THE SUNDAY ORECOXLiX, PORTLAND, JANUARY -31,- 1917.- CARS FOR AVERAGE PURSE ARE ON SALE IN PORTLAND Four Companies Offer Models for Less Than $750, Although Terms May Be Had on More Expensive Machines. ' NEARLY every person setting forth on the happy but perplexing mis sion of buying: his first automo bile fixes approximately upon the price he wishes to pay. He generally has low limit and a high limit, theughj he is much more apt to violate the1 high than the low limit, as several clever Portland automobile salesmen vvho have boosted prospects from $500 Intentions to 5000 investments will testify. The man who has no more than $750 to invest in an automobile must con fine himself in Portland to a choice between a Ford, a Saxon four cylinder, a Chevrolet or Maxwell, though, of course, the man with the "beer income" and the "champagne appetite" can al ways borrow money or purchase on terms in the event he feels that he and wifie must have a more expensive vehicle to ride to church in. The Ford roadster now sells in Port land for $400.70, the touring car for $415.70, the coupelet for $560.70 and the sedan for $700.70. Just what the persistent 70 cents is for, whether it covers the freight or is intended to keep the famous peace advocate in golf balls, has always been a mystery to the mere layman, but, nevertheless, the extra 70 cents is required at all of the seven retail stores in Portland. The Saxon four-cylinder roadster ells in Portland at the Saxon Sales & Service Company for $575; under the new Chevrolet prices, which went into effect only last week, Benjamin B. Boone is retailing Chevrolet roadsters at $615 and the touring cars at $630; the present quotations on the Maxwell roadster at the store of Boss & Peake Automobile Company is $710, with an added $15 for the touring car. FORD. Bandied IJere by Seven Retail Dealer. The Ford changes of 1017 production, outside of the startling announcement of price decrease, which Is well known. are. in the external appearance. These changes include the fitting of an en tirely new radiator of black enamel with rount'ed corners instead of the harp angles that it used previously. FOTTR DIFFERENT MAKES OF AUTOS SELL IN PORTLAND FOR LESS THAN S750. The following motorcars retail in Portland at prl es under $7 50: Ford roadster ........... .$400.70 Ford touring car 415.70 Saxon four-cylinder road ster 675.00 Chevrolet roadster ....... 615.00 Chevrolet touring car .... S.30.00 Maxwell roadster ........ 710.00 ' Maxwell touring car 725.00 This radiator has a smaller water ca pacity and for this reason Is thinner than the previous one. This is com pensated by the fact that the fan oper ates in a bell-shaped shell attached to the rear of the radiator, which is made of sheet metal. This concentrates the cooling effect of the fan. There is a new sloping hood that eliminates any break where it Joins the body, and crown fenders, which conform to the curve of the wheels in most modern fashion, are Installed, front and rear. A minor change under the hood Is the fitting of an electric horn, mounted on the right rear side of the. cylinders, between them and the steering column. The horn is of the vibrator type and Is arranged to operate from the current of the flywheel magneto, and the but ton is mounted on the steering column just unaer me wneei. The . new radiator shell Is a two- piece stamping, one the shell proper and the other the top portion that bears the Ford name plate. The familiar Ford filler cap and radiator spout of brass pro.trude. through the top of the, shell.' Now that the' radiator is enam eled, there is very little brass about the car, only the filler and hub caps being finished in the color of this metal. equipment has been materially added to and the body revamped in most commendatory fashion. For the first time mis model la supplied wits xuu electrical equipment. Including a two unit Wagner starting and lighting sys tem and electric head and rear lamps. The size of the tires has been in creased .from 28x3 inches on clincher rims to 30x3 Goodyears on demount able rims. These two important equip ment additions, together with an elec tric horn and a speedometer, lift the little Saxon to an equal plane with high-priced cars in the matter of com pleteness. The body shape Is quite new and gives the car a longer and heavier ap pearance. Much thought seems to have been given to the matter of comfort in this new four with the wider seat and considerably better upholstery. SAXONi Handled by Saxon Sales Sen-Ice Co. 