THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 4, 1917. FULL TEXT OF OREGON'S NEW "BONE-DRY" PROHIBITION BILL AS FINALLY PASSED PRINCIPAL. POINTS IN BONE DRY PROHIBITION BILL. Importation . of intoxicating liquor for beverage purposes ab solutely prohibited. All prohibitive provisions of previous prohibition law retained. Alcohol for scientific and me chanical purposes can be pur chased only on permit from Dis trict Attorney, and then in quan tities not to exceed a quart a month. " Clergymen permitted to Import wine for eacramental purposes only on permit from District At torney. ' ' ' . , Drugstores. prohibited from selling alcohol for medicinal pur poses except on prescription of physician. Prescriptions must be lesued In duplicate and filed, with County Clerk for comparison. Purchaser must make affidavit that it Is In tended for medicinal use. Drunkenness Is made misde meanor by statute. Express and railroad companies have five days lor completing deliveries of goods ordered be fore 4 P. M. Friday, when bill was signed by Governor. All goods on hand at end of five days must be sent out of state. FOLLOWING is the complete text of the Oregon. "bone-dry" prohibition bill as finally passed by the Legis lature and signed by Governor Withy combe: A bill for an act to amend sections 5, 6. 12 and 85 of an act entitled "An Act relating to Intoxicating liquor(s); pro hibiting the manufacture and sale thereof, except In certain cases or any shift or device to that end; regulating the keeping, sale and disposition of alco hol by druggists and the administer ing of intoxicating liquor by physi cians; prohibiting advertising or solic iting and taking orders therefor, its carriage to or possession at dances, dance halls or other public gatherings, and the maintaining of locker or club rooms where such liquor is kept for beverage purposes; declaring certain places and things to be nuisances and providing for their abatement and in junction; declaring the right3 and re sponsibilities of owners of property In such cases and providing for search of premises and seizure and destruction of liquor and fixtures under certain circumstances; regulating the trans portation and delivery of intoxicating liquor, by common carriers and pre scribing their duties, and collection for shipments of same; restricting the amount of shipment and receipts of intoxicating liquor In certain cases; prescrtDing certain acti to be done by individuals, and common carriers and providing for penalties in violation thereof; prescribing the powers anA duties of certain officers, providing for the appointing of certain officers for forfeiture of or removal from office in certain cases; for citizens employing associate counsel; for jurisdictio i to certain courts in cases arising under this act; for expenses incurred and disposition of moneys received: for pre liminary examination by prosecuting officers, and the forms of procedure and rules of evidence in case- and pro ceedings under this act and other liquor laws; defining terms, used therein; repealing laws in conflict herewith; fixing penalties for violation hereof, and the time when this act shall take effect," being chapter 141 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1915; to prohibit the importation of intoxicat ing liquors into the state of Oregon for beverage purposes; to regulate the Importation, transportation, possession and sale of alcohol; fixing penalties for violation of this act; defining and punishing the crime of drunkenness; amending chapter 135 of the General Laws of Oregoi for 1911; and declaring an emergency. Prohibition Is Absolute. Be It enacted by the people of the Btate of Oregon: Section 1. Section 5 of chapter 141 of the General Laws of Oregon for the year 1915 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5. Except as hereinafter pro Tided in this amendatory act it shall be unlawful for any person to receive. Import, possess, transport, deliver, manufacture, sell, give away or barter any intoxicating liquor within this' Btate; and the place of delivery of any intoxicating liquor is hereby declared the place of sale; provided that It shall not be unlawful for any person to have in his possession ' intoxicating liquor lawfully procured and in the possession of such person within this state at the time of the taking effect of this amen datory act. or lawfully obtained or re ceived under the provision of this act. Section 2. Section 6 of chapter 141 cf the General Laws of Oregon for 1915, is hereby, amended to read as follows: Section 6. (a) The provisions of this act shall not be construed to prevent the making or selling of vinegar, alco hol manufactured for denaturation only and actually denaturized under the laws and regulations of the United fctates Government, or nonintoxicating cider or fruit juices, or the making of Wine for sacramental purposes. b) This law shall not be construed to prohibit the sale at wholesale only by druggists actually engaged in the wholesale drug business in this state of ethyl alcohol to persons to whom permits shall be Issued by District At torneys within the requirements of this act. , c) Registered pharmacists conduct ing or employed in retail drug stores may sell ethyl alcohol for medicinal, mechanical and scientific purposes, to persons to whom permits or prescrip tions may have been issued in compli ance with the terms of this act. and not otherwise No registered pharmacist shall sell ethyl alcohol until he or his druggist employer has filed with the County Clerk of the county in which he resides, a bond running' to the state of Oregon, in the penal sum of J250. con-j ditioned that neither said pharmacist nor his druggist employer will sell in toxicating liquor in violation of this act. The bond shall be signed by two freeholders of the county, each of whom shall qualify in the sum of $250 over and above ' his debts, liabilities and property exempt from execution, or by a. surety company; and shall be approved jointly by the County Judge and County Clerk and filed in the of fice of the County Clerk. Such bond ehall be good for one year only. (d) The County Clerk of the county where such registered pharmacist has his place of business, or is so employed, ehall, on application therefore and pay ment of 50 cents for each such book, issue to any such pharmacist two books of 60 affidavits each, all books Issued and 'the affidavits therein to be con secutively numbered. The clerk shall keep a record of all such books so issued, showing to whom and when