The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 14, 1917, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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Greater Efficiency Also Prom
ised Under New System
L of Tax Collecting.
Statements Are Made Out Before
Paying Season Starts and Are
Checked by Adding Machine,
Needing No Extra Clerks.
Preparation of tax bills In advance,
resulting:. It is hoped, in superior service
to the public and a. decreased cost of
operation of the county tax department
during rush seasons, has been made
possible by a new system installed this
year by Sheriff Hurlburt.
Not only have time- and money been
saved by the new svstem, but possi
bility of error has been decreased
greatly, according- to E. S. Huckabay,
-'"r' uepuiy in me tax department.
Under the former system of prepar
ing the tax bills, they were not made
up until called for by the taxpayers.
The taxpayer waited in line while the
tax clerk searched the tax rolls and
wrote up the detail of the bill by hand.
This is no more.
The new tax roll Is opened for the
collection of taxes each year about
February 1. and at that time there is a
general demand for tax bills. In for
mer years, almost every day during
February and March, the tax-collecting
office has been crowded with taxpay
ers seeking their tax statements, and
during this period there has been a
great congestion of business. The tax
n f f 1 f 1 a 1 n fniinH 1 . .
. Hcucooai; lu tSIIipiuy
. large force of additional clerks, a
great many of whom were inexperi
enced and unfamiliar with the tax
rolls. Errors and delays resulted from
this system, as well as increased oper
ating expenses.
Better Service Assured.
Sheriff Hurlburt and his tax deputies
conceived the idea that if all the tax
bills could be prepared in advance of
their being called for there would not
only be a decrease in the cost of main
taining ithe department, but it would
more efficiently serve the public with
, a minimum of delays and clerical er
rors. After a careful survey and inspection
of improved methods adopted by cities
such as New York, Pittsburg and
Binghamton, a new system was evolved
for Portland and was partially installed
last year.
The plan so distributed the work of
the department throughout the year
that there would be no real, busy
periods and no dull periods. Under the
old system the tax department main
tained a regular force of clerks, who
were only busy during certain periods
of the year. During February and
March from 45 to 60 extra clerks were
added to the regular collecting force
to assist in caring for the increased
business at this period of the year. In
April these extra clerks were laid off,
and during the ensuing Summer months
the regular deputies found a slack
period, and Instead of being engaged
in preparing for new work ahead, the
most perfunctory duties were per
formed. Clerks Kept Busy All Tear,
Under the improved system the cler
ical work has been rearranged in the
tax department so that each month of
the year has Its average duties to be
performed, and future contingencies are
anticipated and prepared for. Through
this -method it has been possible to
maintain an average regular force of
clerks, and the extra force will be cut
down to a maximum of 20 as compared
with 40 to .60 heretofore, a considerable
saving In clerk hire.
Accounting machines for preparing
the tax bills In advance have been in
stalled. These machines not only write
the tax bills, but they practically audit
each bill, automatically adding and
proving the correctness of each bill as
It is being written. Deputies in the
tax office say that these machines have
reduced the number of clerical errors
to a. negligible quantity, where hereto
fore hundreds of errors were made in
the bills each year, necessitating many
, later readjustments.
Accounting Machines Added.'
Five of these new accounting ma
chines, which, it is said, are the only
ones of their type on this Coast, have
just been brought from New York and
installed In the tax department by H.
J. Stewart, and the tax officials de
clare that these machines will prac-
i.,.-cwxj 1 1. f ui uiivui'jo uiu uioi lual worK
In their office by making it possible
to prove and correct all the tax bills
before they are handed to the taxpayer.
One of these machines, which will be
used in the bookkeeping department
will cut the expense of that division
alone by $500 the first year.
By next year the chief deputy of the
tax department says he believes by Im
proving the system still farther and
with the new mechanical devices in
stalled it will be possible to reduce
the collecting force to a regular staff.
