8 TUT: SUNDAY OREGONIAN, rOKTLAXD, JAXTTARY 11, 1917. TO EXCHANGE B.F- A I. ESTATE. JL XXTMBER OF GOOD EXCHANGES. FOR KXCHAXOE 12-acre home. Oak land. Or., all river bottom soil, new bun galow 32x34, 8 rooms and thoroughly mod ern; magnificent view; new barn, chicken house, garage, eta.; Ideal home; good liv ing and some money, irlce $jOO0; ex change for small stock of merchandise, furniture, clothing, shoes or hardware. Can add $U00 worth of timber on larger deal. FOR EXCHANGE 240-aera farm, one mile from Neosho Falls, Kan., 120 acrea under cultivation, oO acres meadow, & acres timber; good house, new barn, cow oarn, corn crib and other buildtnus; beau titul location; smooth land: good black nil, no stone nor gravel; price $75 per acre; mortgage tiiiuu; trade lor larm in Oregon or Washington. FOR EXCHANGE 1S5OO0 stock In best abstract business In Willamette Val ley; paid tt per cent last year; will pay 3- per cent better timts; trade for good farm or Income property; can add $1U,UU0 viear city property on larger deal. FOR EXCHANGE 35,00O stock of renerai mercnanaiee in good town In Xoug!as County. Oregon. alBO two-storv. 10-room residence, barn and all neces sary outbuildings: Ideal horns 3 blocks from store, price '27.000 for all. Owner made good money, wants to retlra to good zarm; excnange ror equipped larm or lock ranch, Willamette Valley. Call on our Mr. Walker, Ferklna Hotel. Sunday and Monday. NORTHWESTER!! EXCHA.VGB, Beckwlth Bids, Eugene, Or. WHEAT AXD STOCK RANCHES IN EASTERN OREUON. I represent a large estate and will sU you a ranch, any size you want; will give you splendid terms. Will consider part trade. SSS-ncra, lrrlsated! land, fair house and barn, 278 A. la cult'n.. paid-up water right. Will consider Valley farm. This fa great snap. U20-A. grain and stock farm, some al falfa. Splendid bidgs., handy to school and church 160-A. irrigated farm good water right; small house, $2300. Want city resl t dence. elO-A. farm and stock ranch, good 10-rm. house, good out-bldgs. 200 A. In cuit'n. 15 A. prune orchard. This Is j great snap at f5 per A., for cltar In come property. Sea O. P. Hulse, 2G9 Stark st. "FLOUR MILL" SACRIFICE. OWNER OBLIGED TO SELL BO-BARREL MODERN PLANT, FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. LOCATED NEAR SPLEN DID "HOME" CITY IN HEART OF BEST FARM DISTRICT OF ORECiON. GOOD ItOADS AND RAIL FACILITIES (o0 WILES TO PORTLAND). GOOD, PROFITABLE BUSINESS THERE NOW FOR PRACTICAL MAN (ONLY MILL IN DISTRICT). SEE THIS, MAKE OFFER. PART CASH. LIBERAL TERMS. CON SIDER OOOD CITY OR FARM PROP ERTY AS PART PAYMENT. ADDRESS OWNER. P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. EXCHANGE FOR ACREAGE. I m-lsh to exchange a well located, rea sonably close In. East Side, SuxlOO lot. This has cost $-000 and is free from any Indebtedness except $."0 street Improve, m ,nts; am offered a $1000 loan on this lot. Want 0 acres or more, close In to Port land; need not necessarily be improved, BUT MUST BE ON GOOD ROAD AND DESIRABLE PROPERTY. Might assume email Indebtedness. Please describe your property fully. P 8. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE f 10,000. New brick income store property. Im perial Valley, Cal. ; also acreage, suburbs of San Diego, and other property, ht acres near Spokane, good Boll, cioko to R. R. ; level, no rocks, for well equipped farm In Oregon; muwt be No. 1, clear; bank ref erences given. This Is first-class property with no in cumbrances. Deal with owner. No Junk or over-mortgaged property considered. WM. MOOKK. Baker, Or. WANTS VACANT LOT. Have Willamette Valley farm, good buildings, all stock end machinery; price Sl'll, Odil. mortgage fOuOU. Take good va cant business lot worth $12,000 to $15,000 lor equity. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. MONTANA WHEAT LAND. 400 acres, 05 per cent plow land, close to White Sulphur Springs Mont., choc olate loam soil with ciay nub-soil; finest of gr-ain land lu the country; $45 per acre; U Jown, bal. 6 per cent. RICH A N 1! AC11 CO., 707 Lewis Bldg. STOCK AND WHEAT RANCHES. With or without equipment and stock; ex clusive lba of first-class properties: any size; many of them personally inspected by us. V. S. MORTGAGE A INV. CO, 0U7 Yeon Bldg. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and Is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no In flated values considered; have first-class list to select from. Geo. P. Henry. 32U Henry bldg. Ref.. Portland Realty Hoard. $oM.0 FOR 400 acres Kustern Oregon land suitable for graiu and slock raising. Run ning water year round, no buildings, 10 mil.?s to railroad, on county roads, some timber; cash, terms or tr;jl equivalent cluar property. p. o. box UStS. Portland. Oregon. CALIFORNIA FOR OREGON. 40 acres good level alfalfa land In ar tesian belt In Kern County: might Include 7 good lots at Cloverdale, Sonoma County, for good residence up to $:i500. Address D. V. Bangle, lien. Del., Portland. WANT GOOD FARM. For a general milm. store. Including building and 10 acres ground, being the whole townslte, R. R. station, express of fice, etc.; J2O.O00. See Hart, Empire Inv. Co.. 41)1 Board of Trade. IOH SALE or trade, S-acre addition to an Oregon town near Portland, that Is doing things. Land all cleared and level, streets city water and electric lights. Take house tip to half value. Terms. Owner, V li'J, Oreuonlnn. WANT large lot, with or without bunga low. Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor district: have unincumbered 5-room house, vnlued at $:1U00; will pay cash difference or as sume. Woodlawn 452 or AJ Is, Orego nian. FOR EXCHANGE 10-room. 3-flat building: iv ant Arizona, California or Colorado, city or ranch. S-e 813 S. ltilh and make prop osition. Cost $13,000. mortgage $0000. Courtesy to agents. Owner, 2JJ4 Ocean View ave.. Los Angeles, CaL ANYTHING REASONABLE. What have you to trade for .loci0 equity in 80 acres near Vancouver, Wash. Fine soil, no rock. 23 acres cleared and 25 acres slashed, balance In timber; mortgage ;infi. G. R. Smith. 4i: Ellors bldg. LOOK at southeast corner 100x100 of East 22d and Oregon St.: house No. 740 Oregon St.; will sell cheap or take a vacant lot for the equity. E. J. Gelser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. DESIRABLE trades to offer for house equities, vacant lots, first, and second mortgages, contracts, unimproved land, etc. E. J. Roberson, 703 Title & Trust bldg. Marshall 240. TO TRADE 5-acre chicken ranch. Joins W. Sclo depot grounds; 5-room house, good improvements: 1 A. nmdA nrxha..!. lOastcrn Oreion or foothill property. Owner V. H. Phillips. Sclo, Or., Route ' box ;nt. SUBURBAN home, modern, 2 acres all Im proved, houfe. barn and fruit, also elec tric lights and phone; 72c carfare; for wale or trade. V 25. Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, 8-room house and lot on Hawthorne ave., E. 24th and 25th. take small house or lot as iirst payment. W Schultz. 7M7 Hawthorne. 4-HCXj.M cottage, bath, porches, roses, elec tric lights. 2 lots, for larger modern house t; or 7 rooms and 2 lots; cash for differ ence. not too far out. P 15. oreeonlan. FOrt SALE or trade. 