issued. The affidavits shall be in sub stantially the following form: . "State of Oregon, County of (ss). I. being first duly sworn, depose and ay that I need ...of ethyl alcohol for use at. v.. for the purpose of.... acd such alco hol will, cot be sold or plvenway by m or used - for any other purpose or at any other place than above named;, that I am not addicted to the use of Intoxicating liquor or any narcotic drug; that 1 -have. not. during the four weeks, last preceding, purchased any ethyl alcohol except.... Applicant. Subscribed and sworn to before tne this -day or .19. .. Quantity sold on above statement.... Pharmacist. District Attorney's permit No..... Prescription of Ir No.,... for the month of.... 19. ." (e) It shall be unlawful for any pharmacist to sell any ethyl alcohol until he has filled in and read the above "affidavit to the purchaser and until the purchaser has signed and sworn to the same before him; and until the purchaser, in addition, has filed with such pharmacist cither a permit to purchase said alcohol as pro vided in subdivision (f) of this section or a prescription as provided in sub division (g) of this section, and such sale shall be made only for the pur pose specified in the permit or pre scription. Such registered pharmacist or his fully registered clerk is hereby authorized to administer the necessary oath. Any person swearing falsely in making such affidavit shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this act. Every bottle or other cont iner in which alco hol is sold except to a druggist shall have a label firmly affixed thereto des ignating its contents, the name of the druggist selling the same, the name of the purchaser and the number of the affidavit. It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession any such bottle or other container contain ing alcohol in this state after the taking effect of this amendatory act and which is not so labeled. Alcohol Permit Provided, (f) The District Attorney of any dis trict In this state shall on application issue to persons residing in the district for which he snail have been elected permits to purchase or import into this state ethyl alcohol as follows: To wholesale druggists, to manufacturers, other than retail druggists such man ufacturers being actually engaged in the business of manufacturing products other than intoxicating liquors, which products require the use of alcohol in their manufacture, and furnishing the bond hereinafter required, to reputable hospitals, to public infirmaries, to lab oratories, to medical colleges, to licensed and practicing physicians, to licensed dentists for use only In their professional work; to retail druggists for sale through registered pharma cists as permitted by this act, and for making, and compounding pharmaceu tical preparations that 'cannot be used as beverage, to persons known to such District Attorney to be engaged in any scientific pursuit or art or industry, aside from the making of intoxicating liquor, and requiring the use of alcohol; but in every such case such District Attorney shall be satisfied before issu ing any such permit, upon such reason able showing as he may require that such alcohol is in good faith intended for lawful use and will not be used or disposed of for any unlawful purpose. Every district Attorney issuing any such permits shall number the same consecutively and shall keep in hla of fice and deliver to his successor in office a record of such permits issued. Both the said permit and the said rec ord thereof shall show the number, date of issuance, name and address of person to whom issued and the quan tity of alcohol to be purchased or im ported thereunder and the nature of the use to be made of such alcohol, with any other data which such officer may deem a material part of such record. Every such permit shall in case of im portation show from where the same is to be shipped, and in case of purchase in this state shall state the name of the druggist from whose place the alcohol is to be purchased, who shall be desig nated by the applicant, and no other person shall have any right to sell alcohol under such permit. Each such permit shall in case of sale be taken up and canceled by the person making sale thereunder and shall be attached to and filed with the affidavit of the purchaser, covering such sale, as re quired in this act, with the County Clerk of the county in which such pur chasers shall reside, excepting that in any sale made by a wholesale druggist the execution of the affidavit of the purchaser as provided in subdivision (d) of section 6 of this act shall not be required. Any peace officer of this state or of any municipality therein, having reason to believe that any per son has made or is about to make un lawful use or disposition of alcohol within this state shall notify the Dis trict Attorney of his county of the facts, and may, for reasons reported by such officer to the District Attor ney, protest against the issuance of a permit by such District Attorney, to any person for the purchase or Impor tation of alcohol. An appeal shall lie to the Circuit Court of the county in which such District Attorney resides, for any refusal to issue the permit designated in this subdivision. Such Circuit Court shall hear such appeal in a summary manner, and if convinced that such permit is necessary for a lawful purpose within this act, may require such District Attorney to issue such permit, provided such appellant shall also show on such appeal that no part of any previous purchase or im portation of alcohol made by said ap pellant, after the taking effect of this act, has been used for beverage pur poses or disposed of contrary to law. Any expense reasonably incurred by the District Attorney in investigating the facts as to the propriety of Issuing such permit shall be paid by the County Court of such county upon the voucher of such District Attorney. Any Dis trict Attorney issuing permits for the importation or purchase of ethyl alco hol shall make duplicates or carbon copies of all such permits, and on or before the 10th day of each calendar month shall file such duplicates or carbon copies of all such permits is sued by him during the preceding cal endar month with the County Clerk of the county in which said District Attor ney resides, together with his official certificate that such duplicates or car bon copies show all alcohol covered by permits issued by him for importation and purchases during the preceding cal endar month. Every such permit for the