The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1916, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 27

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IA RD FOREMAN'. references, $100 up;
MILKER. $50, house, wood. etc. ; MILK
ER, close In. $45 and found; HOTEL
WRIGHT, $3.50; wood splitters. 50c and
COc per cord; laborers, mlllhands, box
factory hands, etc., etc
wishes to thank Its patrons, both em
ployers and employes for their patron
age during 1010 and cordially wishes all
v ANT loung man etenugrapher for work
at Salm during session of the legislature
by member of Legislature and for two or
three months afterward In small country
bank with prorpect of permanent work in
bank; prefer young man with law train
ing. AF 009. Oreffr.lan.
Help Wanted Agents.
1BIG hit. our 5-ptece aluminum set Is all
the rage; cheaper man enamci
ella like wildfire, guaranteed 20 years;
retail value $5, ell to housewives for only
$1.S3; biggest seller of the age; 9 sure
sales out of every 10 shown; others clean
ing up $10 to $20 a day. Answer this
quick to eecure territory. Dlv. 1032, Amer
Ican Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont, ill.
Hi' ART j on in business furnishing every
thing; men. women. $30 tp $2no weekly
operating "new system specialty candy
factories." homo, small room anywhere;
no canvassing l opportunity lifetime; book
let free, Ragsdale Co., Box S, East
Orange. N. J.
tGENTM want a live wire for general
agent in every state; $300 monthly easily
mads. Investment of $60 secures state
for you; territory going fast. Write quick
to Sid. Fish, 708 E. 6th at., Los Angeles,
elLUMINUM utensil cleaner; only one In the
market that reallv does the work, $20 to
$40 a week easy; every housewife will
huy. 400 other fast sellers. Write quick.
Dlv. 832, American Aluminum Mfg. Co.,
Lemont, III.
it EPRESENTATIVE wanted to" handle our
products in this state; cell to trade and
automobile owners ; can bo used as sid
line, good money-maker. For full particu
lars address Standard Chemical Co.. Seat
tle. Wash. -
$31) WEEK and expenses, freo samples, gold
nd silver letters for store fronts, office
windows and glae? signs. Anyone can put
on; big demand everywhere; liberal offer.
L'eneral arentf. Metallic Letter Co., 43ii
N. Clark, Chicago.
ACENTS make 500 per cent profit selling
our auto monograms and initials, window
sign letters, changeable signs and show
curds; 1000 varieties; enormous demand.
Suillvan Co.. 1123 Van Buren St., Chicago,
magazine proposition ever put out; year
Good Stories 25c; agent's commission 20c;
SO to 60 orders dally. Crew managers
coining money. Postal Subscription Com
pany. Minneapolis, Minn.
FREE catalogue, samples, new goods, quick
sales, big profits, make $5 to $25 daily,
no experience. World's greateet specialties.
Criwsr Co.. Jackson & Campbell, Chicago,
WE PAY $80 a week and expenses to men
with rlK to introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept.
78 Parsons. Kan.
AGENTS Splendid earnings, send Jot free
catalogue of qulck-eelllng repeat-order;
a big opportunity. Pedvln & Jensen Co.,
515 3d , San Bernardino, Calif.
WANTED Good live nventa to sell a good
article on commission. Call week-days,
room 23, 147 13th St.. West Side.
TWENTY select 500 per cent profit mail
order propositions free; opportunity seek
ers, write TT Home, 1957 Warren. Chicago.
AGENTS Real Idea, stops glasses steaming
In Winter; 25c size sent for 10c. write
Anti-Steam Slick Company. Warren, Pa.
WHY sell inferior? Our hospital po:!cy costs
no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
WANTED We havt a good opening
for a salesman in the City of Port
land; we will pay a good straight
salary to the right man ; by right
man we mean a hard, steady work
er tno spasmodic need apply), with
honor, personality and selling abil
ity ; advancement will depend en
tirely upon individual productive
ness; we are the largest company of
our kind in the world anil our prod
ucts have been on the market for 50
years. This is a rare opportunity
for someone. AM W, Oregonian.
HIGH-CLASH man with organization, execu
tive, superior salesmanship ability who is
and has been successful, who possesses
highest integrity, standing; position dis
trict supervisor of salesmen for high-class
manufacturers representing lmlllions cap
ital, one line Is new, wonderful gasoline
tractor and truck, great power flexibility,
will overwhelm, astonish world. Sells $350
and $100. Here is opportunity to make
more money each month than ever made
fh year. If you can qualify, here is chance
"f lifetime. Perrlne, 30 N. La Salle, Chicago.
SALESMEN WANTED Hlgh-grad side
line salesmen wsnted to sell the only
aluminum cooking utensil line manufac
tured and cstubllshed on the Pacific Coast;
elegant opportunity for live wires mak
ing small towns; good contracts with ex
tra bonus on volume. D 970. Oregonian,
Portland. Or.
EXPERIENCE unnecessary, earn while .you
learn. Write large list openings and testi
monials from hundreds of students who
earn $100 to $500 a month. Address near
est office. Dept. 311, National salesmen's
Training Association, Chicago, New York,
fc'an Francisco. -
first-clars experienced automobile sales
man , salary and commission; address by
letter only, giving experience and salary
wanted : all communications treated
strictly confidential. pacific Klssel-Kar
Rrmch. Broadway and Davis.
CAPABLE specialty man for Oregon; staid.'
line on new and exceptional terms. Vag
rancy now. Attractive commission contract
for 1917, $35 weekly for expenses. Mites
F. Btxler Co., 226 Carlin bldg., Cleve
land. Q.
SPECIALTY traveling salesmen to sell news
paper advertising service. Exclusive ter
ritory on commission basis: we offer a
permanent position presenting great pos
sibilities. Th Syndicate Advertising Com
pany. 154 Nassau street. New York, N. Y.
SALESMAN to sell our Spring dress goods,
novelties and white goods to the retailers
In small towns. Attractive side line. Lib
eral commission. Purnell Dale Mills. Box
560. Philadelphia, Pa,
SALESMEN Washing machine, sells on
sight, $1.60; tub of clothes. 5 rains.: guar
anteed not to wear or tear fabric; lasts
a lifetime ; every home needs one ; good
jirofits; particulars, g 4. Oregonian.
6. LAB MEN wanted. laces. embroideries,
side line; 124 Per cent commission: sam
ples light: only men with trade now trav
eling nsed apply. Merk & Co., 416 Broad
way. New York.
HAVE e live side line for dry goods and
general stores, commission basis, small
samples. Box 7ftS. Marsngo, 111.
GIRL to assist In housework. Apply morn
ings. Main 0J10. 434 Carter Lane.
YOUNG girl to assist with eooklng and
general housework. 400 Holladay ave.
PRIVATE HOME for children, any age; 15
years' experience. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162.
Typewriting $5 mo. 269 14th. Main 3893.
GIRL to assist with housework and care of
child. 747 GUean st.
COMPETENT Japanese girl, general house
work; two In family. Phone Main 0039.
COMPETENT woman to take care of mother
and new baby for two weeks. Main 5819.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
two in family. Phone Main 6039.
AN experienced second girl. Call
W. J. Burns. 153 N. 13th st.
at Mrs.
