TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 7, 1917. SITUATIONS WANTED .MALE. Miitcellaneout. WHOLESALERS AND JOBBERS. TRAVELING SALESMAN, seven years' successful experience traveling; lO years connected with general and department stores, desires combination of lines of any etapies bought and Bold by general fher rantlle stores, or would take exclusive line of groceries, produce, etc; salary or com mission; S3, married; best of references. Address V 11, Oregonlan. LL".lBa.MEN Young man, 35, wishes to make change; 10 years experience as bookkeeper, then buyer and salesman, and for past 5 years manufacturing, end, the last two years of which operated my own plant; thoroughly understand both lumber and shingles; excellent references: reasonable wages; will go anywhere. AV 3S. Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by ranch foreman, mar ried, aosolutely reliable and with best of reference from past employers; under stand the production of crops and care of orchards ; experience in irrigation, han dling of stock; would like to take charge cf well-eu,uipped place where permanent position is offered on salary. F. M. Dunn, 423 E. Buchanan, St. Johns, Or. JANITOR end wife, experienced in apart. house, hotel or office bldg., can do re pairs of all kinds, care elevator, oil burner, electricity, painting and plumbing; have my own tools, 3 years with Elrawooi Apt.; Al references. Call Main ltS21 or A r322. 415 10th st. li HEARING up housekeeping and It is necessary for me to sell my fine Sohmer jiano. Beautiful, genuine mahogany rise. Will sell for less than half price. This instrument can be appreciated by a good musician. Phone Broadway 5177. 21 AN and wife want the management of stock or dairy ranch; have had 30 years' experience; can put your place on paying tnsis. Best of references as to my ability. Phone main 3022 or address AD 2, Ore Ionian. I WANT a position in a retail grocery; out of city preferred; 5 years experience and understand the business; age 26; always on the job and can show good letter. W S71. Oregonlan. , iRY GOODS man, expert window trimmer, card writer, adman, young and energetic, $ thoroughly experienced ; can assume re sponsibility and Increase business. O 18, Oregonlan. MARRIED man, 80 years old, expert tractor engineer, and familiar with all farm work, wants position on ranch where only high class work is appreciated ; wife is A-l fook: no children. G 24 Oregonlan. YOUNG man with wheel and an expert me chanic and auto man, wants work of any kind. Give details. Write AG 19, . Ore gonlan. JAPANESE, competent chauffeur, houseman, wants position, afternoons, for moderate wages, without found; West Side; refer ences. AD 8, Oregonlan. WANTED The management or lease of desirable furnished apt.-house. with privi lege of buying, by responsible parties. Main 7504. . UAX, wife, daughter 18 want Job on ranch or camp; economical. No. 1 cooks. Man understands care of stock thoroughly. K 7, Oregonlan. SOMEWHERE In this town a trades school electrical graduate with a year and a half experience In automobile electrical work Is wanted. Sellwood 2301. I'IKST-CLAPS farm implement and gas en gine man wants permanent position ; sober and reliable; age 30. AP 7, Ore gonian. WANTED Position as woods superintendent or foreman: 16 years with last company; would consider logging contract. Phone E. 1 SOS. R 2 5 . Oregon i a n. HOUSE PAINTING, papering, kalsomining, day or contract work, cheap; guaranteed. East 1011. CARPENTER, Al finish hand, Sheppard. Main 6485. wants job. LUMBER YARD foreman, 11 years' experi ence, best references. F 18. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS W ANT ED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YRS. legal experience, 1 years broker age, 4 yrs. commercial, blller, dictaphone operator, understand bookkeeping ; will leave city. Marshall 5303. W 11. Ore gonlan. BY experienced stenographer, 7 years' ex perience wholesale business, desires to make change. Best of referencs. Y 23, Qregonian. - Y OUNG lady wishes position In doctor's or dentists office; experienced in nursing; ood reference. Call Main 7660. room 317. STENOGRAPHER, young man, experienced tn office work, would like position, pre- ferably in Portland Jv 13. uregonian. EXPERIENCED boolckeeper and office as sistant wants position. Phone Sellwood 2900 from 10 to 12. BOOKKEEPING, stenographic position by young lady with 3 yrs.' experience. Mar shall 5S33. INEXPERIENCED stenographer would like position tor experience, baiary no oojeci. P 12, Oregonlan. COPYING work wanted, both legal and commercial. Marshall 1454. 404 Northwest t bldg. - EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes posl- tion. Tabor 431. - EXPERIENCED,1 A No. 1 bookkeeper; can do stenography. Call Main 634. "EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general of fice assistant desires position. SelL 1692. COMPETENT stenographer wants positloi immediately. Phone East 76T5. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires all or half day position. Marshall 481. Dressmakers. YOUNG WOMAN, good at plain sewing and mending, desires work, $1 a day and car fare, references. Call Monday bet. 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. Main 7051, A 1517. FIK6T-CL.ASS dressmaker, designer, lately from New York, work out by day and home; city reference; terms reasonable. Marshall 4065. 6U1TS, gowns, waists to order or remodeled; competent dressmaker. 202 Flledner, Mar S201. LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats re lined. Mrs. Muckler, 445 Morrison. Main 61 83 second floor. JUST returned, will design plain, fancy gowns, suits becoming; your home; price reduced 6 weeks. Main 5753. EXPERT dressmaker from San Francisco desirs day or piece work. V 20, Orego- man. LR ESS MAKER from New York City, rea sonable, by day, to' introduce. Phone B 2510. DRESSMAKING and ladies tailoring; satis faction guaranteed ; moderate prices. Phone Main 8d75. FASHIONABLY made suits and gowns by experienced dressmaker; day. East 54GL FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, home or day. Main U513. Llnnton. buuD dressmaker, will go out during dull season, $1.50 a day. Main 2009. SEWING by experinced dressmaker, $1.3o day; nothing ever spoiled Main 3349. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $2.50 per day"; work guaranteed ; references. Wood. 5297. DRESSMAKER wishes engagement at home or by day. Mam oi BABIES' wardrobes, layettes supplied or garments made to order. Marshall 3722. DRESS, suit and coat making; satisfaction guaunted. Mrs. Simons. Wdln. 5307. Nurses. MATERNITY AND SURGICAL HOSPITAL, 1 005 Williams ave. Normal confinement cases. Including drugs, dressings, physi cian's services, 2 weeks' hospital care, all for $40: very reasonable prices for medical and surgical cases, including physician's services, prion wooaiawn 166. EX PERIENCED nurse, general cases, feeble or cmeny preferred; very reasonable. Main 1158. POSITION as experienced practical nurse, day or night; charges reasonable. Mar, 2771. 