The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 21, 1917, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 38

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the ceremony and reception which will
Immediately follow.
Miss Sally Adams, a. cousin of the
bride-elect, came from her home in Se
attle last week to pass several weeks
with the Tucker family, and sho is
charing in the festivities planned for
the popular young couple.
One of the box parties on Monday
rtighf at the Orpheum vaudeville was
that which included Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Francis
Daly, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Wiley.
To celebrate Washington's birthday
the Portland Grade Teachers' Associa
tion will give a large and elaborate
costume colonial ball on February 22
at Multnomah Hotel. The ball is for
the benefit of the Fellowship fund, and
promises to be one of the most artistic
and charming events of the season.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. O'Brien, who
left here Wednesday morning for San
Kranclsco. will later go to Los Angeles
for a brief visit. Before returning to
Portland they will also stop at Coro
Imdo for a few weeks, and other fash
ionable resorts in the southern part of
the state.
British Consul and Mrs. Sherwood are
now domiciled in their new residence,
630 Vista avenue, corner of Elm street.
Since their arrival in this country they
have been making their home in the
Highland Court apartments.
Plans are now being made for the
annual Valentine tea to be given by the
Visiting Nurse Association, as in previ
ous years, on Wednesday, February 14.
As yet the committee has not decided
where they shall have the tea. Mrs. Rob
ert G. Dieck is president of the organi
zation, Mrs. James D. Honeyman sec
retary, Mrs. Sigmund Frank treasurer.
Mrs. II. Thanhauser assistant treas
urer, Mrs. R. J. Marsh corresponding
eecretary. Mrs. James B. Kerr is chair
man of the committee arranging for
the tea, and later will select her assist
ants. The friends of Mrs. Harlow Le Gib
ton (Nelle Bayly), of Spokane,' are
welcoming her in this city, as she ar
rived last week for a short visit with
her mother. Mrs. A. Bayly. Mrs. Gibbon
Is being entertained by her hosts of
friends In this city. She is charming
and popular.
Complimenting Mrs. Clarence Bruce
Lamont, of Seattle, who is visiting
here for several weeks, her sister, Mrs.
Walter Gearln, entertained with a
pretty card party and tea Thursday.
Four tables were arranged for cards,
and at tea time about SO additional
matrons and maids joined the party.
Springtime was suggested by the
charming floral decoration, pussy wil
lows, tulips, Jonquils, freeslas all
blended into an harmonious whole and
adorning the table and rooms. Mrs.
Ambrost Scott presided at the tea
table. A number of -other affairs are
being planned by the visitor's friends
In her honor.
Society folk are Interested In the
piano concert to be given by Mr. and
Mrs. Dent Mowrey on the evening of
Friday at the Little Theater. The list
of patronesses, who have been selected
from the most prominent women in mu
sical and Bocial circles, bespeaks a
large and enthusiastic audience. A
number of well-known women already
have arranged a number of line parties,
and as the theater's capacity is lim
ited, reservations are being made rap
idly. The patronesses for the concert are:
Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. William C. Al
vord, Mrs. Margaret Biddle, Mrs. Will-
lam Brewster, Mrs. Helen Iadd Corbett.
Mrs. H. W. Corbett. Mrs. John Cran,
Mrs. Robert Dieck, Miss Failing. Mrs.
William Trufant Foster, Mrs. Louis
Gerlinger, Jr., Mrs. Solomon Hirsch.
Mrs. Frank Hart. Mrs. C. A. Johns. Mrs.
C. S. Jackson, Mrs. Richard Koehler,
Mrs. John A. Keating, Mrs. John Lo
gan, Mrs. Ralph Lee. Mrs. Julia Mar
quam. Mrs. John Claire Montelth, Mrs.
H. H. Parker, Mrs. A. E. Rockey. Mrs.
Preston Carter Smith. Mrs. Walter V.
Smith. Mrs. Warren E. Thomas. Mrs.
Joseph Teal. Mrs. T. B. Wilcox. Mrs.,
Wheelwright. Mrs. Holt C. Wilson. Mrs.
