liberal Inducements to man who can make good. Davis Car Company, 1!207 i'irst ave. South, Seattle, Washington. WANTED Fender makers, radiator repair men, helpers and lirst-ciass machine hands. Address, giving past experience aid references. Dept. B, Uurlinger Motor Car Co., manufacturers of Oersix motor trucks and universal tractor attachments, Tacoma, Wash. VQH SALE: A lOCKsmnn ana IT" Vair shop on account of sickness, $100 re- quireu. an ' - , JOR SALE CHEAP, MnJ,,,i0ri,nmatf1r'ck: WANTED TWENTY MORE YOUNG MEN TO FKEPARE FOR TELEGRAPH AND STATION SERVICE; BIO DEMAND FOK TELEGRAPH OPERATORS wii.ATjri.-u $75 to $H0 month with good chances for advancement. For full particulars call room 003 Panama bldg.. ard and Alder. BUILDER'S SERVICES REQUIRED. ComDetent builder with efltuhlishri r.r.- utation and references who can furnish gooa uond and who gives personal atten tion to job: nlans now reartv. Rn 'Ai Oregonian. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED We want a high-grade man represent us in the state of .Oregon and sell our up-to-date home study business courses: excellent. tiermanent. naviue Dosltion for the right man. Pacific School of Commerce, box W72, Spokane, Wash. WANTED An auto mechanic y local mo torcar company; must bo familiar with all standard makes of. cars;, quick, accurate, steady workman: state ane. experience, married or single; givo rolerences. AJ' 40, Oregonian. oard. Call Tabor 6104 after . tt i i v nw 40 blcvcle for 2o Vi,. Vr-i.Tlr. Phnna Woodlawn at 1114 Williams ave. 718. vexch TOOLS, consisting of breast drill. stocks and dies, braces and bits, vises. wrenches of ail kings. jirn" . . , . . - . i -v in i , r, r-f ,1 n.' tn (1 euns and volvers?, all makes, cheap. Beauregard. 702 Main st Vancouver, Wash. wiiii, table, combination, 4x8, first-class condition; sale or trade. AG 72, Oreso nian. , i o ii f i . , i r- .i ti ii tui fruit: also 0 prt. fruit Juice; will sell for $4, including Jnrs. Mar. 1127. Apt- Do. iip iitipitt. ftvr fniriinir hed. oerfect san itary condition. For particulars, call Ta bor ".! 7 o LARGE Persian rug worth . six : or seven nuiiuicu uuiiad. " d ress : F 74, Oregonian. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or a.11 erades. large selection. Pacific stat'v & Ptic. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 19.1. ITOR SALE Several sets of sample furs. vprv reRHonaoie. Appiy irom x i v xr. at 454 11th St., apt. A- ASSAYERS' portable button balance and a portable puip Daiancei uum iui fvw. " lON"T miss the auction sale at th Royal canton oriu. o .uuuubj , v o'clock. WANTED First-class open shop machinists xwi it i so ict. txie ana uoring mill work, steady work and first-class wages to com petent men, 8-hour day ; time and half for overtime. 417 Oregon blug., 6th and Oak sts. FOREMAN for woodworking plant making jwluuuh wuouenware ana laaaers. factory now small, but has prospect for making U'B uuoincBB, boou opening ior rignt man; when answering state age. experience and reference. Address Box 247. Seattle. Wash. ADCOX AUTO PCHOOI 3S8 BURNSIDE ST. Call or Write for Information, DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. WANTED Machinist by local machine shop iu operate mining macnine; must be anie to cut all Kinds of gears; quick, ac curate and. steady workman. State age, experience, married or single. Ulve ref erence. AD 45, Oregonian. I BRAKE MAN, FIREMAN: $90 to 200 monthly; positions now open for inex perienced men; no strike. Send stamp for application blanks. Write Superin "-'"-'Hi nanway, isox. x ooo, res no, Lai. WANTED First-class open shop gray Iron lounury moiaers ana coremakers. hours. time and half overtime : Brood waeen anH steady work to competent men, 417 Ore gon oiag., oxn ana oak sts. FURNITURE WANTED. WISH FURNITURE CO, WILI PAY HIGH EST CASH PRICE FOR YOUR USED ' OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 1 CARPETS. RUGS, ETC. I ' 184 1ST ST. MAIN 6768. I 1 GOOD SPOT CASH PRICES PAID FOR furniture, pianos, Vlctrolas, office furnl ture. rooming-houses, restaurants, rugs. ' ranges, etc, GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 1 PHONES MARSHALL 5081 AND A 3224. EXPERIENCED delicatessen salesman: state experience ana salary expected. AP vregonian. SECRET service, American, traveling, for- eiHn ; opportunities ior on leers, also In experienced perwons; preparation where necessary ny leading world's expert. niiinc racmc Agency, ban r rancisco, WOODCUTTERS Want crew to cut fir wood, clone to Portland, good ground; also splitters wan teu. uanay .tiros., xfx btock jxch. mag. EXPERIENCED No. 1 fountain man for afternoon and evening shift; reference required. Rogers Candy Store, Broadway WANTED Good, responsible agent for Jackson automobiles. Particulars and cata logues address northwest Jackson Dlstrib. titing Co., 1113 E. Union St., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Two married men for ranch work; must oe good ones. Houses fur nished. Good places for right men. Ad ARE YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced freight rates m household Koods to all points: fast. through service, .racmc coasi r orwara- i waxnicu nanuy man, expenencea caring dress box 456, Philomath, Or. lng Co., 101 Wilcox bldg. Marshall 2467. THE GREATER PORTLAND New and 2d-hand store pays the highest price for your -id -hand household goods. : loo-oi J.SL si. A 6iui, juarBnau o&4. KPOT cash for used furniture: will nav ynore for good household goods than a deaier. raoor xaai. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash; phone today, aiain or '. r irsi st. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Masonic Temple bids.. pay cash for furniture, rugs, etc Phone Mam d-'. ior ziowers, lawn, automobile; country place adjoining city; light work; moder ate wages, ah; u, oregonian. WANTED at once, boy to learn trade of brass molding; must be strong, healthy and not over 18, and live with parents in ciLy. xt uregon oiag., otn and Oak st. WANTED First-class open-shop pattern makers, 8 hours, time and half for over time; first-class wages to competent men. 417 Oregon bldg., oth ana Oak sts. WANTED Man about 30; good appearance business experience, meeting public; state age, experience and phone. T 73, Orego nian. per s, magazines. Clyde Agency. 211 Stock EX. PARTY would like to buy household goods, Ar SOLICITORS, special numbers of pa- BE WISE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main gaol, lai ad st. ALL kinds heating? stoves, etc. to trade: what have you 7 12$ First st. Main 44U5. TWILL pay cash Ior 2d-hand furniture. Cali BLACKSMITH, railroad experience pre- DENTI3T Licensed in Oregon good op portunity for right man. Address A 74, Oregonian. Mr. Washburn, Marshall 4783. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PHYSICIAN wants to buy operating chair. aesK ana omer equipment ior nis on ice. Ir. Bmittr, s e. i! St., fortiand. JL'NK wanted of all kinds; also 2d-hand goods bougnt. .vuu n twm. "WANTED Encyclopedia Hritannlca, handy volume, inaia paper, can fliain o5o4. CLOTHING WANTED. re ok 24 hkst st. ferred ; state age, experience and phone, n 74, oregonian. MANAGER, handle agents; state rights Or., v ash. ; complete line household articles big com, auj lamniu, EXPERIENCED bollermaker, good refer ences instate experience, age, phone. B 70, Oregonian. WANTED Man familiar wlthrallroad dls bursement accounts; give age. experience and telephone, i. 7U, oregonian. fciiCOND-HAND CALL MAIN 47 WELL educated, industrious boy about 15 railroad office position. Apply at 310 Wells-Fargo bldg. WE buy and sell new and second-hand suit- I cases ana trunKs. jaam IRON AND JUNK WANTED. Best cash prices paid. Call Main 042. WANTED Casn registers, safes and show- cases. ibu1 x irst st. rnona Main 4234. WANTED National cash register. Main sol Washington at. WANTED A live, neat appearing voun man for clerk in large ofnee; state ag and experience. ul do, oregonian. WANTED First -class salesman to call on dry goods trade, Coast territory, commis sion only, no side line. Reply, stating pre vious employment, etc None but expe rlenced men need reply. BC 6i, Orego nian. WANTED Machinist by local machine shop to operate wet grinder and do bench work: must oe quick, accurate ana sieaay workman ; state age, experience, married or single. Give reierenca. AO , ore gonian. HONEST, energetic man for tea and coffee route in city, salary or com. ; must lur nish bond and ref. ; also reliable man used to packing and shipping; advancement. A Ft yd, Oregonian. ANYBODY can Increase their income $10 to $40 weekl spare time raising mush rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes; success guaranteed. Free Illustrated booklet. Hi ram liarton, 33a West 48th, New York. "YOU I.EARN to e an optometrist and op tician; It Is profitable; day or evening classes. The De Keyser Institute of Op tometry. Inc. Send for catalogue or call at 202 Columbia bldg., 3o Washington st. HELP YOURSELF $10 Invested monthly for 10 months In high-grade business prop osition wi.l make you over $1000 within two years, l ou can prove this statemen by closest Investigation. Interview by ap polntment only. O vol, Oregonian TRAINED mechanics, always In demand practical instruction, gas and electrica engineering ; automobile and gas tractor repairing, operation. Practical equipped school and plant. Seattle Engineering School. Seattle, V ash. STEADY employment, good wages, day and night classes, few months learning, protit able work, position secured. Watchmaking, Engraving School. 218 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny, Portland. RAILWAY mail clerk, examination Feb. 10 salary $JUO to iuu a year; me jods. w nrenare vou. You must act quickly. Pa clfic States School, McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts. LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills, 500 Broad way. New York City. RAILROADS want men for traffic Inspect ors; big pay. promotion, iree transporta tion. chance travel overseas: experience not necessary; ask for free booklet C-5. Frontier Prep. School, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED at once, couple of neat-appearin young men wltn selling experience to travel with a crew of 4 on a first-class magazine proposition. Call at once. Chmber of Commerce. WANTED By large wholesale house, boy: for nffice and stock work. Address ii own handwriting, stating age and tele pbone number, o oo, oregonian. MANUFACTL RING house wishes unmar rled man, 25 to 30, to develop aa sales man; small salary to start with; advance ment aa worm, a oi. oregyman. HUSTLER to handle our line of oils, grease and oaints in this territory. Experience unnecessary; fine opportunity. West Coast Refining Co., San Francisco, CaL MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS. $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheum Cleaners, 3o5 tstars:. corner iarK. DENTIST. First-class, experienced laboratory man good salary, steady position. Electro Fain less, Otn anu v aamiib iuu SL9. BE A DETECTIVE earn $10O to-$30O per month ; travel all over the world. Writs Supt. Ludwig, 731 Westover bldg., Kansas city. Mo. WANTED Man to buy and repair second hand furniture ior weii-estaoiishea rum ture store Answer, stating age and ex perience. D 67, Oregonian! WANTED Japanese boy or man and wife for general nousewora. 