If this can be done it is obvious that
there will be a corresponding reduc
tion in the cost of maintenance, and a
far superior service to the taxpayers
will be realized than was possible un
der the old system.
Federal Head Says Flreboats Are
Run Within Law's Rulings.
Establishment of a two-shift system
on the city s fireboats will not be re
quired by the Federal inspection eerv
ice. according to a letter received yeS'
terday by City Attorney LaRocho from
John Bulger, supervising Inspector of
the First District with headquarters In
San Francisco. The order from the
headquarters reversed the order of lo
cal inspectors that the fireboat crews
would have to be worked in shifts of
not more than 13 hours.
"The licensed officers," says the let
ter, are not overworked as they stand
six hours on and six hours off which
fulfills the law."
Marriage License Record Broken.
ALBANY, Or, Jan. 13. (Speclal.)-
There Is going to be no lull in the
marriage market in this county during
the coming year If early activities can
be taken as a precedent. Licenses are
averaging three a day and at that rate
excelling any previous record. Last year,
which was leap year, the number
dropped far below the average.
Lodge Takes Pythian Cemetery.
RAINIER, Or., Jan. 13. (Special.)
The Rainier Pythian Building and Cem
etery Association, after an existence
of nearly 20 years, was dissolved at a
meeting of the stockholders Saturday.
Each stockholder will receive the par
value of his share. The local lodge will
purchase the real property and take
care or tho cemetery,
Average Purchases Run 50 Annually, Aggregating $7250, and This Will Be Cut to Half, WJiile Overhead Expense,
Which Has Been Problem Heretofore, Is Thought to Have Been Solved. -
life? - -'NjI 554 f fTi Pvxt
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t yrAJTOFACTURE of fire alarmboxes i
I VI to enaDie worKmen at tne Munlcl-
XYX Dai snoI on the East Side to keeo 1
busy during- Idle time has been started.
The first 50 boxes will be turned out
within a few days and it is expected
the total cost of manufacture will show
a big decrease under the cost of boxes
In the open market. Cost sheets will
not be made up until the first batch of
boxes Is finished, but a decrease In the
neighborhood of 60 per cent Is pre
dicted. The new Industry was devised as a
An to Show Will Follow, And Dealers (
Washington and Idaho Are to
Be Invited to Attend.
Probably the biggest gathering of
hardware men Portland ever saw will
attend the annual convention of the
Oregon Retail Hardware and Imple
ment Dealers Association, which will
meet at the Imperial Hotel January
24, 25 and 26.
In addition to Oregon dealers, the
Portland . wholesalers have invited
those engaged in the business in Wash
ington and Idaho to attend. - The
George T. Baldwin, of Klamath
Falls, President of the Ap
proaching: Convention of Oregon
Hardware Dealers.
wholesale dealers are preparing enter
tainment features for the merchants
that will include a big banquet, at
which it Is expected 400 people will
be in attendance. The banquet will
conclude the convention sessions.
Following the hardware convention
will be the auto show, and for this
reason It Is expected a bigger number
of hardware men than ever before will
be brought to this city. ' Matters of
general interest to the trade will be
George T. Baldwin, of Klamath Falls,
is president of the association, and he
han plana well In hand Xor tho eucjeess
....... ... ........
t - fSf-V? 1 ; I
means of cutting down the overhead
coal- 01 me unop. ine overneaa was
duo to lack of work to keep the men
buey all the time. The manufacture of
the boxes has been possible without the
need of installing- any iew machinery.
Th.e work has been performed so far
by one Instrument maker and one ap
prentice In what was formerly leisure
The city heretofore has paid 1 125 for
each box. contracts having been placed
with Eastern manufacturers. The city
has been installing boxes at the rate
of about 50 a year, which has meant
an item of about $7250 for purchase of
the boxes, and their manufacture will
of the gathering. Charles Archerd, of
Salem, is chairman of the executive
The committee of wholesalers who
are planning to make the visit of the
outside dealers pleasant are: William
F. Norman, of Fairbanks, Morse & Co.;
E. E. Tressler, Slmonds Manufacturing
Company; S. C. Rasmussen, Rasmussen
& Co.; E. C. Ward, Marshall-Wells
Hardware Company; W. K. Slater,
Honeyman Hardware Company, and F.
