THE SUNDAY OREGOXT.Jf, PORTLAND, JANUARY 14, 1917. 11 cJoseph MacueeN. Twelve Volnmel Novels and etorles. by Richard Harding Davis. per set, sold y subscription only. Charles Scribner'a tons,. Jitw York City. With photogravure frontispieces from drawings by Gibson, Appleton Clark, Christy. Morgan and others, these dozen volumes of the "Cross roads edition" of the late Richard Harding Davis' novels and stories are certain to prove of extraordinary in terest. They appeal especially to all booklovers who are looking out for worthy attractions to fill their book shelves: and as for ordinary readers those with $12 to spare they are lucky to have such book treasures where they can lay hands on them. It is only a short time since all that was mortal of "Dick" Davis was placed in the grave. His memory is kept green by a host of loyal admirers who have loved and still love anything that appears in print bearing Davis' -name as author. His printed memories have in them a sturdy Americanism that attracts. This edition of Davis' novels and t stories have been prepared according to plans often discussed with him and issued under conditions which make it peculiarly commemorative of the personal and popular affection in which he was held. His brother and executor -has given invaluable aid in preparation. In this edition are brought together for the first time all that succession of stories from "Gallagher" of nearly 30 years ago to those of the present war. that made Davis the knight errant of American story-writers the one of whom one of his contemporaries has said that the young men and women of his time "lived with a happier bravery because of him." Collected in uniform and attractive shape are also the novels and longer i stories which in separate issues have been continual sources of delight and have found their way onto the stage and into every form of popular pres entation. The collection in its com pleteness thus includes some books that have been literally tne most popular of their kind. The books have been manufactured with the Intention of making a clear, beautiful and attractive library edition. worthy of its definitive and lasting character. The set has in general the same distinguished form and appear ance as the well-known Outward Edition of Kipling, the Thistle Edition of Stevenson, the Memorial Edition of George Meredl'h and the Imperial Edi tion of Sir Gilbert Parker. In each of the 12 volumes are P donal messages from friends who knew Davis well. Winston Churchill writes in "The Bar Sinister": "There come to me now. as I think of him filled with life, flashes from his writings that have moved me, and move me inde scribably still. I Style.' as Holland remarks, "c'est l'ame.' It was so in Mr. Davis" case. He had the rare faculty of stirring by a phrase the imagina tions of men. of including in a phrase a picture, an event a cataclysm. Many causes will miss him. and many irienas and many admirers, yet his personality remains wtih us forever, in his work. Irvin S. Cobb in "Ransom's Folly" ThA world knew him as one - the most vivid and versatile and pictur esque writers that our country has produced in the last half century, but his friends knew him as one of the kindest and gentlest and most honest and most unselfish of men a real hu man being, firm in his convictions, steadfast in his affections, loyal to the ideals by which he held, but tolerant always in his estimates of others. Gouverneur Morris in "The Red Cross Girl": "Those swiftly flashed ice-clear pictures (complete in every detail) with which his tales and romances are so delightfully and continuously adorned. . . . An analysis of his works, a study of that book which the Record UFB A5 WC CAXJLr YY IS NOTHING BUT THE EDGE OF THE BOUNDLB OCGAN OF IlX ISTTSNCJB WHBRB IT COMBS ON .SOUNDINGS " 1 . - y-s- 3y mi - J! - l II ST r S -if " ' s x - i7 themes: 11 A. M.. "The Secret of a Success ful Life"; 7:45 P. M-, discussion of Presi dent King's book, "It' All in the Day's Work." Pilgrim. Shaver street and Missouri ave nue Rev. W. C Kanuer, minister. :o A. M., Sunday school: 11 A. M., "Follow Me" i communion with baptism and recep tion of members; 3 P. M-, Junior Endeavor: 6:30 P. M., Y. P. S. C. JS. ; 7:30 f. JO... "ioe Life That Counts." Laurelvrood. Forty-fifth avenue and sixty- fifth street Southeast 10 A- M-. Sabbatn school; 11 A. M-. communion service. Rev. C. W. Wells officiating: 3:45 P. M.. T. P. S. C. E. meeting; 6 P. M., President Mjir Crawford will sneak, subject. A bug- gested Co-operation with the University of Portland in the Development of Person ality" ; vocal and instrumental music will be furnished by the university. Ardenwald. Ardenwald station unoay school. 10:30 A. M. ; Christian Endeavor, 7:30 P. M., superintendent, H. W. Hopkirk. Flnnlsn Mission. 