12 TIIE SUNDAY OEEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 21, 1917. srrrATioys wanted female. TOUNG widow with boy lO. wants house keeping on larjge ranch where she can keep child with her; state wages in first letter; ran come immediately. -AG 35, Oregonlan. RESPECTABLE, unincumbered widow, 36, good cook and homemaker, wants position immediately as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; will cook for club of men, city or country. K 53, Oregonlan. A VERY capable woman with experience would like position as housekeeper for woman li business. C. S. practitioner or men's, club; best references. Phone Main 61 OS. EXPECTABLE, unincumbered widow must have work at once; good cook and house keeper; experienced chambermaid. Main soau. EXPERIENCED, refined widow with small boy wants housekeeping, kitchen hei per, v etc., at once, city or country. 550 A Will lama ave., flat 4. REFINED young lady with baby girl 1 year old would like position as housekeeper; couple employed preferred. AV 470-, Ore gonian. -- SITUATION as housekeeper by respectable lady with girl 12; prefer gentleman with children; excellent cook; can do all fam ily sewing. G 41, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young lady wishes house work. Call at Rev, Williams. Woodlawn SIO.. COMPETENT woman, middle-aged, wants " general housework. Good cook. W 35, Ore gonian. A RELIABLE girl with some experience to assist with housework, family of two; no washing; 8 mo. Tabor 450. D 1350. EXPERIENCED girl wantsaplace as cook in private family. Call Main bS90. GOOD cook wants position In boarding house. Call Marshall 107. COOK In private family. Christian Scien tists preferred. Address 708 Mt E. 14th st. Miscellaneous. NGLE lady with good references wishes V position as clerk, care of children or will com a in and put in order apartments for parties employed; want to go home nifjhts. Call Marshall 65 Sunday P. M. or any time Monday. CAPABLE middle-aged woman wants work as chambermaid or kitchen keeper In res taurant in exchange for board and room and email wages. Call weekdays between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M.. Main 7051, A 1517. POSITION as cashier, collector or answer . ing phone by capable business woman; will ccept small wages to get refined work ; references given. Phone Woodlawn 245, Monday. CrIRL desires general housework In small family; must be good home; splendid op portunity for right party; all applications must te In by Monday evening. Address Y 008. Oregonlan. YOUNG lady with girl 4 years old,' expe rienced in dining-room and short order work or as cook's helper; will leave town; references. AV 436, Oregonlan. i'OU N G woman, experienced cook for dell catessen or cafeteria, wants work. Al Ref. Call weekdays between 8:30 A, M. and 5:30 P. M-, Main 7051, A 1517. X CLEVER young lady with hospital and office experience desires position with , physician appreciating tact and ability. AM 37, Oregonlan. LADY of experience, refinement and educa tion will manage first-class apartment house for her apartments. V 37, Orego n.an. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as houuekeeper or assist In boarding-house, "Western Washington or Oregon; give par ticulars. BD -L Oregon ian. GERMAN, grammar, literature, conversa tion thoroughly taught by experienced German teacher; best city references. Fraulein Z., 600 Gliaan st. Main 5544. CAPABLE woman wants position, as camp cook, any capacity, large camp preferred. Call weekda)s betw .en 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M Main 7Q51, A 1417. CLARA H. JOHNSON, pianoforte teacher, special attention backward pupils and be giunera. Tabor 1132. LADY would like few more engagements staying with children or Invalids even Ings. Ap' D, Mar. 1378 or Main 3337. FIRST-CLASS tutoring in English and grammar; excellent references; terms reasonable. Hellwood 2344. JEFFERSON H. S. girl to work for room and board, small pay. S. A Sherwood, Or.. R. 4. WANTED Position as housekeeper for wid ower or private family; experienced Tabor MIDDLE-AGED refined lady would like a position In Christian Science family for light housework. AB 35, Oregonlan. XA DY employed during day desires home in family in exchange for company. Lady alone preferred. I'hone Mar. 2074, apt. 25. RESPONSIBLE lady with best ref., will care for children by the hour. Phone Wood lawn 5365. JJUSINESS NIGHT SCHOOL Eng. litera ture, piano, French. $2.50 mo. 166 Lowns daln st. REFINED young lady with experience wishes position In dentist's office. W 43, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by competent pastry cook; prefer hotel in country town. H 32, Oregonlan. COLORED young woman wants day work i or general work In small family. Call East 5757. EXPERIENCED cook wants work In res taurant, cafeteria or delicatessen. Mar ' "h'l 5H9S, Apt. 31. WANTED Children to care for In my own home at Fairview, Or.; best of references. Mrs. A. M. Clark. Phone 18 X, Gresham. MIDDLE-AGED woman with family to sup . port, desires day work of any kind. Wood lawn 1570. STEADY day work by good, capable wom an. Any day but Wed. Best references. Phone Wdln. 1213. EXPERIENCED lady wishes laundry and oieanmg oy nnur. jau Aionaay and Tues day, Main 2931. IW'OMAN wants day work for Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays; experienced. Phone Woodlawn 14S2. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work; 20c hour. Call Sunday and evenings, Marshall 1QQ3. COOK and serve dinners Sundays, holidays and special; references. Marshall 8O0. WOMAN wants day work. 170 13 th at. Main 4344. kxPERlEXCED woman wants all-round day work, cooking or laundry. Main 5561. CAPABLE woman for day work, Mon., Tues.. Thura. Hatt le Llnter, Woodlawn 41351 WOMAN wants day work. Phone East 212, Apt. 57. DEFINED woman will help ladles In their homes, Mrs. Whtie. Marshall 6041. LADV wishes position as companion to lone lrtdy or elderly couple. Main 7093. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work after Monday. Main 455. WILL care for children by day, week or month, reasonable. Marshall 6109. WANT day work for Monday or Wednea dny. Woodlawn 22'.' ft. KINDERGARTEN from 9 to 12 A. M. If Interested call Main 9293. EXPERIENCED laundress wants work by day. Call Sellwood 13S6. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work or by the hour. Main STOUT lady wants work of any kind, say or hour. Tabor 2S50. YOUNG lady v flee. K 3. ants position in doctor's of Oregonian. COMPETENT laundress wants work Mon., "Friday; references. Woodlawn 1611. EPEND1D. good woman cook, by day or ptendy position. Phone Tabor 7452. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work. Call Main 0476, room 24. I:X PERIFXCED woman wants day work. Main 5t5tSO. WOULD l'ke a tottlon tn doctor's or dent ist's office. T 42. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS laundry woman wishes work Mon. lay and Tuesday. Woodlawn 1101. LACE curtains hand laundered, reasonable rates. Work guaranteed. East 5023. 