The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 07, 1917, SECTION FIVE, Page 10, Image 68

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Conference Will Be Held in First Church January 17, 18 and 19, With Bishop Matthew Simpson Hughes Presiding:.
ONE of the most important events
of the early year in Methodist
Church circles of " the Pacific
Northwest will be the conference
to be held January 17, 18 and 19, with
Bishop Matthew Simpson Hughes pre
siding and all the district superinten
dents of the area and other notables
In attendance. The meetings will be
la the First Methodist Eplscipal Church.
Bishop Hughes will have as his truest
his brother. Bishop Edwin H. Hughes,
now resident bishop of Boston and for
merly bishop of California. The visit
ing Bishop Hughes will give one of the
principal addresses of the conference,
lie will speak'on the opening evening.
Dr. Joshua Stansfleld, pastor of First
Church, will welcome the superinten
dents and all the prominent visitors.
Ministers and laymen may attend the
W. W. Youngson, superintendent of
the Portland district, will be among
the speakers. Another who will par
ticipate will be Robert Hughes (no. re
lation to the bishops), who will repre
sent the Pacific Christian Advocate, of
which he is editor. Superintendents
will be here from all the districts of
Oregon, Washington and all the area
over which Bishop Hughes has super
Vision. Bishop Edwin Hughes will stop here
en route to Pasadena, where he will
visit relatives. The choir of the Rose
City Park Church will sing on the
onenihg evening.
"Westminster Presbyterian Christian
Endeavorers' third "at home" is sched
uled for Friday, January 12, from 8 P.
M. to 11 P. M. This has come to be an
annual event In Westminster, looked
forward to by all the young people of
Portland who are the guests of the
evening. The guests include the Chris
tian Endeavor, Baptist Young People's
Union and Epworth League members
of the city.
The special feature of the programme
this year will be the music by the Al
bany College Girls' Glee Club, which
Is coming to Portland for the "at
home." This Is a social event and there
Is no charge. Miss Effie Mae Baird,
834 Halsey street, is the president of
the society.
After a short rest for the holidays the
T. M. C. A. gospel team will start its
Hew year's campaign with a rousing
meeting Sunday night at the United
Evangelical Church, Ockley Green.
This team has a strong appeal for
the young people and short, gingery
talks will be given by E. EJ. Swarz
trauber. Henry Ford and Eugene H.
Song services will be under the di
rection of Mr. Zimmerman and special
eolo by William Grier.
Christian Endeavor Union
Workers at Banquet.
Third Congress Meeting Attended
by 10O Vonng People and Work
Is Dlscnssed.
have been appointed to this depart
ment: Chester V. Jones, as scout di
vision superintendent, and - Roland
Davis, as routing and dates division
Miss Frankle Coykendall reported on
the social committee. Her report dealt
with the expert efficiency socials and
other minor social work. Miss Violet
Johnson made a report on the Junior
committee and gave out the fact that
an expert class of seven members has
been organized among the Juniors, and
she Is making an effort to organize
more societies of this kind. Report of
the press committee was given by Miss
Josephine Sandle. Miss Mildred Mcin
tosh, of the introduction department,
gave the following report: Twelve
telephone calls made, four societies
visited and several letters received and
sent out.
Report of the missionary committee
was given by Miss Ellanore Ewing.
Lloyd R- Carrlck Speaks.
Lloyd R. Carrlck, state president, ad
dressed the congress on the progress
of the twin convention. Walter M.
Harrington and Fred Nelson, also made
short talks on the convention. Mr. Nel
son announced the poling rally to be
held February 19. Miss Montague mad
an announcement of the "At Home" to
be held at the Westminster Church, to
which all young people are invited. Mr.
Simpson, from the state of Washington,
gave an interesting talk about his ex
periences among the logging camps of
Washington and of his evangelical
work done in these camps.
The evening was closed with a stere
opticon lecture on "South America," by
Miss Ewlng, which proved interesting
and educational.
Christian Life Warfare, Says
Rev. Harold H. Griff Is, of First
Christian Cbnrch, to Speak on
"The Fight of Faith."
THE third congress meeting of the
Multnomah Christian Endeavor
Union was held Tuesday night, Janu
ary 2, at the First Christian Church,
Park and Columbia streets. A banquet
was served at 6:15 P. M. and about 100
young people were In attendance.