01. Market Drive. Main 2971. SHEET METAL worker wanted. Must first-class mechanic on building materia! AR 12, oregonian. Reliable errand boy. AL 68, JUNK WANTED. All kinds of Junk bought. Marshall 3225. 19-INCH Advance or Pearl paper cutter. Address, with price. Box flR2 ritv WANTED Evlnrude or Motor-go motor. write or can .noose ve it st. WANTED Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man to work suburban home for his room and board. Mar, 2848. KALSOMTNER can have 2-R. H. K. suite m exenange for work. 521 Everett. BOY to deliver typewriters. Inquire 321 Wash. $5 per week. BIG inducement learn boxing. See Garlocic. i . jh. J. a.- wrestling. NEW 16-17 FORD roadster body. Newberg, Oregon. Box 247. i YOUNG man for storekeeper in logging camp, $40 and board. AP 6R. Oregonian. KNOX text books on salesmanship, second- nann; state price. r pt oregonian. WANTED Second-hand hospital furniture; state prices. av d.v, oregonian. DIAMOND wanted, IK. or larger, for cash. AD 72. Oregonian. WILL pay highest price for good grocery I TWO energetic men to travel; applicants WANT man for farm work. Write T. I. Robinson, canton, Oregon. EXPERIENCED show card writer: young mail piClgWCU. Bl. i WANTED Magazine solicitor. Apply 616 Selling Piag. Al SOLICITOR wanted at 363 3d. stock. P 970. Oregonian. must act quick. 721 Board of Trade. WANTKL second-hand oven. Box 512, Sll- WANTED A good second-hand bicycle. 1010 uantenoein. DIAMONDS wanted, H to 1-kt., good color, Dargain. rmnuay, Jiain Din, - LTOMAHU riries, snotguns, pump guns, kodak and lenae. HochXeld, Third mt, , YOUNG man to wash dishes during lunch n our ior ma uvtxi k m dl. A NO. 1 ADVERTISING solicitor, technical publication sou unieruoo Aiaaison st. WANTED Experienced night clerk; gire references in first letter. B 66, Oregonian. WILL sell or rent for painting a 5-room bungalow. A 40, Oregonian. WILL start you in mail order business, fu nish 'everySihing if you will handle my goods, crest to., u Atlantic Jity, n. WANT to meet graduate r. r. or irrig. engr. unemployed, particulars iirst letter. Ii 7 oregonian WANTED 2 experienced woodchonoers must have good team. Plenty work. Call 42q Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Agents. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 5O0 WOMEN TO CALL FOR A SHUR-R1GHT FITTING WAIST PATTERN. CUT TO YOUR MEASURE FREE OF CHARGE. THE SH U R-KIG HT FITTING PATTERN CO. v 4TH FLOOR, MOHAWK BLDG. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require the serv ices of several young ladles under 18 years of age to act as cashiers and wrappers; experience not necessary, but must be able to furnish best references. Apply Supt's office Monday between 9 and lO. LIPMAN. WOLFE Sc. CO. require the serv ices of an experienced woman soda die penser; must know the business thor oughly and be able to furnish best refer ences. Apply Supts office Monday be tween 9 and 10. HELP JTAJfTED MALE OB FEMALE. THE ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COL LEGE will teach you the trade in eight weeks, pay you while learning, give you a set of tools, scholarship and diploma, get you a position; 32 schools In U. S. and Canada. Write for free catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. . . HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. Day and night classes, ladies' afternoon classes, automobile, electrical and gas tractor engineering, vulcanizing and tire repairing course. Special inducement this . week. 20th and Hawthorne ave. Port land. Oregon. Catalogue, THE ORIGINAL JIOHLER BARBER SCHOOL Men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks, tools free, paid while learning. Scholarship and diploma, get you a position. Tuition reduced. 38 N. 24, cor. Couch. 50 WEEKLY up selling Mexican diamonds. exactly resrmtye genuine; same rainbow fire; stand tests; sell at sight; repeat or ders. Write Quick, sample case offer free. Mexican Diamond Importing Co., 255 Las Cruces, New Mexico. AGENTS make 500 per cent profit selling our auto monograms and Initials, window sign letters, changeable signs and show cards; 1O0O varieties, enormous demand Sullivan Co., 1123 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. 50 PER week easily made, business grows witnout worK. l collect ana deliver, uuar an teed raincoats. Self -advertising. Re orders galore. Sample coat free. Don A. c-Kinner, 04 la w est onio. cnicago. AUTO tire prices higher: sell Insyde Ar mour) Tyres. They double tire mileage. prevent punctures, blowouts, etc. Great profitable seller. Free details. American Accessories Co., Dept. 28 B. Cincinnati, O. MLMCifAL iiuieau for Protection of Wo men Is now located at room 303 new Po lice1 Headquarters. Information, protection or assistance given to women and girls. Interview confidential CASH for your spare time. Men and women who HKe diamonds can matce easy money; no capital, experience, soliciting; beauti ful genuine gem iree. Write quick. Ameri. Jewelers, Riverside. CaL SITUATIONS WANTfcl M iscellaneou . -MALE. MAN and wife want the management of stock or dairy ranch; man 30 years old. born and raised on a farm and nave al ways worked on a farm; can manage your place. Big or small, successful! v. liest of references as to my ability. P bi. Oregonian. ADVERTISERS, this Is your opportunity to secure experienced man on liberal terms; whole or part time; efficient in advertising work covering almost all branches of business and promotion; if you want a result-getter write T 74. Ore- gonian. YOUNG man, artificial desires work la small restaurant; willing to go in as dish washer; can do any light work around house or garden; ref.; call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and &;30 P. M. Main 7o51. . A 151-7. WANTED Number young ladles to learn eiegrapny xor commercial service; ink demand for operators ; short hours, sal aries $65 to 75 per month. For full par ticulars call room 502 Panama bldg. WANTED Two ladles to demonstrate child's specialty, city or travel, good - chance for right parties; commission or guaranteed salary. Address AM ti. Ore AT ONCE Ten ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell well-established line to our deal ers. Previous experience not necessary. Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 70, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Students can earn board, room and tuition. Telegraphy, stenography, bookkeeping, law. Members National As sociation. Catalog free. Mackay Business College. Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED A competent stenographer; ans wer in own writing, state references, ex perience and age; must be first-class, no other need apply. Automobile experience desired. AO 06, Oregonian. W 1 iL give small heated room, use of kitchen and bath, to neat elderly woman in exchange for sewing. ' AG .46, Oregonian. LADIES YOUR OPPORTUNITY 13 A.T HAND. LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE. ROOM 502-3. COLUMBIA BLDG. WOMEN -as Government clerks. $70 month. Portland examinations May 9. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. t Rochester, x. FEBRUARY 10. railway mall clerk exami nations, Portland; commence ftd month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 389-B Rochester. K. Y. REDUCED rates to brother and sister, or mother and son, or man and wife, or small family, to keep me company, Irv Ington residence. BD 63, Oregonian. WANTED Men, women to try examinations for Government jobs; $i5 month. Address AV 502, Oregonian. WATCHES cleaned, 75c ; mainspring 75c ; work guaranteed. 218 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and -Ankeny. WANTED Middle-aged lady with no chil dren ror man with 2 children, boy o years, girl 3 years. Wages $15. W. H. Stone. R. u. wo. l. Mood Klver, or. LADY of ability for high-class traveling po .sitlon with reliable concern, possibilities $40 weekly. Apply after Sunday bet. 2 and n. J.o Ainsworlh bldg. WANT girl, 18 to 25 years of ages for gen eral housework, family 2 adults and baby; experi-ence not necessary; 910 per month take Irvlngton car. 676 East 18th st. N. WE are paying men and women $35 to $60 weekly for spare time taking orders for "Buckeye" raincoats; sample free; we de liver and collect. Write at once. Buckeye Mfg. Co., 1 Union Sq.. N. Y. WANTED Agents to sell endless neckties; latest thing out ; to show them means a sale; get in the field for easy money. Sample and terms. 50c. The Necktie Man, iOS I Ave., La Grande. Or. WANTED Agent to market newly-patented article; something new; no experience necessary; new selling plan ; a good money-maker. Paramount Mfg. Co.. 362 Ellis St., San Francisco. YOUR name brings a copy of "Money-Mak ing Ideas," the great agents and mall dealer's magazine. A. ii. Kxaus, 326 Kraus bldg., Milwaukee, Wis. START the new year right, get this big winner; large field, tremendous demand ; particulars free. Joseph T. Albin, 1719 12 ave., Seattle, Wash. LOCA L a gent s for Ast orJ a, 1 em, E u gen e. Pendleton. Splendid opportunity. One old est and best life insurance companies. AK 71, Oregonian. OFFICE girl-stenographer; some knowledge of bookkeeping preferred; give age, ex perience, phone and salary expected. H t o, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER for widower with two girls, must be neat and good cook; no ob jections to small child. Sllverton, or. box 206. WANTED-Types of all kinds for motion pic tures, experience unnecessary; particulars furnished. Picture Producers exchange, Box 1979." Los Angeles, Calif. WANTED A reliable woman to do house work and assist with baby: two besides baby in family. Call Main 484. GIRL who can milk and take care of cow and chickens. Woman alone. Near street car Tabor 1544. W A VTKD Cook and housemaid for familv of 2 in country house in Wyoming. Gbod wages to suitable girl. Marshall 4123. WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men witn rins to mtroauce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 7. Parsons. Kan. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED: SEVERAL HIGH-ORADT5 SALESMEN OR DISTRIBUTORS. To represent us on the Coast, selling one of the livest electrical specialties on the market, on a straight commission basis; a low-priced article that every home with electricity should have; this specialty has a number of exclusive, patented features which puts it far ahead of all competi tion: consumers and dealers alike are en thusiastic about it; now we want to make It a National commodity. If you are a real salesman of proven character and ability; if you know the electrical, drug and dept. store trade, there is a rare op portunity here for you. If you think you can fill the bill, write us at once, giving full particulars in your first letter, refer ences, etc. Address President, P. O. Box 850. Steubenville, Ohio. ATTENTION. SALESMEN. We want a good salesman to call on the hardware and implement dealers in every town in the West. You will sell a dealer in every town; no small sales, no samples. Liberal commission to the right man. No objection to handling other lines. Call East 642 Monday. WANT four salesmen who are now travel ing Pacific Coast to sell Havabean brand canned beans as side line. Liberal com mission on first and repeat orders. Call or write Thos. Harvey & Co., 423 Belmont st., Portland. Or. GIRL for light housework In family of 3, where couple, works out. Good home, $8 month. 7230 54tn ave. s. e. m. t. car. GIRL to help with housework, small family, pleasant, comfortable home, 1 10. 