importation or purchase of alcohol shall be signed by the District At torney. Bond la Required. Every manufacturer referred to In this subdivision as entitled to permits for the purchase or importation of eyiyl alcohol shall, before receiving any such permit present to District Attorney of the county in which- the place of business of such manufacturer is located a bond running to the state of Oregon in the penal sum of $2500, executed by such manufacturer, and a sufficient surety or sureties, who shall qualify the sum of not less thanJ2500 over and above all debts, liabilities and property exempt from execution, or' by a surety company. Said bond shall be subject to approval by said District Attorney and shall be conditioned that the principal in said bond will not use any alcohol purchased or imported by such manufacturer for the purpose of making any intoxicating beverage or dispose of any alcohol in any manner in violation of any provision of this act, and that the said manufacturer will in all respects faithfully observe and comply with all of the provisions of this act. Upon the approval of said bond by the said District Attorney he shall file the same with the Countv Clerk of the county in which the place or Dusiness or said manufacturer is located. Such bond shall be good for one year only, and upon the expiration of one year shall be renewed, and until renewed to the satisfaction of the Dis trict Attorney no further permits for tne purcnase or importation of alcohol by such manufacturer shall be issued. (g) Ethyl alcohol may be sold by registered pharmacists only and for medicinal purposes only upon the signed prescription of a licensed physi cian in good standing, actually engaded in the practice of bis profession in this state, not of intemperate or immoral habits and not addicted to the use of narcotic drugs. Every physician issu ing such prescriptions for ethyl alcohol shall date the same as of the actual date of issuance and number the same consecutively during each calendar month, the number of each prescription to be plainly written upon the face thereof; and the person presenting any such prescription to any pharmacist shall, before being permitted to pur chase the alcohol therein prescribed, comply with the provisions of this law hereinbefore set forth in relation to signing and swearing to an affidavit. Each such prescription shall state on its face in the English language the general nature of the ailment for which such alcohol- is prescribed, the name and address of the patient for whom prescribed and of the physician Issuing the same, and only one sale shall be made on any one prescription. No prescription for ethyl alcohol shall be written and no such prescription shall be filled ' unless the- requirements herein set forth shall have been sub stantially and in good faith complied with. Any physician prescribing alco hol for medicinal purposes shall make a duplicate or carbon copy of each such prescription and on or before the 10th day of each calendar month shall file such duplicates or carbon copies of all such prescriptions issued by him during the preceding calendar month with the County Clerk of, the county in which said physician resides and practices, together with an affidavit to the effect that said duplicate or carbon copies contain a full and complete report of all alcohol prescribed by said physician during the preceding calendar month. It shall be unlawful for- any physi cian to issue a prescription for alcohol to be diluted or adulterated or com bined with any other substance in such proportions that it shall be capable of being used as a beverage, and it shall be unlawful for any physician to issue any prescription for alcohol to any per son except for necessary medicinal use in case of actual sickness or ailment. One,Q.uart Is Limit. (h) It shall be unlawful for any pharmacist to sell more than one quart of alcohol to any one person within a period of four successive weeks, or if such person has purchased any alco hol from any other person, as shown by me aniaavit or the purchaser, within four weeks of the date of sale, then such pharmacist may sell to such pur chaser such quantity only as will make the total quantity purchased by such person within four successive weeks not to exceed one quart; except that such pharmacist may sell alcohol, when authorized by permit of the District Attorney of his county so to do, in larger quantities, not exceeding In any case the quantity named in any such permit, to any manufacturer permitted by this amendatory act to purchase alcohol; to reputable hospitals, to the managers of public infirmaries, to re tail druggists for sale through regis tered pharmacists as permitted by this act, to laboratories, to medical colleges, to licensed and practicing physicians, to licensed dentists for use in their professional work only, to' persons en gaged in scientific pursuits or arts or Industries requiring alcohol. Each such purchaser and In case of any in stitution the manager thereof, shall, before being permitted to purchase alcohol upon such permit, execute the affidavit required by this act. Every pharmacist making any sale of alcohol shall note In a legible manner on such affidavit the quantity of alcohol sold thereon. No pharmacist shall sell alco hol to any minor or to any person who is addicted to the use of any narcotic drug, or is of intemperate habits, or who shall be known to such pharmacist to have made any false statement In the affidavit upon which such alcohol sale is requested. i) Jt shall be the duty of every pharmacist to keep all permits, pre scriptions and affidavits taken by him under this act on file. Such files shall be open for the inspection of any offi cer at any time during business hours. On or before the tenth day of each calendar month, every pharmacist shall file with the County Clerk of the county in which his business is carried on all such prescriptions received or filled by him, together with all permits and affi davits received by him in connection with the sale of alcohol, during the preceding calendar month, and shall at the same time also file with such County Clerk an affidavit stating that said affidavits returned by him contain a full and true record of all intoxi cating liquor of any kind sold or given away by him during the previous calen dar month. At the same time the said Pharmacist shall file with the County Clerk upon blanks provided him for that purpose, a report under oath, showing the quantity of alcohol which he had on hand at the