10 ucrts, acres cleared, 4 acres in prunes; will take auto as part payment. Phone Tal.or 5405 or rail at 4M5 East SPth st. Owner. FOR SALE or trade, undivided Ms Interest in 50x100. E. 0th and Wash. sts. Will not consider Incumbered property. 115 E 2d fit., Albany, Or. FOR-S ALE OR TRADE Equity-lnmofiern house Rnd lot. corner 2!th and East Davis near Laureihurst. -inquire G2 E 20th n' Phone East 7757. 6-ROOM majern bungalow and 5 acre, 40 bearing lfTiit trees. 2 blocks from Wood mere School: no Incumbrance; for bun gulnw and lot. T 21, Oregonlan. WANT small stock farm or losged-olT land for 5-room bunqalow and corner residence grocery property In Salem. Owner. 7S5 a 10th St.. Salem, Or. -ROOM house equity. Portland, for live stock. Particulars, phone Woodlawn 1124 or address Woodburn, Or., K.- F. D. No. 1. Hot e:i. SAN FRANCISCO. Los Angeles, city, coun try exchanges; northern properties wantf-d. Largest list. Horace G. Hamilton, 681 Market St., San Francisco. JiuDKKN home In Portland to exchange for other property: give particulars. Address owner, box 1. Forest Grove. Or. WILL accept clear lots, acreage or timber for modern Rose City Park home; give particulars. AP IS, Oregonian. 6-ROOlI buiiBalow. Medford. Or., for acre age or honiestend relinquishment. AG 1. OreBxmian. TWO good lots. Zlon City. 111., for Port land property. Sollwood 304S or E 15, Oregonian. MEAT MARKET at 1080 'J K. ptark St. for pale or trade: value $30O. Phone Tabor 7793. TO EXCHANOE REAL ESTATE. SOME GOOD EXCHANGES. $25,000 Fine improved farm, 2 mil, from railroad, at Eddyviiie; nearly 600 acres; a splendid place; price $25,000; mortgage $4uuO; will trade equity for clear city prop erty. , $17,000 Three nearly new and highly modern residences; up to the minute In every respect; first m mortgage on each, total of $(1000 at 7 per cent. 3 years. All rented. Trade for good wheat ranch or Willamette Valley farm and. as sume $4ouO or $5000. $10,000 Clarke County acreage. 160 acrls. mortgage only $I50U; partly im proved with buildings, etc.; will trade for business property and assume to $5ooo; might consider first-class - apartment. $12,000 Two first-class, absolutely mod ern Irvington liomes; both rented, fine tenants; 7 rooms and sleeping porch; mortgage of $2800, 7 per cent, 3 years on each; will trade equities lor clear land or lots. $3.000 20 acres. Improved, near Molalla; mortgage $7000; want East Side modern bungalow; will assume. $1,000 Haynes model 1914 0-passenger automobile; will trade for clear city lot worth the money. B. J. ROBERSON, 703 Title 4 Trust Bldg. Marshall 240. BIG, fine Income property, price $125,000; want dairy or stock farm, with stock; go as high as $100,000. Large tract of fine wheat land, ever 400o acres; price $100,000; itconaider other sood property to $75,000. Another wheat farm. Rr. R. station and fine creek on place, loO acres alfalfa, big equipment of stock and machinery; price $80,0ou; want good Income property. Large, well Improved Valley farm, ele gant buildings, lot of stock; price $80,000; consider income property. Dairy and alfalfa ranch, almost Joins city of Walla Walla; very fine buildings, stock and machinery; price $35,000; want Income property. Brick store building, small farm, acre age, good note. In all about $22,000; want larger farm; go to $25,000 If stocked and equipped. L. K. MOORE. 817 Board of Trade. WEST PARK STREET. E 0x100 FEET. NTEAK BURNSIDBI STREET. Client with lot in this rapidly de veloping automobile section will make most attractive sale price or consider exchange. Real opportunity for man with small amount of cash. This property can be Improved .at small expenditure and leased term of years. S B. TAYLOR CO, Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor Henry Bids. HAWTHORNE HOME" SACRIFICE. 41ST ST., NEAR CAR. (DOCTOR'S OPPORTUNITY; NONE NEAR THIS.) MODERN (FIRST-CLASS) ROOMS, BATH. FURNACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE, SHADES, GAS RANGE AND "RUL'O" HEATER, GARAGE, ETC. ABOUT 30 PER CENT LESS THAN COST. SMALL RENT PAYMENTS. TEN YEARS IF DESIRED. TRA,"E CONSIDERED. SMALL ACRES OR SMALL HOUSE -EQUITY AS FIUST PAYMENT. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. PATTISON, OWNER, 212 SELLING ULDU. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. A fine 00-acre farm. 25 miles from Port land, over one of our best highways, i miles from town and station, on daily milk route direct to Portland, unsurpassed soil; 35 acres high state of cultivation, 15 more nearly cleared balance In pasture with running water; first-class 8-rm. housv and large well equipped dairy barn; in cluded are $500 team. 23 head cows and heifers, poultry, complete set farm ma chinery, ample supply hay and feed; cash value $10.tM)ll; take $4500 clear home. $1500 ensh and long time at 6 per cent. Place Is clear of debt, but am unable to live In this climate. D. McChesney, :tM2 Cham brr of Commerce bldg. Main 7102, TO TRADE for good Willamette Valley larm, one or the best homes In . Forest Grove, 10-room house, bungalow style, basement, furnace, sleeping porch, all modern, four fine lots with oak trees, 0-aere tract, 5 miles out on rock road. 7 acres In fruit, mostly prunes in full bear ing; one 24-acre tract 3 miles out on electric line, family orchard, balance in red clover. Inquire of box 82, Forest Grove Or. LOTS WANTED IN EXCHANGE. Siooo bond, mining and other stocks offered for equity; mortgage must have liberal release clause. A large number of lots can be handled provided they are located iu some good city. F 12, Ore gnnian. MODERN 4-flat, close to Walnut Park; all oucupieu; income at present low rental. Price $0000, actual cost $8500. Mortgage $3000 at 7 per cent. Will ex change for small acreage with house and barn, near High School, free from incum brance and $500 iu cash. GODDARD &. WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St FOR sale or trade Modern six-rooat bun galow; double contructed. all modern con veniences, concrete basement. furnace, electricity and gas, fireplace, excellent neighborhood; bargain for somebody; want growing business, general merchandise In small town preferred: W B. Ogden 240 East 32d st. Phone Tabor 7700 FOR EXCHANGE. RO-acre farm. 40 under plow, prune orchard, good buildings, water piped to houw, and barn, 6 cows, 2 horses, 2 hogs, chickens, full line of Implements, 3 miles to station, price $0000; clear deed; want city property. J. A. Goding. stall 321, Carroll Public Market, Portland. Or. SEATTLF.CORNERTO TRADE. 120x128. close, In, semi-business propertv, with good future, some income; price $2u,0O0. mortgage $8000. Take acreage or Portland propertv for equltv. 4 LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, i13 Chamber of Commerce. S3 ACRES, near Lebanon, 35 acres clear 20 more easily cleared; 2 wells. 3 springs 2 sets of fine bldgs., old apple and pear or chard, stock and tools. Price $0000; will take city property up to $40o0, bal. mort gage 6 per cent. RICHAXBACH CO.. 707 Lewis Bldg;. loo ACRES in Hood River Valley; 80 acres In appies. 