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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1917)
I. 24 THE. SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 7, 1917. 'MANY GOOD UNADVERTISED SPECIALS ALL OVER THE STORE LOOK FOR THE SALE CARDS I Tomorrow A SALE OF FURNITURE for Every Room in the House 20 TO 50 OFF SEE ALSO PAGE 13 This section for other important Meier & Frank store news. . SEE ALSO PAGE 13 This section for other important Meier & Frank store news. Embroideries Laces- -A Women's and Children's ! ! I ,5 I ! i i I 1 Host of Bargains Here! Quantities of laces all kinds of fancy embroideries and flouncings now on sale at big reductions on our "old" prices. With graduation right at hand and Spring sewing days not far away, this sale affords a truly remarkable opportunity to buy laces and embroideries at worthy savings. Many dainty embroideries for baby wear are in cluded all at wonderfully attractive reductions. 5c 8c-12c EDGES AND IN SERTIONS, THE YARD Edges, insertions, bead-top em broideries and headings in widths from 1 to 6 inches. Really won derful values at, yard, 5c 15c-20c CAMBRIC EM- t(n BROIDERIES, YARD JLvU Swiss nainsook and heavy cam bric edges, 3 to 6 inches wide; also cambric flouncing 7 to 10 inches. Special, yard, 10c. 35c-45c ALLOVER EM- 1 ft BROIDERIES, YARD J-UU 20-inch allover embroidery in eyelet designs on lawn. Partic ularly good for brassieres and waistings. Special at 10c. 20c TO 25c C A M B R I C "I fn SKIRTINGS AT, YARD J-lU 17-inch cambric and lawn em broidery for skirtings and vari ous flouncings. Yard only 10c. 25c CAMBRIC EM BROIDERY, THE YARD Heavy cambric edging and in sertion in eyelet designs. Widths 1 to 5 inches. Swiss edges irf hand-loom designs, 1 to 5 inches. 15c 35c CORSET EMBROIDERY, COVER I Q YARD J-OU RD 25c 25-inch lawn embroidery in neat designs; also lT'-inch corset cover embroidery. Yard, 18c. 40c-75c HAND-LOOM EMBROIDERY, YA Matched sets of St. Gall hand loom embroidery for fine under muslins. Edges and insertions 1 to 9 inches wide in pretty designs. 40c SWISS AND VENISE OR-, EMBROIDERY, YARD AOKs 9-inch Swiss edges with fine filet and Venise finish, espe cially dainty for neckwear. Spe cial in this sale at, yard, 25c. 40c SWISS AND CAM BRIC SKIRTING, YARD 12-inch cambric and Swiss skirtings. Special, yard, 25c 40c AND 50c FLOUNC- OfT INGS AT, THE YARD AOs Dainty Swiss and cambric flouncings for children's wear. 17 inches wide. Yard, 25c. 65c VOILE DRESS L $1.49 $1.19 25c 39c 36-inch voile dress flouncings; white, embroidered in colors; sky blue, Copen and lavender. 50c AND 65c LAWN 39c 17-inch lawn embroidery skirt ing for women's and children's wear, in dainty, neat designs. LAWN YARD UL 65c AND 75c FLOUNCINGS, 25-inch lawn flouncing with dainty Venise and ' filet edges; pretty for infants' wear. Special, yard, 49c. 85c TO $1.00 ALLOVER AQ EMBROIDERY, YARD 20-inch allover embroidery in eyelet' and filet designs for bra sieres and yokings. Special at, yard, 49c 65c HEAVY CAMBRIC A(f SKIRTINGS AT, YARD U 15 and 17-inch heavy cambric skirtings, with effective designs in blind work. Special, yard, 49c 75c AND $1.00 FANCY fZQn DRESS FLOUNCINGS OUi 36-inch organdy and voile dress flouncing in elaborate designs for graduation and party frocks. The yard, 59c. $1.25 ORGANDY fiffn FLOUNCING AT, YARD DtlU 36-inch organdy flouncing in very neat, effective designs. $1.50 ORGANDY QQ FLOUNCING AT, YARD UOU Voile and batiste dress flounc ing, 40 inches wide. Pretty designs. $2.00 ORGANDY FLOUNCING, YARD 40-inch organdy dress flounc ing for dainty frocks. $1-50 ORGANDY FLOUNCING, YARD 40-inch organdy dress flounc ing, in pretty designs for gradua tion frocks. BABY FLOUNCINGS RE DUCED IN THIS SALE $1 baby flouncing, 25 inches wide, with dainty ruffled edge, the yard, 690. 