1U7 toKiamore sirrei Samuel Nevala, pastor. Toung People's meet- Ins at ; preacmnff at 7:3U; prayer meeuug Thursday at 8:15. Sunnyslde Congregational Church, .ast Taylor and East Thirty-second streets- Rev. J J. Staub, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 A. 'm. and 7:45 P. M. ; Sunday school. 9:45 A M. : Junior Christian Endeavor. 3 P. M. ; Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:15 P. M. Topics of sermons: Morning. -"Thinking Above That Which Is Written"; evening. Recognizing and Realizing Clod's Purpose." Highland. Prescott street, near union ave nue iRev. Georee Edwin Lewis, pastor. un day school at 11 A M.. subject, "The Golden Age"; Sunday night at 8 o'clock, lecture. 'is the world (jetting setter- DIVINE SCIENCE. First. 131 Twelfth street and Alder R. T. AI. Mluard, pastor Sunday school, lO A M.: services. 11 A. M. : Bible study. Tues day, 2 P. class study, Thursday, 8 P. M. EPISCOPAL. Ft. Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. Rev, John O Matton. associate. Sunday services. 7:30 A M.. holy euchanst; :4o. ftunaay school: lO-l.V matins: 11. holy eucharlat and sermon; 7:45, evensong and sermon. Week days: holy eucharlst dally at l :io a. ja. Saint David's parish, iast Tweutn ana Belmont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services at 8, 9:30. 11 and 7:30. Church of St. Mlchaei and All Angels. Rrudwn and East Forty-third street North Sermon, 11; holy communion, first Sunday, 11: third Sunday. 7:BO. Grace Memorial, waldlar and East Seven teenth streets North Rev. Oswald W. Tay- S lor, vlcax. Holy communion. 8, excepting on first Sunday m ine montn; rnvrami prayer and sermon, 11; bunaay sanooi. a o evenina service. - ah KAintn xwenty-rixtn ana avir 6unday school, 10; morning prayer ana rynnTi. 11: csleoratran oe tne noiy con' munion the first Bunaay in me xnontn ax 11 and the third bunaay at o. ei Paul's. Wooamen kit. oawaia m. Taylor, vicar. Uuly communion, first oua day of month, hi evening prayer and ser mon 4. exceot the first Sunday ox monm St. John's. Mllwaukle Rev. jonn li. nice. vicar. 8, holy communion, except on xirsi Riindkv .if month: iu. uunaay scnooi; 11. moraine- Drawer: 7:80. evening prayer: holy communion, first Sunday of month. Church ot Our bavior, wooastocic. tti B-nrtv-flrst street and Slxueta avenui Archdeacon cnanaoere in cnarge. school 10 A. service and sermon at 11 A W Sishon Moms Memorial Samaritan Hospital Holy communion. a M avenaoca. 7:1ft. Ki Andrews Hereford street. opposite rrumiu j, t In charge. Sunday scnool, av a. as.; service i a w i xt. step in i-uc uusvuwu and sermon. 11 A, M. I IX making the Filipinos self-gov MEN FIGURING PROMINENTLY IN RECENT NEWS BROUGHT TOGETHER BY CAMERA MAN F ' " " I tr i I I. - . : I , ' ' ? , " - - " 1 - 1 ' t ' " " p " - 5 1 Vll F?1 : yrrr-T in 5 - ; s . t. & i a 1 - f - 111 r ' ' "5. ..,.-:-.' iiru Rev. W A U Breck. vicar. Sun- I ' ""S occu day school, 10; services and sermon, 11 A If. I polntment of Rafael Palma. a member Churcn of the Good Shepherd. Graham I .. . t Atlrvw mwi ti v.nnouver avenues Rev. John Dawson. "l """ -1 ""'H' " rector. Sunday .school. a:45 A M.; morning I Secretary of the Interior, service, 11; evening service, i :ov. St. Stephen'a Pro-Cathedral, Thirteenth and Clay, the Right Rev. W. T. Sumner. blshon of Oregon: the Very Rev. E. H. Mc Collister. dean Services. Sundays, 7 :45 A. M., 10 A M. (school), 11:20 A. M., ,7:4a P. M.. saints' days, etc., 7:30 A. M. Public Bible class. Wednesdays, 8 P. M. ; Brother hood of St- Andrew, Daughters of the King. Girls Friendly, etc Any westbound car, transfer to Thirteenth. Sunnyslde cars, off at Clay. their young men to marry with our young women." Mr. Flowers stands for "White" America. Principles of Constitutional Government, by Frank 3. Goodnow. 1. Harper oc Broth ers. New York City, :. T. "Constitutional government Is the general form of government which has been adopted by all peoples whose civ ilization is of European origin. Con stitutional government is a govern ment of laws and not of men. With this central thought in mind. we approach in a proper mind to a con sideration of this common-sense, clear ing Angel keeps will show one doml- iy-Understood. instructive 'book of nant characteristic to which even his I 396 pages, written by the president brilliancy, his clarity of style, his ex- 1 0( the Johns Hopkins University. Lr. cellent mechanism as a writer are sub- I Goodnow is an international authority ordinate; and to which, as a man, even his sense of duty, his powers of affec tion, of forgiveness, of loving kind ness are subordinate, too; and that characteristic is cleanliness." The titles of these 12 volues are: "Van Bibher and Others"; "The Exiles and Other Stories"; "Gallagher and Other Stories"; "Soldiers of Fortune"; "Captain Macklin"; "Ranson's Polly"; "The White Mice"; "The Scarlet Car"; "The Bar Sinister"; "The Man Who Could Not Lose"; "The Red Cross Girl": "The Lost Road," and lots of other stories. Of all