SECTION FOUR, Pages 1 to 10 Dramatic, Photoplays, Real Estate and Autos VOL. xxxvi. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY .MORXIXG, JANUARY 7, 1917. NO. 1. i eJ"Marckanc5ao ofJ Merit Only ? C MorckonJiao of J Merit Only" i Through an editorial printed a few days ago we placed the present mercantile conditions before the public. We tried to show that it was entirely to the advantage of all people to purchase now, with out delay, all the needed things for present and future use. Today in this advertisement we announce a series of sales, every offering of which is based on old-lime prices, positively offering economies that cannot be duplicated after present stocks are exhausted. Tomorrow, with the opening of this store, another ANNUAL WHITE SALE springs into life. It is the most important pne ever announced, because of the tremendously vital trade conditions sur rounding it. Our ambition is to mae this the supreme store for shoppers by reason of convincing economies. The supreme confidence that our prices are the very lowest is convincing, as comparisons will prove. Ttecife IP WW D J 7' Never Before Such Convincingly Low Prices on Exquisite American, French and Philippine 19 I 7 Linens are ivorth more non than ever before in the history of store keeping, only here to advise you, but to urge you to benefit in the real savings of this IV e are not I UirMieiPinnita slinks Gowns That Are Remarkable at 65c In slip-over and high neck styles. Kimono style or long sleeves. Splen did wearing materials. You will wonder how they can be made at this price. Exceptional Gowns at 85c Showing deep organdy, embroidery and lace yokes, V or round neck styles. Also crepe gowns with embroidery trimmings. Batiste, Longcloth, Plisse Crepe Gowns, $1.00 In all white with Dresden or ribbon trimmings, or hemstitching, and high-neck, or. pink batiste gowns in slip-over style. Dozens of Styles of Gowns at $1.19 Of Windsor crepe in stripe and figured patterns in plain white slip over or open-front styles of fine y pink batiste hand embroidered or smocked of fine longcloth, with lace and ribbon trimmings. Three Styles of Combinations at 85c Of fine longcloth with yoke of organdy embroidery and lace, ribbon drawn. Combinations for Only $1.19 Beautifully made and trimmed with laces, embroidery and insets of organdy, all ribbon drawn at the neck and waist. Skirts at $1.00 and $1.19' :Flouncings of embroidery or lace and insertion, finished with dust ruffle and deep circular flounces of lace and insertion or lace ruffles and ine dainty embroidery. Envelope Chemise for 85c Of pink batiste and longcloth with lace and organdy trimmings. Round or square-neck style. Envelope Chemise of Pink Batiste, $1.48 Hand embroidered, made with yokes orv straight style. .Embroidery done in dainty pastel colors. Drawers at 49c and 59c Undoubtedly the best drawers offered at these prices,- of splendid long cloth with effective trimmings, full in width and cut open and closed, bloomer and straight effects. Cap Sleeve Camisoles, 79c and 89c Of fine longcloth, organdy and two-thread lace trimmed, with cap or lace sleeves, elastic at waist. Philippine Underwear A varied assortment of the newest designs, hand embroidered and hand made. Slip-over and Empire gowns, envelope chemise, vests and regu lation chemise. Gowns at $3.85, $4.45, $4.95, $5.95 to $6.45. Envelope Chemise, $2.98, $3.39, $4.45 and $4.95. Vests, $1.35 and $1.48. Chemise, $1.98, $2.49, $2.95. French Underwear at Half Price Selling Regularly From $1.19 to $40.00 , Now on Sale From 59c to $20.00 Fourth Floor. (uRFAT NEN 200 Odd Table Cloths Now $ $9.75 Irish, Scotch and German linen pattern cloths, also hemstitched and scalloped, in every size from 66x66 inches to 2$x4 yards. Every cloth now less than present wholesale cost. Pure Irish Linen Table Damask $1.39 a Yard Full grass bleached, full two yards wide, good medium weight, fine finish. New line of patterns. Hemstitched Huck Towels, 22c Soft finish, closely woven, free from dressing. Size 20x42" inches. Hemstitched ends. Union Huck Towels, 20c Extra heavy, close weave, hemmed ends, red or plain white borders. Size 1 8x36 inches. Natural Color Crash, 15c Yard Very absorbent, serviceable quality, plain or with borders. " For' dish and roller towels. 