5 ISIS ' V'' V W . - V i li'-'i ft I " ' vi 1 1 JJifW'V ill I X ; ; ; 1 One of the prettiest of the season's weddingrs was that of Miss Louella Mays and J. Frederick Strasser, which was solemnized at 3:30 o'clock Mon day afternoon at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Mary Henderson Mays, 5416 Fifty-third avenue Southeast. Rev. William T. EJliot officiated in a dou ble ring ceremony. Miss Brietta Griffin played Lohengrin's "Wedding March" on the violin, accompanied by Mr. Adams on the piano. A meditation was al& played during the ceremony. , The home was artistically decorated with greens and cut flowers. The table was a special feature of the decorations, being trimmed in narcissus and white satin streamers with a large wedding cake in the center. The bride was charming in a gown of white satin striped voile, with lace trimming. Her tulle veil enveloped the handsome gown, and she carried a. shower bouquet of bride roses and fresias. Miss Ozalee Mays, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and she wore a. beautiful, frock qf voile and lace. " Her bouquet was of Ophelia roses and lacy ferns. George D. Mays, brother of the bride, acted as best man. A reception fol lowed attended by relatives and friends.. Mr. and Mrs. Strasser left for their borne in Hermiston, Or. with talks and reminiscences of youth ful days spent in the Orkneys and Shet lands "the land of the midnight sun." A smart event of Christmas eve was the dinner party at which Miss Myrtle Hummel presided, honoring Miss Lucille Carrol, popular bride-elect. The Hummel home in Irvington was attractively decorated for the occasion. a. profusion of holly and cut-flowers being used throughout the rooms. The dinner table displayed a large red eatin ribbon rose and- streamers about which were arranged dainty candle lights. A color scheme of red and green predominated. A hand-painted bowl was presented the, honor guest by the hostess. Dainty favors marked places for Miss Lucille Carrol, Miss Myrtle Hummel, Miss Lydia Dammeier, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Hatcher. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wolgamot. Wayne Carrol, Robert Mc Carl and R. Charles Niete. Cards and dancing wer later en Joyed, honors falling in favor of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wolgamot. A character party was given by Mr. end Mrs. W. D. B. Dodson at their liome. 1203 Woodward avenue. New Year's night in honor of their niece. Miss Marie Beach, who returned home from the University of Oregon to spend her vacation. The honor guests were Doris Slocum, Georgine Geisler, Marie Beach and Ttiissell Rahlston. all from the Univer Vty, and Myrtle MacLcan, Percy Brown, James Neidigh and Donald Bpratley. of Portland. The other guests consisted mainly of relatives and a few intimate friends. The large living-room was attrac tively decorated with fir boughs and clusters of New lear bells. Many unique costumes were worn and the characters represented were cleverly portrayed. - One of the delightful festivities of the week was the dinner-dance given by the younger pet at the Fulton Club, Monday evening. A humorous relay race and dancing were the chief at tractions of the evening. Those pres ent were: Louisa Teesdale, Ksther Mc Ouire. Hazel Fritz. Linda Thompson Ksther Bodman, Belle Countryman, Rae Williams, Isabelle Kidd, Jesse Hug- gins, Lena Schultz and. Ruth Sulsman Martin Cressi. Ted Evans. Ernest Stan ley. Glenn Campbell. Clifford Wood Marion Young. Fred Jones. Ted Peters Orran Young. Richard Darling. Joe Ingram, W. McKenzie. William Young, .Arthur Johnson. Preston Whiting and George Chambers. Miss Kathleen Grant entertained with a delightful party at her home In Irvington during the Christmas hoi idavs. complimenting her cousin. Miss Salome Cusick. of Albany. The even Ing was spent in dancing and the Kaily-decorated rooms were in keep Ing with the holiday spirit. Those present were Beinice Matisen, Made line Baker. Pearl Staples, Marion Muthist-n, Marjorie- Taylor, Margate Mathisen. Edwin McClung. Harry Co foid. Ralph Joplin. Wells