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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1916)
fO THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 1916. CHURCHES TO HOLD TWO-DAY CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS Special Services Will Be Held by Several Congregations. Ivo. and the angel of the Lord came down and glory shone around. And the angel said "Frar not, for behold, I bring you tidings of great Joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day In the city of David a rfavlor which is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there was with the angel a heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." FOR 1900 years the story has come down the ages and has lost none of its inspiration. Today and to morrow the churches of the city will pay tribute to the Babe of Bethlehem, the Holy Child, born in the mangerJ so many years ago. The messages of love, of kindness, of charity he preached to his disciples in after days have found their way into the literature, the life and the music of all nations. The Christian churches will have glor ious songs and anthems today, and the sermons will nearly all tell the old, old story. In the Roman Catholic Churches spe cial Christmas services will be ob served tomorrow. In St. Mary's Cathe dral there will be masses as follows: Solemn high mass at 6 A. M.; low masses, 7:15, 8:30 and 9:45 A. M., and solemn pontifical mass at 11 o'clock, when Archbishop Christie will officiate, and there will be an elaborate service of Christmas music. Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner will officiate at early service at 6:30 A. M. Monday at St. Stephen's Episcopal Pro Cathedral, and he will preach the ser mon at 10:30 o'clock, when there will oe me special unnstmas service witn musical numbers by a full vested choir directed by Carl Denton, Dean Mc Collister will preside, at the services at 7:30 and 10 o'clock Monday. At the Outlook Swedish Colony an unusual celebration will be held this Christmas. The Methodist Church there will be elaborately decorated, and today Rev. Johft Ovall will preach in the. English language at 3 o'clock P. M. Christmas morning there will be, ac cording to the old Swedish custom, services at 6 o'clock A. M., and in the evening the Sunday school will have a festival, at which time a good pro gramme will be rendered and refresh ments will be served gratis. The church, being the only Swedish Methodist church in this part of the country, all the people in the com munity are most cordially Invited to attend. Congregational Club Ob serve's Founders' Day. Two Lineal Descendants of Fllsrrlm Fathers Attend Dinner in Waver ler Heights Church. FOREFATHERS' day was celebrated on Wednesday by the Congrega tional Club of Portland at a dinner held in the Waverley Heights Church. The feature of interest was the fact that three of the persons on the pro gramme were lineal descendants of Mayflower passengers. The address was made by George H. Alden, dean and professor of history in the Wil lamette University. He spoke on "The Pilgrims." . Miss M. A. Standish, a descendant of Miles Standish, read "The Landing of the Pilgrims," and a young Portland man. Miles Standish, also descended ' from the man of Pilgrim fame, spoke briefly. B. S. Huntington presided and was elected president of the club. Others who spoke were Dr. J. J. Staub, Rev. A. S. Sherman and Rev. George Ed ward Lewis. Miss Myrtle Huff sang a solo and was accompanied by J. H. Cowen. Rev. A C. Moses spoke and gave the benediction. Mrs. F. E. Deem sang and was accompanied by Mrs. W. F. Downing, organist of the Waverley Church. M. E. Thompson, of Pilgrim Church, was elected vice-president and W. B. Bethune secretary. Dr. Alden's address was scholarly. Interesting and delightful. He began by giving the history of Congrega tionalism and. included the early strug gles of the Pilgrim fathers in England, Holland and America. For the well-arranged dinner, the committee which planned and served it included: Mrs. A. C. Moses, Mrs. C. A. JCressmann, Mrs. J. E. Snefth, Mrs. C. Ie Witt, Mrs. Edith Johnson. Mrs. !.. A. Hausler, Mrs. W. Denison, Mrs. Emma Johnson, Mrs. B. B. Banning; In charge of tables, Mrs. F. W. Wells, L. C. Day, Mrs. R. J. Kirkwood, Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. M. V. Prior and the Misses Stella and Florence Smith and Eva Nelson. Miss M. Frances Kellogg wa-s in charge of the decorations. Holly adorned the tables and here and there In the rooms were large bouquets of Oregon grape and polnsettias. An American flag occupied the place of honor by the pulpit. The dinner was one of the largest B,nd most successful ever held by the club. It celebrated the 296th anniver sary of the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. Lutheran Churches Arrange for Special Services. Stress Will Be on Christmas Day and No Meeting Will Be Held at Charrh of Our Saviour Today. AMONG the Lutheran churches of Portland Interesting Christmas services have been planned. In Our Savior's Church, there will be no serv ices today. All the stress will be laid on Christmas day. At 10:15 A M. tomorrow at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, East Tenth and Grant streets. Rev. Henricksen will deliver the first sermon for the day in English. Musical numbers are: Solos by Mrs. W. S. Belt and Dr. Oustad and a Christmas anthem by the church choir. Miss Jenny Lingaas will preside at the organ. Norwegian services will be held at the usual hour, 11:15 A. M.; music by the Norwegian Singing Society. A Sunday school entertainment will be given at 8 P. M. A Christmas tree will be one of the many attractions. A Lutheran Christmas celebration in Hamilton Chapel. Eightieth and East Glisan streets, will be held. Today at 1 o'clock there will be a children's service in