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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1917)
THE " SUNDAY" OltEGOXIAN. ' PORTLAXD', JAXTTAHY 7, 1917. SCHOOL STUDENTS RUSH IN ON LAST LAP OF FIRST SEMESTER Hours Away From Books Are Put In on Social and Quasi-Academic Pursuits and in Research, Thus Making School Days Interesting. Jefferson Parents Frolic With Students. Good Times' Party In Big Success. Alumni Member Organize Kc krariala for "Mice and Men" Sti.rt. February Seniors to Have Class Day Wednesday. BY CURTIS M'KINNEY. THE Jefferson High School "first termers" and their parents frol icked in a good times party in the school gymnasium last Friday night. The affair was well attended. The freshmen and their parents played old time games and danced. This Is the first time in the history of the school that such a party has been held and it shows that the classes possess the real "Jefferson spirit." The success and the originality of this affair is due. to a large extent, to Earl Hughes, who was in charge. The parents who en Joyed the entertainment were. Mrs. B. C. Hughes, Theodore Rothschild. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. John H. Watson, Mrs. Hod gins. Mrs. Gill,' Mr. Jacob, Mrs. C. K. Burner, Mrs. G. A. Westgage, Mrs. Wells. Mrs. A. S. Wilcox, Mrs. McDon old. Miss Catherine Lind, W. L. Schmidt, Mrs. M. D. Crian, Mrs. O'Malley. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin. Mrs. W. Terry, Mrs. Hall. Mrs. S. P. Kenin, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Raymond Bacon. Mr. Woodward. Mrs. Nichols, Mrs. Hill and Mn. and Mrs. Garver. A large number of the alumni have neen back during the week. During the holidays these old members got togeth er and organized an Alumni Associa tion. E. Kendal Young was elected president and Verna Barker was chosen vice-president. They hope to hold a meeting at least once a year. The February. '17, class will hold its class day cn Wednesday of this week. The place of entertainment will be the Rose City Club house. The students will be excused from school all day. Flavius West is chairman. . The class issue of the Spectrum of the February class went to press last Thursday. The June, "17. class has decided upon "Mice and Men" as their class play. Try-outs have been held by the coach. Miss Xina Greathouse. They have been alloted as follows: Joe Trobridge. Lowell; Lois White, Peggy; Halefred Young. Count; Richard Martin, Em bury; Walter Reonicke, Goodlake; Helen Houghton, Mistress Deborah: Andrius Albreight. The Beetle; Mar garet Mahoney, Mrs. Joann Goodlake, and Marie Marshall, Matron. The lead ing parts will be taken by Lois White and Richard Martin. Cecil Dunn was chosen to handle the business detail of the play. Ross Anderson was elected stage manager and Charles Webber was chosen advertising manager. The June class has also begun early on arrangements for- its class issue. They have elected Ruth Shallenger ed itor and George Beggs business man ager. The June class will hold a candy sale on Wednesday of this week. The Technical Club will hold its an nual high jinks on January 12. Fred Appelgren has charge. The system of final examinations has had a complete revision at Jefferson. The last week of the term will no longer be set aside for examinations. Instead they will be held on the Fri days of the several final weeks. The first was held last Friday. The pur pose is to eliminate the dreaded week during which the teachers are over burdened with examination papers, Hopkin Jenkins also wishes to make the final examination of more import tance, so next term there will be no honorary exemptions. During the holidays the June, '16, class held its annual get-together party In the school gymnasium. This is new idea among the graduating classes. The evening was passed in playing games and in relating tales of experi ences. The W. C. C. club recently enter tained a number of their friends at i dance. Those present were Gladys Hollingsworth. Helen Catton, Jo Con nors, Mildred Catton. Mildred Hudson, Margaret Studer, Florence Dawson Madeline Slotbloom. Bee Brooks. Phyl lis Bush. Dorothea Viers, Adelaid Bold enweck, Olive Stark, Euphemia Rochet, Jean Amesbury, Lillian Hodgins, Lou ise Watson. Loyd Carter, Wilbur Carl, Flavius West. Loyd Miller, Kenneth Hastings, Steve Wilcox, Ferris