ivy THE SUNDAY OREGONLIN. PORTLAND, DECEMBER' 31. 1916, I'OR SALE. Automobile. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. USED CAR DEPT. CADILLAC. CADILLAC. A used Cadillac that has been put In first-class condition by our expert mechanics will give you bet ter service and more satisfaction than a cheap new car. We have all models, including the ' eight cylinder Cadillac. DODGE We believe the Dodge is the moat economical light car you can buy for the money. See us for ued Dodge cars. BUICKS We have several models, all in fine condition $295 up. CHALMERS 30, light 4-pass.. ail tires good; will give you splendid service; a good buy at $250 BTUDEEAKER 30. in very good condition; priced low at ....$225 HUPMOBILE 20 roadster; a light car; snap at ..$175 HARMON. 1914 touring car, run only 90OO miles, and like new; $2700 value for $975 CASE 30, 1913. electric equipment; wlH use distillate; a strong, well built car $350 MAXWELL light roadster, very eco nomical, and In good condition; only $110 PIERCE 48, 7-pass., fine stage car that win stand hard service. .$800 MANY OTHERS. Out-of-town buyers write for com plete ueed car Information. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. CADILLAC. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1916 Dodge touring car $700 1-916 Oakland six touring car.. 725 1911 Maxwell touring tar, In first-class mechanical condi tion ISO 1916 Overland four touring 450 Two 1916 Ford roadsters 250 1916 Chevro!t touring car .... 410 1916 Ford touring car 300 1916 Oakland six roadster .... 825 EASY TERMS and a year s FREE service on all minor adjustments. NEW FORD TIRES, makes from $t;.75 on up. ues in Portland. standard Bst val- W. H. WALLING FORD. Authorized FORD AGENT, 16 Alder St. Phone Main 13. I.SEP CAR BARGAINS. 1915 5-passenger Hupmobile. newly painted and overhauled; snap $600 1915 Hupiiiobile roadster, looks like new. and good as new $600 1913 5-passenger Hudson, a great big buy for $450 1912 Ca.lftlae 5-passenger ; owner will sacrifice for $40O 1916 Grant Six. 5-PRssengcr $650 1912 Michigan 5-passenger $250 1911 Mitchell .".-passenger $200 Others ranging In price from $200 up to $7'0. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD CON DITION. Liberal Terms on all Used ars. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. MANI.EY AUTO CO.. New Location. ' Cor. 11th and Burnslde Sts. WE TEAR THEM UP AND SELL THEIR PARTS. "We are wrecking all makes of cars for their parts and our stock com prises everything from autos of re cent make; we have motors, gears, bearings, axles, wheels, transmis sions, springs. lamps, windshields, bodies. tops, radiators. magnetos, carburetors, tires, tubes; in fact, everything you use on your automo bile. New lamps and horns at much lower prices. All parts are wold at y2 price. FOR VALUE SEE US. AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89 N. Broadway, near Everett. WE BUY AND EXCHANGE. BUICK LITTLE SIX. 1916 model D-45 Buirk roadster with combination seat on rear and camp out fit: in fact this car cost the original purchaser over $130 Inst Spring. If vou are interesetd In a hii;h-class car, vou can savt $150 on this one. Our price on this is $S5"; terms $350 cash, balance $50 per month. BEN.I. E. BOON E & CO.. Bi t Aider St. Main 3966. OAKLAND 1916 touring. with natural wood wheels and seat covers. like new, at a bargain. OAKLAND SALES CO. AS GOOD AS NEW. Slightly used tires and tubes, which we have taken from wrecked cars. We sell them from 50 to 75 per cent less than the original cost. See them for values AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89 North Broadway. TOPS. TOPS. TOPS. We have on roadster at $7.50. W have 5-passenger tops for any make of car at $10 each. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 327 Burnside St. ENGINES. GEARS. BEARINGS. WHEELS. AXLES. RADIATORS, everything for your automobile at absolutely one-half the original price. AITTO WRECKING CO . 89 North Broadway, near Everett. BRING 1'S VOIR OLD CARS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID CONDITION NO OBJECT MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO., 325-7 Burnslde St. 2-CYLINDER TRUCK, $50. Will sell today or Monday, fine truck Rood tires. Call 355 Burnside. WE wreck all makes of automobiles for the good parts. See us for any kind of engine, bodies. gears. magnetos. etc Motor Par's Mfg. Co.. 323-25-27 Burnslde! "WE HAVE a new Monroe Roadster, com pletely equipped, which we will sell at cost. Chevrolet Motor Co.. Burnslde and Union sts. Phone East 4090. BRING US YOUR OLD CARS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO. 323-25-27 Burnside 8t. WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS GEARS, BEARINGS, ETC AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89 North Broadway. 191.1 OVERLAND. Good as new. $625; will take good car In trails. Broadway Garage. E. 24th and Broadway. WE PAY spot cash for cars to wreck for their parts: condition no object AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89 North Broadway. Broadway 191. MAXWELL 2-cylinder parts. We have all parts for two-cylinder Maxwell for less Motor Parts Mfg. Co.. 327 Burnslde st MARMON. First-class condition: bargain. Burness X- Msrttn. 15th and Alder. OVERLAND PARTS. 14 price: most all models at V price. Motor Parts Mfg Co.. 327 Burnside St. REBUILT 1916 mod.-l Ford car. J.3O0, ITS cash, balance $80 per month. 409 E. Sal mon. Phone East 306. GEARS for all styles, sizes and makes of cars for less. Motor Parts Mfg. Co.. 327 Burnside at. ' 6ET of new Ford wheels, $6. Call 805 Alder. FOB SALE. Automobiles. COMPARE OUR CARS. PRICES AND TET.MS WITH ALL OTHERS. ee!9lc Ford touring. Lest of condition. $28..: terms $100 cash, balance $25 per month. 