70 Pages SIX SECTIONS mm Section One Pages 1 to 20 VOL. XXXVI. NO. 5. FORTLAyP, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, , FEBRUARY 4, 1917. PRICE FIVE CENTS. passports n voir BEHIISTOUFF German Ambassador in Sorrow at Break. EARIiT- MORXD.O EXTRA GIVES - DETAILS OK BREAK. METHOD OF RETURN PUZZLES New Austrian Diplomat Shuts Self Up and Prepares to L Get Similar Word. TURKEY MAY SEND RECALL Berlin Representative Says No Other Course Was Left ti Open to America. ' -WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. Having received passports for himself, his family and his suite, together with a note explaining why President "Wilson has severed diplomatic relations be tween the United States and Ger many, Count von Bernstorff tonight was waiting for his departure to be arranged by the Swiss Minister. The Minister, Dr. Paul Eitter, has cabled Berne for formal authority to take over Germany's affairs here, and when it is received he will call on Secretary Lansing and arrange de tails.' m , Count Tarnowski in Seclusion. Count Tarnowski, the new Ambas sador from Austria-Hungary, who has not yet presented his credentials to President Wilson, denied himself to callers today," and official confirma tion of ' reports that his government had taken action , similar to that of Ge was not obtainable at the Embassy. It is taken for granted that when such action is a certainty relations will be broken with the Vi cnna government. It is still uncertain what action will be taken by Turkey. The German Ambassador's last of ficial day in his Embassy was an eventful one. His friends noticed thatAvhile he retained all his cus tomary courtesy and tried his best to appear pleasant, actually he ' was aeepiy anectea ana gravely appre hensive at the prospect of the future Break Not Surprise. The Ambassador arose this morn ing with the feeling that before the day was over his diplomatic connec tion with the United States would end, Shortly after 10 o'clock he received a correspondent of the Associated Press in his study. The Ambassador wa3 busy signing checks for personal bills. He swung around in the chair at his desk. "Well," he said, smiling and offer ing his hand, "what do you hear this morning? Am I going to be turned out? No information? Well, I have none either. I haven't heard a word." As the talk drifted to prospects Of peace and the Ambassador expressed the personal opinion that it was not improbable, even if relations were broken off, that the United States might continue efforts in that direc tion, a telephone tinkled. The Am bassador picked up the receiver, smil ing. He was quiet a moment, then the expression on his lace changed. Ambassador's Eyes Moist. "You say relations have been broken and that the President is going to Congress ? Are you sure ? Well, may be that's so. No, I have no comment to make and nothing to say. If this is true I am a private citizen again." The Ambassador turned to the cor respondent and asked that verification of the report he had heard be ob tained. This was done and the Am bassador quickly walked into the next room to carry the news to Countess Von Bernstorff. "When he came back into his study his eyes were moist, and he said: "So it really is true. I'm so sorry. However, as you know, I expected it. I never expected anything else. Return Is Puzzle. "There was nothing left for the United States to dt. I wonder how I am going to get home. I suppose I will get my passports any time now, but I certainly am not surprised at the action that has been taken. My people in Berlin will not be surprised r either. They knew what was com ing when they declared unrestricted submarine warfare. However, I have simply been here to carry out the Record for Prompt Assembling and Early Publication of 'News Is Maintained. The bfgrgrest "story" of the war. over shadowing the sinking:, of the Lusitanla, was the actual break In diplomatic re lations with. Germany, by President Wilson yesterday. The Oregonian was first to publish this bis news happening to Portland. At 8 o'clock yesterday morning:, while Portlanders were on their way to of fices and business places, they were met by the extra, telling: in complete detail of passports handed to Count von Bernstorff. German Ambassador, and of the termination of diplomatic relations over the Kaiser's avowed Intent to wagre relentless submarine warfare in certain specified zones. In bad been Intimated 1 In Friday's dispatches that this break might come. but the President kept his own counsel, and