THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN; PO RTLtAXD , JANUARY 7, 1917. roa SALE. 1om, Vehicles. Harness, Etc. NOTICE, ONE AND ALL. "We received A consignment of 30 heart of mares and geldings, weight from 600 to 1500 lbs. each. Ten tested milch cows, Aome fresh, some coming fresh. All kinds . of double and single harness, wagons and buggies, iou will not make any nistaae by attending this auction sale. All above tock mentioned will be sold with a guar antee, and if not as represented your money u refunded. ion't forget the date of sale, Tuesday, January 9, 1 o'clock. -'40 li. 8th St., cor. Hawthorne. If you nave any stock for sale, we sell on com mission. Portland Auction Sale Stable Co. Phone East 8118. fePAN of very blocky-buiit, mell-mated bay mares, weight 2050 lbs., good workers, 4210. Span of well-mated, black geldings. Tveignt 25U0 lbs., sound and good work ers, $22 also 7 head of young, sound 1300-lb. horses, will sell at a very rca sonaole price. Model Stable, 5th aud Lavis. TEAM of mares, B-7 years old, weight 3000 lbs., mares, black and bay, 4 yuars old, weight 26"i lbs.;, team of mares 6 years old. weight -730 lbs.; team of geldings, weight 2400 lbs.; 6 sets double breecning harness, 2 stock saddles; all of the de scribed stock will be sold at any reason able offer. Transfer Stables, East 9th and Flanders. I OR SALE Pair brown mares, weight 1150 each, well matched; also have 10 head of horses, weight from 1106 to 1400; fine for delivery or ranch; prices are right. 420 ' Hawthorne ave.. cor. 6th. Hawthorne stable. Phone East 72. Ask for Phil Suet ter. Sv ANTED To buy ali horses that cash money will buy; must be cheap; mares preferred; party can be- seen at Haw thorne Stables, cor. Sixth and Hawthorne, from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone East 72. No dealers need apply. PORTLAND AUCTION SALE3 STABLE CO., every Tuesday and Friday. Cattle, horses, harness, vehicles bought and sold on commission. 240 E. 8th st. STLAM isoo-lb. mares, to trade for one 1200-Ib. horse; these mares are no dinky kind, but up in flesh and good ones. 2-8 IVHTfl St. i-OR SALE One team well-matched mares. weight 3300 lbs.; one team of well matched horses, 2S0O lbs.; two teams of horses, 2400 lbs. 226 Russell st. - CAPITOL-STABLES. 287 Front St. Just received, a carload of horses and mares, all first-class stock; It will pay you to see rnem. . JKAU HORSLS and animals hauled away free; $8 paid for cows, crippled and played outs, poruana Rendering Co. call Wood lawn 2v b'ARMER-MORSEMAN Want one or two standard-bred mares to breed on shares. State age, size and breeding. Address av oio, uregonian. UNE yountr team of del. mules, none bet ter In city; will take cows In exchange. 1029 East Yamhill st. &40O-FOUND team, suitable for ranch work for $05. Geary Ice Co. stables, 34th and lamnill bis. Pianos. OrgHna and Musical Instruments. $350 Kimball concert, used, goes for $183. Special for well-to-do home, $950 Hailett & Davis, finest mahogany player, $275. $S05 genuine Autoplano, mahog any. $265. $000 btelnway & Sons, old. model, $96. $375 J. & C. Fischer, $35. Splendid mahogany Angelus piano player, $25. A Kohler, fine condition, rose wood, upright, $y6. Hobart M. Cable, nrlglnally cost $3b5, now damaged, for $74. An art case Schubert piano In splendid mahogany, for Quick sale, at $132. Solid -walnut parlor Tjrgan, said to have cost $b5, to close out for $12 cash. These and a large number of others- equally low priced now being closed out at storage and forward ing dept., 151 4th St., near Morrison. $35 MILTON piano, $125. Pianola and 100 rolls, cost $300, for $15. Fine Stewart banjo, $!; $o0 guitar. $12; $lo0 organ $21.50; trap drummers outfit, flue and piccolo, clarinet, old violin; no reasonabl olleT recused. Edison cylinder record 10c. Disc records, 15c. Portland Phono graph Exchange, 128 1st, SECURITY STORAGE CO, STORAGE SALE. $275 piano, $35 cash. $323 upright, $45 cash, $350 upright, $113 caeh, $375 upright, $145 cash; $45o upright, $190 cash; $250 player, $25 cash; $6oo player piano, $200 each; $750 baby grand, $345 cash. 109 4th St., at Washington st. IF YOU want a fine, hlh-grade piano at a (.nap, call at 51 Goodnough bids.. 5th and Yamhill sts.. after 6 P. II., or on Saturdays or Sundays, and arrange to see my fine Melodigrand piano. You will be surprised at the price. ONLY $5 DOWN. buys new $350 grade piano at $265, balance $1.25 weekly, all in 2 years and without Interest. Schvtan Piano Co., Ill 4th sl at Washington. AlOLEliN, up-to-date ' piano, fumed-oak ciue. Used only in shet music store for eight months. Also selling off sheet music, both popular and classic. Mack's Music Shop, 3l2 Washington st. CECILIAN )lano player and muslo rolls, guaranteed in every way, mahogany fin ish, only $25, $5 down and $1 per week. 35Q Alder st. - RICHMOND piano, handsome oak case, ex cellent shape, beautiful tone, only $125, terms to suit.' Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. a;5u PLAYER Standard make, very good condition; owner going East, will sacri fice for $300 cash. Phone Tabor 7537. Res. 5.16 E. 37th St. N. COLUMBIA Urafonola, cost $50. with $20 worth of records, will sell for $30; good as new; no dealers. u22 Harney ave. $145 CASH buys $350 modern upright piano. Security Storage Co., 100 4th St. 00 CASH, $50 in 3 months and $53 In 6 months buys $375 modern piano for $155 at the Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. IWILL sacrifice my walnut piano, standard make, $155, $75 cash, balance terms. 1004 E. 20th St. X. EDISON Triumph phonograph, cost new $73, only $12.30, with uu records. 350 Al der st. V"ILL exchange my splendid modern $450 pfcino, now at tne security storage Co., 100 4th at., for clear city lot. LELAND piano, latest style, mahogany case, siishtly used, elegant shape, $1Lj cash, $123 on terms to suit. 350 Alder st. .LOLIAN orchestrelle, softer toned than f pipe organ, desirable for home or church $1500 Instrument for $600. Tabor 77SU. COLUMBIA Grafonola, mahogany, cost $75, and $15 worth of choice music, all $50. 