1916 Ford roadster, bought in Mav thl year aud has had the beat of care; terms luO cas,h, balance $15 per month. ...!Bl8 Fur-nlnety Chevrolet, used very StStf'- self-starter, electric lights; $430. $180 cash, balance $27 per month. 1916 Baby Grand Chevrolet, almost a new car. Come In and have a ride In -his one. Terms $250 cash, balance $33 per month. 1916 Oakland light six. excellent condi SSl $620; extra tire and tube: terms $.jO down, balance $37 50 per month. 1915 Buick. model B-37: a good car and in the finest condition; price for quick sale $6.5; terms. . 1S1S. Buick. model C-25. A dandy buy at $49.); terms $200 down, balance $30 per month. 1914 Buick mode' C-24, self-starter, electric light, $.175: terms $150 down, balance $2.i per month. 1911 Cadillac, all new tires and the car is an exceptionally good buy at $495; terms $230 down, balance $25 per month. 1915 Ford roadster, cost over S1000 with extra equipment; special price $375: terms $in.) cash, balance $30 per month. FORT with one-ton truck attachment, express body, driver s seat covered. Would make fine car for express business- price $..j: terms $250 down, balance $35 per month. We give a written guarantee with every used car we sell. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. 514 Alder St. Main 3966. BUY A CAR FOR 1917. As one example of how low we are willing to sell our used cars in order to be doing tilings we will give vou a 1912 REO FOR $175 . in good running order, with good tires, ready to go. Othor snaps, including an APPERSON, BUICK. CHALMERS. MAXWELL. REGAL. CADILLAC. STUDEBAKER. COLE. OVERLAND, LOZIER, POPE. Among them are classv hugs, clever roadsters, five and seven passenger touring cars trucks and taxis. Used Car Dept.. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway at Couch. Phone Broadway 887. rORDC 1917 FORDS New and Used Fords on Easy Payments. We will trade your used Ford In on a new one or pay cash for It. We also have several larger cats which have been loft with ue for sale. PALACE GARAGE CO.. Authorized Ford Agents. 22d and Kearney fits. Main 90. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. NEW 1917 FORDS. EASY TERMS. TRADE YOUR OLD FORD IN ON A NEW ONE. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR p:X-. Authorized Ford Agent. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. AUTOMOBILE WHEELS BUILT AND REPAIRED. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. 209-11 Front St. Main 2892. OAKLAND light 6-cyl.. 1916 model, like new, at a bargain. OAKLAND AUTO SALES CO Main 414. loth and Alger. EXPERIENCED truck and pleasure car salesman antii by(ostablished automobile company. Truck and car has been sold In territory for past six years. To a man capable for the position will give remuner tive contract with salary and commission Give references and full details In your first letter. Address AV 345. Oregonlan. BUICK 1915 model truck. In first-class con dition at a bargain. OAKLAND SALES CO. MOTORS MOTORS MOTORS PJ?tA.S- BEARINGS, WHEELS. AXLES RADIATORS, everything for your auto mobile at absolutely less than one-half the original price. AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89 N. Broadway, near Everett NEW 1917 Ford louring car. electric starter and electric lighting system. shocks, speedometer and other numerous equip ment: non-ski. tires, same size all around' liberal discount. Howard Auto Co. 14th and Davis. Main 1130. Ask for Mr Hil-debr.-.ndt. - ALTO parts, engines, gears, wheels, axles. radiators, etc.. most all makes cars; half regular, price. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. l'23-5-7 Burnslde S.t. FOR SALE or trade for first mortgage a dandy Buick in excellent shape or' -a model 55 Apperson. also In splendid shape Inquire of Pacific KlsselKar Branch Broadway and Davis st. Phone Bdwy 321 E. M. F. PARTS. Anything you want for E. M. F.. 4 price MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. r.nnisicle sit. SEVERAL dandy used trucks ranging from -ton to 5-ton: these trucks can be had on your own terms. Pacific KlsselKar Branch, Broadway and Davis St. SEVERAL cheap roadsters, perfect shape, and a lot of used cars that would make fine bugs or deliveries: easy terms. Pacific KlsselKar Branch. Broadway and Davis. BUICK PARTS. Vi price: 2-cyllnder model. 4-cylinder model, 6-cylinder model, all for 14 the regular price. Motor Parts Mfg. Co., 327 Burnslde. REMOVAL NOTICE. Kennedy Auto Painting Co. will remove January 1 to Broadway and Couch, with Keats Auto Co. MAXWELL parts, old and new models. y. price; send us your old parts to be dupli cated. Motor Parts Mfg. Co.. 323-827 Burnside at. LEAVING for East and will sell mv prac tically new Chevrolet Baby Grand tour ing car "at a bargain: driven less than 500 miles. K 986. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A Reo automobile with a two cylinder, 20-horsepower engine: engine 'n good shape; a snap. E. L. Knight & Co 449 Washington St. Main 6535. CADILLAC parts. H price, for 1909-1010 models. Motor Parts Mfg. Co.. 327 Bum side. 1916 .".-PASSENGER Maxwell, very good condition: owner going East; price 1400. Phone Tabor 7337. COILS and magnetos at bargain prices, any kind, make or style. Motor Parts Mfg Co., 327 Burnslde St. - R. C. H. PARTS! A large rtock of new parts. R. Becker' Palace Hotel. Marshall 5040. CYLINDERS for 40 different makes and models of automobiles. Motor Parts Mtg Co.. 327 Burnslde st. USED AUTO PARTS at less than half price Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 N. Broadway. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $10 each; vul can'.zed. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. $6o 130-AMPERE Exide battery, practi cally new. Mr. Morgan. M. 6244. 