After the banquet the meeting was
opened with a short talk by David M.
Jack, Multnomah County president,
dealing with the "Campaign for Mil
lions" and its outcome. Mr. Jack said
that Multnomah County stood sixth
with a fair chance of gaining a higher
percentage by the next congress meet
ing. An appeal was made for all so
cieties to call upon the union officers
for Information In relation to the
'"Campaign for Millions."
Efficiency Committee Reports.
The secretary. Miss Beatrice Brown
til, read the report of the efficiency
committee, by Miss Helen Orr, received
at the congress in the form of a tele
gram. Miss Orr gave a report of her
efficiency campaign, which netted 74
experts, and expressed herself as being
proud of the outcome of the campaign.
Ehe is at work now in the effort to
start several efficiency classes in the
different societies throughout the city.
The lookout committee, under the
direction of Emel Swaason, reported
six meetings led, two conferences held,
two Installation services held, answered
122 telephone calls, made 149 telephone
calls and wrote 72 letters. This de
partment has been doing splendid work
and is perhaps one of the most impor
tant in tho union. Two new worker?
THAT the Christian life is essentially
a warfare, Rev. Harold. H. Griffis.
pastor of the First Christian Church,
will endeavor to show in his sermon
this morning, the topic being "The
Fight of Faith." In the evening Rev.
Mr. Griffis will speak on "A New Tear's
The quartet choir will render the
following selections: Morning An
them. "Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect
Peace" (West). Evening Anthem,
"Repentance" (Gounod). Contralto solo
by Miss Dorothy Smith, "Charity"
At the midweek service Thursday
night Rev. Mr. Griffis will begin a
series of devotional studies on "The
Parables of Jesus in Their Application
to Modern Life," the first study dealing
leadership. Of these it will be possible
to take only two, including that con
ducted by Dr. John H. Boyd, which is
to come at 9:15 o'clock, after the other
classes have been dismissed. Dr. Boyd's
course is to consist of a series of travel
talks on "The Capitals of the Great
War," illustrated with lantern slides.
The other leaders and their courses
are: Mrs. Helen Ekin Starrett. "Con
temporary Literature"; B. A. Thaxter,
"Studies in Shakespeare"; Estes
Snedecor, "Current Events Week by
Week"; James F. Ewing, "The His
torical Roots of the Great War." The
courses are open to all who wish to
spend Monday evenings In self-lm
The first meeting for registration
and explanation of the courses will be
held Monday, January 8. After the pre
liminary work is finished the classes
will meet together to hear W. L. Fin
ley, state biologist, give a lecture on
"Bird and Animal Life In Oregon," 11
lustrated with moving pictures.
The name of this new departure In
church, activity is the Monday Evening:
m m m
In the recent election held in Ore
gon Conference of the United Brethren
Church, the following members were
elected as delegates to general confer
ence: Ministerial Superintendent, G. E.
McDonald, of 590 East Taylor street,
Portland; lay delegates. Professor E. H.
Castle, of Philomath, and Mrs. W. O.
Zeigler, of 1074 Belmont street, Port
land. The general conference, which
meets every four years, will be held at
Wichita, Kan., In May. Important
changes are pending at this session
and It is looked- forward to with great
I interest throughout the home and for-
I eign fields.
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will meet at their hall and proceed to
the- church in a body. Dr. Bishop,
pastor, who is a member of the camp,
will preach a special sermon suitable
to the occasion.
Tuesday evening, January 16, the
Men's Club will hold their monthly
dinner, following which State Biolo
gist William L. Finley will present his
moving pictures of animal life. This
occasion is to be made a special one
for the boys of the church and their
friends and an invitation to all boys
in the Hawthorne' and Buckman dis
tricts is extended. W. O. Munsell is
chairman of the committee having the
entertainment in charge.
The Rev. Thomas Jenkins, of St.
David's parish, is preachingduring the
month of January a series of sermons
on the following topics: "Jesus Christ
the Door of Opportunity," "Jesus
Christ the Way of Fulfillment."
"Jesus Christ the Truth Infallible,"
"Jesus Christ the Life Eternal." The
night sermons will be on "Some Les
sons of the Epiphany."