875 E, 28th st. N. Broadway car. Wdln. 4647. WANTED Nurse: prefer Christian woman; for Invalid. Inquire 322& Stark, between 1:40 to 3 P. M. WANTED Woman between 30 and 45 to do general housework: one living in suburbs. 4S60 82d at. S. E. WANTED Experienced girl, must be good plain cook, keep second girl, good wages, Apply 274 is. aatn st. REFINED young widow, musically Inclined, seeking good home more than high salary, wanted ad housekeeper. Address V 74, Ore gonian. WANTED Girl for cooking, some house work, in country, 4 in family, wages $o.. jpply to Mrs. Sharp. Main iiQ'Ji. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, good plain cook. Phone after 9 A. M. East 1261. CHAMBERMAIDS, waitresses, family help Howe's Agency, room 43o, 270 ashing ton et. LADIES WANTED IN OUT OF CITY. $2 TO $3 DAY IS MADE. ROOM 502-3. COLUMBIA BLDG. WANTED A girl attending business college to work part or arternoon, 01 v teie phone number. AE 67. Oregonian. TWO experienced chocolate dippers. Apply Monday between 9;30 A. M. and 5 P. M 3S8 Washington at. WANTED Good clrl for general hou work, small family, no children; Finn pre ferred. Call 70i Uavia, apt- WANTED Party to act as state representa tive in either Oregon, Washington. Mon tana or Alaska to handle sale of Ebert Duryea farm tractor, selling at $350, and appoint county agents; big possibility of fered right man. Address box AY 532, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced, unemployed sten ographers to register with the Remington Typewriter Co.. 88 uroaaway. hhvr iri nr woman to help with house work for board end room. Apply at 89 E. 18th st., bet. Washington ana biarx. vr. ypmri KNCED millinery makers wanted apply Monday A. M... Wonder Millinery, corner Alder and Sixth.- FULL time or side line, quick selling spe cialty to country merchants; commission contract with $35 per week drawing ac count ; many reorders, full commission on same. H. M. Craig, sales mgr., 209 Houser bldg., St. Louis, Mo. VAC A NC Y Feb. 1 , with old house, perma nent position, cover Oregon, staple line, sold exceptional terms; high commission, $35 weekly advance. Sales Manager, suite 7o, 800 Woodward. Detroit. SIDE LINE: Salesmen calling on country stores and men s wear trade to sell a fac tory line of cloth caps. Liberal commis sions paid. Submit references. Hygrade Hat Works. Jersey City, N. J. SELL ''Manchester" brand raincoats tc mer chants in your territory as side line. Sam ple line furnished; good commissions. Joseph D. Shakow, 8 West 13th St., New York. SALESMEN WANTED Ir you can pay your expenses ior a wee" I can give you two lines that will pay handsome commissions. Address AO 74, Oreeonian. WANTED A f Irst-olass wholesale auto moolle salesman for one of the largest factories; must be experienced; tn your reply s?lve full details of past experience and references. A 65, Oregonian. EXCELLENT opportunity for two men with sales ability. Call Monday. 10 to 1L 615 Y'eon bldg. WANTED Live specialty salesmen, adver tising line; references. N. 8. BF C8, Oregonian. wanted Someone to handle a 14-room house; some cash or security. AJ 66, Ore gonian. WANTED Competent girl for general housework and assist witn cuimreu, ref erences. Woodlawn a jo. at a m r v. 1 vmintr ladies under 20 for tern porary oftlce work. Phone Mar. 336 be tween 2 and 3 Sunday. YOUNG girl for general housework; small familv. small house, no washing. 409 6th st. Call morning. - wa NT ED Cook to go to Central Oregon 3 adults; small wages; no objection to one child. Box 77, Tigara, or. GIRL, general housework. In modern coun try home, near city; $20. Call 489 Clay, Apt. 7, between 1 and 2. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen AT9 I null Bff W ULK. tOU, . j. Kearney, near 25th. Mar. 1491. COOK for boarding-house; 6th st. two meals. 253 GIRL to assist In housework and care of children. Marshall 1435. WANTED Marshall -Neat girl for general housework, 3 4 35. papa RLE second maid ; must have refer ences. Phone mornings. ' Mar, 3956. nrRT. for lleht housework. 592 E. 10th N. Call between 1 and 5 tomorrow. GIRL to help with general housework. 814 Tillamook. aasi Dim HIGH SCHOOL girl to work for board, room. small wages. t,asi ov . CITY and traveling salesmen wanting aide line for grocery and auto trade call at 229 Main st. SALESMAN First-class, unlimited future; well established business. BF 39, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN to cook for 8 people, $30 and found. Pacific Employment Co., 235 Burn side street. GOOD reliable woman for light housework and assist with children. Tabor -4296. 200 E. 53d St. GIRL to assist with Call East 6990. general housework. WANTED Woman to care for old lady at nights for room and board. Tabor 6719. BOOKKEEPER,' one with knowledge of stenography preferred. AF 70. Oregonian. MUST be a good plain cook, 20 miles out, no children. Sellwood 804. after 9. GIRL wanted for cooking and housework. 715 Flanders St., corner 22d. WANT elderly woman for light housework. 750 Prescott St. s WANTED Experienced tiemakers. Stand ard Timber Company. Evanston. Wyo. Union Pacific contractors. AT ONCE, young man, tenor, for quartet; amateurs considered. Phone Main 3154 Mr.R. ' TWO soda dispensers, between 18 and 30 years of age: must have neat appearance. Apply 388 Washington st. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 454 E. 21st N. GENERAL housework, 5 In family, $20. Ta bor 498. GIRL for light houpework. must like babies. $20, good home. Marshall 2624. AUTO SALESMAN to work on commission, good chance , for a repairman. S 72. Oregonian. Hel p Want ed Agent s. WANTED Live agent ; one who would In vest $100 in good paying proposition, on naives; can aiternoon to ( o clock. B, 2S Halleck st- MEN and women agents In city and coun try are making $5 per day selling house hold necessity. 