'Much improved over the previous series is the little four-cylinder Saxon roadster. With an increase in price, the CHEVROLET. Sold hy BenJ. 12. Boone A Co. The new Chevrolet "four-ninety" is an improvement over its predecessor in several respects. The car is bet ter looking and more comfortable. The body has been changed, so that it is more streamline and a door is now car ried on the driver's side. Last year there were but three doors. Tires have been increased from 30x3 to 30x3 and Goodyear non-skids in stead of plain tread are fitted. A sight-feed oiler and indicator has been placed on the cowl and the horn but ton has been attached to the steering Dost instead of on the body side. Three- quarter elliptics are used at the front. MAXWELL, Represented hy Boss & Peake Auto Co. Back In June. 1916. Maxwell startled the industry with an announcement of a reduction on all models for the 1917 product. Since that time, however, the price of material has so greatly in creased that this . large -producer . has again . been obliged to step the prices up. At this particular season an un usually large share of Maxwell pro duction is going into the cabriolets, town cars and sedans. These small inclosed -- models are artistically fur nished In the interior and the lines of the exterior give the car the ap pearance of being of considerably larg er size than it really ia. The 1917 Maxwell is not changed. The management believes the car to be standardized and for the present will not alter the product in any way. The chassis has a 102-inch wheelbase and is powered with the familiar blocK cast cylinder type of motor with 3 fneh bore and 4-inch stroke. wi iixmm icmrt'- - ini ini mi ' ' ' DENBY TRUCKS Denby Has set a new standard of price, as well as quality. iSfever before have you been able to get a real truck with all the in-built sturdi ness that has made DENBY TRUCKS famous at near the Denby price. PRICES F. O. B. PORTLAND 1 Ton, $1250 .Vz Ton, 1800 2 Ton, 1950 2'Ton, 2250 See These Trucks at the Show Oregon Motor Car Company BROADWAY 616 Denby Distributors PARK AND DAVIS STS. a FRED DUNDEE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK The -largest and best equipped repair plant on the . . Pacific Coast. ANY MOTOR CAR PART MADE TO ORDER All Work Guaranteed. 575 Jefferson Street PORTLANDOREGON See My Exhibit at the Auto Show I he Armory, Jan. 24 -Feb. 3 . r' ALL-liBR. V. .! it mm,i ' 11 y ' -fc.-j IW' vS"' SSSs V i& mat Kissel's original idea that changed the mo toring habits of a nation. Irtres f. b. rctory. Tonrlng-Sedasi 91S35 Koadster-Conpe 1635 " Ictorla-Town Car 10SO ' Hundred Point Six Standard Touring? ns Hundred Point Six Gibraltar Body 12X5 Uel-nxe e-42, 7-passens;er 1750 lie Ijuxc 6-42, 7-pass. Sedan... 2100 ccZfJar every n me tear For every day, week, month for every social func tion or business use. Kissel's ALL-YEAR Car is conceded by Portland's critical car buyers as the one perfected convertible car the car that made ten Oresronians drive in Winter where one drove before. The ALL-YEAR Top is built in not on and is entirely removable for open touring. Kissel's All-Year Car Will Be the Sensation of Portland's Automobile Show. The enthusiasm which the ALL-YEAR Car created at the 1917 New York Show will be duplicated In Portland. The smooth blending of top and body, the exclu sive lines and harmonious proportions will give Portland's show visitors the big surprise they are looking for. Examine the perfected ALL-TEAR Car couch building. POINT SIX the car of a Hundred Quality Features. Inspect the HUNDRED The Pacific KisselKar Branch Broadway at Davis, Portland, Oregon." SAX FRACISCO SAX DIEGO - rASADEXA OAKLAND - LOS AXGULLS SEATTUbJ - fASADEXA OAKLAND 0 Bigger-Better-More Power-Eight Body Styles WORLD famed Velie bodies roomy graceful with lasting mirror finish - deep tufted genuine leather up holstery. Money cannot buy befter fea tures. Powerful Velie-Continental motor ' Timken axles front and rear automatic ignition push button starter everything in an on. See Us at Auto Shozb D. G. Warren Motor Car Co OREGON DISTRIBUTORS. 6S-6O X. 23d Street, Portland. Or. Mmli .a 7 ' ftr OREGON DISTRIBUTORS. U "ZSpK JiMilS!a: II 6S-6O TS. 23d Street, Portland. Or. Mmim ' P-. $113S