Bagley, Hobart Cunningham. Fred Connors, Curtis McKinney, Count Boldenweck, Walter Rhoenicke. Ralph Trayer, Fay Ricketts. Carl Applegren, Harlan Stansbury. Ulysses Giesy and Gus Hixon. The Kaemnhl club recently enter tained the sixth, seventh, eighth and alumni members of the Technical club. The Bovs' Debating Society will hold Its annual banquet during the week's vacation between the two terms. The affair will be a "stag party" and is in charge of William Bolger and Herbert SwftL At the last meeting ot too Pt Deltas Ferris Bagley, of the alumni, -was back and spoke to the cluD. A series of debates Is being held mn-no- 2 hn.vs of the school. The pur pose is to train them In debating and . to pick out the eight best, who will trlvn a debate before the school next term. The question they are debating f. "Resolved. That Oregon snouia adopt a system of compulsory military training of not less than two hours a week, in all high scnoois naving an en rollment of not less than 2o boys. High School of Commerce. BY FRANK BARTHOLOMEW. THE following announcement will be of interest to grammar school graduates who are planning on enter. lng uommirce next term: With the beginning of the Spring term two entirely new courses will b added to the curriculum, making a total of four separate courses taught In this. the largest commercial school In th West. These courses will be book keeping and accountancy, stenography, salesmanship and college preparatory. A new extra subject, commercial art (cartooning and designing), will be of fered, and may be taken up by students of anv of the four courses. In general, the subjects offered here are English, German, Spanish, mathe matics, penmanship, bookkeeping, type writing, shorthand, science, art, eco nomics. commercial geography, com mercial law, civics, physics, applied chemistry, advertising, office knowl edge, business organization, economic history, gymnastics and swimming. IT. N. Haroun announces the follow lng as the winners in the last type writing contest: John Johnson, 41 words per minute; Bertha Goldstone, 46 ute; Ruth Bottler, 37 ute. words per min words per min- Mr. Johnson and Miss Goldstone re ceive a certificate; Miss Bottler a pen nant. Eighty new seats have been installed in the auditorium. The following boys have turned out for basketball, and it is from them that Commerce's team will be made up: Charack, Margulis, Pander, Belch, Trautmann, Rogaway, Mills, Zalkurtz. Meyer, Bradley and Taylor. These are the fellows who responded to the first call, and more are turning out all the time. The school is handicapped by lack of a gym, but this has in no way damp ened the enthusiasm of thep layers. Manager Pruss has secured the old Neighborhood House gymnasium, at First and Hall streets, for use In the future. The ceiling of the school gymnasium at Commerce is too low for basketball. The treasurer's report shows that the June class realized a goodly profit from the Commerce Pops, eheld just be fore Christmas. The tickets were 15 cents each and approximately $22 was taken in. Professor Johns, of the Oregon Ag ricultural College, visited Miss Craw ford's shorthand classes Tuesday. . A brand-new set of showers has been installed at Commerce. . John Johnson delivered an interest ing report on Jack London's "The Peo ple of the Abyss" before the economics class during the sixth period Wednes day. - The English-6 class, under Miss Baker, listened to an" interesting de bate on the Adamson railroad law last Wednesday. August Belch and John Johnson upheld the affirmative and Robert Barger and Lester Kassebaum th "negative. Principal Sproul has appointed a ommittee of three of the Commerce oys to take the big silver cup which Commerce received in the Food Show ontest and formally present it to the Benson Polytechnic School next Mon- ay. All the high schools of Portland claimed this cup and Commerce won it the draw. Later statistics were resented which showed that Benson really had the best claim to it. so the tudents of Commerce voluntarily and nanimously voted it to the former school. The committee consists of August Beich, president of the Athletic As sociation; Thomas Sinnott, spokesman for the Commerce Commune, and Frank Bartholomew, who won the cup. when the representatives of the dif ferent schools drew lots for it. At the