320 Failing bldg. vVOULD you buy a good piano If price and terms were right, quick? AF 11, Orego nlan. - IviMBALX, Bargain to someone who makes a fair offer; going away, need cash. Main 5111. Sv'ILL sell or trade a grand "Washburn" inlaid mandolin with good leather case. Like new. Address AV 373, Oregonlan. EXCELLENT care taken of piano, will rent end later on may buy; best of references. Phone Marshall 4S50. WANTED HORNLESS TALKING MA CHINE. ALSO RECORDS; SPOT CASH PAID. MAIN 44U5. FOR SALE, cheap. Edison diamond diso and records for $60. H 4, Oregonian. $350 PIANO, $140 cash; real ivory keys, not a stencil. Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill st. 'IO TRADE or for sale, talking machine. J 11, Oregonian. -J "WANTED Mason-Hamlin or Stelnway baby grand usea piano, vj uregonian. ULilSON $50 machine and cabinet. 200 re cords for sale cheap. J 12, Oregonlan. 1 PAY cash for used pianos. Harold S. Gil bert, 884 lamnill st. TALKING machine to trade for organ or anything ot value. A f 4, oregonlan. WILL care for piano for use Adults. Est BSfiO. - ot same. GKAFONOLO, table grand, mahog., recerds, etc.; new; need money. Marshall 1103. $25 SMALL size Washburn guitar, canvas case, $9. Phone E. 5351 Monday. FOR SALE nlevvett piano. Telephone Mar shall 1076. . flENRY F. MILLER piano. $150; good as tip; excellent condition. Marshall 2487. BTROHBEP. piano, oak case, nearly new, $225. Main 8087. PIANO for rent to responsible party. Main 67S1. Phone FOR SALE, piano, good condition, and some furniture." cheap. . inquire 850 Jackson. TO WORKINGMEN only. Talking machines y. half price. 127 west w ygant. Furniture for Sale. INCH plank ton dining table in rioh fumed oak or llc-ht wax finish; special price, brand new, $27.50. Gevurtz Furniture to., io to 191 First st., at tne Dig elec tric sign. BRAND NEW "Portland" sewing machines, never sold for less than $25, this week only, special. $15; terms If desired. Mish Furniture Co., 184 lstBt. ALL or part furnishings housekeeping apts., 15 rooms. Call afternoons, 475 E. Burnside, cor 9th. FURNITURE of partly furnished l-room house, close in, new. Phons Sunday or Monday morning. Mala bubo. FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. EDWARDS EXCHANGE DEPART MENT, - The-talk-of-the-town. Especially among those who do net care to pay the price of new goods. The past week has enriched this department with many pieces of almost new furniture which has leen entirely refinished, NOW it will be sold at about HALF PRICE and In many cases LESS. Tcur attention is called to these listed artiejles there is only one erch cut out this ad. and bring It with you. Beautiful Golden Oak Chlf- " fonier $14.50 Waxed Oak Dresser 11.50 White Enamel Iron Bed (full size) 2.75 Whtte Enamel Iron Bed (full size) 3.75 Vernis Martin Iron Bed (full size) 8.40 Vernis Martin Steel Bed 2- in. continuous post 8.75 Body Brussels Rug 6x9 11.50 "Universal" Leg Base Range. 38 59 "Cottage" Cast-iron Heater. 7.P5 Drop-Leaf Breakfast Table.. 2.15 Bissells Carpet Sweeper l.oo Plate Rack 1-00 Costumers 75o and .95 Granite Tea anoT Coffee Pots .10 7dd Pairs Late Curtains.... .50 Come early Don't worry about tre money. A little each week will do. EDWARDS CO MP A NT. A Good Place to Trade. Bth and Oak. Tour Credit Is Good. wvtppv fiAT.VAGE COMPANY. COMPLETE HOUSEFDRN1SHER3, SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Majestic steel range with 18-inch oven and water colls, $25; Eclipse steel range, $12 50. heater for soft or hard coal, cost $18. In fine condition, for $7.50. 8-hole steel range, $15. -Steel cooksove. No. 8. for coal or wood. S12 oO. Heating stoves of all kinds, tl to 10. Gas ranges, lower ovens. $5; with upper ovens, $10 to $18. Gas water heaters, $4 to $7.50. We have some very large heaters at very. small prices. All our stoves and ranges strictly guaranteed. . Iron and brass beds, good- ones. $2 and up. All steel springs. $2 to $3.50. Nearly new Finger sewing machine, cost ,6j!,?!; months ago. for $25. Old-style White sewing machine In good running order for $4. Sanitary flat-top desk, o0x48 Inches, solid oak. $12.50. Office tables. $2.50 to $15. Library tables, fine seltc sr. to sis. Center and parlor tables. 1 to $5. Extension tables, square, to 7.r.o. Extension tables, rounu, J" $25. Sideboards ana Duuoia, ' $45. Rocking chairs in oak, $1.2o. $6j Turkish rocker. In leather, for $-2.oO. 2-piece Circassian walnut bedroom set. dresser and Napoleon bed. cost $75. for $44. 9x12 body Brussels rug in good con dition. $18. Room-size art rug s. $2.50 to $3. Congoleum art rugs, S1.-.3 to . Hall rug, 18 feet by 2, feet, for $8. Dressers, hotel size, $3 to $7.50. Dress ers, full size $5 to $20. -rawer birds eve maple chiffonier with mirror. $1. We carrv new and flna used furniture. Ve can "make any kind of an exchange you want. We sell on the easy payment p?an. N Interest. Free delivery For out-of-town customers, we pack and crate and deliver to depots or 501-563 Washington, Cor. 17th n,, now location. Both phones. MISH FURNITURE CO., V 184 1ST Bl. , - We have a new up-to-date beautiful fumed Jacobean dining-room set, ma throughout of select quarter-sawed oak. table has 45-ln. top. 6-ft. extension, mas sive center pedestal with 4 heavy twist legs: buffet is of full-size top 20x42. high grade plate mirror 8x34, with twist and Scroll ornaments, heavy twist legs. 5 chairs and carver of full box seal . con struction, best grade Kfnul"' kpni"n leather slip seats; this set will sell else where at $123; take advantage of our offer at $83. Liberal terms extended if desired. DO you want a new high-grade dining-room table at V, price? A dignified design of , unusual merit; Is built of extra selected golden quarter-sawod oak. beautifully V. , - .. i. r.s tn,h,)i in diameter 6-ft. extension, heavy 10-lnch column with gracefully curved legs wnicn auu uiu to the appearance of this piece of fur niture: this table sells regularly at $o0, our special offer Is $23; terms If desired. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S4 lBt St. A FEW of the bargains left over from the Morgan-Atcniey stoca. an now. u.iv. Circassian walnut dresser. beveled plate mirror size 28x34, top size 24x48; costs elsewhere, $95; for $o. lnu fonier to match. usual price $65 for $3o. Bed to matcn. usual io, lor ?.ov.. - i .- i ,, w Terms If de sired. Gevurtz Furnituae Co.. 185 to 191 First St., at the Dig electric sign. a DlTo TIli AT AT7CTIONS. " Furniture of all kinds, consisting of 9x12 rugs from $3 to $25, steam cleaned; dining tables, buffets $7.50 and up; chairs, cup-.-ucr.r rifMhe. sheets and cases. .,mc,.At :i.",c and up: stoves, coal and wood, very cheap; dressers $3.50 and up; , - r-Vtif crna Ktoves. Hall & Cassiday. 126 1st St., bet. Alder and liush. Main 7098. YOU can easily get rid of that old-style dining-room set ana procure one .. new and up to date by calling us up; our exchange man will call and allow you liberal price for same; which may be ap plied as your first payment on new, with easy pavments on balance. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 1st St. A STORE full of the finest used furniture, stoves, ranges, rugs, etc.. at wonderfully , low prices, and if you wish It, we can arrange terms to suit you. Here Is a com bination for the modest purse you can not find in the hight-rent. uptown stores. Gevurtz Furniture Co., 185 to 191 First St., at the big- electric sign. A VERY handsome 3-plece walnut bedroom suite; consisting of elegant dresser with 21x4S-inch base. 3 small and 2 large 'drawers and 30x34 beveled edge French plate mirror, a massive bed of very ar tistic design, and commode, all perfectly matched. This suite cost originally $2o0 and our price is only $4u: easy terms desired. MIsh Fur. Co., 184 1st at. If SPLENDID, almost new White rotary sew ing machine; all attachments and in quite new condition; cost recently $65, for $30; others as low as .$5; guaranteed; terms if desired. Gevurtz Furniture Co., 185 to 191 First St., at the big electric sign. GOOD rug, $14; 3-piece parlor set. $10; ele gant oak chiffonier. $13; oak buffet, like new. $14; metal folding bed with mat tress, fits into cioset space, io.;' . j-ien reading lamp, $4.50; Morris chair. $3. Apt. "Keystone,' 11th and Jefferson FINE mission davenport, frame Is of solia quarter-sawed oak and cushions of finest ..-ti. connin snarlsh leather: a very pleasing design and built just right for comfort: $00 value for $25. Lasy terms. Mien Fur. Co., 184 let St. PRACTICALLY new South Bend malleable range, large oven: only used a few weeks; a great bargain for anyone looking for a fine dependable range; $40. Gevurtz Fur- WHITE ?i-ton truck chassis, completely re nltu're Co., 185 to 191 First st St., at the built, at sacrifice; will take car In trade- big electric sign. ANTIQUES No reasonable offer refused for any article in tne nouse; reai Dargama, positively going out of business. The French Shop, 410 Morrison St. A BEAUTIFUL mahogany Colonial clothes press, manle lined. $15. 7o8 Johnson. Marshall 3391. FOR SALE Five rooms of household furni ture. Empire Transfer & Storage Co., Main I860. FURNITURE for sale very cheap, 54 Flanders St.. city. Apply HAVE your stove repaired reasonably. Phone Main 5732. . ; r LtiMTUitr. reuitiBiica av redBumtoio Phone Main 5732. Dogs, Birds and Pet Stock. CANARIES and other cage birds, kittens, pups. pets, cages, foods, remedied and sup plies. Illustrated bird and pet cata'og - free. Ruutledge, . 145 Second St., near Alder. ; AIREDALE winning 60-lb. stud by Ch. Illuminator. McKenna Park Kennels, McKenna ave. and Lombard St., Et. Johns carllne. CoL 56. AT STUD Orange and Black. A. C. A., rerlslered Persian cats. uest in r-ort-land. 1O70 E. 32d North. Phone Wood- ltwn 2275. FLEETWOOD KENNELS Setters and pointers boarded and trained: field trial prospects developed. P R. Whiteside. Main 6569. FIVE Buttercup hens and one cockerel in exchange for one roller canary bird. Call Woodlawn 295. YOUNG male and female canaries for sale or trade for anything useful. Phone. East 3032. ONLY $10 One-year-old pedigreed English pit bull S 17, Oregonlan. LADDIX AIREDALES ARE BEST. LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. OR. FOR SALE 2 hounds, well trained. See dogs at 560 E. Morrison at. Phone E. 4920. WELL-BRED Denmark fox terrier. For par- I tlculars. Call East Z'7S. 1ED1GREED Persian kittens Main 6450. Box 22, Hillsdale. reasonable. Or. LOVELY singing canaries, cages, females and breeding cages East 1470. FOR SALE Pedigreed English bull terrier puppies. Sellwood 2355. FOR SALE 1 pedigreed English bull fe male pup. Tabor 573. FOR SALE Persian kitten, very Phone Mar. 6S75 forenoons. cheap. FOR SALE. Dogs. Birds and Pet Stock. TOY Boston - terrier at stud; the dandy "Little Charlie Chaplin." 11 lbs., by Craftsman Pride, ex. ch., Tremont Duke, bitch; best Eastern bred; to approved bitches under 14 lbs. only. Prlsco Kennels, East 14Th at Morrison. East 1307. WANT to buy good roller canary. Main 1855. Poultry. WHITE leghorn cockerels from O. A. O. winners International egg-laying contest, P.-P. I. E.; also cockerels Tom Barron's strain, English White Leghorns. All hens testing over 200 eggs. J. Gray, Gray haven, Mllwaukle, Or. Phone Oak Grove 132 J. FOUR Barred PIvmouth Rock cockerels. O. A. C. stock. Wm. Doyle. Phone Mllwau kle 13W. WANTED X-Ray or Cyphers Incubator and brooder; good condition; state siz. and lowest cash price. AP 19, Oregonlan. FOUR dozen pure white Leghorns and two dozen mixed; young hens, ready to lay. 75c each. 834 Fargo. 