1 ol.WG WOMAN, experienced cashier, city reference. E 37, Oregonlan. UlKL. 18. wants position, small store, con fectionery preferred. Call Woodlawn 3754. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work by the hour; fancy ironing. m Main 381t. GERMAN maid wants position; experienced In all her duties. References. Main 70S WANTED Plain sewing or mending, or would stay with children; refs. East 4433, WANTKO TO KENT. Houses. WANTED A 5 to 7-room modern houm. ref era My located adjacent to Franklin High School; full cash payment; give In- iormation in answer. AO )!, Oregonlan. FlVK or six-room house or bungalow, mod ern, on or btore March. AE 4L Orego nian. WE ARE looking for a house to rent. 7 or 8 rooms, - Dam-rooms, hardwood floors. garage, est g-iae. Aiarsaau 4ww. MODERN 4 or 5-room house, reasonable; details ana conamon wanted. A is as, Oregonlan. WANTED An 8 or 9-roora furnished house. close in, on me ast ciae. isoor ei WANTED 2 or S-room unfurnished, flat state price. W 37. Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WANTED Furnlsned apartment or nouse, close in. Minister recently arrived from California, expects wife and grown daugh ter January 25, Portland. .pecial cure of property and safekeeping: assured. Pre fer dealing with owner. Answer, S 35, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party desires to rent mod ern five or si -room bungalow as per manent home ; will cousiuer furnished house; lrvington preferred; no children; beat of references. Phone Woodlawn I'Z'Z. WANTED To rent or buy on rent terms, modern small bungalow, fireplace, garden. Rose City Park or vicinity; not over $10 rent or $15 buying. D 23, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent two nicely furnished flats, 4 or 5-roora suites, for two small families, lrvington or West Side preferred. Phone Woodlawn 3639. BY FEBRUARY 15. 6 or 7-room house In Piedmont or Walnut Park. Will take lease for 1 or 2 years. Phone Woodlawn 3047. E. S. Reynolds. 1238 Rodney ave. WANT to rent house with 2 to 5 acres, ner Portland. Phone East 5S00. Rooms. B four adults, two separate furnished 4.2 room) suites, including large front loom with piano, for studio. Private family pre- ferred. Walking distance; references. 13 D 6. Oregonian. FURNISHED or unfurnished room, with heat; ground floor; reasonable. Sellwood 2427. DRESSMAKER will exchange sewing for i.m nit, neu room. 5i i, oregonlan. SINGLE man wants room private family; will pay 2 per week. AR 19. Oregonian. THREE unfurnished or furnished rooms, close In, cheap rent. N 40, Oregonlan. Rooms With Boara. LADY and her 14-year-old boy want board and room in private family within walk ing dis .a nee of Sunnyside School ; boy is very quiet and will not cau &e any trou ble. Y 43, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board in respectable home, lady with baby; also care of child during day, close in; references exchanged. N 37. Oregonian. WANTED Room and board; also washing for nice, clean 8-year-old schoolboy, until term expires. Must be near Arleta school. Apply C7o3 62d ave., S. E. Tabor 2999. WANTED By young lady, room and board, private family. East Side preferred, near carline. BE 23, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE gentleman desires room and board in exchange for new high-grade piano, standard make. O 52, Oregonian. BuHineits Places. SMALL store suitable for cigarsr confec tionery, ligni luncnes, near school or car barn; state rent. AC 33, Oregonlan. FOB RENT. , Famished Rooms. A WORD TO "ROOMERS." Why not live at a good hotel when the cost is so slight? Here is what we can give you In a well furnished outside room for $3 per week: Steam heat and electric Ug-ht, a built-in clothes closet, a recessed, solid porcelain lavatory supplying hot and cold water, clean towels daily, a Pacific telephone for your private use or to call you at any hour, separate bath rooms and toilets for men and women on every floor, hot water at all hours, tho use of writing rooms and stationery, a card room for the men aad music room for the women ; reading and lounging rooms. Affable clerks at the desk day and night to take or deliver messages for you when you are not in. Neat, uniformed maids to keep your room in perfect order. An at mosphere of home and comfort. Our service is surely worth the money. Why not try it? Rooms with private bath $18 and $-0 per month. HOTEL CUFFORD, A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit East Morrison St. at East Sixth PALACE HOTEL. On Washington street at Twelfth. Large, airy rooms, elegantly furnished, clean, free phone, hot and cold water, steam heat, fireproof, large ground-floor lobby, private and public baths, elevator service; theater and shopping district; strictly first-class accommodations at moderate prices, inspection will convince you; 50c per day and up. Special week ly rates. HOTEL RAMAPO. 14th and Washington Sta. A moderate-priced hotel, with first class service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 70c to $2 per day; weekly rates $3 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St., cor. Washington St. Fireproof, up-to date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 50c to $1.50 per day. HOTEL LIL-MER, under new management; Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable; hot and cold water In every room, 270" Fourth St., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mar shall 6355. HOTEL CON R AD IN E. loth St.. at Oak Desirable downtown- o cation; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; rooms $3 per week up. HOTEL BLACKSTONE. Eleventh and Stark sts., brick building, levator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. STANDISH HOTEL. o484 Washington St., corner 17th. Hot and cold water.; steam-heated rooms, $1.50 per week; $ti per mo. and up. MAKE THE BUSH MARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam heat; walking distance, $1.50 a week; $6 a month and up. &65 Washington Bt. EXCELLENT rooms, single or en suite, prominent corner; 4 windows, suitable for dressmaker or professional. 123 hit 14th, corner Washington. $S MONTH up, pleasant front rooms, proml nent corner, central; come and see. You'll like them. 1234 14th, cor. Wssh. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance; both phones, reasonable. 402 3d fit. The Warren ton. Main 7771. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison street at 10th. RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Fre phone and baths. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th st." Strictly modern; private baths en suite; room $3 up. .)i a. i ii v-k , a 4 j oa. HOTEL NORRIS, GS3 tfc Alder. Strictly mod ern, si.oo, z ana a week. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. arm, modern rooms, f.2 week up. FORD HOTEL, private bath, phone. $12 up; wunoui Dam, up. t&s w asnington st. STEAM heat, hot and cold water, $1.50 week up. 8S 4 Grand ave. Famished Rooms in Private Family. TWO rooms; will accommodate two people or iaay aione, s; two with sleeping porch for three, $10; are on good carline, 2a mm. ride. Tabor 4ts3. 2Ul East Burnrslde. TWO well furnished rooms in the residenco oistrict to rent at a very moderate price. Call owner, 569 E. Ivon st. Phone Sell- ATTRACTIVE front room In Ladd's Addi tion residence, use of kitchen and laundrv very reasonable, walking distance. Phone ast j NICELY-FURNISHED rooms modern con veniences, central, very reasonable. 404 Clay, near lth. A WELL-F'URNISHED room for two, with or without board; 1 single room; home privileges. 31a in ti-HL'. VERY nlcasant. steam-heated room in anart ment-nouae; waiting distance. Marshall 47.. 13-ROOM house for rent and furniture for pale. Main 3os, faunday afternoon or Monday. 3-KOOM furnished apartment in private no me ; cooKing gas lurnianea. 300 Hal Bey st. NICELY furnished room with heat, bath and pnone. io per month. Corner 23d and Lovejoy. Phone Main 0543. NICELY furnished front rooms: all con veniences: walking distance from P. O. 515 1 amnm st. $10 a month, parlor, bed -room, use of kitchen and dining room, modern con veniences, 415 W. Broadway. NICE room for rent, private family; lady pi'ererrea. -ttA v . jsroauway. WELL furnished room, bright and warm good location for gentleman. 251 10th. NICE private sleeping room; electricity, fur nace neat. 4U4 -arii st. FURNISHED rooms, modern, walking dls- tance; kiicnenette privileges, 14th. NEATLY furnished front room in modern home. 188 N. loth st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good home; references; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. PLEASANT front room; alw single room good heat; reasonable. 3S! Taylor. PLEASANT room in private family, heat. bath. Call S61 E. Taylor st. N ICE room In beautiful home ; running water, shower bath. 655 Everett- st. WIDOW, with nice home, close In. would like congenial roomers. East 622S. Rooms With Board. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella st. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table. A 621L Marshall 6170. THE STRYKER, 654 Couch ; family note., rooms single or en suite; reasonable rates. FOB BENT. Booms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL. , 708-10 Washington Street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. Private bath and telephone in every room. Prices reasonable. Excellent heat. THE VIRGINIA .11 ILL. 14th and Jefferson tits. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 1233. A 6623. HEREFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt St. Phone Main 8305. An American plan residence hotel, at tractive rates to transient or permanent guests. Table unexcelled. THE WHITE HALL. 253 0th, American plan; very -convenient and reasonable. Koiii U'.ih Hoard in private Family. A BACHELOR apartment in a! refined apartment-house, home for 4 gentlemen, large rooms, hot water, steam heat, 2 home-cooked meals served daily. Call Main 5744 and be convinced that reason able rates prevail. FOUR young people, keeping house, want one more to complete group ; comfortable house, sleeping porch; excellent cook; congenial group; young man preferred Call at 407 14th st., or phone Main 4074. LARGS front room, fine, new furniture. Excellent board. Modern, new house, well heated. Piano. lo-minute ride Hawthorne car. 304 East 22nd, near Hawthorne. Phone East 0O3G. STEAM-HEATED room, attractively fur nished, excellent meals, all conveniences and home privileges; a pleasant, refined homelike place, 5u7 Glisan street. Marshall 2438. 45-1 10TH ST. Nicely furnished, front room; all modern conveniences, home comforts, with excellent meals; walking distance. Marshall 12I9. TWO gentlemen to board and room, placs homelike, modern, conveniences, reason able, two blocks from Broadway bridge. Phone East b0fc3. KIND, responsible woman would like care of one or two children in her home; rates reasonable. Call 1018 Rodney ave., be tween Alberta and Wygant- N1CE room and board In modern home, pri vate family, homelike place, room large enough for 2. close in and good car serv ice. East 3S77. HOuM and board for one or two; home privileges, piano, ' good neighborhood, walking distance. 12S N. lbth st. Main 1539. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, mod ern conveniences, small family; breakfast and dinner if desired. 6M Everett. Mar. 2M57. CONGENIAL gentleman or lady to room, $8 mo, or board and room $20 mo.; mod ern conveniences, piano; Nob Hill, close in; widow's home. Marshall 34!H. , 300 JEFFERSON. High-class board and room, 2 minutes to P. O. ; exclusive but homelike. . Main 3520. VERY pleasant room, best of board, one or two people; close in. West Side; very at tractive. Main 3284X COMFORTABLE room, private home. modern conveniences, excellent board, central, reasonable. Main 44tU. ROOM and board for two congenial gentle men roommates; rates reasonable, want ing distance. East 7338. WANTED Working girl to room and board in private rarauy; rer. required; cnarges reasonable. Phone East 7j75. LA ROE front room In congenial, refined iamiiy; . a week ror 2 In room. dtS4 Park. Marshall 3060. NICELY furnished front room for young man wisnmg room nna Doara; gooa noma cooking. Call East 6708. 504 Union ave. N. WELL furnished front room, close In, walk ing aistance. o'Jo . iay;or, cor, loth. East 2006. GOOD home in Christian Science family for cmifi or scnooigiri, rsonabe fa 4J, ore gonian. WIDOW lady with grown daughters would like 2 or 0 gentlemen to room and- board, with all home conveniences1, $5. Tab. 6612. REASONABLE: Room. - fth or without breakfast, private fami y. E. Broadway car. Call East 1276. 2oS 11TH, nice comfortable room, all con veniences, with board. NICE private boarding near Multnomah Club; good home; reasonable. Main 2210 $2r FOR one, $20 apiece for two; 2 meals. 4J4 Jefferson st. Phone Main iio3. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private nome. 10,0 ist. Lain 4j:-'J. GOOD home for one or two children; rea sonable, woodlawn 1400. PLEASANT room, with board; modern ac commodations. 6S1 Ol isa.ru Marshall 1248. FIRST-CLASS room and board, all home comiorts; very reasonable. 311 nth st. BOARD and room, home cooking, also table Doara. larsnaii &y-. ROOM and board in private family, home cook 1 n g. ;t j wan. .aiarsnaii azwz. FURNISHED rooms with -board; sleeping porch. 320 11th st. Main SSo4. WILL care for child C to 10 years old, $2.50 per weeK. rJ ast 7Vf4. Kurninhed Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, safe. THE WHEELDON ANNEX popular, 10th and Salmon Sts. well known, of highest standing, A house of quality, comfort and service. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking distance. Keferences. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnisned apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Solid brick building; white enam eled interior: large kitchens; service first class; walking distance. 6-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. 6 fine, big, outside rooms; heat, hot water, pnone, wen rurn. ; adults; easy walking dist. Just off Wash st., very cheap. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APTS. $10 TO $23. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. SERENE COURT. E. 1st and Multnomah: modern 2 and S-room furnished apart ments; eacn euite nas two disappearing beds, two dressing-rooms; roof garden and pun pa nor. cast ov-. J EFFERSONIA-N APARTMENTS 16th and Jefferson; two-room furnished apartments; walking distance; adults only. up. MADISON PARK APTS., Park at Madison. Modern 2. X a n A 4 room furnisheoV apartments, close in, by wees or mo 11 in. WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and S-room apts.. $10 up, heat, light, bath; clean, respect able. tl Grand ave.. cor. Wasftington. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city, corner N. l'jth and Northrup sts. NICE 2-room apt., also 1 room and kitch enette; newly tinted; everything furnished close in; very reasonable. 3-8 Mill st. JACKSON BUNGALOW Nicely furnished large -room apartment, verv reasonable 4S4 11th st. Phone Main 7422. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern , a, 4-room xurmsnea and unfurnished. $19 up. W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. THB LETA, high-class o large rooms, sleep ing porch; like a private home; walking uismnte. tr;r d ruau way. aiarpnail 3tJ7, GLENN Apts. 984 Hawthorne. "We have a small 3-room. furnished Apt., $27 00. No children. Tabor 0100 B 2332. NEW furnished apts.; concrete block; $10 and $12. 1162 U lion ave. N. W dln. 512. L 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas. light. $3 up. New Hart. 170 2d st. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2316. FURNISHED apts., from $18.00 to $25. Northampton, 407 Hall st. GRAY GABLES. 289 10th St. One large. 2-rcom. steam-heated apt.; lights included. 3 AND 4-room apt., nicely furnished ; must be seen to be appreciated. Woodlawn 1045. MODERN, unfurnished 2 or 3-room spt., close in. West Side. Call Marshall 3400. Unfurnished Apartments. NEW Nob Hill apartments, 3-room suites; modern, best location and outlook; very reasonable. Marshal 267. Glisan near 23d. SIX rooaih, sleeping-porch, all outside rooms. references. 70 Irving. Marshall 17 5 5-ROOM APT, with sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. lSo E.15th St.; $30. THE "MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. Large, tight. 5. 6 rma., re as. M.7516, A2Q76 THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson S, 5 rooms, reasonable. Marshall 830O. $22. GO LOVELY -4-room front apt., walking distance. Wellington Court, 521 Everett. FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments, CARMELITA APARTMENTS. 13TH AND JEFFERSON. 4 AND 5-ROOM UNFURNISHED. CALL MAIN 2060. BEAUTIFUL unfurnished five-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences. In cluding sleeping porch. telephone, gas, electric lights, etc.; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 430, A 1301. IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants; references required. Irving st. Phone Marshall 2748. MOST exclusive apts. in city from 6 to t rooms each, rent $75 to $125 per month unfurnished. Weist Apts. Caii 6i N. 23d at., or phone A 1672. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENT?. 28th and Cchich sts. Marshall ZoK Mod ern new building, 2. 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every convenience. IRVINGTON Upper flat with " apartment service, in fiuest residence section; con venient to two carline; hot-water heat. See Janitor today. 40i E, 16th N.. cor. Hancock. DOUGLAS COURT. 425 W. Park, now open; new 2 and 3 room, hardwood floors, mahogany finish; first-class service; all light apts. BRETNOR APARTMENTS. The fashionable Nob Hill apartments. Absolutely modern 2-room apartments near carline, 20th and Lovejoy sts. IONIAN COURT. Beautiful 4-room apt., all outside rooms; every modern convenience; walk Ing distance. Main 1102. KEELER APTS.. 14TH AND CLAY STS. Desirable unfurnished 3-room sulto, pri vate vestibule, phone and bath, $27. Call between 2 apd 4 P. M., Marshall 575 3 . WINDSOR APARTMENTS a rooms nnfur., clean, comfortable, homelike, 2 blks. car line, walking distance. East 2907. NICE SUITE of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms at 244) Killings worth ave., cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phono Woodlawn 17 O.I. &-KOOM heated apartments, hot and cold water, 810 Kelly st., only $10.00. Donald G. Woodward. Main 1430, lo4 2d SL ROSE-FRIEND, B'way and JefforenTEie' gant 3-room, unfurnished Apt., can b secured Feoruary 1. Marshall 1410. NEW WESTMINSTER APTS., Oth at Madi son, 4-room unfurnished apt., blocks from Meier & Frank's store. O N E TcTnTAPARTM EXT, 6 large rooms, best district, $40. 715 Wayne st Wagoner Apt. Call Main 6111. MAYO APTS., 503Vi Union ave. X.. near Broadway, 3-room apts., reasonable. Phone BROWN APARTMENTS. Unfurnished 5-room modern apt., vacant Feb. 1. 14thand YamhilL Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outside rooms; private balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking distance. BARKER APARTMENTS. . Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4 room; rates moderate; good service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenants. Phone Marshall 2061 and 2004- Walking distance. 21st and Irving. WEL1J2SLE Y COURT, MELCL1FFE COURT. REX ARMS. Phone East 6577. Sunnyslde carline, close in; 2 and 8 room ; desirable and reasonable. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-07 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. THE BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison btrictly modern, all outside apartments; Ideal location; references. Phone Alain loo l and 1002. LUCKET1A COUR.T APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. 49 Lucretia st. Marshall 1013, A 3037. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4 and 5-room fur. .and unfurnished apts. Sleeping porch. 22d and GUsan. Mar. 3181. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 S. Broad way; one furnished or unfurnished front 4-room apartment. Phone Main 2006. Flats. FOR RENT Portland Heights, modern, at- tractive, o-room iiat; maid s room, fire place, large porch, hardwood floor, un excelled view, $30. Phone forenoons or evening. Main 2039. NEW TWO 4-room flats, everv room vorv liht and airy; sleeping porch and fire place, narawooa noors. etc. ; reasonabl to good tenants. Ready about Feb. 1. irvington, 441 Tillamook st. MODERN 3-room flat; large balcony, dis appearing bed, gas range, linoleum, cor. E. 10th and Halsey. W. L Swank, Main LOVEIY 4-room flats with sleeping porch. naruwooa noors. individual fox rurnaH. newly decorated, modern in every respect. o'ftn ana iawmornet roadway iiy. VERY desirable, thoroughly modern flat. narawooa noors, lurnace, it replace, sleep ing porch, five bedrooms, close in on East Side, -"th, and E. Lincoln. Sellwood lOiitt. LARGE, light, attractive 4-room modern flat, heat, water, gas range, furnished . choice location, fine view 03 Front, near cancrou. marsnau dtfio. FOR RENT Partly heated 5-room flat. West Side, good neighborhood, accessible to church and business center. Apply 00 is. j.wtn su LOOK today, 6-room strictly modern flat, reduced from $20 to $10; water furnished; finest neighborhood, walking distance. :2 1 Lovejoy, between 21st and 22d. 6 ROOMS, close In, modern and In good condition; rent to uesiraoie tenant; Key at news stand, cor. loth ana wash ington Bta. ELEGANT five-room flat. E. 15th. near Bel mont; right price to responsible parties. $22.00, INCLUDING water, lower fiat, unfur nished 4 large rooms, modern; no carfare, 5 blks. Portland Hotel. 29 Broadway. 5-ROOM modern flat, 426H 11th St., $16.00; water paid. Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co., 20 Stock Exchange, 3d and Yamhill. FOR RENT Good flat, corner ISth and Hoyt St. Attractive rent. Key at 135 in. inn. $10 A MONTH 1 rooms, desirable location. close to school and carline. Ogden, 107 $22.0O INCLUDING water, lower flat, unfur nished 4 large rooms, modern; no carfare, 5 blks. Portland Hotel. 280 Broadway. STRICTLY modern 5-room upper flat; light aim ruomy. i. t nay st., near iitn. .ast 9. FLAT of six rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt st. inquire l.iu Din, rnone juain o-7S. MODE P.N 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d biiu asningion BlS. vain otfos. ONLY $12 4-room modern flat. Hast 6th. water included. ain vm. $22.0u 6-ROOM modern flat at 770 John son su tain MODERN 3-room flats $S00; also 2 for $500. 706 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 1003. MODERN 11 and 6-room flat, good loca tion, waiKing aistance. aiain 04 . 5. 4-R.. HDW. firs., ivory finish, hot water. sep. entrance. $1S. SG0 Monroe. E. 07: 2. 6 OR S-room upper corner flat, near in. 11m, cor. oen.. wain. 44iu. & ROOM, lower, modern, between Broadway LOVELY six-room, fireproof flat, walking a iHiance, cneap. iuaio oyo. SWELL modern, upper, 6-room flat, all con veniences thoroughly renovated. East 1&55. Furnished tints. NICELY furnished 3 rooms, disappearing bed. heat, hot water, sleeping porch. Gar bage removed : 3 carllnes, walk Ing dis- lance .: ftoaney eve, uoeap real. NEAR the steel shipbuilding plan-., corner upper tt-room iiat, completely famished. la 11 Main 1 -i 1. FOUR large rooms, bath and oh one. silver. linen, etc.. $2o. Nob Hill district. Phone mornings, uarsnau 4o. NEATLY furnished flat, four coxy rooms. bath, easy waiKing distance, west Side. 464 Hall st.. at 13th; $15. References. MODERN 6-rm. flat, neatly furnished: 202U Margin st., 3 blocks south of Broadway bridge; $10. inducing water. East 3612. SUNNY UDTer 5-room flat, walking distance. $18. Including water and removal of garbage. 448 Rodney. Woodlawn 124L FURNISHED fV-room flat, modern convent ences. 929 Thurman St.; $20. Wakefield t ries at 10., c; nn st. $14 3 ROOMS, new, modern, clan, com pletely furnished. 574 y MilL Main 6447. FIVE rooms, neatly furnished, on carline. $14. Tabor 3 118. FIVE rooms, well furnished, $25. References Marshall " O-ROOM lower flat, partly furnished, corner King and uivis. rnone Main 7S20. 4-ROOM furnilhed flat, S. P., 533 Mont gomery st., 2-50; water, pleasant. 18TH AND 'E.ipt Ash, 5 rooms, "modern, light, clean, ft rep lace. furnace. E2871. ,-ROOM furnislfe d f'.at, 2 blocks from Laurelnurat Park. Cail Tabor 1017. P FOB RENT. furniMieci FUu, NEATLY furnished flat, five cozy rooms and bath ; large front porch, fine view, large basement, furnace, easy walking distance. West Side. 464 HaU st., at 13th, $23. References. TWO complete 5-room flats, one nicely fur nished; both have fireplaces and furnaces, linoleum, etc; near E. 24th and Davis. B 2S."6 or call at 55 E. 24th N. LOWER, four-room, furnished flat ; newly decorated, cheap. 266 Harrison. Mar. 243. 5 ROOM, lower, modern, between Broadway and Steel bridge. 251 Vi Halsey. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, steam hen, running hot and cold water, phone in every room ; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison st $14 up. 2W1 Columbia st., near 5th. NICELY furnished housekeeping suites, walking distance, both phones; $2 per week and up; newly renovated. Main 7771. The Warrenton. 402 3d st. $2.73 WEEK up. completely furnished suites, absolutely clean, every convenience. Also single, $2 up. Desirable people only. Save carfare. The Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. SINGLE housekeeping room. $9 month. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 187 17th. near YamhilL 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts., reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 414 Jefferson, $14, $10. $12 month; heat, phone, lights free. 347 MARKET ST. 2 rooms, extra large, back porch, private toilet, furnace heat. ONE and two nice, clean H. KL rooms for rent. Phone Main 5S16. 447 Main st. CHEAPEST clean housekeeping and sleep- Ing In city. U02 S Jefferson. lltiUMfkffpiDK Booms In Private Family. 2 LOVELY furnished front rooms -nd kitch enette, very close In; also single house keeping room or sleeping room for lady employed - rent very reasonable. 211 14th st.. near Taylor. Call after 12 noon. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms; heat. ngnt, gas; very reasonable rent; walking distance. Phono E. 6110. 3oO Hancock 3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms; piano; moaern home; nicely locatea; adults. 2bi E. 4"th South. Hawthorne ave. $1 TO 2.o0 w-ek; furnished H. K rooms; xree neat, launury. natn, pnone. Last ouaa. 406 Vai couver. near 13 road way. ' 2 H. K. ROOMS. $S a month: no children a. so sleeping room, $5 a month. 2V4 Jel- ierson. ONE nicely furnished room, 2 beds, with Kiicnen ana pantry; una tocauou; rea sonable. 406 Main st. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, gas. uf?ni, nam. oone eiiwooa ziil 4w una tn la ave. $8 a month. 4 PARTLY furnished or unfurnished up stairs rooms; porch, electric lights, gas. water ana oatn ; sio. uarsnau 37. 3 SPLENDID housekeeping rooms, private iamiiy. oiocas from Broadway bridge good location. 441 Ross at. TWO good housekeeping rooms, 2 large domes viosets, (.1U; walking distance. 4.0 Hall st. HOUSEKEEPING suites, yard, 3 rooms. 9. iour, six. Aiain it 03. urates, 412 ancouver. ONE COS V housekeeping room, suitable for one or two; iree pnone, Uatn ana neat; privilege of piano. ;tO! 10th st. Main 3312. FRONT suite, 2d floor, modern, with or without garage; reasonable, walking dis tance. 67 N. 20th. FINE large front room suite for bus.ne&s or Housekeeping; good location. 