Bushnell. Joe MathWen, Alfred ParKhurst, Allan Ixng. Kenneth Barker, Jack Fifield and Tom Dant. Mrs. P. G. Strom was hostess at he home, 1461 Cleveland avenue. New .Year's evening in honor of Miss May Hanna and Wilmoth Osborne, who are home from college for ' the holidays. Games and dancing were enjoyed after which a dainty supper was served . . Miss Adeline Kendall entertained with a supper-dance on Saturday nigh honoring Miss Evelina Magruder, one of the season s debutantes. Adoitiona quests were Miss Anna Barker, Mis Ethel Malpas, Miss Lucy Miller. Miss Kdna Kindred, Miss Helen Manning, Mjaa Lucia Hall, Miss Helen Houghton, Miss Jordan, David Jordan. Captain W, H. Jordan. I. P. Miller, Reed Ellsworth, Quincy Daniels, Harold Averill. George an Deurs, Billy Kendall, Robert and oseph Adair, of Seattle, cousins of Miss Kendall, who visited here over the holidays. An - especially attractive luncheon was enjoyed by the Past Matrons' Club f Camelia Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, who were guests of Mrs. L. M, Davis, 860 Commercial street Thurs day. After a short business meeting 500 was the diversion. Members present were: Mrs. C. W. Miller, Mrs. W. S. Cutler, Mrs. F. A Van Kirk, Mrs. F. A. Watts. Mrs. A. H. Trego. Mrs. Angus Graham, Mrs. Charles Pye, Mrs. R. L. Aid rich, Mrs. J. H. Snyder and the hostess. Guests were: Mrs. Oliver S. Cutler, Mrs. C. E. Rose, of Matlock. Wash., and Mrs. M. H. Baker. The lub meets with Mrs. W. S. Cutler, 1008 Union avenue, February 1. An interesting event took place in Oddfellows' Hall, Alberta, street, Janu ary 4, when five circles of the Ladies of the . Grand Army of the Republic were jointly installed. The circles ln- talled were: Wlnslow Meade No. 7, Blackmar No. 50. Peter A. Porter No. 5, General Custer No. 27 and George H. Snell No. 29. Valeria G. Benvie. department president of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, was installing officer, and Mary li. Robin son, department secretary, and Mary E. Graf, of the department "council of administration, were installing con ductors. A pretty feature of the in stallation was the presentation of 55 newly-installed officers before other members of the order. This in the first time that the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic has had a joirtt RETIRIXG PRESIDENT OF" I.IN-('OL.V-r.ARKlKLD RELIEF CORPS IS HONORED. Sowell Studio. Mrs. Roaetta MeKeooerl. The installation of officers of the Lincoln-Garfield Relief Corps was held Friday night and proved to be a most Interesting meeting. The installation of officers for the ensuing year took place, And honors were conferred upon Mrs. McKennert. retiring president, under whose regime the Corps worked harmoniously and suc cessfully. A banquet was a fea ture of the evening and interest ing speeches were made. . i - 1:: - J - ; :: installation and the event was much appreciated by the 200 members and visitors present. Several beautiful gifts were presented to the installing officer, to the retiring officers and to the installing conductors and musi cians. Refreshments were served and a programme of readings and songs was rendered, and danctng closed a pleasant afternoon. The hall was deco rated with flags. Congratulations were received during the afternoon from the National president of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. On Tuesday evening. January 2, the officers of Portland Chapter, No. 97, Order of Eastern Star, were installed. The installing officer. Mrs. E. B. Wheat, executed the work in' a very impres sive manner. The following officers were installed: Worthy matron. Mrs. Irene Trostdorf: worthy patron. E. B. Wheat; associate matron. Mrs.' Donna Graydon; secre tary, Sophia Hobson; treasurer, Mrs. John Ream; chaplain. Margaret Whet zel; marshal, Mrs. J. F. Waite: organ ist. Ethel Robertson: conductresa Anna Dudley; associate conductress. Grace Dudley; Ada, Mrs. Louis J. Hin kel; Ruth, Orrel Rose; Esther, Mildred Frye; Martha, Mrs. XV. C. Church; Elec tra, Mrs. Edward H. Park; warder. Mrs. Maude Giles; sentinel. W. G. Wharton. The following contributed much to the pleasure of the evening by render ing vocal solos: Mrs. Melvin. Lake. Mrs. Myrtle Johnson and Louis J. Hinkel Miss Gladys Johnson played several instrumental solos. The New England Society was well represented Thursday night at the gathering at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. Pirry M. - Baker. 