22 acres full bearing; good house, barn, apple-house, team. Imple ments; water piped In house- trade for city income property. A. J. Farmer, 4u7 Stock Exchange. CALIFORNIA. OREGON Properties of all kinds and sizes for In terchange. See or write to us U. S. MORTGAGE & l.N'V. CO , 007 Yeon Bldg. HIGH-CLASS Income property close. In West Side: also Willamette River front age acreage, value $20,000. exchange for first-class farm. Owners onlv. I.awsot A. Herman. 823 Alberta St.. Portland. Or. 20t) AOKF.S for trade; must be clearprop erty. This farm is Improved with good house, large barn and outbuildings; also well fenced and cross-fenced. X 25. Ore gonlan. BEARING apple and walnut orchard 7 14 acres, rear Yamhill. Or.: trees 8 years old. nn mortgage. 3 years, for modern h'lngolow or more land. -Owner, Sellwood 304tt. or E 10. Oregonlan. WILL trade equltv In house, corner lot, Vernon district, and clear lots for modern house in restricted district. AP 21. Ore gonlan. 1C0 A. IRRIOAT E D al f al f a a ndclear of Incumbrance. Cloee to town and trans portation. Value $rono. Want property In city. See Wm. Burley, 209 Stark St. lo-ACRE Improved r.nch, adjoining Castle Rock, on Cowlitz River, and 7-passenger car for good house or timber. L. Seward B2 E. 7!th St.. city. Tabor 7704. lO'-i ACRES, 9ti in bearing spplce, near good towns, for cltv property or drug store; will apsume. Call Sellwood 1224 or write A B 807, Oregonlan HAVE clients who will trade Fast Side property for S uth Portland: also South Finland property for East Side. J Elngar, f!07 Plttock Mk. ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE Finest Incoue property in the city. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. A 7-R. MODERN house.-value $40On72tn and E. Glisan. What 'have you? 309 Pan ama. Main 1410. MY MODERN -r. house-In Pledmont-rt!s-trlct for small house or lots up to $1RO0, balance 7 per cent mtg. D 17. Oregonlan. 150 ACRES, Improved. Alberta. Canada, for Oregon or Washington property. 1248 JE. Madison st. WILL assume to $3500 and exchange fine suburban acreage for bungalow. Laurel hurst. Alameda or Irvington. Main 3316. WOULD exchange 1st mortgage for good house equity; give location, price and all liens. A J 32, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange. R20 acres of choice timber. C. M. Crltfnden, Hubbard. Or. OWNER of 6-room cottige. $1800. trade for acreaire. Do carllne. J3 27, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. LOOK over our changes; we have them with merit; no Inflated values. Write us for full description of the following if In terested : 20 acres, $15,000, orchard and alfalfa, modem buildings. Joins town 2500 In East ern Oregon, in the very best Irrigation project: will stand the closest investiga tion. Will trade for farm in valley or Clarke County. Washington. 700 acres, $15,500, equipped. 835 acres good wheat land, small house, barn, plenty of water, lies nearly level, 4 miles from warehouse; all can be cropped this year. Will trade for stock general mdse. or farm west of the mountains. 80 acrea, $l(i,uo, well Improved, good fundings, on pacific Highway, in Clarke County. Washington. Will trade for good mortgages. 65 acres, $7500. with equipments, mostly river bottom, good Irulldings, on county road, y, mile school, 3 miles good small town In Clarke County, win take $4o00 in trade, Portland residence. ATKINSON & NICHOLS, 112 W. Cth St.. Vancouver. Wafh. 618 ACRES TO TRADE FOR WHEAT LAND. 400 acres cult., balance good fir tim ber; 400 acres black sandy loam river bottom land; all of the land Is level; water Is piped to the house and barn. This Is in the valley, only 30 miles from Portland. 2 V, miles from a small town. Has a 8-room plastered house, large barn to hold 75 milk cows, good dairy house and numerous outbuildings; about 2'A acres orchard; place is ail well fenced; has beautiful stream which would fur nish sufficient water power for an elec tric light plant; 20 cows, 25 heifers. 15 calves, 00 thoroughbred hogs, Holsteln bull, chickens and abundance of farm Im plements go with the place. Price $05,000. The owner will trade this place for a wheat or stock ranch near Heppner, or Sherman, Wasco or Gilliam counties, or near Goldendale. Wash.; will take a place valued from $80,000 to $00,000. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., Rothchild bldg. 287 V- Wash. St. LOOK HERB YOU "BARGAIN HUNTERS." I JUST GOT TO SELL (OR TRADE) REAL "EQUITY" IN OOOD HOME. 0 ROOMS. "COUNCIL CREST." DESIR ABLE, SIGHTLY, NEW MODERN HoME; FURNACE, ETC. (RENTED, tiOOD TEN ANT). ONE BLOCK TO CAR. MTGE. (NOT DUE). EQUITY ACTUALLY WORTH $1750. WILL SELL LESS THAN HALF, OR MAKE OFFEK, SALE OR EXCHANGE, LOT. OR WHAT HAVE YOU 7 ADDRESS OWNER, P. O. BOX 222. PORTLAND. 158 ACRES, good soil, water, good fences, modern lO-room house, barn, plenty out buildings, good road. 0i acres In apples, 7 years old; 22 in Italian prunes, 3 years old; 9 in hay. balance wood and pnsture; orchard has had the best of care and fin est in the valley; located 3 miles from Dallas: price. $:iG.000; will take dairy or city income property. F- TT. FRY, Land Dept. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Building. TRADER. WHAT HAVE YOU 7 $200,000 brick bldg.; take cheap land. $50,000 brick blrlg. ; city or farm. $55,000 apartment site. West Side; take building, farm or wheat land. Portland Heights home to trade. $10,000 business property for stock ranch. $00,000, two brick bldgs. for larger. Want West Side incume property for clear and will assume. $M00O hotel bldg. for farm or acreage. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 228 Henry Bldg. GOOD stock farm of 120 acres, nearly half . In cultivation, fair set of bldgs., good orchard and lasting running water. Price $8500, mortgage $2300. and for trade for close-In Improved acreage or clear Port land residence. SAMUEL DO AK 1203 Northwestern liank Bldg. $45.0HO INCOME property in Vancouver moilly clear. Want' stock or wheat farm. $:t.".00 clear farm for clear home. $2500 clear timber for clear lots. Good house equities for clear lots. Fine bungalow. Euuene, for Portland. B ADLEY. 021 Yeon bid-;. M. 4M. GOOD Port. and residence with small in cumbrance, several nice unincumbered lots to exchange for farm and will assume good mortgage. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 80 A. ALFALFA LAND FOR RESIDENCE. Want Portland buncralow or house for 80-acre farm in Klamath Co., all culti vated; house, barn, etc ; clear of debt. J. W. GRUSPI. 816 Board of Trado bldg. 11 ACRES in Santa Barbara Co.. Cal. all improved: close to school and railroad; paid up water right; price $4000; no mtg. Trade for local property. YATES. 240 4th St. 8 ACRES, all In cultivation: on carllne, 6 ml rrom Vancouver, Wash.; for sale cheap, or trade for Portland property. Also Portland clear lots for bungalow. 1102 Spalding bldg.. Collins. 7 ACRES, 11 miles from center of Portland, some cleared, all good, no improvements: close to car, $1400 mortgage. Will trade for clear Oregon or Washington. What have you? Owner, P. O. Box 377. 