O. Creasy, of the Gauld Company.
Gordon Granger Relief Corps Par
ticipates in Joint Ceremony.
Gordon Granger Relief Corps, No. 43,
Grand Army of the Republic, and post
held a joint installation in Green's
Hall, Dekum avenue and Seventh
street, on Friday, January S. A din
ner was served at noon and after the
Installation a short musical programme
was en-Joyed.
The officers of the corps were in
stalled by Mrs. Olivette Wljeeler, as
sisted by Mrs. Nanetta Van Horn as
conductor. The officers are 'as fol
lows: Mrs. Malda L.. Byrnes, president; Mrs.
Nanetta Van Horn, senior vice-president;
Mtsl Fred Beherens. Junior vice-president:
Mrs. Rachael Ladd, chaplain; Mr. Hattle
E. ErlckBon, conductor; Mrs. Ida Jackson,
assistant conductor; Miss Clara Rockwell,
treasurer; Mrs. Hilda Slater, secretary; Mr a.
Martha Barbur. giard; Mrs. Caroline Thomp
son. assistant guard; Mrs. Louisa. Severance,
patriotic instructor; Mrs, May Armstrong,
press correspondent; Mrs. Persia Thornton,
musician; Mrs. Louisa Kramer. Mrs. Nellie
Butler, Mrs. Clara Hall and Mrs. Anna
Benshaw, color bearers.
The officers of the poet were Installed
by Past Commander A. E. Borthwlck.
as follows:
Edwin E. Covsry, commander; H. A. Se
verance, senior vice-commander; I.. A.
Thompson, Junior vlce-oommander; H. C.
Dutton, adjutant; M. A. Robinson, quarter
master; A. H." RocKwell, surgeon; J. W.
Sedgwick, trustee; Iaao B. Self, chaplain;
B. Morgan, officer of the day; I. B. Self.
patriotic instructor; J. J. Hughes, officer
of the guard; J. W. Sedgwick, sergeant ma
jor: Ell Tetter, quartermaster sergeant;
Thomas Allen, color bearer; J. J. Hughes
and J. T. McHolland. musician.
Dartmouth Professor Finds Admin
istrative System Effective.
Dr. Harrey E. Burton, of Dartmouth
College, who was delegated by the
trustees of that institution to make a
study of college administration through
visiting colleges in all parts of the
country, highly commends the admin
istrative system of Reed College, Port
land, the attitude of the students to
ward their faculty, their work and the
inter-mural athletic system.
In his report he speaks strongly in
favor of ttLo co-operative plan of gov
reduce the much-complalned-of over
head of the city's shop.
The workmen have completed th
manufacture of the parts of the boxes
and will start at once to assemble
them. Within two weeks It Is expected
the first 50 boxes will be ready and
the second batch started.
Every part of the instruments is
made at the shop. Including all the
gears, cogs and delicate electrical ap
paratus. When completed the Instru
ments will be ready for connecting the
final wires. - It Is said there are no
patents covering boxes of this type and
that they therefore will operate the
same as the present boxes in service.
ernment, in which the president, trus
tees and faculty participate.
After visiting and studying 21 col
leges, he reports that the attitude of
students toward the faculty and toward
their work Is far more admirable In the
West than In the East and adds that at
Reed College "the Western student ap
pears at his best."
Tennre Law Is Toplo at Church.
' The teachers' tenure act and the re
cent survey of the Portland schools
will be discussed in the Forum at the
First Methodist Church today, at 12:15
o'clock. Mrs. Millie Trumbull. Child
Labor Commissioner of Oreg6n. will
be the principal speaker. The Forum
is open to men and women of all ages
and meets in the basement of the new
Social Service Temple at Twelfth and
Taylor streets.