742 Lovejoy street. for an interesting programme. Re freshments were served. The programme consisted of: Piano duet, "Taps" ( Englemann), Miss Ber nice Helm and Master Robert Flack; vical solo, "You Can't Guess What He Wrote on My Slate." Miss Beatrice Palmer; piano solo. "Salterelle" (Clark). Bernice Helm: reading of poem, "New England," Dr. O. H. Clark: violin duet. "Spring's Awakening' (Bach), Miss Sylvia U'einstein and Master Adolf Weinstein; vocal duet, "Back to Our Mountain Home" from "11 Trovatore" (Verdi), Mrs. Christain and Mr. de 'George; mandolin solo. Claude de George; reading of original poem. Captain W. H. Hardy. Mrs. J. R. Callahan was pleasantly surprised by a group of friends Friday evening, the occasion being her birth day. Five tables were arranged for 500," . honors falling to Mrs. Burrell and Henry Mills. A beautiful tablecloth and napkins were presented to the hostess. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Calla han, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mills, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dilg, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. William Creigh- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cohn. Mrs. Burrell. Mrs. Hoxie., Mrs. Rodman. Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Lucky, Mrs. J. A. Grek. Mrs. Gromberg. Misses Gassett, Etta Cohn, Zela Davis and Oberg. Mrs. Sarah E. Moon, 803 Gantenbein avenue, was the guest of honor for a luncheon on Saturday and on return ing home found that her numerous friends had taken possession of her home. They were laden with gifts in honor of her birthday. Five-hundred was played, followed by a collation. Those present were: Mrs. XV. H. Kerron. Mrs. L. M. Davis, Mrs. S. P. Cota. Mrs. D. L. Dupee, Mrs. A Cooper Mrs. D. Dilg, Mrs. L. H. Yaney. Mrs. G. L. White. Mrs. J. Watkins, Mrs. M. Gronberg, Airs. A. Kohn. Members of the choir of the Church of the Immaculate Heart enjoyed a banquet at Hotel Portland Tuesday evening. Covers were laid for 30. Father Daly presided and the ban quet 'was followed with toasts and songs. A delightful watch party was given New Year's eve at the home of Miss Linda Thompson. Cards and dancing afforded the amusement for the even ing. Those present were Dorothy Misch, Hazel Fritz, Helen Larson, Esther McGuire and Louise Teesdale, Marvin Hawksley. Charles Burch, W. Palmer, Preston -Whiting. Verner Reudy, Ernest Stanley and Richard Weiss. , Harvey Utter entertained with successful party at his home Monday evening In celebration of the New Year. Games and music formed the pastime of the evening. Those who at tended were Misses Lucille Richardson, Ruth and Julia Smith. Helen Holister, Madeline Sutherland, Nancy Huntley Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carter. Thomas Gor man, Earl Goble. Harry Oatman. Frank Powers. Cromwell Noren and Le Roy Johnson. Martha Washington Past Matrons' Club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Fallows. New officers were in stalled as follows: Mrs. Caroline Blake ley, president; Mrs. E. W. Luckey, first vice-president, M;s. A. Bewley, second vice-president: Mrs. Elizabeth Dunning, secretary-treasurer. The . next meet ing will be held the first Monday in February, at the home of Mrs. H Hatfield, 757 East Ankeny street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Straubel were hosts for the Amicus "500" Club Wednesday evening. Card honors fell to Mrs. Lorln Hoyt and Arthur StraubeL' The personnel of the club is: .Messrs. and Mesdames Lorin Hoyt. George Curtis, Gustave Kleimenhagen, Battease McClain, Albert Ledbury. Arthur Straubel. Mr. and Mrs. George Curtis will be the next hosts. Members of the Harvest Home Char ity Club of Clantha Lodge. Knights of ythlas, met Friday at the home of Irs. J. Bacon. 