85c baby flouncing, 25 inches wide, with ruffled, hemmed and scalloped edges, yard, 490. 40c-50c SHADOW AND OPrt FANCY LACES, YARD iOC Imitation Duchesse and fancy shadow laces for blouses, petti coats and camisoles, in widths from 12 to 25 inches. 65c TO 85c CHANTILLY f Q AND NET-TOP LACES UC 12 to 25-inch laces in novelty filet meshes, shadow, Chantilly and net-top effects. 15c-25c COTTON PLATT 1A. VALS ETC, YARD 1UL Cotton filet, Piatt VaL and Point de Paris laces and inser tions. Special, yard, 10c. 20c-35c COTTON LACES "1 pT PRICED SPECIAL, YD. OC Cotton laces Piatt Vals, shad ow, radium edges and bands, in various widths. 8c TO 10c VAL. LACES PRICED, YARD French and round-mesh Val. laces from to 1 inches wide, special at, yard 5c. $1.00 TO $1.75 FANCY dCkn LACES, YARD DUC Shadow, Chantilly and metal laces, flouncings and bands for blouses and party frocks. Lace and embroidery Shop, Main FL .5c 'Kerchiefs in This Sale White Sale Table Linens We are sole Portland agents for John S. Brown & Sons' famous "Shamrock" brand pure Irish linens. We quote a few prices on the medium grades, which are worth one-third more than we are-asking today, and goods cannot be. duplicated except at a great ad vance in price: Cloths 2x2 yds., ?5; 2x214 yds., $6; 2x3 yds., $7.50: 214x214. yds., $6.50. Napkins to match, 22x22 inches, dozen, $5.50. Finer grades with attractive circular designs, 2x2 yards, $6; 2x2i2 yards, $7.50; 24x24 yards, $8; 2x3 yards, $9. Napkins to match, 24x24 inches, dozen, $8. $6.00 TABLE CLOTHS TO MORROW AT S4.00 Odd tablecloths thus deeply re duced because we have no nap kins to match. Extra heavy weight linen. 68x86 inches. $5.00 TABLECLOTHS TO MORROW AT 3.98 Pure linen in circular designs. 70x70 inches. Large enough for any ordinary dining-room table that has no extension. $1.25 TABLE DAMASK TO MORROW, YARD SI. OO Pure linen in five handsome de signs, 70 inch. FACE TOWELS PRICED AT 10d Cotton huck towels in 16x33 inch size. Plain hemmed ends with red border. A good firm quality. TURKISH BATH TOWELS AT 50d Extra heavy Turkish bath tow els, plain hemmed ends, deep, heavy nap. Pure white and very absorbent. 24x44 inch. 35c INITIALED BATH TOWELS, TOMORROW AT 29 Turkish bath towels embroid ered in blue initials. Good grade with plain hemmed ends. 19x40 inches. Not a full line of initials. HEMSTITCHED LUNCH CLOTHS Hemstitched lunch cloths in a good grade pure linen damask. Austrian linens, for which we con tracted before the war, now at the "old" prices. 45x45 inches. $2.25, $2.75, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $7. Linen Shop, Second Floor. BEGINS TOMORR OW AT 9 A. M Undermuslins of Every Description Great heaps of snowy undermuslins crisp and fresh and daintily attractive. Bil lows of filmy laces and artistic touches of embroidery add to the effectiveness of these bits of lingerie. Not only are the. garments fascinating in themselves the prices are so very low as to make them quite irresistible! Some of these garments are just out of their wrappings never having been-shown before others are taken from our regular stocks and reduced, a few of them slightly soiled or mussed from display easily freshened, however, by a trip to the laundry. The values are amazingly good and despite the