1234 E. MORRISON ST.. a nurse in her cwn home would like a mental case; city doc tors references, call Tabor 2as7. GRADUATE nurse wishes nursing : expert ence in mental case; $15 b week. Phone NURSE wants work, would take charge of invalid. .Man or woman; terms reason able. X 22, Oregonian. INVALID can have home and care In home of trained nurse. Tabor- zls. HouKckeepert, MIDDLE-AGED widow, position as house keeper for gent'eman with modern home and one or two ennaren; country or small town preferred; references. M 22, Ore- ronmn. A LADY wants to take care of apartment house in exchange for her rooms; exnerl enced; West Side preferred. Phone Main leiH. POSITION of housekeeper in widower's home or bachelor apts.; capable, neat. good nouseiceeper; no triners need answer references. if 11,. yregonian. WANTED By Swedish woman, housework or housekeeping In city or country where tnere would be no ODjection to poy 01 7. pnone Taoor oiu. u;. atstn. GERMAN lady with 3-year-old boy wlshe position as housekeeper in or near town. rj oregonian. YOUNG w-oma 1, with child 7 years, wants work, or will keep house; will leave city must be respectable, u z&, uregonian. TRAINED nurse will do housekeeping for one or two gentlemen, a r au. uregonian. GERMAN woman -with small boy wants po sition; A-l references. AM 19, Oregonian TOUNQ woman, good cook, as housekeeper xor gentleman, j zo, uregonian. STTCATIOXS WANTED FEMALE, House keepers. POSITION wanted ai housekeeper and com panion or care of semi-in valid ; reliable and conscientious; references and partic ulars. Miss Stephens. Main GO 14. 374 14th street. NEAT, reliable widow wishes position as housekeeper in widower's home; small wages. B 18. Oregonian. DflintMtlrg. A COMPETENT, experienced cook, German, wants position. Call at 590 E. 18th st. or phone Sellwood 3727 between 10 and 2. WOMAN wishes work by hour, day, week or month; go home nights. V ill, Orego nlan. TWO ladies wish positions as cook and helper 'in country hotel or camp; refer ences. M 21. Oregonlan. DESIRABLE girl wishes housework in small family, elderly couple preferred; state salary. B 22, Oregonlan. LADY wants housework and cooking. Broad way 2278, GIRL wants general housework. Phone Mar shall 3209. COMPETENT young man wants work by day. Call Tabor 6023. EXPERIENCED cook desires position in prlv vate lamlly. s 11, uregonian. Miscellaneous. FATHER and daughter would like to man age apartment house or any work where they can be together, for apartment and. small salary. Reference furnished. Main UNINCUMBERED, capable young woman with experience, to take management of private hotel, rooming or apartment-house. In or out of city; no triflers need apply. Tel. Marshall 44G9. O 9, Oregonlan. ' CLARA H. JOHNSON, pianoforte teacher, certified, London College of Music, Eng land; special attention backward pupils and beginners. SI E. 74th st. N. Tabor 4525. - NEAT and refined young woman of good taste would like light washing and iron In from business women and school teacners; will call for and return. L 21, Oregonlan. ELDERLY woman desires work as cook, ex perienced ; can sew, mend and Iron well ; no washing. Call Monday, Jan. 8 between 8:30 A. M. and, 5:80 P. M. A 1517, Main 7051. CAPABLE reliable woman deanrea to care for old couple or convalescent, from $5 to $8 per week; no washing; A 1 references. Marshall 609. CAPABLE woman, good cook, practical nurse, wants any glnd of work, go home nights. Call weekdays 8:50 to 5:30. Main 7051. A 1517. RELIABLE woman wants position as Jan itref or to take charge of apartment or rooming-house ; references. C IS, Orego nlan. GIRL with 1 year and 8 moi.' experience as telephone operator wants to take charge of private switchboard. Phone Marshall 6144. EXPERIENCED otel housekeeper desires position or management of lodging-house; references. M. I. Wheeler, Vancouver, Wash.. R. D. No. 6. KEi-iABL-E young lady, with mother to support, wishes position as cashier or office work; good references. Call Wood lawn 3456. EXPERIENCED woman wants work Mon days, Thursdays, $1.60 day, carfare. Sell wood 193-'. LAD V wiil care for children evenings. Woodlawn 3065 Sunday or evenings after 6: HO. LADY of experience would like position managing a rooming-house or apartment house ; references. Woodlawn 3041. FIRST-CLASS tutoring In English and grammar; excellent references; terms reasonable. Sellwood 2344. EXPERIENCED laundress will work from 8 till 4 o'clock for $1.50. Call Sunday and evenings, Woodlawn 312. YOUNG lady going to business college de sires position during day.. Office pre ferred. Woodlawn 2531. STRICTLY competent young woman wishes Ironing or cleaning. Call 8-11 A. M., Main 7504. WANTED Laundry work to do at home; work carefully done. Mrs. -Gladden. 730 Savier. Main 1983. MIDDLE-AGED woman, reliable kitchen helper, -wants work; home nights. Main 025. REFINED middle-aged woman wants a home; employed 6 hours a day. R 22, Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY exprlenced coat and suit saleslady desires position as manager of dept. Can leave city. V 10, Oregonlan. PRIVATE lessons in English given to grown people; Eastern teacher. A 19, Oregonlan. REFINED woman will assist with cares of home for good home. Y 8, Oregonian. lUUNG lady wishes position as exchange operator. Call Main 7669, room 317. EXPERIENCED woman wanted, day work. Tabor 7556. SINGER and pianist would like evening en gagements. Call Col. 325. ELDERLY-woman wants cooking for 6 atu dents or clerks. J 22, Oregonlan. LACE curtains hand laundered, reasonable rates, work guaranteed. East 5023. PKJ VATE lessons in French. German and drawing fl E. 74th et. N. Tabor 4525. HOUSE cleaning and washing by the day or hour, Lioe an nour. laoor tvsx. YOUNG girl, chamberwork, in hotel. Tabor 5795. . . YOUNG Japanese midwife wants position with lady physician. N 21, Oregsnlan. EXPERIENCED woman wishea washing or cleaning. ii n;. ow. YOUNG lady will work in doctor's office for experience. H 21, Oregonian. WANTED Day work, any kind, reasonable, rnone aiar. 2 1 4 1. GIRL wants any kind of work; 25 cents an hour. Call Marshall 4377, COMPETENT laundress wants work Moo., Wed.; references, woodlawn loll. WOMAN wants day work. 25o an. hour. Phone Tabor C346. LACE curtains hand-laundered; work guar anteed nrst-clasa. Sellwood 801. YOUNG lady wishes position in doctor's or dentist s o trice. 1 aLor oUdd. WORK in candy factory, small wages and learn DUEiness. L J, oregonian. WANTED Position as janltress; can give good reterence. Fhcne .Mar. 4735. WANTED Chamber work In rooming house or notei. rnone iiin ivsj. room za. WOMAN wants curtains to launder; cheap. Mam 424a. 44? Broadway. REFINED, capable woman desires work. Can do any t rung. Mar. 4 iti. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Taoor 704. WANTED TO REST. Houses, YOUNG couple wish partly furnished or unfurnished modern, bungalow, about 6 . rooms, about March 1, for lease or pur chase ; references. G 4, Oregonian. OR 5-room modern furnished bungalow wanted r eu 1 ; state particulars ; 11 not first-class don't answer. AD 904, Ore gonian. BY young couple, strictly modern aoart ment, nat or bungalow, furnished. West Side, Irvington or Laurelhurat; give full particuiars. ajn z. oregonlan. 6-ROOM bungalow; large sleeping porch finished basement, fireplace, vas. electric ity; reasonable rent; near Llewellyn SchooL iv. a 2. oregonian. A PERFECTLY responsible middle-aaed couple will care for home in owner's ab sence, f none o iiK5. References. IF youhave a farm or suburban acreaea to rent j. can get a guuu tenant xor you. See J. A. Murner, -v raiting oiog. SEVEN or 8 rooms, 2 bathrooms, hardnnnd floors, garage, West Side. Call Marshall 40. OLNG man attending school will work for ooarq ana room. rnone tiawy 4a. Apartments. WANTETJ 4 or 5-room flat, bungalow or apartment, completely and beau tifully furnished, in best residence district: two adults, also thoroughly house-broken dog: rent must be rea sonable; desire immediate posses sion. Call Burrell, Brpadway 411. - SMALL furnished apartment, modern, well located ana cneap zor a zew months only, AC 10, oregonian. BY three adults, a desirable West Bide fur nished apartment for 2 months or longer reierences. ajv o, oregonian. WANTED Light, well-heated room by busi ness woman, in private family, Weat Side preferred. Phone Main 1533. WANTED By two students, room with board in good family, near Dental Col lege. BD 9f. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. out of town, wishes room mate one night each week. AM 11, Ore gon1 an. , FURNISHET 8 or 4-room flat or apartment, clean and ouiet; AK 18- Oregonian. Rooms With Bosrq. YOUNG lady employed desires room, board. West 6ide private family. O 8, Orego nian. TWO nice rooms with board, in private fam ily (employed K. 20. Oregonisuv, JVANTED TO RENT Booms With Board. WIDOW with little girl 4 years old desires room and board with home privileges In private family; must be reasonable. AO 13, Oregonlan. lOt'MJ lady employed would like place to earn her room and board by keeping chil dren evenings or other service. Phone Sellwood 10C6. WANTED Board and room for gentleman with 5-year boy; must be private, no other boarders or children. AM 17, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY wants room and board in private family; must be reasonable; no children. X 12. Oregonlan. WANTED By young woman stenographer, furnished room or room with board; West Side preferred. Telephone Main 8350. YOUNG MAN wants room in steam-heated apartment. AC 8, Oregonlan. HOME for glri 4 years old; state" monthly charge. AP 16 Oregonlan. FOR PETNT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington Sts. A moderate-priced hotel, with first class service, with all comforts and con veniences of the high-priced hotels, at lower rates; rooms with and without pri vate baths from 75c to $2 per day; weekly rates $3 and up. ELTON COURT HOTEL, YAMHILL, AT 11TH. Fronting Public Library; uptown busi ness district, but away from noise of traf fic; running water or bath in every room; private phones; elevator; S3 to $6 per week. Main 6953. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st., cor. Washington st. Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large at tractive rooms, individual telephone, con tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 per week up; 5Qc to $1.50 per day. " HOTEL L1L-MER, under new management; Mrs Lillian Merry; transient trade so licited, rates reasonable ; hot and cold water in every room, 270 Vfc Fourth st., cor. Jefferson, opposite City Hall. Phone Mar shall 6355. HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Eleventh and Stark sts brick building, elevator service, telephone, hot and cold water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe cial rates by the week. HOTEL CON R A DINE, 30th st., at Oak Desirable downtown lo cation; respectable and strictly modern; fireproof building, elevator and large lob by; roomg S3 per week up. RTANDISH HOTEL, 548 Washington st., corner 17th. Hot and cold water; steam -heated rooms. $1.50 per week; $6 per mo. and up. MAKETHE BUSH MARK YOUR HOME. Good, large, clean, modern rooms, steam ' heat; walking distance, $1.50 a week; $6 a month and up. 565 Washington st. TWO parlor rooms for rent; one furnished, one unfurnished; $3 and $10; easy walking distance. 653 Wash. st. at 20th. HOTEL OCKLBY Morrison st. at 10th, RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up. Running water. Free phone and baths. NICELY furnished front room, walking dls- tance ; both phones, reasonable. 402 itd st. The Warrenton. Main 7771. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th t. Strictly modern ; private bat hs en suite; room $3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. FRONT eingle room, $10 per month. High land Court. Marshall 3181. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder. Strictly mod- ern. t.50. $3 and $2.50 a week. FORD HOTEL, private bath, phone,. $14 up; without bath, $10 up. 733 Washington st. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. Warm, modern rooms, VI wees: up. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. (ifc-MLEMAN, business man, can find an Exceptionally well furnished and cosy room ih family of two, no children; bath and abundance of hot water adjoining; neigh borhood is refined; West Side; o minutes walk to business center. N 970, Oregonian, NICELY furnished 2 front rooms suitable for 2 or 3. modern, privilege of piano; easy walking distance; could be arranged for light housekeeping. 501 10th st. Main NICELY furnished room with all modern conveniences, strictly private family, excel lent board, walking distance. G3 E. 15th st., near fetark. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for 1 or 2. home privileges, references ex changed. Inquire llo E. 17th St., corner Aiaer. NICE, large, private room, suitable for lady, with uso of kitchen and piano; walk ing distance, can .ast it. REASONABLE, furnished room, with or without breakfast, in Irvlngton home. Broadway car. East 3 276. LARGE furnished front room for one or two gentlemen. 623 Love joy st,, between lutn ana zvtti. FURNISHED room, free phone, electrlo liglxts, good heat. Taylor st. Phone Main 5522. CLEAN, warm furnished rooms, private fam ily, easy walking distance to business cen ter. 468 Taylor st. Reasonable rent. ROOM for gentleman, furnace heat, bath. modern, close in, reasonable. Main 3291. 322 Broadway. NOii HILL, furnished room with deeping porch, modern home. 777 Gllsan, near 23d st. Marshall 3872. HEATED room, sleeping porch attached. mod.- home, suitable 1 or gentlemen. 