1 000 Bedspreads, Old Prices Far Belcw Present Price Quotations A shipment that should have reached us over six months ago.. Every size for three-quarter and full size beds, in a beautiful line of patterns, in crochet and satin finishes, hemmed and scalloped. Special $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $3.50, $4.25, $4.50 and $5.00 12-Yard Bolts of Longcloth $1.65 Made from the finest combed yarns, free from dressing, in correct weight for underwear and chil dren's clothing. Yard wide. 12-Yard Bolts of Nainsook $2.25 Extra fine quality, lighter weight than long cloth. Specially prepared for making fine under wear and baby garments. Yard wide. Second floor. MEN, TOO Can Share in These White Sale Economies FINE PERCALE PAJAMAS, 95c Made with V-shape neck, large full pockets and finished with mercerized frogs and pearl buttons. Showing a white ground with neat colored, stripes. SHIRTS FOR ONLY $1.35 Of madras and fine swivel weave mercerized cloths, in many new and novel stripe and check patterns. Made with soft bosoms and French turned cuffs. $2.00 FULL-DRESS WHITE SHIRTS, $1.25 The .famous Manhattan make, with fine pure Irish linen bosoms and cuffs. WHITE MUSLIN NIGHT SHIRTS, $1.00 Of fine quality material, trimmed or plain, V-neck or military style. MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, $1.69 EACH Extra fine quality, good medium weight. Drawers with extra staying, suspender straps. First Floor Hundreds of items on sale that are not advertised, such as odd soiled towels, center pieces, odd half dozen napkins, remnants of damask and toweling, etc. KNIT UNDERWEAR FOR WOMEN White Cotton Union Suits, $1.00 Light, medium ' or heavy weights in all de sirable styles, high, Dutch and low necks, ankle or knee lengths, long, elbow and no sleeve styles. Same garments in extra sizes, $1.25. Wool Mixed Union Suits, $2.00 Fine ribbed, medium weight, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length. Vests and Tights, $1.00 Each Fine quality wool mixed, high neck, long sleeves, or Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, with ankle length tights to match. Vests and Tights, 50c Each . Medium or heavy weight cotton, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, or high neck, long sleeves. Tights knee length, medium weight. First Floor Discontinued Models of Corsets. $3.95 Modart Front-Lace, Nemo, La Vida, Smart Set, Regaliste That Sold Until Now From $5.00 to $8.00 We have deliberately reduced the prices in spite of the increased cost. Seldom is it our opportunity to offer such re markable corsets to the women of Portland. Models suitable for the coming-- season fancy silk batiste, fancy broche and coutil are here in a splendid assortment, not every size in every style, but all sizes included, 20 to 36. . Fourth Floor. Scrim and Marquisette Curtains $1.65, $1.95, $2.75 and $3.75 Pair rln white, cream and ivory color. Made with pretty lace edges or insertions to match 2 J2 yards long. Irish Point and Firie Net Curtains $3.95, $4.95, $6.85, $7.95 Pair Fine bobbinet lace curtains in white or ivory, made with pretty edges and handsome borders 2z yards long. Fancy Colored Bordered Scrims, 28c Yard In white or cream with colored borders of pink, blue or yellow 38 inches wide. Plain and Fancy Bordered Marquisette, 33c Yard In white, cream or Arabian color 36 to 38 inches wide. White Wool Blankets, $3.95 Pair Size 66 by 80 inches. Firmly woven with fancy colored borders of pink or blue. White Wool Blankets, $4.95 Pair Full size, white with blue or pink borders. Firmly woven. Silk Mull Top Comforters, $4.95 Figured mull top comforters with nine-inch silk border. Full size and weight. . Filled with best quality of laminated cotton. White Wool Blankets, $6.50 Superior quality. All made with pretty fancy blue and pink borders. Size 70 by 80 inches. Fifth Floor 9L BABY Whtte SiUis for Infants' Wire Shirt and Hose Stretchers. 12c I Prevents shrinking, size for hose 4 to 6 and shirts J to 5. c White Outing Flannel Pinning Blankets, 35c I Finished with hem or hemstitching, made of daisy cloth. j Plain Hem Flannel Pinning Blankets, 59c I Muslin Waist Long Flannelette Skirts, 35c I Fine Lawn Infants' Pillow Slips, 69c and 89c A Plain hem or feather stitched, dainty floral and spray designs. 1 Not-a-Pin Diapers, 10c Selling to 35c Needs no pins, made of heavy birdseye cloth and outing flannel. In small, medium or large size. 2 INFANTS' WHITE DRESSES ' I Selling at $1.25, $1.98, $3.98, $4.50 to $9.00 Special 49c, 98c, $1.49, $1.98 and $2.95 I Hand made and hand embroidered, also of fine nainsook, lingerie, poplin g and piquey In many styles for little tots from 6 months to 6 years. Some i are slightly soiled and mussed from display. Fourth Floor Never before such wonderful sale prices even in the face of higher costs and prices still going up we offer these most fashionable white silks at prices that are equal if not better than a year ago. 36-inch White Habutai Silks, 69c, 89c, $1.09, $1.33. 