415 E. tsurnsjue. FOR RENT Suites of two and three H. K. rooms, very pleasant, walking distance. :, cor. 01 mm ana trverett. THREE lrge furnished front housekeeping rooms, reasonable. 6U4 Front, corner Aieaue. 354 SALMON Two desirable rooms, fur nisned ior Housekeeping; single ho use Keep ing rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping-room. steam heat, laundry, bath, $1-25, $2 week. 147 1 ,i 1 u, near A iaer. NICELY-FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms. modern, convenient, walkiug distance. 5o4 r innuers. TWO front rooms, also front basement. close in. iri Lownsdaie. cor. Morrison. SMALL furnished H. K. room, $1 .50 week. iree gas, tuih, lights, pnone. u uto st. FRONT room and kitchenette, water, elec tricity, close in, $j week. uOO Jenerson. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas. Datn, io montn. u:j ront. FU RN1SHED housekeeping rooms, $2-8 UPi ugnt, uatn, unen xurnisnea. a.iu layior su ONE 2-room pulte, furnished for housekeep ing. 415 Mill st. NEWLY furnished 2-room apartment; every thing moaern, $12 per month. J2o Mail st. TWO small housekeeping suites, clean and very reasonable; close in. 11th st. N. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms: electricity and heat furnished; $16. 404 Park st. ROOMS with kitchenette. $2. $2.25; single. $1. 1 5. 3JS oth ; bath, electricity, phone. (1 WEEK Clean, quiet, close In flare grounds, phone. 00 E. 8th. 3 UNFURNISHED lower floor H. K. rooms. 747 E. Stark, corner 22d. 3 CLEAN furnished H. K. rooms. 127 East ith st., near Morrison. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms and Kitcnenette; steam neat. Z3 ast lotn. TWO large rooms, first floor, modern con veniences. waiKing distance. Z-o l.'tn. STRICTLY modern 5-room1 bungalow, 37th a.ia rtrazee. rnone eeuwooa cur. MODERN 5-room house, lot 50x100, block irom AiDerta car, siu.oo mo. xanor 3-. TWO or 3 nicely furnished front h o use keep ing rooms, in rs. i.rtn. su month. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms. $2; pnone, Datn, warning distance. 44 e. 7th. PARLOR floor, 2 large rooms, hot and cold water. light, heat, phone. da r landers. $2. INCLUDING gas, heat, light, bath, phone, laundry. 42 Market. $S 2 furnished H. K. rooms: gas and wood stove, electricity. 651 E. Morrison. TWO front rooms for housekeeping; elec tricity, pnone. lin. CLKAN housekeeping room, yard, laundry. L'T TnurmHii st. iiarsnau hn. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping; rooms. 328 flay st., free pnone. CLEAN, warm rooms, cooking gas, free heat, bath, electricity, phone. 235 12th st. House . IN PIEDMONT For ent. fine modern bungalow, with furnace, 5 large rooms, nicely finished: furnished. If desired; con venient to Jefferson High School and Public Library. Owner on premises all day. i'J7 Mrtignt ave. IKVTNGTON 7-room modern house, 526 E. lUh st. N near braiee; per month. walking uiat. odo Morrison, near iuth, 5-R. flat. FRANK L. jroCIRF:. Main 1069. tlti 5-ROOM modern bungalow, good neigh borhood, near 47th and Division. Phone hunnay, 1 anor 490, weeuaa Jiannan i. RIVER DALE 5-room cottage, garden, fruit trees; beautiful view overlooking golf links: $20. Phone Main i7. 4-KOOM house. $6; 5-room modern house, $S; 7-room, $12.50. See J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1434, PAMFORTABLB 7-room. West Side home hot water, furnace, small yard. 510 Mar ket. Main 45IO. 9-POOM. modem, up-to-date home; fins Went PIrte location, $50 per month. Phona Main 2004. NEAT fi-room. modern, bungalow, partly furnished. Near Alberta car. Ihone East 2012. for RENT Good modern 7 room house (without garage). $17. OO. 1020 Schuyler St. K-ty at 1033. i. 1427. MODERN 6-room and an 8-room corner house, large porch, choice neighborhood. centrally locatea. can ana ntn. 7-ROOM houM, 834 E. 8th St. N., In good condition; reasonable. Key at I m per la Pharmacy. 4 N. Pin st. BUNGALOW flat on Portland Heights, 5 rooms, sleeping porch, superb view, mod ern. Rent 3-V Phone Mar. 6144. 8-ROOM modern house, 10th and Marshall sts.; renovate to suit; also lO-roorn house, walking distance. A or Maln2474; FOR RENT or lease, 10-room house, com pletely furnished; central heat. AK 50, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON attractive houses or bungalows, reasonable rent. Neuhausen A Co., Main 8078. $17 MODERN. 6-room residence. 661 Hast Washington, cor. E. 18th. Woodlawn 2307. WALNUT PA RK. modern 7-room bungalow. Telephone Columbia 410. A DESIRABLE 6-room West Park st. house, rea-onable rent to adults. Main 1055. 5-ROOM cottage. Including 2 stoves, gar a ire, Vx block to car. 832 E. 31st. Wdln. 3070. $15 5-ROOM cottage and garage. 757 East Davis st. Key next door. Tabor 3207. 5-ROOM bungalow at E. 43d and Madison: clean condition. $15. Tabor 3232. A HOUSE with 3 lots, all kinds of fruit. Ftilton Park. Marshall 3456. $14 MONTH, 6-room house, good condition; porch, yard. 1000 Albina ave. ROSE CITY PARK Several houses and bungalows. $15 to $25. Odell. Tabor 4912 MODERN 8-room house, walking distance; :ouire 42 E. 15th 6-ROOM house. 2S Columbia ; saa, trlclty; cheap rate. Main 7133. eJec- FOR RENT. SI oases. HOUSES FOR RENT. $10 5-room modern house, 10O3 Vernon avt, $10 6-room modern house, 1194 Ivon st. $4 4-room cottage, large ground. Lents. $12 5-room modern house, gar age, &0O Garfield ave. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber of Commerce. A. H. BIRRELL CO. $25 Council Crest, i-rm. bungalow. $2.V lrvington. modern 7-room. $20 Rose City Park, 5 rm.. choice. $1J Halsey st., 6 rms., choice home. $1 Large modern home, l'.U Division. $10 Mt. Tabor large lot. fruit, barn. $10 0-rra, modern, 415 E. 31st st. $7.50 Mt. Scott, good 6-rm. house. $7.50 Modern o-rm. cottage. E. 72d St. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114, A 411S. Phone Marshall 4Q0O, A 6101. MEIER A FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc, in all parts of the city; avail yourselves of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. . HOUSES. Modern 7-room house, cor. 63d and Sandy blvd., $22.50. 5-room bungalow. Uth and Skldmora. v $12.50. looo Albina avenue. 6-room house. $15. Peninsula. 6 rooms, loo-lOO, orchard and barn, $10.00. 5-room. 17th and Northrup. old cottage. $7. Hi iter. Low Co., 205-7 Board of Trade bldg. $:10.00 7 rooms. 5S4 E. 23d st. N. $2.VOo 8 rooms. 03 . Couch st. $25.00 8 rooms, 1015 Savler. $22.50 6 rooms, 470 E. 61st N. 122 50 8 rooms. 302 E. Taylor. $22.&0 10 rooms, 144 N. lMh. $12.00 0 rooms. 001 Commercial at., near Jefferson High. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 809O. LARGE house, near Piedmont carbarns; fine location for boarding or rooming-bouso; $20 per month. N 4-room cottage, 2 lota, close to carbarn, f 10 per month. 5-room cottage. 