f 13 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JANUARY" 21, 1917. CARS COSTING MORE THAN $2000 ARE IN THE FIFTH DIVISION Last Word in Automobile Luxury Is Shown in the Exhibit to Be Shown Herein. VIRTU AIXT all . of those Orego nians who are now In the mar ket for an automobile costing; in excess of 12000 have already motored for a number of years and perchance they now have more than one gaso line rig In their ga.ra.go. Many who buy cars of this class are accustomed to a new car each year. With them at the auto show It will be a Franklin, a Cadillac Har mon, Winton, Packard. Willys-Knight, Plerce-Arrow, a Locomobile, White or National Twelve. FRANKUX. ! "' Braly An to Co. Always an adherent to the principle of, lightweight construction. Franklin has again reduced the weight of its product a matter of 400 pounds by scientifio cutting' down, where weight was found to be unnecessary. The new engine is lighter, being a trifle smaller in bore, the gearset has had several pounds cut out and both axles axe considerably reduced. In the smaller parts pounds and ounces have been cut out here and there to swell the aggregate reduction. The most apparent exterior change is a new hood carrying out the Franklin dropped front 'Shape, but being gracefully rounded Into unbroken curves. Typical of the use of aluminum are such units as the rear axle gear case engine base and oil pan. valve cages and covers, gear-case, carburetor body, mud guards, running board shields, body and hood. In the design of the front axles 30 per cent of the weight has been saved in comparison with the previous type and in the rear axle 25 per cent. The motor is of small size, but the factor of light weight gives the car ample power. ki j WILXTS-ICJVIGHT. " Overland Pacific Co. One of the mechanical features of the New York show will be the Willys Knight eight, introduced for the first time. The Toledo company is showing a seven-passenger touring car equipped with the second sleeve valve V-type motor to make its appearance in this country. While distinctly new. there is noth ing radical about the power plant, as it incorporates the features common to poppet valve twin motors and to the ordinary Knight type of vertical en gine. The only feature that is unusual is that there are 16 of the valve sleeves, two for each cylinder, driven off the eccentric shaft. Only one shaft is used, this being mounted in the center of the V above the crank shaft by which it is directly driven. 'V.' NATIOXAb "! Manley Auto Co. A number of detailed improvements have been made in the National Twelve. The touring body has been increased in size and now. Instead of being a six-passenger Job, it has a full seven-passenger capacity. WINTON. Winton Motor Co. Branch. No changes have been made in either of the Winton models. It is, moreover, not Winton policy to announce season models, but rather to adopt what, changes are found advisable as soon as arrangements can be put through the factory.. The buyer of a Winton is encouraged to suit his taste in details , of finish and equipment and conse quently a great variety of options are offered at the regular selling price. Not only are the body colors optional, but also the selection of the leather for the apholstery. Even the position of the seats, height from the floor, eUx, will be made according to the purchaser's own ideas. Special bodies of over 75 styles were turned out in 1916. HIGH - CLASS CARS WHICH SELL ABOVE S2O0O DELIV ERED IN POJlTLATiD. Franklin standard touring car $2100 Willys-Knight eight -cylinder "88" 2100 National 12-cylinder cars... 2325 Cadillac, four and seven- " passenger touring 2390 Winton, roadster and five passenger touring........ 2835 W Inton, seven-passenger light six ,- 2885 Packard, 12-cylinder. "2-25 3200 Harmon, standard models... 3250 Packard, 12-cylinder "2-35" 3650 Winton, big six model...... 3680 White, 16-valve, four cylln- der, standard .. 4750 Locomobile, standard tour ing car 4870 Pierce-Arrow, model "38"... 4980 Pierce-Arrow; model "48"... 5680 Pierce-Arrow, model "66"... 