The substitute for absinthe In Greece
Is a liquor known aa mastica.
Tape's Cold Compound
is pleasant and affords
Instant Relief.
A dose taken every two hours until
three doses are taken will end grippe
misery and break up a cold.
It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils
and air passages in the head, stops
nasty discharge or ncse running, re
lieves sick headache, dullness, feverish
aess, sore throat, sneering, soreness and
Don't stay uf fed-up! Quit blowing
and snuffling! Ease your throbbing
head! Nothing else in the world gives
such prompt relief as Tape's Cold
Compound." which costs only 25 cents
at any drug store. It acts without
assistance, tastes nice, causes no incon
venience. Be sure you get the genuine.
Don't accept sometolns else.
Achievements to Be Reviewed
at Annual Meeting.
Foot and Pony Paths to Be Cut in
Hills Near Portland During
1017 and Shelters Are to Be
Established at Interval-.
. -
Fifteen months of achievement -that
is really remarkable in the develop
ment of the means of access to im
portant scenic points about Portland
and In the Columbia Gorge will be re
viewed by the Trails Club of Oregon
at Its annual meeting at the Chamber
of Commerce 'tomorrow night.
For the year 1917 the cluo contem
plates still further extension of its
activities in cutting foot and pony
trails, and the establishment of shelter
houses at convenient points, besides
continuing its campaign, of education
to acquaint people with the trails and
the opportunities of outing and enjoy
ment which they afford.
A party from the Progressive Busi
ness Men's Club and the Trails Club
went yesterday for a SKI trip over the
trail to the summit of Larch Moun
tain, and this trip will be reported at
the meeting tomorrow night. W. 1.
Finley will show at the meeting illus
trations of the bird and animal life
of Oregon.
Samuel C. Lancaster, president of
the Trails Club, Is to leave eoon for
the East to lecture before tne national
Geographical Society. In his lecture
he will use some of the Larch Moun
tain pictures taken on the trip Satur
day. President Lancaster's review of
the activities of the club since its or
ganization cover a field of great ac
tivity: ,
"Although the Trails Club of Oregon
Is only 15 months old, the membership
has doubled In the past 12 months and
now numbers more than 200. In the
past year the club made several ex
cursions, one to Benson Park, another
to Eagle Creek, and still another to
Larch Mountain.
"December 11 an illustrated lecture
was given Jointly with the Mazamas
and the Kosarians in the Oregon build
ing. "Through the kindness of the O.-W.
R. & X. Company It is having made a
splendid collection of -colored lantern
elides for use in illustrated lectures.
which will be given at frequent Inter
vals by volunteer speakers from this
club before schools, churches and civic
organizations that will provide the
necessary room and stereoptlcon lan
tern. "In co-operation with the United
States Forestry Service, arrangements
have been perfected for posting maps
on all trails and for indicating the
principal point of interest at observa
tion points, giving elevations, dis
tance. etc.
'.'The National Education Association
Is to be here In July. It is planned to
co-operate with the Superintendent of
Public Schools and other bodies for the
purpose of training guides, who can
be of great assistance in disseminating
Information regarding the trails, and
many Interesting trips for hiking." .
B. B. Smith Sentenced to Pass Two
of Them" in Cell.
Two Sundays In the City Jail, en
tering his cell- at seven In the morn
ing, and leaving it at six In the after
noon is the portion meted out to B
Nuxated Iron to Make New Age of
Beautiful Women and Vigorous Iron Men
Say Physicians Quickly Puts Roses Into the Checks of Women and Most Astonishing
Youthful Power Into the Veins of Men It Often Increases the Strength
and Endurance of Delicate, Nervous "Run -Down" Folks
200 Per Cent in Two Weeks' Time.
NEW YORK, X. T. Since the re
markable discovery of organic Iron,
Nuxated Iron or "Fer Nuxate," as the
French call It, has taken -the country by
storm. It Is conservatively estimated
that over three million people annually
are taking It In this country alone. Most
astonishing results are reported from
Its use by both physicians and laymen. ,
So much so that doctors predict that
we shall soon have a new age of far
more beautiful, rosy-cheeked women
and vigorous Iron men.