Sacrament to Be Observed at
Services Today.
Horning Ceremony Is to Be of Spe
cial Importance in Firnt Presby
terian Church.
memorated. as fittingly Introducing the
New Year. New members will be re
ceived at this service. Tuesday even
ing at 8:30 tho "Men's Community
Club" will hold Its first 1917 meeting
and dinner. This is to be an open
meeting at which the women are ex
pected to be present. The men of the
club will prepare and serve the dinner.
The programme will consist of music,
an open parliament on our city public
schools and the proposed "tenure of
office" bill to come before the Legis
lature this Winter. Superintendent
Alderman, members of the School
Board and members of the teaching
force of the city will be present to
discuss the subjects.
Rev. E. P. Lawrence, of Roswell.
Idaho, will preach morning and even
ing this Sunday at tho Kenilworth
Presbyterian Church. Lawrence is pas
tor of the Sterry Memorial Presbyterian
Church of Roswell. where he has had
a successful ministry during a number
of years.
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TODAY will be a day of special Im
portance at the First Presbyterian
Church, corner Twelfth and Alder
streets. At 10:30 A. M. Dr. Boyd, the
pastor, will preach on "The Breadth
of Christian Fellowship." and the sac
rament of the Lord's supper will be
observed. About 35 new members will
be received into the full communion
and fellowship of the church at this
hour, and an opportunity is offered
for the baptism of children. This is
the annual mid-Winter communion
service, and marks the high, tide of the
Winter's work. From now on all ef
forts and Interests will be turned to
ward the Easter season.
At 7:30 P. M. a sermon of extraordi
nary interest will be preached by Dr.
Boyd, his subject being "The Moral
Duty to Be Intelligent." The thoughts
covered by this sermon are most per
tinent to the times and have a strong
appeal for the thinking public.
The First Presbyterian Church Is
about to enter on special educational
work in history and literature for those
who wish to devote themselves to the
study of these subjects.
This will be held Monday evenings
in the church-house, corner of Aider
and Thirteenth streets, during Janu
ary, February and March. There will
be five courses offered with competent
with "The Parable of the Sower."
llev. W. E. Brinkman, pastor of St.
James' English Lutheran Church, will
speak this morning on the topic, "In
Remembrance," and tonight on "Things
of Incalculable Value."
The Holy Communion will be admin
istered at 11 A. M. There will also be
reception of new members Into union .
with the church at the morning serv
ice. Each member Is requested to ,
bring a special communion offering.
Central Presbyterian Churun will
celebrate communion service this morn
ing, when new members will be re
ceived into the church.
An Invitation has been extended to
and accepted by Multnomah Camp, No.
77. Woodmen of the World, to be the
guests of Central Church at the even
ing service Sunday, January 21. The
Woodmen, their wives and families
Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor of the
First Free Methodist Church. East
Ninth and East Mill streets, plans to
commence 1917 by giving the best serv
ice possible. The morning sermon
for today is regarded by the pastor as
one of the most important to Chris
tian people, the subject being "The
Bible Christian, or Christianity Stand
ardized." In the evening the theme
will be "The Three Crosses."
Mrs. Beers will conduct tho young
people's meeting at 6:30.
Young women from J. J. Ross Sun
day school class of the First Presby
terian Church will have charge of the
Y. W. C. A. vesper service Sunday after
noon at 4:30. Special music will be
given. Short talks will be given as
follows: "Child Welfare Work." Mrs. I.
M. Walker; "Work of Open Air Sani
tarium," Miss Mary Campbell, super
intendent; "Mission Bands," Mrs. F. L.
Phlpps, and social hour. 5:30. All girls
are welcome.
First Unitarian Society to
Celebrate Anniversary.
Fifty-First Annual Meetlns; Will Be
Held Tuesday.
mHE golden anniversary of the Church
Xof Our Father (Unitarian) will be
an event of this week. The First Uni
tarian Society 'will hold Its 51st annual
meeting on Tuesday evening. In addi
tion to the general reports the meet
ing will be in the nature of a 50th an
niversary of the life of the society,
which received its articles of incorpora
tlon In July. 1866. Preceding the an
nual meeting is the usual annual church
supper which will be served by the
women's alliance assisted by the Young
People s Fraternity.
