TUE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 21, 1917. 13 V CHLNE5S OPPOBTUMTIE9. IF YOU WISH To Buy, EoU or Exchange a I Business of any kind, anywner, see A. J DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trad Bids. SPECIAL. B Ait GAINS. GROCERY MEN. ATTENTION! "For sale, a good, clean mock of grocer lee, absolutely staple goods, will invoice about $2000; discount on fixture; good will of business free; sales run about $20O0 per month; rent $25. $850 buys a wholesale and retail busi ness with Ford auto for delivery; splen did proposition for man and wife; clears $200 per month. $200 HANDLES POOLROOM. Or will .rade; candy little suburban place dealing from $y0 to $125 per month set; big snap. BEAUTY PARLOR AND HAIR STORE. Well established business In good loca tion, complete equipment and good stock on hand; $600 cash handles it. MEAT MARKET TO TRADE. First-class equipment; sales run from $5Q to $60 per day; price $1000; wiil trade for clear property. $1500 CONFECTIONERY and cigar titore: located at the best transfer point on the East Side; good place and doing good business; 111 health reason for sell ing. CASH RETAIL BUSINESS. About $-800, sells sporting goods, sta tionery, school supplies, confectionery, to bacco, cigars and periodicals; clearing from $20oO to $3500 annually. flWP!!,l. MR AT MARKET. Owner leaving Portland, will sacrifice well established and handsomely equipped market fn first-cla-n location: rent oU sales $1850 per month, fixtures cost $1800; will sacrifice for $1100. A. J. DE FOREST. 207 Board of Trad. FORKir.K MANUFACTURER Wants reores.ntatlve. European factory closed account war. Now manufacturing In C.Yiiraen. Patented BDecialtV SOUS merchants. manufacturers. Tremendous European success. New Id America. $oou to S1500 caoital necessary. Exclusive ter ritory allottad. Scott Mfg. Co.. 123 W. Madison, Chicago. " l . . i ,p j'i Fn .mi .tblllied manufac turing corporation wants capable busf ns man to manage branch office and handle salesioen. Enormous profit; $300 tc $1000 capital necessary. Write for Pr . tlculars and get in business for yourself. Address Gloria Company. 1427 Carroll ave.. Chicago. 11. . $5 A DAY and railroad fare to single man willing to travel motion picture business; must invest $250 and service; more than value received for money; absolutely legiti mate; no fake. Don't answer unless you have the money and, mean business. Call not later than Monday noon, room 621, Palace Hotel. "WORLD - WIDE OPPORTUNITIES." A book Just off the press; contains up-to-the-minute plans for hustling men and women, $1 00 per copy "Wealth From the Soil" and "Making the Farm Pay," $1.00 each Other interesting books and useful spe cialties for sale. Condon Realty Co., box 24, Condon, or. $100,000 manufacturing corporation wants capable man to manage office and sales men ; possibilities unlimited ; from $300 to $700 capital necessary ; you handle own money ; will pay expenses to Chicago 11 you are man we want Secretary, 1013 Republio bldg., Chicago. BILLIARD HALL and bowling alley; two bowling alleys with balls, ,1 large billiard taDie, 3 pool tables, ail in gooa condition; cigar and candy cases, 1 cash register, all for the sacrifice price $800. half cash to responsible party. A good money-make. Phone Tabor 2608. AN established manufacturer wants general t alesmanager to open office and manage talesmen; $300 to $700 capital necessary. Money-makin possibilities unlimited. Will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we want. Acme Biass Works. Inc. 1012 Republic hldi.. Chicago. BUY Amalgamated Oil, 1 cent a share; 300 per cent dividends 90 days possIMe; production now coming in, ground floor stock. 1 cent share, doubles price shortly. $1 par value, $10 buys 100O shares. Write full details. Amalgamated Oil Co.. 1175 Colcord bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in Inestablished real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL A. COWG1LL. Sec. 802 Henry Bldg I 'OR SALE General merchandise store In Kood live town, cash trade, established, fine location, stock Just invoiced $4S00; this stock can be bought for 75 cents on the dol'ar if taken quick. Other business cauBe for selling. Address Box 33, Castle rock, Wash. $100,0t0 CORPORATION manufacturing talking machines wants territorial man agers with $100 to $500 capital to finance contract; plays ana equals any $50 ln itrumont: wholesale price $10: big money maker. Address sales manager, 1012 Re- puoiie oiag., cnicago. WANTED An Idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth; write for ''Needed Inventions" and "How to Got Your Patent." Randolph A Co. Dept. 3S0. Washington. D. C. AN UNUSUAL OPENING. Controlling interest, with position manager, in a dividend-paying flour mill and grain business, in Eastern Oregon. For personal interview, address M 2a. Oregonian. $3000 WILL buy an interest in a patented article that will be used in nearly every home ; money to be used in manufactur ing and marketing, and snouiu result earning large profits; full investigation solicited. 3-o corbett mag. $200 INVESTMENT grew to $20,000. Let us tell you how you can share in profits of this fabulously profitable business. Book let No. 101 gives complete facts. Mailed you free. Prudential Securities Co.. 23U S. La Salle, Chicago. PEANUTS, popcorn, chewing candy; sales running $2500 per year; profits 50 per cent or better ; rent $30 ; store 12x J 4 ; small balcony stock, fixtures, butter kist ma chine, all $000 cash, less than machine ost. Sunset Confectionery, Astoria, Or. A WAITING DEVE LOPMENT. 'Large hill, high-class fine grain granite. n Polk Co. property; big opportunity fur larere nrof its from small investment : pol ished samples and details, 80S Chamber of Commerce. AL'TOMOBILK business ; owner wants a re liable partner to help him; pays large nrotits and the duties are easily learned and only $430 cash required, which will be secured. Call -4aVj stars st. NKW.SPAPER Failing eyes compel sale newspaper in Puget Sound town of 2000 monthly payroll $50,000; will sell for abou invoice price: take at least Siooo to nan die. G. E. Hamilton, Enumclaw. Wash WESTERN Washington county seat news paper; model 5 linotype: good equipment makiu- money : terms $3000 cash or se curity. time on balance; good town and rounty. Address AV 41 a, uregonian. AM UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. Well-established confectionery and tee cream parlor In good Willamette Valley town; must sen on account 01 health, AV 403. Orgonlan. FOR SALE Up-to-date stock of furniture and house furnishings, clean and well se lected : doin - irood business. Eastern Ore iron town: r. real opportunity for the right psrty. AtMress A V 4 lb. Oregonian. FOR SALE "Woodworking plant, manufae turlng specialties; no competition n rvtast : or will consider selling half In terest to party competent to operate and vrtrmige same. Address aj af, uregonian. WAN with $2000; can guarantee 0 per cen everv four months, besides wages; money absolutely secured; don't answer unless you mean business. N 35, Oregonian. FOT SALEVe!l-eauiiDed hair shoo i best town in Southern Oregon ; reasonable rent: good reason for selling. Addres AV 447. Oregonian. WANT a steady man. handy with tools. work in a solid business as partner; pay $25 week ; requires a small lnvestmen jwhlch will be secured. Call 24 S V Stark st, RESTAURANT FIXTURES, counters, stools. dishes, rrencn range, refrigerator; com' plete equipment at below one-half value will taae tu now, .