the Hamilton Chapel. In this service the children and choir will take a primary part. After the ex ercises gifts will be distributed to the children that are present. On Monday at 10:45 A M. there will be the regular Christmas celebration. The holy communion will be admin istered. The evening services will be con ducted in the English language. Every one Is cordially invited. F. J. Eppling Is pastor. . The Rodney-Avenue Christian Church is planning a practical and helpful Christmas service to be given at the church this Christmas eve. It is a service that everybody can take part In in gtving food or other things ol practical value to be distributed to the worthy needy of the community A programme appropriate to the service has been prepared. The regular monthly business meet ing of the Rodney-Avenue Christian Endeavor will be held at the home of the pastor. Rev. J. Carlos .Ghormley, 663 Rodney avenue. Decembir 27. Im portant business will be transacted and all members and their friends are jurged to be present. Special enter- tainment is being prepared by the com mittee in charge. Piedmont Preabyterlan Church had a delightful Christmas entertainment on Friday evening, in which practically every class in the Sunday school par ticipated. After the programme in the Sunday school room the guests went to the new gymnasium, where a Christ mas tree had been decorated, and fcn connection with it a treat was given to every boy and girl present, while Santa Claus made himself useful. This morrflng Dr. A. I.. Hutchison will pre- sent a Christmas messasre under the title. "The Goepel of the Seven Shalls." At 7:30 the choir will present a special music programme, with a large Juve nile choir participating. Dr. Hutchi son's evening topic will be: "The Star and the Song." Bible school at 9:45; Christian Endeavor at 6:15. Catholic Sentinel Issues an Attractive Number. Several Articles ly Prominent Men and Interesting Church Calendar Are Included THE cur Sentine rrent issue of the. Catholic is an interesting number. It contains a well-arranged calendar for 1917, showing holy days and many features of Interest to members of the church. Several articles are contributed by prominent men. Mark Woodruff has a message regarding payrolls. He makes a plea for more factories in Oregon. Easter will come April 8 in 1917. Lent, therefore, will b'egin February 21. Among the parishes are many In teresting announcements: At St. Clare's parish, Capitol Hill, services Christmas day will be as fol lows: First mass at 7 o'clock at which the children will sing. Second mass immediately after first mass. Third mass, a solemn high mass, 9:20, during which the choir will sing F. Hermann's Mass in B (three voices) and Wilson's "Ave Marie" (two voices). The school children- of St. Clare's parish will give a little Christmas en tertainment Wednesday afternoon, De cember 27, to which parents and friends are invited. The next card social at St. Clare's hall will be given Thursday, December and will begin at 8:15 Tn St. Clement's parish confessions .111 be heard this afternoon and even ing. Christmas morning the pastor ex pects to see every member of the parish approach Holy Communion. The masses Christmas will be at 6. 8 and 10:30. There will be two high masses, one at 6, the second at 10:30. Father Chapoton will preach at 10:30 on "The Message of the New Born King." In St. Luke's, Woodburn, maesps Christmas day will be at 6 o'clock, and a high mass, followed by benedic tion of the blessed sacrament at 10 o'clock. This will close the services for the day in St. Luke's Church. The children of St. Benedict School will sing a number of Christmas anthems at the 6 o'clock mass. The newly-organized choir, under the direction of Frank DuBois, will render Loesch's Mass in F at the 10 o'clock mass. Mass at the mission In Hubbard will be celebrated at 8:30. Rev. Calvin B. Waller Will Preach Again Today. IInptlMt Young: People's. I'm Ion to Hold Services at Jall'and Put ton Home. REV pr EV. CALVIN B. WALLER, who reached so acceptably at the First Baptist Church (White Temple) last Sunday, will occupy the pulpit again today, morning and evenlngv His morning topic will We "The Second Mile" and in the evening he will give a Christmas sermon, "The Manger Cradle No Room In the Inn." The Baptist Young Peoples Union Is arranging to carry Christmas cheer to some of the Institutions of the city. At 9 o'clock they will hold a song and praise service at the jail; at 10 o'clock they will hold a similar service at the Patton Home; Miss Fern Anna Horn and Miss Grace Mascher will give read ings. Wednesday evening. at 7:30 they will give a programme at the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society; a Christmas tree and gifts will be part of the pro gramme. There will be a special Christmas programme at the T. W. C. A. vesper service this afternoon, 4:80 o'clock. Mrs. H. P. Bush Will read "The Lost Word" (Van Dyke) and boys from the choir of Trinity Episcopal Church will sing Christmas carols. The social hour will be passed in front of the open fire in true Christmas eve spirit. There will be a welcome for every girl. "If you are a stranger, Christmas eve Is a splendid time to get acquainted. If you are one of our 'old girls' come and let's have a reunion. We offer to all Christmas hospitality." This is the invitation. A special Christmas message will be delivered at the First Christian Church on Sunday morning by the pastor, ReV. Harold II. Griffis. The subject of the discourse will be "Characteristics of the Christmas Spirit." There will be special Christmas serv ices at the Pilgrim Congregational Church. Shaver street and Missouri ave nue. The music for the day will be fur nished by a choir under the direction of Mrs. Jessie Steckel, assisted by some of Portland's best talent. At 11 A. M the