229 Main. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. 10O PER CENT profit! Particulars free Port Supply Co.. Portland, Or.. Dept. A. YOUNG girl wanted for general housework. Cill Monday, E 1779. GIRL WANTED Apply 132 9 A. M. Monday. 4th St. before WANTED Waitress. short hours. Royal Bakery, 34- aiorrison st. WOMAN Woodla for general housework wanted. wn Z968- W ANTED Strong, neat girl for genera, housework. Phone East JOSH. WANTED Young lady violinist for vaude ville act. Phone jsiarsnan ouo.. mi MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL, Shorthand, Typewriting a mo. mn. win ono. PRIVATE HOME for children, any age; 15 years experience. x-.c. v-t -n. ium . CHORUS girls, experienced. Call Casino Theater, 4th and Burnside. WANTED School girl to assist with light WANTED Girl for general housework small family. 698 East 44th st. North WANTED Girl to assist with housework and baby. 883 Kllllngsworth. Alberta car A COMPETENT second girl; family of Phone Marshall 823. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GET WELL FREE. Every day from 10 A, M. to 4 p. M. and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 9 P. M. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any way are Invited to attend these clinics In our big clinic hall. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS, will examine and diagnose your case And direct you treatment. FREE TO ALL. CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe. sane, sura and modern science of curing and pre venting diseases. CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause; health returns. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, 433 Haasalo St., at 7th. East Side. Phone East 6536. Dr." Elliott, Director of Clinics. JOB as foreman on ranch, handle any kind i a rancn or any size; nave been foreman on several good ranches and dairies; was foreman on one lloO-acre ranch for five years; can give references. AR 02, Ore gonian. WOULD like to come in connection with someone who Is going to Alaska this Spring and needs help ; any work con sidered good wages expected. F 62, Oregonian. MAN, with wife and 5-year-old child de sires charge of rooming-house ; ref. ; call , week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. GERMAN, married, 29 years old, wants po sition on Eastern Oregon grain or stock rarrch; would like to rent the place In Fall if satisfactory. C 69. Oregonian. JAPANESE chauffeur, gardener, houseman, wants position for afternoon, 1 to ti. West m Side, desirable; references. AM 70, Oregonian. ENGINEER wants position, 11 years' exp. In sawmills and light plants. Phone Mar shall 2740 or write Hotel Blackatone, room 421. Portland. RELIABLE man wants paperhanging, paint ing and kalsomining; reasouabie. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. EACH ERS desiring review work for June examinations call Main 324. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Buiuievpi and Clerks. THE MAN YOU ARE SEEKING. Capable and trustworthy, well educated, with high-class business qualifications and broad experience, is open for a proposi tion to become manager or confidential man with, firm or individual. J 60, Oregonian. POSITION in general mdse. business by one who has had many years experience in country store as manager and buyer. Al references as to ability and integrity; would consider buying interest. AG 60, Oregonian. WANTED Position by business man expert- encea in onice ana store, oooKneeper, cashier, salesman, credits, collections; well acquainted city and state. Would con sider interest in business later. BD 3'J. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 8 years clerical experience as transier cierK, timeiceeper ana cnecKer. seeks employment, day or night. In or out city. Best of references. Salary no object Will be-glad to communicate. O 67, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by first-class groceryman or long experience; three years in i'ort land ; have had several years experience as branch manager. - East 650S or address 6S K.,22d N. HONEST young man, 32, no bad habits, would like a few hours employment each week: day; no Sunday work. AB 67, Oro g on lan. 1 BY married man, experienced In bookkeep ing, accounting and general office work; steady; thoroughly reliable; best refer encesas to character and ability. E. 6443. MAN. good worker, with wife and 5-year-old girl, wants work on small farm. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. 1 YOUNG man. 20, wants work of any kind; work in machine shop preferred; 7 months experience in repairing autoa ; can give good rcierences. Phone Marshall 5603. EXPERIENCED farmer wants position as foreman on large ranch, good all-around man ; good ref State full particulars in first letter. T 69, Oregonian. MAN, splendldeworker, wants housecleanlug, beating rugs, etc., 25c an hour; ref. Call week days bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051. A 1517. YOUNG married man, no children, wants work on farm. Write or phone E. J. Mll holland. 38SH E. Burnside st., Portland, Or. East 1578. Al TRUCK or machine driver, out of work; can do own repairing; 7 years ex. Phone Mar. 2747 bet, 1 and 5, or write Y 67, Oregonian. MA RRIED man with good ref. wants posi tion as stationary engineer; understands running gasoline engines. Call Main 5046 or Local 3i21. N 71, Oregonian. COUNTRY PRINTER wants situation, mar ried, sober. Industrious; machine operator; references. Chas. Boessel, 1J2 26th ave. S., Seattle. Wash. H AN D Y man, exp. cliauff eur. must have work, any kind ; has family; ref. Call week days bet, S:30 A. M. and :30 P. M. Mam 70..1. A 1517. STENOGRAPHER - BOOKKEEPER-SALES MAN Thoroughly experienced in commer cial 'lines, wishes situation where com petent service wins promotion. AP 74, Oregonian. 