61 East Jessup street. Officers were elected for the new year as follows: President, Mrs. D. W. Wend- ick; secretary. Mrs. Bacon; treasurer. Mrs. Gunbort. Plans for the year's entertainment also were outlined. On Decmber 30, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Glenn gave a bridgedmner and musicale in celebration of their twenty fifth wedding anniversary. Ten cou ples were in attendance, most of whom were schoolmates and lifelong friends of the host and hostess. - mm Phi Sigma Nu fraternity held their annual meeting New Year's eve in the Benson Hotel. An elaborate dinner was served, after which they attended tlje Orpheum. To close the festivities supper was served at-the home of one of the members. m Henry Zaelaff. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Zaslaff. entertained a dozen pf his friends with a birthday party on Thursday at his home, tne Imperial Arms. Dancing, music and games were the diversions of the afternoon. Little Elizabeth Brown contributed fancy dancing, and Spencer Miller gave an original toast. An enjoyable evening was spent at an informal dancing party given by the Misses' Lucille and Genevieve Howell and Josepblne Sandle at the Howell residence Saturday. The rooms were attractively decorated in Christmas greens and Japanese lanterns. The invitational list read: The Misses Helen Jones, Chloe Hayes, Mabel Ed meadsf Mary Appleby, Helena Floss. Erna Hufiman, Mildred Steinmetz, Mar garet Wiest, Beatrice Finzer. Agnes Wadsworth. Beatrice Quackenbush, Mrs. L. Nielsen. Lucy McCourt. Marie Clark, Mary Eastman. Genevieve Howell. Lu cille Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, Mildred Howell and Josephine Sandle: and the Mesrs. Robert -Smith. James Kintrea, Stanley Gozesky. Rex Appleby. Spencer Goodale, Burnett Walker. Don Duffey, Herman Husman, Lynn Nielsen. Herbert Huff, Watt and Victor Nielsen. John Dentler, Eugene and Avery Stein- metz. Dean faeabrook. m m The Crescendo Musical Club wti en BRIDAL PARTY 4 xn 1 y.JULSit 5 1 i'" st- - ill syr : v 4 Back Row (Left to Risrht MImh Jemamr Rohfrta, of Portland; Mlxa Ruth storm. Pomona, Cal.i Mini Genevieve Kraxier, Salem; Mi C'leo White. McMlnnvlllr. Kront Row (Left to Right) Mra. Kthel Lucaa Stowe, of Dallas, Matron of Honor; Mrs. Irving; DeWItt 11 look., Dallas; Mlna Kuby Lorrnrr, M onmouth, Sololat. DALLAS, Or., Jan. 6. (Special.) A pretty New Year's day wedding celebrated here was that of Miss Elva Alice Lucas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Lucas, of this city, and Irving DeWItt Hicok. of Colusa. Cal. The wedding was solemnized in the First Presbyterian Church by Rev. D.. A. MacKenzie. at 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Ethel Lucas Stowe, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Misses Cleo White, of McMinnville; Jessamy Roberts, of Portland: Genevieve Frazier, of Salem, and Ruth Storrs. of Pomona. Cal. Wilbur L. Rogers, of Great Falls, Mont., attended Air. Hicok. Miss Dorothy Bennett, of this city, played a Grieg selec tion and accompanied Miss 'Ruby Ann Lorence. who sang Cadman's "At Dawning." Miss Bennett played Men delssohn's "Wedding March" as the bridal processional. Wally Caldwell, of Pomona; Dick Johnson, of Corvallls; John Wilson, of Corvallis, and James Marr. of Salem, ushered the guests. Following the wedding a supper was served at the bride's home to the (following girl friends of Mrs.' Hicok: Misses Maude Barnes, Haliie Smith, Muriel Grant, Helen Loughary, Gladys Loughary. Marjorie Bennett and Pauline Coad. Mr. and Mrs. Hicok left Monday for Colusa, where Mr. Hicok is engaged in the grain business with his father, H. H. Hicok. The out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Misses Marie Francis Knight: and Alice Crewson. of Portland: Bertha McHenry and Mary Rogers, of Corvallis; Ethel Frazier, Freda Spitzbart, Vlvlan"Hargrove and Irene Curtis, of Salem; Edna Connor, of Sheridan; Isabelle Storrs, of Pomona; Ira Mix. of Independence, and Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Hicok. of Colusa, Cal. tertained