pastor. Dr. Kantner, will speak on, "The World's Greatest Day."" The evening programme of music will Include solos from "The Messiah." duets and quartet selections, and the pastor will speak briefly on "Finding the Christ." IJr. Hinson Will Preach at East Side Church. Service Next Sunday Evening to Be Watchnlght Meeting. R EV. W. B. HINSON will preach at the Eaet Side Baptist Church to day, both morning and evening. At the morning 'service he will preach a Christmas sermon, taking as his sub ject. "The Christ Who Made Christ mas." The subject in the evening will be "The Gospel of the Second Chance." Dr. Hineon will preach again at the East Side Baptist Church next Sunday. The evening service will be a watch- night meeting, at which the women of the church will se-ve ref reshmcnta. Special Christmas services will be observed In the First Free Methodist Church. East Ninth andx Mill streets. Rev. Alexander Beers, pastor, will preach a special Christmas sermon, using as his subject, "The Christmas Spirit." William Miller, Sunday school superintendent, has provided a special programme for the Sunday school. This will consist of music, recitations and a short address. The younger students will be remembered with some presen tation. The service at night will be evangelistic. and' the pastor will preach. Mrs. Adelaide L. Beers 'will conduct the Young People's meeting at 6:30. Donald L. MacPhee Will sing. sssssssas jj hISS SsssssssssssssssssT. ' f First Congregational Church Has Christmas Programme. Dr. Lather R. Dyott's Sermon Theme Today Will Be "The World's New Day." CHRISTMAS observance in the First Congregational Church promises to be better than ever this year. The previous services gradually have been leading up to the special observance today. Dr. yott's thCme at 11 A. M. will be, "The'World's New Day." At the evening services the cfcolr will give a Christmas cantata, which comprises the following numbers: Pastorale (organ) ; tenor solo and quartet, "There Were Shepherds": bass recitative, "And Lo. the Angel of the Lord"; soprano solo, "Fear Not"; tenor recitative, "And Suddenly" ; quartet, "Glory to God"; bass recitative, "And It Caiue to Pass"; quartet, "Let Us Now Go Even Unto Bethlehem" alto recitative, "And They Came With Haste"; alto solo and quartet, "Sleep, Holy Babe"; bass recitative, "And Thou, Bethle hem" quartet. "He Shall Be Great"; bass recitative, "Now. When Jesus Was Born"; quartet. "Where Is He?"; tenor solo, "Earth Has Many a Noble City"; quartet, "Adeste Fideles"; organ, "A Song of Joy" (Stebblns). Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, soprano; Mrs. Mitylene Fraker Stites, contralto; Joseph P. Mulder, tenor; William Mont gomery, bass. Mrs. Leonora Fisher Whipp. oranist and director. The Bible school of the First Congre gational Church held its Christmas ex-" ercises in the parlors of the church on Friday night. A large number of chil dren who might not otherwise have been remembered were present as guests of the school. "Dinners, clothes and toys were givan to ail the guests. A Christmas programme will oe rena ered bv members of the school on Sun day morning in place of the regular class work. On Saturday afternoon the members of the nrlmary department of the Bible school were entertained at a Christmas nartv bv the superintendent of the de partment. Miss Adele Dyott, assisted by the teachers in this department. All Services Given Over to Christmas Observance. funnyslde ConKi4eationsI Organiza tions Will Present Special I'ro erammes Today mid Tonisht. AT 'the Sunnyside Congregational Church all the seVvlces today will be given over to trie celebration of Christmas. The Sunaay school will have a white gift service at 10 o'clock with an exceedingly attractive pro gramme. Dr. J. J. Staub, the pastor, will preach a Christmas sermon at 11 o'clock on "The Perennial Message of Bethlehem." At 3 PT M. the Junior Endeavorers will entertain their friends with an impressive candle light meet ing and special Christmas exercises. A service of unusual strength will be held by the senior endeavorers at 6:15 which will include a reading by Miss Gladys Miller. entitled "The Lost Word," by Henry Van Dyke. The day will close with an inspiring Christmas concert by the choir at 7:45 P. M. The public is cordially invited to all serv ices. A Christmas service entitled "Gifts for the King" will be given at Kenll worth Presbyterian Church today com mencing at 10:15 A. M. Professor Roy Marion Wheeler and Harry Hudson will render solos. A. R. MacLean will make the adsfress. In the evening at 7:45 P. M. evening worship will be conducted at which the choir will render a special Christmas musical pro gramme under the leadership of Miss Nina Walker. For Bethel African Methodist Church the pastor asks the generous public to remember Bethel with a donation as a Christmas gift and semi same to Rev. W. H. Prince. 208 McMillen street. Morning services will be at 11:15 o'clock and Dr. Hoadley will preach the Christmas sermon. Evening serv ices at 8 o'clock will consist of a sacred concert by some of the best talent In the city, led by Mrs. V. E. Keene. Dr. J. A. Merriman. director. The Sunday Forum meets at 3:30 P. M. The Chris tian Endeavor meets at 7 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to all serv ices. ' The ministers of the Portland Baptist ministers' conference, together with their wives, met last Wednesday at 1 P. M. at the Third Baptist Church. Din ner was served by the women of that organization. The following pro gramme was enjoyed: Violin solo. Rev. F. Hoffmann: address, "The Min ister and. His Message," Dr. Waller; reading, Mrs. Mary Piatt; address. Dr. Wooddy, "Alaska Scenery"; piano solo. Miss Hoffmann. Rev. W. J. Beaven, vice-president of the conference, pre sided at the meeting, in the absence of the president. Rev. H. E. Cash, who