240-EGG N. A. Theltnder Incubator, new atid a first-c'ass hatcher; $10 takes It. Woodstock. 60 1 h st. and 69th ave. S. E. THOROUGHBRED barred $3.50; laying pullets, $1. 1161. rock cockerels, 25. Phone- SelL livestock. NOTICE We have to offer at public auctlog to the highest bidder. 10 milch cows, some fresh, some coming fresh soon. All cows will be sold with a ruarantee and as rep Tesented. If not, money will be cheerfully refunded. Don t forget the day, -luesaay. January 9, at 1 o'clock. We sell all stock on commission at 240 East 8th su. near Hawthorne sve. .Portland Auction & Sale Stable Co. Phone East 8118. SOME extra good cows, fresh and coming fresh; Jerseys and Guernseys; will sell cheap or trade for beef cattle. 1130 Ma cadam st. South Portland car, end of line. J FOR SALE One of the best bred young herds of registered Jersey cattle on the Coast; one or all; sickness compels this sale. J. vv". Exon, Oak at. dock. Phons Main 1048 FOR SALE Six young fresh cows, tubercu lar tested; take Estacada car to Arden-w-ald station, go 2 blocks east to red barn, M. Chambers. FINE young, well-bred Jersey- cow; will take good hoi-se or buggy In exchange. 1029 East Yamhill st. FOR SALE -5 Jersey heifers. 4 and 6 from high-grade Jersey cowa H. Palmef,- R 1, Box as, Beaverton, ur. THREE 4-gallon cows. Just the kind for , family use. 7719 50th ave. Mount Scott car. xot'NG, fresh Guernsey cow. rioh mllRer. 95 E. 30th. cor. Wa fash. GOING away, will sell Guernsey cow for $40. 252 E. 62d st. N. "MV" car. THOROUGHBRED 9-months-old Berkshire gilt. WXM 73d ave. S. E. Tabor 1916. 8 HEATT of cattle," team and farming Im plements. Telephone Main 9279. FOR SALE Holstein fresh cow iwith calf. see owner, 80 Broadway, evenings. A-l FA'MILY cow, Jersey and Durham, $40. 1782 Division St. Machinery. RECLAIM your waste stump lands with Smith machine; takes them out by roots and leaves land ready for plow. Send for special proposition. The Smiths, La crescent, Minn. MODEL "28" Marlon steam shovel, good condition, . with standard and ditching equipment. J. A. Tnvers, 617 1st ave.. Launche and Bosta FOR QUICK SALE. Best-built, coziest houseboat on the river; modern in every reBpect; 4 rooms and bath, furnished, down to the small est detail; electric lights. Bull Run water and phone: worth $850; my price $575, $230 cash, balance $25 per month if taken before Jan. 10. No. 32 Willamette Moor age. Sellwood 196 or Main 7181, local 6. ask tor engineer. WILL lease a towing launch; repair if needed; also have city lots to trade for same. n;ast iyiu. Al 70-FOOT steamer hull. Address H. Montgomery, box 761, city. M. WANT good launch for my 20 acres at Cor bett. Main 3716. CLASSY speed White bug, sell cheap or take ln...l. T I 'l-!ia Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS. , SELECTED STOCK. Before buying get our prices on rebuilt typewriters irom our selected stock, fully guaranteed. very easy payments: ma chine sent on week's examination free of Charge. Rebuilt Department, REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway C21. ALL MAKES -guaranteed machines sold on easy terms. visible models rented, $2 per mo. 3 mos.. $3.50. Initial rent anDlles cn Dur chaw. Send for new illustrated price list. vnuLt-sAt,fi i lu., 321 Washington St., Portland, Or. - NEW REMINGTON RENTAL PLAN With manufacturers guarantee and rentals ap plying on purchase; visible models $3 mo. $7.50 for 3 mos. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. teiepnone ijroaaway WE offer the best, bargains In rebuilt and secona-nana machines of various makes. tnaerwooas, itoyal, Kemlngton. Smith Premier. Oliver. The price is right and tne maenmes are right, i. w. Pease Co. lit) btn st. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all maices or typewriters: send for orfr lllus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash-. St. AS good as new. Underwood typewriter will sellB cheap for cash; leaving city, - an iaDor out,. NO. 10 and No. 11 Remington typewriters. good as new; your choice $j0. 030 North western Bank bldg. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P I. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. CORONA portable folding typewriter. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co.. agents. 110 8th St. OLIVER typewriter, nearly new, bargain. $30; cost. $100; leaving town. Wdln. 3,-jSl. FOR SALE Remington typewriter No. 10 In good shape. $30. AL 90, Oregonlan. Automobiles. "SUPER SIX," run only few weeks; must sell at once; need money to swing another business deal: reasonable cash offer con sidered. S 8, Oregonian. BIG BARGAIN. Fine 6-cylinder 5-pas-enger car. one man top, self starter. Stewart vacuum feed, demountable rims, perfect condition. Call owner. Marshall 2543. LEAVING city, will sell good 5 -pass, auto at oa ream, or trade for good lot. Phone Woodlawn 4801. 5-PASS. BUICK, electric lights, painted, good running order. $350, terms. Look this one over. Clarke, Main 1419. E. B. MlneT & Co.. 5th and Gllsan. , REO SIX. For sale or trade for light car. Terms on balancelf desired. Sellwood 2645. 1913 CADILLAC in good condition: tires alj good; $385 cash, no trade. Main 756L Marshall 3766. 1916 OVERLAND model S3, cash sacrifice; also 1912 Overland, Chevrolet four-ninety. Russell St. Garage. Ask for Schaffter. 1916 HUPMOBILB. A-l condition, will sell cheap. Apply Sandy Road Garage. 24th and Sandy hlvd. I BOSCH high-tension magnetos, 3, 4 s I cylinder, A-l condition; prices $20 t nd 6 to S40 i w.i auio recruits o.. Broadway. FIRST-CLASS 6-cyllnder automobile, new cord tires, will trade for unincumbered city property. 36 3d St. DODGE for sale, private car, run 6000 miles on good roads only, line condition, $6o0; oargaiu. x a-, uregonian. FORD touring cans repainted or enameled". $10. Al Auto Works &. Fainting Co., 325 Alder et. KOHLER & CHASE player piano for sale by private family; new, a bargain for cash. T 11, Oregonlan. 