this rumor could not be confirmed until the break actually came yester day morning:. . The news was of the gravest Import. The Oregonian was first In the field with Its extra, which was not frag mentary and Inconclusive, but complete and authentic. There was a tremendous demand for the extras, and they were given a wide sale. It waa another instance of The Oregonian collecting promptly and pub lishing In quick time the big news of the world. THE OREGONIAN IS FIRST WITH NEWS OREGON IS WITH WILSON Governor Telegrapns President That State Is Supporting Illm. EALEJt, Or.. Feb. 8. (Special.) Governor Withycombe forwarded the following telegram today to President Woodrow Wilson: "You may depend upon It that Ore gon will stand patriotically with you In any National crisis that may arise. Now is a time for the exercise of sane, sober Judgment on the part of the American people. During a crisis like this, a. git a tlon and excitement should be depre cated, and the people preservo as far possible 'a cool, normal attitude. I am particularly hopeful that the Ameri can press avoid hysteria. It Is no time for Jingoism." O.-W. R. & N. JUNE CLEAR Two Overland Trains Make Way Through. Snow Blockade. The line of the O.-W. R. & N.. which was blockaded by heavy snow drifts and slides in Kastern Oregon Friday, was cleared early yesterday and two over land trains, which escaped the last bliz zard In Wyoming, arrived In Portland early last night. The Union Pacific line between Raw- dins and Laramie, Wyo., again Is blocked by heavy snow, and through traffic up to a late hour last night had been sua pended. O.-W. R. Sc. N. officials bad no advices when the track would be cleared, but no through trains are ex pected to arrive In Portland before to morrow. U CRIPPLE SEIZED VESSEL Boilers of Great Liner Spoiled by Crew. . T. R. OFFERS SELF AND SONS FOR WAR PLEDGE OF SUPPORT OF PRES. IDEXT IS GIVEJT. AMERICAN SUNK EYU SHIP -BOAT DESTROYER IS SCUTTLED Vessels Taken at Philadelphia, Boston, Panama and at ' Newport News. MEN HELD IN BARRACKS Navy Department Orders Is sued Following Attempts to Destroy Craft. BOSTON, Feb. 3. The North Ger man-Lloyd liner Kronprinzessin Ce cilie, which was seized by the United States Marshal Mitchell ' on a civil process tonight, was found to : be crippled beyond possibility of early usefulness, according to an official who assisted in the seizure.' The liner's boilers were said to have been cleared of all water, the fires were burning at top capacity, and countlers valves in the engine-room had been mutilated, transferred or re moved entirely, this official stated. Crew Is Removed. Captain Charles A. Polack and the skeleton crew of 112 men who have made the ship their home for more than two years, had been put ashore and housed for the time being at the immigration bureau. , They made no resistance. The German engineers, firemen and others had been replaced by American citizens and 50 men of the city police force had been put on board to protect the vessel from any wilful damage. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 3. An at tempt was made today to scuttle the United States torpedo-boat destroyer Jacob Jones by opening several of her , eeacocks at, the Philadelphia Navy-yard, according to unofficial but reliable reports. Officials at the yard refused either to confirm or deny the reports, point- (Concluded on Psg 6. Column l. War ' Department . Again Asked for Permission to Raise Division of Volunteers If Needed. OYSTER BAT. N. T., Feb. S. Theo dore Roosevelt tonight pledged his sup port to President .Wilson ia upholding the honor of the United States. He offered to the country his own services and those of his four sons in the event of hostilities. Plans for a volunteer army division to be commanded by the Colonel, which his friends have worked on since the sinking of the Lusltanla. again have come to the front, and he admitted he had asked the War Department for permission to raise such a body of troops. "Of course I shall In every way sup port the President In all that he does to uphold the honor . of the United States and to safeguard the lives of American citizens," he said, "yesterday I wrote to the War Department asking permission to raise a division if war Is declared and there Is a call for volun teers. In such event I and my four Bona will go." Several thousand men have at vari ous times communicated with Regis Post, who has acted for Colonel Roose velt In this connection, offering their services under his command, and he was flooded with telegrams today. Among the men who have Informed him they would accept commissions under him are John Greenway, of Bls bee, Ariz., and Seth Bullock, of Dead wood, S. D. WAR ON SEA GERMAN HOPE Battle Fleet Commander Says Free Patn Will Bo Won. BERLIN1, Friday, via London. Feb. t. Admiral Scheer, commander of the German battle fleet, today telegraphed the following to the Lokal Anzelger: My slogan Is that ourfuture lies on the water. However the British sea Hon gnashes his teeth, we must and will attack him until a free path on the seas has been won." HONOLULU JS 0N, ALERT Patrols on Wharves and In Harbor Are Increased. MM. HONOLULU, T.