11,-TON Federal truck: good tires, flret class condition. $53'l. Marshall 2260. FLANDERS parts, 'i price, as good as new. Motor l'arts Mfg. Co., 327 Burnside st. REO 6, light car taker, part payment; terms on balance. Selwood 2643. FOB SALE. Automobiles. FORDS 1916 Ford touring, practically new, speedometer and seat coversf $295. 1916 Ford roadster, finest condition, oversixe tires, band horn and speedometer. $295. 1914 Ford delvery. just overhauled and repainted, $250. 1914 Ford roadster, speedometer and electric lights, $225. 1914 Ford touring, fully equipped. $250. 1915 Ford touring, like new. $295. 1916 Ford touring, new tires, $295. 1916 Ford touring, run only 4500 miles, $295. 1916 Ford touring, speedometer, hand horn and nickle-plated, used- very little. $325. Don't fail to see these-cars before you buy, for - you will be surprised when you see them, and besides, you get a year's, free Bervlce on all minor adjustments. Terms $100 down, balance $25 per month. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., Authorized Ford Agent. E. 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. STANDING ON THE CORNER WAITING. STREETCAR CROWDED. STILL WAITING. PHYSICIAN'S VISIT HOME FOR A WEEK. DOCTOR'S BILL, OR ONE OF THOSE SPLENDID USED AUTOMBILES ON EASY TERMS AT OVERLAND-PACIFIC. INC.. BROADWAY AND DAVIS STS. FORDS FORDS. 1914 ROADSTER, with electric lights and storage battery $225 1915 ROADSTER, with new t Ires .... $285 1916 ROADSTER, almost new $275 1914 TOURING, just overhauled $235 1915 TOURING. In good shape $265 1916 TOURING. like new $285 1015 CHASSIS $200 Terms $100 down and $25 per mo. OPEN SUNDAYS. RUSHLIGHT, RANSOM & PENNEY. 275 Union Ave., corner Wasco. East 7950. AUTOS FOR REAL ESTATE. Cadillac, with Delco starter, 5-passenger. Overland touring car. Kissel. fore-door, 4-pass., electric lighted. Re.. l.-,oo-lb. delivery car. Studebaker "30" chassis, suitable for tru.-k body. Will take clear lots or acreage for one or all of the above cars. Send legal de scription first letter. E. D. VAN DKRSAL. 522 Alder St. Main 414. Tabor 7601 evenings. FOR USED CAR BARGAINS SEE THE WINTON CO.. 23d and Wash. Sts. Main 4244. AUTOMOBILE BODIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILT AND REPAIRED. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE WORKS. & AUTO 209-11 Front St Main 2892. MOTORS. MOTORS. MOTORS. GEARS. BEARINGS. WHEELS. AXLES. RADIATORS, everything for your auto mobile at absolutely one-half the original price. AUTO WRECKINO CO.. - 89 N. Broadway, near Everett. A BARGAIN In a Ford delivery, equipped with panel body and nearly new over size non-skid tires. KOEHRING MACHINE CO.. NORTHWEST 234 HAWTHORNE AV. 1917 DODGE. Roadster, purchased last September, only driven 20on miles; well cared for; one extra tire never used, complete equip ment; practically a new car; low price U sold at once. 363 Oregon. East 7222. R. C. H. PARTS. We have most all parts for R. C. H. cars in stock; much less than elsewhere MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 323-5-7 Burnside St. WINDSHIELDS. LAMPS. HIGH TENSION BOSCH MAGNETOS, TIRES AND TUBES. AUTO WRECKING CO.. 89 N. Broadway, near Everett. ENGINES. All makes and styles, any horsepower you want. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 323-25-27 Burnside St. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. OVERLAND PARTS. Anything for your Overland for half regular price. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO 323-25-27 Burnslde St. ' PUNCTURES 10c All vulcanizing and tire repairing guaranteed : gasoline, oils tires tubes and auto supplies. Western Tire Sales Co., 707 Hawthorne ave., at East 20th St. WE wreck all makes of automobiles for the good parts. See us for any kind of engines, bodies, gears, magnetos etc MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO ' 323-5-7 Burnslde St. OVERLAND. 5-pass.. 1916 model, used 4 months; will trade for good used Ford 2 or 5-pass., and give terms on difference Phone Main 2892. 209 Front at. HUDSON SIX. 34; repainted and overhauled should rell for $1000; will sacrifice for $606 cash. 363 Oregon. East 7222. BOSCH high-tension magnetos, 3, 4 and 6 cylinder, A-l condition, prices $20 to $40 at Auto Wrecking Co.. 89 N. Broadway FORD one-ton truck, overhauled, make first class one-ton delivery. $500, terms 363 Oregon. East I222 YOUNG woman wants housework for two or 3 men or widower with children. Phone Woodlawn 1478. REO ONE-TON Financial reverses cause sacrifice, can be had for $100 down, bal- i ance $.,4 per montn. .tn.1 Oregon. East 7222. SET of electric headlights for Ford; prac tlcally new. 503 Alder. FORDS painted and enameled like new, $12 A-l Auto Painting Co., 525 Alder. RACY type bug to trade for launch, or aeil cheap Main Its 1 6. MAGNETOS and lights; most mil styles. Motnr Parts Mfg. Co., 327 Burnslde st. GOOD delivery bodies for sale cheap at 314 Front St., corner Clay. FOB SALE. Automobiles, USED TRUCKS. Little Giant. 1-ton, 4-cyIlnder. body and top. $350. Federal, chain drive. $1000. Federal worm, used 4 months, body and tup, $1630. Universal. 1-ton. body and top. $1300. Reliance. 5-ton. $1250. All of the above are in first-class con dition. They are trucks we have taken in trade on new G. M. C. trucks. If you are in the market for a used truck, see us. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main 2892. 209-11 Front St. YOU SHOULD SEE US FOR GUARANTEED SECOND-HAND CARS. WE HAVE THEM FROM $270 UP. CHALMERS OVERLANDS REOS CADILLACS COLUMBIA KNIGHT AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, THE FAMOUS BUICK VALVE-IN-HEAD CARS SEE US TUESDAY. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. ljTH AND DAVIS STS. MAXWELL AND BUICK PARTS. Old style and new style, all makes and models, for leas. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 323-25-27 Burnslde St. 1913 FORD. Touring: body shows considerable wear: tires good all around; mechanically In first class shape; bargain for cash. 363 Oregon. East 7222. ENGINES. All makes and stylus, any horsepower you want. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO.. 323-25-27 Burnside St. NEW 1917 Ford Is here now. will discount my deposit $15 and you can deal direct with agency, cash or terms. D 2, Orego nian. Automobiles Wanted. MORTGAGE and Portland Heights lot for late mode car. H. G. BPTON. 132 Chamber of Commerce. SPOT CASH FOR- YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. Authorized Ford Agent. E. 1190. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. WHAT HAVE YOU? 1 want a car at a low price that I can repair, myself. Must use tire not larger than 34x4. AE 969. Oregonlan. l'WO good residence lots on good Improved street: valuation $300; will trade for a good Ford auto. 1915 or 1916. Box 27. Wood burn. WRDS bought, sold and exchanged. R. L, SHORT & CO.. ' Automobile repairing. 333 E. 11th. E. 4010. WE will pay cash for late model Fords. Dodge Bros., or Buick autos. Boone & Co., 514 Alder at. Main 3966. WANT 5-pass., 1916 auto. Dodge. Maxwell or Ford, give fine $900 lot with small In cumbrance. Phone Tabor 1993. CASH for tight cars. Fords preferred. Main 1716 Washington st. Garage. $S80 HOUSE and lot equity for Ford or A-l motorcycle. Brown. Woodlawn 2714. $9oo SECOND mortgage, well secured, for a 5-passenger car. L 2, Oreeonlan. W" ANT Ford: condition immaterial If price is low. AE 968. Or. WANTED Six Fordcars:wlll be at 501 Alder until Jan. 6. O. G. Arnet. CASH for ol.l cars. Adcox Auto School. 3S8 Burnslde St. WANTED at once 2-untt starting and light ing sys'em. Adcox. 38 Burnside. ST FORD $160 cash will buy. 505 Alder. Automobiles for Hire. WE can furnish any kind of truck for any kind of work by month or yearly contract. We are agents for Wichita trucks and tractors. Also have thre rebuilt trucks and sell on time payments. Long a Sllva. 462 Hawthorne ave. East 684o. 1916 SAXON 6. highway, depots, louring, calling, shopping; reasonable. East 4382 1916 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, call Ing and shopping. Main 7435. AUTOS without driver for hire. Long & Sllva. 462 Hawthorn.- ave. Phone E. 0840. AUTOS for rent without drivera. 450 E. Hawthorne. East 1628. FORD engine and radiator for sale cbes.pl 1114 Division. Call Tabor 4158. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES AT SACRIFICE TRICES. In order to make room for our new 1917 I larlcy-Davidsons WE MUST DISPOSE OF A NUMBER OF OUR 2D-HAND MACHINES. We have the largest number in the city to pick from, all In good shape and rea sonably priced. TERMS TO SUIT. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. COME IN OR WRITE FOR DETAILS. ALL MAKES INCLUDED. MOTORCYCLE tc SUPPLY CO.. AGENTS FOR H ARLE Y-D A V1DSON MOTORCYCLES. 209 4th St. Largest Exclusive Motorcycle Dealers In the Stale. USED MOTORCYCLES. 1916 3-speed Harley, good as new, and equipped $250 1916 Power-Plus Indian, fully equipped with lamp. Presto. speedometer, whistle and dream tandem; a snap at $2O0 1914 2-speed Dayton, equipped $140 1916 3-speed Thor, equipped and dandy little machine, in A-l shape $165 5 H. P. Hartey-Davldson, A-l shape, equipped $ 70 Call and get a demonstration on the new 4-cyllnder Henderson, the master motorcycle. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 210 Broadway. 1916 POWER-PLUS, equipped $225 1915 YALE. 2-apeed 15.) 1914 INDIAN. 2-speed 125 1913 INDIAN, equipped 85 1914 JEFFERSON, equipped 100 1914 JEFFERSON, single 60 LIGHT TWIN, 3-horsepower 35 Also lot of bicycles, new and second hand. . INDIAN AGENCY. 273 3d. Main 0139. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. AGENCY FOR H ARLE Y-DAVIDSON AND FLYING MERKEL. Bargains in used machines of all makes on easy terms. CYLINDER GRINDING. ACETYLENE WELDING AND EXPERT OVERHAULING. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO.. 209 4th St. Harley-Davidaon motorcycles and ac cessories. Largest exclusive dealers In motorcycles in the state. Main 7889. FULLY equipped. 1915 Excelsior. 3-speed cost $324: sell for $150: terms. D. C. War ren. 58 N. 23d. Main 780. ONE EXCELSIOR motorcycle. $40. Main 90, A 2442. Mlscellu neons. $25 WATCH chain, solid gold, for $12.50. AG 998. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN'S raincoat, new. dark, will sell very re.isonatle. 527 E. Burnslde. THREE new pool tables, $65 each. Monday. 42 3d st. PRACTICALLY new $44 overcoat for $10. K 998, Oregorian. GAS RANGE for sale or trade for librarv table or xugs. Main 5554. SEvEN city directories. 19O0 to 1915 $14 office raillngN$7.30. Marshall 2310. TYPEWRITER, show case. cash register. QCaS anu aai e. . jBtfroson sc. GAS range. Vulcan, used six months. Phone s-ellwoo.: loiei. LADY'S black Aatrachan fur cape. 40 Inches long. sin. wonn.awn jjs.v.. PERFECT DIAMOND. -karat stick pin, .".; V 2. Oregonlan. $7.1 MAJESTIC steel range for $30. Call Ta bor 505.1 or 309 Panama. HOME COMFORT steel range, water col! cash or trade. Phone Woodlawn 2025. FOR SALE. -Miscellaneous. BARDE THE PRICE BUSTER ! HERE'S OUR BIG OFFERING! SAWMILL MACHINERY SACRIFICED. we have a large stock of everything used in a saw mill at greatly sacrificed prices: send us your want list! we'll quote you the biggest bargains of any ONE. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES 1 LOGGERS WHO BELIEVE IN SAVING MONEY ON EQUIP MENT. INVARIABLY SEND THEIR ORDERS TO BARDE ! OUR STOCK OF DONKEYS. RAIL CAR WHEELS. ETC.. 13 LOWEST IN THE NORTHWEST! WIRE HOPE! OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST IN THE UNITED STATES. THE LOWEST PRICES CONSIDERING THE QUALITY. EVERY FOOT FULLY GUARANTEED. THE BIG GEST USERS OF WIRE ROPE IN THE NORTHWEST BUY FROM US EXCLUSIVELY. TRANSMISSION MACHINERY! OUR STOCK INCLUDES: PUL LEYS. SHAFTING. GEARS. SPROCKETS, CHAIN. ETC. THE LARGEST STOCK OF TRANS MISSION MACHINERY' EVER EXHIBITED IN THE NORTH WEST. BELTING NOTE THE PRICES! NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. $!S.OOO WORTH OF THE FINEST BELTING YOU EVER LAID EYES ON. BIG SACRIFICE IN PRICES. ALL GUARANTEED. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING FOR SAWMILL, LOGGING CAMP OR ANY OTHER ARTICLE MADE OF IRON OR STEEL. SEE OR WRITE. M. BARDE SONS. "THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS." 240-244 FRONT ST.. COR. MAIN. PORTLAND. OR. riPK- PIPE! fite: Special prices on first-elaas pipe, guar anteed: H-lnch pipe. 3c per foot; 4-inch pipe. 4c per foot; 1-lnch pipe. 5c per foot; lVa-lnch pipe. 64c per foot: Hi-Inch pipe. 74c per foot: 2-inch. 10c per foot. We also handle all kinds of plumbing supplies at 15 per cent leas than wholr salo price. We can save you money. Fret, cstlmatts given. All goods guaranteed. NORTHWEST PIPE CO.. 187 Front St.. Bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Phone Main Mtt BE ECONOMICAL Get big price for your trading stamps, tobacco coupons, old pa per, magazines, rags, old clothes, shoes, bottles, furniture, etc.. In exchange for the latest anil best vacuum sweeper, a useful article in any home. 192 1st st. Main bargains: bargains: bargains; 10.0110 useful articles for sale or trade. Makes no difference what you want we have it at 50 per cent less than else where; everything under the sun you will find at lb N. Y. Bargain Store. 1-9 1st. near Alder. ONE 9-Inch Star lathe, complete with gears, chuck kvn.1 screw .-utter. Steam pkmp. 20 H. P. ''ampbell marine engine. One No. 5 Morgan box nailing machine. Emery stand. small saw arbor. 15-toti Jack. Gears, pulleys. Machine repairing. Norih wesi Lead &. Mach'y Co.. 311 Front at. SEWING MACHINES of all niak new and second-hand, sold for l.-ss. No agfits em ployed ; all machines sent out sew perfect and guaranteed; machines repaired; ma chines rented $2 monthly. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor at. A 3826. Main 9431. FUME D oak .lining set and buffet, cost $140. sell for $85; mahogany library table, cost $45 sell for $25; stickney table, cost $12. sell for $6. beautiful leopard coat for cash or diamond. Craig. Tudor Arms Apt., or V 1492 25 DROl'HEAD sewing machines, complete, with attachments. In good sewing order. $8 to $25: sewing machines rented $2 per month; machines cleaned and repaired. E R Siecn, 132 Qrand ave. B 3307. East 2359. MARINE eugine. 2-H. P.. completely equipped, coll. plug, muffler, 12-ln. steer ing wheel, flagpole sockets, bow. stern chocks, shaft propeller thrown in. $25: need the money. Mar. 5052. 616 Petty grove St.. Apt. K. FOR SALE 75 H. 1. Reeves automatic en gine, direct connected to 50 K. W. gener ator; A.-1 shape, only run a few months; will sacrifice Address Brown-Meyer Co.. 300 E. Moi rlaon. I AM leaving here. itKsst sail at once, large take-down oak wardrobe; cost $28.50. will take $12.50: also Imitation leather couch. $6. Call this A. M. 653 Wash St. Main 376. No dealers. BANKRUPT fixtures from Woods dept. store. Odell. Or., consisting of cash -register, scales, cheese cutter, account register and other miscellaneous items. Phono Mr. Shambroojt. East 5SOO. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Dropheada. $5 and up; box tops, $2 and up. S. S. Siegel. two stores. 383 Alder st. and 212 Alder at. FORCED sale of moving picture theater equipment, in good condition, consisting of one Powers "A" machine No. i". 2.iti opera chairs, 6 inverted light fixtures. Taguart. 416 chumber of Commerce. 4U-H. P. marine gasoline motor with re verse gear; 15-H. P. A. C. 60-cycle elec tric motor: Ft volt apple dynamo, with automatic cutout; 5 -part automobile top. East 175. CHOICE of any article In my window 10 days only. 50c each, commencing Janu aiy 2. Beldlng. the Jeweler, 245 S Alder. Milin 1692. HIGHEST cash price paid tor rifles and shotguna, cameras, kodaka and lenses, bought, sold and -exchanged. Hochfcld's Camera Kxctiange. o. oa si Main 3581 CASH REGISTERS slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange. 351 Washington st. Malu 6i)6 FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 76 1st. Main 2363. ELK HEAD FOR SALE 12 points, perfect head, in the very best of condition. Phone or call at Marshall 1690. SECOND-HAND office furniture for rent or sale; all grades; large selection. Pacific stafy & Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. Main 1971 FOR ALE 100 sacks of good eating pota toes. $1.50 a sack. Inquire 243 Union ave. 8.. between 8 A. M. and 12 M. ELECTRIC motors for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde st. Broadway or A 5674. BARGAINS In unredeemed guns and re volvers, all makes, cheap. Beauregard. 70S Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. i'.'IT to order $lo down, balance $5 a month. Unique Tailoring Co;. 809 Stark, bet. 5th and 0th. GOLD, silver, nickel plating, r. -plating, sli ver tableware, specialty. 22d and Thur man. Mail: 943. A 5282. FOR SALE Purlctas water outfit in town of about 17.0OO. Address AV 313. Orego nlan. CHEAP Fine engineer's wye level, Phila delphia rod H. S. Hall, Home Valley, Wash. LEATHER suitcase, two salts, coat. 40; trousers. 36x32. overcoat. 42; describe, give prices. BF 986. Oregonlan. A SQUARB four-foot floor case can b.- us.