regular meeting of the Modos last Wednesday the faculty was rep resented by Mr. Allen and Miss Rankin, each of whom gave a short speech. conmmending the society on its high scholastic average, 90 per cent. An impromptu programme was given by some of the students, the purpose eing to give practice in impromptu speech-making and debating. Alvln Stalsberg was elected editor for the society. Plans are being made for a party to be given in honor of the graduating members of the society. This will be eld in the school hall, unless some rivate home is secured. The meeting was concluded by the regular business of the society. The combined Spanish classes are planning to give a party at the home of Neville Haight on the evening of anuary 12. Benson Polytechnic Girls. BY BLANCHE O'NEILL. A" MONG the teachers who spent their vacation out of the city were: Miss MacDonald, who visited her brother and family at Napavine, Wash.; Miss Wey, who went to San Francisco; Mrs. Page, who, with "Mr. Page, was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ponsler at McMinnville; Miss Milam, who went to Corvallis; Miss Schmit, who visited in the country for a few days, then returned for the teachers' Institute; Miss Sprague, who visited her home in Corvallis; Miss McClana han, who spent her vacation in West ern Colorado, and Miss Crawford spent the week at her home in The Dalles. - The cases and cupboards In the of fice are now nearly empty, owing to the fact that the collars, doilies, waists and many other articles which were there on display were all Christmas gifts and have been sent to their va rious destinations. The first-term girls in cooking are now beginning lessons on yeast breads. Miss Riley's second-term classes are still working on low-cost luncheons On Thursday luncheons were served by Rosa Spahn and Vera Drew, and by Ruby Love and Frances Parker. On Friday before Christmas, at the noon hour. Mrs. Clintons first-term English classes had a Christmas lunch party. The room was decorated with holly and Oregon grape and a luncheon of Christmas goodies was eaten amid much merriment. An "adjective pie formed the dessert. - Sara Hadley, the well-known lace specialist, of New York, recently had a waist made in the third-term sewing class. It was made of white voile, trimmed with several yards of real cluny lace, with wisteria-colored but tons and velvet loops. m " In the evening classes of domestic science the new seven-weeks' course in .the preparation and selection of meats and fish will begin January la. This course will also Include the mak ing of croquettes, fritters and" egg dishes and the economical use of "left overs." It will be followed by a seven weeks' course in cake and pastry making. V The girls In the dressmaking and millinery classes are making use of the collection o old Japanese prints this week in the art room. Many pieasin; color schemes for dresses and Sprin hats are being copied from the prints. This collection was made by Miss Tingle while she was in Japan. Hokusal Is represented by an ex quisite print of a figure in the familiar blue, green and old orange which characterizes also the landscape work by which he is better known. A beautiful tryptich showing a Jap anese garden tth a recent fall of snow is by Hiroshigi, though the figures in the foreground were made by another hand. There are also several prints of "Tokaido series" by Hiroshigi. Other prints shown were by Kuni yasu, Kunlsada. Toyo-Kuni and Toyo Haru. There were also fine examples ol Japanese stencils. On Wednesday morning Miss Tingle gave a very Interesting talk on her ex periences In making the collection, and of Impressions of Japanese art gained through contact with the Japanese people. A joint meeting of the third-term boys and girls will be held on Mon day, January 17. They will vote on clasa officers for-next term. . . If njTHrrTO Fr-r?,i?v oS W II f. i f" rXr'B-1 i - ill t i Vv '-'1 I DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLASS OP BEJiSOX POI,YTECHSIIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS RECEIVING INSTRVCTIOX IJT THE SELECTION OF MEATS. DEMONSTRATION INTENDED TO HELP THEM SOLVE HIGH COST OP" LIVING. Northwest Triangle Debate to Be Held March 30. Lincoln Coacb Confers Witli Rep resentatives of -Spokane and Walla Walla School Rehearsals for Latin Play