05 ACRES in cultivation, Woodburn. Or., exchange city property to S5000. balance. $250o, 3 years: line black soil. 1 mlie to high school on main road; fenced. X 42, Oregonlan. MODERN Columbia River Highway tourist hotel and grounds, worth $20,000, exchange for farm or stock ranch. A 27, Orego nlan. EXCHANGE modern home in good district for farm of IO to 40 acres within 20 miles . of Portlund. Give description and price. Address N 22. Oregonlan. 0-KOOM house and lot, not mortgaged. In Elwood, lnd., for furniture; state defi nitely what you have or call 300 2d st. Owner. 7-ROOM modern home. East Mt. Tabor dis trict, fine littne home. $2000. no mortgage; trade for part Improved acreage. YATES. 240 4th St. EXCHANGE for acreage or vacant lot, my equity and 7-room house, SOxliH lot. near Jefferson High School. Improvements in anrl paid for. Phone Woodlawn 5370. GOOD, inside, clear Portland property for Los Angeles clear: aiso nice modern bun galow in R C. Park, trade for part. F. W. Torgler, 1U0 Sherlock lildg. EXCEPTIONALLY choice 80, close In, fully stocked; must sell or trade, $lluO equity. Owner. R 20. Oregonlan. Vvili. exchange 40 acres Tillamook County l:iJid for Portland property worth about niMin. 0 25, Oregonlan. WILL exchange Irvington Park lot 50 by 1 'jo for light touring car, 1018. What have you? Main 2134. ail.vNKti-'T.A 1 Co acres unimproved, price J24jt, for something here same value. lx f4. Cove Orchard. Or. $1000 EIGHT LOTS on the Peninsula to trade for house, auto, or discount for cash. M 970. Oregonlan. WANTED Modern buriKalow for 100 A. good land in Lake County near Strahorn ii. R. and cash. D 3 4, Oregonlan. WHAT have you to offer in exehang for 20 acres of land In Volusia County. Florida? Lock Box M. Hubbard. Oregon. WILL accept land in exchange for modern house In Portland. Owner. V 17. orego- nlar.. WHEAT land, 10 miles from Portland, ex change for clear city property. G. L. Webb. 414 East Stark St. $l)0O EQUITY In $2i5j modern 6 room bungalow, exchange for land or what have you? Phone Tabor 3173. WANT HOME? Tillamook apartment-bouse, six 2-room suites; take $ono, mortgage $1500; good investment. S 22, Oregonlan. ACREAGE. Oregon City line, small Incum brance, to trade for building lots; will assume. P. O. box 577. 1GO-ACRE wheat, well located, clear, for Portland; aiso small tracts. All 23. Ore gonlan. 340-AC RE stock and dairy farm. $21.00r7, clear; trade smaller place or Income prop xertv. Rummell & Hummell, 274 Stark et. FOUR acres, all In cultivation, near Port land, house, barn, fruit: want house not over $30O0. BP 11. Oregonlan $4000 Tm PROVED wheat f arm : want a small farm near Portland. Rlggs,ell02 Spalding bldg. TRADE SO acres, 214 miles from "Klamath Falls, for lity property or good .'15 or "18 model auto. Tabor 7501. WILL trade equity In house in Alberta dis trict for unimproved property. 455 Pittock block y MODERN $5500 7-room bungalow for farm near town: good road; about same value. 1Q7 Hancock st, 10 ACRES, close to Portland rented for $150 per year, for 5 or 7-room house. S 24. Oregonlan. POUT LAND property for property In any state of Unltel stares. BC 8IO, Oreeonlan. 80 ACRES, good soil, near railroad, town, for house, o o?!2. Oregonlan. WK exchange your property for what you want. Brace. 507 McKay bldg. THREE lots at La Grande for one lot In Portland. See Westergard. Oswego. FIVE acres of apple orchard, 5 years old. for rooming-house. AG 33, Oregonlan. HOUSE and lot, subject to mortgage, for auto or other property. E 25. Oregonlan. 120 ACRES, near Camas, Wash., for Port land house. 641 Plttock block. 73 ACRES. 55 cultivated. Linn County, for Nebraska land. AM 28. Oregonian. SAUV1E"S Island, inn-acre farm. "river frontage: make offer. AD 27. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS building site. $4000 equity; make offer. AB 24, Oregonlan. TO KK CHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. WEST SIDE apartment-house; very fine location: 10O per cent oc cupied, with monthly Income of over $Si)0. Price $110,000. Will accept smaller property to amount of $75, 000, balance mortgage. CLOSE-IN EAST SIDE flat build ing, all rented. Price $13,500. Mort gage $55oo. Owner wants home for equity. CLIENT with one well located property, price $22,600, wants West bide property to amount of $40,000. We have large listing; of choice Income business properties for ex change open to your careful investi gation. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor Henry Bids;. IDEAL HOME (ABOUT 7 ACRES). PROFIT AND INDEPENDENCE. NEAR CITY, GOOD ROAD. (GRESHAM CAR ONE BLOCK.) SPLENDID FOR NURSERY, COWS, PIGS, CHICKENS. TURKEYS. ETC. (lfKUIT AND FLOWERS ON PLACE.) good house and barn, fences, etc. (free running water.) all CITY CONVENIENCES. SOIL RICH. A LOT FURNITURE. SEED POTATOES. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT GO WITH PLACE. YOUR OWN TERMS. POSI TIVE BARGAIN. PRICE UNDER $0000. SEE IT. CONSIDER EXCHANGE. MAKE OFFER. ADDRESS WM. PATTISON. OWNER, 20U SELLING BLDG.. PORT LAND. WELL EQUIPPED FARM. 235 acres splendid dairy farm, now pay $2u0 monthly milk check, rich river bot tom land that does not overflow, 80 acres in cultivation, 20 more easy to finish clearing, balance white clover pasture lalid. fine spring, several springs; large dairy barn 5-room house, on main road near school and good town. Includes 3 work horses, 23 grown cattle, complete set farm machinery, ample hay and feed supply; hay. potatoes and young stock sales will greatly Increase Income; $16,000 clear of debt. Will take $8000 Portland home. $2000 cash and 10 years' time on balance. D. McChesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. lot) ACRES. DAIRY FARM, NEAR COR VALLIS. Place ell can be plowed now, on the Pacific Highway, all fenced. lo-room house, barn, silo, mllkhouse and out-build-Ings, 15 cows, 3 horses and all farm ma chinery go with the place at $10,000; will take trade to $0000, city or farm. CORVALLIS INCOME PROPERTT FOR A FARM Price $8000; Income $75 per month; will consider property to $5000; I have several pieces of Corvaills income to ex change for 'farms. V. KENNEY. Box 81, Corvaills. Or. . CLOSE TO PORTLAND. A fine, sightly place on good anto road, less than an hour's ride from the busi ness center of the city; 60 acres In culti vation, with 20 seeded to clover; small fir grove near buildings. family fruit. 7 room house, barn and machine shed; daily mail and milk routes; close to school; $0000; take $40OO Portland home. D. Mc Chesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldj. Main 7102. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. Colonial houe with 7 rooms, fine cement basement, modern In every respect; on a ?Z2?ZtTeet- 2 'rom the carllne; lot 50x100 ft.; price $4000. clear of encum brance: will trade for farm close to Port land with stock and equipment and as sume $250rt. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO, . Rothchild bldg. 287 u. Wash. St. r.r.- siock. oairy or general purpose ranch. 3oO in cultivation, more very easy to clear, lots open and burnt-over; all rine soil, lies well. 8 per cent tillable, abundance living water, good, level rock road to station, good buildings. Will sell at bargain. $500o cash will handle, and take some trade. This is fine buy and undc-rpriced for quick deal. Vanduyn & vv niton, o!5 Chamber of Commerce. 