10 PER CENT of first month's wages will oe paid ior position as night or day watchman; O. K. city references furnished. Cull Main 4562. HOUSE painting, papering, kalsomining. day or contract, worK cheap, guaranteed. ast 1911. JEFFERSON High School Employment Bureau desires positions for three boys who graduated January 26, also work afternoons and Saturdays ffr several boys in school. Phone Wdln. 3175. MA KHI ED experienced farm and stock man wants steady job on ranch. Address L. Huntley, 586 Petty grove. YOUNG man, attending business college. would like permanent Inside work alter school hours ' and on Saturdays ; neat, of good character, industrious. AO 73, Oregonian. JANITOR and steam engineer, with 14 years' experience, wants employment ; has tools for repair work. Call Marshall 221. ACCOUNTANT Will write up your books. make corporation statements, etc., day or night; terms reasonable. AK 74, Oregonian. EXPERT accountant and bookkeeper; quali. lied in credit end ornce management; years' office experience; know law; 26, married. M 69. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER Long and varied experience in both; highly eifi ciont in all office work. BF 49, Oregonian. WANTED Bookkeeping and stenographic work, part or full time; by thoroughly ex perienced office man. AC 66, oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper wishes set of books to keep evenings or during spare times. AC 67, Oregonian, YOUNG man. exper4enced bookkeeper and cashier, age 2o; references. S 70, Orogo-nian. TENOGRAPHR Young man wishes sten ograptiic work, all or half days, or by pieceworK. fhone raoor COMPETENT accountant wishes small set books keep evenings. AE 1 3, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cashier and grocery clerk wants similar position. K 72, Oregonian. Mlacellaneoutt. TEAMSTER wants Job at once. 10 years' experience In city, or will take anything. labor t(4. STEAM engineer, 16 years' experience, with references; go anywhere. b 45, Orego nian, AUTO mechanic wants to buy partner ship in garage, close to permanent high way in transient town. T 34, Oregonian. TWO young men seek positions auto driv ing or repair snop; win woric ior smau wages. I'none broaaway COMPETENT Janitor and chambermaid will work very reasonable. 11 62, Ore gonian. WANTED Position In hotel or restaurant by first-class cook; go anywhere. W. A. Whitehead. Hood River, Or. Phone 1293. DA'ITinV ar1 K .r ..r.l.i.n.11 nVi a wm unlit steady or relief work ; reliable and goo J salesman. .Phone laoor iv-i. MARRIED man, experienced auto driver and mechanic, wants work. Phone Tabor 704. APPRENTICE printer would like position in small job printing office In city, ex perienced. Call Main 8224. Ask for Mac EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes day en- . gagements. Gowns, etc. Satisfaction guar anteed. Marshall I94i. MAN and wife want position to manage farm, experienced In all branches of farm ing. S 69. Oregonian. ELEVATOR (experienced): watching, clerk lug; want any work at living wages. uraKe. Mam 1 jwj. GOOD cake and pastry man wants position steady and reliable; references. East 2446. ELECTRICIAN and telephone expert wants work evenings or Sundays. X 69, Ore go nian. SITUATION by experienced cook, steam boat, hotel or camp. C. Wheeler, 150 Park. Main 136. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, good window dresser and capable solicitor, requires po sition. Davies, aus juam st. aiar. iuus. BOY with high school education and at tending business college wants work on Saturday or Sunday. rnone i aoor y8 MAN 35 years wishes place as Janitor or some ugui wurn. aciciculcs. m, uro gonian. WANTED Position on wheat farm In East ern Oregon, man and wife, experienced give full particulars. K 68. Oregonian. PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling done cheap, day or contract. Mar. &S8j. a loiT, EXPERIENCED manicurist wanted at Board of Trade Barber Shop, 4th and Oak. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house work for old lady. 461 Prescott st. THIS ad and 25c good for shampoo or face massage. 307 Northwest bldg. ' GOOD COOK and housekeeper, small pay, good home. East 3646. GIRL wanted for general housework. Ger man preferred. Call Sell. 120. LADY solicitor for Job printing. Main 5554. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. GIRL wanted for soft drink and cigar stand. - at 374 Hawtnorne ave. STUDY bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, salesmanship, English branches at an ac credited school ; write or phoo1 Main 590 for catalog ; graduates guarn-iteed posi tions. Behnke-Walker BustCosa College, 167 4th et., near Morrison. Oregon Barber college mm and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaranteed; tools free; paid while learning : tuition reduced. Can earn from $15 to $25 a week. Expert instructors. 20 years In business. 233 Madison st. WANTED Good girl for general housework. Wages f25. Tabor 41. HIGH school or business college student wanted in small family, wages, E. 3214. HIGH SCHOOL girt to assist with houses work. Tabor 1222. WAITRESS, out, $30; second Hansen's. 845 ft Washington. girl. $35. MISS MATTINGLY'S School of Shorthand and typewriting, day and evening ses sions; $5 a month. 