2 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 7, 1917. 1 r , - M7 y , t f ' -1 r i-y ' r-f f"S.- --'!-' 1 : -W? r-" r n. i - . - S5v?) V- f 7 j.. i 1 " 13ss NUMBER Or GUEST5 WHO ATTENDED THC CORBBTT51 rANCY DRESS SAbb, 5NAPPBD ATT 'THC UNIVERSITY ""V CLUBAFTBR DINNER Vs ? -1?" h s J H ri ;.p v At1 A,ift'i 4 ; liftAvw w 4 i :5 1 Top. I.rf t o Rlcht E. C. SheTlln. Mlaa Blaaehe Burke. Hawler Hotfan, Mra. Blorrla II. TVhftrfconae. Joarph E. Wiley, Mra. John L. Darke. Mr. Wklltkoue. D. W. I.. MacGrrs;ar. Mra. M acG rrfor, Mra. J. Aadre Poallkoui, Mra. llawley Hoffman. Mr. Burke. Lower Groop Mra. Gar W. Talbot. IrvlBK I- Hebsttr, Ira. Joaepk U. Wllrr, William Burke and Mra. Cheater G. Morptay. . J ivy ' - ! 1 attractive "Winter g;lrr In snowy white satin and white fur, which would make a charming skating cos tume for devotees of ice skating. Mrs. Gilbert H. Durham and Mrs. Stanley O. Jewett derived a vast ount of fun from wearing; costumes exactly alike. They represented white bunnies, each carrying; a bunch of car rota. Mrs. Shepard Eells was an austere nun in the black, flowing garments, relieved by a white headdress. Mrs. Kurt H. Koehler was unusu ally pretty in a black net ballet cos tume worn with black net hat. Miss Katherine Hart was a most al luring Turkish maiden. Miss Ruth Teal also chose a costume suggestive of the harem dancing; girls, although it was an impersonation of the Dolly Sisters' dancing costume, with jingling bells and floating chlf- ron veil headdress. miss Licroiny etrowDnage was a rep lica of one of the late numbens of Vogue, representing the skating or s inter girl. It was a handsome and striking costume. Mrs. Henri Labbe appeared as a fairy, splitter with silver and crystals on white tarltan. Mrs. Thomas Sharp made a rollicking- "Tilly Baldwin" from the rancho. Miss Jean Morrison was dainty as a Futurist, in splashing colored trousem, fastened at the ankle, topped with short, flaring skirt. Mies Cornelia Cook's costume was quite distinctive. A Hindu prince, mar velous headdress and swathing bodice, with full trousers to the ankle. Every detail, even to the charmed snakes, was carried out in this costume. Brigands were aplenty. M. K. Crura packer looking particularly ferocious, as If he stepped right out of Treasure Island s dens. Miss Rhoda Rumelln was one of the numerous Turkish haremites. and Miss Nancy Zan was an attractive poster eirl in alluring full trousers, of the Ttirkish variety, with short, fluffy - aBoaaa,ei mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmmmmmBmmmmjLi J- aV..aai auin II ilfflli i'.ai-i THE Christmas 'Spirit absolutely dominated all things social for the past 10 days, and contin ued over Twelfth Night, which Is styled by many, "Little Christmas." The college fraternities have held full sway In all the gaieties of the past fort night, each day being brimful'of charm ing functions with the girls and boys home from college as the honorees. The gayest and most brilliant function in Portland society for a long time was the fancy dress ball given New Year's night by the Corbett family. It was notable in many respects, first for its splendor and beautiful costumes, sec ond as the premiere event of the year, starting the infant 1917 merrily on its way. The week was filled with surprises, engagements and weddings tumbling over each other. Now that the last flake of snow has disappeared, "society folk are turning their attention to their favorite sport, ice skating, hockey, and the attendant festivities. Skating par ties are the most popular form of diver sion, especially with the holiday va cationists in town. It is surprising how rapidly Portland men and women be come graceful and skillful skaters! In San Francisco the exclusive set have formed a Bort of club, taking one night a week for their own set, for which they have to pay a fairly rea- eonable sum of money, for the privilege of privacy. Any one who is foolhardy enough to try to "get in." gets himself in a very difficult position, as the lone man who was brave enough to force n entrance last week discovered, much to his annoyance. The hockey game Friday night be tween Vancouver, B. C, and Portland teams called forth a large and enthusi astic audience, who did not hesitate to express their pleasure or disapproval. as the various periods were tolled off. Events scheduled for this week are the wedding of Miss Mary Meldrum. which will take place Thursday; the dance of the Monday Night Dancing Club tomorrow night at Harlow Grady Hall; the opening of the Russian bal let at the Heilig Theater on Friday nig.ht, and numerous luncheons, teas, dinners and dancea will fill the inter vening hours. Another interesting event being an ticipated by society la the card party and jitney supper to be stven Tuesday night by the British National Red Cross Society at Portland Hotel. Society will have an added Incentive for Orpheum parties this week, as 'the celebrated Phyllis Neilson Terry, niece of the fa mous Ellen Terry, and favorite of so ciety folk all over the world, will ap pear in songs and sketches at the Or pheum vaudeville. Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett and Hamilton F. Corbett were host for the " premiere event of the season Monday night. It was like a Christmas dream fantasy, and made a superb opening for the year 1917. . The beautiful Waverley Country Club was all warmth and gaiety. The marvelous decorative scheme of the rooms made them glis ten like the great forests in "Winter drese. Myriads of icicles hung from snow-covered fir branches, which sur rounded the dining-room; the recep tion and drawing rooms were done in greenery. Trees and garlands of fir. cedar and spruce added their odor to the perfume of the Flowery Kingdom. The courts of Europe, favorite Shake spearean characters, the notables of the country. Vogue covers, popular heroine from folklore and fairyland, all blended Into onemagnlf icent paean of humanity, fiomefof the impersona tions were so cleverly carried out that It was impossible to recognize . one's closest friends or relatives. The snow scene in the dining-room as the guests entered at supper time was wonderful. The huge snowballs containing the white confetti were opened mechanically, and electric fans, cleverly concealed and arranged, blew the "snow" in a mad whirl to the ceil ing, permitting it to descend in a blind ing storm upon the merrymakers. A toboggan slide, arranged among the dense fir trees, added to the realism of the wonderful scene. Many delightful dinner parties pre ceded the affair, one of the largest be ing that for which Mr. and Mrs. Denny Clark were hosts. Their guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Crurnpackjr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wes singer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Noyes. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Durham, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Latourette, Mr. and Mrs. A. . de Schweinitz, Mr. and Mre. A. D. Norris. Dr. and Mra K. S. Knox. Dr, and Mrs. Eugene Kockey, Mr. and i Mrs. Donald "W. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly, Prineville; John Wheeler. Prine ville; Miss Katherine Hart. Miss Cor nelia Cook, Miss Stella Frohman. Mine Holen Piatt, Miss Rhoda Rumelln. Donald J. Sterling, Stuart Freeman and Alan Green. Mrs. Corbett's costume was a beau tiful characterization of a Venetian princess, glittering jewels, arm brace lets and spangles enhancing; the lovely fjold brocaded robe. Mrs. Harry Corbett'a costume waa a stunning futuristio gown of vari-col- ored material, suggesting a Persian princess. Henry L. Corbett was mag nificent as Siegfried. Mrs. Elliott Cor bett s garb, a white and gold Turkish princess attire, was becoming - and lovely. Mr. Corbett appeared ae an Kast Indian prince. Numerous little white rabbits frisked and scurried about; Mrs. Erskine Wood's tame rabbit costume being ef fective against the wild and terrify ing attire of her husband, who, as the "wild man of Borneo" created quite a sensation. Miss Vireinia MDnTinufirh vm an v4V'v ..i-t, M Social Stationery TtmfRWIN ItODSON CO. 387 WASHINGTON ST. PITTOCK BUXJ. LADIES If yea want to be satisfied with your next Tailor-Made Suit come to B. FINK Ladies' Tailor, Eilers Bldg. skirt, blue velvet bodice and chic tur-' ban. She represented "Passing Fancy." Mrs. E. J. Labbe and Mrs. Frank Klstner were attractive pirouettes in black and white costumes. Dr. Labbe and Dr. Klstner completely disguised themselves ae children in "smocks.' A. G. Labbe appeared as a merry troubadour in velvets and red trous ers. Miss Evelyn Carey waa a dainty French peasant. Miss Alice Tucker re sembled her as an alluring Breton maid. Mrs. Joseph E. Wiley made a capti vating gipsy maid, Mrs. Irving L. Web ster was an attractive art student. Mr. Webster donned the grotesque garb of the Igorrote. Miss Blanche Burke was charming as a Pirouette. Mrs. Guy W. Talbot made a most attractive golden butterfly. Her ankles and feet were encased in golden satin, her fluffy skirt and wings being made of gold lace. She also wore a bewitching cap with the long "feelers." Miss Allsa MacMaster was attractive as a Turkish maiden. Miss Isabella Gauld as a Chinese prince was charming and her Identity was completely hidden beneath the stolid Chinese "masque." Mrs. W. D. Clark as a happy Dutch boy was capthvating. Mrs. Robert Noyes was enveloped in black net. representing "Night." Dr. D. W. ii MacGregor was a hand some, brawny Scotsman, and vted with Roderick Macleay's striking Scotch garb. Curtis Bailey was bedecked as a merry troubadour. Mrs. Erskine Wood was perhaps the rnost captivating of all the white, furry rabbits. Her cos tume was stunning and complete in detail. Mrs. John Claire Montelth was a col orful "artist's box of paints." Mr. Mon telth chose the character of Pagliacci, from the opera of that