is in the hospital recovering from an operation. Much credit for the success of the meeting is due to the efforts of Rev. F. Bueermann, who served on the committee of arrangements. Christmas day services will be held tomorrow In St. Mark's Episcopal Church, at 7:30, 8:30, 10 and 10:30 A. M. The English Ladies' Society of Our Savior's Lutheran Church will meet December 27 with Mrs. George List. 1234 East Twenty-slxh street North. A large attendance Is desired, as there will be election of orficers. Dr. Stansfield to Deliver Christmas Sermon. Evening Service Will Be Featured by Famous Oratorio, "The Coming of the Kins;." THE service this morning in the First Methodist Church will be of partic ular Interest. Dr. Stansfield will de liver a Christmas sermon on the topic. "The Christian Meaning of Christmas." There is also to be special music by the quartet and chorns. ' Friday evening the Sunday school held its annual Christmas entertain ment and distribution of presents in the Temple. The programme was one of the best ever given by the school, and the little folks especially were made glad by various gifts. The poor of the city are not to e forgotten. Under the direction of Miss Sadie Smith, deaconess, several deserv ing families will be remembered with baskets of food, clothing and such ne cessities as will do the most good. One of the most famous of latter-day oratorios, "The Coming of the King" (Dudley Buck), is to be given by the quartet and vested chorus of the church at the service this evening. It will re quire nearly one hour for the presenta tion of this work. At its conclusion the pastor. Dr. Joshua Stansf le'ld, will give the last in his series of sermons on "Man." taking as his topic, "The God Sunday Church Services Am ! -NT. Advent Christian, 438 Second street, near Hall street Rev. J. 8. Lucas. pastor. 1'reachlnir. 10 30. Sunday school. 12; Loyal YV ork -rs, 3:30; preaching. 7:-0 Inc. Thursday evenlnr. 7 :30. prayer meet- ADVENTI8T. Central, East Eleventh and Everett streets p. c. Haj ward, minister. 10, SabbaTn school; 11:13. church service sprayer meet ing. Wednesday. 7:30; Young- Peoples So ciety, l nuay, , :ou. jm Tabernacle. V est Side. Knights of Pythias Hali, nieventh and Alder aabnatn scnooi. 10; preaching, 11; preaching Sunday even ing, 8. Montavllla, East Eightieth and Everett streets J. F. Batty, local elder. Sabbath school. 10; preachlnjr. 11. Young People' meeting. 4; prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7:J0; Helping Hand Society. 1:30 Tuesday. Lents. Ninety-fourth street and Fifty eighth avenue Southeast D. J Chltwood. local elder. Sabbath school. 10; preaching. 11; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening 7:o0 o'clock. St. Johus, Central avenue and Charleston street E. D. Hurlburt. local elder. Sab bath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meet ing, Tuesday evening, 8. Mount Tabor, East Sixtieth and Belmont streets J. M. Wllloughby, minister. Sab bath school. 0; preaching, 11; prayer meet ing Wednesday evening, 7:45. Alblna (German), skldmore and Mallory H. J. Dlrlcsen, minister: A. C. Schweltser, local elder. abhath school 10:30: preach ing, 11:30: preaching- Sunday eventng. 7:45; prayer meeting. Wednesday. 8 o'clock. Scandinavian. Ogden Hall. Mississippi avenue and Shaver streets O. E. Sandnes, minister. Sabbath school, in; preaching. 11; preaching Sunday. Wednesday and Friday evenings at S o'clock. ADVANCED THOUGHT. Portland Hotel Assembly Hall Sermon lecture every Sunday night by Dr. Alzamon Ira Lucas. Temple of Universal Fellowship Rev. J. H. Dickey, pastor. Service at 292 Eleventh street, corner Columbia, at 7:45 P. If . ; oc cult lessons on the Bible, followed by answer ing questions. ASSOCIATED BIBLE STUDENTS. Chrlstensen's Hall, Eleventh and Yamhill streets 8 P. M., discourse by R. O. Hadley; 8 P. M.. public lecture by R. O. Hadley. BAPTIST. First, White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets 0:50, Bible school, classes for all ages; 11. preaching by Rev. C. B. Waller, D D., theme. "The Second Mile"; 6:30. B. Y. P. U. : 7:30. preaching by Rev. C. B. Waller. D. D., theme. "The Manger Cradle No Room, for Jesus." Second German, Morris and Rodney Rev. F. Hoffman, pastor. Sunday School. 9:45; preaching service, 11 and 8: B. Y. P. U.. 7. Third, Knott street and Vancouver avenue Rev. W. J. Beaver, pastor. 10:30 A. M., Man Jesus." This series has been one of exceptional value. A banquet was tendered the loyal woman's class by the loyal men's class of the East Side Christian Church school Tuesday evening. The tables were decorated beautifully. About 65 who were present passed a profitable as well as an enjoyable evening. The following were present: Teacher of men's class, H. E. Bloyd: teacher of women's class, Mrs. CS A. Ward: pastor R. H. Sawyer; superintendent of church school, C. A. Ward; president .of men's class, F. T. Haley; president of women's class. Mns. Ross Powell; E. Brown, W. 0. Calhoun, L. M. Clfeek. Mr. Cotterell. A. S. Lopspeich, E. Leonard, J. W. Mc Xemar, E. Reel. William Settlemeyer, Mr. Marrs. I. Ferguson. R. Powell. F. Parsons, J. Game, Mr. McKalsom. Mr. Scott. Mr. Chambers. Mesdames K. Brown. W. G. Calhoun, L M. Cleek, Cot terell. A. S. Lotspelcb. L Leonard, J. WY McNemar, Reel, William Settle meyer, Marrs, J. Ferguson. Ross Pow ell, Chambers, Blkss. - J. Chatfield, Fllnn and Baker. Misses M. Lepper, G. Hlgglna. W. Shakely. S. Dufficld and 1. Donnelly. Dr. Perry Joseph Green Will Be Speaker. Splritnal Interpretation of "The Nlg-ht Before Christmas" to Be Even ins; Topic. TWO Christmas services will be held today In "The Comforter' bead quarters, 186 Fifth street. This morn ing at 11 Dr. Perry Joseph Green, who has recently returned from the East, will speak on "A New rieaven ai.d a New Earth" ; -Miss Jeanette Christlan son will