beginning of the previous calendar month, the quantities purchased during said month, quantity used by him in making preparations, the total quantity sold as shown by said affidavits, and the quantity re maining on hand at the end of said cal endar month. Swearing falsely to such report shall be deemed a violation of this act. j) The provisions of this act shall not be construed to prevent any regu larly licensed physician in this state, in good standing in his profession and following the practice of medicine as a principal and usual calling, from ad ministering or providing for the ad ministering of alcohol to any patient when the same is actually necessary as a medicine in the treatment of any dis ease or malady, but nothing in this paragraph contained shall authorize the sale of such alcdhol by such physician; and the giving away of such alcohol by such physician where not thus actually necessary as medicine or where the same is reeasonably likely or intended to be used as a beverage shall be deemed an unlawful sale within the meaning of this act. In any prosecu tion of any physician for such giving away of alcohol the burden of proof shall be upon him to show that such giving away of such alcohol was for necessary medicinal use. (k) In every sale of alcohol by a wholesale druggist he shall take up and cancel the permit on which such sale Is made, and not later than the tenth day of each calendar month transmit each such permit taken up during the preceding calendar m'oath to the County Clerk of the county in which the person to whom such permit so issued resides, and such County Clerk shall keep all such permits on file, with the duplicates thereof filed by the District Attorney, for two years. Importation Is Forbidden. Section 3. That section 12 of chapter 141 of the general laws of the state of Oregon for 1915 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 12.' (a) Except as herein after provided, it shall be unlawful for any person within this state to receive any intoxicating liquor from any com mon carrier or from any other person who has brought or carried or intro duced the same into this state;-and the possession of any intoxicating liquor thus unlawfully received after the tak ing effect of this amendatory act shall be deemed a violation of this act; but the provisions of this act shall not pre vent transportation into this state by. or receipt from any common carrier of ethyl alcohol by any person or insti tution holding from the District Attor ney a permit of the character hereinbe fore mentioned, permitting suM person or institution to import ethyl alcohol not exceeding the quantity named in such permit, and such importer shall at the time of receiving such alcohol file such permit with the common car rier transporting such alcohol into the I state, and the same shall be canceled by such carrier and attached to the affi davit required by this act to be filed with such carrier, and in case such per mit be not so surrendered or the quan tity of alcohol claimed by the holder of such permit shall exceed the quantity named in such permit, delivery thereof by such carrier shall not be made. (b) It shall be lawful for any priest or minister of any church or religious congregation in this Btate using wine in administering the sacrament to re ceive from any common carrier such reasonable quantity of wine as may be necessary for sacramental: purposes only, to be Imported into this state under permit of the District Attorney for the county in which such church or congregation holds its meetings, such permit to be -issued by such District Attorney upon the showing and in the manner hereinbefore provided for the issuance of permits for the importation of ethyl alcohol. And every such per mit shall be surrendered to and taken up and canceled by - the common car rier delivering such wine, and filed with the County Clerk with the affidavit re quired by subdivision (d) of this sec tion. c) It shall be lawful to receive from common carriers and for such ' com mon carriers to transport shipments of ethyl alcohol transported from points within this state and lawfully sold to any consignee within this state -under the provisions of this act. But no per son shall receive any , intoxicating liquor from any such common carrier until he shall have subscribed to the affidavit hereinafter required; and it shall be unlawful for any person to re ceive intoxicating lifuor, the transpor tation or delivery of which has been or is made a violation of any provision of this act. (d) It shall be unlawful for any common carrier, or any officer, agent or employe of any common carrier knowingly to - deliver, intoxicating liquor to any person in this state not entitled, to receive the same from such common carrier under this act, or to deliver any such liquor to any person until such person shall have made and filed with the carrier an affidavit set ting forth the following facts, to-wit: The name of the carrier making such delivery, the point of delivery, the amount and kind of liquor at such time to be received, the total amounts and kinds of intoxicating liquors received by affiant during the four weeks last past; that affiant is over the age of 21 years and is not an habitual drunkard; and the purpose for which such liquor Is Intended to be used. Such affidavit shall be signed and sworn to before any authorized agent of such common carrier, and for that purpose such agent of the common carrier in this state Is hereby authorized to administer such oath. In addition, on delivery of such intoxicating liquor the consignee shall execute upon the affidavit form a re ceipt therefor, and surrender any per mit issued to him by the District At torney. Any one who shall swear falsely to anything contained in suc an affidavit shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this act. Affidavit Provided For. (e) It shall be the. duty of the County Clerk of each county of the state to prepare and keep on hand blank forms for such affidavits, which shall be bound detachably in books or blocks of 100 each. Each such book or block shall bear a separate number, and each affidavit therein shall bear the number of the book in which it is contained. The affidavits in each book shall be numbered- consecutively, and shall be used In the order of their number. One or more of such books or blocks of affidavits shall be delivered upon request of the agent of the com mon carrier, and upon payment to the County Clerk of 75 cents per book or block. The County Clerk shall keep