-.i for candy, bakery goods; good condition. Phone Main 3247. FOR ;1ALE On- Nelson static machine and one Biackmars Improved resonator; lust sell. Box 157. White Salmon. Wash. WILL sacrifice fine white perfect diamond weighing over carat for $150, worth easily $200. AH 990. Oregonlan. bEi-'uM'-HAND barber chairs for sale very reasonable. Kemp Barber Supply Co., 271 Wash. St. POSTAGE STAMPS bought and sold by ap pointment. Main 7580. POSTAGE STAMPS bought and sold. 808 McKay bldg. Marshall 8793. MOVING PICTURE machines bought sold and, repaired. P. Sabo. 351 Washington. TWO flat-top desks. 1 roll-top desk. 1 filing cabinet: also chairs 91 Park st. BALED alfalfa hay for sale every Winter. E. B. ROBERTSON. NAMPA. IDAHO. CASH REGISTERS, safes, store fixtures! Portland Cash Register Co.. 1st & Yamhill PLUMBING supplies at wholesale prices Stark-Davis Co.. 212 3d st. Main 797. MACHINERY bought, sold and repaired. N W. Lead & Machinery Co.. 811 Front st, INTERNATIONAL Encyclopedia for sale at half pjrlee 1239 Missouri ave. ICE SKATES They are new tubular skates Call Marshall 5Q4Q. room 27. ' SALE or eaoiian-' 9th edition Encyclopedia Britannlca; make offer. V 998. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. SEWING MACHINES. A STARTER FOR THE NEW YEAR. Singer $10.00 Standard 15.00 Beaver 16 00 New Royal 18.00 Wheeler & Wilson 10.0 Damascus 17.50 White 17.50 Roberts 16 OO Davis 14.00 Favorite 18 00 Brunswick 17 50 Raymond 14.00 Climax 12.00 New Queen 9.00 Fireside 12.00 Emporium Toy . 4.0U Your choice of the best high-grade new . machines at $45. This week only. $1.0l down. $1.00 week. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 19o 3d St.. near Taylor. Main 9431 A 3626. OUR gravity water system renders unneces sary a Button Blake hand fire engine. This engine is In first-class shape, com plete with suction hose and cost (180O when new; it Is for Immediate sale at $3wO. This engln-i is ritted for standard fire hose and Is a splendid bargain for lumber oamp. shingle or lumber mill or anyone requiring Individual fire protec tlon. Write City Auditor. WarlVnton. Or. BIG SPECIAL STATIONERY OFFER. 300 linen finish letterheads. 500 good business envelopes. 300 statements or business cards. Printed and sent postpaid to any ad dress In Wash, or Oregon Tor $5 cash with order. THE MAIL ORDER PRINTERY. Castle Rock. Washington. HKMTIKK WANTED. MONEY TALKS. WE pay the best cash prices for house hold or office furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves and ranges. For prompt attention phone GEVURTZ FURNITURE. INC. 183 to 191 1st st. Mar. :. A 3224. FEIDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. wanta all kinds of second-hand furniture. We also buy merchandise atocks of any descrip tion 166-168 First st.. bet. Morrison anc Yamhill. Malu 4633. HIGHEST prices paid for your furniture, stoves and carpeia. Gevurts Furniture Store. 207 1st st. Marshall 587. CAN USE GOOD FURNITURE of any description; have the realy cash; phono today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. WANT second-hand furniture and carpets, ship out town: can pay more than Port land dealers. Waldo. Main 4773. GEO. BAKER & CO., Masonic Temple bldg., pay cash for furniture, rugs, etc. Phone Main 3532. PARTY would like to buy household goods, rues etc.. tor cash. Marshall 1822. BEST furniture tor 4 - room apartment, lot and cash for same. AF 992. Oregonlan. BE WlsE Sell your furniture to the Ford Auction Co. Main 8U51. 191 2d st. WILL pay cash for 2d - hand furniture. Call Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4783. WANTED SIIMKLLASKOIS. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO. will buy your used furniture and all kinds of tools and pay you all it is worth Our THREE LARGE STORES are amplo proof that wc handle nearly every-thlng you need In the home or elsewhere. CASH OR EXCHANGE. 221-25 Front St. Phone Main 9072. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $7.50 PAID FOR MEN'S SUITS $7 50. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOP. LADIES' AND GENTS SUITS, SHOES AND EVERYTHING IN MERCHANDISE MAIN 2080. GLOBE STOKE. MAIN 200U. 285 FIRST ST., NEAR JEFFERSON. SECOND - HAND CLOTHING WANTED J. MEYER. THE TAILOR. PAYS $7.50 AND UP FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS. HE PAYS YOU MORE FOR SHOES AND . LOTH1NG. THE RELIABLE BUYER. MARSHALL 1229. 229 MADISON ST WB WISH to announce the removal of our office, metal and receiving place to our own building. ISO Front st.. near Yam hill. J. Leve. wholesale dealers In all grades scrap ,-ubber. metals and Iron. CLEAN up for the new year. Machinery, scraplron, supplies, metal or Junk. See M. Barde Sons. 24 years in Portland Main 66J. Front and Main sts. JUNK WANTED! " All descriptions of Junk bought; highest price paid for old metal and lron.VcaIi Marshall 3225. WANTED Cabinet phonograph. standard mike; must bo In flue condition and cheap for cash; If possible, address me early Sunday. AO 905. Oregonlan. WANTED Koll-top desk. Address W. H. Cleveland. Greshum. Or., staling condition and -rice. WE BUY old rope, rubber, metals, iron can vas. J. Leve, 189 Front st . near Yamhill. Vain 519SJ. HIGHEST cash prices paid -for old auto tires. .1. Leve. 1S9 Front st., near Yam hill. Main 519". WANTED to buy sc-ond-hand Fatrbanka Morse platform scale. Rivervlew Dairy .... 1003 Belmont. 1 WANT to buy a high-grade used piano in uriL-oui condition. will Iey cal.i. AC 098. Oregonlan. WANTED -Second-hand sectional bookcases oak. and rug suitable for office. AE 905 Oregonlan. 