sing. Tonight at 8 o'clock Mrs. Florenqe Crawford will give her spiritual interpretation of Clement C Moore's poem, "The Night Before Christmas." The special Christmas mu sic for the evening service will be fur nished by Miss Elizabeth Jones and Miss Struble. These services are open to all. Other classes to ie held during the week will be rhur3 Iiv afternoon at 3 o'clock and Friday evening at-8 o'clock. Rev. W. E. Brinkman. the new pas tor of St. James Lutheran Church, at West Park and Jefferson streets, will preach a sermon this morning on "Mak ing Straight the Highway." At 8 o'clock tonight the topic will be "Les sons From the Manger." On Christmas day the services will be at 7 A M.. with special sermon; at 6:30 o'clock P. M. te children's programme and tree. Scandinavians to Hold New Year Festival at Salem. Prosrramine of Hlffh Order la to Be Given Under Direction of Rev. John Ovall. THE Scandinavian people In Salem and the surrounding country will celebrate the closing of the old year and the entrance of the new year with a festival Sunday evening. December 31, at which time a programme of high order will be rendered and refresh ments served, and then the watch night services will begin and continue to the New Year. The pastor. Rev. John Ovall, will have charge of the programme. All Scandinavians in that part of the country, are Invited to attend. A midnight service will be held at 11 o'clock tonight in Trinity Episcopal Church. This will be an Interesting feature and of wide interest. Many prominent persons ar planning to at- tend. The full choir will render music. The evening service will be omitted, and this morning there will be the regular 11 o'clock service. Christmas observances are scheduled for St. David's, at East Twelfth and Belmont streets as follows: Christmas Eve (tonight) at 6:30 o'clock, children's carol service, tree and offering for newsboys' cot at Good Samaritan Hos pital; at 11:30 o'clock at night there will be celebrated the holy cucharlst, with music; Christmas day. 8 A. M.. holy communion; at 10 o'clock, com munion and sermon. ... Notable among the many Christmas pageants and plays held at the various Portland churches was that given at Trinity Presbyterian Church Friday night. Talented children ef the con gregation gave a combined Mother Goosh and fairy playlet. Songs and readings, bright Christmas decorations and costumes made the entertainment attractive. Several hundred parents and patrons of the church attended the affair. Sunday school leaders directed the affair and the various classes were represented. Laura Orth had the role of" fairy queen. "Paul's Idea of Christmas"; 7:30 p. M.. st-reoptlcon Xmas service. "Story of tha Flrt Xrnus." East Side. East Twentieth and Ankeny streets 10. Sunday school; 11 and 7:30. preaching by Rev. W B. Hinson, D. D. ; 0:3J. B. Y. P. U. Glencoe. East Forty-fifth and Main streets Rev. A. B. Waltz. Pastor. 9:45. Sunday school; 11. preaching by the pastor, theme, 'Thou Knewcst. Then Wherefore"; 6:30. B. Y. P. U. : 7:30. preaching by the pas tor, theme. "Where Did We Get Our Christmas ? Bethany (Sellwood) Rev. W. H. Hayes, pastor. 10, Sundav school; 11, preaching by Rev. A. M. Petty. D. D. ; 6:30. B. Y. P. U.; 7:30, preaching by the pastor. Swedish -Finnish Baptist Mission meets at 7:45 In the lower White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets. Lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. 10. CHI liril -OTK'i:S DUE BV A P. M. EACH THURSDAY. Notices for the Sunday church directory must reach the office of The Oregon ian by 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The follow ing form should be adhered t. . Name of church and denomina tion, the location, pastor's tr me. time of services, subject of morn ing theme, subject of evening: theme, time of Sunday school, young p-ople's and other meet ings. -To insure accur cy. the writing should be plain, or, if convenient, a typewriter should bo used. Sunday school; 11 and 7:80. preaching by the pastor: 6:80. B. Y. P. U. University Park. Flske and Drew strests 9:0O. Sunday -school; 11 and 7 so. preaching by the pastor; 0 ..... B. Y. P. V. Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Magett. pastor. Services. 11 and 8; Sunday school, 12:0 First German, Fourth and Mill streets Rev. Jacob Pratt, pastor. 9:45, Sunday school: 11 and 7:30. preaching by the pastor The Young Men's Class H. Y. M. c. ol tha Highland Baptist Church. East Sixth and Alberta streets, meets at 9:49 A. M Sunday. Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tib bstts streets Rev. Francisco Sannella. pas tor 10. Sunday school; 10:30. short ser mon for English-speaking people: 11. preach ing service; 7. pastor's circle tprayer serv ice) ; 8. preaching service. Swedish, Fifteenth and Hoyt street Rev. Services. 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. CATHOLIC. Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets Rev. E. V. O'Hara. Mass, 6. 7:15. :. 3:45; high mass, 11; evening service, 7:45. St. Lawrence, Third and Sherman streets Rjv. J. C. -lushes. Mass. 0, 8:3u; blga mass. 10:30: evening service. 7:30. St. Patrick's. Nineteenth and savier strests Rev. E. P. Murphy. Mass, 5; high mass. 10:3O; evening service, 7:30. St. Francis. East Eleventh and OsJt streets Rev. J. H. Black. Mass. 6, 8, ; high mass, 19:30; evening service. 7:30. Immaculate of Mary. Williams ave nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly. Mass. 0, 8. 9: high mass. 11 o'clock; even ing service. 7:80. Ho.v Hosary, East Third and Clackamas Rev. C. J. Olson. Mass, 6. 7. 8. 9; mta ins . II: B nnlTssI service. 7 Blessed Sacrament. Maryland avenue and Blandena street. Rev. Father F. W. Black, pastor. V.ass. 8 A. M. ; High Mass at 10. oO A. M. ; evening service. 7 :3U. The Madeleine. East Twenty-fourth and Slsklyou-r-Rev. u. F. Thompson. Mass, 7:30, ft; high mass, lu:30: evening service. 