24 Af REr, high and sightly, nice set of small bldgs.. extra good soil, about half In cultivation, on good road, near Port land; price 75u0. and will accept good clear Portland residence up to about 50f0. inis is high-Uass property and very at- C tl V O. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 North weatern Bank Bldg. BIG DAIRY FARM WANTED .,t.e!',tooK:,!.o aParti"ent-house. fine dis trict, 100x100, every apartment full; gross 1.n,o,;m8 now, "bout $13,5oo yearlv; price JlOOiooo wner wll consider farm to LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 1 j . commerce. 20 TO 60-ACRB VALLEY FARM WANTED Have 80 acres fine Irrigated alfalfa land 1" .,rook Cou"t': water all paid; good buildings; free and clear. Price $10 000 want 20 to CO acres, improved, Portland, baiem, or nearby, up "to same price J. W fiKUKKt 816 Board of Trade bldg. $21. 1100 PRUNE orchard, full bearing, besu tltul locution, house, barn and other bulld Ings. good drying equipment, some grain 52 ACRES ALL lis." ri:rTtifim.' Good house, outbuildings, tools, imple ments, team, wagon. 100 chickens, pienty ,,BOwK ater 1 mll. to rhool and de pot. Y lbur. Or. Price $5000; trade for clear city property. R1CHEXBACH & CO.. 707 Lewis bldg. CALIFOnvfA nivrir"iir,..mbn nJ-lVfJ"B So,,',th-'!rn 0r'Cn stock ranch, fit, a,cr?"..weU Improved, close to main line of s. fornia Price .-.o per acre?" clear LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. J -namuer of Commerce. 4000 ACRES level, cultivated bottolrl HrT. proved; lopo acres alfalfa, produces 50 verier l.Wle"at- "ce"' subdivision3, a". veisifled farm, including sugar bests- nine? ,,nr1eea7Ylly w:u,-r- ?a'd: station one iLP2.Xcgritan.,rOI,,rty- "0l SALE OR TRADE. e. acr. I7. In cultivation, bal. pasture: t Jl,""11;, -room. new modern house fireplace; fine barn; H.j ml. from electric V" ad:, from city Main 6,20. 274 stark it WANT VACANT LOTS! For 20 acres 214 miles south of Mt Jga'Trad"1- & TWO HUNDRED MILLION FEET OB MERCHANTABLE TIMBER. h.? 7,.,ra,d8.'-4'0"1 tock ln above tlm nfh..0 iT' frim Portland and near Co Lem ,,",vir foT 'd Income property. See Sam Hewey. 200 stark st. I-lne nome. hot-water heat, two flre Smeeon'.',",eln5 p,orch- iot7 fsrSo will consider exehnge smaller property S05 ACRES ft of Corvaills. Ideal for stork or dairy. Trade for Portland property and sume: wi I divide for smalfer deal' building ' Northwestern Bank metv'", 'rS: .". tmprove- take home "up to $4oV.O: mort back "at 6 m'e'n.'tark'".- Rum WANT improved or partly Improved farm and 3rm , ,snoo. Have good equity cash Portland property" and some A. K. HILL. 411 H ENftY B LDG. 10iffuRBT- 6 a.r c""'vated: 3 acres onion it U TV h"- barn, etc.: young or chard "ndh'-rrles; on fine road and elec tric line: $30CO: trade home in city equai value. Rummell & Rummell. 274. nt.rw ivi,r.iv.i ALKKAGJC. Several ehr-ice tracts for sale or ex Trade"' Mr" Vattr- 401 BoartJ of LARGE ANTV SMALL" FARMS TO "EX CHANGE1 FOR CITY INCOME PROPER. .,n;..t.r.n i,r 1 o.vl.vir.HCK BLDG. 0 ACRES. Jennings Lodge. , lear for a clear house worth $25IM); can -jut In other property for better house up to $4000 D 51. Oregonlan. ' loo ACRES Improved, near Wnshougal good land. . water, roads; $eV400; want Portlnnd residence; will assume. T iia. Oregonian. 80 ACRES, unimproved. Clarke County m railroad. wagon road and stream, will exchange for house or lot Owner, 347 Pittock block. WILL trade my l0-are place near Hood -.. , . t..,uu smnni me rcnnnUlse OUS1- ness In good country town. Oregon Ad- ....-.-a vitkuii in n. 20"0 SHARES of A-l stock to ttade for real estate or late model auto; stock is now selling; at 75o per share. AO 23, Orego- nnian. CHICKEN RANCH or eountrv home, cToT In, on red Electric; orlce $3500: win trade for city property. Empire Investment Co 401 Board of Trade. ' TO EXCHANOE MISCELLANEOUS. TRADE bicvele, some cash, for motorcycle. Tabor 7!!S. GARDENING exchanged for dental serv ices. Phone Woodlawn 1854. rr,. e.. roc a road, te ephone. rural route scio.q. church and store, two ?;', 'trtr c ""e: ca"h- ,r or trade PrtU?nd.'tOCr'eRonPrOPCrt- P' - "? PAINTING and decorating in exchange for auto, AJ 10. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. MY equity 5 room house. Boise. Idaho, for furniture, auto, diamonds, piano or what 'have you ? Address AV 889. Oregonlan. GOOD fresh cow to trade for chickens, work clearing land or brood sow. C. C Oldlleld, Aurora. Or. " FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Harness. Etc SPAN of bay mares, 8 and 7 yrs. old. sound and free of blemishes, true to work; weight 2350 lbs. $210 Span of young mares, hl 1050 lbs.: sound, work single or double, and good to ride mo Span of bay geldings, 5 and e years old; wt., 240o lbs.; good workers and sound ...$2O0 Also several heavier horses and mares st Modol Stables 5th and Davis sts. JUST received, a shipment of mares and geldings from Eastern Oregon; some very w-ell matched teams, all young and sound, if you are In the market call and Inspect my stock. G. D. Williamson, at U. S. Stables. 24 Front. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free; $6 paid for cows, crippled and played outs. Portland Rendering Co. Cail Wood lawn 20. Portland auction sales stable co., every Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horses, harness, vehicles bought and sold on com. mission. 24Q E. 8th s t. Main 81 1 S. LADY'S beautiful, trained saddle horse cheap: kneel to mount and dismount, etc. Also educated horBe, cheap. AJ 12, Orego nla n. BLACK MARE. 1005 lbs., five years old and fat; with long box buggy, good as new, and single harness; $lio. Phone Mar shall 4055. A SNAP. Several good farm mares and horses at a low price; trial given with all. Stable 101 N. 11th sL DEAD animals handled; $6 and up" paid for dead cows; cash paid for dead and down-nd-out horses. Milwsukle 00J. Call us. Foil SALE One team of well-matched horses, 2800 lbs.; two teams of horses, 2400 lbs. 228 Russell it DEAD HORSES Oet our prjces"before" dis posing of dead cows, horses, crippled stock. Oregon Bone Meul Works, Lenta. Tab. 4203. WANTED Good. sound driving hor- must be gentio for lady to handle. HsO .viacaqam St. .viarsnall 8148. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness fox sale. Apply 20 Grand ave. fcGK SALE Wagons and horses cheap. 89 c. 7th st. North. HORSES for hire by day or month, c. W. Townser.d Co. 38Q Front. Main 1571. 1100-LB. horse for sale. Empire Transfer e Storage Co. Main 1800, KORSE. wagon and harness. $30. Stevens, Park Rose car to Sliepurd ave. houses. 11. -.0 lbs. to 1350 lbs., for sale rneap at g4t jenerson st. Anderson Bros. 240U-LB. team of mares, with ranch wugon and harness. $145. l'hone Marshall 4055. WANTED Work horse, mare; must be real- onaoie. 