56-0 Salmon, opp. Mult. Club. Main 2179. .NICE room in beautiful home; running wa ter, snower Datn. iui tverett st. BEAUTIFULLY' furnished rooms in good home; references; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson. LARGE front room, closet ; rent reasonable. ;syo 10th st. Marshall 3424. $ 5 W" ELL PUP. NISHED room, light, heat. phone, bath; walking distance. 325 12th. 440 TAYLOR st., near 12th, comfortable. well-heated room, close la, reasonable. WELL furnished front room for one or two gentlemen ; use of piano. 414 Salmon. ROOM for rent, furnished ; private home. Call Wdln. 2039. ONE lurr.lshed and 1 unfurnished room in prt. ram., W. Side, Nob Hill. Mar. 361X NICELY furnished front room. $7 mouth. 0 N. 15th. WELL-FURNISHED, bright, warm room; gooa location ior gentleman. 251 10th. CLEAN, warm, cozy rooms. Try 448 Taylor st. $2 week and up. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping. $1.50 or $2 per week. 241 6th st. Booms With Board. WEAVER HOTEL, 708-10 Washington street. Phone Marshall 5170. BOARD AND ROOM. fnvate Datn and telepuone in every room, trices reasons me. Excellent heat. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Suj. An excellent residential hotel; attractive ratra to transients or permanent guests. rnuno mam c 00, tr DO. O. ALEXANDRA COURT, 53 Ella St. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites Single Rooma Excellent Table. A 6211. Marshall 6170. TWO large, light well-furnished rooms, with private bath, steam heat, home cooking, suitable for man and wife or several young men. di.y mtn hi. LARGE, attractive room, facing south, with open fireplace, for one or 2 people; home . COOKing. &jit I "L II. THE KTHYKER. 554 Couch; family hotel; rooms single or en suite; reasonable rafs, Rooms With Board In Private Family. FIRST-LASS room and board in private lamny ; uue ruuiu, BUiiauie ior two. aiain 6412. LOVELY front room, with board; excellent meals; congenial home; reasonable. 335 11th st. $22.50 NICELY furnished room with board private family, walking distance. ' Main 0721. x WILL care for child from 2 to 5 years of age, $2 per week. Marshall 2413, 1U5 17th hi. .orrn. ATTRACTIVE front room and board in beautiful home across from Multnomah Club; hot water heat. Main 7720. ONE or two children, can have Rood per manent home best care, reasonable 00a lawn loeo- WILL board and room 1 or 2 children, school age, reasonable, near school. Tabor 42 in. EXPERIENCED, reliable mother will board and care for your baby. 666 Sherrett ave. benwooa car. BOARD and room in private family, suitable for 2: all home privileges. East 2075. SOU n;. itn st. rx. ROOM and board for working girls and siuaenu, 90. w per wk. fnone L. 4452. la niti ana email room; nice table, nea Multnomah Club; reasonable. Main 221th ONH or more children to board, $9 a month more xor company. r 0, Oregon lan. ROOM and board for 2; modern home, close in; $40; sleeping porch, piano. East 56i. FIRST-CLASS room and board in private nome. 1 to . .isi. Main zzv. PLEASANT room, with board: modern ae- commodatlons. 6S1 Gllsan, Marshall 1248. NICELY furnished rooms, with board, blk norm tsroauway. ua xsenton. RXDOMS with or Without board In a nleasan home. 453 E. 14th st. N. Irvlngton car. COMFORTABLE, homelike room, with Ger roan cooking. 661 Montgomery st. FURNISHED rooms with board, sleepln FOB RENT. Rooms With Board la Private Family. VERY large, light and nicely furnished room, suitaoie lor two people, in mooern nome : walking distance on v ai ciae. also fine sinKla room: bath on same floor. table -cannot be surpassed; splendid home cooKing. Marshall 3930. PLEASANT front room, beautifully fur nished, steam heated, suitable for two; excellent home-cooked meals, also single I room in refined, homelike place, moderate rate. o7 tiltsan st. Aiaranau -ija. FINE, larise front room, well heated, excel lent board, modern new house, piano, good location; 10 minutes' ride Hawthorne car. Kates low. 304 East 22d, near Hawthorne. more r. a si. iKijo. ELDERLY woman, living alone. would like young woman to room and board ; home privileges; 16 per month. Wood- iawn iM4. ROOM and board for gentleman, private home, Ladd's Addition, near Hawthorne; use of garage and sleeping porch. Phone East 7580. HAVE a dandy large front room for two younar men with A-l home cooking, plenty of hot water and heat; $22.50 each, tibti I . Everett. Marshall abt7. LARGE room with sleeping porch, with board, for 2 gentlemen or more. In strict- I ly modern house; all home privileges. pjione .ast IbOi. LARGE furnished room; screened sleeping porcn. runnlnir water: home cooking; three beds; $18- per mo.; single room, $20 per I mo .Mar. 40t, LARGE, nicely furnished room, separate) beds, suitable for 2; every convenience; ex cel en t meals, very homelike, close in ; $5 per week. 5-4 7 H 6th st. Main &325 PORTLAND HEIGHTS, walking, large room wttn sleeping porch, zine lor 2 people or single room .without porch; will consider Doaru. F'hone Mar. 3ou. GOOD home. ilenty to eat. for children, 1 near school, $10 a month. 1604 East Thirteenth street South, near Nehalem street. VERY attractive front room, close In, West bide: excellent board : everything nome like and pleasant and congenial. Main LARGE front room, with or without board: gooa neat ana oain loiuiouii, cur. 1 lth. Marshall D345. NICELY furnished roojn. excellent board. by widow with no children. Main 6446. 4224 Jenerson at. $22.50 Nicely furnished room with board. private zamiiy, walking distance, jdaia 5721. LOVELY apartment room, fine view. Nob Hill district; use of kitchen If desired; C. S. preferred; references. Marshall 1742. ROOM and board, $5.50 a week. Fairfield, V'& . itussett st. GOOD rooms, with board. 595 E. Oak. Famished Apartments. A HOUSE THAT IS quiet, refined, clean. safe. THE WHEALDOV ANNEX popular. 10th and Salmon tits. well known, of highest standing. A house of quality, comfort and service. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Ets. Five minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store; good eurroundlngs; etrictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. ' VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Tmvlor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Gardens in Connection. Walking die tance. References. PENROSE APARTMENTS. N". W. corner Belmont and Grand ave. New, completely furnished 2. and 8-roora apts. olid b&ck building; white enam eled Interior; large kitchens; service first- class; ivaiKing distance. CHESTERBURY, Hotel and Apartments. Dlnlni-room In connection. 10th and Kearney. Marshall 784, A 4458. LINCOLN APARTMENTS, 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED APT3. $16 TO $25. WALKING DISTANCE. GARAGE CONVENIENT. SERENE COURT. E. 1st and Multnomah; modern And X-rnnm furnlnhoH nnnrt - tnents; each suite has two disappearing! beds, two dressing-rooms; roof garden audi sun parlor, tuast livz. CHAPMAN APTS.. 2 rooms with bath and dressing-room; fine outside rooms; phone, heat, rent $17 to $la; walking dlotance. Mill ana unapman. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. 