Professor Joseph Schafer, head of
tho department of history in the state
University, will Bpeak at 7:45 tonight
at the open forum held In Unitarian
chapel, Broadway and Yamhill street.
His theme will be "Historic Ideals in
Recent Politics." He proposes to con
slder, among other points, the land
problem and our National isolation,
The question will be open for general
discussion under the five-minute rule.
Dr. A. L. Hutchison, pastor of Pled
mont Presbyterian Church, will taK
for his theme tonight the film "In
tolerance," now showing in the city.
Service at 7:30. In the morning at 11
o'clock the Lord s Supper will be com
Oregon Endeavorers Plan
for Big Convention.
One Section Will Meet In February
at 1-a Grande and Ono at Salem.
Scotland, and who has filled pulpits In
London and South Africa, will preach
at Vernon Presbyterian Church, both
morning and evening. The morning
sermon will be appropriate to the new
year and tho theme will be "Leaves
From Abraham's Diary." In the even
ing the subject will be "Drifting From
Convocation to Meet at Good
Shepherd Church.
Northern Episcopal Session Will
Open Thursday Mornlns; In Portland.
THE Christian Endeavorers of Ore
gon will hold their annual conven
tion In February. This year It will bo
In the form of a "twin convention"
tho Eastern Oregon section at
Grande, February 16-17-18. and the
Western Oregon section at Salem the
following Friday. Saturday and Sun
day. Each section will havo practically
the same speakers and as much the
same programme as oosslble. The com
mittee to handle the convention has
been divided into three parta tho Cen
tral committee. Salem committee and
the La Grande committee.
Walter M, Huntington is the general
convention committee chairman. He
heads the central committee, with
headquarters in Portland. Clinton Os-
trander. of the Salem i. M. C A., neaos
the Salem end of the work. Mr. King
manages the La Grande end.
Good Speakers Obtained.
The committee has been fortunate In
securing speakers. Daniel Poling, as
sociate president or the united society
of Christian Endeavor, is to come from
Boston, Mass., expressly for the Ore
gon convention. C. C. Hamilton, field
manager of the Christian Endeavor
World, will also be one of tho speak
ers. Miss Louella S. Dyer, president of
the Washington State Endeavor Union,
will be present from Seattle.
Oregon has had no centrally locaieu
endeavor convention for about two
years, so large delegations are ex
pected at these conventions. Salem ex
pects 600 Endeavorers. i-a uranat win
entertain about 150 delegates. The La
Grande convention will bo the first
Christian Endeavor convention ever
held In Eastern Oregon, so it is looked
forward to with much interest.
Last year's convention was held at
rtrants Pass, and this convention Is ex
nected nearly to double the size of
that one.
Special Trains to Ron.
Mr. Huntington, in charge of the
transportation., has arranged for at
least three special trains to leave fort-
land for the Salem convention. One
will leave Portland rTiaay nignt. ono
Saturday morning and one Saturday at
6 o'clock P. M. There wm also do a
special train to Salem from Southern
The First Christian Church or Salem
has been chosen as the convention
church. It Is centrally located and is
Many features have been planned for
this year s convention. The convention
will conduct Its own Sunday school,
with the different Endeavor leaders
as teachers of the classes. All day Sat
urday will be given over to conferences.
Saturday night will be devoted to ban
queting. All delegates will be cared for by
tho Salem and La Grande Endeavorers,
who have already begun preparations.
The subject at the First St E.
Church. South, this morning will be
"In the Beginning;" with reference to
time and other things. Reception of
new members and baptism of children
will be a part of the programme. The
sacred concert last Sunday night was a
musical treat and it is the plan of the
music committee to have another as
soon as it can be arranged.
. .
Rev. R. W. Farquhar, of Aberdeen,
THERE will be a meeting of the
Northern Episcopal Convocation in
the Church of the Good Shepherd. Gra
ham and Vancouver avenues, Portland.
January 11. The opening service will
be on Thursday at 8 P. M. and will be
In behalf of the church pension fund.
The clergy are requested to bring
vestments and to sit In the choir.
Special speakers from among the lay
members of the diocesan pension fund
committee will speak by appointment
of the bishop.