Wednesday at luncheon by Mrs. W. H. Smith on Thirty-sixth street, in Laurelhurst. After luncheon a musical programme was given. About 20 women were present. Mrs. Frank Rodman was pleasantly urprised by a few of her friends on Tuesday afternoon, the occasion being her birthday. The afternoon was spent playing cards, honors falling to Mrs. J. A. Grek. The Nortonia Hotel management en tertained with a very elaborate New Year's dinner-dance for the guests and their friends. COMING EVENTS. Cards .are out for the next dance to be given by Company C. Third Oregon National Guard, Tuesday evening, Jan uary S. These enjoyable events are at tended in large numbers by the younger folk of the city. Music will be 'fur nished by B. A. Downey's Orchestra. The committee in charge Is: Sergeant John Somerville. Sergeant Grant Red dick, Sergeant U. A. Kepplnger, Ser geant Robert D. V. Morse. Private Em- ett O Brien, Private Verner Slbel, Pri vate Hugh McDonald. Private John Tuma, Private Harold Frederickson. , Private Joe Peterson, Private Ray Shane, Private Albert. Wurten burger. Members and friends are cordially in vited to attend. Dancing at 8:30. The wedding of Miss Emily McEl roy and Leo M..Thielen will take place Wednesday morning at D o'clock at St. Ignatius Church. A nuptial mass will follow the ceremony. During the service members of Spitzner's orches tra, to which the bride belongs, will render music. Miss Florence McEI roy will be the maid of honor. and Clarence Thielen. of Chicago, will be the best man. Following the wedding a breakfast will be served at Hotel Portland with covers for 15 guests. The Blinn-Woods and Sniith-Hall-Ingby sections of the Warren Bible Class will be entertained in the class room at the First Presbyterian Church Friday evening, the affair being a cos tume party representing nations and periods. The hostesses are to be the Misses Mav Aylward. Mildred Browse. Mabel Chin. Olga Hallingby, Clara Levitz, Hazel Mullen, Claire Olson. Emma Rhoda. Alice Rodemacher. Julia Sears. Grace M. Shrader. Fern Winter and Mrs Edward K. Smith. Mr. and Mrs; J. Levitt will receive at their home on Hawthorne avenue Sunday afternoon and evening, honor ing Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Domb (Anna Levitt I. Mr. anv Mrs. Domb have re turned from their wedding trip passed in California and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ievitt. Their wedding was an event of December 3. On Thursday evening. January 11 the newly-elected and appointed of ficers of Utopia Rebekah Lodge No. 62 will be installed by District Deputy Mrs. Rose Clark and Deputy Grand Marshal Mrs. Mae Bluhm and their in stalling staff at Orient Hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. Visitors al ways welcome. A card party, followed by a prome nade. will be given by the Catholic Foresters at St. Lawrence hail. Uhlra BF.E YOlTJfG WOMAN WHO WAS liNTERTAI.VaD HERE. MIms Margaret Wleat. Miss Wiest is a popular girl of Bend and was the house guest of Mrs. W. G. Howell during- the hol idays. She was delightfully en tertained during her visit here. AT NEW YEAR'S WEDDING AT DALLAS, OR. " 1 i S'v X 1 . t (fnd Sherman streets. Thursday even- I ing. The committee In charge Is made I up of E. J. Barrett. William Bulletset, Charles Mathes and E. J. Bedard. . . . The Friday night dance at Hotel Washington was attended by more than 40 couples and was a marked success. The function was a fancy head-dress cotillion. Another costume dance Is being arranged ' for St. Valentine's night. The Cadet Club of Oregon Assembly No. 1 of United Artisans will give . a stepping party Thursday In V. O. W. hall at 8:30 P. M. Five-hundred will be played. J. N. Russell is in charge of the affair. Mrs. S. H. Howard, of 824 Tenth street, will entertain the officers and Guard Club of Portland Review No. 7 on Tuesday afternoon. All Maccabees are cordially invited to attend. i A masquerade dance is being planned by .the m.embers of the Kenton Club for Thursday evening. Mrs. L. R. McGee Is general chairman of the entertainment committee. The North Portland