EXPERIENCED Wah: operators. See Miss
Sailor. Remington Typewriter Co.
HOUSEKEEPER for gentleman! J 9R9,
WANTED A first-class hair dresser: state
er-perlence In letter. AN 997, Oregonian.
WANTED Ladles' residential work; big
pay. Room 502-3 Columbia bldg.
GIRL wanted for general housework. --74
Northrop st Main " gng.
W A N T E D C, I rl for general housework, 2 In
family. 780 Irving St., Apt. 2. Main 5472.
WANTED Competent girl for second work.
Wesiwoid TBo.
LA DIES. learn manlcurlrrg; rates. 307
?sortn west mag.
NEAT, trustworthy girl, must be good, plain
praU Phnn f tl HA
GIRL for housework. Apply to Mrs. Will
iams, 554 Broadway South,
WANTED Four experienced salesladies
Call today. Washington Hotel, room 329,
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
rererencos; -too jiargueriio ave.
GOOD girl for housework. U047 S2d at. S. E.
GREATEST money-maker, house-to-house
proposition. "White Wizard" washes
clothes spotlessly clean in 10 minutes with
out rubbing; contains no lime, lye. caustic
soda, paraphlne. wax. Leave samfle, when
you call housewife Is malting to become
regular customer; secure territorial right;
postal trliiKtf sample and full particulars.
0509 Foster Road,
Portland, Oregon.
W ANTED well educated young lady ste
nographer, for f:jce In county seat town
in Idaho; experienced In bookkeeping,
loans, real estate. Insurance. Send writ
ten application, long hand, stating age,
years' experience, former employers and of
kind business, salary wanted and tele
phone number. Geo. M. Reed, 820 Spauld
ing bldg. Main 1070.
HOUSEKEEPER Single lady or widow
without children, one wanting good home
more than big pay, between 25 and 85
years old, in family of widower with two
girls; state facts fully In application; re
piles congdenUsl. Q 3. Oregonian.
$300 will teach and start you In the candy
business like my candy butcher shop at
o2S Washington- st-
AT ONCE Ten lames to travel, demonstrate
and sell well-established Una to our deal
ers. Previous experience not necessary.
Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich
Drug Co.. Dept. 511, Omaha. Nebr.
WOMEN everywhere, $15 monthly upwards.
, easily made enclosing our circulars your
correspondence; costs you nothing ; write
quick. R. J, H. Pauley, Erie Bank, Buf
falo, N. Y
Ml N iCiPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo
men is now located at room 303 new Po
.!ce Headquarters. Information, protection
or assistance given to women and girls.
jyUeryjew confidential.
WANTED Kxperlenced saleslady for gen
eral dry goods store, by Feb. L Eastern
Oregon town ot 2U0O. only live wire may
apply, giving age, experience and salary
gxp-cteq. AV 341. Oregonian.
OMEN, Government life Jobs. $70 month
Write Immediately, list positions opea
Franklin institute. Dept. 703 A. Roch
ester, N. Y.
WOiMEN. full time $15, spare time 25c hour
selling guaranteed wear-proof hosiery to
wearer. Experience unnecessary. Guar
anteed Stocking Mills, Norrlstown. Fa.
YOUNG girl, about 20, strong, healthy, for
plain cooking, housework, on farm; wage
$20 or -better give age. experience, refer
ence. AV 34 , Oregonian.
w ANTED Experienced and refined w oman
as housekeeper for single business man;
German or Swedish preferred. Apply at
th. C. No. 501 P. O. box. Astoria, or.
WANTED Young lady 'clerk for shooting
gallery, near Portland. $10 per week and
percentage; state age and experience, al
any. A V o46, Oregonian.
WANTED Stenographer in law office In
small city near Portland. Give age. ex
perience, salary expected and phono num
ber. P 098, Oregonian.
LADY, over 25, for high-class trautllnt; po
sition; must be well educated, well gowned
'end ambitious; $1000 first year. Apply
25 Alnsworth bldg., between 2 and 5 I M.
25 years of age. Apply in own handwrit
ing, stating fully past experience, salary
desired, etc. AL 10. Oregonian.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework ; good wages. Portland Heights.
WANTED Experienced, marker and sorter.
Palace Laundry Co., East 10th and Ever
ett sts.
WOMAN for genenal housework, small fam
ily; must furnish refetnces. Call Sunday,
1003 E. Tenth st. North. Alberta car.
THIS AD and 25c good for shampoo and
manicure. 307 Northwest bldg., Gth, and
v ANTiD A competent pantry woman,
room and board Included in wages. The
Vlrgl nia Hill. 265 14th st,
HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 403 Bdy.,
Yamhill bldg.. trains you well; you hold
your positions secured for you.
WANT women and children to call 423 Pit
tock block ; free advice on foot trouble.
Dr. Buck, osthopedlc and foot specialist.
LADY, in order to avoid being alone nights,
will give room free to employed woman.
P 900. Qr'.gonlan.
BXPBRiaCXCSD xrl for general housework;
good wages; no washing: 455 E. 25th St.
N. phone East $368.
WANTED Girl experienced In all depart
ments of a small laundry. Rainier Steam
Laundry. Rainier, Or.
HIGH school student wanted to work for
room and board and smaU wages In small
family. East 3214.
WANTED Girl to assist with housework
for room, board and $10 a month; no
washing. Tabor 1092.
LADIES, do ciiochetmg at home. Call monw
ings, 11 to L 322 Flledner bldg.. 10th and
WANTED School girl to help with light
housework for room and board; 4 blks.
from Lincoln High. 547 Broadway.
058 MONTGOMERY drive, corner St. Helens
Court. Take Portland Heights car to Elm
st. Girl for general housework. Main 949.
YOUNG woman to assist with housework
and care of two children. Phone C 1709
or call at 300 Cook ave.
FANCY hand Ironers and experienced collar
girl. Opera-house Laundry, 2d and Ev
erett sts.
AMBITIOCS woman for position with mer
cantile firm; must be adaptable to new
v.ays and methods. AE 2, Oregonian.
ROOM and breakfast for companionable, em
ployed girl, at lowest cost; prefer girl go
Ing home Sundays. TuLor 4677.
WANTED A middle-aged woman to do
housework on a farm. Call room 307, Ho
tel Byron.
COMPETENT girl, general housework. No
fancy cooking. Family of two. Wood-
lawn t.
EXPERIENCED girl for dancing act; leave
town ; salary and expenses. Marshall
LADY chiropodist to share space In beauty
parlors; cheap rent. 407 Broadway bldg.
: -- . 1 I ."'.
NEEDY woman can have home for light
wum ; soma money; state age. Art 996,
CHORUS girls with or without experience
must nave gooa voices. Apply manager
ineaier, nn anu nqmnqt,
ELDERLY lady companion assist house
work, good home, small wages; reference
permanent. East 484S.
WANTED Lady to work In boarding-house
1 or ner ana nuioanu s room and board.
1x1 t rtuasell St.
COMPETENT. reliable girl for general
nouawwor. Appiy aionaay arter 19 A. M.
S20 Overton.
to assist In housework in
mail family.