Begin Philolexians Give Formal Party. BY MARGARET DUNIWAY. L. KOEHN, the debate coach of the Lincoln High School, held ,a G. conference with Mr. Bradford, the de bate coach of the North Central High School of Spokane during the holidays. They made final arrangements for the triangular debate, in which the North Central High School, the Walla Walla High School and the Lincoln High School will take part on March 30. The rehearsals for the Latin play "The Captives" are held every Monday and Wednesday afternoon after school. The play will be given the second week In March. The cast is as follows: He gio, Millard Rosenblatt: Philocrates, Kathryn Donald: Philopoleraus, Mary Gill; Tyndarus, Ruth Ferguson; Erga sllus, William Hawkins; Arlstophontes, Jacob Holzman; Stalagmus, Robert Dickson. The Philolexians gave their formal party Saturday evening at the home of Frances Habersham, 815 Irving street. The affair was a "Twelfth Night" party The committees which were in charge of tha party are as follows: Entertain ment, Alice Hester (chairman), Edith Strowbridge, Frances HaDersnam; re freshments, Elsa Armstrong (chair, man), Elsa Isensee, Florence Boyrle. The patronesses and patrons were Miss Wold, Miss Downs, Miss Griebei, Miss Hay ward. Mrs. McKinlay. Mr. Har lan, Mr. Koehn and Mr. Schwartztrau ber. Those present were: Ellen Anderson, Elsa Armstrong. Eva Beekman, Helen Ballard. Selena Barnell. Henrietta Het tinger, Leota Burt Esther Bod man Florence Boyrie. Mary Bullock, Evelyn Capell, Belle Contryman, Mignonette Dolph, Kathryn Donald, Margaret Dun iway, Frances Habersham. Alice Hes ter, Elsa Isensee. Myrtle Jacobsen. Lu zelle Kearney, Marjorie Kellog, Fran ces Kenny, Elizabeth Kessi, Frieda Kriekesky, Helen Lamar, Fanny Melis, Helen Moreland, Lucille Murton, Mary Nicol, Mildred Nicoi, Elsie Pigney, Mar garet Pigney, Margaret Ray.- Dorothy Reed, Marjorie Schoeneck, Helen Stew art, Marjorie Thompson, Will Kessi George Cowne. Sanford Anderson, Na than Twining. Philip McCarty. Harry Seltzer Donald Morse. Benjamin Schu macher, Raymond Hagamus. Hazzard Bullock. Jackson Capell. Glenn Camp bell, Russel Colwell, Ira Berkey, Verner Ruedy, Walter Fimmel, Herbert Gun ther, Donald Harris, Ralph Strong, Ralph Holzman. Max Simons, Ralph Knudsen, Martin Sichel. Heber More- land, Sherman Rees, -John Chalmers. Ernest Haycox. Albert Weller, Tom Foley. Harry C. C. Stevens, Ralph Spearow, Clarence Hubbard. Qeorge Jones gave a very interesting and instructive talk on "Coast Defense" at the meeting of the Adelphians Thursday. One of the big debates of the term. on the question "Resolved, That the Monroe Doctrine should be abandoned," 11 be given in about a month. The affirmative will be upheld by Harry OFFICERS Left to Rlht. Helen Woodcock Vice- ' fl:"$ -- - ' : - .V:A'''-"''-::.:'-':ii 7: . Westerman and Emerson Duncan, and the negative by Dorothy Corbett and Eva Ktdd. The Washelll Campftre Girls held a ceremonial meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Miss Schneider, the guardian, at 260 Hamilton avenue. A large number of the girls were Initi ated as wood gatherers. At the meeting of the Philolexians Thursday the following programme was given: "Current Event," by Myrtle Ja cobsen: "Life of Millet," by Lorrajne Hinsort: interpretation of his "The Man With the Hoe." by Helen Van Houten. The Hakanakie Campfire Girls held a ceremonial meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Elizabeth Tilison. Nina Jones, a new member, was initiated. Honors were awarded to the girls. Each one told of the kind deeds she had done. The rest of the afternoon was passed in dancing. The Tolos, ' Adelphians. Tri-ls and Philos had their pictures taken for the February .17 class Cardinal .Tuesday afternoon. Thursday afternoon the regular Cardinal staff, the orchestra and the two glee clubs had their pic tures taken. All the pictures were taken, by the Peasleys. At the meeting of the Tologeons Thursday Mr. Newlin, of the faculty, gave an interesting talk on "Contem porary Literature and O. Henry." Mr. Newlin is planning to give a series of talks on contemporary writers to the society. Mr. -Gear hart gave an account of 4iis personal experiences In the Philippines. - He answered whatever questions the members of the society wished to ask concerning the Philip pine Islands. A successful pencil