Gordon Voorhies. Mrs. H. C. Wortman
and Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey.
O. H. Fithlan. who left several weeks
eo for an extended trip in the East,
including Chicago, Pittsburg, Boston
and Xew York, will return, here about
Febuary 1. He was accompanied East
by his wife, who. with her sister, will
remain touring Florida, Bermuda and
other interesting points, planning to
return to her home in the Spring.
Miss Flawnnice Killings-worth and
Arde'.l O'Hanlon will plight their troth
on the evening of February 14 at the
home of the bride-elect's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Killingsworth. The
popular young bride-to-o U being, ex
tensively feted during her pre-nuptlal
days, one of the most delightful affairs
of the week being the tea for which
Miss Flo Hermann and Mrs. Frederick
Harkness were hostesses on Thursday.
One of the prettiest social events of
the week was the informal tea given
by Miss Flo B. Hermann, in hotaor of
Miss Flawnnice Killingsworth, bride
elect, on Thursday afternoon. Miss
Hermann was assisted by her mother,
Mrs. Schiller B. Hermann, Mrs. Joseph
Jaeger and Mrs. Mark Colby. Assisting
about the rooms were: Mrs. Edward
Kropp, Airs. Frederick H. Harkness,
Mrs. Moyer Cole. Mrs. Paul J. Keely,
Miss Marvel Case and Miss Erma Rice.
About 70 guests called 'during the af-
sfnce they are to appear In concert
Friday night at the Little Theater.
They will be delightfully entertained
during their stay. Among others, Mrs,
Reed will be hostess for a dancing party
in their honor. Last week the Mowreys
shared honors with William Sbake-
peare at a reception given by Mrs,
William Perkins in Seattle.
An important event of the week was
the Daughters of the Confederacy's
annual charity ball, given FTlday night
in the assembly of Multnomah Hotel in
honor of the birthday of the famous
Southern General, Robert E. Lee.
Greenery and flowers of Dixie and em
blems of the old South were decora
tions which Imparted an air of ro-
. . , X
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ternoon. The rooms , ere fragrant
with Spring flowers, which made a
pleasing foil for the handsome cos
tumes of the assemblage.
On Thursday evening at S:20 a re
ception will be tendered to Sovereign
Grand Inspector-General Phillip S. Mal
colm, and the officers of the Scottish
Rite bodies, at the Cathedral on Mor
rison street. This will be the opening
ceremony of the third party given by
the Scottish Rite social organization
this season.
The previous parties have been un
usually successful and the committee
is making a special effort to secure a
large attendance on this occasion. After
the reception, at which the officers
will be accompanied by their wives, the
officers will review the grand march,
which will start at 8:45 sharp. There
will be cards at 9 for those who do
not desire to dance.
The patronesses will be: Mesdames
Louis G. Clarke. A. M. Wright. Robert
Lutke, Arthur O. Jones, Xorris R. Cox.
W. L. Cooper. Albert Feldenhelmer.
William C. Alvord, Arnold Lindsay. B.
B. Beekman, Archie Thurlow, Clayton
Seamann. Frank S. Grant, Edward J.
Failing. James N. Davis. Alva L. Ste
phens, A. C. Callan, C. C. Newcastle,
Wallace McCamant, Richard Martin.
E. V. Littlefield, Daniel A. Grout. Ar
thur Langguth, Robert A. Miller, Adrian
McCalman. E. A. Pierce, E. D. Jorgen
sen, Henry I Plttock, Thomas A.
Mr. and Mrs. Dent Mowrey, of Seattle,
will arrive in Portland this week and
will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
George Reed. The Mowreys always are
welcome guests in Portland, and their
visit this .week is ox special interest.
Two of the recent brides are Mrs. S.
M. Hawkins, who was formerly Miss
Edna Hughes, of Oakland, CaL. and
Mrs. C. A. Taylor, formerly Miss Ver
oca Bozarth. of Bull Run. Or. XTra
Hawkins was a Christmas eve bride at
her home in Oakland, CaL Mr. Haw
kins is correspondent of the Associated
Press in Portland and they have taken
up apartments at Lucretia Court. Mrs.