Apply to Mrs. D. H. Korth.
Rainier, Or
sox an.
GIRL for general housework;
wages $20.
iuw g;. toucn. ranor 23Wo.
SWITCHES made from combings.
work taught. 321 West Parle
WANTED Girl to assist with housework.
(Jan i -v 3d et. Main 4712.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
ana cooKing. 710 Flanders.
WANTED Girl for general housework, $46
per rnontn. rnunr tusi zizo.
K.M'hKiKNti'J) giri ror second work; 'wage
o. .Main -vi.
WANTED Glfl for housework. Apply 502
oeinng Diag. ask tor anss isimmtrman
CHAMBERMAID in exchange for
300,i East Morrison. v
era) housework.
for cooking and gen
794 Irving st. Mala 8235
YOUNG girl wanted for light housework.
Appiy morning. s. aa st.
LEGE will teach you the trade In eight
wee ks, pay you wnue learning, give 'ou
a set of tools, scholarship and Gloloms
get you a position; 32 schools la U. S. and
canaaa. w rite lor tree catalogue. cor
2d and Bumslde.
and women to learn the barber trade !n
eight weeks; position guaranteed; tool
Tree; paia wnue learning, t-xpert instruc
tors; scalp and face massage a specialty.
Tuition reduced. 33 N. Second st.
women to learn barber trade In 6 weeks;
position guaranteed; tools free; paid while
learning tuition reduced. Can earn from
$15 to $25 a week. Expert Instructors, 20
years in business. 233 Madison st.
beginners and speed classes forming. Day
and evening sessions, 915 month. 209 14th.
near Jefferson. Main 3893.
UNCI E SAM wants mennrnmen, 18 or over
Government clerks, $100 month. Write im
mediately list positions now open. Frank
lin Institute. Dept. 887 A, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED -Agent! to Introduce toilet arti
cle; a money-maker. Address AP 997,
THREE pleasant furnished rooms with heat,
phone, light and gas, in exchange for light
service. Phone East 6303.
MUSICAL paper desires business solicitors
for special number. AN 6, Oregonian.
cleaned, To
mainanrina. 75c:
work guaranteed.
218 Commonwealth blag..
6th and Ankeuy.
Every day from 10 A. K. to 4 P. M
and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and
Friday from 7 to 0 P. M
to get relief in any way are Invited to
attend these clinics in our big clinic hall.
will examine and diagnose your case and
direct your treatment.
CHIROPRACTIC Is the safe, sane, sure
and modern science of curing and pre
venting d lseases.
CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause;
health returns.
433 Hasaalo St., at 7th. East Side.
Phone East 6538.
Dr. Elliott. Director of Clinics.
-Names men wishing to becomes
man clerks; commence i o
AV 301, Oregonian.
boukkrrprrt nod t Irrlu.
A thoroughly competent accountant and
all-around general business man (.just past
45), with varied and wld experience who
can furnish the very bt local reference,
needs employment. Telephone Tabor 48O0
or-address Herbert Held, 1127 East Graai
LET me check and post your book or
write your letters or correct your manu
scripts or do your typewriting. Corbly.
Hotel Standtsh, room 19. 5482 Washing
ton st. Phones Main 3 A '534.
SALESMAN with grocery and drug trade,
experience; would like position either In
city or on road after Jan. X. AH OWi, Ore
gonian. BY experienced lumberman, position as
bookkeeper with Portland firm ; Al ref-
erences. AC 907, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, knowledge of bookkeeping,
also experienced in salesmanship, will take
any position. AH 999. Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN stenographer wants position
for afternoons. Phone Main 7S08.
Am leading the road after many success
ful yearaln the Northwest; want position
as sales manager, house salesman, credit
department or any position you have open.
Will show results. Highest commercial
and bank Salary a secondary
consideration. Address AN 999. Oregonian.
is sole! a matter of practical experience.
Your roses, vines, shrubbery, fruit and
shade trees need efficient pruning, practi
cally applied. 1 solicit your order.
POSITION WANTED by capable' young me
chanic, that I may take up a night course
in tho Y. M. C. A. References. Mar. 46.
AMATEUR photographer. 5-years experi
ence In view work, desires position where
x can learn the business, can have ires
use of my high-grade equipment. Wuuid
Invest some ; wages no object ; references.
AB 3, Oregonian.
JANITOR, experienced in apartment-house.
hotel or orfice bldg. Can do repairs 01 an
kinds, care Otis elect r elevator, steam
heating, electricity as ptted to lighting.
Have my own tools. Al references. Call
Marshall 221. Janitor. 90 South 10th st.
MAN and wife. experienced apartment-
house managers, no children, bank ref
erences; w Ish to take charge apartment -house,
for apt. and sonie salary. A 3,
Or nn I in
YOCNG man, 26. wears an artificial leg, de
sires work taking care of stable. Expe
rienced with horses; willing to go on
ranch; Main 7051. A 1517.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or gen
eral on ice man oy ,-1 accountant 01 is
years' experience; best of references. H
998, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, 26, desires work an wa Iter in
small restaurant in or out of town; willing
to go In as dishwasher or any light work;
reference. Main 7051. A 151T.
MIDDLE-AGED German, work on ranch or
private place ; handy a.i-a round man ;
small A-agcs, during Winter. AP 2, Ore
gonian. WANTED Situation by a young married
man as stationary engineer or fireman or
marine engineer or fireman. G 080, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man, 26, wears an artificial leg,
desires work taking care of stable; ex
perienced with horses; willing to go on
ranch. Rsf. Main 7051, A 1517.
YOUNG man, 26, desires work as waiter
In email restaurant in or out of town;
willing to go in as dishwasher or any
light work: references. Main 7051, A 1517.
YOUNG man must have work ; prefers
kitchen work extept cooking; will do any
kind of odd jobs. Main 7051, A 151T.
YOUNG man must have work; prefers
kitchen work except cooking ; will do any
kind of odd Jobs. Main 7051, A 1517.
JanA i CU ITER, all-around butcher and
grocer wants work. C. J. Johnson, 417 E.
Fair view ave., Spokane, Wash.
WANTED Married man wishes engineer or
janitor work; will take anything; must
have work. Main 7051, A 1517.
PRACTICAL male nurse wishes position.
wining- xo leave ciiy ; Desi reicrences.
Main 1676.
YOUNG married man would like work of
any kind; very handy with tools and car
pentry. A J vvi, oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS, all-around laundryman; can
keep up machine; wants position, no' ob-
jectlon to leaving city.
v a, oregonian.
YOUNG man attending school deal res wont
Saturday and Sundays. AE 908, Orego
nian FIRST -CLASS auto driver and repair man
wanui Job. Address 1XH vernon ave.
Portland, Or.
ALL-AROUND printer wants place In office
with good outsltio man ; Poninnd per
manent home. "Printer. 33 Vi 10th st.
POSITION by civil engineer, experienced
construction ana location. W - . orego
YOUNG man attending business
wan ts to earn board and room.
AC 7,
BAKER Long experience breads cakes and
pastry; in or out 01 city. Aaareae ouv
2d st. South. City.