7:45. St. Andrew's, East Ninth and Alberta streets Kev. T. Klernan. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:30. Asceusion. East Yamhtu and East Seventy sixth Franciscan. Fathers. Mass. 8; high mass. 10.30. evening service, 7:30. Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard and Vancouver avenue Rev. F. H. Miller. Mass. 6. 8: high mass, 10:30; evening service, 7:30. Holy Cross. 774 Bowdotn street Rev. C Rsymond. Mass. 8; high mass, 10:30; even ing service. r :89. Sacred Heart. Eaat Eleventh and Center Rev. G. Robl. Mass, 8; high mass, 10:30; evening service. 7:30i St. Agatha. East Fifteenth and Miller Rev. J. Cummlsky. Mass. 8; high mass. 19:.10; evening service. 7:80. St. Joseph (.German 1 , Fifteenth and Couch streets Rev. B Durrer. Mass, ; high mass, 1O.30; evening service, 7:30. St. Clare's. Capitol Hill Franclscsn Fathers. Rev. Father Modestua Low mass. 7:30; .high mass and benediction, 9:20; sr mon at both masses. St. ft... :. -.Italian). Maryland avenue and Willamette boulevard Rev. T. MatJiew. Mass. 8; nigh mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:30. St. Peter's. I.ents Rev. p. Buetgen. Mass. 8; high mass. 10:30: eventng service. 7:30. St. Clements. Smith and Newton streets Rev. c. Smith. Mass 8; high mass, 10:30: evt-nlnsr service. 7:20. St. Charles. Thirty-fourth and Killings worth Rev G. Snldcrtjorn. Mass. 8; high mass, 10.:i6" evening service. 7:30. St. Rose's Fifty-third and Alameda streets Rev. J. M O'Farrell. pastor. Masses. 8 and 10 A. i . ever.lnv df-vnilnn 7-sn " St. Michael's (Italian). Fourth and xi ill Jesuit Fathers: M. J. Balertra. 8. J., pastor. Law mass. 8:80; high mass. 10:30; evening service. 7:30. St. Phltlp Ner'. East Sixteenth and Hlck or Rev. W. J. Cartwrlght. Mass, 7:80. 9. high mass, 10:30: evening service. 7:30. St. Ignatius. 3220 Forty-tnira street East. Jesuit Fathers Father William J. Desnay. rector. Mass, t:30. 8. 9:15. X0:3O; evening service. 7:SO. CHRISTIAN. First. Park and Columbia Pastor, Harold H. Grlffls Preaching at 11 A. M., subject, "Characteristics of the Christms Spirit"; Christmas cantata by quartet choir at 7:45 P. M. : Bible school at 11:43 A. M. ; Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. East Side. East Twelfth and Taylor R. H. Sawyer, pastor. II. "The Spirit of Christ mas; the' Sunday school and choir will render a sneclal orommmfl of sone at the 4evenlnz hour: S-inda-.- school at 9:45: Chris tian Endeavor at 6.80. Rodney Avenue, Rodney avenue and Knott street Rev. J. Carlos Ghormley. pastor. Preaching, 11 A. it. and 7:45 P. M. ; morn ing. "A Christmas Hope"; evening, Christ mas entertainment: Sunday school, 10 A. M . Christian Endeavor. 6:80 P. M. Vernon, Sail Flfteentn street North and Wygatil street Regular servlcae 10:80 and 7.80. Preaching both morning styl evening Woodlawn. East Seventh and Libert, streets W. L. MUUnger. minister. Bible school. 9:45 A. M ; social service. 11 A. M. : Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. ; preaching by L. F. Stevens. 7:3 P. M. CONGREGATIONAL. First. Park and Madison streets Rev. Lu ther R. Dyott. psetor. 11 A. M.. "The Worlds New Day"; 7:30 P. M. . musical service. ' Sunnyside, East Taylor and East Thirty second streets Rev. J. J. Staub. D. D., pas tor. Services at 11 A. M. and 7:43 P. M. ; Sunday school. 10 A. M. : Juntos Christian Endeavor. 3 P. M. ; Senior Christian En deavor. 6:13 P. M. ; morning, "The Peren nial Mersaga of Bethlehem": evening, Christmas concert by the cherus choir. Pilgtim, Shaver street and Missouri ave nue Rev. W. C. Kantner, minister. 9:43 A. M.. Sanday school; 11 A. M., "The World's Greatest Day"; 3 P. M . Junior Endeavor; 630 P. M.. Y. P. S. C. E. ; 7:30 P. M.. "Finding the Christ." with special pro gramme of Christmas music under the di rection of Mrs. Jessie Steckel. Finnish Mission. 107 Skldmore street. Sam uel Nevala. pastor Young People's meet ing at G; preaching at 7:30; pray, i :ne. ilng Thursday at S:13. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First. Everett, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets Services, 11 and 8; sub ject of K-sson sermon. "Christ Jesus; Sun day school. 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening ineetlng at 8. Second. East Sixth street and Holladay avenue Services. 11 and 8; subject of les son sermon. "Christ Jesus"; Sunday school. 9:45; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services. 11 and 8: subject of lesson ser- nron. "Christ . Jesus" ; Sunday school. 11 and 12:15; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Services, 11 snd 8; subject of les .son sermon. "Christ Jesus"; Sunday school. 9:45 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fifth. Myrtle Berk Station Services. 11 A. M. ; subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus"; Sunday school. 9:30 and 11: Wednes day evening meeting at 8. Christian Science Society, Holbrook block. St. Johns Services, Sunday, 11: Wednesday evening meeting at 8; subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus." KPISCOPAX. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets- . Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. 11 A. M . regular re r vice. 8 P. M . service omitted; 11 P. M.. midnight service open to the public St. Mark's. Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev. J. G. Hatton. assoclats. Sunday servlose: 7::!o A. M., Holy Eucharist; 9:45, Sunday school; 10:15, Matins: 11, Holy Eucharist and sermon; 8 P. M.. first Vespers of Christmas, anil sermon. Christinas day: Holy Eucharists Vt 7:30 and 8:30 A. M. : 10, Matins: 10:30, holy eucbarist and sermon. Holy days, eu cbsrlsts at 7 :30 and 9:3U A. M. Church of St. Michaei and All Angels. Broadway and East Forty-third street North Scrmun. 11; holy communion, first Sunday, 11; third Sunday. 