-none uain vsxa. MOVING picture show proposition for $5'50 cash only, no terms: clearing snout s to $100 per month ; two machines, piano, 2-"0 chairs, etc. K uregonian. LAXDY hotel for sale: 22 rooms furnished good business- N. v . heat; $SC0 will ban d ie. 90 S 5th at, near stark ; located in heart of city. Phone Main 992. FOR SALE CHEAP. 2-chalr barber shop; complete fin equipment; rnt S9 a month; must sell at re. 529 E. ISth st. GOOD, energetic man for interest well located tiainr lunch: must understan conking snd capable managing same. In autre 14'J 4tn. IDEAL location for watchmaking. Jewelry renalrln and mniai instruments; trana fer corner. 331 E. Morrison st. OFFICE business: chance to get in a busi ness established 10 years: pays good prolUs. Particulars 24f Stark st. FOR SALE First-class confectionery. Nell R Soheurcr. Aurora, Or. CLE N ING shop; best proposition; fln -v -at J on : reasonable. Phone Wood lawn ! lo 422. GOOD restaurant for sale. SS4 East Burn (Me FOR SNAPS in rooming-houses see Pacific Agency. Inc., B15 Swetiand bldg. SPLENDID location for 891 IB. Morrison st. retail shoe store. SG81Sb OPPORTUNITIES. FROM $12 a week to $3000 a year shows possibilities of life Insurance. You can be trained for this business. win senu you free our correspondence course of salesmanship and life insurance. This Is not advertising matter, but a course of instruction such as you would pay $50 for. It is yours for asking, free. Write to day. William King, Agency Supervisor, Dept. 63, Missouri State Life Insurance Company, St. Louis. Mo., fastest growing life insurance company in America. in surance In force over $120,000,000. OUR reason for selling Is too much busi ness; nest location in tseno, -rr., city u. 6000 population, auu wi.l ut zo.Oou .n 3 years. We have soda fountain, bottles, Kist popcorn and peanut roaster, lunch room, electric drink mixer, electric ice cream machine, complete candy, cigar, bread and cake cases, marble slab and canay outfit complete, tables, chairs, etc., $400O cash; good leas, rent $50 per month. The right place for a live man. A money maker. See Ira Black, at Venable Hotel. for particulars. $1000 HANDLES cigar store with poolroom in connection, clearing $200 per month nt: Inratfirf in live town lb.OUO population; will Invoice $3000; my price $1800. $1000 cash, balance time. COLD STORAGE., ice plant, all modern machinery ; large warenouse, on R R n n H water tranEDOrtatloni SOOd Coast town; $500O cash. bai. $12,000 long time at o per cent. A. F. DE FOREST. 205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. BE A DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC. A most lucrative and dignified profea slon Classes now reentering in both day and night courses. - Registrations open for a short time only. For full particulars inouire Pacific Chironractic College. 433 Hassala st.. at 7th. East Side. Telephone East 6506. Dr. Elliott, managing director. FOR SALE Garage in one of the best towns in Oregon; population 12,000; more cars in county than any county in state outside of Multnomah; location oris block irom business center ; doing a goo a dusi neu : ouen to lnsuectlon to rieht party will take &1500 to handle, reason for selling, must get to dryer climate; must act quick. A V 440. Oregon lan. $50 CASH, balance less than you'd pay for your apartments, s beautifully rurmsnea rooms; everything goes. Including fin oil naintinrs and mv Dries will be your price- come out and figure It yourself; upstairs i Dermanentlv rented! Dave entire rent, light, phone, water bills Soft HancocM.. W a or B cars. PATENTS Write for list of patent buyers and inventions wanted, $i.uoo.wu in prizes offered for inventions; send sketch for free opinion as to patentability; our four books sent free. Victor J. Evans At io. 642 0th st., Washington. D. C FOR SALE Splendid manufacturing busi ness. Other business takes all my time. Suitable for two men or man and wife who can act as saleslady. Worth $1000. Will sell for less, if cash. See Plummer, 260 Third st. FOR SALE Clear store and billiard narlor good lease, good location ; doing more bust nesa tnan any pooiroom in w ummeu Vailey; no blue sky for sale. Come and Investigate or write to H. Button, owner Eugene, Or. t - FOR SALE General store, well established will discount for cash, as I must make change; I own building, will sell or rent, living rooms, large basement. T. a, wre- gonlan. , HOTEL MEN. READ THIS. Ona of most prosperous hotels In capital citv for sale: will sell property or furni ture and lease. For particulars address Bay View Hotel, Olympia. Wash. NEW manufacturing company about to commence business In Portland has open ing for secretary who can invest $10,000 investment secured; best references. 41, Oregonlan. W kl,L na vine old-established 11a uor store. with saloon in connection; located in best town in Nevada Elko. A bargain S25O0: must sell account 111 health. D. M. Ravitz, Elko, Nev. OR SALE Grocery, delicatessen and lunchroom. SI m: X75 cash, balance on time, rent for store and living-rooms $10 per month; owner leaving city. 843 ttusseu street. FOR SALE A nrosnerous chicken business ea moment consists or huu nens. wniie Leghorn cocks; portable houses, electric apparatus, etc.; 5-acre ranch for rent. L. E. Robinson, Corva.ll is, r. BUTTER, eggs, etc.; one of the best Uttl stores in Portland : can clear S100 mont easy; requires a small Investment, fully secured. Call 24S star st. WANT energetic man to manage branc office in live town for weli-estabiisnea firm; small investment; money secured. 701Swetland bldg Portland. UEL BUSINESS In Brood town and doin business; lor sale -reasonable; gooa rea sons for selling. P. O. Box 244, Albany, Or. MOVING picture theater; best suburban the ater in fortiana: irooa money-maaer: 1 big bargain at $3000; owner positively must leave city. J i, uregoniaa. AT A BARGAIN Complete candy factory, fully eaulDoed. well established business, wholesale and retail, small capital. AP 45, Oregonian. SMALL STORE lor sale cheap; about $1200 stock; ren $1500; doing good business. See Har 401 Board of Trade. DRUG LESS PHYSICIAN'S OPPORTUNITY four rooms, central on ice oiag. ; cabinet, electric machines, etc AK 34, Oregon ian. A NEWLY completed modern store build ins in a thriving Sacramento valley towi for lease. Address owner, AV 434 .Ore gonian. ATTENTION INVESTORS. For sale, hotel property; pays 10 per cent on Investment; tor further Inquiries, AV 444, Oregonian. GOOD location for the right man with $5ooo to $10,000 stock of general mer chandise; don't write, come. F. R. BEALS. Tillamook. Or. FOR SALE -A gold-mining claim; produces good paying ore ; fine prospects; good in vestment. For particulars write Henry Rudio, owner, Marysville, Mont. GROCERY and delicatessen, in fine apart ment-house district, just tne place ror man and wife. Owner alone and cannot handle it. Main 1291. FOR RENT Best location in city for mo torcycles and supply shop; transfer cor ner. 3S7 E. Morrison et. BUSINESS man can purchase $2000 inter est, manufacturing business; pays large profits, good salary. E 89, Oregonian. D A I RY store and milk route; good opening for energetic man; pay aou montn. jan 248H Stark st. GOOD paying drug business, long established and only reason tor seinng is sicKness. Cash or its equivalent. AO 30, Oregon 'an. . GOOD business with exclussive territory, for sale. A few hundred dollars handles it- L. E. Howard, Yamhill, Or. WE SELL OR TRADE Anything and everything. Miliership, 431 Chamber of Commerce. W E have 40 grocery stores from $400 to $40,000 cash and trade. Pacinc Agency, Inc., 515 Swetiand bldg. OPENING for energetic man in the fuel business; pays $2o0 month. can s-isv Stark st. DON'T WORRY. I can trade or sell it; anything. Lay man. 527 Chamber of Commerce. a-CHAIR barber shop for sane. $100 for QUICK sale. -.iici iuu yuim ntor. -o 7 N 3d near Burnside. ; rvt iC ER1ES. etc.: partner wanted for strictly cash business; pay $100 month- Call 248 ts Stark st SELECT home-made bread business In Irvington and Alameda Park district; owner leaving town. Last 61 40. INVENTORS We develop and perfect In va Lions, make models and do manufaetur ing. Portland ModejWorks, 142 2d st. FOR SALE Doughnut factory, consisting of store, screens, pat. aousrmut dropper, etc.; also recipe; $100. A iio. Oregonian. SMALL sawmill and planer, cutting West ern pine; Al proposition ; $1000 required 512 Royal bldg.. Broadway and Morrison. RIGHT party can get furniture and lease splendid highway hotel at real bargain; $5t0 will handle. Y 42, uregonian. PA RTNER wanted for a good little cash business; pay $15 week and share profits; $125 cash required. Call 24 Stark st. FOR SALE East Side grocery doing good business; wiil invoice and discount if sold immediately. W 44. Oregonian. WANTED Man with Portland business Morrison st. $250 for good paying Call 2 to 5. 234 FOR RENT Cleaning and dyeing location, b-et In city, transfer corner. 391 East Morrison st. PARTNER cleaning, pressing shop ; small amount required; will teach business. 424 Morrison st. CLOTHES cleaning and tailoring shop; small investment required. 255 N. 17th st. FOR SALE Grocery, West Side, big reduc tion, living-rooms. AL 43, Oregonian. RESTAURANT, cheap rent. $15 month. Call 2 North Third sL WANTED Cashier picture show; $250 quired; Investigate. AO 42. Oregonian. re FOR SALE Grocery, West Side, big reduc tion, living-rooms, AL 43. Oregonian. FOR SALE: Light grocery snd cigars. . cheap rent- Owner. Marshall li84. GARAGE for sale or trade, good location for repair pusinees. o. uttguman. NOVELTY advertising business eluding auto. Inquire at 89 N for sale. ln- 17th St. RESTAURANT snap, completely furnished cheap account sickness. 103 N. 3d. st. BtStMCfih OP PORT UNIT IKS. FLOUR MILL- SACRIFICE. . OWNER OBLIGED TO SELL BO-BARREL MODEKJS PLANT, FIRST -CLASS CONDITION. LOCATED NEAR SPLEN DID "HuME" C11Y IN HEART OF BEST F4.Oi DIaTRICT uf ORE GON. GOOD KOADa A.Ni) RAIL. FACILI TIES lot) MILES TO PORTLAND). GOOD PKUFITABLE BUoiNEoS THbKE NOW FOR PR-a-OiiCAL MAN (ON L 1 MILL IN DISTRICT). toEE i HIS. MAKE UJfVEK, PART CASH LIBERAL TLtiMS. CON SIDER GOOD C1T1 OR FARM PROP ERTY AS PART PAYMENT. ADDRESS OWNER, P. O. BOX 22, PORTLAND. HERE. YOU ISAAC WALTON. For sale, one share of stock in the best private fishing proposition on the Pacif i Coast. Onlv 2U shares of stock In the corporation. 8 lakes fully stocked with 8 varieties of trout. Fisha now from 2 to 7 years old and weigh from one to 10 pounds: S. P. S. Rv. station on the Drop erty. Less than 50 miles from Portland, on good auto road. Finest scenery on the Columbia River. These fish are private property and can be fished any time. No closed season. Only one share of this stock for sale. Reason for selling: Owner is so situated he cannot use the lakes. Inquire of D. CROWLEY, Bcappoose, Oregon. WANTED Good man with $8000 or $4000 to take nan interest in buying stock or general merchandise now averaging $1800 a month. Will stand investigation Call on oar Mr. Walker, now at Hotel Perkins, Or write Northwestern Xxchange, Eu gene Oregon. BIG opportunity to make a life Income. will give half Interest to party able to handle or go East and secure marketing on royalty or outright sale, of an inven tion which is a public necessity, as well as an advertising medium of value, de manded by Legislature and endorsed by the trade Call between 5 and 8 P. M 1028 Cham, of Commerce AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Live wire business man with from $7000 to $10.uOO ean connect with a commercial proposition of enormous possibilities- and which commands attention; something big and new; rigid investigation invited; references exchanged. For furtner lnfor mation address AR 87, OregonianJ CASH TALKS HERE. I must dispose of my business on ac count of health. Am, doing $10U per day; good, live town of S500: everv thins in good shape. If you want something good investigate this. Takes 5ho cash to ban die. Address AV 44i, Oregonian, FOR, SALE: Oae of Yskima's largest and i-u-ieei sara.fci; average aauy receipts $100 per day; " conditions never better; business increasing every day. Reason for selling satisfactorily explained. For full information write to P, O, Box 100y, Nortfl 1 a Kim a, wxsn. POOR health forces me to sell my bust ness; money maker for right man: butcher shop. well equipped ; refrigerator plant ; 14 lots, 8 room modern house ; 0 acres ; slaughter-house, barns, etc. Bargain. 203 Commercial block. WILL SELL for invoice. For trade or saje hotel, confectionery, billiard hall, moving picture show, on public highway; 40 acres of land In Josephine County or win trads for improved land. O. A. Sim kins, owner. Aurora, Or. BARBER SHOP, $125 TAKES IT. 3 chairs and all equipment. Fine West Side location; rent erily $35, including heat, light and hot water. F FULTON, 621 Yeon Bldg. GROUND FLOOR PROPOSITION, for man or woman to act as cashier and secretary of corporation just organizing; $500 to $750 required. Call 924 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BIG SNAP Comer grocery store for sale; doing cash Business: must leave town ac count 111 health; will take some trade or will give very good bargain for cash. 434 E. Burnside st. WANTED A jeweler at ArWta Station, city. Will give a room free for one month. A first-class jeweler can do well. Phone Tabor 1272. Box 62 Arleta Sta tion. FOR SA LB Best-looking small grocery and delicatessen in fortiana ; nxtures ana stock wiil Invoice "73500; will sell for 2250. Call at 410 Montgomery or phono Marshall S327. RESTAURANT on one "of busiest streets on West S'de, corner location, doing $35 dally. Will in voice $700. Price, if sold Monday, $325. Peters. 15 N. 5th t. 40O0 CORDS wood. First growth. On the stump. 14 miles to Portland. 1H miles to river and railroad. Price for quick sale. ?10O0. See J. A. Turner, 202 Fall ing bldg . 