YOUNG man, 23. wants position Inside or
outside; can do ham work. AG 007. ore
CHINESE schoolboy, plain cook, reliable and
nunest. wants nouseworx ; low w aires
West Side preferred. Address 103 N. 4th.
WANTED Bv mMdle-aced man. elthei
watchman or light janitor work. Phone
Mar. 27B4.
TINNER, stove man
experience In city:
fcastltter, six years'
references ; marriad ;
will do anything. Mar. 5052.
WANTED Any kind of carpenter work.
Will take room and board as part pay.
Address AJ 3, Oregonian
MARRIED man wishes engineer or janitor
work; will take anything; must have
work. Main 7051. A 1517.
PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling
cheap by contract. Marshall 588o.
PAINTING, paperhanglng and tinting neat
ly and cheaply done. Marshall 2493.
YOUNG married man must have employ
ment at once. G 007, Oregonian.
A GOOD Janitor wants work; 2 years In
last place. F 99t, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED couple want positions as
janitor, wire .cnam. worit. Tanor i.7ur.
PAINTING, carpenter work, remodeling
cheap by contract. Phon Alar. Oeoo.
U.'.KDfl.S man, finest references, desires
work. 204 Sheridan st. Main 4618.
MARRIED MAN. stationary engineer, wants
anv kind or work. si sin
SITUATION wanted, short obs or anything
hone Kast 43a, room 20.
done, call East 6706.
want shingling
PAINTING, psperhanging, tinting, at Winter
prices. Main ,.:. evunge.
POSITION wanted as demonstrator or salee
man. AK 2. Oregonian.
SOBER, steady man wants position a
night watchman, E 00. Oregonian.
CARPENTER contracts for new or old work
wall tinting. Manny. Sell wood 2421.
A GOOD stationery and printing salesman
wants Job in city. V u. oregonian.
Bookkeeper and Stenographer.
CAPABLE young girl. 23. desires position
as stenographer ana assistant cook
keeper, six yeans experience, $75 per mo
A 1 refs. woouiawn 17D7.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with few lets
ure hours each day would like work. B
O0, Oresonlan.
STENOOkAPHE R. five years mercantile
experience, desires legal position. Marshall
sjssjra mornings.
COM f ETENT stenoaranhe r. nve years' ex
perience, desires position, temporary or
permanent. -Marshall 024- mornings.
is T EN OG RAPHE R, young lady, thoroughly
competent, 5 years experience, high
school education. Marshal; 33ufl.
STENOGRAPHER. high school cradui
desires position; moderate salary. Mar
- shall 1201.
PO8ITION as stenographer; seven years' ex
perience; prererao:y railroad work.
09O. Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
STENOGRAPHER and blller, young woman,
not employed; desires position; 12 years
city experience, excellent at figures, good
penman, highest references. AD 903. Ore
gonian. A NO 1 bookkeeper, 10 years experience,
can do stenography, city reference. Phone
Main 6334.
GIRL wants position In dental office, three
years experience; references. AO WWU,
EX PERI LNOED woman bookkeeper, typist,
areneral office worker, switch board. Main
GOOD busings woman wishes demonstrating
or office position. AG 2, Oregonian.
DURING January, free instructions on mak
ing ladles garments; classes limited, en
roll now. Gurney'i Ladles' Tailoring
School. Mohawk bldg. Use Qurncy'i tihur
right snsp fasteners.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker! recently from
New York, wishes engagements out by
the day; best city references; terms reasonable-.
Phono Marshall 4063.
DRESSMAKER and designer; work done as
cheaply as in your own home; ons fitting
required. Work guaranteed; reference.
Main o32.
LADIES' :.Uoyr.R, alterations, coats rsllned.
Mrs. Mucfcler, 445 Morrison. M. 6133. 2d
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes to make
a few suite and gowns at home; reason abla
prices; reference. Main 436
UP-TO-DATE dressmaking and lady's
tailoring, use French books, originality of
design, best of reference. Main 023.
TAlLORINO, dressmaking and remodeling
or position In shop. Call C 2843.
LXPEKIENCtt D seamstress wants sewing;
reasonable prices. Phone Main 8628.
WaNTED Plain sewing reasonable. Phone
Marsh Mil 1530.
DRESSMAKING? at home or by day; price
reasonable, work guaranteed. Mar. 2705.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and
price reasonable. Main 17L6.
I WILL make dresses or coats for only $2.
No. 7212 S2d st. and 7d ave. S. E.
BABIKS' wardrobes, layettes supplied or
garments made to order. Marshall 3722.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $2 50 per day.
work guaranteed. Kefrreuces. Wood, aavf.
iuS w UJiHma ave. Normal confinement
cases, including drugs, dressings, physl
vlau's services, two weeks' hospital care
all for $40. Very reasonable prices for
medical and surgieal cases, including
physician's services. Phone Wdln 106.
years practical experience wishes cases.
AC OSS. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED German child's nurse, po
sition; no onjectlon to upstairs work;
Wages $39. Tabor 222.
'uACTICAL nurse takes cases of any kind
rciiso;ino;e; references. Kast Max.
NURSE wishes hourly or other cases. Main
OR experienced, practical nurse,
able and . helpful, call E. 4760.
TRAINED nurse hap private home, invalids,
ageri ; city references. Tabor 2213.
GKADUATE nurse- wishes to care for In-
vauq or any case. 1 hoot TObJ.
EDUCATED, rvfthed widow, unincumbered.
wants place lu nlco borne: companion to
lady or housekeeper for widower or bach
elor; capable housekeeper and good seam
stress. B 90S. On gonlanv
OSITlON as house keeper by middle-aged
lady for bachelor or widower, rooming
house or hotel, in or out of city. R 007,
WIDOW with 3 little (Iris wishes to keep
nouse ror gentleman witn norne, country
preferred. Mrs. D. H. Marshall, 70 W.
Richmond st.. St. Johns, Or.
a V experienced in hotel work would
like a position as housekeeper or any
on of trust; best of References. D
Mts. rejronlan.
WANTED Position as housekeeper for a re
fined gentleman ; no objection to children,
by a capable, cultured larly. AJ5 9V0, Ore
gonian. FIRST-CLASS hotel housekeeper and man
ager wants situation in city or country.
20 years experlwnce, highest references.
234 Tenth st. Phone Main 1715. Miss Lec.
LADY wants hotel work, housekeeper, or
charge of linen. 6 years In last position.
AN 0O6. Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper by young widow.
mm y t-ars 01a, wuu two sma 11 uoya au
009 Oregonian.
lOuNU woman wishes housekeeping ; good
11.'. ' . 1 i. ifiti, vjj
WOMAN with daughter, 12 years, wants po
sition sa noiiwKtper. feast oaui. u- it.
2'th sv
NEAT lady desires housekeeping in refined
wtaowern noine; reierences. L ore
gonian. A LADY, with two little girls, would keep
house for widower, with children; can do
any kind of work. AO 3, Oregonian.
A LADY, with a little girl, 6, would care
for a widower s home. AO 2, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
widow with boy 11. Marshall 0V6L
REPINED Christian woman, good cook, de
sires position of domestic nature where ex
perience and efficiency would be appreci
ated. Tabor 1758.