1 block to Jefferson High School, $l2.oO. S. L, OSBORN, 00 Kllllngsworth Ato. ilODEKN 4-room bungalows with self-lighting gas ranges, neuters, beds, buffets, bookcases, window scuts, hardwood floors, linoleum In kitchens and bathrooms, attics and full basements; on Sumner near E. 13th, one block N. of Alberta car. Blanch ard & Clemson, 702 Selling bldg. 711 MULTNOMAH st Corner21st at. N. Best bargain in lrvington; nine rooms and reception hall with fireplace, furnace heat gas and electric lights; coal stove and gas range; newly decorated; possession on or before March 1; rent $30. Phone East 4523. FOR RENT My house, unfurnished, at 822 Clackamas st., corner 20th ; seven rooms, three bedrooms, house in splendid con dition, modern in every particular, shades, combination gas and electric, good fur nace, fireplace, laundry, cheap to tho right people. Phone Tabor 5hP. HOUSES FOR RENT. 1 0-room house at 1164 Patton ave. for $15; 7-room house, sleeping porch and garage, at 30O E. Oth su. for $20; 4-room house at 3 Co E. 34th st. for $7; keys 1334 N. W. Bank bldg. Phono Main 1077. MR. AND MRS. HOUSB HUNTER. See us before you rent a place to live; 6 min. in our office under our new system, equals a month of personal search. We show you the house you wish to see. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. O-ROOM house In first-class shape. 304 17th L Electricity, lights and gas, porcelain bath tub, full basement; rent, including water. $15; free to Feb. 1. Call Clemenson Drug Co., Front & Morrlson! FOR RENT O-room southern colonial houte, Westovtr TerrP.ce, near new school; all modern conveniences; hot water heat; maid s room and bath, $0. Call Mar shall 3846. NICE 6-room home, modern, garage for two cars, all paved streets. hiS . oth North, near Mason, $17. SO with garage, $15 with out garage. Phone Woodlawn 1010. K.y next door In flat. " 8-ROOM house for rent or sale, all mod ern and clean; double floors and walls pa pered; between 3 blocks to "MV" car. Fhone Tabor 4000. Mrs. G. W. McCon nell. 15U4 Weldler st. N. NEW 7-room house for rent on carline. paved streets, on Mt, Tabor; choice corner lot, beautiful view. A. W. SMITH, 723 Chamber of Com. Main 1434. 6-ROOM bungalow, bath, gas and electri city; full lot, 3 Diocks from 2 carllnes; rent $12.50. F. J. Steinmetx & Co.. 503 Gerllnger bldg. $25 h-room modern house, costing $10,000, in restricted district, to aesiraoie tenants. Inquire M. E Thompson, 648 Mississippi. Wood'.awn 1733. HOUSES. FLATS AND STOKES, J. J. OEDER, t Real Estate and Rentals. Grand ave. at E. Ankeny. FREE: S I'OKAG K Household goods stored free: expert movers packers and shippers. Manning Warehouse Transfer Co.. Oth and Hoyt sts. Broadway 703. 7-ROOM HOUSE AND GARAGE. IRVLNGTON RENTAL BARGAIN. $30 Modern down to the minute. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. MODERN 8-room house, almost new and In first-class condition; has fireplace, fur nace; largo porch and reasonable rent. Call 443 11th st. ONLY $ 10 7-room house, right up to the minute, overlooking the river, close in. Ean Side. Mr. Barbour, owner. Main 3017. $12 SNAP to quiet. Protestant adults, semi modern home with heaters, couch, shades, linoleum, care of grounds, fruit, water and garbage free. 1210 E. Taylor at. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow and 3 lots, end of Woodstock carline, $12. Sell wood 002. MODERN 7-room residence, 303 Ross st, near Broad way bridge and Albina ship yards; reasonable rent. ATTRACTIVE modern 6-room bungalow, de sirable neighborhood. Sunnyslde district East 7670. $20. i DESIRABLE 7-room house, Sixth and Sher man; full cement haffement; garage. Ap ply on premises. -ar. souih. FOR RENT 6-room modern hous- with good barn, close to car and school; $0 a month, laoor o.a. MODERN 6-room bungalow, with or with out garage. 41st and Hawthorne, one block; from car. Call Broadway 434. 10 -6-room modern house, near new Frank lin High School. See owner. llOO N. W. Bank bldg. Main 937 tt-KOOM house, hardwood fioors, hot water heat, garage, corner, nice Lawn. Main ltf63. Main 7 ROOMS, newly renovated, near new Couch School; rent -o to responaioie party. Phone mornings. Main 5675. 2-STORY, 7-room Laurelhurst hoose. close to car, $25. Call at Laurel hurst Tract Office today or phone Taoor 3433. 6-ROOM cottage. West Side, good repairs. 6 mo. rent free for gardening In yard. 828 Morrison st. FIRST month's rent small apt. -house free to steady tenant. East Side. Phone East NEAR shipyard, modern 8-room house, 172 McKenna ave., near canine, ruooa Ta bor 4M3. gin PORTLAND Heights bungalow. 703 U pper Drive. Main 5Q. SiV WE have two nice East Side houses. Phone Main 04O. FOR RENT Residence and garage. 5S3 E. Broadway; Phone Last 44i. STRICTLY modern Laure-nurst home, near car. No. lit i-auuiuRion couru uoor 3.'M. 6-ROOM l'OUe, gas, electricity; walking dis tance. OWi veren . rnoni ast s. MODERN 7-room house. 245 23d St.. Marshall. rnona jaa-rsnau ivij. ) ROOM S 20 5 Coo k ave.. near WlUi&zus; gas, electricity, bath. East 129S. 8-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. Inquire ,13Q 6th st. Main 6278. GOOD 5-room cottage, 646 E. 18th St., $10. "WW" car Marshall 4317. 5-ROOM house, $10; 7-room house. $15. Swank. 6J1 Northwest bldg. &-ROOM house, 1204 E. Yamhill st. P. W. Blanchard. Tabor 532. Main 30O6. ' J10 FOR modern 5-room bungalow, near ML T b or car. Key at M aln 937. 5-ROOM house, 1 acre, 2 blocks north of Multnomah station. See owner. 775 eT" ANKENY 6-room, modern, pert ec: repair. '15. B 2408. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, furnace, modern. $10 mo. Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. E. 6213. 5-ROOM cottage, cloae in, 406 Hall st,, near lOfh. 7-ROOM house, 448 Tenth; 5-room flat, 473 Park. Keys 468 Park. 5-ROOM bungalow for rent, $12 month. Phone Pellwood 67. A MODERN 6-room house, easy walking dis tance. 168 E. 14th, near Belmont. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern except furnace; no children. E. 8th and Schuyler; B car. NICE cottage, good garden ground $10 per mouth. 144 K. lath st. FOB RENT. Houses. 8-ROOM house, 375 14th st $1S. 8 -room modern house, 43o4 45th v 8. E.. corner E. 44th st., $10. S-room modern house, 149 E. 43d St. (Laurel hurst 1, $25. 7-room house. 700 E. Yamhill it, $15. 7-room house, 1176 Clinton st-, $14. . 5-room cottage, 5t0 Belmont st.. $S. 5-room cottage. E. Yamhill tu, $12. THE LAWRENCE CO., 153 Fourth Su Main 6013. A 2315. FOR RENT for 3 months, beautifully fur nished home In lrvington; 4 bedrooms. For particulars call owner. East 740. 042 E. ISth N. MODERN 4-room houss with large screened sleeping-porch. basement; located ort sightly lot la good residence district; $7.50 per month. Call at 404 Plati bldg. Farnifetird ft-une. COMPLETELY and nicely furnished bouse of 6 rooms to rent for long time to care ful tenants; adults only ; owner leaving city; cheap rent ; excellent location, c!ora In on East Side. Call evenings 3o4 Saa Rafael st $12 COSY, clean. 5-room. bath, chicken house, fruit, water paid; Mt. Scott car, get off 62 d st.. first house to right north. No. 4320. Adults. BUNGALOW Five rooms, r.tnno. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, garage. $15. Others fur nished, $20 to $3i. After Sunday, Mala t012. ' ' $1- MODERN 5-room completely fur nished, electricity, gas. wood range, sew ing niachiuo. 015 Woodstock ave. Wood stock car. NICELY furnished bungalow, art glass win dows, one large room, kitchenette, bath, sleeping porch, electricity, gas. $13. Call 740 Belmont. Phone East 0130 NEW modern furnished and unfurnished 3-room apartments, ail outside rooms, walking distance, reasonable rent. 60 . 12th. Phone E. 704, B-2764. BUNGALOW flat, 3 rooms, sleeping porch den, 2 beds, linen, silverware, phona, water, garbage, etc. 867 E. Wash., 28th. S-ROOM furnished, modern bungalow, 1 14 blocks Aiberta car. $13. Water paid. Cail Woodlawn S38. 004 ISth atN COSY 5-room modern cottage. 10 minutes on Union ave. car, $16; water Included. Union ave. E. 5407. JUST think. furnUhed Ii-room cottage. Grand ave. and Broadway, only $10. Phone East 1843. WILL rent my 7-room furnished home Hi Vernon district ; low rent to right party. Call Marshall 1767. MODERN 5-room cottage, neatly furnished, 614 Delay, near O.-W. R. 6c N. shops; $14. including water; take "L" car. East 3612. FOR SALE or rent, furnished or unfur nished, modern, 5-room, bungalow, . in Westmoreland. M &0 Oregonian. FOR RENT Partly furnished 4-room cot tosre. cheap. 674 Northrup st. Main S7.17. 5-HOOM furnished flat. $12 50 per mo. See owner, J. H. Nash, 72.1 Chamber of Com merce bid K- M aln H 3 FURNISHED house for rent at HOi". Main St.; modern; price $12.50. Phone .aat 567, or Tabor 100. By owner. FLKMSHtO modern house, garage; walk ing distance Peninsula ship plant. 1543 Jordon at: MODERN 6-room bouse, completely fur nished; Bleeping porch, hot water heat. 1044 Division s. ARTISTICALLY furnished bungalow-flat ott curline; garage, sleeping porch, lawn. Tabor 2400. WELL furnished cot t aire, conveniences, car line, lawn; $10. Tabor 2400. IO- ROOM modern house in best seci'on. three baths, sleeping porch, furnished, $125 per motith. A F 34. Oregon la n 5-ROOM furnished house, 3 3 .".5 Mllwaukie aU Sellwood 2244. NICELY furnished 6-room house, near three carllnes. Phone Woodlawn 186. NEW 6 rooms, 7 2d and Burntde: rent $!; 3 rooms, Woodlawn. $S.50. Marshall 4569. FURNISHED house to coup, for board and room of owner; lrvmgt n. ra."t fia. MODERN 4-room cottage, furnished; trees, paved street, near car. Sell. fru.t 2051. POKTLAND HTS., 2-room ottace with kitchenette andjath. Marshall 4s. JUSTON residence for rent. Apply 115 Tnlon ave. N. between ioA. M. ana 3 j. i. 3-ROOM house, $S a month. 109S E. 28th Alberta car. IRVINGTON .'.-room modern bungalow. furnished. $25. 6S5 E. 11th N. 5-ROOM house, furnished, reasonable. 426 Sacramento st. A NEATLY furnished 5-room cottage, walk ing distance; inquire 42 E. 15th. FOR RENT 7-room, furnished house, close In, $22.50. Mar. 745, Sunday. Store. DRESSMAKING establishment and living apartment, 14R 13th st-. ground floor, store front, fitting-room, stockroom, reception-room, large workshop with hardwood floor, three living-rooms and kitchen, batnroom. two toilets, laundi y tubs, spe cial electric connections. Highly finished and best facilities: moderate rent. Floor area, 3500 square feet. Inquire 1025 Yeoa building. SIXTH AND OAK Good store, corner brick bldg., fine light basement, fireproof vault; reasonable rent. A H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 411S; FOR RENT One of the best stores with, second floor, on Main street, in the pros perous city of Pendleton. J il lianas, Pen dleton, Or. STOKE, 13 by 70, E. 2Sth St., $12.50 per month. Call Main 135 or B 2714. Office. STORE FOR RENT. 24 N. 6th st.. near Burnside ......... .$50 S. E. cor. 4th and Glisan ......... .$35 102 First st., near Stark $25 20S Burnside rt IOO E. Broadway, end of bridge. . .$17.50 Bldg., cor. 14th and Pettygrove. low rent, suitable for hotel. Ritter, Lowe A Co.. 205-7" Board of Trade Bidg. SHARE 3-suite .combination, lawyer pre ferred. $15; private furnished office, $10; share office. $7.00. Stock. Exchange, 3d nnd Yamhill. OFFICES for rent, with or without reception-room ; rent reasonable. bl5 Dekura. bldg., 3d end Washington. PRIVATE atfflce. reception, furnished. $15 lawver preferred); fur. office, $10; ahar light' office, $7.50. Stock Ex., 3d YamhilL DESIRABLE office space on ground floor, $. per month; desk, office equipment telephone, etc.. free. 306 Oak su WELL-FURNISHED private office! also detfk room. $5 and $7. 723 Cham, of Com. , PRIVATE office, reception-room. phone, reasonable. 317 Board of Trade. OFFICES, $7 up; furnished offices, desk room, reasonable. 3o3 Swetland bldg. " Halle, ASSEMBLY HALL. capacity about 100t terms reasonable. Inquire 701 Northwest ern Bank bldg. BCStNF.SS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY for sale at invoice. $3000; oa carline and corner; sales $-wh) mo., same as cash; cheap lease; selling account sick nesa in family. owner, P. O. Box 873. $7000 GOOD, clean staple stock of dry goods, furnishings, etc.. Eastern Oregon, for quick sale; 7oc on the dollar. McCune, 333 Pittock blk. AN ESTABLISHED business netting $4H0 to S450O per y-sar muit be sold before April 1 A real investment at $75O0; not a speculation. AR 23. oregonlan. WANTED A man who is physically able t work, who can invest $350. Will clear about $1500 in 4 mo. time. Call lol 4th st. BUSINESS chance Office notary, work, eta Nice paying business for a man of some busint-Ks ability and little money. Call 101 4th st. UKOCKRT store for sale, cheap rent, 3 living-rooms in connection; if looking for something good, investigate this. BF 27, Oregonian RESTAURANT, good business, living-rooms, cheap rent, bargain. Owner, 252 Everett stret. FOR SALE Grocery store at invoice, doing $4ft.0O0 yearly; stock about $4O0O. Wiii give reference. S 42, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Cleaning and dye works, party leaving city, must be aold at once. Ideal Cleaning & Dye Works. 242 5th at. AUTO delivery body manufacturing plant In city for sale or trade for real estate. Value -$2O0. AP 37, Oregonian. FOR S A LE Restaurant, one-third value, complete outfit. $125. 667 Williams ave. E-ist 3505. CORNER grocery store in a bungalow dis trict; living-room: cheap rent, on a good lease. Tabor 4007. A ANTED at once, all-around printer to take interest in established printing bual ness In Portland. S 40, Oregonian. I HAVE several business propositions of merit that require but small Investment, MiMership. 431 Chamber of Commerce LAWYER conversant with several foreign languages, desires professional connection. J 54. Orrgonian. SMALL cash grocery, 409 E. Burnside at., near Gra n d ave. East 6357. FOR SALE Half interest In a small manu fne turing business. AH .36, Oregonlan. WAN'TFD Partner, to enlarge VuslnessI Lady preferred. J 53. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Grocery store in good location, with living rooms. Phone Woodlawn 2374.