Commercial Club rrd Women's Auxiliary will give the second of a series of dancing parties Saturday night at the Peninsula Field House. The committee on entertainment In cludes Mrs. Winlhrop Terry. Mrs. H. E. Joy and Mrs. P. E. Newall. All are cordially invited. WEDDINGS. . Brers-Lake, A pretty wedding was solemnized in Centenary Church Wednesday night, the contracting parties being Miss Ethel ane Luke and Frank A. Byers. of Se attle. Rev. Harold Oberg. a friend oi long standing, officiated, using the dou ble ring service of the Methodist Epis copal Church. -5 Mrs. E. S. Luke sang "I Love You. and "At Dawning." Miss Sadie Hawley. a schoolmate of the bride, presided at the organ. The bride was gowned in silver lace over white metaline with duchese satin train and veil caught with orange blos soms. the carried ivlllarney roses, lines of the valley and freesia. Mrs. Max M. Smith, a cousin of the 1 brtde, was matron of honor. Mrs. Har rold Sherett. one of the bridesmaids, was lovely in pale blue chiffon over sliver cloth. She carried Madame Chatney roses. The bridegroom was attended by Earl G. Gray and Earl K. Patterson, school mates of the bride. immediately after the wedding a re ception was held in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thais S. Luke. 580 East Ninth street. Receiving with the bridal party were Mr. and Mrs. Luke and the bride's grandmother. Mrs. M. J. Spring. Mrs. N. iaber and Mrs. George Spring. aunts of the bride, received at the door. Mrs. M. Klapper presided, in the dining room. Miss Hazle Johnson, a cousin of the bride, presided at the punch table, as sisted .by Miss Nettie Toby. The decorations of the home were green and yellow. Miss Luke s early childhood was spent in Alaska where her father was em ployed by the Government. On her re turn to Oreifon she became closely iden tified with Centenary and Trinity Meth odist Episcopal churches. She was one of the first students to enter Washington- High School, and after graduation she taught under the late Miss A. 1 Dimmick. Mr.' and Mrs. Byers will reside In Se attle where Mr. Byers is engaged in business. SamiMi-Wrek. A simple wedding was solemnized on New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederic A. Smith, of 7005 Thirtieth Avenue Southeast, when Boyd E. Sampson, of Elsberry. N. D., and Miss Hella Week, of this city, were married. Rev. Herbert F. White, of the Third United Brethren Church, offici ated. Members of the immediate fam ily and relatives were present. Mr. Sampson has been on the Coast for the past year, -employed as a gasoline engineer. Miss Week had taught school In Oregon for three years. After the ceremony a wedding sup per was served. Mr. and Mrs. Samp son left for an extended weddlnr triD and upon their re'turn will make their home In Elsberry, N. P.. after March 1. McLeod-Wooda. The wedding of Miss Agnes T. Woods and Peter McLeod was solemnized at the home of the bride s parents. 901 Mississippi avenue. Saturday, December 30. at 7 P. M. Rev. W. C Kantner was the officiat ing clergymen and a large company of friends was present to witness the cer emony and share the Joy of the oc casion. The Woods home was docorated with holly, ferns and Oregon grape. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. W. C Graham sang " I Love Tou Truly. The 'W ! " .' 4 .jr x - Si" bride was attended by Miss Edith Fow ler as maid of honor and Miss Olga Hansen as bridesmaid. Harry Hen derson played the "Wedding March" on the bagpipes. . Crawford-W right Miss Maude Est el la Wright and Cecil Francis Crawford were married in Van couver at the residence of W.' S. T. Derr, a Justice of the Peace, on Decem ber 27. The marriage comes as a great surprise to the many friends of the couple. They were attended by Miss Daisy Goodnight and T. S. Goodnight. Mr. Crawford is well known here, having been born in Portland. The bride formerly lived in Spokane. Wash., and Helena. Mont., where she attended the public schools, later attending high school In Portland. The young couple will spend their honeymoon In Portland. For the present they are making their home with the bride's parents and will be at home to their friends at 775 East Davis street. Xaylor-Glllette. The wedding of John Naylor. of Goldendale. Wash., and Mrs. Carrie Gillette, of Portland, was solemnized on New Year's afternoon at the home of R. D. Herrin. 