these stories, Ihe best Is a short one, "The Bar Sinister." a dog story. It is a human-interest story, with a real flesh and blood hero one that is a perfect gentleman. As Puppy, he is known around the Mon. treal wharf where he and his mother (a bla' And tan) make their home, as Kid. a v-hite bull terrier. ' His father 3s Regent Royal, son of Champion on this subject. He was invited by the government of China to visit that country to draw up a constitution. Among the chapter titles are the following: "Constitutional Govern ment and WrUken "Constitutions"; Federal Government in' the United States Before the Civil War"; Federal G vernment in the United States After th ' "Civil War"; "Federal Government in inada"; "Federal Government in Aistralia": "The South .African Ln- ion": "The American Conception of Executive Power"; "The European Con ception of Executive Power"; "Presi dential Government and Its Compari son With Cabinet Government ; The Bi-Cameral System of Legislative Or ganization and, the Upper House"; "The Bi-Cameral System and Its Ke lation to Federal Government"; "The Lower House of the Legislature and Particularly of the Suffrage and Meth ods of Representation"; "The Methods of Voting and Particularly of the Secret Ballot"; "The Position and Pow- Regent Monarch, champion bull terrier! ers of the Courts in the Constitutional of England for four years. Kid was Governments or tngiana ana ine unit abused by the other dogs for his mon- rrel blood. One day his mother dls- jpears, and Kid is adopted by the Master." who is often drunk. The Master kicks Kid, and thereby wins his affection. The Master, while drunk, arranges a dog fight between Kid and a heavier dog, and the. latter beats the pup. Kid is kicked again and sold to a groom who works for Mr. Wyndham. a wealthy dog fancier. Kid Is recognized as an aristocratic aog. and on being groomed is taken to a dog show, where In the bull terrier class he beats and wins the blue ribbon from his own aristocratic father. Then afterward Kid sees a dog being bitten by three big dogs, and Kid res cues his lost mother. ed States"; "The Courts in the Consti tutional Governments of Europe 'The English Conception of Private Rights"; "The American Conception ol Private Rights ; "The European con ception of Private Rights"; "The Local Institutions of England"; "The Local Institutions of the United States"; "The Local Institutions of Continental Europe." mont Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. Ices, 8, 11:30 (school;. 11 and 7:80. EVANGELICAL. The Swedish Free Church, corner of Mis souri avenue and bumner atreet xl. u. Rniiin, niuitnr. &undav school. v:4&: preacn- lng, 11 a. ah-; y'Juiig yV" ".t. - . preaching, a P. .ft. G. F. Lleming. Sr.. pastor. Sunday school a i. a t . ,1.- rv - vv Um.',f at u At) A. u. : uresoniaK service oy me U,th.n, rh,,l S..r hnnr'a Snne. lPSlor SI iv;w A. . New York City. '"1 V M Our author is professor or dramatic Tk,rH t,- w a. Llenkaanmer. literature in uoiumDia university, anu uiior. Sunday school at 10 A M.; preacn. is accepted as an eminent ana compe- 1 ing service at 11 a. at; uikuiuosi uua. font- n T-ii ni' t ir. t-irir 'Thin vnliifihlA find l Saturday at 10 A M. , , . i. ... . , i i. i .. r v. Tin- I Norwegian Isanlsh, Snmner and East UCIUL1ILU1 If UK 1 la Wild KJ 1 111'. 1.1-1- 1 I . , cut. and therefore th, patient reader ?-'S5uf'5ttalTZ P. M. ; Sunday school at 10; young peoples meeting at e:U0; prayer meeting. Wednesday at 8 o'clock- Portland Mission n. Shupp, pastor. Car- Did the whale swallow JonahT A Connecticut jury has decided that it did and convicted M. X. Mockus, a De troit man, of blasphemy under a blue law of the state dating back to the days of witchcraft. Mr. Mockus Is a Lithuanian lecturer and a free thinker, He delivered a lecture lr watertown Conn., in which he denied the authen St. David's parish,. East Twelfth and Bel- tlclty of several Bible stories, notably berv- that of Jonah. He -was arrested, con victed and sentenced to spend 10 days in Jail and to give a bond of 1000 for good behavior. He appealed the case and engaged counsel from New York. see J. J. Farrell Is In the thick of the Iflght over the high cost of milk and rhutter, which is spreading all over the United States. . Besides being Dairy and Food Commissioner of Minnesota, Mr. Karrell is head of the National Dairy, Food and Drug Officials and president of the National CreamerJ Buttermakers' Association. e e Spyridom Lambros was called by King Constantino to form a new Greek Cabinet In October. He was & teacher of history at the University of Athena when Intrusted with the Premiership, e There Is a sensation in the book world, due to the suppression of a diplomatic history of the war written by Edmund von Mach, formerly of Harvard. Mr. von Mach says the sup pression was due to the Influence of the allies. The publishers say they found, certain