6700 dark green, which, has been standard on all models since the eight was an nounced, is now found on the closed cars only. The appearance Is enhanced by the adoption of crown fenders and the ad dition of a molding.' around .the top of the body and new headlights which. In a general way follow the shape of the coat of arms on the radiator. The latest addition to the mechanical parts of the car which is Just announced is the installation of a tank suspended to the frame and connected with a pipe to the radiator outlet. The purpose of this tank primarily Is , to condense anti-freezing liquids which may evapo rate in the radiator, making it per fectly practical to use alcohol only as an anti-freeze solution. PACKARD. - Frank C. Rlggs Co. This early builder of twelves Is making no changes of real importance for the 1917 series. As an example of the sort of minor changes that have been made, the alteration of the cylin der castings is the most striking. For merly the Packard had a one-piece L-head cylinder casting and this has been replaced with detachable cylinder heads which do not alter the relative positions of any parts of the engine. Another noticeable change is the lowering of the frame two Inches, which alters the appearance of the car to a considerable extent. Packard has AUTOMOBILE IMPORTS INTO THIS COUNTRY SINCE lOOS SHOW DECREASE.. For the 12-month periods end Ins June 30 each year following are the figures for motorcar im ports into the United States since 1908 for pleasure car and. com mercial vehicles combined: No. Value. 1908. ...... 1,045 $2,500,134 1909 .- 1.624 2,905,391 1910 1,743 2,851,446 1911 . 888 1,898,843 1912 963 2,134,181 1913 748 1,769,380 1914 300 620.493 1915 322 525,303 1916. ........... 1,474 801,911 CADILLAC I Covey Motor Car Co. There are 11 body styles in the new Cadillac Comfort is enhanced by the addition of three inches to the wheel base and lighter pistons, pro duce an even more vibrationless mo tor. The new models are truly luxuri ous vehicles. Dark blue is now the standard color - on the open cars and also abandoned the horizontal end piece on the rear mudguards. The fen ders now follow the curves of the wheels. There are two' lengths of chassis. The larger is 136-inch wheel base and the smaller 126 Inches, this being an increase of 1U Inches over last year. MAR M ON. . .Northwest Auto Co. The changes in the Marmon are neg-i ligible, being little refinements here and there to make this lightweight and powerful car more perfect The Mar mon is a big car, yet It weighs no more than a good many makes that are much less powerful and roomy. This weight reduction Is attained by the extensive use of aluminum, the cyl inder casting being made from this metal, as also the body panels, radia tor shell, rear axle gearbox and fen ders. The particularly easy-riding qualities are obtained by the use of compound cross-suspension cantilever springs. WHITE. White Company Branch. The new feature of the White line Is a. four-cylinder motor with IS valves. Although the engine Itself is a radical departure from the. four-cylinder, two valves per cylinder motor, which this company has produced previously, there are also a number of zrotable depart ures In the chassis design. For the first time In White practice the motor, clutch and gearset are in a unit. The new engine has plain bearings instead ofthe previous ball-bearing design, which is continued on the other model. The first samples of the new car are not expected to reach Portland until some time In March or April. In the meantime motor fanciers will await their arrival with interest. LOCOMOBILE. Oregon Slotor Car Co. The Locomobile chassis and body for 1917 follow much along -the lines of the last six years except for detail changes intended to give the final touch of refinement, which are de signed specifically to be the last word in beauty and luxury. Broadly speak ing, the new cars are more beautiful in appearance because they are lower and longer. They are more easy rid ing, due to a rearrangement of the suspension, and are faster, having bet ter acceleration and- higher maximum speed, due to a new carburetor, lighter reciprocating parts and a better bal anced motor. These changes have been accompanied by a- boost in price which is so general in the industry now. A feature of the body offerings is the new four-passenger Job, of which only a limited number - will be constructed. CHANDLER SIX $139, FTEIRCE-ARRQW. Pierce-Arrow Branch. The changes In the Pierce-Arrow models are very slight. In all essen tial details all three six-cylinder mod els are the same as heretofore. The water outlet is neater; the wiring has been simplified; the battery distributor is now mounted on the generator, eliminating the separata commutator shaft and driving gears; the positions of magneto and generator have been interchanged so that the water pump will absorb the intermittent torque re action of, the magneto; spiral-bevel driving gears have been adopted; the pressure of the oiling system has been raised and an ammeter has been sub stituted for a voltmeter on the cowl. Of course the high-class finish and complete equipment In this car are re tained. SPEED NOT ONLY GUIDE PERFORMANCE! OF ' CAR ON BAD ROADS SHOULD