189 N. 23d Un der new management : everything ui date, completely furnished, private phone ana pain ; g-u. up. Marsnau iho. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2316. Exceptionally nice 3, 4 and 5-room apts. ah outsiae rooms, line view, ciose in. MADISON PARK APTS.. Park at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and A room rum is tied apartments, close In, by wee j. or montn. WASHINGTON -GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apts.. $10 up ; heat, light, bath ; clean, respect- am. wi Tirana ave.,- cor. v asningtou. PALACE APARTMENTS. East 37th and Market,. 4 rooms, furnished private bath ana pnone. THE CHELTENHAM Beautifully furnished . a ana 4-room apartments; lowest rates in city. Lurner . ivin and Northrup sts. DENVER APARTMENTS Strictly modern i;, , 4-room lurnianea ana unfurnished. $15 up. "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227. A.jxLE APTS.. u4l 14th; nicely furnished, ciean, airy .-room apts.; private bath. pnone; it up; new management. NEW WEST-MINSTER APts.. 6th at Madi son; 4-room furnished corner apt. vacant jan. v. N.C-W luinished apts.; concrete Mock; $10 1111-711 BVC U . 11 . 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gas. ii-nt: j up. :cw riart. 170 2d st. 2-ROOM modern apartments, $10-$12 month. iirj neimoni st. laoor noy. ARCADIA 706 Everett. 2-rooin apartment. waiting aistance ; rererences. I'nfnmlNhed Apartments. W AGON ETR APARTMENTS. FINT; L' N FX" RXIt'HED APARTMENT. $40 0 rooms, llvlnar and dining-room. cabinet kitchen, rear and front porch. mrgo ran, j iarg tearooms, mouern oatn. V 1 1, L r L KMaH IF W A N T E D. SMITH -WAOONER CO., Stock Ex. MOST exclusive apts. In city from 6 to 1 v rooms each, rent- $75 to $125 p"r month unfurnished. Weist Apts. Call G9 N. 23d st.. or phono A 1672. ( bhAL i IFL Ij uniurnished 5-room apart ment, with all modern conveniences, ln cludinc sleeping porch, telephone gas, electric lights, etc. ; newly carpeted, ren ovated, reduced rentals, rnone Mam 4379, IRVING APARTMENTS. Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside rooms, veranda, launnry, garage, good service, low rates to permanent tenants. references requited. 6S9 Irving st. Phone NE W cosy. 5-room apartment, beautiful view, in South Moreian; heat and hot water furnished ; reference required. Phone office. Main 4S35. Sellwood 2il after 6 P. M. TUDOR ARMS APARTMENTS. IRth and Couch sts. Marshall 2559. Mod ern new building. 2 3, 4-room unfurnished apartments, with shower baths and every 1 convenience. WINDSOR APARTMENTS S rooms unfur.. ciean, comioriaoie, nomeiiae, z dik. car- line, walking distance, tait zm. DOUGLAS COURT. -425 W. Park, now ooen : new 2 and 8- room, hardwood floors, mahogany finish; ! tirat-ciass service; an iigut apts. A FEW of the new Nob Hill 3-room apart ments untaken: Mgnt and airy; unezce.ied outlook: reception-room, large lawn, etc. Glian. near 23d. CROMWELL APARTMENTS. -5th and Columbia St. One very desirable corner 8-room una furniahed apt.. $.55 per month to adults. NICE SUITE of 1-2-8 and 4 housekeeping rooms at 244 Kllllngsworth ave.. cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn 1705. ONLY $7.50. steam heat, water, etc., neat store arranged for housekeeping. Sunny- siue Ajiia. DUi lu in k, !j 1 in anu seimoni. $22.50 LARGE, pleasant. 4-R. front apt., eteam heat. Individual phone. Wellington Court. 01 cverciu PDRDHAM Choice unfurnished front Dart- men t. oak and white enamel finish and oak f'oors. Rent reasonable. Marshall 1581. ROdENFELD (Brick), 14th and E. Stark. 4 rooms; private phone, suite y20. 2. ROOMS and bath, $15: 3 rooms. $20; location, close in. Call Mar. 840O. good 6-ROOM APT., with sleeping porch. Mawr, 1S3 E. 15th St.; $80. Bryn SIX rooms, sleeping porch, all outside rooms: reference. 780 Irving. Mar. 1758. ttttt MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. Large, light. 5. 6 rms.. reas. M.7B16. A2676 THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson 3, 4, 5 rooms. reasonahj. Marshal Jtso. THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outside mod- urn; 65 lanaers, xot aul jaam twu FOB PENT. t nfurnithetl Apartments. CARMELITA APARTMENTS. 18TH AND JEFFERSON. 4 AND 6-ROOM UNFURNISHED. CALL. MAIN SObS. X'urniahed or Unf urnlsbrd Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton; large, attractive, sunny outslae rooms: pricate balconies, modern, supe rior service, unsurpassed view, walking MOST exclusive apta. In city from 6 to v rooms eacn, rem o io s-iso per montn unfurnished. Weist Apts. Call 69 N. 23d st.. or phone A 1672. BARKER APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4- room; rates moderate: rood service, spe cial arrangements for permanent tenant!. rnone uarsnau and 2im4. walking distance. 21st and Irving. V" ELLESLE Y COUR T. MELCL1FFE COURT. REX ARMS. Bunnyside carllne, close In ; 2 room; desirable and reasonable. and 3- TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 4i-57 TRINITY PLACR. MANAOER. PHONE MAH"SHALL 1101. THE BEUNA VISTA. 12th and Harrison Bi.rici.iy moaern; all outside apartments; ldal location, references. Phone Main ivci anu LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. 49 Lucretla st. Marshal! 1513. A 3037. PHONE Woodlawn 16 and ask about unfur nished apt. and .sleeping porch, awell enough to make old Solomon's mouth water; no Kids there s a reason. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 270 S. Brotu way: one furnished or unfurnlahri front -room apartment. Phone Main 2506. ONE 2-room ant. in new brink bulldln vumor oroaaw&y svna ciay sts. Alain woux THE LETA. high-class 5 large rooms, bal- i-uny, sjeeping porcn; like a private home, wit j King distance. Mar. 82t7. KObE.NFELD (Brick) 14TH and E. STARK. r 1 rooms, rrivate p nones, wuiet. Flats. IRVINGTON Modern corner fiat, all built- in conveniences, hardwood floors, fire place, white enamel kitchen, gas ranges linoleum. 401 E. 13th sU N.. or phone cam i.uq. j GET comfortable in this hot-water-heated- 4-room-with-a-sleeplng-porch flat; also large front porch; wall bed. gas range. linoleum; only $'-.. East 2lst and Haw- tnorno. labor FLAT Sandy, cor. 72d; practically new, 4-r, ana patn. iioimes nan oed. car to aoor; some furniture. Mont and on. Main 990, or pee wooaman on premises. MODE RN 5-room at; larva balcony, dis appearing Deu. gas range, linoleum, cor. E. 10th and Haisey. W. L Swank. Mam IrtHS, E. 148. S-KOOM . modern upper flat, with sleeping i'urcu. Km ran go. noi water neater, uno eum andatair carcet and hestina stoves. E. 2d N. LARGE, light, attractive 4-room modern flat. heat, water, gas ranre. furnished, choice location, fine view 963 Front, near 6-hOOM modern fiat. 426W 11th sU $16oO wmier paia. uregon inv. t Aiig. -o.. v Ftok Exchange. 8d and Yamhill. $ ri -RuOM modern f lat ; every conven lence; icond- neighborhood: West Hide Lovpjoy, between 21st and 22d. $43 50. including water, modern 5-room up per; ijutcu kiicnr-n, rurnare, iirpiace. etc. E. llth sU N.f cor. Davis. Wdln. 4373. $lv A MONTH t rooms, desirable location cmse to school and carllne, Qgden, lu Shaver. Woodlawn 20. $1J 1-R., hdw. f'.ra., ivory finish, hot water. rep. enirancta, ciose in. t Monroe. 