2D-HAND CLOTHING BUYER: BE WISE AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR 'JU H AND CLOTHING 201 H- 1ST MAIN 734. CASH for your old gold, silver, platinum and high-grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. AM opening store and want two good cash registers and McCaakey credit file. Sell wood 417 WANTED Corona typewriter for cash ; must be cheap: give model and number! n sssp. uregonian. WANTED Good second-hand piano. Give description, price and terms. C UU6, Ore.o nlan. WANTED Stock of general merchandise, shoes or grocery for cash; any size. AM 964. Oregonisn. WANTED Large Ruud gas heater. Msrshal) 4973 Call DIAMOND wanted. State size and price. Must be bargain for . ash. R 2. Oregonlan. WANTED Incubator. armchair. gasoline lamp. Write price. George. 183 Grant st. WANTED A 10-horsepower gasoline en gine. C 2. Oregonlan. WANTED Second hand adding mnchlne In f irst-, 'a. s .-..ndltlon. F P'.m;. Oregonlan. WE buy and sell new and second-hand suit cases and trunks. Main 9072. WANTED Violincello: must be cheap and in goo.l condition. AF 96, Oregonlan. 6ECOV D H AND CLO Tl IIN GW A N TED CALL MAIN 4776. OR ''40 FIRST ST. WANTED A medium-sized safe, cheap. W 24. Oregonlan. WANTED Lunch counter, 14 feet or over must be a bargain. T 988. Oregonlan. WANTEJB To rent donkey engine suitable lor clearing lanq. fnone Tabor 71 10. WANTED. A second-hand cart for Shetland pony. rnona ranor 4..6S. WANTED Second-hand cutter In good con ditlon. Answer L 91.6. Oregonlan. WANTED National cash register. 606 351 H Washington at. HELP WANTED M.U.E. ORBGON AUTO SCHOOL. I 429-31 BELMONT PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN RE PAIRING. DRIVING. IGNITION. CAR BURETION. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT STUDENTS ASSISTED. EARN BOARD AND ROOM. INVESTIGATION Si i- 1.1 c 1 1 r.i.. WANTED Experienced salesman for wholesale plumbing supply house. State age. wne'ner marric-a or single, reference. wages received where last employed, a 4. WANTED Man about 30 accustomed to Ir, tervlewlng people: no samples to carry and nothing to sell; steady work; moder ate salary to start; stage age. reference and phone number. P 997. Oregonlan. NIGHT CLASS Just starting. Adcox Auto School. 388 Burnslde street. Call or write for Information. WANTED Two experienced blacksmiths for rallroari work: state age, experience, phone number: good references required. AH 197, Oregonlan. WANTED Competent railroad Boilermaker; must be sober and have good references: state age. experience and phone. aj 2! Oregonlan. ' ABE THE TAILOR " buys your otd. new clothing, shoes; high est cash prlcea Marshall 3225. or 209 Madison st, COMPETENT shoe man for permanent po- sltlon. chance for advancement; one es pecially experienced in ladies' and chil dren's shoes. 4th St. Dept. Store. WANTED Strictly tii I -class barber for Walla Walla. Wash. No others need ap ply to Lewls-Stenger Barbers Supply Co. WANTED Experienced draftsman. with knowledge of civil engineering. State age and experience. L 997. Oregonlan. WANTED Dentist. registered In Oregon. Portland Hotel, room 539. WANTED Man and team to do contract work. Phone Main 77. I DENTIST for suburban office: business i waiting. No compotltion. Tabor 5124. HELP WANTED MALE. LILYMAN A BENARD EMP. CO.. 24 N. Second St. We want: 15 ship carpenters at $4 1- '1 up per 8-hour day. Steady work in good town; good house carpenters, are O. K on thla. Operating millwright used to large plant. $100 a month. Boom man that understands gasoline boats. $75 a month Bridge carpenters for R. R. work. 30c per hour. Air trimmer man for pony rig. $5. Open Sunday. 9 A. M. to 2 P. M.. and all day New- Year's. ADVISORY -EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Y. M. C A. You know how to do something but don t know how to get something to do. We can tell you how or send you to it. During past 7 years we have placed or helped placa themselves, over 11,000 men and boys. Thla service a privilege of membership In the Y. M. C. A. $5 gives you membership for a year under guarantee that you will se cure employment or refund of membership fee. See Secretary Stanley Baker. MILLWRIGHTS. 45c; office and vyarchouse clerks; general office clerk. $90: moulder man. $80; stationary fireman, planerman. 30c; bollermaker. 45c; commissary clerk; stenographer, $75; commissary manager and bookkeeper: bookkeeper and stenog rapher. $125. 30 other openings not ad vertised. Mechanical and clerical. Write MACK'S. Little Rock. Ark. WANTED 100 men at once to learn the automobile and gaa tractor trades la Hemphill's leading trade school. Special class now training for Spring business. Students arc taught by actual practice to operate and repair automobiles, gas tractors, stationary and marine engines. Call or write for our beautiful free cata logue. Hemphill's Trade School. 707 Haw thorne. corner 20th. MEN. LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Driving, welding. Ignition, battery work, machine shop practice. In best equipped auto school in the country: established 1905; 3000 successful graduates. We help students earn their living. Writ for our FREE Twelfth Anniversary Offer. Na tional School of Engineering, Los An geles, Cat. MONEY advanced weeary to active elderly men or ambitious young men selling com plete line trult and ornamental nursery stock; guarantee truo to name and free from pest or disease; exclusive territory In Central and Southern Oregon; experi ence unnecessary: permanent, profitable, independent work: free outfit. Toppeulh Nursery Company. Toppenish. Wash. EXPERIENCED truck and pleasure car salesman wanted by established autonwvbilo company. Tru-k and car has been sold In territory tor past six years. To a man raoable for the position will give remuacr tlve contract with salary and commission. Give references and full details in your first letter. Address AV 345. Oregonlan. WANTED Two high-class salesmen; mar ried men preferred, who anticipate mak ing a change January 1st and are capa ble of earning from $1500 to $4000 year ly: applications considered confidential; stale age and previous business ex perience In first communication AB 99.. Oregonlan. REGULAR day. evening and Saturday classes are open for you here. Let u.5 direct your Winter studies; wo will please you whether you work at a nearby job or teach in a distant school. Write us. UNIVERSITY OF GREATER PORTLAND. M irsn.ill 4252. 