The offering at this service will be
for the convocation expenses. Convo
cation will convene Friday morning
with a celebration of the holy com
munion at 8 A. M. followed by break
fast furnished by the women of the
parish at 8:45 A. M.
After the saying of matins at 10:15
A. SI., the morning session will bo
devoted to considering "How to In
crease Attendance at Evening Prayer
on Sundays," presented by Dean SIc
Collister and discussed by speakers
under a five-minute limit.
Luncheon will be served at 11:30.
The afternoon session will be at 1
o'clock to consider the subject, "What
Can Be Done to Meet the Missionary
Crisis in the Diocese (a) Financially,
(b) Co-operation In ServlcesT" Tho
clergy outside of Portland will havo
their traveling expenses paid and will
be entertained while at convocation.
Rev. John Dawson Is dean and Rev.
Frederic K. Howard Is secretary.
New Pastor to Be in Pulpit
at Westminster Today.
Dr. Edward II. Pence Will Be Wel
comed by Preabytcrlan Congrea-a-tlon
at Morning Service.
R. EDWARD H. PENCE, the new
pastor of Westminster Presby
terian Church, will be In his pulpit
this morning, and will be welcomed by
his congregation. Dr. Pence has been
in charge of the Fort-street church at
Detroit for about 17 years.
He Is one of the leading men of his
denomination. When Dr. J. H. Boyd
was in Detroit he and Dr. Pence were
great friends. Rev. J. M. Skinner, of
Rose City Park, is another Portlander
who knows Dr. Pence and will welcome
him here.
At the White Temple Dr. James S.
Kirtley will occupy the pulpit. His
morning topic will be "The Path of
Victory" and In the evening he will
speak on "Bodily Benefits of Faith In
Christ." The Temple Quartet will ren
der "The Lord Is My Light" (Salter),
and as a morning offertory. "He Knows
the Way" Briggs). In the evening tho
anthem, "The Radiant Morn Is Passed"
(Woodward), and as an offertory, "God
of Our Fathers," bv DeKoven.
Sunday Church Services
Advxnt ChrUtlsn, 438 Second ntreet, ner
Hall Btreet Rev. J. S. Lucas. pantor.
PreacUlnr. 10-30. Sunday school. 12; Loyal
Work r, :M; preach ins. 7:-0; prayer meet.
Inc. Thursday evenlnc. 7:80.
Central, East Eleventh and Everett streets
p. c. Haward. minuter. 10, babbata
chool: 11:15, church service: prayer meet
lnr. Wednesday. 7:ai; Young; IVjople's So
ciety, Friday, 7:"0.
Tabernacle. Writ Side. Knilthts of Pythias
Hall. Eleventh and Alder Sabbath school,
10; preuchlng, 11; preaching- Sunday even
ins. 8.
Montavllla. East Eightieth and Everett
treeto J. b Batty, local elder. Sabbath
school. 10; preaching, 11. Youn People's
meeting. 4: prayer meeting. Wednesday.
7:iO; Helping Hand Society. 1:S0 Tuesday.
Lent. Ninety-fourth street and Fifty
eighth avenue Southeast L. J. chltwood.
local elder. Sabbath achoot, 10: preaching.
(Concluded on Page 11.
Dr. Boyd Says Church Does Not Realize Importance of Era and Problems That Face It in World War.
The Tragedy of Spiritual IMscfrnmrnt
Jeaua answered and said unto them.
When it la evening ye pay. It will be fair
weather, for the heaven la red. And In the
morning. It will be foul weather today for
the heaven la red and lowering-. Ye know
how to discern the face of the heaven, but
ye cannot discern the elgna of the times
Matthew xvi:l-8.
I AM going to speak to you this morn
ing -concerning certain religious
conditions at the close of this year
of unrest duo to political discussion
and foreign warfare. My message Is
suggested by an Intense conviction
that I have that the most Insistent duty
resting upon you
and me at tho pres
ent hour Is to open
our eyes to see and
to try to under
stand the meaning
of the great events
occurring around
There are Just a
few great eras in
the history of our
race when events
are so enormoutl
and so vital that
out of them are
generated influ
ences which trans- Dr. J. H. Boyd,
form tho civilization of the world and
give new direction to human move
ment. All life becomes transformed
under tho touch of these Influences.