575 East Sixteenth street North, by Rev. O. S. Barnum. ot Goldendale. A few relatives and Intimate friends were present. Both parties are well known both In Goldendale and Port land. Mr. Naylor is manager of the Pacific Light - Power Company's in tcrests in Goldendale. The bride has extensive business interests In Golden dale and Is well known for civic, be nevolent and church work. They are now en route to Honolulu. Frager-Sliechtena. Miss Rigena Shechtnian and Samue Frager will be married today at 1 o'clock at the home of the bride, 607 Sixth street. Dr. ltosencrantz to offi elate. It will be a simple ceremony with only closest friends in attendance, and if supper will follow the ceremony. Mr. Frager will take his bride to North Yakima for a month's wedding trip. The bride will wear a lovely white crepe de chine and Georgette crepe gown, embellished with tulle, and her veil will he wreAthed with oranse blos soms. She will carry a shower bou quet of bride roses and lilies of the valley. Hrjaa-Snoliada, KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Jan. 6. Spe cial.) Miss Agnes Swoboda, of this city, and Maurice Bryan, of Susanville. Cal.. were married by the Rev. George H. Bennett at the Methodist parsonage Thursday evening. Afterward, the wed ding supper was taken at the Rex Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will reside here, where the bride teaches in the West Side public school. SOCIETY PKRSOXAI.S. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A.len G. Rushlight on Tuesday, January 2. Mrs. Jerry Bronaugh and son are at the Nortonia Hotel during the absence of Mr. Bronaugh in the East. Mrs. Thomas Sharp, of Prineville. will remain in Portland with her pr- DINNKR HOSTESS CHRMI AX CHRISTMAS AFFAIR. Mra. Maude Acker. Mrs. Maude Acker entertained a number of friends with a charming dinner party on Christ mas day. the table being especial ly attractive with holiday decora tions. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffith. Mrs. B. G. Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bew ley. John Holman. XV. S. Lynch. MIbs Marie Fisher and Earl Acker. K.i ,. . v i i: H v f J - f-. : ' -X --5 . - . - : " . : ents for several weeks, much to the de light of her many friends. Frank Kox. one of White Salmon's orchardists. with his sisters. Miss Fox and Mrs. Porter, have been at the .'or tonla during the holiday!. Mrs. Homer A. Rogers and little daughter Sally Ann. are passing the balance of the Winter in Portland. Sully Ann is a student at Miss Catlin'a school. Dr. K. E. Van Alstine. a well-known woman physician, of this city, has been passing the holidays in and around los Angeles, Cal., as a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Hertz, formerly of Portland.- Miss Anna Christof fers-n and Miss Minnie Morton, of Tacoma. were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Mansell Wilder, their uncle and aunt, at Up land Lodge. Portland Heights, during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Julien Coblentx. after n absence of several months, have re turned to the city and will be at home to their many friends alter Wednes day, at 60S Rex Arms Apartments. Mr. Coblentz has associated himself with the National Life Insurance Company In this city. Among the well-known visitors at Portland Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Burke, prominent In the social and commercial life of Pendleton; Mr. ant Mrs. J. E. Harley. of Astoria, and the latter's mother. Mrs. Leon Kuhn. of Collax. Wash.: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dun lap, of Cascade Locks: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rogers, of Victoria, B. C. and Mrs. W. Rosenblatt, of Seattle, who Is being much entertained by Portland friends. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mrs. M. Young's dancing class for beginners is now forming. Phone East 3119. Adv. Lessons in auction bridge. Latest developments. Miss Shelby. Main 69i3. Adv. KLAMATH JUSTICE ACTIVE Asa in jz. V. Gmrcu Takes Honors in Marrying Couples. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Jan. 6. (Special.) Again E. W. Go wen. Justice of the Peace for Linkviile district in this city, has won the distinction of solemnizing more marriages than any other person in Klamath County with authority to do so, during the calendar year just closed. huh is the thtrd consecutive year he has attained this honor. A careful compilation of the mar riage statistics for Klamath County during 1916 shows that Judge Gowen tied the' knot that bade man and wife of 37. different couples during the year. In 1915 he married 27 couples. outstripping all competitors that year also. Four years ago he left the dis tinction of solemnizing the most by a small margin to Rev. George H. Feese. now of Portland. During the four years Judge Gowen has held office lie has solemnized 115 marriages. The fig ures for 1915 show marriages per formed by all oflicials and minister and priests, as follows: fc.. . Gowen. Justice of the Peace, 37; Charles T. Hurd. Presbyterian minister, 17; E. C. Richards, Methodist minister, 14; J. B. Griffith. Baptist min ster, 7; Hugh J. Marshall, Catholic priest, 4; all others. 14. FEWER LICENSES ISSUED Clielialis, However, lteiorls Increase in Divorce Suits for 10 16. CIIEHAL1S, Wash.. Jan. 6. (Special.) In 1916 the County Auditor's office granted 362 marriage licenses, as against 376 in 1915, which, is 14 less tint) year than last. During last year 47 ilivorce cases were granted and this year 65 were granted and at the close of the year :1K were pending and five had be n dismissed. a The total business at the Crk's of fice f 1916 was $i!32.05. as compared with $6225.79 for 191.". Disbursements for 1915 were $3697.74 and for 1916 they were (3873.93. Canes filed in 1915 were 668 and In 1916 there were 643. The County Auditor's office fees for 1916 totaled (10. 116.96 as compared to (6515.10 for 1915. The Sheriff's fees for 1916 were (1623.05. compared to (1692.55 for 1913. HOOD FTIVER CLUB ELECTS Organization Kfrcctetl but Results ' Arc Not Announced. HOOD RIVER. Or.. Jan. 6. (Spe cial.) The board of directors of the Hood River Commercial Club perfected tne organization for the year and elected officers. The result of the elec tion will not be given out by R. E. Scott, secretary. "We want to attract as large an at tendance as possible for the initial regular meeting of the year next Mon day night." rsaid Mr. Scott, "and the announcement of new officers will not be made until that nicht." The personnel of the Commercial Club board is as follows: Dr. J. D. Gutterv. William Stewart. Harry Con- naway. W. U Clark. C. J. Calkins. J. M. Culbertson and ('. C. Lemmon. Sure Way to Get Rid of Dandruff There Is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that Is to dissolve it. This destroys it en tirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary .liquid arvon; apply it at (light when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. Bylmorning most. If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every sin gle sign and trace of It. no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find. too. that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair- will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liquid ar.von at any drug store. It is inexpensive, and four ounces ia all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail. Adv. "URIC ACID NEVER CAUSED RHEUMATISM" I WANT to pro- It to your ntK f act loo. If you bave RhrumttUm or Neuritis, fuic or crironic do matter wbat your condition wtii to-1fiT tor my FRI-E. BOOK oa "RHEUMATISM lt Caue rand Cure." Thou&jtnrla ca.ll It "Tbe mont wonderful book ever wrlrtrn." Itn't rrri a aLamp tt ABSOLUTELY f-REE. JESSE A. CASE Ift. 14A.. Brockton. M. Superfluous Hair IkTlirdefe The original llqnld Barer dlaap. points. Only depilatory with tMMjt bock amarmntoe In each package. 1 4