7I2. -ROOM upper flat, best residence district ciose in; noining iiko it in town; see ior yourself. 243 E. 13th St.. cor. Main. S1S.50. 'including water modern. 5-room up per: imtr-h kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc. 6;u. E. lfcth st. N cor. Davis. Wd.n. 4373 NEW 6-room flat near Portlano Heights Club, hardwood floors, garage; reasonabl to coupie. Mar. 40i3. 5-ROOM upper, light, modern, fireplace, furnace. ISth and E. Ash. East 2b 1. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Centra Heating Co., Kearney. Mar. S45. b LAT of six rooms and bath;"731 Hoyt st. Inquire i;i0 6tn. Phone Main 2.S. MODEK N 4-room fiat, rtasonaM. near and ashtngton sts Main '.: 3. LOWER 5-room flat. modern. 473 W. l ark. Inquire 4JS Park. MODERN tf-room upper corner fiat, all con veniences, iaat 1 00. 7-ROOM modern upper and lower flat $17.5 and 20. Lverett. Main vv. UP-TO-DATE Itreproof fiat, 6 rooms. E, 18th and Salmon; cheap. Main 3ot6. MODERN 4-room fiat: porch. wood, gas range, garage. fM9 Market. $8 5-ROOM upper flat, newly papered, near d ana tneriaan. fhone Main HU4i. 5-ROOM, lower, modern, between Broad way and steel bridge. 2ol i Haisey st. MODERN 6-room flat, very reasonabl 5J1 Everett st. 6 OR 8 -room upper fiat, cheap, near 2 7 5 5 S 14th St., cor. Jefferson. MODERN 6-room upper corner flat, all con veniences. Last Js.o. LARGE 6-room flat. 3284 2d et. ; $16. FuniUaed 1'lats. STRICTLY mofl. upper 6-room fur. fl corner or water ana Globs, a lew diock from steel and shipouilding plant: 3 bed rooms, bath. living and dining-room an kitchen. Take "S" car south. Apply u5 ater Ft. 3iain laii. NEATLT furnished flat. Ave cozv room and bath. 1 large front porch, une view large basement, iurnace, easy wamin distance. West Side. 464 Hall sU, at 13t $25. References. IRVINOTON Strictly modern 5-room lower flat, bard wood floors, fireplace and piano. Kent reasonaoie to right party, can morn ing. on tu. wth st. N.t cor. btanton. ON iV 415 Five-room furnished fiat, clea desirable locaiii, gas, bath, gas and wood ranges, sleeping porcn. i2 r.. Taylor. bay; 52ffl. NEATLY furnished fiat, four cor.y rooms. bath, easy walking distance. West Slue. 464 Hall St.. at loth ; $!." ; reference. 1 3-ROOM and 1 4-room flat fnr rent. fu niched. 85 Cable st. Main 3476. COMPLETE, modern 6-room lower flat, a outside, walking distance. 424 Tlllamoo, FOR RENT 4 furnished rooms, lower flat. ir.l Morris st. llo ukreplnsr Roomw. flF room with kitchenette. comDletelv fu niFhexl, steam heat, running not ana coia water, phene in every room ; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts., $14 up. 2"Jl Columbia ct., near 5th. NiOF.LY furnished housekeeping suit walking distance, both phones; $2 pe week and up; newly renovated. ilal 7771. The Warrenton, 40i't4 3d St. MAKE the Buahmark your home; complete! furnished housekeeping room J weei u ;n-li;iinr gas. t-K-ct. wan-r. 55 Was SINGLE housekeeping room $9 month. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 187 17th, near Yamhill. 4j fc.. MOliKiau.N 1 uriusneu on ana two-room noune Keeping apts.. reason an Hon iwk epln; Koonw to Irlvate Family 2-hX).i suite, first floor, modern. fine, reasonable: . z-room suite, seconu floor. $12.50. 67 N. 2th st. LARGE, pleasant H. K. rooms, phone, ard. near snipyara, - '' isi. $11 2 CLEAN, furnished H. K. rooms. Last Hitii. near .Morrison. Hol'SE KEEPING rooms; heat and elec tricity furnished, $12.75. 404 Park st. housekeeping rooms, close in. reason- ible. 40 K. Washington st. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms; electricity, as. pnone. s-w i-;n i. FURNISHED housekeeplne $2 week. Call 193 west rar. $16 MO., housekeeping suite, running water. steam neai, gas range, pnone. ui mn mi. $1 W i'JEK. Ciean. yulet. close In; largs rroiinoa, pnone. uu tu. gtn. 1 S-ROOM apt., heat, light, cheap. 260 E. 2&1. corner E, Madison. Phone East S45L THREE furniehed housekeeping rooms. 294 Eugene su NICELY furniahed housekeeping suite. front rooms ; reierenceiaw om sr. $10 4 ROOMS, furnished, private bath and pnone ; wa t k mg aiwincc. i-ri 1 NICELY furnished h. k. room, modern con- veniences, wiiiKing cisnnce. uvn r lanuera. I $ WEEK 2 nlc- rooms, phone, bath, walk, ng distance, 44 East 7th. THREE clean, furnished housekeeping room a, gas, bath, y a rd. 625 Tburman et. 854 SALMON, 2 cosy rooms, furnished for housekeeping; giggle furnished room. CLEAN, well-furnished housekeeping rooms. SoU wiay sl. Jir. i i x. LARGE room, $1.50 week; gas, cook stove. free e.ectricity, phone, osth. s2 4th st. I $10 3 rooms, fur.. In modern house; best car service, ciose m. taiw, FOR RENT. Houwkefping Rooius in Private Family. 12 THREE large, clean, completely fur nished housekeeninr rooms, clean bedding. curtains, carpets and linoleum, sink and private toilet gM ana woea rantte, tree lights arid phone, 2 blocks bunnyside car. Call E. Yamhill. LITE of basement rooma $2 per week; 1 single room $1.50; heat, electric light, gas. wasn room, Datn, pnone. i. xiiu vl. . Phone East 954. ICE, clean, all outside. S-room, furnished apt veranda, all conveniences, everything furnished but gas, $20. This is good, 22S E. 20th, near awthorne. E. T2t7. OR MORE beautiful unfurnished h. k. rooms, white enamel finish. eunroom, veranda, on Fighfly corner. 234 E. 20th, cor. Main. E. 72tS7. li REE nlc: furnished housekeeping rooms in a private home, everything xurmsneu. 365 Haisey St. TO $2.50 a week; furnished H. K. rooms; free heat, laundry, bath, phone. East 6039. 4 OH Vatcouver, near Broadway. WO clean -II. K rooms, electric, gas, run ning water, reasonable; also rooms; $1.50 a week. 214 Jefferson. N E COZY housekeeping room, suitable for one or two; free phone, bath and neat ; privilege of piano. 3dl 10th at. Main 8321. ONLY $9 month 2 large, nicely furnished grounn-rioor rront housekeeping rooms; gas, bath, yard. 366 Second et. 2.50 WEEK, large room for housekeeping, runnins- water, steam heat, pnone, nome like, parlor. 207 14th st. -ROOM, modern, bay-window suite, hot and cold water, electricity, furnace neat, reasonable. 66tt Everett. 532 CLAY ST. Private home, two furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance; w per mo. No children. L'lTE 4 lower furnished housekeeping; ynrd. 412 Vancouver, or phone Drake, Main 17VJ. TWO well-furnlshed front IL IC. rooms, cook stove, gas, electric tights. 3-14 Main. ONE small, we'il-f urnlshed h, k. room. In- ctufl, wooa, trKtiO per monxn. on Ho ROOMS near Peninsula Park $15.00 6 rooms near Peninsula Park 20.00 7 rooms near Peninsula Park IS. 00 4- room modern bunualow. 6..0 5- room modern bungalow 10. 