. , Dr. King, a New Y.ork physician and
author, when Interviewed on the sub-
rtect, said: "There can be no vigorous
iron men without Iron, pallor means
anaemia. Anaemia means iron deficien
cy. The skin of anaemic meiuand wom
en is pale; the flesh flabby. The muscles
lack tone: the brain fags and the mem
ory fails and often they become weak,
nervous. Irritable, despondent and mel
ancholy. When the Iron goes from the
blood of women, the" roses go from
their cheeks.
"In the most common foods of Amer
ica, the starches, sugars, table syrups,
candles, polished rice, white bread, soda
crackers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti,
tapioca. sago, farina. determinated
cosnmeal, no longer Is Iron to be found.
Refining processes have removed the
iron of Mother Earth from these im
poverished foods, and silly methods of
home cookery, by throwing down tho
waste-pipe the water In which our veg
.i.hi ur cooked, are responsible for
another grave Iron loes.
"Therefore, If you wish to preserve
your youthful vim and vigor to a ripe
Sid age. you must supply the Iron defi
ciency In your food by using some form
of organic iron, just as you would use
salt when your food has not enough
Dr. Sauer, who has studied abroad In
crreat European medical Institutions,
said- "At, I hate said a hundred times
over, organic iron is the greatest of all
strength builders. If people would only
throw away patent medicines and nau
seous concoctions and take nuxated
iron. I am convinced that the lives of
thousands of persons might be saved
who now die every year from pneumo
nia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver,
heart trouble, etc. The real and true
...... n,kiph started their disease was
nothing more nor less than a -weakened
condition brought on by lack of iron in.
the blood.
"Not longago a man came to me who
was nearly half a century old and asked
me to give him a preliminary examina
tion for life insurance. I was astonished
to find him with the blood pressure of a
boy of twenty andi full of vigor, vim
and vitality as a young man; n faefva
young man he really was. notwith
standing his age. The secret, he said,
was taking Iron Nuxated Iron (lad
filled him with renewed life. At 30
he was in bad health: at 46 he was
careworn and nearly all In. Now at 60
after taking Nuxated Iron, a miracle of
vitality and his face beaming with the
buoyancv of youth. Iron is absolutely
necessary to enable your blood to
change food Into living tissue. Without
It, no. matter; how much or what you
ET Si Mm
must go!
Remarkable discovery of ; v
skin osmosis promises to make
wrinkled, hollow-cheeked, aged lotkiog women
astonishingly beautiful, youthful and
How yoj csn Hmnl Immediately suppress the ap.
ptarance of smaller wrinkles and marks of aoe aro)
make yours erf look from 5 to 15 years ytffjngrr In 30
days time. How to banish every complexion btemlah
In tnreo nights In many Instance.
A thousand times 1 have heard rich
women say: "Oh I youth is so wonder
ful and lovely. I would give every
thing I possess for youth and beauty
agun!7 N'o woman with the slightest
spark of pride or ambition in her wants
to be laid on the' shelf, aeed. careworn.
wrinkled and forgotten so that -men
wish to avoid ner at every dance ana
dinner ' party, and women themselves
won id like to invite someone who looks
younser to brighten up the occasion.
Vet there is no longer any reason why
the average woman need look so old
and plain even if she is old.