GOOD cook desires, cooking or general work
by day or hour. Mar, 372 1 or writ R
8, Orepnlan.
CAPABLE woman with child wants position
In rtfpectabie home, AJ ret. AC ore
gonian. .
GOOD, stout German woman- wants work by
day, w netting, cleaning ; gooa rererencu
Marshall 8O6,
G1KL with experience, best of referencear
wishes housework. oodiawn 4J57.
COMPETENT young woman wants day
work. Tabor 4351
YOUNG girl wishes position, with florist
preferable, but will take any Kind 01 work
with the exception of housework. Call
Monday. Woodlaawn 2897.
ACCOMPLISHED singer and entertainer de
sires enpagpinent?, afternoon or even
ing on New Year's day Telephone (Miss)
Emerald Green, Main '7966.
WANTED Home for nice, neat girl of 16
In good family, where she can assist and
go to school. C. S. preferred. Phone
Slain 7617.
RELIABLE German lady wants upstairs
work; sews nicely; attentive In Illness;
best references. Ma In 7082.
WANTED Laundry work to do at home:
work carefully done. Mrs, Gladden, 730
Savler. Main 1083.
VERY neat young Swiss rlrl wishes posi
tion for housework In small private fam
ily. Write or ca 11 91 M isso u rl ave.
PIANO and French, day and evening classes.
rapiu progress. .Mam o t; moaeraic
LADY will stay with children or Invalid
evenings; references given. Apt. D. Main
A JAPANESE woman wants position to do
housework ; win uo plain cuoaing. Main
4180; Home. A 3481.
EDL CMTED, refined woman wants care
children day. evening, sewing; would cook
dinners. AG 000, Oregonian.
1 COOK snd serve special lunches, or din
nere experienced; best references. Mar
hall 806.
WANTED Any kind of day work; dinners
cooked and served. 20c hour. 478 Main.
Marshall 09C1.
POoITlON desired, waitress or second maid,
experienced and best references. AJ 000,
LADY -will give lessons in psychology and
healing, at home or out. Phone Mir
shall KSl.
EXPERIENCED young woman wants day
work; good waitress and cook. Main 8510.
LADY wants position teaching In mission
school. Phone Marshall 1381.
HOUSEWORK, plain sewing or care of chil
dren by the day or hour. Marshall 5328.
YOUNG married woman wants work
delicatessen. Main 1256, room 7.
EXPERIENCED lsdy wants day work any
kind. Phone Tabor 7284.
BUSINESS woman's school of music and lit
eratuce. $2.50 mo. .166 Lownsdale.
WILL care for children In my horns. Tabor
EXPERIENCED girl wants chsm. work,
hotel or roomlng-houge. Tabor 5788.
COLORED lady wants position cooking or
housework. Phone Main 1867.
WOMAN wants work
Phone Main 6878.
as chambermaid.
CO l.ORED lady wa nts position rooking 01
housework, phone Broadway BK60.
WANTED Any kind of day work ;
hour. Call Tabor 72"2.
WOMAN wants day work or take laundr
home. Phone Ta b or 7 7 61. .
Pit I V.T e lessons In French. German and
eewfir ni E. T4th rt. N. Tabor 4523.
N i-; T woman wishes position as helper in
K"rin- or sanitarium. Wcmdlawn 3814.
GLitfLAN woman wants housework; wash-
Ing nnd imnlng preferred. Setiwood 431.
WILL care for child In my home, under
rchool age. Tabor 7340.
EXPFRTKVCED woman wishes place to
.serve dinner on New Year's day. Sell 1082
WILL care for epileptic or other Invalids in
home In country. 4 miles north of Van
couver. Wash.; no children; 7 years ex
perience; good references. Address S. J.
ft.. Ht. 5. Box 88, Vancouver. Wash.
CLAi.A H. JOHNSOif. pianoforte teacher,
certified. London College of Music. Eng -land
; special attention backward pupils
and beginners. 31 E. 74th sL N. Tabor
THOROUGH, private Instruction In German
Jlven by experienced high school teacner
rom Germany. Fraulein Z., 660 Ollsan
st. Main 5544.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work
or by the hour. Main 2826.
WANTED Flva or six-room furnished
house; give location and price in first
letter. I) 006, OregoniaQ
4 OR 5-room modern house or bungalow,
within SO minutes business section. Must
b reasonable. Call East 7580.
MODERN 6 or 6-room hotfsV with yard,
between 6th and 14th, Washington to
Montgomery. Marshall 5610.
WANTED Modern bungalow, near Jeffer
son High School. Woodlam n 4304.
WANTED A strictly modern 5-room hunga-
low. will lease. Wdl. 3615.
WANTED To rent unfurnished, close to
some garage. 3 or 8-room apartment, with
heat, bath and light; will pay from $15
to $18 a month. Call phone Broadway 2234.
FURNISHED apartment or housekeeping
rooms, reasonable, clean. West Side. B 3.
unfurnished. with heat ; Ladd
district preferred. Phone Marshall
YOUNG man wishes roommate,
once. S 3. Oregonian.
Answer at
Room With Board.
WANTED Rooms and board by mother and
bwo schoolboys In strictly private home;
must be first-class and reaaonable. Y 090.
Ore gonlan.
WANTED -Home for gentleman and moth
er's care for boy 5; give details and loca
Uon In answer. II 2, Oregonian.
TWO young lady stenographer desire room
and board. West Side, close In; can fur
nish references. AC 2, Oregonian.
SIX finely furnished rooms, steam heated,
pleasant and comfortable ; walking dis
tance. West Side. 3U40.
475 MORRISONSingle or large new, com
fortable. $6 and up. Board optional.
Fnrnlahed Kooiun.
HOTEL T.II.-MER, under new management;
Mrs. Lillian Merry; transient trade so
licited, rates reasonable ; hot and cold
water In every room 27J Fourth sL, cor.
Jefferson, opposite City HalL Phone Mar
shall 5385.
Fronting Public Library; uptown busi
ness district, but away from noise of traf
fic; running water or bath -in every room;
prtvatt phones, elevator; $3 to $8 per
week. Main 0U53.
124 14th st., cor. Waahtngton st.
Fireproof, up-to-date hotel, large t
tructive rooms, individual telephone-, con
tinuous heat and hot water service; $3 peg
wcek up; 50c to $1.50 per day.
Eleventh and Stark sts.. brick building,
elevator service, telephone, hot and cold
water in rooms; 50c to $1.50 per day. Spe
cial rates by the week.
10th st.. at Oak Desirable downtown lo
cation ; respectable and strictly modern ;
fireproof building, elevator and large lob
by; rooms $3 per week up.
' ; ' 1 Washington at., corner 17th.
Hot and cold water; steam-heated
rooms. $1.50 per week; Id per mo. and up.
Good lirr. i1mii modern rooms, steam
heat, w alking distance. $1.50 a week ; $8
a month and up. 565 Washington st.
HOTEL OlKLEY Morrison st., at 10th,
RATES 50c day up. Weekly $2 up.
Running water Free phones and baths.
HOTEL CORDOVA, 260 11th St. Strictly
modf m ; private baths en suite; room $3
up. Main 0472. A 47h3.