3d and Wash. FOR SALE Well established hardware store In good location, at a very reasonable price. Present owner coiner Into manu facturing business. Inquire. M 54, Orego nian. KLAMATH FALLS LOTS. Rockaway Beach lots, free of in cum brance, to trade. What have you ? Get busy. U A. HALL, 512 Panama bldg. PROFITABLE established office business needing $500 to $1000 will pay 10 per cent, give mortgage. Interest or position. Wdln. 1251. MEAT Market, residence, shop, slaughter house, equipped, country town, good business, in vest i gate. $1000 will handle. J, Haas, Dekum Bldg, MANUFACTURING Business that Is good strict Investigation invited ; legitimate business for an active man. 708 Dekum Building. BUILDING material business for sale, good trade, fine location and free lease and will take clear land or lots up to $1500. Owner, AV 450, Oregonian: STOCK of goods for sale, store and fixtures for rent. AR 46, Oregonian. CORNER grocery, living-rooms, close in; doing good business. M 52, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED We have several people with the money who want to buy a business or will put in money for a working interest; want manufacturing business, automobile garage, feed business a grocery, a confec tienery, a dairy luncn. a store In country town and one party wants an office busi ness; if you want to sell, caH or write at aonce. Chas. D. Wood, 24sy Stark st. WANT a good undertaking business, will manage on shares or will trade good im proved real estate for same; no objec tion to small furniture stock, town of not over 10.000 population preferred; give full details in first letter; reference given. C. T. North, 761 Commercial su. Portt land. Or. WANTED Clothing and Gents' furnishing business In Portland which will inventory about $20,000. Must be going business, in good location. Will pay all cash. Give name snd location Will call for ail fur ther Information and treat answers strict ly confidential. Address AB 36, Oregonian. W AsTEU By Eastern merchant, a general merchandise store, small town or country preferred: wili pay all cash for satisfac tory discount. What haveyou? AV 355, Oregonian. WANTED by man of extensive business ex perience to invest $500 and services where enerev and ability will count in Roing, established business that will stand in vestigation P 40, Oregonian. WANTED to buy, furnishings of good and desirable apt. -house of 20 or more apts. up $2000; $15O0 lot as first pay bal. monthly payments. Owners only, K 54, Oregonian. WANT to lease shingle mill, 80 to 120 M capacity; upright machines preferred; would consider interest; practical shingle man. P 41. Oregonian. WANTED To buy part interest in garage, located In city of Portland. Address, giv ing full particulars. W. D. Loughary, 616 loth St., Oregon City, Or. WANTED Apartment-house. about 60 rooms, in 2 and 3-room suites; well fur nished, modern and dofng good business; West Side. AL 3S, Oregonian. HAVE cash and income city property for good general mere n ana proposition m live sawmill town or farming district. W 3S, Oregonian WANTED Location as plumber and pump man in Central Eastern Oregon; an A-t man In locating water; open shop. Write AP 43. Oregonian. WANTED To buy a small bakery in good small town or would rent bakery outUt; cash. Address AV 4 :S, Oregonian. WANTED One or two-chair outfit or shop cash. Call Tabor 2357 Monday between 8 and 12 A. M. WANT to buy or rent milk business; pay cafh; owners only. Call 106 Belmont 1 A. M. ALL or any part of $H000 to invest in legiti mate enterprise, with or without services. CaM 2 to 5. 234 Morrison st. WANTED I wish to lase completely fur nished hotel In good live town. Option buving. Give full par. AR 32, Oregonian. 4 -v well acquainted In Portland will buy interest In small manufacturing plant. Nt triflers, owners oniy. A- asa. uregonian mvp $1000 to $1500 for Interest In gol&g business. AU w, uregonian. SMALL store near school that $200 will handle. AC 84, Oregonian. HOTFL A VP KOOMTSfl-HOrES. FOR SALE A splendid 24-rom rooming house, all full, making good living. X 37, Oregonian. 30 ROOMS. MODERN $900 TERMS Money maker. Goddard. 502 Couch bldg. FURNITURE of 8-room steam heated flat. 51V GlisaiV HOTELS AND BOOMiNG-HOlSKs. ' IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange Hotel, Rooming or Apt.-House, See A J. DE FOREST. 205-20 1 Board of Trade Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAINS, EASY TERMS OR EXCHANGE. 190-room modern hotel, located in Port Sand, clears from $250 to 3oO per month; cost $25,000 to furnish ; owner, non-resident, will sacrifice for $10.oo0. Take up to $5000 in property or $1500 cash, balance monthly. 136-ROOM APT.-HOUSE, $1000 DOWN. 44 apartments, strictly modern, close in, always full, rent only $276. with lease; price of furnishings. $2050; might consider some trade. 103-ROpM APARTMENT-HOUSE All full; good West Side location; fine modern brick building; price of furnish ings, $4Suu; little casn, some tradw, bal ance time. 76-ROOM modern hotel with 40 prlvats baths, cheap rent. Al business; furnishings cost $16,000, my price $5800, time or part traae. It s an absolute bargain. 8&-room hotel, absolutely modern; some rooms with private baths, or ass oeas, ax minster carpets, Al mattresses; house full all the time, good brick buimings. Centra, West Side location; rent only $125. Price $1800; $SO0 cash, balance monthly. atUROHM APTHOUSE. Easy to handle, all on one floor; brick bldg.. In good location and modern; rent $60 per month Income, $175; price of furnishings, $1200. Terms or part trade. HERE ARE SOME BARGAINS. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 20 ROOMS. Ideally located, fine furni ture, good building, rent $55; this Is cheap at $100O, parf cash. 22 ROOMS PRICE S850. Near Washington; If you have $500 cash silt to see this, furniture above the av erage; no vacancies. 15 ROOMS PRICE $750. Rent $45. ail housekeeping, very ei and homelike. $400 cash required, 8 ROOMS PRICE $3S3. Located on 14th' and Yamhill streets: rent $25; If you have $125 caao you can have terms on balance. 34 APARTMENTS PRICE $4000. This modern brick building has auto matlc elevator, private balconies, high class, over $300 above running expenses, about $3000 cash required. 70-ROOM HOTEL. A rare chance to ret this modern hotel. corner brick, ground floor office, private baths, cheap rent, price s;ooo. some terms. 35 ROOMS PRICE $1800. Rent $25, beautifully furnished, private baths, located Just right for transient; don t miss this. MARY E. LENT. P24 N. W. Bank bldg.. 0th and Morrison. 40 H. K. ROOMS near Morrison St.. WTest Side; rent $S0; furnace neat, etc Tre mendous snan at 11500. Some terms 28 H. K. rooms In two-room suites, al'. on one floor: rent S0. Free heat and hot and cold water. West Side locality. Pries $700: terms. 2, H. K. rooms, rent $40. Fine West Side corner. Most homelike In town. De sirably furnished and vsry clean. Price $550. 11 H K. rooms, rent $35. Close In en Jefferson st. : electric liarhta etc. : very clean and well furnished. Just the place I tor lone woman : f'tou. YATES REALTY CO.. 249 4th st. HOTELS LARGE AND SMALL. Furniture and lease of 75-room hotel. Portland; snap if taken .now. 28-room. hotel in center of shoppkig district, $3'OOa terms. 103 -room hotel In city of 25,000, doing capacity business; investigate. Fur niture and lease of 65-room country hotel, 365 miles from Portland: Sunday head quarters for traveling men ; doing big business; $7000 cash. VanDuyn & Wal ton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 20 -room house. always full ; steam h .at. Janitor service. inciuuea in rent; nrst-ciass place; attrac tive for a woman to run, $600 will han dle. Also 9-room newly furnished tra sient house, $300 will handle. Call Apt. 1, &zi Everett. 