The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 21, 1917, SECTION SIX, Page 16, Image 84

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nll Will
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Positively Out-Perform
Car in Its Price Class
NEARLY everybody now knows the tremendous success the Saxon "Six" has won.
Nearly everybody knows that the Saxon'Six" is the finest car for less than $1000.
Nearly everybody knows that the Saxon "Six" is Timkenized Timken Bearings and Timken
Axles. Money cannot buy better.
Owners, of course, werefirst to find out this superiority. But it did not long remain merely
a matter of owner knowledge.
For from them, thousands of them all over this country, came reports of , its speed, its
smoothness, its power, its acceleration.
They spoke frequently of its extraordinary gasoline economy, its unusual freedom from
need of repair service, its superlative strength and stability. .
And these reports coming day after day,- growing con
stantly, have gradually molded and welded these individual
beliefs into a common public belief that Saxon "Six" is the
best car in its class.
Then, as if to substantiate and confirm the superiority
shown in private, use, Saxon "Six" begad to show its su
periority in public competition.
It won a noted hill climb in the East against many higher
priced cars.
It defeated by fifteen minutes over a 500-mile course a
train which is the pride of the West.
It thrice vanquished costlier rivals in speed, acceleration,
and in hill climbing at the San Diego Exposition.
It exhibited acceleration, from standing start to 45 miles
per hour, in 23.6 seconds. ..
206 stock model Saxon "Sixes" traveled 61,800 miles and
averaged 23.5 miles per gallon of gasoline. Each car ran
300 miles without stopping the motor.
38 stock model Saxon "Sixes" raced in relays from coast
to coast in 6 days, 18 hours and 10 minutes.
So when you come to seek the reason for the overwhelming
success of Saxon "Six" you will finJ it, most likely, in this
matchless ability, to perform.
If you should search still further you Mill find a two-fold
answer. '
First, that Saxon "Six" at the outset was built right; that
the principles of its construction were correctly evolved and
accurately carried to completion.
So at this time, beyond those features you know, you will
find many added attractions.
For instance, the new body is roomier, more comfortable '
and has wider doors, making entrance and exit easy and
convenient; softer and deeper cushions; and its lines are
after the latest mode.
There are 12-inch brakes. These make for greater strength
and added safety. They give a- further margin of protection
in event of emergency.
Then the rear spring has been, made 41z inches long, full
cantilever type. That is far longer than nost rear springs
in cars of like price.
And every added inch means just so much more riding
smoothness just so much more discomfort taken from
rough roads just so much more luxury added to good roads.
The crankshaft is now full 2 inches, and this has materially
increased the smoothness and quietness of the power flow.
Other detailed improvements in the motor have brought
Saxon "Six" motor to a point where it fairly rivals in effi
ciency the motors in the highest-priced cars.
The windshield is of the new-day tilted type, wheh elim
inates all glare.
The top is of a new style, with Grecian rear bow. The
fenders, too, are of the new design.
Note that now the instruments are mounted on a plate on
the cowl dash.
Observe the valve springs; they are now made of finest
chrome vanadium steel. And, finally, the carburetor is of
a new design that gives greater efficiency and easier
Here is the big point for you, Mr. Prospective Car Buyer: No matter whether you are considering the
purchase of a car higher in price, or lower in price, than the Saxon Six, you owe it to yourself to see the
Saxon Six at the Auto Show. Study it, ride in it, drive it compare it generally with the car of your first
selection before making a final choice. . , .
ft - 1 Second, that Saxon Six, since the outset, has been pass-
ing through a continuous condition of development and
1 17 h refinement.
Av iHlllH Saxon Sales and Service Co.
Yxiyi, 529.531 i
I:Sr:3 Washington f, 7 1,
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