inaccuracies in the work, e Lord Milner is a member of Lloyd George's Cabinet. He has been Identi fied with public life in Great Britain for many years. had better arm himself with a paper cutter in advance. A Book About the Theater" is crit ical and suggestive in the best sense of that latter word. It is also con structive. The illustrations are 33 Some of the chapter heads are: The Show Business; The Limitations of the Stage; A Moral From a Toy Thea ter: Why Five Acts; Dramatic Col laboration; The Evolution of Scene Painting; The Book of the Opera; The Poetry of the Dance; The Ideal of the Acrobat; The Decline and Fall of Ne gro-Minstrelsy; The Utility of th son Heights, Sunday school at lu ana preaching at 11 A. M. ; West Portland, Sunday school at 2:30. Y. P. A. at :bv and preaching ac 7:30 P. M. LUTHEKAX. Trinity German (Missouri Synod . Will- lams and Graham avenues J. A. Rlxnbach. pastor. Services, lO:10, 7:BO; Sunday school. U:15; New Years service. 10:10 A. zl. Trinity, East Tenth and Sherman streets IT. N. Sandifur, pastor. 11 A. M-, "Present- Day Repentance"; 7:80 P. M., F. J. fenell will speak on Kpworth League iwork. Westmoreland. Mllwaukle avenue, near Fourth avenue Rev. k ti. Sandifur will speak at 7:30 P. M. Vancouver-avenue Norwegian and Danish, corner of Vancouver avenue and Skidmore street H. P. Nelsen, pastor. Preaching at 11 and S: Y. P. S. devotional meeting at 7 P. M.; Sunday school at :5 A. M. Daurelwood, Sixty-third street Southeast. near Foster Road The pastor. C. K. Carlos. will preach at 11 A. M. on "Things to ininn About In 1017"; at 7:30 P. M. George V. MoCluro will speak on "IM rineioom Comb." Lincoln. Fifty-second and Lincoln streets Rev. B II. Morse, pastor. Sunday scnoot. 10 A preaching at 11 o clock. KKW THOUOMT. Temple of Truth Roclety.Metaphyslcal Li brary, Broadway and Main streets services at 8 P. M., speaker. Aitnea niwuuauivr, "The Light of inspiration." NEW ClIXTRCH SOCIETY, Swedenborglan. Ellers Hall Broadway and Alder street 11 A M . sermon topic, "How to oet -iose to God," by Rev. William R. Reece: Sunday 7:43 P. M. : Sunday school. 10 A. M.: Chris tian Endeavor, 0:43 P. M. Mission. 446 Jessup street Sunday serv ices as usual; Sacbath school, lO: preaching, 11. by Rev. C T. Carpenter; Christian .En deavor, 7; evening aerrlosj. CXITED PRESBYTERIAN. Kenton, Lombard and Chatham streets J. 8. Cole, pastor, 12u West Lombard street, preaching, 11:15 and 7:30; Bible school. 10; Christian Endeavor. Senior and Intermediate e:30? prayer meeting. Thursday evening, a UNITED EVANGELICAL. Ockley Green, Willamette Boulevard and Gay streets Hubert H. Farnham. pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M. : preaching, 11 A M. and 7:3U P. M. junior u. .., a. Senior C. E.. 6:30 p. M. ; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at 7:45. lrst. East Sixteenth and Poplar streets J. A. Gocde, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 A. at.; preaching. 11 A M. ; K. L. C B. 6:80 p. M. ; preaching. 7:3o P. M.; mid week prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. 8t Johns A. B. t-ajton. pastor, will West Side Norwegian Lutneran. Four- I . , ' and ehildren'a classes at teenth and Davis streets WUhelm Potter- I 14.iS vr. rKESBYTEKIAJl. First. Twelfth and Alder street J. H Boyd. D D., pastor; regular service; 7:0 Most of One's Mind." i.Anrai Trust Thirteenth and 1 ine lit Arthur F. Bishop, pastor. 10:3O, children s crmnn. "T.lshts": regular. "MUStara oeeu Faith": 7:30. song service, "Just As I Am Rev. 10:30 A. M., M., "Making the e I son. nastor. English services, first and third Variety Show; The Method of Modern I Sundays of each month at 11 A M. and Magic: The Puppet Play and. The Prob- second and fourth. Sundays at 8 P. M.; ; ri t i I Norwegian services first and third Sundays lem Ol uiiuunin; iiutioiu. i , ,.r ,h a o t .nd second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. il. : bunuay scnool . , I A tul.. T A T at iV A, A. i C"S"-" " - - Ainu, a - - ' . i .,,w , yr ,hlrl Monday at ft P. M. : Y. p. s. New York City. I Tue,day ,venlng; English Bible class Friday Written in letters of fire. deDlctln? .u.nin.,- vpioer service at . ft P. M.. eacn the anguish of an aroused conscience, Sunday In the hall on the corner of i Uteeutn I christian Endeavor, 6:30; Sunday school at a ,n Via tha onlilnnnv in i And AlbertA. bTani verse: o? a German in this conn- I rW'rSK try. me uerma.ii veuiuaira iuo services. 10:30 A M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sun trust with which some people regard dav School. 9:30 AM. the militarism of Prussia, and the dis- Grace English, Missouri Synod. Mason t reused hv the nresent war. street and Alblna avenue Rev. E. Probst. Th. hook is nhle. undeniablv. but Is pastor. Services. 10 :80 A. M. and 7 :0 P, "i- ' ' - I T . . V. it genuine? It may be real, and on the other hand a clever invention of the opponents of Prussia. What then? Inside the German Empire, by Herbert Bayard Swope. 