7 3o Grace Memorial, Weldler and East Seven teenth streets North Rev. Oswald W. Tay lor, vicar. Holy communion. 8. excepting on first Sunday In the month: morning prayer and sermon, 11; Sunday school. 10. No. evening service. All Saints, Twenty-ftftn and Savlar streets Sunday school. 10; morning prayer aad sermon, 11; celebration of tha holy com munion the first Sunday in the month at 11 and the third Sunday at a. St Paul's. Woodmen Kev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, llrst Sun day of month, 8; evening prayer and ser mon, t except the first Sunday of month St. John's, Milwaukle Rev. jobn D. Rica, vicar. 8, holy communion, oxoept on fxrat Sunaay of month; 10. Sunday .school; 11. morning prayer: 7:80. svsnlng prayer; holy communion, first Sunday of month. St John'a 8ellwocd Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. Prayer, 8; holy communion, 8:30. first Sunday of month. Church of Our Savior, Vvoodstock. East Forty-first street and Sixtieth avenae archdeacon Chambers In charge. bunday school 10 A. M. ; service and sermon at 11 A. M. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. Good Eamarttan Hospital Holy communion, I A. M. ; evensobg. 7: IS. St. Andrews. Hereford stresc, opposite Portsmouth School Archdeacon Chamber in charge. Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; servl- and sermon. 11 A. M. Pt. Matthew's. Corbett and Bancroft ttrests Stev W. a. M. tsrock. vicar. Sun day school. 10: sc-rvlces and sermon, 11 A. M Churcn of the Good Shepherd. Graham and Vancouver avenues Rev. John Dawson rector. Sunday school. 9:45 a. M. ; mornlog service. 11: evening service. 7:30. St. Stephms Pro-Cathedral, Thirteenth and Clay, the Right Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop of Orgon: the Very Rev. E. H. M---Colllster, dean Servic-s, Sundays, 7:43 A. M.. 10 A. M. (school). 11:20 A M., 7:4.1 P. M., saints' days, etc.. 7:80 A. M. Public Bible class, Wednesdays. S P. M. ; Brother hood of St. Andrew, Daughters of the King. Girls' Friendly, etc Any westbound car. transfer to Thirteenth, Sunnyside cars, oft at Clay. EVANGELICAL The Swedish Free Church, corner of Mis souri avenue and Sumner street H. U Rodlne, past .r Sunday school. 9:43: preach ing, 11 A. M : young people's meeting, 4:45 presetting. 8 P. M. - First German. Tenth end Clay streets G. F. Llemlng. Sr.. pastor. Sunday school T. Gideon Sjolander, pastor. J at 9 30 A. M. ; preaching service by the pastor at 10:45 A. M. ; Young People's Society services at 7 P. M-. and preaching oy the pastor at 8 P. M. Third Reform. Lents W. G. Llenkasmper, pastor. Sunday school at 10 A. M. ; preach ing service at 11 A". M. ; catechetical class, Saturday at 10 A. M. Norwegian L-anlsh. Snmner and East Twenty-third street North Morton Olsen. pastor. Service Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:0 P. M : Sunday school at 10: young people's meeting at 6:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Portland Mission N. shupp. pastor. Car son Heights, Sunday school at 10 ana preaching at li A. M. ; West Portland, Sunday schoot at 2:80, Y. P. A. at 6:39 and preaching at 7:30 P. M. LUTHERAN. West Side Norwegian Lutheran. Four teenth and Davis streets Wllhelm Patter son, pastor. English services, first and third Sundsys of each month at 11 A- M. and second and fourth Sundays at 8 P. M.; Norwegian services first and third Sundays of each month at 8 P. M. and second and fourth Sundays at 11 A. M. ; Sunday school at 10 A. M. ; English and Norwegian Men's Club the third Monday at 8 P. M. ; Y. p. s. Tuesday evening; English Bible class Friday evenings ; vesper service at 5 P. at. eaca Sunday In tha hall on the corner of FUteenta and Alberta. Grace Evangelical (Missouri Synod), Mason street and Alblna Rev. E. Probst, pastor. Se.-vlcos, 10:30 A M. and 7:30 P. M.; Sun day School, 9:30 A. M. Grace English, Missouri Synod. Mason street and Alblna avenue Rev. E. Probst, pas Lor. Services, li- A. M and 7:80 p. M. Bethel Free,. Stuben Hall. Ivy street ana Willie::..- avenue Rev. Q. A. staley, min ister. Preaching' at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday school. 19 A. M. Bethany Danish. L'alon avenue North and Morris street. M. c Jensen-Engholm. pas tor. Services, 11 and 8: Young peopls's meeting. Tuesday, ft P. M. Immanuel (Swedish), Nineteenth aad Irving streets. Services. 11 A- M . and 8 P. M. ; Sunday school, 9:45 A.-M : Y. P. Society, Tuesdays 8 P. M. ; Ladles' Aid. first Wednesday. 2 P. M.; Pipe Organ Society, first Friday. 8 P. M . St. Paul's German. East Twelfth and .Clinton streets A. Krause. pastor. Refor mation fret: val; Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. ; service. 10:30 A. M. : confession and holy communion. 7:30 P. M . , Friday and Sat urday concerts. 7:50 P. M. St. James Lng.ish, Jefferson and West Park streets Rev. W. E. Brinkman, pastor. 11 A. M . "Making Straight the Highway"; 8 P. M, "Lessons From the Manger"; Sun day school. 10 A. M. : Luther League, 7 1'. M. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Will lams and Graham avenues J. A. Rlnebach, pastor. Services. 10:15 A. M. : Sunday school. 9:15 A. M. : evening at 7. a children's serv ice; services on Christmas day at 10:15 A M. Our Savior. East Tenth and Grant Rev. George Hendrlcksen. pastor. No services to day; service tomorrow. Christmas day. 11:1S A. M. and 8 P. M. LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Latter-day Saints. East Twenty-fifth and Maillson 10 o'clock. Sunday school; service at 11:45 and evening service at 7:30. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. First. Twelfth at Taylor Dr. Joshua Stansfield. pastor: Walter Alrheart. assistant pastor. lo:o. "The Christian Meaning of Christmas"; 12:15. Suiitiay school; 5:30 to 0:J0. -octal hour: t. Epworth League; 7:30, Oratorio, "The Coming of the King," with sermon, "The God-Man Jesus." Clinton Kelly Memoilal, East Fortieth and Powell Valley Rev. A. B. Calder, pastor. 