Such a time, we all believe, has come
upon our generation. There have been
other eras like It. Such a one was
that which gave birth to tho religion
ef Jesus Christ, and the consciousness
of the Man of Gallllee is surcharged
with , the momentousness of the hour
In which he lived and all the writers
of the New Testament understood that
some stupendous meaning lay within
the commonplace events of that hour.
Such an hour came with the activity
of Martin Luther and the great-souled
monk himself believed, when he saw
the horror of the warfare which had
broken out and all the earth trembling
In the presence of the stupendous up
heaval, that tho very end of the world
Itself had come upon that 16th century.
The generation living In the latter
nart of the 18th and the beginning of
the 19th century understood that It be
longed to an era of new birth. When
the King was sitting listening to the
cannonading In the t'lty or .fans,
rnurtier came In and told him that all
Paris had uprisen and that the Bastlle
had fallen, the King dropped his head
This is a revolt." The cour
"Nay sire, this is a revolu-
and said
tier said,
Present la Foil of Meaning.
And far away, up among the English
lakes, that quiet-souled poet who lived
nearer to nature than all others, under
stood the meaning of the French revo
lution, and you find him writing like
Blessed was it in that dawn to be alive,
But to be young waa very heaven! O times
In which the meagre, stale, forbidding ways
of custom, law and atatute took at once
The attraction of a country in romance "
Not favored spots alone, but the whole
The beauty wore ef promise.
Now I say that the men and women
of these transforming eras of the past
were conscious of the stupendous
meaning of the hour that was upon
them. And it. is the supreme duty of
you and me, children of tho early part
of the 20th century, to open our eyes
and try to see the meaning of that
which is occurring around.
Not only Is this warfare altogether
the most stupendous in magnitude and
the most horrible in its waste and
slaughter, but the vibrations of it
reach into every part of the world, un
like any other cataclysm in the history
of mankind. There is not any inter
est or relationship in all the world.
there Is not an obscure community nor
an humble individual whose life Is not
In some way touched by the awfulness
of this event.
Wo know perfectly well that on one
side of this warfare lies a world that
Is now dying and on the other side, in
that dawn for which wo are earnest!)
yearning this morning, lies another
world with other interests and other
thoughts and other ideals. The world
is being transformed under our very
eyes I
Wo ourselves In America, remote
from the warfare, have passed through
a year of political controversy, where
the very foundations of our Govern
ment and of democracy and the Ideals
and Interests of our public life have
all been opened up and scrurtinized
and our minds have been saturated
through long months with tho most
momentous problems which have ever
confronted us as a people and a Gov
And no sooner Is the Issue of the
election made known than we come
out, not into places of Quietude, but
into places of larger restlessness and
anxiety. One morning the President
sends a letter of significance to the
, nations at war, Tho next morning
brings the declaration of a Cabinet of
ficer that we are rapidly drifting to
ward war; the next morning the chief
of the staff of the United States Army
declares that ,3,000.000 of men are
needed at onfce to meet a possible com
bination of enemies that may invade
The industrial world is all anxious
and restless and our awn community
stands at this hour before an ominous
Effect on Religion Considered.
What does It mean? It means that
we are In the presence of awakened
and active forces such as no genera
tion for over 100 years has seen. It
means that something of stupendous
import is occurring, when all the foun
tains of the great deeps are broken
up, when everything is becoming fluid,
and the recrystallizatlon of the future
will give to the world a new aspect.
We are concerned this morning not
with the industrial aspect of this
question nor primarily with the polit
ical, but let us think .for a moment of
the religious aspect. What does this
mean to Christian faith and the infi
nite significance of the religiou of
Jesus ChrlBt?
Indisputably the last two years have
seen a stupendous accession of reli
gious thought and religious feeling.
There can be no question about that.
Those who ore habitually religious
have found their piety and their earn
estness deepened. Those who had been
careless and had dismissed the con
cerns of religion from their minds find
themselves strangely turning to
thoughts of the Divine and wonder at
the stirrings within their own soul and
This is so marked In the nations that
are at war that it constitutes a virtual
revival of religion. In Scotland and
England a new literature is growing,
profoundly spiritual, sweetly and ten
derly consolatory. There, amid the
bruising of myriad hearts and the des
olations of homes and that awful fear
and anxiety resting upon them, the
heart is trembling toward the Eternal
as the needle turns toward its kindred
north. The heart of the people is
turning in that direction.