- H., Feb Extra precautions to guard against violations of neutrality were taken today by Army and .Navy forces here. Extra guards were patrolling the wharves harboring interned German .vessels. The United States cruiser St. Louts is patroling. the harbor. BLIZZARD DRIVEN BY GALE Eighty-Mile Wind Sweeps Dakota Storm of '88 Exceeded. ABERDEEN. S. D., Feb.-8. An 80 mlle wind Is driving a blizzard worse than that of 1888 east from Mobridge. It struck here about 10 P. M. The thermometer dropped 15 degrees in two hours. Housatonic Is Destroyed Near Scilly Islands.' KO WARNING GIVEN, REPORT Sensation Created at Wash ington by Attack. Crew Saved. TWO OREGON MEN IN CREW Effect Not Determined, as Vessel's Cargo Classed as Contraband of War. LONDON, Feb. 3. The American steamer Housatonic hap been sunk by a German submarine. The Housatonic was sunk near the Scilly Islands. The rumor is current that the Hou satonic was sunk without warning. The Housatonic was submarined at noon. All the officers and crew were saved by a British armed steamer. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. News of the sinking of the Housatonic created a sensation here. Effect Not Determined. State Department officials said it would depend entirely on the circum stances whether the incident would affect the present situation. , The ship was carrying contraband and if she was destroyed with proper warning and provision for the safety of her crew or in an attempt to es cape, the United States merely would have a claim for. damages, as in the Frye case. President's Words Recalled. The first effect of the incident in official quarters was to direct atten tion anew to the President's declara tion in his address to Congress today that if American ships and lives were sacrificed "in heedless contravention of the just and reasonable under- iConcluded on Page 2. Column l. BIG FUND FOR ARMS ASKED Senator Thomas Would Provide Half I Billion for Preparedness. WASHINGTON. Feb. 3. Senator Thomas today introduced an amend ment to the House bill proposing a $500,000,000 non-Interest bearing treas-I ury notes to put the Nation in a "state of naval and military preparedness." The amendment was read but not dis cussed. The notes would be payable to persons from whom the Government purchased munitions, could be used to pay taxes and would be redeemable in 1935. WE ARE WITH YOU, MR. PRESIDENT, ONE HUNDRED MILLION STRONG. (Concluded on Page 3, Column i-. LATE BULLETINS. GIJO.N, Spain, via Paris, Feb. 3. The Greek ateamer Hellcot has been tor pedoed by submarine. Lifeboats con taining the crew of the vessel arrived here today. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. Tonight President Wilson spent the entire even ing alone in his study examining re-1 ports and reading of precedents a pllcable to the present situation. LONDON, Feb. 3. James W. Gerard, I the American Ambassador, says a Ber lin message received at Geneva and transmitted by the Exchange Telegraph I Company, saw Chancellor von Beth- mann-HoIIweg late last night. According to si report received la Geneva from Manick, the Ambassador I may have an audience with the Ger-1 man Emperor on Monday. SEATTLE. Wash, Ken. S A dozen men were placed on guard at the State Armory tonight as . at precautionary measure. No orders calling out any portion of the state guard had been re. I ecived at .the Adjutant-General's office I tonight. ST. LOUIS, Mo, Feb. 4. A cordon of police was thrown around the First Regiment Armory here early today fol lowing reports at police headquarters that an attempt would be made to blow np the Armory. HARTFORD, Cons, Feb. 3 Gover nor Holcomb today received a tele phone mcsssge from Secretary of War Baker, It was learned tonight, direct ing him to take' steps to Insure the readiness of the National Guard of the state for any orders that might come. The Governor ordered that all armories be guarded. .'