1916 MAXWELL Has been run less than 6000 miles. $495. Oklsmoblle Co. of Ore gon. Broadway and Couch. WILL take $275 for 1315 Ford roadster. with demountable rims; car In fine con dltlon. Phone Mr. Harley, Broadway 616. 1916 CHEVRELOT, almost new, with some extra equipment; a snap; terms. Al Auto Works & Painting Co.. 525 Alder St. COMPLETE garage equipment, loma ma chine tools. V 24, Oregonian. 1914-37 BUICK. in good condition; gain st $5O0. East 868. bar- I GOOD auto delivery bodies for sale cheap. S14 Front St., cor. Clay. 1913 FORD touring car; terms- If desired; S'-'OQ. .Main w A i'ii-. 1914 FORD touring car with extras; If desired; $235. Main 90, A 2442. PK1VATE garage for 1 auto, near 21st Johnson. Phone Main 904I. HAVE light, larger auto. classv bug and cash X 970, Oregonlan. for I THOMAS-DETROIT chassis for bug or truck; A-l condition. Call East 6314. HUP bug. perfect meehanleally, no reason able offer refused. Woodlawn 3948. GET our prices on automobile painting. Al Auto works st painting uo.f 05 Aiaer st. I DUNDEE H-ton truck; run less than 500 xulies, leriui, ewuer. n io, vntnoaiiii. FOR SALE. Automobiles. COVET MOTOR CAR. USED CAR DEFT. CADILLAC. CADILLAC. A used Cadillac that has been put In first-class condition by our expert mechanics will give you bet ter service and more satisfaction than a cheap new car. We havs all models. Including the eight- cylinder Cadillac DODGE We bellave the Dodge la the most economical light car you can buy for the money. See us for used Dodge cars. BUICKS We have several models, all In fine condition $205 up. CHALMERS SO. light 4-pass.. all tires good; will give you splendid service; a good ouy at $250 ST UDE BAKER 80. la very good condition; priced low at $225 HUPMOBILB 20 roadster; a light car; snap at $175 MARMON 1914 touring car, run only 6OO0 miles, and Jlka nw; $2700 value for. $975 SAXON roadster, 1918, elec. starter. 4-cyl. ; bargain $350 CASE 30, 1913, electrlo equipment; will use distillate; a strong, well built car $350 MAXWELL Jight roadster, very eco nomical, and In good condition; only $110 PIERCE 48, 7-pass., fine stage car that will stand hard service. t-$S0 MANY OTHERS. Out-of-town buyers write for com plete used car information. k COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CADILLAC, DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. , 21st and Washington. Main G244. FORDS FORDS 191 PhinSTr.S with electrlo llrhts . and storage battery (223 1915 ROADSTER, with new tires. ... $265 1916 ROADSTER, almost new $275 im unATVSTER wtlh demountable rims $370 1914 TOURING, ment with v extra eaulp- : $210 1914 TOURING. Just overhauled $233 1915 TOURING, In rood shape $285 1918 TOURING, like new $285 1915 CHASSIS $200 Ternta $100 down and $25 per mo. OPEN SUNDAYS. IlL'SHLIGHT, RANSOM & PENNEY, 275 Union Ave., corner Wasco. East 7950. USED CAR . BARGAINS. 1916 Dodge touring car $700 1916 Oakland six 'touring- car.. 723 1911 Maxwell touring car, in first-class mechanical condi tion 150 1916 Overland four touring..... 450 Two 1910 Ford roadsters 250 1916 Chevrolet touring car 410 1918 Ford touring car... 800 1916 Oakland six roadster 825 EASY TERMS and a year's FREE service on all minor adjustments. NEW FORD TIRES. standard makee, from $6.75 on up. Best val-. ues In Portland. W. H. WALLINGFORD. Authorized FORD AGENT. 626 Alder St. Phone Main 18. .HAVE YOU LOOKED OVER OUR GUARANTEED SECOND-HAND CARS T WE" HAVE BARGAINS IN MOST OF THE POPULAR MAKES. INCLUDING THE FAMOUS BUICK VALVE IN HE-AD CARS. SEE US MONDAY. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. 14TH AND DAVIS STS. BUICK LITTLE .SIX. 1916 model D-45 Bulck roadster with combination seat on rear and camp out fit; in fact this car cost the original pur chaser over $1300 last Spring. If you are .interested in a high-class car, you can save S450 on this one. Our price on this is $850; terms $350 cash, balance $50 per. mouthy BENJ. E. BOONE & CO., 514 Alder St. " Main 8968. ; ' FOR USED CAR BARGAINS SEE THE WINTOX CO.. 23d and Wash. Sts. Main 424a, LIBERAL TERMS. '17 STUDEBAKER "8." new. run 3500 miles; extra tire, bumpers. etc $995 16 MITCHELL SIX. .like new. perfec condition $950 15 STUDEBAKER "4." new tires.. $550 STUDEBAKER "4" $50U D. C WARREN MOTOR L. Aft CO.. 58 X. 23d St. M. 780. AUTOMOBILE WHEELS BUILT AND REPAIRED. COLUMBIA- CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. 209-11 Front St. . Main 2893. OVERLsaND, 5-psss., 1916 model, used 4 months: win traae tor gooa usea r ora, z or 5-psss., and give terms on difference. Phone Main 2892. 208 Front st. DODGE B-PASS, In excellent condition. At a sacrifice. Main 13. MUST SELL My 1916 5-pass. Overland, model 83, per fect condition; cost $840; will take $525; give some terms. Phone evenings for dem onstration. Woodtawn 3251. 1915 FRANKLIN, completely overhauled in our shop and newly painted. We guarantee our used Franklins. Braly Auto Co., 19th and Washington. Main 4S80. WILL TRADE HAYNES. Late model, electric starter, 4-cyl.. 5-pass.. good tires: trade for reals-estate. mortgage, etc. v oo. ureyonian SAXON roadster, nearly new, tires In good condition, completely overhauled, self starter, electric lights; bargain for cash. Call Marshall 3931. WHITE 30 touring car. excellent condition er sale bv owner at 371 E. Water St. Phone E. 362. WILL save $150 on 1917 Maxwell. Oregonlan. F 17 FOR sale cheap. 1916 Maxwell roadster, Al condition. Aj 2L Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Automobilea. COMPARE OUR , CARS. PRICES AND TERMS WITH ALL OTHEK3. 1918 Ford touring. bes of condition. $285; terms $10O cash, balance $25 per month. 1918 Ford roadster, bought In May this year and has had the best of care; terms $lo0 cash, balance $25 per month. 