sal was held by the February '17 class Thursday and Friday. The pencils were yellow and were tied with small bows of wisteria-colored ribbon, thus carrying out the class colors. The money made from the sale will be put into the scholarship fund, which will be used to send one of the members of the class to college. The cast for the June '17 class play. "Our American Cousin," has not been definitely decided upon. Several changes had to be made in the cast as it was first made out. - - The Lincoln pennant which was awarded to the room which sold th greatest number of tickets for the February '17 class play, "A Doctor in Spite of HimseLf." was given to room 214. Marie Canil was the girl who was awarded the 3 merchandise order for selling the most tickets. The name of the boy who sold the most tickets will be announced this week. The Adelphians gave a party Satur day evening at the home of Dorothy Corbett. The diversions of the even ing were games and dancing. The committee in charge of the party con sisted of Lucille Resing (chairman) Mary Holmes and Bessie Walch. Roll of Honor. DAVIS. J. W. -MacCormac, Prtnclpat. Norma Helcesson l.vle Wazle Karl Uulrlev Vlrrinla Kussell Tiorothy RuKotrll Frances Vprmt-lre Georar Story Harold Brumfli-ld Elvera Qnesnell Uerths Puarh Kthel Arnold Frlti Frifcrrir Martha Hirttch Alice Saub Minnie Lindblom Pearl Knlspe! OF THE "ZETAS AT JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. presidents Jean Amesbury, President! Secretary, and Miriam - YomcU, Kdlttwr. Agassiz Club of James John tq Be Hosts for Pupils. Schools on Peninsula to Be Enter tained Tuesda - Second Vocabu lary Contest Set for Saturday MRtat, January 13 Social Notes From District. BY LOLA MURPHY. AFTER a very enjoyable Christmas vacation the James John stu dents returned to school Tuesday ready for work of the new year. The skat ing party of the Friday evening before vacation was a decided success. This was managed by William Schroeder, and the last one of the semester. The triple quartet was delightfully entertained by Miss Theodora Bushnell at her home Thursday, December 28. The time was spent in singing and the playing of entertaining games, after which delicious . refreshments were served. A fine lot of new equipment has been added in the domestic science de partment. This is an Interesting item both to the domestic science students an t others, as this means that a larger number of people can be served at the cafeteria. The domestic science de partment, by the addition of ice cream freezers, will be able to make all the ice crram used for school affairs. An enjoyable meeting of the James John alumni was held Saturday. De cember 30, at the high school. All en Joyed the renewing of old acquaint ances and talking over old times. m m m Lawrence Lay ton and Drott Larsen, of Reed College, visited James John before the holidays. They gave Inter esting talks to the seventh-term Eng lish class, giving their opinions and observations concerning college life and work. On Tuesday. January 2. Minnie Nolen. who is attending Monmouth, spoke to the English seventh class about the work there. These talks were very Instructive as well as entertaining, be cause the college students explained the work required and also the enjoy ment afforded them there. The Agassiz Club will be hosts at the High School for the graduating classes of the Peninsula. Portsmouth. Central and Linnton grammar schools next Tuesday. There will be a series of scientific demonstrations with the idea of welcoming the pupils who will enter James John. Next Wednesday Francis D. Curtis will give a series of demonstrations to the domestic art classes on the adulter ation of fiber, giving practical tests to determine whether cloth Is what It is said to be. A large number of Kyak Klatawa members were delightfully entertained at the home of Alice GrlsU-ap. After a short business meeting. Interesting games were played. Dainty refresh ments were served, after which the members left for their homes. A basketball jFame was played be tween the James John boys and the alumni which resulted in a victory for the latter, the score being 27 to 12. Those playing on the High School team were Wesley Wrinkle, guard: William Schroeder, forward ; 'John Wulf, center; Russell Meyer, forward; Charles Krey er. guard: Charles