Since the remarkable discovery of
skin osmosis almost any woman can
obtain most astonishing new beauty
and -a. most surprisingly youthful ap
paararrce even though she is 40, or uO
or more years of age.. The Countess de
Chevanne. who at i0 years of ago pos
sesses a marvlously soft, smooth, vel
vet-like skin and an almost glrl-llke
complexion without a wrinkle in sight,
told the writer personally in Paris that
she owed it all to the discovery of skin
osmosis. With this marvelous discov
ery every complexion blemish can be
banished in three nights In many in
stances, and you can awaken in the
morning with a beautiful, rose-colored
complexion fresh as a daisy.
I have known dozens of hollow-
cheeked, wrinkled, aged-looking wom
en, wno Daa given up an hope or ever
looking beautiful and youthful again,
to "come back" and again become most
beautiful, youthful and fascinating in
from two to three weeks' time by this
wonderful, simple method.
No matter what your age or what
you have tried unsuccessfully, skin
osmosis will positively bring you new
Deauty ana youth. Merely wash your
face in warm water at night and rub
in a teaspoonful or two of any good
roseated cream which you can obtain
from your druggist. n the morning
wash the face with cold water and rub
in more cream.
B. Smith, a speeder, who was sen
tenced by Municipal Judge Langguth
Thirty-three miles an hour on Mis
sissippi avenue was Smith's speed, ac
cording to the arresting officer.
Motorcycle Patrolman- Frank Ervin.
Two other speeders, arrested by Pa
trolman Ervin, were fined. John Dan
ielson ?S, and J. R. Coffey J 13.
Coffee H,ouse Proprietors and Visi
tors Convicted in Municipal Court.
Card playing in Greek coffee
houses received a setback yesterday
in Municipal Court. when Judge
Langguth imposed fines on proprie
tors, players and mere onlookers.
The arrests were made at 271
Burnslde street Wednesday.
John Serson and Gregory Vesselef,
proprietors, were fined $20 each;
John Soloropolov, James George.
James Poulas, and Thomas Ally..con-
victed of playing at the tables. $10
each: An-elo Rolome, James Mike.
A Wonderful Discovery Which Promises to Mark a New
M ' Il w'.v'M '. lii."- ii ii ...i .iim winnw iw wu.ijiih i u u"U ' T- 'yi:i win
IM . ' -" i v
i ft. ii 'i nsTTIsir- -(.- i- rni' i 1 - 1 ii ''f " " nl
eat, your food merely passes through
you without doing you any good. You
don't get the strength out of it, and as
a consequence you become weak, pale
and sickly looking. Just like a plant
trying to grow In a soil deficient in
iron. If you are not strong or well, you
owe It to yourself to make the follow
ing test: See how long you can work or
how far you can walk without 'becom
ing tired. Next take two five-grain
tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three
times per day after meals for two
weeks. Then test your strength again
and see how much you have gained. I
have rfeen dozens of nervous, run-down
people who were ailing all the while
double their strength and endurance
and entirely rid themselves of all
symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other
troubles in from ten to fourteen days'
time simply by taking iron in the
proper form. And this after they had In
some cases been doctoring for months
without obtaining any benefit. But
don't take the old forms of reduced
Iron, iron acetate, or tincture of iron
simply to save a few cents. The Iron
demanded by Mother Nature for the red
coloring matter in the blood of her
children Is. alas! not that kind of iron.
You must take Iron in a form that can
be easily absorbed and assimilated to
do you any good, otherwise it may
firove worse than useless. Many an ath
ete and prizefighter has won the day
simply because he knew the secret of
great strength and endurance and filled
his blod with iron before he went into
the affray; while many another has
Mtlo Flmone Marelx of
Paris, winner ot two great
tnt rn&ttonal teAuty prises
one in Paris. Ihe other In
h Fncinnd Specially engag-
ri io wrue inrse article.
In three weeks or less watch the
magic transformation. SSee how the old, -hardened,
coarse, rough skin turns into
new, fresh, soft, youthful-looklntr
skin almost before your very eyes, all
due to simple skin osmosis produced
solely by warm water and roseated
cream. But be sure to use only pure
roseated cream, as it is an entirely dif
ferent thing from ordinary face creams
and must not be confounded with them.