Taylor is the daughter of the pioneer
Bozarth family, well known in the
Northwest. Her marriage was an event
of the week. They are now on a wed
ding trip in California. The ceremony
was performed at the Mnltnomah HoteL
Mr. Taylor Is a partner with J. E. Cam
eron in the Cameron-Taylor Lumber
Company. Mrs. Taylor's parents are
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. L Bozarth.
manticism and savored of the plctur- 1
esque 60s. The Daughters of the Con-fede-cy
were Ideal hostesses to the
several hundred who attended, and
witn nospitallty for which the South
ern women are famed made the oc
casion notable in many ways. The com
mittee was: Mrs. U. D. Maxon. Mrs.
E. T. Hedlund, Mrs. L. R. Bailey and
M'B. v. M. C Silva. Patronesses: Mrs.
J P. C. Westengard. Mrs. E. Mitchell,
Mrs. t: Joplin, Mrs. J. C Nissen, Mrs.
H. H. Duff. Mrs. C. Morton. Mrs. M.
A. Lee and Mrs. E R. Moses.
John Carver Adams Is being wel
comed back to Portland by his hosts
of friends in both the older and young
er contingents. He Is a member of
Troop A and has distinguished himself
mary times by his efficiency as a sol
dier and horseman. He is on a 30-day
furlough, and, asha Is Immensely pop
ular, he will be in demand at all the
social affairs for the next few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Forbls and
daughter. Miss Marjorle Forbls, have
taken apartments at Alexandra Court
for the Winter months.
The Wednesday night dinner-dances
at . Alexandra Court are growing in
popularity. A large and enthusiastic
crowd of young people enjoyed the
dancing on last Wednesday evening,
and the affair was most enjoyable In
every way. These informal dinner
dances will be given every other
Wednesday evening 'during the season.
Many of the patrons of the court en
tertained with large dinner parties. Dr.
and Mrs. D. M. Roberg entertained a
party of eight; Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Harries presided at another table with
covers laid for 10 guests. Others who
entertained at smaller tables were: Dr.
and Mrs. A. D. Walker, Mrs. William M.
Wallace, J. A. McHolland, Miss Chemln
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hemmlnghouse.
Mrs. Walter P. Dickey and Miss
Dorothy Dickey, of this city, are at
present sojourning at Hotel Virginia,
Long Beach. CaL
Harlow-Grady Hall was transformed
Into a veritable fairyland Thursday
evening when a number of the younger
dancing set gathered for a fancy dress
party. Every color and clime was rep
resented upon the ballroom floor In a
strikingly effective maze of colors. Old
fashioned dances as well as the steps
of the present day were riotously en
Joyed by the enthusiastic dancers. Re
freshments were served during the eve
ning. Among those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph R. Routledge, Misses Bertha
Stonley, Helen Bateman, Jesslyn Pot
t; ;e, Mabel Thompson. Margaret Gil-
more, Mary Roos. Georgia Brown, Ha
zel Beckett, Lenora Wilson, Genevieve
Russell, Ruth Routledge, Alma Gruenig.
Mildred Krause, Dorothy Lynds, Caro
line Hewitt, Evangeline Mcintosh,
Messrs. J. Reuther, Alfred J. Shawcross,
T. B. Collins, Earl Cash, J. W. Malley.
L. W. Hobbs, Walter T. McGulrk, C. H.
Routledge, Guy Schneck, John L. Bo
zorth, Radford K. Shawcross, John Hel
llg, A. J. Johnston, William Ferguson,
Harold "Lyons, O. H. M. Langeraak and
Harold H. Grady.
The first of the series of dances
which the Merrymakers will give dur
ing the Winter took place Friday even
ing at Hotel Portland with 60 young
people present. Delightful music made
the hours pass quickly. The affair was
chaperoned by Mrs. E- E. Larimore.
Mrs. Herman J. Blaesing, Mrs. S. A.