advance in cotton goods of every kind you will find the prices and values in this sale compare favorably with our sales of previous years. Thousands of Portland women have been waiting for this Meier & Frank White Sale of 1917 now is the, time to supply your needs. See our window displays and come as early as you can tomorrow morning. v Now is a good time to lay in a present and future use at. splendid cials in this department. WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS AT 50 A good showing of pretty hand kerchiefs at this special price. Some have pretty corner designs neatly - embroidered, many have hemstitched hems and striped bor ders, while some have loop cord edges. Sheer and medium weights. White and colors. supply of good handkerchiefs for savings. Many unadvertised spe- WOMEN'S 25c KERCHIEFS 12': Broken lines of embroidered handkerchiefs. Some with neat corner designs, others w,ith ini tials. Both sheer and heavy weights. Fine sheer shamrock and linon lawn and some all pure linen. While any remain, 12 0 Handkerchief Shop, Main Floor. GOWNS Cambric and nainsook gowns; prettily trim med in Val and Cluny laces, tucks, headings and ribbons. In slip-over 'kimono styles with short sleeves and high neck, long sleeve styles. All good values. SPECIAL AT 79c, 98c, $1.09, $1.29, $1.47, $1.59, $1.79, $1.98, $2.29, $2.57 to $4.95. ENVELOPE CHEMISE Cambriu and nainsook chemise, with dainty touches of VaL and Cluny edgings, lace motifs, tucks, headings and ribbons. SPECIAL AT 59c, 79c, 98c, $1.29, $1.59, $1.79, $1.93, $2.57 to $3.95. COMBINATIONS Dainty, soft combinations corset covers and open or closed circular drawers trimmed with laces, embroideries, edgings and head ings. SPECIAL AT 93c, $1.22, $1.79, $2.59-$3.59. STRAIGHT CHEMISE For those who prefer the straight chemise, there are dainty ones of nainsook and cambric, prettily made and trimmed. SPECIAL AT 79c, 98c, $1.27, $1.57 to $1.93. CORSET COVERS Well-cut and attractive corset covers of nainsook and fine lawn. Some are made with cap sleeves all are daintily trimmed in lace, embroidery, beading and ribbon. 'SPECIAL AT 22c, 33c, 39c, 59c, 79c, 98c to $1.98. DRAWERS Cambric and nainsook drawers,- trimmed with pretty ruffles, lace and embroidery, tucks, headings and ribbons. SPECIAL AT 22c, 59c, 93c, $1.27 to $1.98. FLESH-COLORED WEAR ENVELOPE CHEMISE of flesh-colored batiste with crepe de chine yoke others en tirely of batiste all daintily trimmed, and made. SPECIAL AT 98c, $1.29 to $1.98. GOWNS of flesh-colored batiste with crepe de chine yoke or made entirely of batiste lace and ribbon trimmed. SPECIAL AT 98c, $1.47 to $1.98. PHILIPPINE UNDERWEAR Exquisite bits of hand-made Philippine un derwear all with the touch of daintiness and beauty characteristic of the best Philippine workmanship. GOWNS SPECIAL AT $1.59, $2.29, $2.57, $3.15, $3.75 to $4.95. COMBINATIONS with wide, circular drawers. Embroidered in very beautiful de signs. SPECIAL AT $2.59, $2.95, $3.95 to $4.95. ENVELOPE CHEMISE beautifully em broidered, with lovely designs and scallops. SPECIAL AT $2.29, $2.93 to $3.95. CREPE DE CHINE CAMISOLES Wash satin and crepe de chine camisoles trimmed in laces, embroidery, beading and ribbons. SPECIAL AT 98(V$1.29, $1.59 to $1.98. Undermuslin Shop, Third Floor. ' jTMt QuALiTy Stows or- Portland V ; J $2.00 to $2.5(LGeorgette Crepe Collars for $1.39 ' Women's hand-embroidered crepe collars, some with lace insertions and others with clusters of pretty pin tucks. Many lovely novelties in the newest and most effective styles. All new and very special at $1.39. 