17th and Lovejoy Sis W NTED A SALESMAN WITH A PUNCH. A $500 opening for a man with a clean record, plenty of nerve and punch. This Is a big opportunity for the right man 1. 1th an established and reputable concern. Call between 11 and lo A. M. 4O8-0 Oham ber of 1 ommrce. Call for Mr. Read. HIGH-GRADE SUITS, OVERCOATS Men! Trade upstairs and save $10; $25 i.ults and overcoata for $15 and $30 valus for $20. -Jimmy Dunn, 2d floor Ellers building, cat i corner from Pantages Theater. WANTED- To correspond with an expe rienced sawmill man, as mill foreman, mill cutting 75 to 10O M. with a chance for an interest if proven a success; s good plant and plenty of timber; give past ex p. rl. nee. age sod reference In first letter. AV 344. Orcgonian. W ANTED Man to take charge of pasteuriza tion plant, bottle pasteurization ; -must give reference for Inst three years; experienced foreigner given preference ; salary on agreement. Call in person at Willamette Dairy. 483 Union ave. North. WANTED Sales managers with Ford cars, travel, demonstrate, appoint local agents: Simplex starter for Forils. Big money maker. Splendid commissions. Write quick for territory. Simplex Mfg. Co.. Box 567. Anderson, itid. AT LAST A key-..perated adding machine at $47.50; agents wanted every village and -Ity ; also traveling and sideline salesmen; commission. Write today. Commonwealth Adding Machine -Agency. Seattle. Wash. IF YOU are out of a Job and want hlgh class selling position, caliltig on hou"V. Ife. postcard will put you in touch with a $ to to $M a week proposition. Div. M, 1423 American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Le mon t. 111. WANTED in every city good live hustlers with horse and wagon or automobile and with sufficient capital to build up but erine routes that will net good returns and own your own business. Address AV 327. Oregonlan. STEADY niployni.-nt. gpod wages, dav and night cl-.sses, f. w months learning, profit able work, position guaranteed. Watch making. Engraving School. 218 Common wealth bldg. 6th and Ankeny sts. Port land. AT ONCE A first -class advertising solt.it or for special "Jubilee number": one that can sell "mug stun '." Should be able to make $5O0. month's work. Kupfcr press Bureau. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $.300 will teach and start wu In the candy business like my candy tiutclur shop at 32s Washington st. BIG PROFITS IN THIS. RAILWAY mall P. O. clerks, carriers, custom-house employes: $15 to $15t a month; life Jobs: no strikes, ao layoffs: exams, announced Jan. 15. "Free Book.' Pacific stales School. McKay bldg.. city. YOU LEARN to be an optometrist and op tician; it is profitable; day or evening classes. The De Keyser Institute of Op tometry. Inc. send for catalogue or call at 2"2 Columbia bldg.. 365 Washington St. W I NTED Drapery and decorative sales man: must be thoroughly experienced and have fltst-class references; state age. ex perience, refe-ences anil salary expected. A1. Ir AV :in::. Ornonlan. BE A -DETECTIVE; earn $100 to $300 per month; travel all over the world. Write Supt. Ludw'ig. 731 Westover bldg., Kansas City. Mo. BOYS easily make $.-, a day selling Master- Key; no experience necessary. Send for free sample. Master-Key Co., St. Louis. sataaourt. LINCOLN IIlBjh School boy wanted for aft ernoon otnee vork and Saturdays; prefer boy living with parents. Addresa In own handwriting. K 999. Oregonlan. WANTED- At once, first-class gray iron foundry mouders. eight hours, first-class wages to first-class molders. 417 Oregon bldg.. 3th and Oak sts. A MAN to do Janitor work a few IsMtrs a day to exchange for three-room apart ments; small wages. Apply Auditorium Hotel. 3d and Salmon. WANTED at once, first-. -lass wood pat ternmakers, eight hours, first-class wages to first-class patternmakers. 417 Oregon bldg.. 3th am! Oak sts. WANTED Men who are ambitious to earn $100 to $2uo per month. No experience or capital necessary: particulars free. Os car Llttchen, Corona. California. HAWTHOKNE AUTO SCHOOL. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ON REAL AUTOMOBILES AND GAS TRACTORS. MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS. $3.50 UP. Drop In and look them over. Orpheurn Cleaners. 355 Stark, corner Park. WANTED Janitor. Portland Surgical H os pltal Must bring city references Call Marshall 1266. A YOUNG married man to handle laundry route in city. Cash bond required. Aa dress AJ 996. Oregonlan. FIREMEN, brakemea, beginners pal-1 $12t month: permanent; no strlkea. Railway. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED cafeteria fry and dinner cook ; state experience and salary ex pected. K 997. oregonlan. WANTED Experienced tie-makers: long Job. Address Standard Timber Co.. Kv anston, Wyo. A Iff kinds of laborers, mill and camp men wanted. Bend Employment Agency. Bend, Or. YOUNG MAN. home from school, accus tomed to heavy work, would like Job for 1 week. Main TWO Al solicitors for cleaning and pressing works. 6U 6th St., between 9 and lu:39 Tuesday A- M. W AN TEL Experienced washman. Call Main 93 or in person. 109 3th st, Ore gon City, Or. WANTED 9 students to take photographs, trade school, free. Y Olstt. Oregonlan. IAN with $5l. nice little business. $15 doan. balance time. Marshall 239. W ANTED Willing worker on farm; state age, wages. AB 99. Oregonlan. WANT to buy 1000 old coins. Dr. Buek. 423 Plttock Pile, foot specialist. WANTED -Middle-aged man to start fire for ruom. AF Vila. Oreguutan.