Collins, Mrs. F. R. Jesse and Mrs. C
C. Shay.
Mrs. J. Ward Chllds and Mrs. E. S.
Robe dispensed charming hospitality
Thursday afternoon when they enter
tained at tea in Hotel Portland blue
room to meet Mrs. Richard W. Chllds,
a recent bride. The guests, who num
bered 25, were members of the Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Oregon Ureeters As
sociation. The hostesses and the guest
of honor received together, and Mrs.
Charles D. Schreiter, Mrs. Ross M. Fin-
nigan and Mrs. M. J. Slatky assisted In
introducing people. Miss Bess Meeker,
of Chicago, added greatly to the pleas
ure of the occasion with vocal num
bers, with Miss Eleanor Anderson at
the piano. Jars of deep pink azaleas
and baskets of carnations, cyclamen
and pussywillow branches gave a fes
tive air to the affair. The serving of
dainty refreshments rounded out the
afternoon's pleasure.
Great preparations are being made
by the Portland Lodge of Elks for its
coming annual ball, which will take
place at Cotillion Hall. Friday evening,
January 26. The committee of arrange
ments is using every effort to make
this one of the most successful affairs
ever given by the lodge.
It will be informal, and besides the
modern dances, there will be the old-
fashioned waltz, quadrilles, and other
dances on the programme, so that the
older members -and their friends can
Join heartily in the festivities with the
younger ones. The proceeds of this
ball are to be used for purchasing new
Summer uniforms for the band of Port
land Lodge.
Patronesses: Mrs. C. J. Frankel, Mrs.
Charles Ringler, Mrs. Ferdinand E.
Reed, Mrs. Robert G. Morrow, Mrs. R.
C. Dolbin. Mrs. J. J. Berg, Mrs. G. L.
Baker. Mrs. Warren A. Erwin, Mrs. M.
M. Ringler. Mrs. J. H. McMenamin, Mrs.
H. Garr Reed. Mrs. W. R. McDonald.
Mrs. C W. Hanselman. Mrs. Harry G.
Allen, Mrs. Paul Chamberlain, Mrs. John
E. Kelly, Mrs. William McMurray.
Plans for the fifth annual formal
bail of the Portland Rowing Club were
Practically completed at a recent meet
ing of the board of directors. The af
fair will be given Friday evening. Feb
ruary 23. at the clubhouse, foot of
Ivon .street.
The members of the committee are
sparing neither work or effort to make
it as successful as on former occasions.
The patronesses will be: Mrs. H. G.
Chickering. Mrs. H. E. Judge. Mrs. W.
J. Patton. Mrs. A. A. Pfaender, Mrs. J.
F. Reisch and Mrs. H. W. Wilbur. The
committee in charge is composed of:
Lawrence Edwards, chairman: E. Hum
phrey, E. C. Sammons, J. Letz and F.
R. NewelL
The wedding of Miss Katharine E.
Linton and Roberto Corrucclnl was
solemnized Thursday afternoon at
Trinity Episcopal Church parsonage,
the officiating clergyman being the
rector. Dr. A. A. Morrison. The brides
maid was Miss Eloise Anita Hall and
the best man Karl Herbring. They are
all prominent members of the Portland
Opera Association. The wedding supper
was served at the Portland HoteL
The next meeting of the Monday
Musical Club will be held Monday aft
ernoon, January 29. at the home of
Mrs. E. M. Baker. 1140 East Thirtieth
street North It will be a card party,
and for the benefit of those who do
n-t play cards a special programme has
been arranged. The committee in charge
Is: Mrs. J.- Coulson Hare, Mrs. John
F. Teft - nd Mrs. O J. Frankel.
M- and Mrs. Edmund C. King and
children have returned to Portland
afi'-r a t i eonsunMe- about thre
months. They passed the greater part
of cne time in J8 South and also in
St. PauL
One of the largest and most elaborate
functions of the social season Is the
banquet to be given by the Al Kader
Temple Shrlners In the assembly hall
of Multnomah Hotel on Saturday night.
Th - committee Is making elaborate
plans for this affair, and it Is expected
that more than 1000 members of the
organization will attend.