00 UMBDEXSTOCK At LARSON CO Broadway 1058. Sort Oak St. GOOD 6-room house, with electric lights and gas connections and full basement, rfo-t 17th; rent free to Jan. 15; pricw $15. Call Clemenson Drug Co., Front and Morrison sts. ONE. three or five acre, with houw. stables. chicken-house, lots fruit and rerries, ;c fare; $10 month. McCoy, care Ryder, 101 1 nira. DRESSMAKING OR PRESSING PARLOR wnn o-roum moucm uuubc-. ifiinu 1 now H5th; excellent location; reasonable rent. East 2557. 5-ROOM house, close to East 2Sth and Hoi- Fa te streets; large attic lloor ana iara aleenlnz torch : $12.50 uer month to de sirable tenants. See owner, 4'4 Piatt hldg. MODERN ft-room house. In lirst-class con dition- rooms newly tinted; has nrepiace, furnace, large porch, walking distance and reasonably rent. Call 443 11th st. hPLKNDlD lr'lnfiton home; sleeping porch, garage: modern in every aetan; oniy per mo. W. H. Ross. 1100 Northwestern Rank bldg. FREbT STORAGE Household poods slord fiee. expert movers pacKers ana snippers. Maniiinsr Warchotise A Transfer Co.. 8th and Hvt sts proadwty 70S. lif'NT.AI.OW AND GARAGE. ROSE CITY PARK: 5 R., sleeping porch, H. W. floors, furnace, fireplace; modern and desirable. Tabor 1S3. Owner. kt ivirTi.Y.MonKitv 8-room house, lora tlon 125.1 Hrazee st. This Is a heautltui home. Free rent till Feb. 1 bargain. $20. Call Monday, Main 3iSi. S12 7-R. modern- bath. fireplace. wide norrn. Diiemeni. Karacn. u, r"r. fruit, 1errls; desirable tenanta only. Main 04V East 261 ; $12. i.-iwtt- inv PHK' romfortMbia O-It. I'UU ca o and faruie : mouern, wui wmd. Tnhor 4527. MODERN 4-room cotlage. nice lawn, roses; $12 per month. Including water. 001 i.t?eu way ave. Pel 1 wood car. 1 1 li " vt hnum for rent In I.arftl s Ada. modern : good for roomins-nouse, inqun LHoa ave. rnono r.. .imo, CLEAN, modern 5-room bungalow at 5516 Ortth st. S. E.. rentes, pnone wooaiawn 1454. witn ii.:T ! acres, cood house and barn; rent reasonable; si4. inquire st store at Bnrose station.- FOR KENT Modern 6-room house at Kat 1 lth su .Norm, inquire at 10 rai 1 4t h Nrth. F7nt 62. K-R )i )M house, hardwood floors, hot wate: hest. garage, corner, nice lawn, am idj Main 5407. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAi SEN At CO., J-KW i isl.lkm MAIN H078. HftiAl.ow. 6 rooms 2 baths, furnace and fireplace and garage: nice piace. rnon S!!wpod 2"87. TWO clean. 5-room cottages, also one store 20x45. on carane; pood location, vt-ry reasonable rent. Address Sellwood 128. MODERN 0-rooin house, large yard; wil rent to reliable family. 5S t roinpton an Milwaukle sts. Sellwood 22H5 or E. 224.j ROSE CITY 5-rm. bungalow. Karagu, sleep in t porch, all hdwd. floors, hot wate heat. $30. Tabor 00 ft ivn lO-room modern house, walking dls tanre. win renovate to suit goou wnauu Mam 2474- iror? l-t P!"T House and lf acres. 4 me: taut of city. Phone East 2tiSO or call 62 E, 2' ' t h . cor. Oflk. iin.ui 1 TLl'I)It water, modern 4-rooni lower flat, near P. car shops and Ford automni'lje. sellwood .M.'. ROSE CiT V PARK CL'NGA LOW 5 rooms, modern in every way. la. D. Vincent A Co. Bth phones. COMFORTABLE 6-room home, small yard hot water, furnace. West Side. 510 Mar ket. Main 4510. stfi TAKES this 5 or 7-room good house an location 8w Gladstone. Kty next door. Ptllwood 577, FOR RENT 8-room house; has furna and fireplace. No. i30 E. Caruthers at. $15. Phone owner, Broadway b. 5-R COTTAGE. Including 2 rtoves an garage, on paved street, Vj blk. to car. E. 81st. Woodlawn 3o 0. W hZ have some nice houses for rent cheap also rooming-houses. Call at 621 Icon bldg. . $6 TW AND $ West Side; lO Cjuimby, 31- 511 '.t. n. w n-r, ' 1 liiiuf. MODF.RN owner. cot tafec. well located. Main 6071. cheap. I- $S MODERN, clean 6-ro.yn cottage, close in, fc-ast Mae. 1 sn"r 101.'. - nOOM. Modern. :irt 21th st. N. Phon Main 520O; references : rent reasonable. MOPEHN 7-room hdnse. 245 2.;d at., Marshall. Phone Marshall 107. ROOMS 205 Cook ave., near Williams ax. elect lcitv. i xin. r.awt 8-ROOM modern house, a 2 d . Inquire t3 tfth 712 Love Joy. near st. Main 27S. KOlt 7" ENT Irvlngton. 7-room hous at 037 E. 11th st. N. 613 Pittock block. 6-ROOM house, gas. electricity, walking dis- tance. t fiT Everett St. Phone East 8. 672 E. OAX Ir BT.. 6 rooms, modern, clean, Phone Eat 776. 6- KOOM modern hotuie, 10 minutes wal Vnltm depot. 18 Haisey. 75 E. ANKENY 6-room, modern, perfect repair. 15. a-ivw. ; s-ruirTT.Y modern Laureihurst home, i car. No 116 Laddlngton Court. Tabor S2S GOOD 3-room cottage, $S. T.OS H 10th, near Columbia. Wen yide: o minutes' waiK. ti.KUOM modem rmune. $20, 4i2 E. 48th N near HancocK. iiose v.iiyrarR. PIKDMONT 6-room list H-lcht ae.. moi-rn house, rrner Jessup. $2 MODERN, el'-an. 5-room houso, 3s E. 1 st. N., het ween Broad way and Hancock. TO RENT, reasonable, 5-room house, Clin ton. Greenwood ave. 416 Piatt Plug. 5-RO M cottage. $1 .50; 4-room, $5.50 walking distance. Inquire 660 Kerby. 7-ROOM house. 448 10th Prk st. Phone A 2S3j st. Inquire 4t8 jio 5 ROOMS, fireplace; flO, 6 rooms. East 7th at. . rnone jiaia oo. SIS PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW Phone Main 570. 6-ROOM modern house, elate u. 214 11th Inquire 4.' fraimtm st. S-ROOM house, close in. gas, electricity and bath, toilet, rnone bast &h-i. 6-ROOM house. 2S3 Larrabee, close In. Ea& - Side. Main 7762. 110 A SNAP. Nice 4-r. modern buncalo at 750 E. 40th. Esst 62G1. Main 5 6. $22 M) IP VINOTON 7-room mo J ern home, 526 E. 16th N-. near Brazee. Main lOtfS. 7-ROOM house at 4-17 E 87th st. N. ; wood and ras ranges. Key 414 Oregon bldg. J1ROOM oungaiow at 43d and MadUon; clean condition; rent $17. Tabor S232. MODERN 7-room house, 2S E. T.r.th at., near Hawthorne car. Phone East S47S. $12 l-ROOM cottage. E. b!vd. East 2301. 19th and Sandy $14 MONTH. Modern 6-R, house, good cond. 1009 Alblna ave. Main BS57.. 11-ROOM house, Sfl Love joy. strictly mod ern, $30 per mouth. Main 4990. MODERN-bungaVw. S75 E. 44th N., block to Rosa City car, $20. Tabor 4Wli, FOR RENT. HoiiHt. A. H. BIRRELL CO. -Bungalow, Council Crest. Terr fine. -5H4 hi. Hdy.. good modern. 7 rms. $23 $if5 5 ,-kjV k. 44to xv. j. rarn, cnoice. $i? 1.;4 llaiwy, 6-rm. Irvington home. $10 Lul Division t V rms., good house. $1018 E. T2d, 5 rms., new, modern. $lo Mt Tabor, large lot, fruit, barn. $10 4J5 E. 81st, 5 rms.. modern, $S S rms.. Ml. Scott car. good house. A, II. BIRRELL CO., 217 North weslern Bank bidg. Marshal 4114. A 4118. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Ex. Come right In and see our rental clerk, who will be glad to submit houaes or apta f urn. or unf urn., in any part of city. HAWTHORNE HOl'SES. $22.50 i rooms, IM9 E. Harrison, $24.00 5 rooms, loH E. Grant. t 20.00 0 rooms. 2'0 E. 32d, -SH tS rooms. 3,".2 E. 45th. fMlTH-WA'lOXF.K CO., Stock Ex. Phone Marshall 4V A 10L MEIER A Fit A NK S RENTAL LLREAV 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, etc., in all part of the city - avail yourselves of this Fit EE service. Information cheerfully furnished. MODERN 4-room bungalow with self-light ing gas ranges, heat era, beds. Outlets, bookcases, window seats, hardwood floor, linoleum in kitchens and bathroom, attics and full basements; on Webster corner E. 18th. one block N. of Alberta car. Owners, Blanchard as Clemson, Selling Mdg. NE of the moat beautiful modern homes in the Nob Hill section; 10 rooms. 