2. The Century Com pany, New York City, Bethel Free, Stuben Hall. Ivy street anu Williams avenue Rev. u. A. staley. min ister. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. -u.. knnilAv schooL 10 A Aft. immanuet ibwhiiuj, miiri.ou m m Irving etreeta Services. 11 A. M. 12 noon Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets serr- i . j ,1 til a -M and 7:30 ii. M. rtev. A. a Hard will preach in the morning; evening subject. "Chrl6t aecona --.oming. j Hope, Seventy-eigntn anu V S. v. Seemann, minister. jnorning , . i-rh. i.nuL fftier oi ine n u i .. , evening subject. "Realistic Religion"; Sun day school. 0:45 A. M.; C. E. rvlce. 6:30. Mount lacor, rmin iuh , a d I mt-rt Riv. Ward Macrlenry. oi rcr v-.i li ; Sunday school. 8:45 A. M. ; Y. P. Society, Or., will preach Sund J'h.1 ChS Tuel.y. 8 P. M. : Ladi"" Aid. first 1.1 fMS Sunday Church Services Wednesday. 2 P. M.; Pipe Organ Society, t. i- i Vi a flariyiani. In wflp time I fimt Friday. 8 P. JA. .mis . . 1 r,,k. Clinton streets A Krause. pastor. Refor mation festival; Sunday school, t:80 A. M. : service, 10:30 A M. ; confession and holy communion, 7:80 P. M. ; Friday and Sat urday concerts, 7:30 P. was reviewed in. The Oregonlan of last Sunday. evening -theme, "The Challenge oi ine t-u' H tir.-. :And Park. 11M nasi puutiCT.i. . n-..... v, u,v c T. Mendel, pastor. B..n. eohool. 1 A. M. : preaching. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; prayer 1L-i)n,idnv 7 ' HO P. M. A vorbes Memorial, oantenoain ana ura- meetlng. (Continued From Page 10.) For the Good of the Party, by Herman Hlne Brinsmade. $1.25. Sherman, French A Co., Boston, Mass. It is safe to say that In every news paper office where this novel Is re ceived for review it will be read close through to the end. The reason is. htat It is a newspaper story. "For the Good of the Party" has wit, heart interest, and liveliness to com mend it. The hero is Paul Ashton Boston young man with a slight news naner experience. He comes to the Western town of Blackvllle, 12,000 population, with a desire to start a new paper, tie has sauuu promised mm by his father. There is one paper in Blackville already, the Daily Breeze Racket, a Republican orjean. The Democrats promise to advance $5000 if Ashton will start the new naner. He does so, and names It the Tilnrkville Star. The widow of the i. ,,roT. of tV Dnilv Rocket news-I and Willamette boulevard Rev. T. Mathew, paper. Mrs. Haskin. makes love to Ash- Mass. 8; high mass. 10:30: evening service. ton. ana ne tans in love wilu aiis. St. Peter-s. rents Rev. p. Buetgen. Mass. Zenia Huoer, aaugmer or a pouiiuai i B. hlch mass. 10:30: evening service. 7:30. boss of the town. The hew editor ot I St. -Clements, Smith and Newton streets the Star gets to know the promises of Rev. c. smitn. Mass o; nigu mass, i:a politicians, and how vain they are of vning service 7:20 .. belief. He has to endure much trib ulation, but bis reward comes. Mass. 6. 8, 9; high mass. 11 o'clock; even ing service, 7:80. Rev. C. J. Olson. . Mass. 6. 7. b, 0; nlgn mass. 11; e -..ina service. ' iu.d Racrament Maryland avenue and Blantiena street. Rev. Father F. W. Black, pastor. iiaaa, SAM.; Hieh Masa at 10:30 A M. ; evening service. 7:80. The Madeleine, feast l 'weniy-rourtn ana Siskiyou Rev. G. F. Thompson. Mass, 7:30, 8; hlsh mass, 10:30: evening service. 7:43. fit. Andrews, xuast .iiitu ana aiuwi. streets Rev. T. nuernan. Mass, a; niga mass, iO:3U; evening service, 4 :au. Ascension. East lamuui ana cast seventy- sixth Franciscan Fathers. Mass, 8; high mass, 10 30, evening service. 7:30. Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and Vancouver avenue Rev. F. H. Miller. Mass, 6. 8; high mass. 10:3U: evening service. 1 :u. , Holy cross. 7 4 uuwaoin atrwi nuf. w Raymond. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:80; even ing service, ' :ou. xacrea rieart, .aai n-iotruin uuu v.uvm Rev. G. RobL Mass. 8; high mass, io:3; evening service, 7:30t tat Againa. cast rineenin anu utiii 11 Rev. J. Cummftky. Mass, 8; high mass. lo-:to- eveninir service. 7:80. St. Joseph (German . iiteentn ana uoucn streets Kev. B. Durrer. Mass, 8; . nign mass. 10.30: evening service, 7:80. St. Clare's, Capitol mil rranciscaa Fathers, Rev. Father Modeatus. Low mass. 7:30; high mass and benediction, 0:20; mon at both masses. St. htanlslsus (Italian). Maryland avenue fls, pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M., subject, "The Good of Godliness"; 7:43 P. M., sub ject, "Does It Pay"? Bible school at 9:45 A M. : Christian endeavor at 0:00 sr. -ri. East Side. Ea Twelfth and Taylor R. H. Sawyer, pastor. Communion and sermon at" 11 A M., topic.' "The Man Who Knows"; vfnln? Hone service and sermon at 1 tonic "Is Christianity competent ror ita World-wide Task"? Bible school. 