16 LARGE, cheerful rooms, nicely furnished. dandy, close-in corner, steam heat; would I mke the best high-class boarding-house in Portland. Wells dt Anderson, it3'ij west Park. 44 ROOMS, brick bldg.: hot and cold water. call bells, clothes closets in every room; steam heat;' rent $60; full, clearing $110 1 monthly; price $b50, easy terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. 30-ROOM FAMILY HOTEL Modern In every way; best West PMe I location ; beautifully furnished and full; I $1750: $-150 will handle. MRS. KRAXTZ. 621 Yeon Bldg. HOTEL LINNTON. White House. Llnnton, Or.; 12 rooms, kitchen, dining-room and J living-room, all furnished; $500, part cash, balance terms; rent $20 per month. W. F. Lf-ngacher. fhone Main Bu.j4. A 65-ROOM apartment-house, modern, clots in on West Side, In first -class con dition, for sale or trade for a hotel not over 50 rooms; must be up to date. AJ 43, Oregonian. & ROOMS, housekeeping, modern, srood lo cation, electric lights, runninsr water. $275. Terms. Wells & Anderson, 163 V West Park. ROOMING house. 20 rooms, nice modern cor,, good carpets, clearing $50 mo.; H. K. Price $450. Call 191 4th -t Rent only 2. can 101 4tn at. S6-ROOM APT.-HOUSE. All full; good West Side location; big money maker. MRS. KRANTZ. 621 Yeon Bid. Al ItO. JO.. C l-A-.V L . Leading Hotel, Apartment-House AgenL Oldest Reliable Agency in city. 524 N. W. Bank big., ttth and Morrison. 30-RUOM apartment-house, rent $50. fine corner. Income 4175 month. Best buy In Portland. Wells Ac And.rson, 163 & West! Park. 14 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. Good furniture, fine location; all fulltt rent $-W. Price $450. MRS. KRANTZ. 621 Yeon Bldg. WK HAVE experienced hotel man who wants partner with $1500 to secure good hotel proposition in city. VanDuyn A W'altou, 61 Chamber of Commerce. BEST 38-room. heated. In city, modern brick. steady roomers; get the price and terms and you'll buy. Mrs. Miller, 123 14th st.. cor. Wash. 17 -ROOM apartment-house, rent $35, good corner, money-maker, must sell. sicRn Bargain. Terms. Wells A Anderson, l;.i West Park. 28 ROOMS, all on one floor, every room full; rent, including heat and water, $50; al H. K-; dandy location; price $645, easy terms. Peters, 1 Ps. oth st. 14 ROOMS, swell furniture. White Temple district; dandy home; all full. Price $350, terms. Peters, 10 .oth st. SWELLEST little apt. house In town; brass beds, good furniture, best offer takes it. Call Main 202. 50 ROOMS, best transient hotel In city; new furniture, cheap rent; only $450 cash re quired, uwner, tuiy first st, HOTELS. APTS- OR ROOMING-HOUSES, ANY SIZE. PRICE OR LOCATION. MRS. KRANTZ, 621 YEON BUILDING 20 ACRES exchange for boarding-house or hotel. am bdtii, evenings. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between Morrison-street entrance of Portland Hotel and Sixth-street entrance to Meier A Frank s. a brown fox fur neck piece. Call Marshall 1868. Sulta lie reward. LOST Bet. 528 Grand ave. S. ind the T. w. o. A Saturday. January -u. a Diue silk umbrella, with black bnrdur. Finder) please call Last B4J1; rewan. LOST One gold watch, Waltham make, else 0; "Edna" engravea on face. Return to Behnke-Walker Business College and re ceive reward LOST Brooch, topas setting, Thursday night in Hip Theater or Sellwood car; reward. 474 E- luxh. LQisX In North Portland, brindle year old; answers to name Boots. A 320 or Main 7347. Reward. dog. 1 Phone LOST Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. bond; find er will be rewarded on returning to office of company, 12th and Davis sts. LOST -One gold watch and pin between 23d and Everett and 22d. Return 741 Everett st. Reward, REWARD- Information leading to recovery of black dog collar, brass studs, lock; taken off Airedale dog. E. 1130. FOUNDBrindle bulldog, male, white bi-iast" white stripe In face. Call Sunday, 10 o'clock. Main 6tf. A 1160. - LOST Pair of spectacles in a case coin High School hall. Return to Noble. Lumbermen! bldg. .1 Lin H. E. IXjST Between 13th and' Jefferson and 2Sth and Broadway, cameo ring; reward. Eat 4776. r a nary bird, B63; reward. Wednesday morning. Lo.-T String of pearl beads. Finder phone East 4007. LOST Yellow collie dog; one white front paw. Phone Wood. 97T. Reward, LOST Ekeglasees, Irvington car or business STOLEN 1016 Ford car. tlconae No. 8540. Phone Tabor 5325; reward, t LOST Gold signet ring with .seal in green stone: reward. Pnone Mtrsnaii-o&4 OUTSIDE man to invest in good proposition for tne ngni party. Ait eo. oregonian. FOUND English setter dog.i Call Mamhall 44-v5 axter o r, h. f 1 LOST A1 FOUND. TH E following articles were found on the cars ox Uie rort.sna rtaiiway, i-is Power Company January 19, 1V17; 8 lunch boxes. 1 large envelope, 5 single gloves, 2 .music roils, 1 package putty. 1 notebook, 2 hand Dags, 1 pin. 2 grips, 4 umbrellas. 1 purse, 2 pairs gloves, 1 key, 1 suitcase, 1 book, 1 package records, 1 ring, 1 basket, 1 package shoes, 1 hand kerchief, 1 powder box, 1 muff. Owners may oDtain lost property at 1st and Alder streets. THE East Side is awakening; there Is an opening for a live sho man. Jeweler, auto supply, milliner or delicatessen on East Morrison st. ; we have a tine steam-heated corner store in our building which we will rent for $0 per month. HOTEL CLIFFORD. . "A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit. East Morrison street at East Sixth. WILL the person who was seen to pick up lavender silk bag at Eleventh-su Theater Thursday eve.. Jan. 11. containing silver chain purse, some jewels, card case, cameo brooch and other articles, please return to the owner and receive reward? No questions asked. Westervelt. 807 Orego nian bldg. EXTRAORDINARY opportunity to share In protlts of tremendous money -making en terprise; $loO cash or in monthly pay . ments will make you over $lOU0 within 2 years; clean, legitimate proposition . can be proved by close investigation; interview by appointment only. H 3-6, Ore son ian. LOST FRIDAY, lady's gold hunting-case watch. Hamilton movement, between E. Ash and Ankeny sts.. on ISth or Monta villa car to 3u and Morrison, or South Portland car to Montgomery at. Liberal reward. Phone Main 7u04 or address AO .0, uregonian. LOST A large pink cam 00 dinner ring set witn z diamond chips on each end; lost in Pacific Telephone building, Thursday noon. No questions asked. Phoue Main 1U20; re ward. LOST -Black leather purse; contained hus band a wagesf bank book with owner's nams; very liberal reward. Phone Wood lawn 47uo. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propewais Invited, IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Ore gran. In the matter of E, R. Clary, bankrupt. Request for bids J will recelvf sealed bids tor the following stock of merchandise and fix tures, formerly the property of the above- named bankrupt, situate at 65o Tburman , 1., ronianu, urcgua, up 10 en a unui i o'clock, noon, of the 28th day of January, 1017. at my offices. 740-47 Morgan bldg.. Portland. Oregon: Stock of goods, wares and mer chandise consisting principally v of dry goods, notions, gents, fur nishings, etc., of the inventoried value of $5.103. 