BE.LEARXED, M-Bnost Any Car Can Kiki Ttme on Good EUckway, feat May Be Costly la Operation la Service- In the absence of definite standards comparative figures on the performance or a car are misleading and generally worthless. Broadly speaking, the state ment that a big car will make bStter than 12 to 15 miles an hour on a gallon of gasoline means nothing. Or to say that it will make 72 miles an hour means very little to the consumer. Jhe real information sought by the intelligent buyer is: What will the car accomplish in ail conditions? How will it take the bad roads? Is it easily handled In dense traffic? Will it climb hills? Does It waste fuel? And so on and so on. Anyone who knows anything at all about building automobiles knows that It is no extraordinary feat to put to- geiner a car which in certain condi tions will make 90 miles an hour, but the suitability of the car for ordinary purposes is another question. In fact. It might be absolutely worthless for touring or normal city driving and still It would make 90 miles an hour. It is no real trick to get a big sraso- llne mileage in certain conditions. For instance, if the driving surroundings are Just right a car might roll off 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline on one occasion, and that same car would have less than a 12-mile average for down town work or for average country roads. See what the car will do in all condi tions before you buy. Make the dem onstrator take you over roueh roads. Why The Chandler Leads FOUR years ago the Chandler Six was announced to the public. Three years ago it was still an infant in Jhe industry, though beginning to attract rather wide attention. Two years ago, with a radical reduc tion in price without any cheapening of the car, it became the talk of the trade and public alike. A year ago it had come to be recognized as having very substantially arrived. Thousands were buying Chandlers. - Today the Chandler occupies one of the foremost positions in the whole industry. All of which would seem to prove that the Chandler idea to build the best six-cylinder motor car and sell it at a moderate price is just as right today as it was four years ago. Chandler leadership is founded on motor superiority, attractiveness of body designs, splendid equipment, and a price free from inflation. Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $1395 ' Four Passenger Roadster, $1395 Seven-Passenger Convertible Sedan, $1995 Four-Passenger. Convertible Coupe, $1995 Limousine, $2695 CHANDLER MOTOR CAR CO., Cleveland, Ohio Gerlinger Motor Car Co.' 363 OREGON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON climb hills, drive through crowded traffic, speed it up on a level highway and then compare Its performance un der those conditions with that of com petitive cars. Finally, buy the one which shows up the best. That is the way to tell the efficiency of a car. "In the Olden Days of Dobbin." It took so long to get 'round town. I had to turn good people down. Though hustling hard and hustling late. My pace was set by a horse's gait. I made no "mon" J had no fun. In the olden days of Dobbin. S. ." - -v X-r--:- fx. - V-'" v i t i. n . ' i " - - .1. '-? s 7 - jll -inn s "V. Jr. ' - " ...L'i-- : " -.. .:. .-: fcrJlfessttfta&t . ..... KA'ft " ?r. y ju 'v2 ft' v Mack Troclcs Saurer Trucks 1, iy2, 2, 3y2, 512, 712 Tons - 5 and 6i2 Tons $30,000.00 Stock Repair Parts and Complete Stock Chasses On Display at Salesroom ' F. C. ATWELL, Oregon Sales Agent INTERNATIONAL MOTOR COMPANY 21st and Washington Sts. Phone Marshall 440 11 t It it t J J f .8 fa J .7. 21 You Will Like The BRISCOE g'!i!'i;i!iii:i;ii!!!i:m!iii!i!i!!iii!!iii'i;i:iii!iii!'ii;i!:iii:i!!!;i:::!!!i::i!L! !lll!!'l!l!';!!.i!lllllll!;i:i!ll!!!l!)!!;!::iB:il!!!li;i;ill!l!l!l!!';!!lTOr Progress Character Message Saja FvanelM Paaadeaa jjUoa Anixeles THE Briscoe at $685 we believe is the best looking, the sweetest running automobile ever built at the price. Success has" made it. Increased production has lowered costs, provided more refinements. TOURING car has surprising roominess try it! Four-passenger road ster is the only car built with a full back to the front seat a novelty see it! Briscoe-built in Briscoe factories insures quality in every detail.. rOU will miss the real meaning the show holds for you if you fail to see the beautiful, handsomely finished and completely equipped 1917 - Briscoe models. Five Pmaaenrer Tonrln Car 5 Coaeharre 81l Sour Fuaensar Koadstar 65 Delivery Oar Canopy Top Body) S70O (V. O. B. Jackson. Mich.) PACIFIC KISSELKAR BRANCH PACIFIO COAST DISTRIBUTORS BROADWAY AT DAVIS ST. Oaklaad - Seattle Saa Diego :!!iMin;ii!i;