All Elks In Portland and surround
ing towns, as well as their families
and relatives, are eagerly anticipat
ing the annual 'ball to be given by the
Elks Lodge of Portland on Friday
night in Cotillion HalL Special music
and other attractive features will make
the occasion memorable. ,
Among th patronesses: Mrs, G. J.
Frankel. Mrs. ' M. Ringler. Mrs. Paul
Chamberlain, Mrs. J. H. McMenamin,
Mrs. Charles Ringler. Mrs. R, C Dol- '
bin. Mrs. Hemert Garr Reed. Mrs. W. I
R McDonald. Mrs. J. J. Berg. Mrs. C. I
W. Houseman, Mrs. George L. Baker,
Mrs. Ferdinand E. Reed, Mrs. Harry G. i
Allen, Mrs. Warren A. Erwin and Mrs. i
Robert G. Morrow.
Charles Nudleman entertained with
an Orpheum party for his sister. Mrs.
Jack Wolfman, of San Francisco, who
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Nudelman. The guests num
bered 10, and supper and dancing closed
the party.
m m m
A large ball will be given Saturday
evening, February S, at the German
House by the Woman's Auxiliary ofhe
German Red Cross Society for the ben-
efit ol the young and expectant moth-
ers of Germany. Patrons and patron- i
esses are Captain and Mrs. W. H. Pat
terson. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Blaesing. Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Nlcolai. Mr. and Mrs. 1
M. H. Mayer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Niklas.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Bortzmeyer, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Albers. Mr. and Mrs. G. Sulli-
van, Mr. and Mrs. J. Woernle. Mr. and
Mrs. Lv C. Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Kantz,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Schacht, Dr. and Mrs.
Stroheeker, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hesse.
Committee: Mrs. Theodore Mueller,
chairman; Mrs. A. J. Wolf, assistant
chairman: Mrs. A. Koch, Mrs. S. Ruet
ter. Mrs. B. Flck, Mrs. Schwartzbeck.
Mrs. Elsa, Miss Alma Mueller, Miss i
Paula Willis, Miss Helen Fromme, Miss
Gertrude Cooley, Miss Elenore Naylor,
A. Amacher, C Mueller, O. Kramer, Mr.
Demmer. Mr. and Mrs. O. Schuman, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Winter, Mrs. T. Abendroth,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bergman, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Enke, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schwind. Mr.
and Mrs. F. Fuchs, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Heissler, Mr. and Mrs. N. Harris. Dr.
and Mrs. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Schnabel. Mr. and Mrs. Rademacher,
Mr. and Mra V. Wagini, Mr. and Mrs.
O. Emig, Mr. and Mrs. J. Flelschman.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Porter, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Liebe, Mr. and Mrs. H. Grunwaldt,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Koerber, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Boemke, Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Becker,
Mr. and Mra Charles Dierke, Dr. and
Mrs. Dammasch. Dr. and Mrs. F. A.
Reisacker. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eberhardt,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer. Mr. and
Mrs. G. Frelwalt. Mr. and Mrs. F. Aben
droth, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Rittman. Mr.
and Mrs. G. Otten. Dr. and Mrs. P.
Schwabe. Mr. and Mrs. R. Adam. Mr.
and Mra A. Senders, Mr. and Mra O.
Rothschild. Mr. and Mrs. P. Geisler. Mr.
and Mrs. R. Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt
Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ritter, Mr.
and Mra C Frank, Mr. . and Mrs. E.
Kroener, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailen. Mr.
and Mrs. W. Keidt, Mr. and Mrs. F. H.
Wehtje, Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Rometsch, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Kern, Mr. and Mrs.
P. Neu, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Steinlein.
Mr. and Mra Fromme, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Spath and Mr. and Mrs. A. Edlelsen.
A marriage which united two promi
nent Oregon families was that of Miss
Janet Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Gray, and Carl Steiwer, of Jef
ferson, Or. The wedding was sol
emnized at the Gray home, 82t0 feierra
drive. Seattle, January 10. Mr. and
Mrs. Gray have resided In Seattle for j
the past 15 years, going there from
Salem. The bride was graduated irom
St. Helen's Hall and Mr. Steiwer is a
University of Oregon man and a mem
ber of the Signa Nu fraternity.