Speckman. guard: Clarence Toole, guard; Max Sterns, forward: Delbert Day, guard. The alumni playing were: Theodore Helen Cotton, Treasurer Harriet Uncle. Bugbee, forward; Eugene Hiatt. cen- ter: Basil Smith. forward: Clarence Krueger. guard; Cecil Magone, guard; Drott Larsen, forward; Frank Bugbee, guard. Four girls have been added to the double quartet, thus forming the de-1 sired triple quartet. Those belonging are: Francis Miller, Hazel Linquist, Marie Marcy, first sopranos: Ruth Lay ton, Susie Lindley, Mary Boschero, sec ond soprano; Esther Fitterer. Jennie MacNiven. Dorothy Schafer, first alto; Agnes Vincent. Elsie Jones, Gwladys Keeny, second alto. A short business meeting of the Girls' Literary Club was held Thursday at 2:30 in room 2. Trio second vocabulary contest will be held Saturday evening. January 13, at a regular meeting of the Sodalitas Latina Club. The preliminary contest will be held in the different classes on January 8. The winners will compete In the final contest. The faculty reception to the students was announced for Friday night. Jan uary 5. at the High School. Franklin High School. BY WYL1E DO RAN. THERE were 28 boys at the Philogo ntan meeting Thursday afternoon. making Jt one of the best meetings of the semester. A debate was held, the subject being "Municipal Ownership of Public Utilities." Philip Strack spoke for the affirmative and Clark Schoboe for the negative. Strack won the de cision. Several interesting and tech nical points In parliamentary law were brought up in the business meeting. Philip Strack and Clark Schoboe will again oppose each other on the sub ject of the debate with the Goggles Robin Reed and Raymond Powell will act as associates. The following new committees were appointed: Pro gramme. Edwin Rathburn. chairman Teddy Wetherley. Membership. Fred Jones, chairman; Walter Keller. Mne new members were taken into the club. Clark Schoboe wa elected to take part of the advertising of the club. Tuesday night there will be a meet lng of the Parent-Teacher Association which will be open only to adults. Mr. Walsh, of the musical department, will give a talk on the care of the voice. Deputy District Attorney Robison will speak on "The Moral Welfare of Our Boys and Girls." A general discussion on this question will be held after the talk. Mrs. Belle V. Ober will give vocal selection. Mrs. Ward, the school's secretary, is home from the hospital. Her health Is greatly improved and she expects to be in school next semester. Mr. Gelsler. who taught in Franklin the first term, is now acting as United States Consul In Cologne. Germany, for two months. The girls' basketball team is out for practice and the prospects for a win ning team are exceedingly bright. Bar bara Kolkna, who played on the La fayette. Ind.. High School team, which won the state championship, is show ing up very well. Edith Davis is an other one of the new players who is doing some all-around good work. A surprise party was given Friday night In honor of Vera Prudhomme. Refreshments were served and dancing, music and games furnished the amuse ments. Those present were: Luella Hausler, Ollle Benedict. Dorothy Chausse. Ruth Hamilton, Hyacinth and Gladys Westbrook, Lucille Peake, Con stance Cole. Loie Jenkins, Mildred We hoeffer. Floranna Hlckox. Marion and Marguerite Wheeler. Edwin, Honey Ray Hasllp, Roy Leoffern. Mclrvin Fike. Roswell afid DeWitt Peake, Floyd Hibbard. Fred Pickering. Lester Whinn, Harris Morrow and Lucius Foote. Naomi Cochran entertained several Franklin students at her home Friday evening. The house was prettily dec orated for the occasion. Games and dancing furnished the amusements and refreshments were served. Those pres ent were Mary Brugger. Ellen Karkeek. Katherine McKensle, Mildred Zehrung. Arthur McKensle, Henry Simmons. Ralph Duston and Denny and Ted Mullen. The "Pep" Club Friday night. held its meeting vAH the faculty were present on the first day of school after the holidays. Thaxter Daniels and Fred Pickering are the newly-appointed members of the staff. The Science Club held a meeting Thursday afternoon." A short business meeting was held and an in teresting talk was given on the animal life in the ocean. New Books at the Library T CANNOT Imagine a more dlsagree I able way o( yulifylnB for the In come tax," ua John Kendrlclc Bangs. In