9:00 A vr - r"iirlAtuiTi Endeavor at o:3U. Ea,t Side. East Twelfth ana lay lor tt Sawyer pastor. Communion ana aermon at 11 A. M.. "Forward to What?": evening - R.rv(. and sermon at 1 :v. tupic, "The War of Nations-; sinie scuuui a,i r.u, r-VivMntlan Endeavor at 6:30. Rodney Avenue. Rodney avenue ana unou rti Rev. J. Carlos linormiey, pastor. Preaching, 11 A. M. ana 1:45 f. -m. iiorn- lng, "The Vision of the Valley of tne Lry Rnnp"; evenlne. The rew riirin : aunuay school. 10 A M. ; Christian Endeavor, 6:30 Vernon. East fifteenth street North and Wvaant atreet Regular services 10:30 and 7. SO. Preaching Dotn morning ana eveaiae. Wnodlawn. East Seventh and LiDert, streets W. L. Mllllnger. minister. ijmie school. 9:45 A. M. : social service. 11 A. M- Cbrlstlan Endeavor, 6:30 P. M.; preaching by L. F. Stevens. 7:SO P. M- ClfRI STT AX SCIENCE. First. Everett. ' between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets services. 11 and ; bud 1t of lesson sermon, "sacrament Hun day school, 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Bethany Danish.' Union avenue North and ham Rev. William MacLeod 1 minister. 11 Morris atreet Rev. L. p. KJohler. pastor, ociock; prracninn " . Sunday school and Bible clasa. 10 A M. ; St. Charles., Thirty-fourth and Killings. worth Rev. a. Snlderhorn. Mass, 6; high niMHB. 10:30: evening service. 7:30. St- Rose's Fifty-third and Alameda streets Rev. j. M. CFarrell. pastor. Masses. 8 and 10 A. M. : evening devotion. - 7:30. St. Michael's (Italian), Fourth and Mill- Jesuit Fathers; M. J. Balestra, S. J., pastor. Low mass, 8:80; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30. St. Philip Nerl. East Sixteenth and Hick ory Kev. w. J. cartwngnt. Mass. 7:30, The Japanese Conquest of American Opinion, by Montavllle Flowers, ueorge ii, Doran Company, New York City. Mr. Flowers Is ex-presldent of the Lyceum Association, and is well-known as a lecturer. His book is a cleverly expressed series of arguments for and I high mass, 10:30: evening service. 7:80. against Japanese naturalization in this , sS.lBJ?tu- 3i??. m!" 'VfV: country. In the abstract, our author would deny to Japanese the right of oitizAnnhin. "because of the sacrifice they ask us to make with it, to allow Deeney, evening Jesuit Fathers Father William J rector. Mass. 6:30, 8. 9:15, 10:3O, service, 7:30. CHRISTIAN. First, Park and Columbia Harold H. Grlf services. 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ; young peo ple's meeting. Thursday. H P. M. Our Savior's, East Tenth and Grant greens Rev. Geo. Henrlksen, pastor. Eng lish. 10:15; Norwegian, 11:10. u-.niiurnrth. Thirty-fourth and Gladstone Unmln, worshiD. 11: evening serv I .r 7.45. Rev. E. P. Lawrence will nrh at both services; Sabbath school, . . 1 - . if Kennilworth. East Thirty-fourth and G!a'- . A- naiDn Dioatrew. " - " s.H.v .ohool. 10 o'clock. lag worship. 7.4j o ciock. Sunday aohool, 10 o'clock. Rt. .lmf' English. West Park and Jef ferson streets. Rev. W. E. Brlnkman, pas tor. Sunday school, 10 A M-; morning wor- ihlo. 11: sermon, "xne jreat uommiuion- Luther League meeting. 7 P. M. ; evening worship. S: sermon, "The Light et the World." LATTER-DAY SAINTS. T.,ti,r-dav Saints. East Twenty-fifth and Madison lO o'clock. Sunday school; service s.t 3.1:45 and evening service at 1 :u. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rose City Park. Sandy boulevard and East Fifty-eighth street North. Aaron Allea Heist pastor. anuni service, xi, vespers. 4:30 o'clock. Westmoreland. livi jmuwauKie n. w, Maulden. pastor. Preaching, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10: Junior League. 8:3a University Para. isk ana Lombard streets Kev. J. 'a. addou. u. services, 11 a u.. 7:30 P. M.: Sunday school. 9:45 M.. Epwortn League, o.ov r. aa- x-rayer meeting, 7:45 o clock rnursaay. German, itoaney avenue ana eianton strest T. A Schumann, pastor, feunday school. 8:45 A AA. : services, ia a sv., ua B P. M.; Epworth League. 7:16 P. M- Sunnyside, corner iasc xamniii ana last REFORMED. German. Twelfth and Clay O. and preach both morning and evening. Sunday school at 10 A. M. : Christian Endeavor at ti:30 P. M. TTNTTARI AN. Church of Our Father, Broadway and Tamhill street Rev. Thomas L. Eliot. I. D.. minister emtrltus; Rev. William G. Eliot, Jr., minister. Services at 11 A. M-. Rev. Andrew Fish; open forum. 7:45 P. M., "Should City and County Consolidate?" E B. MacNaughton; Sunday school and adult class at 9:45 A M. ; Young People a Fra ternity and Unity Club at 6:30 P. M. . ' MISCELLANEOUS. Bali at Society. 616 Ellers building Serv Ices Friday evenings, b o'clock; Sunday. S P. M. . Comforter, 186 Firth atreet 'Freedom From Commandment" at 11 o'clock; even ing at 8 o'clock In Ellers Hall on the sut.ject, "Finding Your Place"; speaker, Mlsa Florence Crawford, Theosophlcal Society. Central building. Tenth and Alder streets Lecture. 8 P. M. CAPTURE OF POST COMMANDER, LONG WOMEN'S IDEAL, AMAZES (Cbntlnued From First Page.) o"Ii. 11 A M. ; Epworth League. 