Only the immediate relatives and In
timate friends were present at the serv
ices, which were performed by Rev.
Ernest Vincent Shayler, In the attract
ive, white-trellised, palm-decked music-room.
The library was decked in
pink and green.
The bride was charming In her gown
of Ivory satin, veiled with Duchess lace,
and she carried a bouquet of bride
roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs.
Merrill B. Moores, of Portland, matron
of honor, was gowned in a white taf
feta, embroidered in gold, and carried
Ophelia roses. Elmer T. ConnelL ot
Deer Island, Or., was best man.
Festoons of smilax decked the dining
room, where a great basket of Ophelia
roses centered the buffet table. Mrs.
Elmer T. ConnelL Mrs. Frederick
Pease, Mra Charles B. Dodge and Mrs.
Stephen Chadwlck presided at the urns,-J
while Misses Margaret Burkhardt,
Florence Dodge, Edith Nichols and Mar
jorle Burkhardt assisted about the
rooms. The guests were received by
little Benny Dodge.
Mr. and Mrs. Steiwer left for a wed
ding trip, from which they will return
March 1 to make their home at Jef
ferson, Or.
Among the out-of-town guests were:
Mrs. C. W. Walls, of Fossil, Or., sister
of the bridegroom: Mrs. A. R. Harris,
of Portland. Or.; Miss Mary Chadwlck.
of Salem, Or., the bride's aunt; Judge
and Mrs. Stephen Chadwlck, of Olym
pia; Senator and Mrs. Frederick
Steiwer. of Pendleton, brother and sister-in-law
of the bridegroom, and Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Connell, brother-in-law
and sister of the bridegroom.
m mm m
One of the most, charming affairs of
the season was the bridge-tea on Sat
urday afternoon given by Mrs. Lem
mon, wife of Captain K. B. Lemmon,
and Mrs. Hyde, wife of Lieutenant E. B.
Hyde, at the home of Mrs. Lemmon at
These Suit prices represent reductions so
far below cost that we anticipate a speedy
clearance of the entire lot.
One Lot
Worth Up to
One Lot
Worth Up to
One Lot
Worth Up to
One Lot Evening Frocks
Worth Up to 42.50
Clearing out all Evening Coats
Clearing out all Street Coats
Clearing out many Blouses
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The Meier 6? Frank
Sewing Club
Organized by Madame Coates, will have its
first meeting for 1917
Tuesday at 2 P. M.
in the Meier & Frank Auditorium 6th Floor
The Tuesday meeting will be In the na
ture of a preliminary class, at which new
members will be enrolled. All Madame
Coates' former pupils and all others de
siring to join Club are invited to attend.
Meier & Frank Sewing Club By the Committee-
A. choice selection for the ever increasing num
ber of lovers of poetry.
By Amy Lowell, $1.25 By Robinson Jeffers, $1.25
By Anthony Euwer, 1.00
Valentine Party Favors and Table Decorations
Party Favors for the Valentine Dinner, Place Cards, Score
Cards, Menus, Cut Outs, Decorations, Caps,
Nut Cups, etc. Second Floor.
Order Your Season's
Engraving Now
Calling Cards,
New styles now ready.
: inr
The J. K.Gill Co.
Beoti llrs. 5ttloir -
Lv and Cemplit, Offi&
V Outftttf
Til! M
I.vefle Manuals;.
Lucile Muessls; celebrated her
Sth birthday on Thursday. A
party In honor of the event was
given at the residence of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mra Mid
dausn, 975 Commercial street.
Eight little nuests assembled,
and frames and refreshments
made the afternoon interesting.
Miss Lucile was presented with a
number of pretty Kifia.