50c TO $1.00 NECKWEAR SPECIAL AT ONLY 35 0 A splendid assortment of fine neckwear in the most popular ma terials Georgette crepe, organ die, voile and batiste, neatly em broidered. Many with touches of silver or gold thread. Special 3 for $1.00 or, each 35c 35c TO 75c FANCY NECKWEAR SPECIAL 190 Collars, Sets, Vestees, Guimpes, etc., in a wide variety of styles. All the most popular novelties are included satin, flannels, organd ies and voiles. A good time to supply neckwear needs 3 for 60c or, each 19c Neckwear Shop. Main Floor. 18cDimity Yard for 2y2c $2.25 Nainsook,-S6 inches wide, 10-yard piece SI. 75 25c Figured Madras, 27 inches wide, yard ... . . . 19 35c and 40c. Fancy White Voiles, 36 inches -25 White Goods Shop, Second Floor Linen Finished Sheets 75 c Size 81x90, round-thread linen-finished sheets, torn be fore being hemmed, which insures perfect shape after laun dering. - " Size 81x99. 805; Size 81x108, 85d Pillow Cases to match, Size 42x36, at 15S 43x38 2, 17d Sale Marseilles Bed Spreads Satin finish Marseilles bedspreads with slight imperfections, which, however, do not impair the wearing qualities. $3.00 Regular $4.50 quality at $5.00 quality with scalloped edges and cut corners - .$4.00 Regular $5.50 quality at $6.00 quality with scalloped edges a?.d.??.r.n.e"........$4.50 Honeycomb Spreads, fringed and cut comers, full size $2.50. Second Floor. Fifth Street. Children's Undermuslins In This White Sale, Too Good savings on white wear for the kiddies as well as grown-ups. All merchandise of first quality our very moderate regular prices deeply reduced for the White Sale! 19c DRAWERS 110 Sizes 2 to 12. Heavy muslin drawers in flA-leg style, finished with tucks and hemstitched hem. 39c SKIRTS 250 Pink and blue outing flannel skirts in Gertrude style. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Prettily scalloped ruf fle. $2.50 DRESSES $1.69 Sizes 3 to 6 years. Good qual ity white pique in tailored effects. 75c MIDDIES 590 Sizes 36 to 42. White twill middies in regulation or button front styles. Also $1.25-$1.50 Galatea" Middies 980. 75c CREEPERS 490 Sizes 1 and 2 years. White seersucker creepers, made with loose belts and square necks. 75c-85c SKIRTS 590 Sizes 10 to 14. Band skirts made of good quality cambric, with ruf fle, embroidery flounce or groups of hemstitched tucks. 40c SKIRTS 250 Sizes 8 to 14. Medium heavy white outing flannel skirts on bands, with scalloped flounce. 75c GOWNS 490 . Sizes 6 to 14 years. Crepe and longcloth gowns, with round and Japanese necks. 45c GOWNS 35 Sizes 6 to 12 years. High and Jap-neck styles' in gowns of soft longcloth, ruffle trimmed, with hemstitched edge. 65c ROMPERS 490 Sizes 2 to 6 years. Beach style rompers of white linene, with short sleeves and V neck. Infants' Wear Reduced E0c White Flannelette Slips, button-back style, 39c. 40c White Flannelette Wrappers, with collar and cord girdle or trimmed with stitching, 29c. 40c -- White Flannelette Nightin gale with scalloped edges and fancy stitching, 29c. 40c White Flannelette Night Gowns, scalloped edges, 29c. 75c White Nainsook Slips, long and short, of fine quality, 59c 60c White Nainsook long and short Slips with round yoke, prettily made and trimmed, 49c $1.50 White Nainsook Slips, long and short, special at $1.29. 50c Crib Blanket, size 30x40 Ins., pink and blue plaid, 39c 65c White Crib Blankets, with striped borders, 50c. 75c Afghan or Blankets, with rib bon binding or scalloped edges, 59c Second Floor. Sixth Street.