31 ik'sissippl ave. WANTED Heavy truck horse, between 1100 nnd 3 2O0 His. Call Tabor 093. Pianos. OrgHtis and Musical Inctminrata. ANNUAL Closing Out of Guaranteed Stor-ag- and On Sale Pianos and player Pianos. $375 Fischer old model fine tone, cash $..5; also $ouo Stelnway. tone equal to new. $.m, $.:75 modern Voee upright, splendid con dition, $;i7; terms If desired. Angeles Player, mahugany, with muslo rolls, $25. A Pinnola, ln walnut. $43. with five muslo rolls and bench. Kohler, fine condition, rosewood case. $l4. $275 Imported Upright, fancy case. $30. Schubert, highest price art model, ma hogany, full size cabinet s-rand. 137. Excellent New York Upright, well worth $..25. very elaborate ease, $1HK $750 Maiiocany Plaver Piano which plays 88-noto mulc. SI85. $10(10 Hardman Baby Grand, cash. $155. These und a large number of others equally low priced now being closel out at storage and forwarding department. 151 4th at., near Morrison. SEC1HITY STORAGE CO, STORAGE 8ALB. $273 piano. $35 cash $325 upright. 45 cash. $.150 upright. $H5 cash. $375 upright. $145 cah; $450 upright. $100 cash; $2.10 player, $25 cafh; $67iO plaver piano. $200 cash: $750 baby grand. $345 cash. 109 4th St.. at Washington st. ONLY $5 DOWN, buys new $350 grade piano at $263, balance $1.25 weekly, all in 2 4 years and without interest. S"han Piano Co.. Ill 4th st.. at Washington FOR RENT A Lister or Henry F. Milier piano at 50 per montn: onlv critical mu sicians should Investigate. Harold S. Oil bert. the reliable piano merchant. 384 Yamhill. $137 CAi-H buys choice of two new euar ' . . . u 1 . . fouu I.LLUI aillfllO pianos, upright. p:aln cases, but well fin Ished nnd Ivory keys. Filers Music House Broadway 1-i2) Entrance. EXPERT PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. THE PORTLAND PHONOGRAPH SHOP 142 V, 2U SU. nr. Aider. Main 7244. FOR SALE LlKht delivery wagon and team of mules. In good shape; will stand hard work; price. $175 for outfit: can be seen ?.'- ., 't1 an'1 Lovrjoy ureeta. Marshall Wells Hardware Co. BAUCH M ANN upright piano In a beautiful up-to-uate mahogany case; cost $300 only a short time ago; will sell for $140 and on very easy terms. Mlsh Furniture Co.. 184 1st St. $.io CAc-H. $30 In three months, and $10 in six months, and $55 in year, buys modern $.7.) guaranteed piano at Filers Music House. Broadway ( 142) Entrance COLUMI1IA m ike hornless talking machine no i nancy selections; guaranteed: only $13, $5 down. $1 week. Portland I'hoiiu- graphShop. 142 H 2d st.. near Alder. GENUINE saln flnlsri mahogany bungalow piano for sni ill apartment or home good as new $15o: convenient payments If tie sired. Inquire 25 Morrison st. KIUSoN THII'MIMI PHONteKAl'H WITH ;1Vvi.:D1i"H COST NEW 7S.. HI ATT TALKING MACHINE CO., 350 10 AND 12-lnrh disc records lio and 15c- cylinder records. 10C and 15c; blue am berola. 25c; phonographs, $.1. Portland 1 ii.mh.k r? tin oe itceorq r.x.. 12s 1st. ALMOST new eH-note player-piano. 31 ii;'""; .piKwiugrapn ana 14 records, nil for .',... Terms If desired. Ask for Mrs. Jamison's piano. 2S5 Morrison st $143 CASH buys 3.-f mod. rn upright piano. Security Storage Co.. 100 4th st. $S50 PLATER PIANO, user) 5 months, per- ieei condition. win sacririce; terms $10 per month. Soule Bros.. 108 10th street. $50 CASH, $50 In 3 months and$55 In 8 months buys $375 modern piano for $15A at the Security Storage Co.. luu 4th st. SACRIFICE, nearly new, latest model, 8S- noie pinyer piauo lor cash. (i 27 Oregonian. WILL, exchange my splendid modern $450 piano, now at the Security Storage Co., loo 4th st.. for clear city lot. FINE old viola at sacrifice; also Bush & Ocrth upright piano at $100. Call Ta bor 2550. " WANT good upright piano for my $200 Lamms; iiiiirnino. uiva or taae difference. F 25. Oregonian. $150 El'WON dlsc phonograph and 40 se- .. . ........ !,... aour tovt or auuress Af 2., Oregonlan. SEE US before you sell your talking ma chine or records." Portlnnd Phonograph Shop. 142'- 2d St.. near Alder. $lo CASH. $l per month will buy a fine piano irom Soulo Bros., 186 Teuth street, near Morrison. W li PAY CASH for used pianos and or gan. Filers Music House. Ask for Mr I'oley, 25 Morrison St. GolNti East, sacrifice plaver piano stand ard make, chtan for cash; condition as good as new. Addrs I. 17. Oregonian. $140 CASH buys $350 piano; modern, up right, real Ivory keys, not a stencil. Har old S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. A FINE piano player and Estey piano. 42 rol-a beatitltul music, cost $775, for 3 Yamhill st. LblSuN blue ami erol records. only 30 cents. Portland Phonograph Shop, 14u 2d St., near Alder. BEAUTIF1 L upright, less than 8 months use. mahogany case; sacrifice. $175. 252 13th Bt near Main. I PAY rash for used pianos. Harold S. Oil bert, 384 Yamhill St. PIANO for rent. Empire Transfer Ac ase Co. Main 3800. AM leaving city: will sell Jewett piano cheap Telephone Marshall 1076. TO buy piano player chenp for rash; give description and price. ' BU 10. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A very fine mahogany upright piano: terms given, t. Vain 0781. WILL take care of piano for use of same; sc.ults: references. Wondiawn 658. FOR SALE Horn phonograph with 15 records, $3. Phone Main 1US2. BIG sacrifice, beautiful Wm. Knnhe piano and bench, like new. Tabor 1010. FOR SALE Violin, bow-nnd case Included; price. $30. Call Mar. BOOS. WA NTED A 0330. music cabinet.- Phone East $250 grafonolo). records, used 4 months; big sacrince cut, terms. Marshal 1103. cah. FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY. COMPLETE HOUcE FURNISHERS, bPLClALS FOR THIS WEEK. Jacobean library taole, $12. 50: $00 Singer cabinet sewing machine lor $27. 5o; $40 rhest of oramers, $20; $35 high bo) chiffonier for $lu.5o. Keeu arm chair, cost $18, for $1.00; reed table, cost $15, for $t.50. Majestic steel range with 1 fl inch oven and water coils. $25; Eclipse steel range, $12.3o. C-hoie steel ranse, $15. Steel cooKstuve, No. b. coal or wood. $12.50. Heating stoves of all k.nds. $1 to $10. Gas rau&es, loAer ovens, $5; with upper over.s. $lo to $18. Gas water heaters, $4 to $7.50. We have some very large heaters at very small prices. All our stoves and ranges strictly guaranteed. Iron and brass beds, good ones, $2 and up. All steel springs, $2 to $3.50. Near.y new Singer sewing machiue, cost $05, six months ago, for $2o. Old-style White sewing machine ln good runuing oruer, for $4. Sanitary flut-top desk, 3ox48 Inches, solid oak, $12.50: OCiUe tables, $2.50 to $15. Library tables, f:ne se.ee tion. $5 to $15. Center and parlor tabic, $1 to $5. Extension tables, square $3 to $7.5o. intension tables, round, $,.50 to $25. Slueooarus and buffets, $7.50 to $4. Rocking chairs tn oak, $1.25. $05 Turkish rocker, in leather, for $22.5ti. 2-piece Circassian walnut bedroom set. dresser and Napoleon bed, cost $75, for $44. Ixl2 body Brussels rug ln good con trition, $18. Kooin-stze art rugs, $2.54) to $5. Congoleum art rugs, $1.25 to $0. Hall rug. IS feet by 2 feel, for $ti. Dressers, hotel size, $3 to $7. 00. Dress ers, full size. $5 to $2U. 6-drawer birds eye maple chiffonier with mirror, $1. We carry new and fine used furniture. We can make any kind of an exchange you want. We sell on the easy payment plan. No Interest. Frte delivery. For out-of-town customers we pack aad crate and deliver to aepots or wharves free of charge. 