SECTION FOUR. Pages 1 to 10 Dramatic, Photoplays, Real Estate and Autos VOL. xxxvi. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY 3IORNING, JANUARY 21, 1917. NO. x i Shop This Week-of All Weeks in the Y ear 6 Days Wonderful to Contemplate Rich in Opportunities Tomorrow is the opening of a six-day "series of sales" heretofore unrecorded in this or any other city. It marks the offering of merchandise greatly in excess of half a million dollars, which if bought by us today would cost from 50 to 75 per cent more. It is our purpose to close out in six days all this season's merchandise to dispose of every odd lot to clear away every small and incomplete assortment to clean up merchandise that cannot be restocked. . ' ' It is the end of our business year. The last week of Double-Economy January the last week before inventory. Every buyer has received the command, "Clean up stocks; never mind present costs; disregard merchandise scarcity; ignore the daily soaring of prices; our indelible rule, never violated, "to sell as we buy absolutely controls the policy of this event. . If we have led you to expect much we shall not disappoint you. ... Every stock, every section of the store is represented in this great Six-Day Sale, with merchandise that in almost every instance would cost more at wholesale today than we have priced it at retail. , Every article in this sale measures up to our slogan, "Merchandise of Merit Only" ; you buy safely undei its guarantee. Limited space permits us to mention but a few of tomorrow's sales. No mail or telephone orders filled. Positively at these sale prices no exchanges or returns. In many instances the prices are so sensationally low we have been forced to restrict quantities to insure fair distribution. During the past few months this store has discontinued the use of comparative prices. For this Six-Day Sale we quote comparative prices from our former bona fide retail prices, in order that patrons may figure quickly and accurately the remarkable economies offerd. After this Six'-Day Sale this store will discontinue the use of comparative prices absolutely excepting twice a year, in the sale months of July and January. Plan to be here at the opening of this store you willtbest be served in the morning. See Page 5, Section 1, for Basement Sales Silk Boot Stockings 600 pairs of fine quality silk boot hosiery, all sizes, in most desirable shades. No rjhonea. exchange, re turns. First Floor. i J 39c cA"MercKnd' c?cMerit Only" $1.25 All-Silk 42-Inch Nets Black, while and colors. Regular $1.25 quality. $ 1 .25 and $ 1 .00 Crepe Chiffon, 42-Inch White, black, evening, afternoon and street shades. No phone orders., approvalsrexchanges or returns. First Floor. 59. YARD All This Season's Fall Mixtures, Checks and Stripes All Wool Dress Fabrics Full 56 Inches Wide Selling Regularly at $2.50 to $4.00 At $1.95 -No phone orders. None returnable. Second Floor. The Ribbon Section Announces A Great Final Clean-Up of Imported Ribbons 65c That Sold Regularly at 85c to $3.00 4 Faille silks, chiffon taffeta, metal with Roman stripes, plaids and brocades, 6J2 to ' 1 inches wide. No phone orders. No returns. First Floor. The Fourth-Floor Apparel Store Offers For Misses and Small Women Every Coat for $6.50 That Sells Regularly to $28.50 Every Suit for $10.00 That Sells Regularly to $35.00 i No exchanges, no returns, no phone orders. f Foniih Floor. Our Entire Stock of ' LACE CURTAINS . Selling From $1.50 to $20.00 Pair At One-Fifth Off In white, cream and ecru; 2 J2 ard 3 yards long. All Odd Pairs Lace Curtains Selling From $1.50 to $15.00 Pair NOW HALF PRICE Cretonnes and Art Chintz Selling Regularly to O O 50c a Yard, for ZOC In all the most desirable colors; 36 inches wide. No phone orders, no exchanges, no returns. Fifth Floor. The Clove Store Offers Washable Gloves Of fipe lambskin, one-clasp style, white, tan, ivory; sizes 5 J2 7. . Very special : $U39 No phone orders. None returnable. No exchanges. First Floor. . The Fourth-Floor Section Offers Infants' Dresses Imported Hand-Made and Domestic Made sizes 6 months to 6 years. Poplins, pique, lawn. nainsook and net party dresses. $1.00 Dresses, oUc $ 3.75 Dresses, $1.50 $1.50 Dresses, 75c $10.50 Dresses, $2.50 $2.50 Dresses, $1.00 $13.50 Dresses, $3.00 No phone orders. No returns or exchanges. Fourth Floor. Never in History Such Prices on French Lingerie The most exquisite garments, all beautifully handmade and hand embroidered, combined with laces. Odd and soiled lots that will come from a tubbing as good as new. Combination suits, drawers, skirts. Princess slips. Garments selling To $1.75 for 50c To $ 7.50 for $ 2.50 To $2.95 for $1.00 To $10.00 for $ 3.00 To $4.45 for $1.50 To $16.98 for $ 5.00 To $5.95 for $2.00 To $30.00 for $10.00 Positively no exchanges or returns. No phone orders. Fourth Floor The Most Radical Reductions Prevail on , j Imported French Negligees Of fine albatross, lawn. Swiss, silk and Crepe. Long and short styles. Hand-embroidered and lace-trimmed. Soiled from display. Garments selling: ' To $ 6.95 for $2.50 To $13.95 for $5.00 To $10.50 for $4.00 To $18.50 for $7.50 To $51.50 for $10.00 Positively no exchanges, no returns. No phone orders. Fourth Fir. The Silk Store Offers