NICELY furnished front room, walktne dis
tancu; both phones, reasonable. 402 Vi 3d
t. The Warrentoii. Main 7771.
HOTEL NORRIS. 633 Alder. Strictly mod
ern. $1.5Q. $2 and $2.50 a week.
BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash,
warm, modern room, 1 2 week up.
Furnished Rooaaw In Prl vaio family.
HAVE a nice 5-room tint, all modern; will
give same to couple or one or two ladles
employed very cheup ; will furnish heat.
Call 430 Col'ege St.. between 11th and
12th; easy walking distance, or take
Sunnyslde cars to Haft St., walk one block
to College.
LARGE f urnlahod front room, home com
forts and prlvllecta. suitable for 2 or 8
could be arranged for light housekeeping;
Main 3312. 3tU loth St.
VERY pleasant. steam-heated room In
apartment-house, walking distance. Mar
shall 4765.
U.Nii lai ae furnished room, with sl astU
porch, and one front room; 584 E. Broad
way. k,ast 1 " . . .
HE A TED room, si ee nine noreh attached
moo home, suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen. 580
salmon, opp. Mult. Club. Main 21 19.
NICELY furnished, extra large, warm, t ror t
room; strictly modern, $10 per month. Mar
2552. 832 Harrison street.
NICELY furnished, extra large, warm front
room ; strictly modern ; 10 per montu.
Mar. 2552. 3Ci2 Harrison st.
TRY 448 Taylor t, clean, warm, well-furnished
rooms, single and double; rent very
r .inuuuoie.
NE WL.Y furnished room in beautiful home;
home prlvlleKes; $10. East 2363.
446 TAYLOR st., well-heated, comfortable
room, for gentleman, close in, reasonable.
N ICE room in beautiful home, running wa
it' r, mower Datn. HjJ twreti st.
UKAL'TiKLLL-Y furnished rooms In good
ho ma; references ; Nob Hi.;. 1 38 Johnson.
.n.' j.-.v furnished rom in Irvlngton, with
pnrate ramuy Ban
WANTED A alrl to rent room, ortvate fain
iiy. i.oU per weua. 1400 Mississippi ave.
CHOICE rooms, modern conveniences, walk
in oistance. 20 mn. aiiun asm.
N EATLV furnished room In modern home.
665 Hoyt. near 17th,
N iCElV furnished attic room, modern con-
venlences, $1.00 week. 404 Clay, near itn.
ONE or two young men for fine, large room.
$10. 434 Ysmnui.
NlcELY furnished rooms, modern connien
ces. 564 Flanders.
WELL furnished front room for one or two
gentlemen ; use of piano. 414 Salmon.
AT LOW rates, well furnished heated rooms.
clos in. Coll Marshall 4e.
FOUND Comfortable room, all conveniences;
reasonable. 415 Droadway. Main 4410.
ONE well-furnlshed room. Including wood,
$5 mo. 314 Main st.
Room With Board.
14th and Jefferson 81a.
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permenant guests.
Phone Main 0233. A 6628.
53 Ella St.
An American Plan Residence Hotel.
Suites Single Rooms Excellent Table.
A 6211. Marshall 6170.
Modern rooms ; American and European
plan; special rates to permanent guests.
KARL. HOTEL. Broadway at Tayjor.
An attractive, homelike place, double or
single rooms, good board, reasonable.
THE STRYKER. 554 Couch; family hotel;
rooms single or en suite; reaaonable rates.
Kooru With Board In Private Family.
laa-i froi't room, with board: excellent
meals : conrenlal home ; reasonable. 335
llth at.
REFINED family offers !cely furnlihed
room with board; walking distance. 703
sTEAM heated, nicely furnished room for
one or two gentlemen, excellent board,
splendid location. Call Woodlawn 1722.
NEAR Multnomah Club, room and good
n.' ; i loo .:me; reasonable. Main 22 10.
ROOM and board,
A 2865. Modern
SS2 10th. Main 67u.
conveniences. .
M B BUD HOMU Bring your
tet ot care; every couirort.
PLEASANT room, with Bpard- modern ac
commodations. 6S1 Gllaan. Marshall 124b.
FURNISHED rooms ror two. wMh good
board, furnace, modern. East 4760.
home. 166 N. 21st.
tnd board In
Main 4220
ROOM and board In beautiful home;
reasonable. 311 llth st. Mar. 2003.
MISS MASSEE. 404 Madison St.. M. ?o6.
Room and good table board reasons bis.
ROOM, board, with sleeping porch ; gentle
man. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. 7
FURNISHED rooms with board,
porch. 320 llth. Main 8S34
ROOMS and board. 434 Salmon at.
Room n Willi Board in Private I .
IN good home and location, large furnished
front room, home cooking, well heated,
abundance of hot water at all times; walk
ing distance to business center; two In
room. $20 per month each; parties em
ployed preferred. 6eu Flanders. Mar. 4066.
PLEASANT front room, beautifully fuf
ntshed. steam heated, suitable for two;
excellent home-cooked meals, also single
room In refined hqmellkc place moderate
rates. 561 OUsan st. Mar. 2438.
KRu. I' room, on first floor, with fireplace;
also furnacs heat; nice furniture, good
home cooking, for 2; $20 per month each;
also small room with board, $20 per month.
Main 2262. 36T 11th st.
FINE. large front room.
el! heated excel-
lent board, mm
new house, piano, good
location; aff minutes ride Hawthorne car
Rata low. 304 East 22d, near Hawthorne
rnone cast im
I HAVE a spars room In my home for some
- yoijng lady or gentleman, emepioyed, who
Is seeking a homelike place to room and
board at a low rate; best of home cooking.
East 2588.
LARGE front rooms. Just right for two or
three chummy young men, separate beds,
not and cold water; hot-water beat; real
home cooking. $5. 191 11th St.
LARGE, nicety furnished front room for 2
Mai imommm nr mn wlnri rrtiinle lrn f n
and dinner if desired. 6S0 Everett. Phons
31 a r. . .
WIDOW lady with two grown daughters
would like several young men or ladles to
room and board: all home comforts, $5
a week. Tabor 6012.
tXCLLSIVlS prl ate residence offers splen
did borne for three to flvo young n ;
private bath, billiard room, etc O DOS,
. 'rK'onitn.
PLEA-SAN T front room, nicely fura., mod
ern home. Including all home privileges;
excellent table ; Ideal for young men or
ladies employed. Reaaonable. K 18T5.
ROOM and board in lovely Nob Hill home;
oest meal. steam neat. large closets;
every home comfort ; will rent for $22 ;
two In room. 735 Uverstt- Main 146.
PLEASANT, nicely furnished room, all
modern conveniences, with private family;
excellent board; In Irvlngton district;
walking distance. East 3607.
WANTED To board boy or girl or both
from 2 years old up; I havt a nice home
and will rl v a mother's care; 1 have
no hther fhllren. AD 2. Oregonian.
COM PORTABLE home for children, near
school, mre yard. 810 a month. 1604 K.
13th st.. mar Nehalsm st. Take Sollwood
LARGE, airy, wall
furnished front room.
1th or without board.
home privileges,
Main 423 1.