. ' ' ' t MR. REAMESIST0LD TO LOOK FOR PLOTS FEDERAL ATTORNEY EXPECTS NO TROUBLE FROM BREAK. V I Collector of Customs Ordered to Be Ready to Act at Any Time. Aliens Not After Papers. Instructions to take every precaution necessary to guard against Internal dis turbances In connection with the de velopments from the breaking off of diplomatic relations oetween Germany and the .United States, have been re ceived by United States District Attor ney Reames. from the Department of Justice In Washington. t Mr. Reames says that he expects no trouble to arise of a serious nature, but he will ake every necessary pre caution. Provisions against conspiracy and against overt acts against the peace and dignity of the Government are to be made in every way possible. No Immediate Interruption of the mall service to the central powers Is ex pected, although if makers develop to a declaration of war it Is possible that all communication, not only to Ger many, but to her allies may be cut off. Collector of Customs Burke received instructions from Washington yester day to hold himself in readiness to re celve Instructions at any time and the Saturday half-holiday jtras omitted. Ills interest will be directed chiefly toward the interned German ships In the car bor. Unlike the foreign residents of San Francisco, the unnaturalized Germans In Portland have made no rush to the County Clerk's office to take out first citizenship papers. First paper, being merely declara tion of Intention to become a citizen, do not, however, confer Immunity from Internment In case of war. MEXICANS SHOUT "VIVAS' Residents Across Border Acclaim Cause of Germans. BROWNSVILLE. Tex.. Feb. 8. There waa a small demonstration by German sympathizers In Matarooros. Mexico, opposite here, tonight, when a report from Mexico. City was published that Germany had declared war against the United States, A small crowd paraded the streets shouting "Vive Ale man la (Long live Germany). . Unusually heavy guards were thrown around the United States Arsenal at Harlingcn, Tex., tonight on lnstruc tions from the War Department. SWISS FOOD RESTRICTED Night Work In Bakeries and Sale of ' Fresh Bread Forbid. BERNE, Switzerland, via Paris. Feb. 3. In view ot the critical situation created by the German submarine cam paign. the Federal Council has decided on a number of measures tending to restrict food consumption. Among these measures are prohlbl tlon of night work in bakeries and the sale of fresh bread. I I I -. . . A V v . v . . VV W I f W A v a s-;yW7M fvW LWI t T A. mW -rm,. -xaZWlP- KM K KVmV mi Ssa w. KN WWW ill ... Pa -Hmm vmm ui r- mm . iu I . . I ..4 INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. LVESTERDAVs Maximum temperature, 1 degree.; minimum. 4U degrees. TODAlfS Partly cloudy; southerly winds. Diplon-tle Break. Relation, are broken with Germany. Sec tion 1. page 1. American steamer Housatonle sunk by Ger man submarine. Section 1. page 1. German aples watched at Chicago. Section 1, page -'. Teutons rush to file declaration of Intent to become citizens. Segtlon 1. page 2. Chicago Board of Trade closes seaalon to show patriotism. Section 1. page 4. Leaders in Congress indorse President's ac tion. Section 1, page o. Shipping out of New York is held up. See lion 1. page z. Two hundred Americana victims of German submarines. Section 1. page 7. Colonel offers self and sons for war. Seo tlon 1, page 1. Interned vessel st Boston found on being seized to be ruined. Section 1, page 1. Hlatory points to war after break In rela tlons. Section 1. page 8. ' Many precautionary steps taken. Section 1. page B. Learislstures. Road legislation to be tinder consideration this week. Section 1. page 11. Olympla prepares to support President. Section 1, page 10. -Foreign. Poison plot to kill David Lloyd George is bared. Section 1, page 6. Domestic Four killed. 