70 Fixtures pertaining to the same. of the Inventoried value of,... 421.23 Total $5.525 04 The hlrhest bid received will be ac cepted, subject, however, to the approval Of the court- All bids must be accom panied by certified check for 10 per cent 1 or tne amount orrerea. Inventory of the above stock and fix tures may be seen at my office and the property Inspected at the premises. 650 Thurraan au, Portland, Or. R. L. 8ABIN, Trustee. M Urcllaneous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Alt he ugh my husband. Howard Covey, Is attempting to repudiate Just debts in curred by me for family necessities, he will be compelled by law to pay them. Mane Covey. TO whom it may concern: You will take notice that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by 'my wife. Marie Covey. HOWARD M. COVEY TO ALL CONCERNED I will not he re sponsible ror any bills or indebtedness made by Mrs Martha Marie Stier. Ed ward Stifr. BaRGES for rent, capacity 900 tons. Main FINANCIAL. QUICK LOAN SERVICE. t ASH KEAUY BttUWI IT ED EXPENSE. NOTICE. LII- $200 "TO $5000 ON FIRST MORTOAGT9, 7-8 PER CENT; WILL BUY FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES OR CONTRACTS. WILL LOAN MONEY TO ASSIST IN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. WILL LOAN UPON (OR BUY) LIFR INSURANCE POLICIES. EQUITIES IN ESTATES, ETC- UPON LIBERAL TERMS. IT WILL PAT YOU TO SEE US. OREGON BONO A MOWTOAOB CO- 20U SELLING BLDG. MONEY LOANED. Residence property. 6 to 8 per cent. Business property, 0 to 8 per cent. -Farm property, 7 to 8 per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 711 Plttock bik. WILL purchsse short-time chattel mortgages or cnattel contracts, preieraoiy 01 mon.my Installment payments. Portland Loan Company, 806 Dekum bldg. FIRST and second mortgages; also seller's Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbexmens bldg. WE BUY mortgages, r-onds and notes. WESTERN BOND SlUKlUAUtt (J., 80 4ta st.. Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages purchased. Lewis sc i:o.r Lewis qiqs. WE buy real estate mortgages. Fred W, German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. K4nk mnd Bonds. WE OFFER FOR SALE. 2000 Alaska Pet. A Coal Co .17 200 American Telegraphone ...... 2. 1000 Granite Gold Mining Co... 1000 Western Smelting & Power .36 .32 WE WILL if U x . 50 Centennial Mill Co. 100 American Drug-gist Syndicate. 50 International Text Book Co. ) 100 Thompson's Malted Food. All listed and unlisted stocks and bonds bought and sold. Late market letter on securities of ths Northwest mailed on re quest. HERRIN A RHODES, INC.. STOCK AND BOND BROttERS. Established 21 years. SEATTLE, WASH. 110 Cherry fit. WANTED 34x5 kodak, Zeis Anastlg- matic lens; must be reasonable price. Box 394, centralis. Wash. 530 SHARES Oregon Homo Builders, 20c share; best buy in market. AV 480, Ore gonian. Money to Loan on Ral Estate. EE Ute today for loans on Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent; $200 and up. Cellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeop bldg. 1 1 r 0 TO $2500 loan Improved city prop erty by private party ; no vommiBsioa. I 39, Oregonian. $600 TO $1000 to buy first mortgage or loan on nrst mortgages, improvea; state run particulars; no agents. K 87, Oregonisn. MONEY to loan on farm lands and timber claims. T. A. Kutner.ora, so -taiiway Exchange bldg. I HAVE $4600 for mortgage loan at 7 per cent, which I would divide for very good loans. nr v-. i'rejronin. Mo.Nbl TO LOAN ON CITV OR FARM PROPERTY ; WILL CALL IF INTER ESTED Phone Tabor 26?6. MONEY to loan In sums of from $.100 up. Small expense and low rate of interest. K. W. Fisher. 4ia Stock Exchange $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; build ing loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 310 816 Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. $3500 5H PER CENT. Wll loan on Improved farm for 20 years or lews. W 12, Oregonian. $50O0 TO LOAN In amounts to suit. 7 pet cent, or would purchase mortgage. R. W Bell. 206 Oregonian bldg. $15,000 TO LOAN in sums of $2000 to $5000 each on improved city and farms. Oregonian. $4000 CLIENT'S money loan Immediately. Attorney, 415 Platt bldg. Phone Main CI4fl. , HAVE $10,000 or less to loan on improved property, reunausen o. $1000 TO $10,000 TO LOAN on city or farm, no commission. P. O. box 878. city. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. Hardlnjr. 8T3 Chamber of Commerce LOANS on city snd farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fnchs, 42Q Cham, of Com. FARM and city loans. 61. per cent; no oai mission. K 947. Oragonlan. $23,700 nian. IN SUMS to suit. C 80, Orego- $"tiO $350, $0O0, $1200, $1800. Fred W. "Ce'rmsn A Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. i-v LIMITED Eastern funds. 5 to 7 oer eent "DOOLEY CO., 812 Board of Trade bldg. MONEY Any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. H Selts. 310 Spalding. Main 654. HAVE clients with money to loan. Oliver M. HlCKey, Any., e-o n, . pups uiug. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtg. Co.. 42 4 Chsra, of Com. c.nno 7 txr cent, on firm or city realty. Will divide to suit. Main 1955. MORTGAGE LOANS. 8 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON st CO.. 300 OAK ST. 410 000 OR any psrt. pending on security. 6 to 7 per cent, de AR 85. Oregonian. $90O FO R residence security. O 33, Ore gcnlarv Z - - $1500 PRIVATE money to loan on Improved city property. phone East 3910 $500. $1000. $1500 UP TO $7500, Harrison, Geriingerbldg. MONEY to locn, 800 to $5000. Chas Rlng ler A Co.. 228 Henry bldg. FINANCIAL. Moaey to Loan' on Kfsl K state. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan, $;t2.2d per month for SO months or $21.24 tor 6J months, or $15.17 for 00 months pays a $1000 ioan and interest. Otber amounts 111 proportion. We roan on improved city property Or for ouildlng purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 243 Stark Street. Portland, Or. APPLICATIONS WANTED for loans on Pot timid rMiVn,' and business urODf r- ties and Oregon farms, large or small 1 amounts. e have not increased oui rates on dwooalt mixes or service. though the cost of living is constantly iucreaslng and banks have given notice tLt they will Increase neir service charges Feb. 4 Union Safe Deposit T.ust Co.. 2S4 Osk st. "MONEY." -8 PER CENT, EXPENSE LIMITED. NO APPRAISAL FEE. WILL ARRANGE AMOUNT TO ! SUIT, $2tH) TO $50i0 i RESIDENCE LOAN'S tlff . t-iE i& ruuAi. rsu uua x. MONEY READY, OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 20U SELLING BLDG. WILL LOAN ANY PART $5000. $250 TO $3000, 7-8 PER CENT. NO KXPEX.E TO APPRAISE OR AT TORNEY FEE. CITY OR FARM LOANS WANTED. GIVE FULL INFORMATION. ADDRESS C. EPPINGER, P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. RESIDENCE LOANS AT 6 Ml PER CENT. Any Amount. No Delays. Repayment Privileges. CLARK, KENDALL A CO-, SOS, 206 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE LOAN'S dence or business Any amount on reel-1 property; low rates, mortgages and contracts purchased metnoas RESERVE INVESTMENT CO., 826 Henry Bldg. Marshall 40O9. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR I BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS; NO COM MISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO., 202 Stevens Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount on improved city and farm property; will consider good building loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main 6015. 153 4th St. A 2815. MORTGAGE LOANS, Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. Bl K R ELL & CO., 117 Northwestern Bank Bids. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate security from $100 mp on going rate or interest, OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO 413 Chamber of Commerce. 0 PER CENT MONEY Willamette Valley farm loans; no delay; no commissions. Devureau Mortgace Company. 607 Coa crd bids.. 2d and Stark sts. & PER CENT loans will be made on central retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cent on other securities. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. Northwestern liank bldg. 7 PER CENT MONEY In sums ranging from s.ioo to $000 on rsrrn land or city property. Full particulars at 404 Platt bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on good vacant lot or acre a se ; submit your security to attorney at tiatt oiag. $2uoO, $3000. $5000 AND $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent. F. B. Bowman Co.. 212 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to borrow $1200 on modern home. valued at $4500. McKenxie e Co.. 513 Gcrllnger Mdg. 6 PER CENT, $1000, private funds. Must be Al security. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., INC.. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. MONEY to loan on goyd residence or farm property, o 10 o . uuoiiiPis imocki. o. 1 H. L. Archer Co., Northwestern Bank bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS. FARRINGTON. 80 Fourth Street, Portland. Or, TO LOAN $1000. $1500 and $3000 on Im proved city property at 6 and 7 per cent. E. J. GEISER, 417 Chamber of Commerce.! HAVE S20.0OO to loan at 6 per cent on In side property. Wakefleld-Frles A. Co., 85 1 4th st. $1500 TO $0000 to loan, low rates. C. De- I Young, 013 Chamber or om merce. Money to Loan- Chattels and Salaries. IF YOU NEED MONEY, SEE US. SALARIES . . . CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income; on household furniture, pianos. diamonds and other personal property; legal rates. Husme.s confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN CO t Licensed). 300-307 Dekum Bldg. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS LOANS. All that Is necessary to establish credit with us is that you either own r urn it u re. otauos, or that you are working either I will do. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED. 81T Falling Bldg. HOME INSTALLMENT CO. Organized by salaried men for mutual protection. Money advanced on salary, diamonds, furniture, etc. Easy install ments. Legal rates. Sjcurities purchased. 202 McKay bldg. Main 1242. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herman, man ager, 304 Stark at. Money loaned on dia- monds, jewelry, pianos, h. h. furniture. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rate; all articles held 1 year; established since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington PIANO and furniture loans; licensed by the state. Geo. Harvey, Tabor 3M6. Wanted. WILL pay $100 for loan $1500 for 6" months. Wiil deed Rose City house, 8-rom. sub ject to $20u0, and Laurelhurst douse sub ject to 11500, to secure. V 41, Oregonian. WANTED from private party. $15M), 0 per cent, no commission ; well located 2-story bungalow; income $240. B 86, Orego nian. WANT to borrow from private party, $1000 at 7 per cent. Rose City Park 5-room bungalow. Paved street. S. 13. Herkless, 365 . 40th North. $.uuo LOAN wanted on $10,000 property, 7 per cent interest; moral risk A-l; will pay no commission. E 40 Oregonian. $1175 FOR three years on 62 acres best Washington Co. land, uncleared, from pri vate party. ,Mar, 4416. $2000 FIRST mortgage, 160-acre ranch, Wal lowa, good buildings, sold for $4500. W 41. Oregonian. GILT-EDO RD security $4300. - $4000 0 per cent; $2000. 7 h per cent; $1300, 7 per cent. 202 Wilcox lildg. Barber or Hale. WANT loan of $3000 at 7 per cent, no com mission, good security. AF 37, Orego nian. $1000. 8 PER CENT mortgage on 160 acres good land. iviicKitat Louniy. uiscount $125. V 42. Ore g o man. v ANT $7u0 on my $2000 home. What's lowest interest? No agents; want to deal direot. till Henry bldg. WANT $750 on two close-tn lots; will pay IO per cent if no brokerage. K 43, Ore gonlan. WANT to borrow $600, 3 years. 8 per cent. $ 1 500 re si i en ce. See Mr. keuimy, is 1 Perkins Hotel. WANTED Persons having $5000 to $20,000 to loan on farrue or ciy realty to writ me. F 4S. Oregonian. FRcM private party, $500 on residence prop erty for 3 years: will pay 8 per cent; no commission. L 60, tregonlan. "UANT S."ouO within the neat three days vou can double your money within six months; no risk. F 6D, Oregonian. WANT $5000 for 3 to 5 years at 6 per cent; security $22.0o0 West Side income prop erty ; no commission. AP 46. Oregonian. Wa.nT 50ttO loan on high-class close-in acreage on paved road. BC bu4, Orego nian. ' WANT 12250, West Side, 7 per cent. Chu Uingler A Co., 228 Henry bldg. $louu o.UiOKLY on ilmoer Isnd worth $4000, 10 pt-r cent. Woodinwn 1251. A a . T 10. :k loi j 40. in on four Orefronlan. good lots, value vv A v-ivu 1500 on 6 -room modern West ide home. MalnlTHfl WANT loan of $10,0o0. .pifl. Oregonian. principals oniy. WANT $1M)0 at 8 per cent on good resi dence. Owner. K 4s. Oregonian. WANT $600 on three 60x100 peninsula Jots. p 40. uregonian. DISCOUNT gilt-edge $10OQ first mortgage contract, au uu 9 - - uut-.11. WANT $5V second-mortgage loan; repay $50 month. 8 per cent N 83. Oregonian. REAL estate contract. $9O0. 7 per cent, for sale tor $500. AO 88, Oregonian. WANTED $5O00 on choice tract of timber. AC 38, Oregonian v " $O'0 ON first-cla no commission. s security; moral risk Al; AO 43. Oregonian. $650, 8 per cent, on residence property near Ki!l!nxworth ave. East 632 tt. $;ou. i near PER CENT, on residence property Prescott st. East 6320. WANT $1500 private money on land; sio agents. Tabor sjOOO. FTN AN C1AJL. Loams W sua 14. INVESTORS PUT YOUR TDLB MONEY TO WORK. "SAFETY f SECURITY FIRST . 7, 8 PER CENT. PROMPT INTEREST PAYMENTS GUARANTEED. (WHEN LOAN'S APPROVED FT UR INTEREST COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY REMITTED. CLEAR TO YOU. HIGH-CLASS MORTGAGES AND BONDS FOR BALK. CALL OR WRITE CS. OREGON BOND A MORTOAGS CO, 20tf SELLING BLDG. BANKS GIVE NOTICE of an Increase in service charges, effective r eb 1, ana tne cost of living is constantly increasing, buj; we nave not increased prices ror sure a posit boxes and service ; boxes $3.50 per year. Union Safe Deposit Ac Trust Oo 2S4 Oak bu WIDOW needs money and will sell at dis count first mortgage of 40M st T pr cent on fine tract. pArtly improved place. near Molalla: runs over two years yet. attractive discount allowed: place valued $l5i'0 cash. P Sn, Oregonian. IF YOU have $10,000 In cash It will pay you to get In touch with me. one or tne pest real estate investments, wun auoiuis certainty of quick returns. It don t cost you anytntng to investigate. r ox. vsro- gonian. FOR SALE: First mortgage at discount; bears 7 per cent; security ts nearly new. first-riuu v l wmt side residence: cattes slightly more than $20OO cash to buy It; WANTED Farm loan of $4000 on property bet. Portland and Hiiisooro. vv 111 pay per eent premium. o commission. mortgage on property ; worth $12,0V -a $15,000. AP 89, Oregonian lWANT S00. $tK)0. $1500 and $4000 mX per I ' . . . cent on residence orooertles. SEE MR. LtHMKLHL, THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. PRIVATE PARTY WANTS $5000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE lilr'Kr tUL cao 1 o-- REAL ESTATE SECURITY $12,500. M) COMMISSION, NO AGENTS. AP 88. ORS- OON 1 AN. WANTED Best rate on fBOOO or $6000. ft yru on t60 acres with buildings, or lizo with out: the two combined have carried IB Indebtedness of $25,000. Seward, 52 L 7th st., Portland. Tabor 7704. LOAN of $3700 wanted on two excellent properties, city ana cioo-m imyrvwix. acreage; value 4 times loan asked; three or Ave years. G 40. Oregon! a n. $250, $450. $650, $750. $1000, $2500, e0OO, ' $lO,UUU; gooa cuy security Tabor 19.3. 