1918 Four-ninety Chevrolet, used very little; self-starter, electric llglus; $J50, $180 cash, balance $27 per month. 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet, almost a nnw car. fom In and hava a ride in this one. Terms 2Z0 ash, balance $35 1918 Oakland light six, excellent condi tion. $025; extra tire and tube; terms $250 down, balance $37. 5o per month. 1915 Bulck. model B-ST: a good car and In the finest condition; price for quick sale aoto; terms. 1915 Bulck. model C-25. A dandy buy at $495; terms $200 down, balance $30 per month. 1014 Bulcsr. modl C-24. self-starter, electric lights. $375: terms $150 down. balance per month. 1915 Ford roadster, cost over $1000 with extra equipment; special price $375; terms $100 cash, balance so per montn. express body, driver's seat covered. -Would make fine car for express business price $595; terms $250 down, balance $35 per month. We give a written guarantee with e'ry BEN'J, E. 614 Alder Et. BOONE A CO.. Main 3968. INCREASE YOUR EFFICIENCY. DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURES AS WELL AS TOUR EARN ING CAPACITY. Information cheerfully and freely given about the economy of upkeep and low first cost of stsndard make used cars for business and pleasure. Unquestionable guar a n t e e and easy terms. A good car as low as $175. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Used Car Dept., Broadway at Couch St. GOOD USED CARS. . Late model FORD, good mechsnl elal condition. New- tires. Price $250. 1916 MAXWELL, new tires', repaint ed. In very best condition, price $5O0. 191S MAXWELL, just overhauled, date. Price .... repainted and Strictly up to $400 1915 HUDSON light 6-40, overhauled from front to rear axle and re- " painted. Looks and runs like new. a good light six for the price of a new cheap one. See this car. Price $950 1915 OVERLAND, overhauled and repainted. Spot-llfht. Five good tires. Looks and runs like new. Price. $600 These are only a few of the big- -gest used-car values In the city, if interested come and see the rest. We have the car you want at the right price. Terms If you wish. BOSS PEAKE AUTOMOBILE CO., Phone Marshall 4022. 615 Wash. St. USED TRUCKS. Little Giant, $35o. 1-ton. -cylinder, body and top, Universal, 1 i-ton. body and toD. S150O. Raiiance. 3-ton. $1250. All of the above are in first-class con dition. They are trucks we have taken in trade on new G. M. C. trucks. If you are in tne maraet tor a used truck see us. . COLUMBIA CARRIAGE A AUTO WORKS, Main 2892. 209-11 Front St, FORD, model N touring .$ 75 r- ord. 1H15 touring car 230 Ford. 1916 touring car 275 tord. 1917 touring car. practically new 850 Ford, 1914 roadster 2 505 Alder St. AUTO TOP HOOF AND BACK CURTAIN: roadster $6.95, touring $S.!5: parcel post paid. 'ur instructions make it easv to apply. Save Samples and catalogue free. S. Sc H. Top Co., 440 Hunt, Cln- i-innaii, K-'. CHEVROLET. FINE CONDITION. . 1 A pickup lor you. Main 18. FORDS . FORDS FORDS Autnorizea sales and service. Sold on easy terms. THE PACIFIC KISSEI.KAR BRANCH. Broadway at Davis St. PACKARD 6-ton truck; terms If de sired $1250 Speedwell 3-ton truck 750 White 1-ton truck, only..... 300 50j Alder St. WE wreck all makes of automobiles for the good parts. see us for any kind of en gines. bodies, gears, magnetos, etc. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO., 321-5-7 BUrnside St. TRUCKS 5-ton Kissel. 1-ton Federal. IV. ton Jeffrey, all rebuilt and In line con dition. Easy terms. Pacific KlsselKar branch. Broadway and Davis. $200 BUYS a -passenger touring car in line running order. Terms if wanted. The Pacmc KlsseiKar branch, Broadway Davis st. BL'K'K l'.tlj Wmring. first-class condition looks like new; 2 new tires; bargain for ft.uo, -csn or mortgage. rnoue owner, -larsnat! OHIO electric, in beautiful condition. S1000 What have you to trade of equal value? rtraly Auto Co., luth and Washington, .viain -soou. ROADSTER Bulck and Chevrolet, dandy cars tor salesmen. ery cheap, easy terms. Broadway at Davis at. The Pacllic Kissel Kar branch. WINTON SIX, late model, newly painted: would like to get in touch with someone who has good first mortgage to trade. N 960, Oregonian. 1916 BRISCOE touring car, good as new; run less than 2ooa miles; for sale at a bar gain ; liberal terms, or will take Ford car - In trade. Phone Marslmll 962. HAVE 6-cylinder touring car, electric lights and starter; will trade even up for dia mond or 1917 Ford. Call East 7222. 1910 DomR. BROS touring cor. run about 4000 miles: will sell at a bargain and give liberal terms. Phone Marshall 002. FOR SALE ldl4 Hupmrfblle. self-starter. elec. lights: a snap for $425 cash. Phone "Woodlawn 3031. AX OVERLAND 69 In good running condi tion for sale, $273 cash. Call Sellwood 62. B 1325. Ask for TIchenor. PoKD roadster. $150 cash If taken todav. Phone Tabor 1779- Can be seen at 419 E. KiM st. O-PASSaTNGER Ford, A-l condition, with extras; go"d tires; $225. Tabor 6478. HUDSON SUPER SIX. sacrifice; run less than 1000 miles; perfect. E 24, Oregonlan. I HAVE a National 4-psss. touring car that I will sacrifice for $650. Call Tabor S24L FOR RENT Garage. 12 E. Madison. Tabor 10S. . HUPMOBILE, light roadster, for $150; owner. 319 Worcester bldg.. after Sunday. FEDERAL ONE-TON, In good shape, $700. terms. 363 Oregon. East 7222. FEDERAL truck for sale or trade for busi ness. Call Woodlawn 807. '16 MODEL runabout, 1-3 cost; perfect condi tion. Broadway 197. S 21. Oregonlan. FORD touring car. fine condlMon. bargain, $195; leaving town. 764 E. 7th North, FOR SALE. Automobile. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS 1916 Ford touring, practically new. speedometer and. seat covers. $295. 1918 Ford roadster, finest condition, oversize Urea, hand horn and speedometer. $2o5. 1914 Ford delivery, just overhauled and repainted, $2o0. 1914 Ford roadster, speedometer and electrlo lights, $22,. 