a register in which he shall record the date of delivery of such book or block to the agent of such carrier. Within 10 days after the expiration of each car endar month each agent of such com mon carrier shall detach and deliver to the County Clerk all such affidavits executed during such month, and all permits for importation of alcohol taken up during such month, and said affidavits and permits so delivered to such County Clerk shall be preserved for two years thereafter; and such affi davits and permits while in the office of the common carrier, shall at all rea sonable times be open to the inspection of any county, state or municipal offi cer. (f) Any failure on the part of the agent of any common carrier to com ply with any of the provisions herein contained relative to the delivery of in toxicating liquor to a consignee or the taking of the affidavit and receipt therefor from the consignee, or the taking up of the permit to import or the delivery of such affidavit and per mit to the County Clerk, as herein pre scribed, shall be deemed a violation of the provisions of this act. The carrier may collect 5 cents from the consignee for each oath so administered. (g) It shall be lawful for any com mon carrier to deliver within this state, within five days after the taking effect of this act, and not later, such ship ments of intoxicating liquor as it may have received for transportation prior to the taking effect of this act and which it could lawfully have delivered within the this state prior to the tak ing effect of this act; and any common carrier which shall at the expiration of said period of five days have in its pos session within this state any intoxi cating liquor intended for delivery, which It cannot lawfully deliver under the provisions of this act, Fhall within 30 days after the taking effect of this act transport the same oufof the state. (h) . The material alteration by any person of any permit issued by any District Attorney under the require ments of this act shall be deemed a violation of this act. Importation Is Forbidden. (1) It shall be unlawful fo any per son other than a common carrier keep ing such records and complying with the provisions hereinbefore set forth, to bring, introduce or deliver any in toxicating liquor into this state, and it shall be -unlawful for any agent of any such common carrier or other per son knowingly to deliver intoxicating liquor to any minor, or to any person known by the agent of such common carrier to be an habitual drunkard; or to any person in an intoxicated con dition; and it shall be unlawful for any such common carrier or any officer, agent or employe of such common car. rier knowingly to deliver intoxicating liquor to any other person than the original consignee whose name is marked on the package containing the same, as required by the provisions of chapter 250 of the general laws of the state of Oregon enacted by the Legis lative Assembly for the year 1913: and It shall be unlawful for any person to haul, transport or carry or cause to be hauled, transported or carried on or through any street, road or other pub lic highway within this state, for the purpose of delivery to any other person, any package containing intoxicating liquor, unless such package shall be marked as required by section 1 of said chapter 250 of the general laws of the state of Oregon, enacted by the Legis lative Assembly of the year 1913. and it shall be unlawful to haul, transport or carry any such package containing in toxicating liquor on or through any street, road or other public highway within this state unless such liquor shall be in the lawful possession within the state of Oregon at the time of the going into effect of this amendatory act, of the person thus, in person or by agent, hauling, transporting or carry ing the same, or shall have been law fully received within the provisions of this act; and in any prosecution for such hauling, transporting or carrying, or for receiving Intoxicating liquor In violation of this act, the burden of proof shall be on any person having such liquor in his possession to show that it was thus in his possession with in thisstate prior to the taking effect of this act as amended or has since been lawfully received. Section 4. Section 35 of chapiter 141 of the general laws of Oregon for 1915 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 35. In any action or proceed ing under this act, no person shall be excused from testifying concerning any offense committed by any other, in any court or before any grand jury or be fore any prosecuting officer on the ground that his testimony may incrim inate him; but such testimony shall not be used against him in any prosecution for any crime or misdemeanor under the laws of this state; nor shall any person who has been compelled to testify under this section be thereafter prosecuted in any court in the state of Oregon, or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture, for or on account of any transaction, matter or thing concerning which he has thus been compelled to testify or to produce evidence, docu mentary tor otherwise. Section 5. Chapter 135 of the gen eral laws of Oregon for 1911, being an act entitled "An act to prohibit the use of intoxicating beverages in or upon the engines, cars, trains, or depots of any common carrier within the state and to prohibit any intoxicated person from entering any engine, car, train or depot," and the whole of said chapter is hereby amended so as to read as fol lows: - Section L It shall be unlawful for any person to enter or be found in a state of intoxication or to drink intoxi cating liquor of any kind as a beverage in or upon any engine, cars, train - of cars, boat, landing, wharf or depot of any common carrier within the state of Oregon; and it shall be unlawful for any person to be drunk in any high way, street, or in any public place or building, or for any person to be drunk in any private building or place and disturbing others. Any person violating this section shall upon conviction there of be fined in any sum not less than $10 and not more than $100. or be im prisoned In the county jail for a period not exceeding 50 days. Section 6. Wherever the words "this act" are used herein, they shall be taken to mean said Chapter 141 of the general laws 'of Oregon for 1915, as hereby amended; and any violation ot this amendatory act or any part thereof shall be a misdemeanor and unless the punishment thereof be herein other wise prescribed, shall be punished as provided in section 36 of said chapter 141 of the general laws of Oregon for 1915. Notwithstanding the amendment hereby of sections 5. 