Religions Literature Increase.
A letter from a friend of mine in the
East during the past week, a publisher,
tells me that religious literature is
increasing mora rapidly than all other
literature. And it is literature for
the laity. The common man and the
common woman of the pews are turn
ing to religious books of a deep, earn
est and most serious kind.
I do not forget for a moment tho
thoughtless and materialized atmo
sphere that' lies over the prosperous
East and Middle West. I do not for
get the questionings which go on
within men's souls, but what I am try
ing to say is that unquestionably. In
connection with the industrial and po
litical unrest, and all the vibrancy of
this awful world upheaval of warfare,
men are feeling their souls. From mys
tical deeps there is welling up some
thing from out of tho center of their
nature and they ' are turning toward
new thoughts and new considerations:
asking old questions over again. The
soul of man Is astir in the landl
In other words, beloved, there Is the
possibility of a vast spiritual revival
which will recover to humanity a lost
sensibility of tho soul, when old reali
ties that have lain covered up or which
have been deliberately dismissed from
the thotfght and the interests of life,
may bo recovered.
That Is the situation of the nour in
which we are now standing. Now I am
going to ask a wonderfully significant
question: Is organized Christianity, is
the Church of Jesus Christ as we know
it. aware of this spiritual phenomenon?
Has it its eyes open? Is it trying to see
and to know this great reality and to
understand it? Is it getting ready. Is
it preparing to respond to tho stupen
dous responsibilities and opportunities
of the hour?
H. G. Wells, in the current number
of the New Republic, answers my
question with an emphatic no. Recog
nizing tho deep, profound. Infinite
movement within the souls of men, he
yet says that in England and on the
Continent the Church of Jesus Christ
is not seeing and is not understanding.
He cites this as proof of what he is
thinking: That the bishop of London
(Bishop Ingram, one of the really great
soults of the world) mads an address
at Tower Hill recently and the whole
address, says Mr. Wells, was taken up
with a discussion of the necesslsty of
his having a larger income than $50,000
a year for tho necessities of his see.
He made another address In Piccadilly
more recently still and tho subject
matter of that address was the sex
problem. He 'dealt with such things
as are being represented in the mov
ing picture shows and theaters in the
problem plays and in the cheaper nov
els of the hour. Then the bishop
speaks of the decline in the birth rate
himself a healthy celibate.
This was his message to the English
people at this great time! When their
heartli -were bowed down with an lnH
nlte burden of anxiety, when millions
of hearts are riven with sorrow, with
souls anxious and yearning because of
their sons upon the fields of Belgium
and French warfare! Tet one speaking
as a representative of the church dis
cusses the budget of his see and the
problems of sex!
Church. Declared Silent.
The other specification of Mr. Wells
concerns the Vatican. Note this: The
only church which claims to have an
direct, authoritative voice to speak in
behalf of Almighty God has been ab
solutely silent Concerning the moral
Issues engaged in the war of Europe.
With treaties broken, cities burned,
women violated, children killed and
starved and Innocent citizenship de
stroyed by the violence of fiendish war,
the Vatican has sat silent not a pro
nouncement upon the moral values
concerned in the war!
The Pope, the vicegerent of heaven,
the vicar of Christ, the representative
of the Eternal Righteousness and Love.
has been absolutely mute in the pres
ence of it all, when muteness was high
treason against right and love and
human brotherhood! I agree with Mr.
Wells when he says that it's the most
stupendous abdication of noble func
tion known to the history of mankind!
Now will the Indictment hold with
our American Christianity? Have we
been silent? Are we falling to discern
tho signs of the times? Are we talk
ing about financial budgets and sex
problems in the midst of an hour when
the great soul of humanity is turning
Itself and stirring after the lethargy
of past decades?