9:45, Sunday school; 9:30, Epworth Leaguo; 11. Sunday school concert: 7:3ft "Tin I nonus anil Kiu-mtes or ttiv Christ Child.' Vancouver avenue Norwegian and Danish. Vancuuve, avenue and Skldmore street Rev. H. V. Nelson, pastor. reaching at U A. M. No aer.lce Christinas eve, but on Christ mas day service at 10. in the mornina. The Sunday school's Christmas tree and ex. ercises wli be held Thursday evening-. Central, Vancouver avenue and Kargo street C. C. ltaruk, paator. Morning ser mon, "The Angers Gospel" ; evening, cantata by the Sunday school. "The Visit of tho Wis iien." Mount Tabor. East Stark and SJxtv-f lrst streets -K. O. Cidrldge. minister. Services Sunday as follows: Preaching at 11 A. M . subject. "The Meaning of Christmas; 7:30 P. M.. Christmas cantata by the Sabbath school; a:30 P. M.. ITpworth League. Laurclwood. Sixty-third atreet Southeast, near Koster road C li. Carlos, pastor. Serv ices, 11 A. M.. "At the Cradle of Christ." Sunday School will Rive an entertainment in the evening at 7 :S0. entitled. "The Christ mas Harvest.' All invited. Rose City Park, sandy boulevard and East Fifty-eighth street North. Aaron Allen Heist pastor. Morning service. 11; vespers, 4tsM o'clock. Westmoreland. 1191 Milwaukle K. w. Maulden, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:80; Sunday school, 10: Junior League, 6:30. University Part. Flsk and Lombard streets Rev. J. T. Abbott. D D Services. 11 A. M . 7:3o 1. M . bunday school. A. M. . Epworth League. 6:80 P. ML Prayer meeting. 7 :-45 o'clock Thursday. German. Koaney avenue and Stanton street T. a. Schumann, pastor. Sunday school, feel A. M. ; services. 11 A. xi , and b P. M.; Epworth Lesvgue, 7:16 P. M. Sunnyside. corner East Vamtult and East Thirty-fifth streets R. Elmer Smith, pas tor. Sunday school, 0:30 A. M. ; preaching. 11 A. M. ; Epworth Lesgue. o:3o P. M. . peo ple's popular service. 7:5 P. M. Lincoln. East Fifty-second and Lincoln Rev. B. H. Morse, minister. Preaching. 10 SO A. M. and 7:30 p. M. ; midweek serv ice, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. First Norwegian Danish. Hoyt and Eigh teenth streets Rev. Ellas QJerdlng. pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M. and at 8 P. M ; Y. p. Society every xuesoay nignt. b:i&. prayer ineetlng Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Woodlawn. East Tenth North and High land streets Rev W. E. Kloster. pastor. Sunday achool. lo A. M. ; morning service. 11 A. M ; Epworth League. 7 P. M ; evsnlnat serv ice, 7 :45 P. M. . prayer meeting. Thurs days. I 4 P. M St. Johns. Leavitt and Hays streets Rev. J. H. Irvine, minister. Morning service at 11 o'clock; evening worship, 7:80. Lincoln, East Fifty-second and Lincoln, Rev. B. II. Morse, pastor Sunday school, 10 A. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M. ; Epworth Leaguo. G:3o P. M. : preaching, 7:30 p. M. ; midweek services Thursday, 7:80 P. M. NEW THOUGHT. Temple of Truth Society. Metaphysical Li brary. Broadway and Main streets. Services, 8 P. M., Christmas sermon; special Christmas music; speaker, Mr. Black. 1 'TKCOisTAL NAZ.VREXK, Highland Park. 1183 East Fourteenth street North Rev. S. L. Mendel, pastor. Sunday, school, lO A. M. ; preaching, 11 A. M. and 7 ;3u P. M. ; prayer meeting. Wednesday. 7:30 P. M. Hope.Seventy-etght and Everett streets. S. W. Scemann, minister. Morning subject. "Peace on Earth- Is it a Dream or a Hope?' In the evening a Christmas cantata will be given. U:45 A. M.. Sunday school; ;30 P. M., Christian Endeavor erfice. Central, East Thirteenth and Pine Dr. Arthur F. Bishop. pastor. 10:30, "Seven Keynotes to Christmas"; 7:30, cantata, "The Morn of Glory." Mlzpah.. East Nineteenth and Division streets Rev. D. A. Thompson, pastor, sao bath school at 10 A. M . , Mr. A. M. Howell, superintendent; Adult and Toung People's Bible clamm meet at 10:15 In the main audi torium. Christmas festival of the Sabbath achool ob Tuesday evt nlng. Morning wor ship at 11 A. M.. theme. "The Vision of a Star," special music: Christian Endeavor at 6:4", topir "Helping to Accomplish the Pur pose of Christ's Coming"; eventng service at 7 :3, theme, "Crowding Out Jesus" ; prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Forbes Memorial. Gantenbain and Gra ham Rev. William MacLeod minister. 11 o'clock; preaching 11 A. M. aad 7:30 P. M. RKIORMED. First German, Twelfth anT Cla O. Haf ner, pastor. Set vices. 10:45 and 8; Sunday scnoul. O:30; V. P. L. T. sriRITt'AIsIST. Church of Soul. 20SH Third, near Taylor- Rev. J. II. Luca. pastor. Conference 11 A. M. ; free hea.lng. 1:30; circles, 3 P. M ; lec ture aid messages by Rev. Max Hoffman, 3 and s P. M. Christian. Royal building Rev. Bertha M. Zimmerman, pastor. Sunday, 3 p. M.. lec ture by Rev. Mr. Wcrtz: readings from flowers by Dr. R. Ansus; S P. M.. lecture by pastor, messages by Mr. A. R. Wirt. New Thoucht. U lafTCihrs building 2 P. at., gtcture by A. W. Wilson; demonsti at Ions, Mrs. Loujh. Temnle. southeast corner Sixth and Mont gomery streets Conference, li A. M., Iy t eum Christmas exercises, 3 P. M. ; ad d reus. 8 P. M . . by J. Me t ca If. NEW SWEDKMIOIKJIAN CHURCH SO- 1 I I V. Ellers Hall 11 A. M.. "The LordVs Three fold Advent." by Rev. William It. Reece. Sunday school. 10 A. M. UNITED BRETHRKN. First. East Fifteenth and Morrfbon streets P. O. Bonebrake. pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. M . preaching; at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M-: Endeavor at 7 ?. U. Alberta. Twenty-seventh and Alberta streets Clinton C. Bell, pastor. Public wor ship. 11 A. M. aoJ 7:80 P. M. i Sunday noo). io A. M- : T. P. s. C. &. 6:30; prayer ueet Jng. Thursday 8 P.M. Foir'h. S'r , v-rlntn street and Sixty-see- (Concluded on lase 11.) 1 f