36-inch Crepe Habutai Silk, Extra Special, $1.69 36-inch Imported White Pongee for only $1.33 40-inch Thistledown Taffeta, Very Special, $1.79 Second Floor BLOUSES Of Georgette and crepe de chine, in ilesh. maize and white. 1 he new models, latest styles. Specially reduced to $3.98 t hird Floor. Initial KLercKiefs Of sheer lawn, colored borders and initials. Also all white, with English tape border and initial. " 1 Iff Regular 12y2c and 15c, special. . ' vL Flrwt Floor EMBROIDERIES 27 and 45-Inch Flouncings Extraordinarily Priced 39c From every point of view, an unprecedented price, offering sheer dress flouncings for women and children. Also infants hemstitched flouncings. The sale price is so extraordinary that we look for a tremendous response to this announcement. This is truly a double economy sale, in which women will find the daintiest, sheerest imported embroideries in eyelet, solid work and ruffle edges ever offered at this price. 1 7c Handloom Embroidery 15c An equally attractive sale in which nainsook flouncings and corset-cover embroidery of eyelet and solid work designs are offered at a price far below anything else ever presented at such an exceptionally low figure. First Floor lb Mm fWM Deo fiteUfEtti! WDff HnDBffinr Annual Economy White Sale of Muslin Underwear N ew Fresh Dainty Superior Quality 29c i 59c For corset covers and drawers of extra qual ity longcloth. 79c For envelope chemise, combinations, skirts, gowns, of crepe and longcloth. For gowns, corset cov ers, combinations, en velope chemise, draw ers or longcloth, crepe. 98c For gowns, combina tions, skirts, envelope chemise, in many styles An immense collection of unaermuslins new styles, new ways of trimming, combined with materials of ex ceptional quality full, roomy cut garments, made in the same careful manner you yourself would make them. Lace trimmed, embroidery trimmed, beading, medallion, insertion and ribbon trimmed, in dozens of different ways. Economy Basement. 6-Inch to 26-Inch Laces 1 5 c Yd. Shadow and Oriental Flouncings an.d Camisole Laces An extraordinary sale of the very laces now most in demand. At this low price women should buy in quantities. Embroidery 5 c Yd. Insertion Edges Galloons Cambric, Swiss and nainsook, 1 J2 to 5 inches wide, in patterns for every use. This embroidery cannot be duplicated at this price. Economy Basement Blanket Sale Winter Weight, Heavy Fleeced White or Gray, Fancy Borders 85c, $1.15, $1.40, $1.65 a Pair The best blankets you can buy anywhere and the next lot we get will, of necessity, be priced materially higher. Fancy Bordered Curtain Scrim and Swiss 1 2c Excellent quality, 'yard wide, white or cream, plain and figured, and striped. Great variety. Economy Basement Front-Laced OB. a la Spirite Corsets Exceptional quality and newest styles, in serviceable coutil. extra made and' boned. . Models suitable for all figures. AH sizes 1 9 to 29. Economy Basement. S $ 1 .39 Women's Union Suits 79c Remarkable at This Low Price White fleeced, medium weight, Dutch neck, low neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length. Broken sizes. Infants Shirts, 17c Mill Runs of High-Priced Shirts Many have the original labels in. Wool mixed, fine, soft little garments.- Women's Stockings, 39c White silk fiber boot, extra heavy, spliced heels and toes, garter tops. Women's Stockings, 1Vic White cotton, medium weight, reinforced sole, double garter top. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS, 15c Medium weight, white cotton, fine ribbed and elastic, reinforced heels and toes. Economy Basement ODD AND SOILED TABLE CLOTHS -REDUCED TO $1.49 TO $3.25 Pure linen and fine mercerized cloths, about 50 in the lot. from 66x66 inches to 2x24 yards. Great bar gain in every cloth. Economy Basement. White Daisy Flannel 1 0c Yd. Some slightly soiled, some in short lengths. 5 to 10 yards. This is the genuine daisy doth, for underwear, etc. Cut any length desired. 72-Inch Sheeting, 32'2C Yard Cannot be duplicated at this low price. Full bleached, fine, medium weight, free from dressing. PURE WHITE HUCK TOWELS, 20c Extra large, 20x43 inches, closely woven, hemmed ends. FANCY PLAID BATH TOWELS, 25c Pink or blue, heavy quality, hemmed ends. Economy Basement ON SALE FIRST FLOOR,