4,01-503 Washington, Cor. 17th. Our new location. Both phones. PITBLIC. NOTICE! $1 cash will brine to jxur horn any Hange, Ku-r, UrerMter and or Table and Chairs you may select from our exchange department ihia We particularly -wish to eall your attention to a FMghtiy iued. 6-holo MONARCH at $ts..0t; 9x1 Bruhseis rur for f-'0. beautful golden oak dremer and 2-inch continuous pot tot-1 bed, square-top dining- table and cliaira. 14 75. This department has made "straight the road to prosperity for many. Why can't we help you. EDWARDS COMPANY, A-GUOD-PLACE-TO-TKADE. 5Ui and Oak. Take elevator to the 4th floor. A GREAT opportunity; regular 50-lb., SIS Success mattress this week for only JIU. Is made of clean, new No. 1 cotton. The touch fibers are fieced, worked and drawn into loose, flaky sheets of rc-lt. It Is a soft, elastic, sprincy manrew, vtry comfortable and rest inv It in (f. lias beauti ful art tick, imperial Mitched filfTd and round cornels: a rare bargain. Mist Fur nituro Co., 1S1 1st St. HANDSOME William and Mary dining set. comprint rig 4,1-inch dinlnr table. 5 fln? solid oak chairs, upholstered in genuine leather, and a itne carvinjr chair, aiso u splendid buffet, all to match. This sot Is brand new, and at the big uptown stores will cost you at least $luo. Here for 70. Oevurti KurnlturA Co.. 15 to li'l 1st st. At the Biff Kleotrlc iMirn. , WHY" PAY MORK? Furnishing of all kinds Including dres ers, Sa.r.O to $1-4; carpets, beds. maitrss.s, treasure!, dlning-tuhles as low as 4.5o . rockers from $1 to $ Jar a and rmail gas rnnges, he tin stoves. Ct-al stoves, ranttv". utenKlls and dishes. Hall & Casldv, 1 2i lt. bet. Alder and Wash. Main 701S. Gt-NUINK mahogany bedroom set. ronslstlns of inasslvf colonial dresner. chlfTor.iiT to match, and chair and rocker; also fine Inch com inuous post bed in brans. The whole out lit cost a few months uko $ IJ.Y Our prlco S"5, complete. 1 u our show window till sold, or will sell s-parniely. Cievurtz Furniture Co., li3 to lyl 1st st. At the J31g fcctr1c Sign. SlM 7 EACH for a large, mav-lve colonial Cirr-assian walnut dressrr and chiffonier; these 2 pieces have to be seen to be ap preciated; have been slight. used. Coin, and inpeet these bargains; only $21.75 each. Keldsteln Furniture Co., I6tf and Irts 1st mt. Sl'LKNDlD fiat top desk. In quartered oak, typewriter Attachment ; a very massive sk; cost $7."; absolutely as good as new, $;i."i. New swivel chairs to match, rega in r $11, for $." 3ii. Uevurts Furniture Co., to 11 1st st. At the Big Klectric Sign. tl.KAN brass crib with drop l!e and all v steel sprint, size 2S.T-V Incites, continuous pouts, height of head and foot 4S inches, hetarht of sMes above springs li4 Inches with IT fillers on each side: thla is a gen uine snap: a regular crib for only $25. Mifh Furniture Co., 1S4 1st st. FOR new comers, as well as Portland peo ple, sacrifice prices ln all lines of house hold furnishings. The Oreater Portland New and Second -Hand Store is readv to serve you all times and any time. lti..-fi 1 st st. Don't miss it; a money-saving for you. liL'Civ'S famous combination ranges for gas, cnal or wood: all cast Iron. The only admlttedjy successful combination range. We take your old range or gas ranee in part payment. Easy Jrms if desired, tievurtz Furniture Co., 1S5 to 101 1st st. At tne itig KIetrio Sign. BIO HAItCSAIX Monarch range, with 18-ln. oven, high warming closet, poltfihed top, water front included. This ramie is as good as new; has only been slightly used anrl Is In flrt-class condition. $3.. Feld steln Furniture Co., 106 and ICS 1st st. EXCEPTIONAL OPPOKTl'N ITY. Slotm Sheraton inlaid mahogany bed room set; Colonial solid niuhuKiUiy fiin-lng-ronm set; large. solid mahotrany tnble. to be sold at great sacrifice. Main 4107. CIC.tUCST stock of fine used furniture, rang., rugs and household f urn 1 shin gs on t he Coast. f you need anything In this line It will pay you well to ml! and Inspect our offerings. Oevurti Furniture Co., 15 to I"! 1st st. At the HIg Electric Sign. ritACTICALI.Y new. beautlf uldrapVs7rucT. furniture, rhlna. cut glai-n. etc., of 5-room apt., all or part; apartment for rent If de sired. Marshan 1 075. Grace apts.. No. 1, '.'4th and Northrup. NEW couches upholstered In fine Chase h-ather, roomy size, regular 1 2 f.n ; tx only at $7.7.: a very special ofterinn. tievurtx Furnitur Co.. 1S5 to lll 1st l At the Pig Elect rio Sign. $3o FOR a f "rst-clas-j Monarch ran ire. hUh warming closet, 15-ln. oven, slightly used. Is In good condition; this Is a great bar gain at $30. Feldsteln Furnltur Co., ltJS nnd PW l!t st. FOR SALE 3 rooms of furniture, complete, almost new, worth $".V0; will sell for 512.. Call Monday, 10i E. lth at. North, take AHerta car. GENUINE Inlaid linoleum : re.ru.ar $1 50 value sold this week at P cents per yd. laid on your floor. Mlsh Furniture Co., 1S4 1st st. Ft'H.f ALE Neatly furnished 5-room house, furniture for sale at a bargain ard houM for rent; leaving city. 800 Eust Washing ton s.. near i'th. Full HALE Second -hand office furniture, oak and ma bora ny, diks. chairs, tables, files, etc KHham's. fth and Oak sts. WANT to soil at once, furniture of f J ve-room bungalow, including piano. Phone Wood lawn 1741. Fl 1' N ! T t 'K E of S-room apartment for sale. 171 Oreen ave. off 23d and Washington. Phone Main 3S. BKAUTTFn mohoennr leather davenport and .to yaro-4 high-grade Witt all carpet. Marshall 2813. MA H' lOAXY 4-pofter bed, dresser and dressing table, sleeping porch beds and chairs. Marsh nil lortr,. 2 ROOMS. H. K While Temple ila;rict. P.nv of owner, save agent's fee. Main 44".-,. FOR SALE Second-hand safes, Kt!hrn. Kth and Oak sts. all sizes. FOR SALE Furniture of 10 rooms, $450 cash. "V.4 Columt ta St.. cor. loth. SEi .I, lunHt'ire of fi-roora bungalow, cheap. 1M E. i.rth t. N. 'ikj-j of furniture far sale reasonable. F i t si.m. HOUSE for rent ; furniture for aale cheap; fine location. Main 362. STEEL range, dining and library table, sideboard, cheap. f.iKi Mid st. i. E. Dogs, Birds suid Tet Stock. WANTED to give away to good home In country or suburbs my yea r-oM brown tn bhy nrnle Persian cat. Phone E f.B4. TWO pedlirreed Boston terriers, house broken. A.pply 1475 E. Glisan,. corner 55th. -LAjODIX AIREDALES ARE BEST LADDIX fCE.WEI.fl. EST AC A DA. OR. BEAUTIFUL fox terrier, ." . l'hone East ft 5 V . Including license. BLACK bulldog, one year, kind to children watchful at night. C 13 til. 351 E. 8d st. N. M L'ST soil today, two male sweet-singing canaries. Mar. 1 370. TWO fine Eastern pedisreed Alrdaie pup pies for sale cheap. East 30tiS. FEM ALE French pood It. $10. IM North ighth st. FINE singlnir canaths and caxe ft ma'ejt ; also breeding caes. i; beautiful East l4?o. FINE pit buli pupa, Broadway iU(iv FOR MLR. Dogs, lilrtls and Pet Stock. A POIN TER FO It V O L I will soil my full-b:ooded pointer dog, 1 years old, medium sized, beautifully marked and perfectly broke. This dog is worth $lo0. H eU lor 4-5 if takou at once. Address A. J. COLLINS. Phone CQQ. Vancouver. Wash. CANAKIiwj and other cage birds, kittens, pupa, pels, cages, looda. remedit and sup plies. Illustrated bli d and pel cata'og tree. HwuUeuge. 