ATTRACTIVE front room and board In
bt autlf ul home across from Multnomah
Club Hot water heat. Main 77-0.
Furnished Apartments.
well known.
lOth and Salmon Sts.
of highest standing
A hoi.if of quality,
comfort and
Fifth and Columbia Sts.
Five minutes' walk to Metr Frank's
store ; good surroundings; etrlctly modern
2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all
outside, with French doors and balconies.
12th and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the Pacific
Coast ; furnished complete.
Roof Gardens in Connection.
Walking distance. References.
N. W. corner Belmont and Grand ave.
New, completely furnished 2 and 8 -room
apts. Solid brick building; white enam
eled Interior; large kitchens; service first
class; walking distance.
Three nicely furnished rooms with bath,
all outside rooms, lu basement; ateam
heat, hot water. Cor. 17th st. 501 Ollsan
Hotel and Apartments.
Dining-room In connection.
10th and Kearney. Marshall 784,
A 4458.
644 Everett. Bet. 20th and Ella Sts.
Furnished 3-room apartment, all outalde
ooms. walking dlsinncu.
WELL furnished 4-room apartment, with
piano, for 2 months, telephone Tabor 2362
before 2 o'clock Sunday and Monday; ref
der new management; everything up to
date, completely furnished, private phone
and bath; $2". $22 up. Marshall 2045.
Park at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4
rom furnished apartments, close in, by
week or month.
14th and Columbia.
Two and 3-room apartments, furnished,
first-class, reasonable rates. Main 7337.
208 10th st.. near Taylor. Marshall 2324.
Exceptionally nice 8, 4 and 5-room apta
AH outside rooms, fine view, cloae In.
WASHINGTON GRAND. 2 and 3-rm. apta.
$10 up; heat. Ught. bath; clean, respect
able, 91 Grand ave., cor. Washington.
THE CHE LT E N9 A M Beautifully furnished
2, 8 and 4-room apartments; lowest rates
In city. Corner N. 10th and Northrop sts.
A ROY LE A P TS84 1 14 1 hTn Icely f u r n lshed,
clean, airv 2-room apta; private bath,
phone; jg up; new management.
2, 5 4-room furnished and unfurnished.
$18 up. "W" car to Northrup. Mar. 227.
N fcrW furnished apts. ; concrete block; $10
and $12. 1162H Union ave. N. Wdln. 22.
1. 2 ROOMS, bath, steam heat, phone, gaa
light; $3 up. New Hart. 17014 2d st.
CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17 th
Rfscrvatlons taken for January 1.
TV sublet, Jan. 1. furnished 6-room apt.;
st location ; n replace, aiarsuau n o.
MO. Cosy 2-r. apt., talking distance. 6
l'.;ngt'jn Court. 021 trvcrett.
NARIJ 3-room apt., nicely furnished.
. m heat. 665 East .Main.
FkUT sultei
. with heat, hot water; ratoe
174 13th. M. 5687.
r BHomblr.
STEAM -HEATED. S-room apartments, with
bath and phone. $18 up. 186 North 22d.
DELIGHTFUL 4 -room sleeping porch, gar
age, heat. pnon. etc.. so. am. aassa.
V n f uralabrd Apart men t m.
Four rooms, unfurnished, all outside
rooms, veranda, laundry, garage, good
service, low rates to permanent tenants;
refeiences required. 680 Irving sL Phone
Marshall 2748.
BEAUTIFUL unfurnished 5-room apart
ment, with all modern conveniences. In
cluding sleeping porch, telephone, ga.
electric lights, tc ; newly carpeted, ren
ovated, reduced rentals. Phones Main 437C.
A 1301.
18th and Couch sts. Marshall 2359. Mod
ern new building. 2 3, 4-room unfurnished
apartm'nt. with shower baths and every
NICE SUITE of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping
rooms at 244 46 Killings worth ave-. cor.
Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn
5th and Columbia sts
One very desirable corner 3-room un
furnished apt., $35 per month to adnlta.
CHAPMAN APTS.. 3 rooms with bath and
dressing-room ; fine outside rooms; phono,
heal, rent $17 to $18; walking distance.
Mill and Chapman.
6 large rooms, beat district. $40. 715
Wayne at.. Wagoner Apt. Cail Main 6111.
A FEW of the new Nob Hill 8-room apart
ments untaken: light and airy; unexcelled
outlook; reception-room, large lawn, etc
Gllaan, near 23d.
clean, comfortable-, homelike. 2 Mas. car
line, walking dlatance. East 200T.
THE ORMONDE 5 rooms, all outside mod
ern. 056 Flanders. Nob HUI. Msln 8251.
APT., with sleeping porch.
185 E. 15th St.; $30.
81X rooms, sleeping porch. all outbids
rooms; leferences. 780 Irving. Mar. 1768.
THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders.
Large, light. 5. 6 rms., rvas. M.7516. A 2 670
FOR I H AM A choice front 3-room
Rent only $80. Marshall 1881.
THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson
rooms, reasonable. Marshall 3360.
-3. 4. 5
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment.
THE Lata, hlgh-claas 5 large rooms, bal
cony, sleeping porch: like a private home;
walking distance. Mar. S267.
Furnished or Unfurnished Apartment a.
186 Vista ave., near 23d and Washing
ton ; large, attractive, sunny outside
rooms: pneate balconies, modern, supe
rior service, unsurpassed view, walking
Furnished and unfurnished 2. 3 and 4
room; rates moderate; good service, .spe
cial arrangements for permanent tenffhta.
Phone Marsha. I 2961 and 2i64 Walking
distance. 21st snd Irving.
Bunnyslde carline. close In; S
room; nesl ruble and reasonable.
and I-
THE BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison
Strictly modern; all outside apartments;
Ideal location; references. Phone
1001 and 1051.
Hlgh-cla, perfect In all details.
Lucrrtia st, Marshall 1513. A 3637.
ONEii.od,2room Prtnat !n the Rexferd,
icul in u iew aays. Main 5501
or Main 553.
PHONE Wood'.awn 16 and s&k about th
mpst desirable unfurnished apta. this aide
nf srnrpow; big sleeping porcb; no kids.
wiiy ehlTer or fire your own furnace
when you can have a hot-water-hated 4-
room-with -a -sleep lng-porch flat. Including
not water, gnrango, linoleum, wall bed.
front jotch. for only 826? East 21st, near
H 'v. : T.i .r 1
DBHntABLE upper flat. 10 rooms and twe
baths, basement and furnacs; good for
larft- family or few boarders; West Side,
3 block from oar line. H Jackson st.
Rent reduced from $45 to $25. Inquire 863
est Park, corner Mill.
1KM.SGTON Modern corner flat, all bul'.t
In conveniences, hardwood floors, fire
place, white enamel kitchen, gas range,
linoleum. 401 E. 13th st. N.. or phone
Kant 4206.
Slti 5-ROO.M modern flats, hardwood floors,
bath, Iloynton furnace. . 0th and Han
cock sts.; walking distance. Gordon, E.
6th and E. Broadway. E. 350.
HOLLADAY ADD., modern 5 and 6-roam
flat, sleeping porch, with or without ga
rage, close In 262 E. 2d st. N., corner
Multnomah. East 2048.