Fort Stevens. The tea was given in
honor of Miss Margaret Taylor, of
Astoria, bride-elect of Captain William
P. Currier, of Vancouver Barracks.
The decorations carried out the Army
colors, the score cards being decorated
with tiny American flags. The tea
table was centered with the kewpie
dolls dressed as bride and groom,
standing upon a mirror under a wed
ding bell of red crepe paper, from
which hung a shower of red paper
hearts suspended on red ribbons.
Around the mirror was a miniature
garden of red carnations and white
friesia. making a most attractive cen
ter piece. The place cards were paper
soldiers. At the end or too aiternoon
Miss Taylor was presented with the
little kewpies as a memento of the
Those present were Mra A. C. "Wlm
berly. Mrs. F. A. Buell. Mrs. L. H. Mott,
Mrs. Frank J. Taylor. Mrs. William
wimtnker. Mra Marsden. Mrs. Wettle-
Bon. Mrs. Henry McGowan. Mrs. Horace
Thing. Mrs. A. V. Allen. Jr.. Miss Helen
Taylor. Miss Winnifred VanDusen. the
honor g;uest and the hostesses.
m m m k
The committee for the entertainment
and dansant to be given by the Port
land Esthetic Dancing Association an
nounce that the aftair wil! be given at
Masonic Temple on Wednesday evening,
January 31. An Interesting and artistic
programme Is beln arranged.
An event of more than ordinary In
terest in the week's social festivities
was the fourth annual ball of the
Knights of Columbus, which was held
Friday night In the ballroom of Mult
nomah Hotel. The room was thronged
with attractively gowned women, and
the floral decorations were very artis
tic. Supper was served In the gardens.
The assemblage were received by Mr.
and Mra A. D. McDougall. Mr. and
Mrs. M. H. Kern. Mr. and Mra Will
lam 1. Abers. Mr. and Mra Henry F.
Kalvelage. Mr. and Mra F. A. Sulli
van, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Maher.
Mr. and Mra Joseph F. Kelly. Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Sweeney. Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel J. McCormlck. Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Tianley, Mr. and Mra Charles J.
Zerzan. Mr. and Mra Joseph T. Phelan.
Mr. and Mra. Nicholas J. Drew and
Mr. and Mra William M. Drennan.
Reception committee Frank J. Lon
ergan. chairman: James F. Clarkson.
Daniel J. Malarkey, Joseph Jacobber
ger. Michael F. Brady. Roger B. Sln
nott. . J. H. Sansruinet, John P. McEn
tee. Charles W. Stringer. J. Andre
Foullhoux, John P. Kavanaugh, Frank
E. Dooly. John C. McCue. John D. Mc
Gowan, Dr. Andrew C. Smith. John M.
Gearin. Dr. Ben L Korden and James
P. Cooke.
Floor committee John W. Kelly.
chairman; J. Raymond O'Keefe. Frank;
A. Heltkemper. J. Frank Slnnott, John I
C. Smith, Luke J. Feeney. J. Edwin i
Kenelick, John N. Casey. John F. Daly,
William J." Hester. Walter E. Roberts.
Matthew J. Lynch, Ardle M. O'Hanlon
and Narclsse R. Petelle.
Committee on arrangements Robert
J. O'Neill, chairman; William E. Prud
homme, Edmund T. Madden. John J.
Beekman and Anton R. Zeller.
One of the jolllest dancing parties)
of the past week was that of the newly
organized Port Rose Club, w".-.os
membership Is composed of a number
of prominent dance-lovers of thi -Ity,
all of whom take a special Interest
now Located fx their peb-
392V2 Washington St.
Next. Door to Raselwood.
Until Feb. 1st
Entire stock of
hand-made furni-
'1 if. . .ture. lamps, etc..
.S2-Tr-N, a-r callr rrdarrd.
Also special prices
on furniture made
to order during
130 Teath St.
fS Wuklastoa St.
jfruir dft(rom not
-yitfA fnilr Batx am
Engraved 'Wedding Invitations mr" Arv
nouncrmenta Social and Buainew Card.
Sterl Die Em boned PenonaL Lodge. rVofea
tonal and Buaineas Stationery Stat kind
f umplca drmred.