quoting a well-known after-din- n r p, aker In his new book. "From Pil lar to Post Leaves From a Lecturer's Noli Book." He describes In ancuiKhed detail the suffering of the novice In "getting ueed to It." who has permitted himself to be lured from "the easy solitudes of silence Into the uneasy limelight at after-dinner oratory." to -be placed among the guests at a revelrr In "the seats of the mlKhty and miserable' "his nerves taut as a i string, his knees quaking in the merciful seclusion of the regions under the table." Hating given his "promissory note for twenty-five hundred personally Conducted after-dinner ords." Mr. - Ban&s roinpan-s his impulse to flee from such situations to that of the Ylrslnla nt-gro ftho, when ad vised to leave town or suffer extreme pen alties for his misdeeds, replied, "oh. I'se twine, an' gwtne so fur It'll cost nine dol lars to send o postal card back." In another chapter called "Getting the Level." in w'.-ilch he describes his platform experiences. Mr. Bangs admits "I should Infinitely prefer the humiliation of seeing a highborn lady falling asleep in an or chestra, cnalr because of the bromidic qual ity of my talk than be reminded of the same by flying vegetable matter consigned to me by some dissatisfied individual sit ting up among the 'gods.' " In relating his arly appearance at an "author's ' reading." in which he found it trying to be admitted Into a group of well known writers whom he calls "five house hold words" he mvf: "Instead of a burn ing torch on the heights of Olympus. I felt myself more of a possible cinder In the pub lic eye." but he was forced to become the "man who would dare the unrlareable. at tempt the unattainable and if need be. as the eloquent African preacher once said, 'onscrew the onarmtahle!' Professor William Fielding Ogbum will lecture in Library Hall on Monday evening. January 8. on "The Races of Mankind a;id Their Distribution." The lecture will be il lustrated. On Wednesday evening. January 10. W. W. Cotton, president of the Portland Council of Boy Scouts, will deliver the last lecture In the course on "Bov Scouts and Pcoutlntr." His subject will be, "Community Betterment and Boy Training." The lecture will be in room H. "World Movements and Their Causes the Pulse of Nature." will be the subject of an Illustrated lecture to be given In li brary Hall on Thursday evening. January 11. by Professor Morgan. The University of Oregon classes are meet ing in the Library weekly In descriptive geometery. graphic statics freehand draw ing, drama, architectural J"lgTrs acd the abort terz. . Washington Seniors to Give Class Play This Week. Friday and Saturday MKtat Set for Productions of "Merely .Mary Ann- Principal Hrrdman studies Two Session System Letter Men Dance In Gym" Class Day Chairman Is Chosen. BY EUGENE KELTY. THE long-talked-of senior class play is at hand and all prospects tend to strengthen the hope of the Febru ary, '17-ers, that It will be one of the best in the history of the school. The play, "Merely Mary Ann," Is a very In teresting comedy. The tickets are on sale now at the school, selling at 25 and 35 cents. The character of O'Gor- man as portrayed by "Spud" Norman din is exceedingly funny, and all of the other members of the cast take their parts as well. Don T. Orput. the coach of the play, is well satisfied with the results of his work. The play is to be given on next Friday and Saturday nights in the Washington High auditorium. Washington's basketball men are getting the science of their game down to a fine point, and the team will make a good showing in the lnter scholastic games. The first game will be played with Franklin Hish and will in all probability be a good one. as both of the teams are reputed to be in good trim for the contest. Washing ton's team will be for the most part composed of new men. but a few of last year's veterans and "subs" are back. The Franklin versus Washing ton game will be on January 16. Principal H. H. Herdman spent the week in California at the request of Superintendent Alderman, studying the two-session system in effect there. In this system only half of the students attend school in the morning, while the other half attend in the afternoon. The system causes. It is argueS by its advocates, a great saving in the num ber of buildings necessary for