I will not answer my question by
specifications, but by asking another
question. Have you, my hearer, ever
attempted to conceive of the church
faithfully declaring its essential mes
sage and performing its supreme func
tion and have you ever tried to formu
late what that message would be to
the world? If the church could see the
essence, could discern the signs of the
times and speak to the great heart of
the age In which It lives, what would
be the message that that awakened
and purified and ennobled and faithful
church would send forth? I have tried
it. And If the church had discern
ment, it would do four things:
First It would discover and declare
the actuality of God. the great enfold
ing spiritual Infinitude, so far as we
t-tt n know him. and would nolnt out his
relationship to the world and interests
of men as made Known in the revela
tion of Jesus Christ. Let your mind
rest upon that for a moment: If the
, church could conceive and understand
the essence of its high office. It would
proclaim tho actuality of 'God and
point out the meaning of his relation
ship to man's life as revealed in the
work of Jesus Christ.
Effect of Ideal Pointed Oat.
Second It would note the influence
of that sense and knowledge of God
upon the spirit and the character of
the individual man and recreate an
ideal of individuality so large, so win
some, so strong and compelling as to
set all the fires of noble yearning burn
ing in . men's hearts to fulfill them
selves according to the revelation of
God In Jesus Christ.
Third It would show the effect of
such character and such thinking and
such relationship and such sense of
God, upon the actual life of men, the
relationships of the commonplace
world, to neighborhood and business
and family life, until a programme of
high, noble, redeeming conduct should
be marked out with an ethic, clear, en
nobling, according to the mind of
Christ, until every soul of man would
hear ringing through the prorunclities
of conscience the duties of life ac
cording to the relationships which we
sustain to God and to one another.
Fourth It would mark out the final
Issues of our Individual living and our
social movement. Where are we go
ing? Toward what are wo to aim?
What are we to accomplish? What is
to be the final denouement of history?
Where Is the world moving? "And when
we once saw the end of life and caught
afresh the idealism of Jesus and saw
a kingdom of order and peace and
brotherhood, it would become the su
preme passion of the soul to realize
that kingdom, to bring it to pass.
Bickerings Mast Be Forgotten.
Imagine a church which would drop
Its petty eccleslastlcism. turn away
from its lnflnltesmal struggle after mere
livelihood, quit its bickerings and con
troversies and discharge into the souls
of men the tremendous message of God
and of life and of brotherhood and of
destiny! What a world it would be!
What a church It would be! What mag
nificence and splendor in its vast
Bcheme would be revealed! Such is the
high calling of the church of Jesus
Now my question is answered by con
trast. You know that the church of
today is a petty, little thing that is
dealing with creedal distinctions, or
ders of clergy, forms of baptism, mis.
arable, contemptible rivalries upon the
village streets, with overcrowding in
city centers until the thing in the eyes
of the world is contemptible in its
amaiUiess. Men and, women, followers
of Christ, are small minded in their
thinking. The Infinite measurements
of the great task and meaning of the
age Is unrevealed to the consciousness
of the followers of Jesus Chrust.
I say It with all deliberation, my
hearers, that the Christianity of the
present hour, as organized and as
taught. Is Incompetent for the task of
divine largness which this awful age
Is thrusting upon us! Did you catch
my sentence? I am willing to repeat it:
That the Christianity of the present
hour is so small In its thinking. In its
organized life, that it is incompetent
for the magnitude of the vast task
which the changes in the world are to
impose upon It.
I stand here, with tho old world dy
ing around us and the new world com
ing through the gates of birth, with all
freshness and glory, coming toward
us with hands stretched out with op
portunities, and I say this:"That men
and women who live In large times like
ours, when God is approaching through
the judgment and smoke of warfare,
when the human heart is stirring tre
mendously In the unrest of the hour,
men and women of thought and of feel
ing and of earnestness and of action,
as we are. ought to be infinitely larger
than we are ought to have a deeper
discernment of the signs of these great
times and a stronger passion to meet
the responsibilities and opportunities
which lie before us.
My exhortation is that when you pass
through the gates of tomorrow the
prayer may be upon your lips that God
with take each of you. a child of the
20th century, born in an era when the
world Is remaking, and make you
large enough to see and broad and
deep enough to feel the Infinite, divine
significance of the present hour and
strong enough to do your part in the
great tasks before us.
The Bible
"Owned is riches
Studied is wisdom
Trusted is salvation
Loved is character
Obeyed is power."
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