269 14th, near Jeffer son. Main 8893. FOR BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ATTEND' MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, AL1SKY BLDG., 8D & MORRISON STS. "HINSDALE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Broad way -Yamhill bldg. Individual in structions. Positions when competent EXPERT Ford mechanic would like position reference. L 66, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 25, wants position as draughtsman. Maranau 4ai. YOUNG MAN wants work evenings for board. Tabor 7976. . YOUNG MAN would like work part of each day. AB 65, oregonian. PIANIST wants picture playing. Oregonian. AH 48. AUTO mechanic and A-l driver wants posi tion. 1139 vernon ave.. portiana. A YOUNG married Swiss wants steady Job, on 1 arm. uuai m dkuiiiuu. MILKER and barnman. t experienced, open ior position, xr oi, k kuiuh o. PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting, good work, reasonaoie prices, eetiwood 1:303. EXPERIENCED dinner cook open for en gagement. M 73. Oregonian. WANTED Position on grain or fruit farm. 30 yearsr experience, to, regonian. RELIABLE man. middle aged, wants work collections, elevator Job; ref. Main ,8023. HIGH SCHOOL student wants any kind work for room and board. Mar. 2591. PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting neat ly ana cneapiy a one. juar. -4ij. FOR assistance in housecleanlng and wash ing windows can raoor 735. WANTED Situation as Janitor; first-class references; experlenced. Tabor 6719. KALSOMINING. painting, plaster-patching reasonable. Woodlawn 2490. WALL tinting with Muresco carpenter con tracts, new or old work ; very low prices. Manny. Sellwood 2421. POSITION wanted by general machinist with good shop experience ; can furnish first-class references. AN 71, Oregonian. BY young man of good appearance, posi tion as bookkeeper or clerk trom lo:30 A. M. to 2:30 P. M- D 60. Oregoniaiu BREAD and cake baker, 17 years' experi ence, steady worker, in or out or. city. BF 46. Oregonian. PAINTING, peperlug, tinting, day or con tract, reasonable. Main totU. bunaaya or evenings. SINGLE man, aged 34. wants work on farm. some experience. A.N OS. Oregonian. WANTED--Position as janitor; experienced. Call Main 73i2. PRUNING of all kinds; expert; best refer ences, c nytK. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Sten ographers. WOMAN. COLLEGE GRADUATE. WISHES RESPONSIBLE POSITIU.N KUK (.iri.Nt rt Al. OFFICE WOK K, COLLECTIONS, RENTALS, ETC.. ALL OR PART TIME; TYPIST, BUT NOT "STENOGRAPHER, FAIR SALARY. AC 65. OREGON IAN. A THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and fire Insurance 'clerk wishes position; have had some experience in mortgage loan businss; can also take dictation. Woodlawn 3054, or Main 1976. GIRL, 19, desires stenographic work, some experience; prerers place naving oppor tunity for advancement. A-l references. Main 2S33. A 1517. STENOGRAPHER, young lady, beginner. would like work in otiice part or most 01 day, with best references. Phone Mar shall 360. . LADY wishes clerical position; 3 years ab stracting, 4 years county; reference, am 67, Oregonian. WANTED Position as stenographer; famil iar with dictaphone; experienced, reier ences. AJ 46. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and caphler with best of references. Marshall lOoo, apt. 46 . REFINED young lady wishes position as office girl; can give good references. la bor 47S1. YOUNG girl, bookkeeper, wants to get ex perience; no salary expectea at aian. ruunc East 81 Monday morning. WANTED By young lady, position in gen eral ornce work, - years experience; uoc tor or dentist preferred. Main 7106. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in general ornce work, wants position at reasonable salary. Main 3154. POSITION as assistant bookkeeper; ex- ; perienced; some experience as typist; ref erences. T 71, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and general office assistant desires position. Phone East 405 or AC 68, Oregonian. commercial and law, de understands bookkeeping. EXPERIENCED, sires position. Marshall 6004. STENOGRAPHER with 6 months' experi ence In law office, wishes position. Tabor 431. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, young woman, desires position. Marshall 645. WANTED All kinds of typewriting to do at home. Reasonable. Tabor 5943. EFFICIENT stenographer desires responsible position. Phone A 5663. V 67, Oregonian. Al STENOGRAPHER, bookeeper, 10 years' exp., best city references. Main 6334. BOOKKEEPER and cashier or private ex change operator, good reference. B 2629. EXPERIENCED comptometer operator de sires position. Call Woodlawn 414 CAPABLE beginner in stenography wants position ; good typist. Marshall 794. " Dressmaker. DRESSMAKER, designer, wishes engage ments, city reference; terms reasonable. Mar. 4065. LADIES' tailoring. alterations; coats re lined. Mrs. Muckler, 445 Morrison. Main 613J. A LONG experienced shopgirl wants a few more customers. 181 13th st. Main 1523, apt. 8. QUICK, experienced work at your home or mine. Woodlawn 2959. ALL kinds sewing, mending, altering, by day or take home. Tabor 7202, EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by the day. Tabor2351. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, quick work. References; $2.50 per day. Woodlawn 5297. VERY neat dressmaking by day or piece; guaranteed. Reasonable. Marshall 2705. DRESSMAKING for ladies and children, very reasonable. Main 4405. Call Miss Cooper. PHONE Marshall 4924 for first-class dress- making by day or at home. N'nrvs. YOUNG lady would like position as nurse girl and assist H. W., where she can go home nights. Address Mrs. K, K., St. Johns ave. 12 Crawford st, NURSING convalescent or care of babies. Ref. Phone Woodlawn 4071. GRADUATE nurse wants work; reasonable. Woodlawn 4706. NURSE wants work, more cases or perms nent position; references. Mam 792&