6:o P. pea pies vu'"' - First Norwegian Danlsn, Hoyt and Eigh teenth streets Rev. Ellas OJerdlng, pastor. Preaching at 11 A M. and it 8 P. 11.; Y. p. Society every Tuesday night. 8:15; prayer meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Woodlawn. East Tenth North and High land streets Rev. W. E. Kloster. pastor. Sunday school. 10 A M. ; morning service. H X. M : Epworth League. 7 P. It. ; evening service. 7:45 P. M.s prayer meeting. Thurs days, '1 :45 P. M. St. Johns Leavltt and Rays streets Rev. J H. Irvine, minister. Morning service at ii n'l-Jneli: evening worship. 7:80. Centenary. East Pine and East Ninth Sunday school at 9:45 A. M. : "A Vision for Christian Service." by Miss Ida Mae EhaWitt, of the Portland Industrial Center. 11 A M.; Epworth League meeunsa i r. class meeting. mon, - Sacrament ; bunaay scnool. Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets- Services. 11 and 8; subject of lesson ser mon. "Sacrament"; Sunday school, 9:45 and 11:00: Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Services. 11 and 8: subject of lesson sermon. "Sacrament"; Sunday school, 9:43 and 11: Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fifth, Myrtle Park Station Services. 11 A. M. ; subject of lesson sermon, "Sacra ment"; Sunday school, 9:30 and 11; Wednes -day evening meeting at 8. Christian Science Society, Holbrook block. St. Johns Services, Sunday at 11; wednes day evening meeting at 8; subject of les son sermon, "Sacrament. . - CONGREGATIONAL. First Church. Park and Madison street Luther R. EVyott. minister. 9:50 A. M., Bible 6:80 P. M. ; "What's M. In school; eO, X. P. S. C. J5.J J0r. Cyott a I Name!" sermon biz the pator. 7:3a p. M. Hefner, nastor. Services. 10:45 Sunday scnool. 9:30; Y. P. I. 7. SPIRITUALIST. r-v.i.T -Rnval building Rev. Berfha M Zimmerman, pastor. Sunday, 3 P. M.. leo h Rev. Mr. "vVertz: readings from flower, bv Dr. R. Angus- 8 P. M.. lecture noAABA-es bv Mr. A. R. Wirt. v.-. Thnucht. Oil Ellers building 2 P. M.. lecture by A W. Wilson; demonstrations. Mrs. Lousn. Temple, southeast corner Sixth and Mont romery streets Conference, 11 A M., Ly ceum Christmas exercises. S P. a v M- bv J. Metcalf. First. Sixth and Montgomery streets 11 o'clock. Mrs. M. A Congdon; lecture. 3 P. M., Mrs. M. J. Iownes; lecture, I 8 P. M.. James B. Metcalf. Church of the Soul Rev. jr. H. Lucas, pastor. Services In Auditorium Hall, Third street, between Taylor and Salmon, at 11 A M ; lecture end messages by Mrs. con Canan Smith: 3 P. M.. mediums' meeting; 8 1 M-. lecture ana mesnses, - ( TJNTY K. RSALIST. Church of the Good Tidings. East Twenty- fourth and Broadway Rev. Frank Theodore Scott, pastor 11 a. m., vmi ". . Pictures of the Soul"; 12 M.. Sunday school. UNITED BRETHREN. First. East Fifteenth and Morrison streets P. O. Bonebrake. pastor. Sunday school at 10 A M. ; preachlns: at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M : Sndeavor at 7 ?. M. Third. Sixty-seventh street and. Thirty- second avenue Southeast. Hubert F. White, pastor. Sunday school. 10 A M. ; preaching. 11 A. M. ; junior 11 1 1 n l mil iiuuc.iui, , a-. M Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:80 P. M. ; preaching, 7:30 P. SI. Evangelist F. H. Neff. of. Salem, will preach both morning and evening. Alberta. Twenty-seventh ana Alberta streets Clinton C. Bell, pastor. Public wor ship. 11 A M. and 7:30 P. M. ; Sunday school. 10 A. M.: Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:30: prayer meeting. Thursday. 8 P. M. Fourth. Elxcy-nlnth street and Blxty-aee' ond avenue Southeast. Treraont Btatlott J. JS. Connor, pastor, fiexxuonsa iL A- Jst aad It really was a wonderful Improvement; my eyes looked twice their size." We were now half around tne links. so I suggested a rest. Kitty was glad enough to stop, so, dropping her driver and asking; If her hat was straight, she drew a long breath and went on: "I thought I looked fine until I got under a bright light. Then you ought to have heard the shout tnat went up when the girls saw me. Grace said 'What in the world save you been doing to yourself?' I said, 'Oh, noth ing. Why. does It enowr one saia. 'You look: as if you had been done In pastels by a blind man,' and went oft into a roar to tell the others. I snatched up a glass and saw that the La Blach I had gotten off Grace's dressing table was flsh color and I had put it on so thick I bad made by hair pink. I fanned and brushed and tore at it, but that powder just stuck to every individual hair. Then Janet, trying to ba consoling, said, 'But real ly, my dear, your hair is not as bad as your awful eyes!' She took my eye brow pencil and showed m I had picked up the soft indelible pencil she had been wrltlnsr nnatcards with In stead of the real thing, and I had got ten my brows and. lashes an Indelible blue." This recital of her misfortunes showed Kitty to be better natured than I would have supposed under such straits. "What did you do about it?" I asked. " 'Do? What could I do? she asked me in turn. 