145 feecond St., near Aider. IRISH TERRIERS keep home burglar p:oof. Grand house guard; idel eoiiuanKin; lear lejss, dead-game, faithful to death. Coast N a tive Kennels, T acorn a. Wash. BOSTON TEKR1EKS Two good brood bitches ; 3 iwe.l puppies , hot E.i stem bred stud dogs. 11 and 14 ios. P isco Kennels. East 14th at Morrison. Enjit !,;. "MIKE BALDWIN." AL-iuale stuu, sensa tion of recent pkane show; f?e Mo Keuna Park Kennels. Col. bl4, McKeuna ave. and Lombard st. W iiO ill adopt a handaornv male, cat, S months old. weight, 1- it . Uous broken. Seen H'ter noor.j at -11 EiiA strait. AIREDALE pup, very f;ne. short-haired thoroughbred. Call forenoons 70 East Main. SCoi'HoH Ti-;KKit-;KS Pupptt-s by Aibourn Rover x Ncaai.o sparrow. Marail J4 7t5. WHITE Ltghorns. O. A. C. strain cockerel a. ?-50; cr-o.ee yearling cock. yf4 liug hons.bOc. lu7 Jo t.. Tabor ---X BIRDS Two beautiful yours golden, ca naries, s.ngers, new bteeums cago and mating b:r.a cheap. Marsha! 2--io. FoR & ALE Lutoiuu brimiie l-uudog.- pedi greed; 11 months old; beautifully mailed Main S7&3. LLK'A ELYN settt r dog. at.oui 3 vuri oid, trained for hunting vhcasants. quail, etct must sell; price si.y Broadway '4 4. W E-MoNTUS-oLD pup. setter and span iel mixed. Pr-ttily markl. price 5. Phor.e E a s t S . 1 ' . FOR. SALE Black Enghs.i Lull puppv, 4 months old. lioom ji. I'ulcn av., or K:ist 577. Ai Ent;;i5,i bu.I t oiuaie pap. well undershot and ery han.isome brind .-d ; fine pedKree of hlyhf st murtf. M:un 7.-." 1. Knom FOR s.vLE iTi-i;iu k : lieu, very ctie-ap. I ' hone i aln , furvuauns. Pon It ry. For afe map 11 Piy mouth Rock and Brown Lenaorn. second - war birds, now laying ; jUho ks, wheal. Apply lUL7 East inth street North. WAN T to trade new l'40-ftrg -01l Trust v Incubator" Kr s-me i ,u red i'lvtnouta Rock hens. Box 7. ii. F. D. 1, Hubbard, Or--gnn. 14o-Eci-vi X-lUy or Svphcr's 1P10 incubator; goou condit.on; stato lowest casn price. Sellwood 3U4S. Ali lo, Orvoulan. FOR SALE Buff Orpington cockerels, prize winners la.t Portland ahovv, Anna liow en. tiOU 4 1st S. E. FOR SALT: 7 nice Rhode Lsland Red hens. 14 Morgan ct. IdveMork. FOUR cows. 1 Holsteln bull, team, farming impreinenis, nnd lease on I arm .1 m. s-mtii of Fulton carllne on Boon a Ferry ix-ad. Main PJ7H. MOSTLY ail full-bl.od Holsteln heifers, from ono to thrte year ; some ir sh on; cash or terms. ool Dekum bid;. Ater Tuesday cail Marbhall WANT to purchase or lease sheep; give ase, sex, breed, pri. e. location and terms. lh4 IcK ay bid g. FoR SALE Flesh uemsey cow. J. a. Chambers, Foster road, V mile east Lenta Junction. ii LARGE Durham cow s. will be fresh In a, fww tsays; x:ra heavy wi.Hers. 144 J Miiwaukie, Seiiwood car. FOUR f ull-biooded young Buff Crpir.gLon cockered for sale. Phone Tabor 10l. TWO fresh cows, rich milk, for family. 771 frti h at e. ; Mt. fccott car. A MILK COW to trade lor a ood horae. Call E. 31 Pi. -4"- K.k; l i uma. incui ator, trade for -hj-'kfns or $: cash. pho:ie Taiur 71'tl. Macliltiery. UlSMA.xrU.NU SALE OF UO-JiC PLANT. PHILLIPS CONTiLACTlNO CO.. CORoNA, CAUtVKXlA. oO K. W All'.s-Chalmors Co. X. C gen erator. Compressor, Ingersoll-Rand. two-etage, capacity, 44ti cu. iu per min. J ei frey eieetric locomuiiva, standard guue, 0CH. draw bar pulj. No. 10 OAT Ed rock breaker. No. 5 Gate rot k LreaKcr. No. 5 AtSTlN rock breaker. No. 24 Climax rock breaker. Also screens, ei.- a tors, conveyw drill sharpener, uir drills, iiooO. l4-ocl. drill steel, stone iianuntra, ruck forks. waon etaio, steel smp. No. 1 Champioc blower. No. 7 cnam,.pn drill press. A cvinp.ete dcfccripiion will be furnihoa upon remet. l'hiaip Con't Co., Trustees, T. Wood ling, ec, room 7, 111 North iiia.iway. Ls AnHi-I-'S, Cal. Boiler, engines, e i c. Wtter-tulw boiJer. l..o us. pressure; SO IL P. airuight front or loo to 125 H. p. Dutch, new petting. Two Mi Into.-ti Sev inour lainiem cn.oound eugn.t s, H. International feed wi.ter he.tter. 1 b-ln. OouOle leather belt, b-ili. two-biop Wouu ington turiL:ie pump. Hiiist)Uro Power Ac Investment Co., Hinsboro. or. FOR SALE 124 K. W. generator. X. C. ; 1 H. P. engine; 1 letlier belt; 1 H. P. motor. T. t:. ; all m guoil condition. Details on appl.cation ; cah only. Audreys AV 4 1 7. Or. gonial.. Foit S A BE One -0 to I'S-horne. H-phase inductiou motor, iirst-clas coiujitinn, l-loo Hj.eed. Apply Portland Artificial lea Company. i?OR SALE Ci'tnp: te mavhine siiop. alto li-f t. brake fur sheet metal ui.d lorming press. Y !o4. Oregonhtii. iiRlCK-ToP w ei.'.ing tikble. 1' large In .izmg torches, pressure blower, emcrv gniier Weiuing Mfg. Co.. o-" E. l.urus:.ie. lit fi'td litmtii. FOR SALE or trade; will trade Uii-ft. ci inner type power boat and L'-aung l-Mttmuge, out fit worth a bout $.ioo, lor on a" or roadster or good cnasis. AO orego nian. UOLEi.OAT. furnished. 3 rooms and bath, larve woouxhed, tn good (niiuitinn; strictiy mo'iern. Ca.l Seliwoud 7.'.s. L-a L .s ii, sell or trudo tr runabout ; s-e l.i on eh at FavoriLo 1 io.tt bou.e. if t-ret. d. call .Mar. 4 loo. Hjt. 'o-t. Al Vo-FoOT bloainiT hull. Address li. M. MoiitK.mn.-ry, tox 701, city. Hi-Mll.tl mo to i t. 1 - ." tost . perf-ct con uuiuii. Tiro ad w ay 1 '.o7. S 1, Oregon t; n. Typfwrhcn. TYPEWRITERS. SELECTED STOCK. Before buying get our prices on rebuilt typewrltera lrom our selected stock, fully guarantee!, very easy payments ; ma chine sent on v, eek's exammawou free of cnarge. Rebuilt Department. REMIX OTON T Y P E WRITER CO . . M Broadway. Phone lir"a.lwy tCl. ALL MAKES Guaranteed machines sold on ea-T tenus. Visjbie inuUvl rented, f 2 per mo., H mos. $." ro. Initial rent applies on pur chaao. Send for new illustrated, price list, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., Washington SU. Portland. Or. EX CE PTION - -L bari-aPis in r-but it nnd second -hand t vpew ri; its. Remington t'n dr .vood. lto a J. f-:iiiih Premier, uliver. etc., guarante, d. You caai aff rd one at the xo-i-uonal price we o.fer. Coron.i liitribuLors. Uth -st. L. W. Pe.ise Company, 11 0 NEW KEMIXGTOX RENTAL PLAN Wl fa manufacture m' guarantee nnd rents! ap piylng on purc!iae; visible models $3 mo ; $7 ."0 for 3 mui. other imj3el. le-w. Rem ington Typewriter Company, et) broauwy. T. lephor.e Headway til. WE can save from 10 to 75 per cent on all makes of ty pewrlters: send for our llluv- trated folder. Retail department WHuLcl- rur- x irt.u iu l K CO.. 3-1 Wash, at, IlAUfiAIN Smith I'remler Typewriter In first -class eonuitton, only $10; ."t don n, week. Portland Phonograph Shop, 14', I'd st.. near Alder. FOR SALE New No. 10 Remington, type wrlter, latest model, very ch.ap. Mar shall SWV4. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand ren:als at cut rate. P. L. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. .Ni Cndervxood; lealng city. Marshall :t. FoR SALE Oood No. 5 T.'nderwood type writer, l'hone Marshall .'s.-4. Automxhilin. 8TI.T ER AKER used ears represent tea.1 value. See our stock today. OREGON MOTOR CAR COM PANT. Studebaker Dealers, park and La vis. Opea Sundays. FORD touring car, A I eondHloa. W wheels nnd new ire a1 1 arotintf, -y painted? a bargala a: ;4 0, - Re.ioi. OVERT .Nn : vvsis. l:'.4. a hTgWi a r n-jt-. . I r-'.o th st. POPK-H A RTFORD. lae tr-.o-JM, tc r-end- tloo. 1 f oc4 at cnc, Ck Kvta &1 at. V