1RYINGTON Strictly modern 5-room lower
flat hardwood floors, fireplace and piano.
611 E. 0th st. N-, cor. Stanton. Call morn
ings. MODERN 3-voom flat, large balcony, disap
pearing bed. gas range, linoleum, cor. K.
Iflth and Halse. W. U Swank, Main 160S.
E 148.
6-ROO.M modern lower flat. 032 Marshall,
cor. 20th. $22, Including water 'and gar-
5-ROUM modern fiat. 423S llth st. $16.50;
mater paid. Oregon Inv. ft Mtg. Co.. 202 Excnange, 3d and TamhllL
-ROOM uppar flaL best in city; see the
beautiful mission style fiats, cor. E. 13th
and Main. No children
NWW u-room flat near Portland Heights
Club, hardwood floors, fins view, reaaon-
abls to couple Marshall 4078.
$18.50. Including water, modern 5-room up
per; Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, etc.
tWVi E. lOth st. N., cor. Davis. Wdln. 48T3.
$16 A MONTH I rooms, desirable location,
close to school and carllne. Ogden, 10T
Khaver Wood lawn 202.
MODERN 4-room fat with sleeping porch,
gas range, furnace, hardwood floors. 400
E 8th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 2561.
MODERN five-room fiat; furnace, fl replace,
sleeping porch; clean, Isrge rooms, low
rent. Open 205 E. 21st. Tabor 1507.
FOUR-ROOM modern flat, $17 mo., water
puld, walking distance. 423 Montgomery.
Fred S. Williams, M First st.
-ROOM lower modern, between Broadway
and steel bridge. 251 Vfc Hstlsey.
MODERN 6-room flat, very
16th and Everett, West Side.
7-ROOM modern upper and lower flat. $17.50
and $20. 602 H Everett Main S&20.
ONLY $12, modern 4-room flt.
eluded. East 35th. Main 037.
mater In-
FLAT of six rooms and bath; 731 Hoyt sL
1 n q ulre 130 6th. Phone Main 6278.
MODERN 4-room flat, reasonable, near 23d
and 'Vnsh'ngton sts Main SOS 9.
MOMERN 6-room flat. Johnson st- HuO N.
W. Bank bldg.
5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, heated by Central
Heating Co., 783 Kearney. Mar. 3156.
RENT Modern 5-room upper fiat, cheap
rent, mm Union ave. North.
5- ROOM modern, tine furnace; half month's
rent if taken at once. E. 8007.
MODERN 6-roora upper corner flat, all con
veniences. East 1855.
Nil flat, Johnson bL
1100 N. W.
I . F.
ONt.V $12 Modern 4-room flat, water In-
lidd. East K3th. Main 037.
Mo I E UN, stt-room, 20; large yard, fur
nace, o - ml n walk. East T722.
r'urnUlird Plat.
'i61 TAYLOR, near 17th Large apartment,
fine) v furnished with Circassian walnut
and fumed oak, upholstered with Span
ish leather, also piano; very desirable;
only $27.50. also 4-room apartment, finely
furnished with piano, at $20. Marshall
. CKNISHED upper 6-room flat. 8 benrw-.
dining-room, Ilvlng-room and kitchen;
can be had on January 1. 1S2H Cibbs st .
near shipbuilding plant; rent $2U. Main
NEATLY furnished flat, fire cosy rooms
and bath, large front porch, fine vlaw,
large basement, furnace, easy walking
distance. West Side. 404 Hall St., at ISth.
$25. References.
FLAT for rent, all modern furnishings, with
phone, gas, electricity, bath, furnace, or
stttve heat; good attic; cmnent basement.
W 6th t.
ONLY 1 -Fl e-room furnished flat, clean,
deeirabls location, gas, bath, ga and
wood ranges, sleeping porch. 772 E. Tay
lor gngt 526Q.
6-ROOM, completely furnished flat. West
Side, splendid location. 775 Johnson, be
tween 23d and 24th. Phone Main 5501.
FURNITURE for sale, nlcs 4-room fist whers
yuu can make your rent ; walking dis
tance, reasonable Marshall 111.
NEATLY furnlshcdflat. four-cosy rooms,
bath, easy warklnfc distance, wag. Side.
4 64 Hall St. at ltn. $15; referencea.
WILL rent my 6-room strictly modern fur
nished flat reasonable; ail conveniences.
Tabor 1484.
MODERN, complete 5-roora lower flat, all
outside; walking distance. 424 Tillamook.
LOWER flat, nicely furnished, porch and
yard, modern. 104 E 1 8t h st.
4-ROOM furnished Oat, near Laurtihurst
Park. Call Montis?. Tabor 1017
Housekeeping Rooms.
ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur
nlshed, ateam heat, running hot and cold
water, phone In every room ; 7 blocks
from 5th and Morrison sts.. $14 up. 201
Columbia at., near 5th.
13.25 A A:KK. completely furnished house
. keeping suites, absolutely clean, every
convenience ; deslra ble people only. Save
carfare. The Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson.
N1CKLT furnished housekeeping suites,
waralng dlstanco, both phones; $2 pel
week and up ; newly renovated. Main
7771. The Warrenton, 402 W Wm St
4; i K. MORRISON Furnished one and
two-room housekeeping spts.. reasonable.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heat, gaa
and electricity. - $40 Jefferson.
Hoii.-k-epirg Room In Private Family.
FU UN I SHED H. K suites, cosy. clean,
walking distance. East 1128. 13 E. 7th.
Cheap. 9
2-ROOM suite, modern first floor extra good;
alao 2-room suite, second floor, very rea
sonable. 67 N. 20th st.
INGLE, nlcely-f umlshed, large front rooms,
furnace heat, electricity, bath. gaa. $12 and
$10. 235 12th st., corner Main.
FOU K nicely furnished housekeeping rooms:
bsth. phone, electricity; closa in. 26?
Broadway; no children.
Two light, large. connecting, first-floor
rooms, also one single room; heat, llgnt.
phone, bath. 2Q3 10th at.
WANTED To tako csre of child and rent
room to mother that Is employed. 102
Lownsdalo. Marshall 2167.
NICE, light housekeeping rooms, $3; fins
bath snd phone. East 2425. 400 E. Main,
cor. Orand ave.
$13 -THREE clean, furnished H. K. rooms.
127 E. liith st.. near Morrison.
-THHITK unfurnished, lower floor H. K.
mmi. 43 E. Stark, cor. 22d. E. 57.56.
l v yj warm, single rooms, gas Included.
$8 nd $1Q monthly. fi55 F'snden sL
$1 WEEK Clean. Quiet, close in; large phone. OQ E. 8th.
clean. 2 rooms and kitchenette,
fl2 Hoyt.
TII REE furnished housekeeping rooms. 214
Eugene st.
$lo 4 ROOMS, furnished, private bath and
phone ; walklrlg d 'stance. East 712S.
SLEEPING and H K. rocms. $1 50 a week
and up; no (hildren. 204 Jefferson.
LARGE, furnished, housekeeping
modern, piano. M2TCat Salmon at.
54 SALMON Two lovely roome. furnished
for housekeeping ; small H. K. rooms.