name. Clark D. Simonds also was a replica of the operatic character. Coe A. McKmnn made a striking and handsome Toreador and admirably I suited his beautiful senorita, Mrs. Mc- I Kenna. who was garbed as a Spanish princess in scarlet satin bodice draped and fringed with gold over a blue skirt. Miss Charlotte Laidlaw was in the character of an almond-eyed Chinese maiden. , Mrs. Henry Wessinger wore a beau tiful Persian dancing girl's costume. Carl L. Wernicke donned the garb of a Toreador. Mrs. William S. Knox as dainty "Little Mary" was quite contrary to her stalwart husband-partner, who waa In the attire of a Treasure Island pi rate. Mrs. John L. Burke waa a fascinating gipsy maid. Mrs. Thomas Carrick Burke's garb made it impossible to discover her identity. She was clothed In a monk's cowl and gown. Mrs. Lewis Mills' Holland peasant representation was charming and dainty. Alexander Morrison represented the soldier boy at the border. "Merry Wives of Windsor" were sug gested by the artistic and colorful at tire of Mrs. Peter Kerr and Mrs. Thomas Kerr, whose attitude also co incided with the famous wives. Ham ilton F. Corbett was a gallant courtier in black satin knickers and coat with lace frills. J. Andre Foullhoux impersonated a Spanish grandee. E. C. Shevlln Russian ballet master. Mrs. J. Andre Foullhoux, French peasant. Hawley Hoffman. Turkish garb. Mrs. Hoffman, handsome gipsy attire. Mrs. Morris H. Whltehouse, Russian Hussar. Mr. Whltehouse, an Arab, .in volumi nous white garb. Mrs. Chester G. Murphy, costume of the "Midnight Follies." William I Burke, folly garb. John 1 Burke, cavalier. Mrs. D. W. L. MacGregor. costume representing "Flame." Each and every costume was charm Ing and worthy of description, the en semble representing a huge colorful Russian ballet from the palette of the Leon Bakst. The younger set are especially In terested In the visit of Miss Katherine Collins, a charming Seattle girl, who is the house guest of Miss Ruth Teal. Several delightful affairs have- been given In her honor during the past week, one being an Orpheum theater party followed by supper and dancing at Multnomah Hotel on Tuesday night Six young people shared In this fes tivity, and again on Wednesday night. Miss Collins was honor guest for the informal dance for which Miss Allsa MacMaster was hostess at her home, Ardgour. her guests also being mem bers of the younger contingent, Miss Eliza Parker entertained with a charming informal tea on Wednesday at her home In Mt. Tabor complimen tary to Miss Mary Meldrum. who will become the bride of Frederick Shields, of Spokane, on Thursday, January 11. During the afternoon more than two score matrons and maids called to greet the bride-elect, the tea table be ing presided over by Mrs. Richard Boykin and Mrs. Paul Rockey. Miss Fay Nichols assisted about the rooms. All the Winter sports characteristic to the resorts In Switzerland nre to be found In the cosy Mount Hood Lodge, or Roger's Camp, as it Is invariably called. Many prominent Portland peo ple are entertained by the charming and interesting host. Homer Rogers, during the Winter months, and enjoy snowshoelng, skiing. toboggannlng and the restful atmosphere of the camp, which is situated on the side of Mount Hood, close to the forest reserve. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Blddle. their son Spencer and his fiancee. Miss Alice Tucker, accompanied r.y Mrs. Konrad iiiniiiiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiu Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitttiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniit Elegant Suits $33.75 Values to $65 .We have selected a number of handsome suits, velvets, velours and broad cloths to be sold for one day at this very low clearance price. Many are trimmed in the season's richest furs: Hudson seal, moleskin and beaver. Included are those in the popular Burgrundy shade, navy and green. Many are lined with handsome fancy silks, all are beautifully styled and tailored. Monday Only Special Waists for Stout Women Splendid assortment of crepe de chine and Georgette crepe blouses designed especially for the stout figure. Sizes 46 to 52. Very pretty models, lace trimmed or embroidered; long sleeves, both medium and large flat-laying collars. Then there are other ($ A QPC tucked, semi-tailored effects. Values to $10.50. Sp'l p4r.t0 4J We are showing a beautiful line of Party Frocks Many greatly reduced in price. Surely you will need one, for the dancing season is hardly at its height yet. You will find here the fluffiest, most quaint creations you could wish for. . Your Charge Account Solicited Ouitrtting oJ Washington Street, at Tenth 9 X a&U! Sr7 i M nillllllllllinillllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM aiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuti iiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiuiiiiiuuiiiiiuiMiiniiiininiiiiiitiiiiinMiiiiiiiuiiniuiiHMiiiiiiiuiiiiiir