a city's school system. Mr. Herdman will be back this week. He had spent the Christmas holidays in California upon taking up the detail given him by Su perintendent Alderman. The letter-men dance was held on the Friday after Christmas in the gymnasium. Professors W. L. Fenster macher and V. D. Earl were both there and enjoyed it as much as any of the boys. Many of the old-time letter-men were back for this affair. The letter men's dance is an annual affair. The third issue of the Lens is out and is fully as good as the issues which have preceded it. The cover de-. sign is unique, having a picture of Portland for a background with a photo of Washington High looming up In the center. This edition is the last that the regular staff for the term will have to print, as the next issue is the class Lens with, a specially appointed staff. The regulars are willing to take vacation, and the seniors are taking hold well. Now that the regular examinations are over those wno were unauie to take them will take the specials. They begin tomorrow and will come in the regular order of examinations. The students were surprised and pleased this week at the good work of the orchestra which has helped to make the school singing a sucess. The orchestra consisted of seven pieces, a piano, a drum, a cornet, three violins and a clarinet. W. H. Boyer was pres ent as usual to lead the songs, and though the stage did not look quite natural without Mr. Herdman on it, his place was abl? filed by Professor W. D. Fenstermacher. The committee to arrange for the senior class day has been chosen. Muriel Mc-Kinley is cliairnian. while the other members of the committee are Kdythe Flora. Beryl Vinson. Sber rell Kwtn and Dewey Gearin. The senior class day is one of the big days in the history of every student and is held by each during the term before they graduate. The Phrenodiken Debating Society gave an Oregon programme Friday afternoon and the occasion proved to be highly enjoyable. The debate was on the question: "Resolved. That Ore gon should have a statewide highway appropriation system like that of Cali fornia." Other features of the pro gramme were a. talk on "Current Events." by Josephine Pease: a report on "The Bridge of the Hods." by Edith Robertson: a solo, "Arrah, Go on: I'm Going Back to Oregon." by Elaine Oberg; report on Oregon celebrities, by Mable Black, and a piano solo by Elizabeth London. Despite the rain, cold and all the rest of the bad weather, the soccer boys turn out regularly. Captain Pat terson and Manager Nolan Hammersly are both confident of the success of the team, and both look forward to a good year. Now that the examinations are over the students will settle down to regu lar work and for three weeks will work on their regular studies. At the end of this time a test will be held to see if the students understand their work. All of the students who have fallen too low In the examination will now have a chance to redeem them selves, and if they make a high enough grade they will still be able to pass. Benson Polytechnic Boys. BY RAYMOND HILL. VOCATIONAL training has again grasped the Benson students, who, after the yuletlde vacation, returned with a spirit, zeal and ambition to master the many phases of various work being taught. Every shop is en gaged in turning out complicated and delicate pieces of machinery. Students of the night classes also are trying to further their ability to cope with the various situations that arise in the business field of today. Band practice tas held last Thursday evening after school. Several difficult selections are now being rehearsed by the boys. Students of the chemistry classes visited the paper mills at Oregon City Saturday. Mis Maud Mattley. head of the chemistry department, chaperoned the excursion party. The members of the senior class Are now engaged with business matters connected with the graduation exer cises. Several graduates of "Tech" were up the first of the week from college to renew old acquaintances. Among them were Gall Spain, now attending Oregon Agricultural College, and Clay ton Baldwin, a student of the school of architecture at University of Oregon. Several of the senior class boys are to enter Coast colleges next September, while Eastern schools will find several present when the September roll is called. 1