60 hurt, in Iowa train wreck. Section 1, page 3. Pacific Northwest. Rosd programme for Northwest laid ont at Pasco. Section 1. page lo. Group of honor men catch three prison fu gitives, section l. page iu. Annual dairy and products .how for Port land possible, ejection 1, page 11. Sport. Edgar B. Prank goes East to get wrestlers for May mat meet, bectlon 2, psgs 1. Mike Gibbons can beat Darcr easily, says Walter Miller. Section 2. page 1. Baseball strike wlU not bother Beavers. Section 2. page 2. Leading lnterscbolastlo fives to 'play this week. Section 2. page 2. Fast Billy Mascott ready for Eddie Camp! Tuesday night, feectlon 2, page a. American last In dograce; Cres half-breed wins. Section 2, page-4. Portland and Vicinity. Last hours' rush for liquor shipments is iresvy. Section 1. page 18. Oregon has 240O men under arms. Section 1. page 3. Mr. Reames told to prevent plots. Section 1. Page 1- S. G. Lsthrop to handle finances of Audi torium concerts, feectlon 1., page 18. First news of great war happening given oy in. uregoman, section l. page 1. Oregon grocers to convene here February in to xi. section i. page 18. J. H. Dyer declares Southern Pacific is meeting car shortage emergency. Sec tion 1. page Its. Increase granted carmen by trolley com' pany. bectlon 1. page 17. T. M. C. A. plans year's campaign for en tertainment and members. section 1. page 14. Divorces and sensational literature blamed for divorces, bectlon 1. page 12. Socialist hissed for unpatriotic talk before Civic League. Section 1. page 6. Portlanders of German birth reserve com meat on break, bectlon 1, psgs 7. Weather report, data and forecast. . Ectt6n 2. page lis REIAT1S GERMANY BROKE! 'asspoils Are Handed to Von Bernstorff. PRESIDENT WARNS KAISER Sacrifice of American Lives Means War, Says Wilson in Speech to Congress, GERARD AND STAFF CALLED Machinery Swiftly Set in Mo tion to Check Plots and Guard Property. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. President Wilson has broken-off diplomatic re lations with Germany and warned the Kaiser that ruthless sacrifice of American lives and rights means war.' Similar action is waiting for Aus tria when she notifies this Govern ment that she joins in the campaign of unrestricted submarine warfare. The President made formal an nouncement of his action to the coun try and to the world today at a joint session of Congress. ; Passports Handed Von Bernstorff. Passports have been -handed te Count von Bernstorff; Ambassador Gerard, with all his staff and all American Consuls, have been ordered out of Germany. All German Con suls In the United States are expected to withdraw, that the severance of re lations may be complete. American diplomatic interests in Berlin have been turned over to Spain; German diplomatic interests in the United States have been taken over by Switzerland. Foreign diplomatic interests which the United States had charge in Germany have been turned over to various neutrals. Secret Moves Under Way. Two years of diplomatic negotia tions, marked with frequent ' crises and attended with the loss of mora than 200 American lives on the high' seas, have culminated with art act which in all the history of all the world has always led to war. Every agency of the American Government has been set in motion to protect the country against acts of German sym pathizers. These moves are of neces sity being kept secret. With the notice of severance of diplomatic relations the United States . sent to Berlin a demand for the im mediate release of 64 Americans taken from ships captured by German raid ers in the South Atlantic. New Laws Being Framed. At the request of the President, Congress immediately after hearing his address, began work on new laws framed by the Department of Justice to check conspiracies and plots against the United States which cannot now be reached under existing statutes. The question of convoying Ameri can merchant ships through the sub marine blockade has been taken up and is being considered as one of the next moves by this Government. Neutrals Invited to Join. Neutral governments have been no tified of the action of the United States and have been openly invited to follow its action if the new sub marine campaign violates their rights. The actual breaking off of rela tions came with a crash, despite the fact that it had been practically determined upon last night. The President returned from his night con ference with the Senators determined that a break in relations was the only act "consistent with the dignity and the honor of the United States." Ha worked most of the night preparing his address to Congress. Bernstorff Not Surprised. At 10:30 o'clock this morning it became known that Ambassador Ger ard had been ordered home and that passports had been sent to Count von Bernstorff. Although there was no official confirm ition of the President's decision until he formally . announced it himself to Congress, the knowledge spread rapidly. ' Count von Bernstorff heard it un officially, w;hile talking with an Asso ciated Press correspondent. While apparently moved, he was not sur- Concluded en Pase 8, Column