1914 Ford touring, fully equipped. $250. 1915 Ford touring. Ilka new, $295. 1918 Ford touring, new tires, $295. 1918 Ford touring, run only 4500 miles. $203. 1918 Ford touring, speedometer, hsnd horn and nlckle-piated, ussd -very little, $325. Don't Tall to see these care before you buy, for you will be surprised when you see them, and besides, you get a year's free service on all minor adjustments. Terms $100 down, balance $25 per month. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. Authorized Ford Agent. 1199. East 13th and liaw thorne Ave. USED CARS. BARGAJN PRICES TERMS. STUDEBAKER. 6-passenger $250 MITCHELL SIX. self-starter $450 CASE TOURINO CAR. Westinghouse system $600 MITCHELL COUPE, a beauty $1000 TOURING CAR. light, electric starter, wire wheels, good shape $325 HENDERSONT 4-cyl. motorcycle, fine shape ....$175 Also several others. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER CO.. East 7272. E. 1st and E. Morrison. B 1216. MARMON ROADSTER 1912 CAR. "GOOD CONDITION, WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH. MAIN 7533. 434 ALDER. FORDS 1917 FOHM New and Used Fords on Easy Payments. We will trade your used Ford In on new ene or pay cash for It. We also have several larger cars which have been left with us for sale. PALACE GARAGE CO., Authorised Ford Agents. 22d and Kearney Ste. Main 90. 1916 OAKLAND SIX touring, looks and runs like new, good tires ....3625 191., FORD roadster, a snap at $275 1913 FORD roadster, a snap at $21- 1913 B.iick touring $275 1913 STUDEBAKER touring, self starter -. $300 And many others. All cars In first-class mechanical con dition and minor adjustments for one year free. Terms if desired. EAST SIDE AUTO REPAIR CO., East 1300. 717 Hawthorne Ave. FORDS. FOr!DS. FORDS. . " FORDS. NEW J917 FORDS. EASY TERMS. TRADE YOUR OLD FORD IN ON A NEW ONE. FP.A.VCIR MOTOR CAR EX.. Authorized Ford Airent. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. BUICK 1915 model truck. In first-class con dition, st a barcaln. OAKLAND SALES CO.. 16th aud Alder Sts. $230 FORD $230 Equipped with panel body, new oversize non-skid tires, extra casings, tubes and speedometer. KOEHRING MAfHIVE CO NORTH WiCST. 254 HAWTHORNE AVE. OAKLAND 1916 touring, with natural wood wheels and seat covers, 3ike new, at a bargain. OAKLAND SALES CO.. 16th and Aider Sts. MOTORS. MOTORS. MOTORS. GEARS. BEARINGS. WHEELS. AXLES. RADIATORS, everything for your auto mobile at absolutely one-half the original price. AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89 N. Broadway, near Everett. J917 DODGE. Roadster, purchased last September, only driven 2000 miles; well cared for: one extra lire never used, complete equin- ment: practically a new. car; low price if " sold at once. 863 Oregon. East 7222. OAKLAND llvht . fl-cyl., 1916 model, like new. at a bartraln. OAKLAND AUTO SAI.ES CO., Main 414. 16th and Alder. OVERLAND IK SPLENDID SHAPE. Good opportunity for someone. Main 13. 1913 FORD. Touring; body shows considerable wear; tires good all around; mechanically In first-class shape: bargain for cash. 363 Oregon. East 7223. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co.. 31st ' and Washington. Main 6244. AUTO parts, engines, gears, wheels, axles, radiators, etc. most all makes cars; half regular price. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 323-"-7 Burnside St. PUNCTURES 10c A'.' vulcanizing and tire repairing guaranteec; gasoline, oils, tires, tubes and auto supplies. Western Tire Sales Co., 707 Hawthorne ave., at East 20th st. HERE is a bargain: 5-psss.. cost - $1100 last May; fine condition,- extra tire, etc; onlv $430: can show Sat. afternoon or Sunday. Write or call 734 Y. M. C. A. after 6 P. M. 1917 DORT. 5-pasenger. rua only few hun dred miles; will at a discount, having purchased a larger car. Call Mr. Hemp hill Broadway 887. HUDSON SIX. 54: repainted and overhauled should sell for $H cash. 303 Oregon should sell for $1000: will sscrlflce for $600 FORD one-ton truck, overhauled; make first class one-ton delivery, $500, terms. 363 Oregon. East 7222. - FOR PALE or trade, one-ton truck in good condition: good tires. Price $200. Phone Tabor 5573. REO ONE-TON Financial reverses cause sacrifice; can be had for $100 down, bal ance $54 per month. 363 Oregon. East 7222. 1916 SAXOf roadster, electrically equipped and starteV. run bOO miles, reasonable. HI3 Fenton bldg. USED AUTO PARTS at less than half pries. Auto Wrecking Co.. "89 X. Broadway. 6U 150-AMPERE Exlde ba4tery, practi ralty new. Mr. Morgan. M. 0244. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $10 each; vui ca n ized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Mad lson. FEDERAL ONE-TON, In good hape7"$70' terms 363 Oregon. East 7222. FOR SALE Cheap, 1015 Ford. Al shape. J 24, Ortgoniau. FOR SALE. Automobile ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE. We have Just finished going over ear used cars, seeing that every one Is In good running condition, and are now reaay to demonstrate some of the best buy In the city. 1913 REO, electric lights, good tires. ..$250 1910 CHALMERS, good for a delivery 225 1913 WARREN, electric lights and generator '. STS 1910 MITCHELL: will make a bear of a bug 300 The following cars are electrlo lighted and self-starters: 1915 HUP. newly painted. Just like new $ WO 1916 GRANT SIX. run very little..,. 630 1915 HUP ROADSTER, $150 under market value. 1913 HUDSON, cost $2050. full equip ment 450 1916 HIGHWAY Srx. NATIONAL, some buy 1506 Look these over before you buy. MANLEY AUTO CO.. -11th end Oak at BurnMde. Phone Broadway 21T. WE TEAR THIM UP AND SELL THEIR PARTS. We are wrecking all makes of cars for their parts and our stock comprises everything from autos of recent nwke: we have motors, gears, bearings, axles. wheels, transmis sions, sprinsrs, lamps, windshields, bodies, tops. radiators. magnetos, curburetort. tires, tubes: in fact, everything you use on your auto, mobile. New lamps and horns at much lower prices. All parts are sold st i price. FOR VAI.t'K SEE fH. AUTO WRECK1NO CO.. N. Proadwav, rear Kverett. WE BUY AND EXCHANGE. ANNUAL CLEARANCE USED CARS. Ford touring car ,$1T! Ford tourlnp. 