306 Oerllnger bldg. Main 60? P. WANTED $200, good security. 10 per cent.' AK 12, Oregonian. rjRsoNAju GET WELL FREE. Every day from 10 A, M. to 4 P. V. and evenings on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7 to 0 P. M. THOUSANDS Or St. r r t-HtUrO WUU HAVE FAILED to get relief in any way are invited to attend thesu clinics in our big cllnlo haiL THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC D1AGN OST1C1A.N S will examine and diagnose your eas susd direct your treatment. FRuiE TO ALL. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sura and modern science of curing and. pre venting d i sease s. CHIROPRACTIC removta ths causes health returns. s, PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEOE 433 Hassalo St.. at Tth, East Side Phone East 6536. Dr. Elliott, Director Clinics. TIRED OF POVERTY T If you are tired of slaviug tor wages or salary white others around you are grow ing rich and luupnueot. it you are tired of poverty and have the ambition that ever Araeri.aa ought to bate, the deter mination uot to stay poor in this grvat . lanu of opportunity, the determination to rise above poony paid toil and social ob scurity. wrHe me now, today. Let me tell you of a great opportunity or you to start on the road to Health. No work for you to do; plttu backwU by best men and wom en oX entire community. Don't pass mis by. Tear this au vertisement out rig tit now, this miuute.- Send naiue and aurM aud gel tiiiereciuns illustrated book and fuii information, ail absolutely iree. Do ii right now, for this opportunity won't last. Charles A. Saunders, 716 Broadway. Denver, Colo. PERSONAL Are you 111 In mind or body? Are you in aouot or sorrow 7 rso matter what Uie nature of your Illness or difiicu ties may be, you will find relief health, peace, power and happiness by following the teachings of "The New Life Science by "The White Nomad. the eminent psy chologist and metaphysician. The not frac tical, helpful, uplift book ever written, t not only leiis. but actually teaches adn helps. Send for free lU-raiure, Tne Whita Nomad Book Concern, P. O. Box eOU, Portland, Or. W1K GOODS, LOWEST PRICES Su-ineh wavy switch,. 2 sep $1.50 24-inch wavy switch, 8 sep 1.00 All-around translormation 1.45 Hairuresslng, siiumpooing, face massagu, hair boo bin , manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric need id, switch made of combings, Hoc. We buy your coinomg. Sanitary Par.ora, 4oo-4ia Dekum bldg.. id aud Washington. Mu.rsha.ll 1702. COME to the new Alisky Hall, on Morrison, ' between aa ana em, over ttex A neater, ana enjoy a uemonstrution of spirit re turn free test. A musa.ge for you at ft P. M. and 8 P. M. Sunuay. WILL the party owning some Los Angeles property wno wrote me concerning u acres of orchard at Wena tehee. Wash., send me his address? S. J. Wilson 241 Summit ave.. Detroit. Mich. b ja ir HAXKBCT, lead wig nd toupe makers; nu-tt stock human iiair goods; hairdressinj., manicuring, faow and. scaip treatment. i;eraota to oU auucx, near Broauway. Mum 5-id. GER.MAN trained nurse and masseuse gives treatments lor rheumatism, iutu go, neu raigia, etc., massage ana bu.Lh; lady as isiauu 510 Par su Marshall 50.K-, Open Sunuays. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths. UfTht, heat. electric and vibratory massage, Dr, Mar garet Hayme, 517 t wetland bldg. Main 170 REV MRS. J. C. SCHORI gives demonstra tions bunday, a P. M., at Arcanum Ball, 10U lath st. Reads uaiiy at Beverly lio tel, 1.5 Park St.. cor. VamhlU. Mar, 5078. GlkMai NURbE. mussHKe, electric blankets and baths for rheumatism, lumbago, neu ralgia, etc. ; lady trained nurse attestant. 256 11th st. Open Sunuuys. Marshall 3057. AZA H. RIBBECKE, graduate dermatolo gist. Hair and bteini&hes permanently re moved. 12 12th. near Wash. Mar. 3260. REV. MARY L. LA MAR, Spiritualist me dium. Teaches palmistry auu car a read ing daily. 235 5th St., cor. Main. ELJ-CTRIC treatments for poor circulation. rheumatism, lumbago, face and scalp; auat baths. 426 Clay st, Mainb3o0. - bPi RITUALISM Rev. M. A, Price, circle nd Sun. 8 P. M., aar. 3100, A 22;i. Tuesuay, 2 and o P. &L. reauung daily. 202 Clay, i HEALTH V baby girl for dupiion ; blow u B. Wooding 1 on hair, blue ees. Mrs. i? Portland, Or. ETHEL A. SACRY Electric treatments for coius and rneumati&m. 00 urana ave. apu 407. East 4U51. MAKiNELLO Treatments for scalp; sham poo -bou.ru. electric uryer, etc u xaru hiil. Marshail 5238. BLrcnL.iJuua HAIR destroyed forever by multiple -needle method ; consultation free. Mlie. Ue 1,011 K. 5u4 awetiand bldg SOPHIA B. SSIP, mental, spiritual scientist. 3ttf Tourney bldg.. IO to 4 daily. Written questions Wed., 7:45 p, M. Mar. 3006. jlna. STEVENS, 24 years in Portland; 2utU century science in palmistry tauKht; spirit ual readinKs dall. 373 Taylor st. ASCAPtoO promptly relieves headache. nu raigia. and la prlppe. For sale by Port lanu Hotel Pharmacy. ELECTRIC Cabinet, vapor and mineral oaths, pri ate rest r 00 urn. Scientific mas sage. Irpn-iue Institute. 327-2'J Pit Luck, uik, GRACE" BELMONT, manicuring, vibratory massage. Office 40, 3d floor. l45Vfr Bdwwy. vOO..H. lAlLOit- cia.lt, 16 Park -Musseu-e an. rfcaip pe st. Marshall 31j. Ak. ANDREWS teacnes phrenology aim! card reauing, 2' Park st. Main L'48. balm of figs compound, Rua: To. Tablets. 550 Hoyt st. Phone Main 23. M SSAGE treatments, eiectric Vibrstor by trained nurse. 0S 3d. Apt. C Main 1Q4W. wuLba. sup-rriuous ha:r re;uoea. M 1 1 34 T I. Hi'.l. 420 Fiidnerbldg. M: SCALP, massage and shampooing. 350 Yamhill it. near Park, Room L REV. CORA KINCANNON SMITH, the me dium, moved to 320 4th st. Main 712. 1 LIKE READER. Hart Apts.. 170 h 2d St-, spt. 15, 4th floor. Marshall 2631. BESSIE WAYLAND, facial massage, scalp treatments. &5Q Morrisonsu Office 202. MISS JOHNSON, chK-opody, message, light magnetic. Appointments only. Main 504. XHis ad and 25c good for shampoo, mas sae or manicure, 4'7 Broadway bldg. ELLCTlilC treatments, scalp snd ma&sae. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. L. B. C Why don't you 514 Everett. write Francis T MAGNETIC healer; treatments dally- 170 2d st.. 4th floor, apt. . Mar. 24U7. SWITCH ES made from combings. S. . F. Pierce. .67 Hoilsdsy. East 27S4. FRANCES DE MAYO, scalp specialist. 2W1 Morrison su OUice 1L Al,