I personally prefer Creme Tokalon
(Roseated), but any good brand will
do. If you have wrinkles get a box of
Japanese Ice Pencils and use them In
connection with the cream and you can
get quick action on the deepest wrin
kles, no matter of how Ions' standing,
in one night's time and awaken on the
morrow to witness most astonishing re
sults. Also the use of a little San
tonex (sold by druggists) on the faca
each morning will almost Immediately
suppress the appearance of all smaller
wrinkles and marks of age and make
you look almost years younger. It
gives an indescribably beautiful effect
to the neck and arms for evening dress.
I personally guarantee success in
every case, in any of my newspaper
articles relating to beauty, or 1 will
refund the amount paid for any prod
ucts I recommend provided you taka
your dealer's receipt at the time you
make your purchase. My American ad
dress is Simone Mareix, 20 West 22d
Street, New York.
NOTE The manufacturers of Creme
Tokalon. Roseated. have such unbound
ed confidence in their particular brand
that they offer to forfeit J;!00.0 to any
charitable Institution if it can be
shown that it will not banish every
complexion blemish and give most as
tonishing new beauty to wrinkled,
careworn, aged women In three days
time in many instances. It can be ob
tained absolutely fresh and guaran
teed pure from Meier & Frank Co..
the Owl Drug Company, or most any
good druggist or department store in
this city.
William Thomtas, and Ernest Vlllos,
visitors, $5 each. Twelve other pa
trons of the place, charged with visit
ing, had their cases continued for
Director of Band Makes Selections
tor Wednesday Xight-
Selections from some of the famous
operas will feature the monthly con
cert of the Portland. Elks' band, which
will be held In the Elks- Temple
Wednesday night. The concert will be
under the leadership of Band Director
Elks and their friends will be mad
The programme follows:
Eymphonlo march from "Oianna (Costatv
tlnl); overture from "Stlffello" (Verdi); in
termezzo from "Cavallorla Rustlcana" (Ma
scasnl); Brand selection from "Excelsior
(Marengo J ; march from "Oriental" (Or
lando); sextette from "Lucia dl Lammer
moor" (Donlsetti): polka from "Pizzicato"
(Strauss); pot peurri from "Ernanl" (Verll).
Era in Medical Science
gone down in Inglorious defeat simply
for the lack of Iron."
Dr. Schuyler C. Jacques. Visiting Sur
geon of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, of New
York City, said: "I have never before
given out any medical information or
advice for publication, as I ordinarily
do not believe in it. But in the case of
Nuxated Iron I feel I would be remlsa
in my duty not to mention it- I have
taken It myself and given it to my pa
tients With most surpriBlng and satis
factory results. And those who wish
quickly to increase their strength, pow
er and endurance will find it a most re
markable and wonderfully effective
NOTE Xuxated Iron, which Is prescribed
and recommended above by physicians la
euc-h a great variety of cases. Is not a patent
medicine nor secret remedy, but one which la
-ll known to druKKists and whose Iron
constituents are wic' ly prescribed by emi
nent physicians both In Europe and America,
L'nlike the o!dt-r inorganic iron products It
Is easily asslmllat d. does not injure the
teeth, make them black, nor upset tile Atom
ach. on the contrary. It is a most potent
remedy In nearly aU forms of IndiKestlon as
well as for nervous, run-down conditions.
The manufacturers have such Brtat con ft -
lence In nuxated Iron. tTriat they offer to
forfeit 4J10O.OO to any charitable Institution
If they cannot t-ike any man or woman un
der tk who lacks iron, and increase their
tr-npth 2"i' per cent or over In four weeks'
time, provided they have no serloua organlo
trouble. They also offer to refund our
noney if It does not at least double yoar
-trength and endurance In ten days' ttlme.
It is dispensed in this city by The. Owl Drug;
Co, and all good drusgULs.
. , . i i