'But even this was not the worst. "Just then Nette came up, Grace's sister. That girl always Irri tates me anyway with her little smarty ways, and the tears positively came to my eyes when I noticed her shoes were mates. ' 'So I said "Ton do look pretty nice, as you seem to know, but you would look a good deal better if you hadn't put so much red paint on your lips." "Of course, she denied it and vowed she hadn't done a thing to them. Then what makes them look so cherry-ripe?" I asked. Quick as a flash, she said. 'O 1 guess it's this lovely French dentifrice I use. Here, hold your breath and try it.' It takes a peculiar kind of cussed ness to hit a fellow when he is down, but that it what she did to me. She grabbed a bottle off the stand and like an idiot I held my breath an Instant and took a mouthful of ammonia! "She waa scared when she saw what she had done. The next minute my Hps and mouth Inside were on fire, and I was almost screaming with pain. Grace came up to me and said that if I wanted to go home she would get some one to take me. But I said. 'No, slrree, I'm going to see this thing7 through if it's the last act of my life. I'll sit back in the chaperon'a row with your moth er, but I'll stay. "Well, the Colonel loomed up early In the evening and asked Grace for a dance the first thing. I watch-id them sailing around the room and knew Grace had been thinking up interesting topics of conversation all day. She is one of the few people who can dance and talk, too, and I could imagine just how entertaining she 1 was for she talked every minute and never missed a step. Then he came up ana asked Kette Jor a dance cvnd wlien they came back he must have thought I was soma little sister tucked off there with their mother, and asked me if I would dance. It was a glorious waltz and I forgot myself and said 'Yes.' "I tried to hobble about on my silver slipper so my white shoe would not show, but when I did not hold xny skirts up everybody stepped on my dress and it was ao use." Through all this recital of her mis fortune I humbly wondered what they had to do with my friend the Colonel. "Just imagine my fix," she continued. "I couldn't dance on account of my slipper, I couldn't stay under the light on account of my blue brows and pink hair and I couldn't mumble a word dis tinctly on account of my swollen Hps. At last the Colonel, not noticing what waa the matter with me. suggested a turn on the verandah. It was a won derful night and I was beginning to think I was glad I had gone, after all. but it didn't last long. You know I just love to talk, but my Hps were so blistered I could scarcely open my mouth, so I drew myself up In the shadows and wondered if that night mare evening aver would end. Tha Colonel said something about tha weather and I could only nod my pink head. Then he said something else and I raised my blue eyebrows to show him I had heard, and with that, if you will believe it, he began to talk himself. - I did not understand her surprise ac his doing the talking, but recalled bla reputation and said nothing. Well, If you please. he Just went right on talking. The girls have al ways said they had to rack their brains to prevent pauses In the conversation. but he did the talking tnis time ior once. He told me-about his career irom the start, where he had been and what he had done, all the active service he had seen and his whole family history, beginning with his mother's maiden name, and there I sat in my corner like a wooden Image not able to say word." Now for the first time I was begin- . nlng to see how the Colonel had gotten his Idea of Miss Flinders being "so de lightfully entertaining." It would have been -jnposslble otherwise. 'ine poor fellow had been pent up all these years listening to other people while they en tertained him. and been mentally sui- focated by their good intentions. "However, he tells me he found yon particularly entertaining from the first time he met you." I said, hoping to bring out Just the answer I wanted. And again -she took my bait. Kitty laughed. "How could he? she asked. "He didn't even hear the sound of my voice. We sat out three dances and he talked every blessed minute of the time." Then I saw It all and didn't blame him. This poor much-talked-to Colonel had at last gotten a chance, owing to this woman's temporary disability, and had talked a whole hour without inter ruption and about himself at that, I did not wonder that he had been fas cinated by the novelty of this ex perience, and In his exhilaration had at tributed the fact of having been so highly entertained to the presence of poor stupfd little Kitty Flinders. And as we sauntered homeward I was fully satisfied in my own mind as to how It 1 had happened. '