6, 12 and 35 of said chapter 141 of the general laws of Oregon for 1915, and said chapter 135 of the general laws of Oregon for 1911, and the substitution of new provisions therefor, the said original sections shall continue in force and effect for the purpose of all prosecutions heretofore or hereafter begun for the violation of any of such original sections commit-) ted prior to the taking effect of this act, and for the punishment of any such violation. Section 7. It Is hereby adjudged and declared that existing conditions are such that this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety; and an emer gency is hereby declared to exist and this act shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its passage, and it shall not be submitted to the people by referendum. GIRL SPEAKER IS SELECTED Miss Editli Fitzgerald to Represent Centralia High School. CEXTRAL1A, Wash.. Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) Miss Edith Fitzgerald will rep resent. the Centralia High School in the annual Lewis County declamatory con test to be held in Toledo on February 16. The tryout was held yesterday aft ernoon,. Miss Fitzgerald, a sophomore, competing against Jane Robinson, Gladys Jones, Cleo Downs and Sarah Castle. Nellie Carpenter will represent To ledo in the contest, Grace Rose will rep resent Chehalis and Martin Billisback will represent Winlock. The Doty High School will hold its tryout next Thurs day night, the contestants being Cora Capps, Etha Ellis, Margie Shore, Goldle Woodring and Harry Martin. ASTORIANS FLYOLD GLORY Patriotism Is Shown at Xens of Break With Germany. ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 3. (Special.) Astoria announced its patriotism today by the display of hundreds of American flags. The receipt of news from Washington that diplomatic relations with Germany had been suspended -was the signal. Within a short time the Stars and Stripes were floating from nearly every store and business house in the city, as well as from many of the. residences. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses. SMITH-BOLINO 'Wilgus D. Smith. 392 East Stark street, and Marietta Bollng, t8 Grand avenue. M' NANCE-YOUNG Benjamin H. Mc Nance, Pendleton, and Mary K. Young. 127 gust Fifteenth street. LARSE.N-O RIT SLAND Martin Ellas Lar sen. Rainier Hotel, and Thea Orltsland, ST5 East Kleventh street North. PEABODY-fiH A FFS R Max N. Peabody. Castle Rock. Wash., and Eulalie Shaffer, lM.'i" East Alder street. HOM 1ER-HAGNAWA Kmmett Homier. 6S3 Corbett street, and Barvara Hagnawa, same address. HEKMSEN-GIL.MORE: Edward A. Herm sen. t'lo South Jersey street, and Geneva E. Gllmore. 4uu Taylor street. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. AUOVIN-CRANDALL James Aljovln, 30, of Stella. Wash., and Miss Gladys C-ran-dnll. 22. of Stella. Wash. i MATTI SON-OWEN G. G. Mattlson, 20. of Independence, Or., and Miss Nola Owen, 24, of Camas. "Wash. GUOUb-UASt'OMT G. M. Grou!. 27, of Portland, and Miss Ethel Dascomt, 21, of Portland. JOHNSON-TOWNSEXD W. M. Johnson. 49. of Cornelius, Or., and Mrs. Meta Towns end, 2!). of Bethany. Or. BEER-HUKSH Jacob Beer. 27, of Manor, Wash., and Miss Kathryn Hursh, 20. of Manor. Wash. JOHNSON-SDNDELL Axel Johnson. le gal, of Vancouver. Wash., and Miss Thelma Sundell. legal, of Vancouver, Wash. GIUST1-EDWARDS Domenloo Giusti, 30, of Kstacada. Or., and Mrs. Mary Edwards, 33. of Estacada. Or. PURDIM-VAN OORN" Elmer V. Purdln, 32 of Forest Grove, Or., and Mrs. Jennie Van Dorn. 32. of Forest Grove, Or. Births. SISARICH To Mr. and Mrs. Mett Slia rich 64 Front street. January 12, a soty COOK To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Cook. 390 Twelfth street, January 17, a daughter. HNGUSH To Mr. and Mrs. Charles, A. English, 405 Tillamook street, January 18, a daughter. MARKS To Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Marks. 227 Cherry street. January 19. a son. CLELAND To Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cleland. 695 East Thirty-fourth street North. January 21. a daughter. FRYER To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Fryer, 420 East Fifty-second street. January 22. a daughter. COSMAXICH To Mr. and Mrs. John Cos manlch. 615 Cottage Place, January 22, a daughter. FIELD To Mr. and Mrs. Lorn a F. Field, B18 East Thirty-ninth street North, Janu ary 23. a aon. BAKER To Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ba ker. Parkdale, Or.. January 24. twin sons. SIKIN8 To Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Sik Ins. Waluga, Or., January 25. a daughter. MANN To Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Mann, 1885 East Glisan street, January 26, a son. BIXFORD To Mr. and Mrs. Maurice M. Plnford, 47 East Seventeenth street North, January 26, a son. PARKS To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Parks, 3923 Sixty-seventh street Southeast. Janu ary 27. a daughter. COATE9 To Mr. and Mrs. Rufus J. routes, 835 Division street. January 27. a son. MONES To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mones, 364 Grand avenue, January 28, a daughter. XORRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Norria. p31 Montgomery Drive, January 29, a son. Building Permits. FOSTER & KLEISER CO. Erect bill board Llnnton road, southwest corner New ton street; builders, same: $100. HELEN M. THOMAS Repair 'one and one-half-story frame dwelling, 397 East Thirty-fourth street: builder, same; $150. F. J. COBBS Erect one-story ordinary and basement workshop, 688 Montgomery Drive, between Montgomery Drive end Vista avenue; builder. A. E. Davis; $160O. i L. DILLS Repair two-story frame dwelling. 689 East Twentieth street, between Karl and Frederick streets; builder, same; $50. KATE DAVIS JONES Erect three-story frame building (stores and rooms). 681 Hood street, between Grant and Sherman; builder. City Iron Works: $165. R. F. WILSON Wreck two-story frame building (stores), 109 Union avenue, be tween Washington and Alder: O. K. A Rose city wrecking Comoanv: $100. P. SERRAILOX Repair one-story frame aweinng. oso Forty-sixth avenue, between Fifty-second and Fifty-sixth avenues; Wolf, builder; $200. J. W. M'IRVIN Repair one and one-half-story frame dwelling. 1S71 Exeter, between Houghton and Rutledge; G. Arthur Ander n. builder; $200. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Mine ad lw cooseentlve allies . Dally and Sunday. ls Lie. .....IS .....xe iniiic aw uuw conmaim time ........ Ste bamosd au w hvh codmcuUvs tlnmj . ,ea above rates apply to aUveruaemeaaa aider -.New lxi' suitr all Uac clawuca. Uon except tile follow an c bltuatloue Wanted Male, bituaaioas V suited emale. a or stent tfewwa frivate I arnlllse board and Uooms rnvu anailltea, UouMknpuif Kawnw rrnsta -hits Hate on tne above ciasaaitcatiaas as 1 ooata a line each Insertion. The Oregonian wUl a crept classified ad. tertisesnents war the telephone, provided tfta advertiser is a subscriber of efuirr .? "inl "Vi vr the plion.. out blU wlU bo rendered the following dar. Vtbetner subsequent staniMianu Hilita accepted aver alio phooe depends upon tna promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements, 'bituationa Wanted" and "tZZ tonni VadrertiMiaienta will not bo accepted over the telephone. Order, for one tmsoralX. '-' "' bo accepted lor "a- uxuttur. aaio." "Business Opuot tannics," " " Mouses' and "Wanted to Heat." berioas errors an ndsertiseinente win b rectified by republication without additional charge, but such republication will not where toe error doe not Urialir aneet the value of t'io advertisement Cancellation of orders over the telephone tTSrTtSS. " "City News In Brief advertisements mut ht-pr"V,,t'd 50" PObnton for Tho bandar Uregonlu before 6 o'clock baturdav altor oon for other ilas publication before TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. GLADYS BROCKWELL IN "ONE TOUCH OF SIN," TODAY. WASH. AT PARkT Mirinf1 ,5e POSITTOV yZ 1 . - - luuy witn several jears general office experience. Not a bor 43u7l ' ' uo lyPew"ter. la EHylEy:CEI bookkeeper and stenog rapher, mercantile business; permanent position; state salary; give references. AR SJf.,i ?, .TrT7"r.oom uPPer most beau- i,iiU.f 1 clty evry convenience, fine li Ai walkln distance. West Side; rea- riiv. rnung i ioh a w a y vn J?..SALj!- 85 A- 8 P'owed, 40 A. creek bottom, most all fenced and seeded: small house and barn; $2500, some cash; no trade. Phmi. f.r.),oii oo,o TO EXCHANGE Plaster, brick or cement work as first payment on Ford or light delivery auto. Sellwood 1005. 5 OR 10-ACRE cultivated farm near Monta yll,8 Can work out rent, Convlll, Ta bor 7702. ROOFS removed, repaired and guaranteed 1326 S' See Rutner'ord. Main EXPERIENCED man and wife want posl Uf Vim farm- best references. Phone ,r.o Heifer calves. Convill, Tabor LARGE H. K. room, walking distance, gen- .-. , cu. i . .11. l i J 1 , . FOR SALE Handsome female pointer dog price $10. Call Sellwood 47fl CYCLOPEDIA of Mechanical Engineering 7 vole., to trade or M . n v iifli PIANO lessons at your horrie if desired; professional teacher. Sellwood 2274. L??1! "Yellow hand grip; finder return-to .uu.a.uia aanu i eufive rewaro HANDSOME early English oak davenport in 0 m'ttiuoii icttiucr. w oou lawn 11 i WXT aaVto ln xchanre tor $1500 city lot. fcjflst 4606, W iVrS T ? PTPa y WOI"k on farm. 6 in family. ' 1 vregonian WANTED -X ferret. Call Sellwood 1003. MEETLXQ NOTICES. TTTPITOiTOT'TJ" m-n-o.-.M.. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Grand mask ball next Friday. February , "Ja Ha":, Broadway and Morrison streets: Id good prizes: Hoch's music Ad- .t.. ... . - ' a K '"-! lime. Also monster campaign for li4 new mem bers this month, the order has 180.000 mem bers and ovr J3.000.000 assets. This Coun cil has 750 members, $2500 assets. .'f U'ar;. p,hoMr"- Sch. Main 4S37. J-rfo K.'.n,'?- Maln 63SU- or Dr- Mallory. Main ui09. We want you and you need us." Join now cost only l medical fee. L. M. Thomas district manager, Panama bldg., 3d and Al der its. EUREKA COUNCIL. NO. 204. K. AND L. OF S.. have changed meeting place to W. O. W. Temple. 11th bet. Alder and Washington, upper hall. At home meet ing Monday eve., Feb. programme. dancing for members only. Don't forget one application handed ln Monday eve. will entitle you and applicant to seat at silver Jubilee banquet. For particulars call Sell wood 1S77. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. and A. M. Stated communication will be held on Monday ttomorrow) evening, February 5, at 7::t0 o'clock. Annual reports of treasurer and aeeretarv. The Rev. Brother H. D. Chambers will deliver an address entitled "Operative and Speculative Masonry." hull attendance of members earnestly desired. A cordial invitation is extended to the craft to at tend this meeting. Refreshments. W. S. WEEKS, Sec. .MTLOn, ORIENT LODGE. NO. otNJJDC 17- , 0 o v. Members 2y are requested to meet at yizPSSZ their hall today (Sunday) H0.17 at i:o P. M-. for the pur pose of attending the funeral services of our latte brother, F. S. Dunning, to be held at the chapel at 2 P. M. GEO. T. ANDREWS, X. O. W. W. TERRY, Secretary. W1RTIIA WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 34. O.. E. S. nd members feauested to attend the funeral services of our late brotner. . o. uunnniK, . . . i 1 , Kn T-- -1 J I ! .4 ai ma . . " ' " -- - Alder. 2 o'clock this (Sunday arternoon. Order W. M. BELL RICHMOND. Secretary. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 40. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication today (Sunday), Feb. 4. 1:15 P. M-, East 8th and liurnslde. to conduct the funeral of our late brother. Frederick S. .'n 1 1 u t ton (1 :i ru-B riA Sired. All M. M. Invited. Order W. M. j. H. RICHMOND. Sec PORTLAND TENT, NO. 1. THE MACCA BEES, will give 500 party and dance at 4o9 Alder on Feb. 8. There will two 16-hand games 5 cards In pickup. Maccabees and their friends invited; good prizes; cards 8:30. dancing 10. AdmiaslonOc. FIDELITY LODGE. NO. 4. A. O. TJ. W. All members are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. T. S. Dunning, at 2 P. M. today (Sunday) at the chapel of the ' East Side Funeral Directors. East Sixth and Alder streets. By order of F s. M'FADDEN, Master Workman. THE MODERN FORESTERS Invite you to attend their card and stepping party Fri day Feb. 9. 117. Manchester Hall, 85 6 5th at. Cards :a f. m.. .lepun.B i. mlsslon 13 cents. Masquerade dance, Feb. 10. Come to the Portland Art Club's special "500" party Tuesday afternoon: six sauce dishes, first: ten hand-painted china prizes; every Saturday evening. 129 4th St.; ad mission 25c; everybody welcome. ROYAL CIRCLE NO.- 528. W. O. W. "500" Wednesday eye.. Feb. 7. W O. W. Temple 128 llth. Prizes dressed chickens. Admission 20 centa: cards 8:30; members and friends welcome. MULTNOMAH CIRCLE. W. OF. W.. will give their next card party and dance Fri day evening. February 8, at 128 Eleventh St., W. O. W. Temple. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna New designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 Sixth su FRIEDLANDER'S, Jewelers, for Emblems. Class Pins and Presentation Medals. Designs and estimates furnished free. 310 Wash. -m. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Boom 153 Courthouse, Cttt-atreet Entrance. Phone from 8 to ft Main 38, Home pbone A 2625. Night call after offic. bourm. Main z7uo Report all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one deairing a dog or other pets communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all Impounding. There is no more city pouau. Just, Oregon Jdumano Society.. OTTO. : ) DI.9KST Ia th!s c"y. February S. William' j. unp), agea J. years, late or 512 Easl .forty-third street North, brother of Mrs. Albert W. Rahles and Mrs. Clara Whlttier, of this city, and Thomas W. Dickey, oi Detroit. Mich. The-remains are at tht residence establishment of J. P Flnley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. "Notice ol funeral hereafter. ? MUXRC) Nov. SO. J9ia. at Portland. Me., i: aiT es Munro, ired 59 years, beloved nus. ?" of Mary Jane Munro and uncle ot John Munro Ross, both of this city. Interment Tuesday at Rose City Park Cemetery. Remains at Pearson's under taking parlors, Russell st. at Union ave. . . BEACH Word has been received or the death of J. N. Beach. Dec IS. 1916. at 135 forth. Broadway, Seattle, Wash., after a year's Illness. -He was a United Commer cial traveler and well known In Portland, having sold goods here for several years. He leaves a wlfe,Mrs. Mildred Beach. STEVENS At Salervllle, Montana. Jan. 29, Gladstone Stevens, aged 35 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, this city: brother Of drr MuHnn and TTr.irm Snw. ens, of this city, and Mrs H. M Stilaa. Tigard, Or. Notice of funeral later. Fu neral services will be hold in this city. -HOLMES In this city. February S. Charles Holmes, aged 58 years. Notice of funeral later. Remains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey, Washington at Ella st. BROCKMAN In this city, February 2, at his late residence. 96 East Tenth street. Henry Brockman, aged 37 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. FISEBAL NOTICES. DUNNING At hla residence. 408 East Alder street. February 2, Frederick S. Dunning, aged 75 years 9 months and 17 days, be loved husband or Elizabeth Dunning and father of V". C. Dunning, of this city, who passed away about 3 years ago: brother of Evander Dunning, of Charlotte. Mich.; George D. Dunning, of Portland, Or.: Phe lina Gessner, Edmonds, Wash., and Mrs. The funeral services will take place at Inc., East Side" Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street, today (Sunday), Feb. 4, at 2 P. M., under the auspices of Wash ington Lodge. No. 48, A. F. and A. M. Brothers of other organizations of which. Mr. Dunning was a member and friends - are Invited to attend. Please omit flowers. GARBARINO In this city. February 1, John Garbarlno, aged 49 years, late of Milwau kee. Or. Mass will be said at St. Michael's Church, Fourth and Mill streets, at 8 o'clock Tuesday morning, February 6. Funeral services will also be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. SPURWAY Feb. 1. at the residence. 46 Main Bt., Emily Jane Spurway, aged 61 years, beloved mother of Charles E. Spur way, of Minneapolis. Funeral services will be held at the Portland Crematorium to morrow t Monday), Feb. 5. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Remains at Dunning & " McEntee's parlors. ROSENBLATT At the residence. e3 North Twenty-first street. February 1. Leon S. Rosenblatt, aged 53 years. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 10:30 A. M. today (Sunday), February 4. Interment Beth Israel Cemetery. .-uuMLK rvatnenne meyne Moser, Febru ary 2. age 2 months. 20 days, infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moser. Re mains forwarded by the Holman Under taking Company to Tigard, Or., for inter ment, where funeral services will bo held today (Sunday). FOEKAL DIRECTORS. Edward Holman, Pres.; W. J. Holman, See.; J. E. Werleln, Treaa EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant Third and Salmon Streets Main '507, A 1511. PERFECT FUNERAL SERVICES FOR LESS MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Lady AnniNtant. Wash, at F.lla tt.. Ret. 20th and 21st. alula X691. A .88. West Side. Day and night service. J. P. FIITLEY & SON. Progressive Funeral Dlrectora, MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. DUNNING A M'ENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broad way 430. A 4558. Lady attendant. F. S. DITNNING. INC.. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. East 52. B 2S25. A. R. ZELLER & CO., 692 WILLIAMS AVE. East 1088. C 1088. Lady attendant. SKE WES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. M'n 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service, E. 80th and Glisan. Tab. 4313. ER1CSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison sta Main 6133, A 2235. P. L. LERCH. East llth and Clay streets." Lady attendant. East 781. B 188H. CREMATORIUMS. " mf7TTi O TT TJ A Diuuiii duu a. a. inoa Cemetery and Crematorium Tabor 1468. D 81. MAUSOLEUM. "THE BETTER WAY" Humane. Scientific Security for the Dead. Sanitary Protection for the Living. RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Terminus Rlvervlew Carl in a. Taylor's Ferry Road, For Particulars Inqulrs Portland Mausoleum Cot Phone B'dwy 35L s 638 Plttock Block. FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO.. Florists. 854 Washington. Main 280. A 1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A lbi'5. Fine lowers and floral designs. No branch atorea MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. Sell ing bldg.. 6th and Alder sta TONSETH FLORAL CO., 285 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1101. HORTICULTURE. PRUNING, spraying, tree surgery, graft age. expert gardeners. Nicholas. Main 7411. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-2B6 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8504. Pbllly Neu A Sons for memorials. BLAESINd. 6RANITEI CO. THIHD AT MADISON 3TREET NEW TODAY. North Fifteenth St. We Have Client Who Will Build at N. W. Cor. 15th and Johnson Sts. . lOO x lOO FEET ONE-STORY BUILDING. Wakefield, Fries & Go. 85 FOURTH ST. Portland Heights ONES OF THE MOST ARTISTIC AND CMdCE HOMES IN THIS DISTRICT. Beautiful architecturally and excelllns; la convenience and comfort. Call fop appointment. BROOKE, MAR. 4827. MORTGAGE LOANS Repayment Privileges. Private Funda,