Every Yard of Fancy Silks In the entire store that sells regularly from $3 to $5 a yard At One-Fifth Off All $ 1 .00 Messaline Silks Superior quality in black and colors For 69c Yard Positively no phone orders, no exchanges and returns in this great silk sale. Second Floor The Rug Store Announces a Disposal of 'x. WhittalTs Discontinued Rugs -At sale prices that hold good for this week only. -All room sizes, 9x1 2 feet. $82.50 Anglo-Persian Rugs for $59.50 $69J25 Anglo-India Rugs for $49.75 $61.75 Royal Worcester Wilton Rugs, $43.50 $41.00 Body Brussels Rugs for $29. OO Fifth Floor. The Corset Section Announces a Clean-Up of Regular $5.00 to $8.00 Corsets for $2.50 Nemo, Smart Set, La Vida and a Few Modart Front-Lace Models A good assortment of sizes, but not every size in every style. No exchanges, no returns, no approvals, no phone. Regular $1.75 to $2.50 Corsets $1 .25 W. B. Nufprm, C. B. a la Spirite and Nadia Corsets All sizes in the lot. but not in every style. No exchanges, no returns, no approvals, no phones. , Konrth Floor. fThe House Dress Section Offers Breakfast Sets, Utility Dresses, House Dresses and Aprons Selling Regularly to $1.75, For 75c None returnable, no phone orders filled. Fourth Floor. The Apparel Store Offers Dresses Selling to $32.50 v For $ 1 0.00 Of serge, velvet and silk odd lots and broken sizes. Posi tively no phone orders, no exchanges. , . Third Floor. The Suit Store Offers' ' Suits Selling to $18.50 For $7.50 Of corduroy, cheviot and serge. Plush andvelvet trimmed. Smart est styles. No exchanges, no returns. Third Floor. Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Voile, Tub Silk Blouses Regular Prices $2.50 to $4.00 $1.98 f -No phone orders. None returnable. No exchanges. Third Floor. The Picture Galleries Offer for One Week 1 All Framed Pictures - HALF PRICE Our entire stock of imported photograveures, Rhine prints, hand colored Burlington and Ruskin proofs, reproductions of etchings. Japanese prints, carbon photographs, etc., many of which are no longer procurable. No phone orders, approvals, C O. D., returns or exchanges. Sixth Floor The Dinner ware Store Offers 12 Open Stock Patterns of DINNERWARE To Be Closed Out at Half Before-the-War Prices One pattern Guerin French China, present retajl price is one third higher than our regular price. Four patterns in fine English Earthenware, present retail prices are one-fourth higher tlian our regular prices. Seven patterns in fine Austrian China, the present retail prices are one-half higher than our regular prices. Twelve patterns in all, each having a full range of pieces, from the individual butter to the soup tureen. All at Half Regular Prices patterns range from ow $14.28 to $32.13. 100-piece services in these $28.55 to $64.25 regularly 50-piece services in these patterns range from $14.74 to $34.18 now $7.37 to $17.09. No exchanges, no returns, no phones. Sixth Floor. The Cotton Petticoat Store Offers A11S ateen Klosfit Petticoats - Selling Regularly to $1.75 " For $1.00 ' Fourth Floor. 4Made with elastic Iods and jersey gussets. rivi ' -No phones, no returns, no exchanges The Men's Store Offers $ 1 6.5 0 and $ 1 5 Overcoats Very Exceptional $10.00 Up-to-date, conservative models of knitted mist-proof cloth. An extraordinary sale. Silk Shirts $3.95 - ; All new Spring patterns, in finest quality silks, perfect-fitting. Remarkable at $6.00. $1.75, $1.50 Shirts $1.15 New weaves, new stripes, new figures, in fine madras, soft French turned cuff styles. $1.65 to $1.35 Neckwear 95c All our finest ties, of heavy silks, and handsome pat terns, with large flowing ends. $5.95 Golf Sweaters $3.95 Knitted sweater coats, light weight, very warm, in heather mixtures, plain and belted backs. No Phone Orders, Exchanges, or Returns First Floor Never Such Sale Prices' On Fancy Linens Including all our Madeira and Cluny Lace Trimmed Linens. In sizes frqm the 6-inch doilies to the large 72-inch cloths. To 40c for 20c. To 85c for 50c. To $2.50 for $1.35. To $6.50 for $3.75. To $20 for $12.75. To 60c for 35c. To $1.50 for 75c. To $4.50 for $2.45. To $8.50 for $4.75. To $35 for $18. None returnable. No phone orders. Second Floor. The Linen Store Offers . $5.00 Bedspreads for $3.95 Full Sixe, Hemmed or Scalloped 1 5c Outing Flannel for 1 0c In Plain White and Colors 85c Snowdrift Batts 59c Open Up for a Full-Sixe Comforter Bolt of Long Cloth $1.55 12 Yards to a Bolt, 36 Inches Wide No phone orders, no exchanges, no returns. N Second Floor. The Women's Apparel Store Offers All Furs Reduced Now Half Price and Less $ 20.00 Furs $ 9.75 $ 30.00 Furs $15.00 $ 40.00 Furs $ 20.00 $ 50.00 Furs $24 S 5 $ 60.00 Furs $ 30.00 $100.00 Furs $47.50 $250.00 Furs $110.00 $30.00 to $38.50 Red Fox Scarfs and Muffs, $25.00 $75.00 Gray Fox Set, reduced to $45.00 No phone orders, no returns. Third Floor. The Art Needlework Store Offers Art Needle Novelties HALF PRICE Imported French novelties, glove and handkerchief boxes, cabinets, sewing boxes, doily boxes, doily rolls, candy boxes, sweets pails, hand-painted baskets, society puff bags, stuffed pillows, pin cushions, ivory novelties, etc. No phone orders. No exchanges or returns. Fifth Floor SEE PAGE 5, SECTION 1, FOR EXTRAORDINARY ECONOMY BASEMENT SALES. I I ! I o