2 baths, hardwood floors every room and closet, mahogany dining-room, den In oak, rest of house In white; fine plumbing and heating system; large garage; a very rea sonable rental to desirabie tenant. Cail Fast 60S Sunday or forenoons. DANDY modern 7-rni hungttlow, near car- line, on Council Crest; small noma at very low rental ; $25. Rose City Park home. 5 rms., fnmaoe, fireplace, attic, good location, only $20. 6ee our list of cholc. homes for rent. A, H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank blrig. Marshall 4114. A 411$. FOR RENT My home, unfurnished. In Hol- laaay Park, cheap to the right party, or w 111 sell at a sacrifice; 7 nice rooms, 8 bedrooms, modern In every particular; nice neighbornood ; convenient to two car lines. i-'2 Ciackamai st., cor. 20th St., or phone Tabor 5m. ATTRACTIVE Alameda home, ideal corner. line yard, 7 rooms and steeping porch ; strtctl modern ; neighborhood unsur passed . low rent for desirable tenant ; lease if desired. H roadway car. 094 Bryce ave.. Key across street. P. G. Wilson, Main 5t;:.i 50 7 rooms. 54 E. 2d st. N. $25 7 rooms, 6i3 E. Conch St. $22.50 6 rooms. 476 E. 51st St. X. $ 2 2. 50 1 0 room s. 144 N. 1 Nth, $126 rooms, ltl Commercial. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main S6?H. W U AT L0 K-S I T COST YOU TO RENT? I can sell you my 1 -room house In Laurel hurst at 1-3 1'sk than actual value that will -ent for double what it costs you to rarry It. Let me prove it. phone Tabor 17ia. ROOMJ and bath, lower floor of resi dence; linoleum on kitchen and bath; gaa and wood range. lso furnace; use of phone; large lot; walking distance from r. V. aho. bUl Francis avenue. Phone Sellwood 175, HOl'SK.S FOR RENT. 10-room hoiife nt 1 164 1'atton ave. for $15 ; 7 -mom houso. slteplng porch and garage, at ilO E. !'th st., for $2u; 4-room liou!" a: ;ti E. H4th nt for $7; keys 1334 X. W. Park rM ir. Phone Main 177. J2.50 l-ROOM cottage. 01 U. 74th at. t 5-rm. up fiat, tb1 K. Morrison St.. JS ft-rm. lower flat. 66 K. Morrison st. $16 7-r. mod. West S;le. 75 York el. FRANK L. MGUIRn. 414 AMngton iilg. Main 106. LArKKLiitlJST.liiH.SE. 2-tor, !-ro.m hoii!e. cl";e to car. $2; leas- If d-ired. A If o 2-ntory, S-rooin house, haiulsonic'ySi urnlshcU. $i0. Tabor 5-45. $15 WEsT fc-lDE modern home, northeast corner 21st nml Fianders sts. (NVb Hlll; walking dlt:incM, l.iree yarl. Frank 1. tc lulre. AMiu'ton I U!c. Main lorts. HOUSES. FLATS; A NO STORES. J. J. OEUER, Peal Estate and Kontala, Cirand ave. at K. Ankeny. li(K).M in yd ern hou SunnyMdn car. rent E. ;;th at., or apply 421 Chamber of Con k two blocks from $ 1 ? per month. 113 Hammoud Mtg. Co.. .merre. $12.."0 PER MONTH, modern R-room bunga low. Last 1 lth st. North, cor. skidmore. KITTKR. LO W B A- CO.. "".-. -7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1- urnishel IlotiHca. COMPLETELY furnished 0-room bungalow lor saio or rent. zurnthcl or unTurnished; flrepliice, hardwood ltoorn. cemt-nt base ment, gaa, electricity and furnace. Wood l.iwn 3t;;i. 3-ROOM modern bungalow, with large at tic and fireplace, completely furnished, absolutely clean; nice yard ; $-T. Phono Tabor 110, or call 1V2 E. 44th St., ona block north of Hawthorne avj. $15. FURNISHED. MODERN 6-ROOM Howo near iirooklyn School : everything completely fnrnlsned. 4'Js Iirooklyn st. Key at fi K. 7th sr.. or cail Monday, A 11-5 or Marshall 0140. Miss Archambeau. FINK. niu'rn 7-rooin houte. ti furnished; pmno. 4 lots, inm. nnrn: rent rt-asuneDi.i to right rty. Wootlmock ca r to end of line, i.' bl'M-ks e.t, one Mock north. In quire st VL4 r'.rh ap. S. E. N I E LY 1 urn i. bed buiiKalow , art giasa win dow n, oiia large room, kitchenette, bath, sleeping pofi-h, eUctrictty. gar, $14. 4; Hvlmoiir. Khm 6i:ti. RoSE CITY PARK Modern 4-room flat. sleeplnir porch, bath room, lights, hot and cold water, phone; partly furnished.. Ta bor ,V.4. $35 FINE 7-room well-furnished house. tt replace, piano, sleeping porcn, garage. Tabor 2161.- FKX1SHED house. 7 rooms, end hath, in cluding water. S-O. Jitterencea, is- La it W a stn npctoii t Sunday). Fl'KNISHED housfkvcjMng front tulte and single room, w a'kin: distance, reasonable. j-J. 14th nt.. vst Side. WELL furnished- buneralow fist, fireplace. furnace, s.ccjjing j.urch, garage. labor J4'H. FURNISHKD bouses or flaua, 5 clean rooms, modern con veniencts; walking distance; garden. Apply S."4 First st. S. -RnOM fum ed house, $4.50. lncludir water; particulars, 4."-u7 "0th 3. E. Mount Scott car. COM I'LKTKLY furnished modern room bungalow; Rose City Park, block to car. Marshall U14U . m ATTRACTIVELY furnished S-room house and sleeping wrrh, choice 'neighborhooO. near car. Marshall 6li. FlRNISII EI 6-ronm'houe. modern and all conveniences, near Thompson School and Jofferjon 11 tgh t07 tSantenbeln ave. ON E acre, all in berries. 4-room furnished house ; rent $ l :i : no children. oti"L' 7-!d st. S. K. Ttr 1M7. MOD K UN 8-room iiouae lu fine residence section with fireplace. $. per mor.th. S'' owner. 44 platt bldg. 3-KOOM house, furnished, lot ROxlOO; all kinds of fruit. Inquire 1444 Madrona St., or call W din. ltt. $11 3-ROOM HOrse $11. And i-ttth. j anl ; A iber ta car. S-.M ITil - W A' SON F.lt CO.. Stock Ft. SMALU modern house, furnished; own-r ket-ping room ; well located, favorable terms to careful tenant. T 11. Oregonlan. A FINE well-furnl!hed large residence to lease, an ideal home or for boarders. Main 41. A SWKLTi home, partly furnished, close In. $'J5. Plioue today Mar. o3; Monday, Main 41. Jl Fl'RNlSHKD house. 4 rooms, close to cnrline; only $. Phone today Mar. ; 5 lomlny. Main 48 1. FlRNISIiED &-room cottage, cheap. al.o 3-room flats. $12 up. 014 East 21st su Richmond car. CLEAN, modern 6-room furnished bunga low, good location; Hawthorne car. o70 E. 37tli st. FOR RENT Neat 5-room bungalow, partly fumiahed, near two carllna. l'hont Eaat 2Q12- 4-KOOM cottaso at 171 4."th. block from Sunnysldo and Mt. Tabor cars. Call !aln 77tS. 3-ROOM house $S a month. 10PS E. North. Alberta car. ZSth ELKOANTLY furnished hurst. E. 501$. room. In Laurel- 4-iwtOM tricity. cottage, well furnished, gas, e 1 ee ls wn. $10. Tabor 24M0. MuOERN furnished cottages at S. P. shops. Call East 3C-.. MODERN 4-room cottage, furniahed ; fruit trees, paved sueet, near car. Scllw'd 20M. . -ROOM furnished home. Vernon dletrict, low rent rift ht party. Marshall 177. t COS Y 8-room house with piano, large yard. iH4 Kmereon st. Woodlawn 2ul2. a-ROOM furnished house. $:o..")0. WS car. 792 E. 2Sth st. FURNISHED complete, modern 6-room cot tage. East 2d;h and Gladstone. Tabor 467J. 57rooM house, furnished, reasonable. 428 Sacramento st. Phone E. 4663. CLOSE IN. reasonable. Mam 362. Call after 2 P. M. &-ROOM ciean. furnirhed bungalow, Yamhill. Key 72 E. YamhlU. f27 .