101A 275 Ford touring. 1916 2W. Ford roadster 225 Ford bug 2oo Studebaker roadster 10O Studebaker touring, elec. starter..... 30 Stoddard-Dayton. $4rt0O oar 550 Chalmers roadster, worth $500 250 Buick make good delivery 175 Cycle car 9 Also other good buys too numerous to mention. Open Sunday 10 to 4. 4'" Belmont St. East 724. AUTOMOBILE BODIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILT AND REPAIRED. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE tt AUTO WORKS. 209-Jt Front St. Main 2S92. UNUSUAL SACRIFICE. Peerless "3S," 1012, electric lights end starter, has been driven 30,000 miles, re cently overhauled. hai Goodyear cords all around, one extra; this is a fine car; we can otter it equipped as it is for $750. You won't be disa ppointt-d upon examina tion. Oerlincr'-rMotor Car Co., 363 Ore gon. East 7222. ENGINES. GEARS. PEAF.ING3. WHEELS, AXLES, KAI'lATOKS, everything for your automobile at absolutely oue-half the oriicliiMl price. AUTO W KECKING CO.. P9 North Broadway, near Everett. TO ANYONE wanting a real snap we otter , a White . Chassis In fine condition: an ideal ens' for light delivery or roadster; this Chassis Is worth $3i0 more than we are asking now. Broadway Motor Car Co.. Park and Davis st. Bioadwaj 01 r.. ENGINES. All makes and stjlts. any horsepower you want. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO. 32 1-5-7 Burnside St. IMPERIAL. 1915 model, every modern equipment and In excellent condition. Goodvear cord tires. This is the very best buv in Portland. Braly Auto Co., 19th and Washington. Main 40. HUPMOBILB. Convertible top. f..r sale cheap; nearly new; Klves you a closed car for Winter. Can't upe it in lav business. 414 Oregon 1.1.1 ir. . r.lh and Oak. 1110 FOUD louring car. equipped with Grav fc Davir starter, "road smoothers, speedometer: run about 40O0 miles; good as new; price $:S5; will give terms. Phone Marshall .K'- HIGH-CLASS fi-cylinder. late model tour ing car. perfect condition, new cord tires ail around. Must sell this week. Any reasonable cash otter will be considered. 251 Ash st. GARAGES. 40x100, East 37th. near Division: fire proof building: no posts; low rent. Phone Owner. East 4595. WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS, GEARS. HEARINGS, ETC AUTO W1.ECK1NG CO., M North liroc.dway. 1915 OVERLAND touring car. Gray Davie lighting and starMre system, looks ana runs lik new; $350; terms If desired. Mam '. A 2442. TO EXCHANGE Fine 3-pass. Hudson auto, elec. starter, newly painted, good condi tion: a classy car. Take clear property. S 7, Orc-gonlan. WILL bo forced to sell my Paige touring cir to tlia party making me the best olfer. Will demonstrate any week T 953. Oregonian. time this WE HAVE a fe-vv real li-?ains. llpht-welght touring cars, in excellent condition- look these over b.-fore hulng. 1 Auto Works & Painting Co.. 525 Alder st. -l-LET US SHOW YOU How to ret 411 gallons of gasoline for l.o. Ml t.LERSH IP. 4::i Chamber of Cummer Automobile Wanted. SPOT CSH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR BX. Authorized Ford Agent. 1199. East 13'.h and Hawthorne ave. SPOT CSH FOR SECOND-HAND CARS. ADCOX. AUTO SCHOOL. SSS BURNSIDE. LOT 11 or 12. block 18. Wellesley, Fremont 75 K East Port., to trade for light car, roadster preferred. E. South, Waterloo. Oregon. . GOOD llglK touring car. 4 or 6-cyllnder, lor cash- must be late '15 or '16 model of any good make; ask for Mr. Gore. A-l Auto Works Painting Co.. 523 Alder st. WE will pay cash for late model Fords. Dodge Bros., or Buick autos. Boone A Co 514 Alder st. Main a66. WANT good light auto, will trade 87 acres in Clackamas County, some cash. Main 3716. FORDS bought, sold and exchanged. R. L SHORT & CO., Automobile repairing. 833 E. 11th. E. 4010. BUSINESS comer. 50x100. to exchange for " or 5-iMisseiiger. late model automobile. K. J. C.elser. 417 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trad 75.33 acres of land. 500.000 ft. timber, for VJlR Dodge. Buiclc or Oak land car. Marshall 34o2 WANTED To exchange good lot, 50x100. on busy street, for laie model light 5-pass. car. AG 21, Oreconlan. WANT late model liaht S-pass. car for good lot and monthly payment. AO 22, Ore gonian. - )( MILTON PIANO to trade for Dodgs. "Ford. Maxwell touring car; pay cash dlf- ference. T 22, j Oregonlan. Vn a A t"TO wanted: have $200 first mort gage. 6 per cent, $300 cash. AL 17. Orego r I a n . . WANTED to buy. for cash, Bulck light six; mut be as good as new. V 18. Oregonlan. CASH for light cars. Fords preferred. Main -.7 1 0 Washington st. Garage. VVNTIsrj A Ford truck for East Side lot. B 20. Oregonian. VK wreck old automobiles lor material Call Marshall 8225. WANTED A light 5-pasa. 1916 auto in ex change for good real estate. Tabor 1993. THREE line fresh Jersey cows with caives, to trade for roadster. East 704. Automobiles for Hire. WE can furnish any kind of truck for any kind of work bv month or yearly contract. We are agents for Wichita trucks and tractors. Alo have three, rebuilt trucks and sell on time payments. Long A Silva. 462 Hawthorne ave. East 6S40. 1916 SAXON 6. highway, depots, touring, calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4582. yi6 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, call ing and shopping.. Main 7435. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long St S;la. 42 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 684Q. AUTOS for rent without drivers. 450 E. Hawthoiie. East 1628. Motorcycle. TWIN Inuian. flly equipped, good condi tion. $iuo. G. S.nart, 411 Montgomery st.