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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1916)
THE SL'SDAV OKECOIA, FOKITJLND, DECEMBER 21. mm. 3 DEALERS JOIN TO RETAIL ttXON GAR A. V. Beesley, F, T. Houk and Horace Walker Form New Firm During Week.- MEN ARE EXPERIENCED NEW YEAR'S RUN OVER HIGHWAY TO SHOW OREGON POSSIBILITIES "Oregonians Motor All the Year," Is Motto of Portland Dealers Who Plan Pay of Fun Up Columbia River. Messers. Beesley and Houk Formerly Handled Met Auto and Mr. Walker Is Motor Expert From State of Oklahoma. As th result of a business trans action consummated last week the baxon automobile will hereafter be re tailed In this field by A. V. Beesley and y t Houk. formerly retail dealers in the ileta car. and Horace Walker, who came to Portland recently after Mn elderablo experience In automobile work in Oklahoma. Mr. Beesley. Mr. Houk and Mr. Walker havo formed a corporation to bo known as the Saxon Sales & Serv ice Company, which will retain tha present Saxon location at 8S8 Wash inerton street. The wholesale distri bution of the Saxon will be retained by the Saxon Motor Sales Company, of which W. B. Doan Is president. fh latter company controls the selling privileges on the Saxon car in all or Oregon and in Washington west of the Columbia River, which embraces vir tually the entire state with the excep tion of the Spokane rd Wall Walla Beesley and Mr. Houk have given up their Meta agency and it is not yet known who will succeed them. Incidentally the new company is considering tho advisability of leasing a new building that may be constructed for them in the lower Broadway re gion. Mr. Beesley said last week that they had two or three locations under consideration and that a definite announcement in that respect could be vr.otri Khnrtlv. llarry W. Trueblood, cashier for Multnomah County, will soon become c,iarv of the Saxon Motor Sales r-nrnTnv. "Chuck- Dunham, terri tArv man for the latter firm, announced last week that X carloads of Saxons were. on the road to the Northwest as the result of orders closed within the course of a few days. Do you remember that Jolly. likable Don Peake. territory man for the Bris toe Motor Car Company along the Pa cific Coast, who hangs out at the fa. ciflc KisselKar branch when he is in Portland Well, he is married, and the new Mrs. Peake was formerly Cleo Madi6on. one of the great movie stars nf Los Angeles. When, A. S. Robin ton. KisselKar manager at Portland, was cavorting around at Universal Los Angelas, recently he lost Peake every- little bit and finally d covered that the latter was spending most of his time with Miss Madison When Mr. Robinson learned of the marriage, which took place recently at Olenwood Mission Inn, Riverside, he wrote to rea aemaiiums jv n rAijmna tlon. This reply came last week: "This was not prearranged, nor was it sud den. It was the culmination of five years' acquaintanceship. We Just de cided that now was the time." A special meeting of the Portland Automobile Club will be held Wednes day, at which time the proposed change in the name and bylaws of the club, making it a statewide organiza tion, will be considered. This action was taken recently, but after' it was all over and done with some sleuth discovered that the business was not legal for lack of sufficient notice. It, C. Harris, Pacific Coast represent ative for the Reo Motor Car Company, and known as Just about the next best fellow on earth, is spending the holi days in Portland. He makes his head quarters at the offices of the Northwest Auto Company. H. C. Hurrle. shop foreman at the Oakland Auto Sales Company, together with Mrs. Hurle, has gone on a month's trip to the Oakland factory in Pontlac, Mich., where he will work through the various departments and familiarize himself with every part of the new cars. He will also visit the Delco plant. M. 3. Steele, who until recently was connected with the Saxon Motor Sales Company, is now busy selling Over lands under Branch Manager Eling and Sales Manager Peterson, of the Over land Pacific Company. f OKFICJUX dliOGAir ABORTED BY ATTTfrOHII,E DEALERS TO ES I COVRAG WINTER TOVHIXU. L.A.KELLER TO TAKE AUDI'S PLACE Northwest Managership for Studebaker in Portland Will Change Hands. PORTLANDER GOES EAST Retail ana Wholesale Trad at Al bany, V Will Be Handled by Resigning Official, Who Will Iieavo After January 1. the Oregon dealers had applied for their 1917 demonstration tags, Tliese si aeai ers have contributed to the license fund $1167. 50 an average of $14.41. There are still approximately 200 dealers in the state who have not sent their 11T applications to the Secretary of State and -only a few days remain for the Secretary of State to prepare duplicate tags upon these applications. Only ons firm, in the state has pro cured aufficient duplioate tags to use up the entire alpnaoet. vis.: vie di-ih-ers, who cell Fords and Studebakers in Marion and Lano Counties. Their tags begin at A and go down to Z and their dealers' license cost $65. Next in line is the bobs ec ream; Auto Company, Portland, whose tags range from A to N. at a cost of $36. tw. uw. a Auto ComDany is next in iinA thi tnira ranging from A to K. Three dealers pay $25 each, nine deal ... c.a ..nh five dealers $17.50 each, nine dealers $15 each. 17 dealers 12.50 1. . as unnroxlmatelv one-hall of thm only procuring one set of tags, ItA MCh. The dealers in 19X7 will contribute approximately $4500 for dealers' li censes. ROADSPLAHS OFFERED party, almost every squad being appro priately costumed, the New Yorkers headed by a Scotch band of pipers, came in leading a big brown bear. The total number of delegates to date has been over 8600. The total number of cars contracted thus far is about 199,000, representing about $165,000,000. Sat urday' session of sales talks and a big band concert by the Overland band, winds up the biggest convention of its kind in the history of the United States Industry." PAIGE BUSINESS IS DOCBIED Booking for Early Delivery Is De clared Phenomenal. The year of 191C will be finished by the Paige-Detroit Motorcar Company under a full bead of steam and witn Just as much momentum as when the calendar called for mid-season form. A a matter of fact the Paige Com. ptSfcy doubled ita November business in the number of cars made and delivered and extraordinary conditions now con front tha company, according- to the report of Henry Krohn. sales manager. ;'The business we are booking for early delivery, commencing in Decem ber, is phenomenal." says Mr. Krohn. 'Ordinarily big production with an automobile factory starts in January, but the continuation of orders from our dealers necessitates a production activtty in our factory which will make December, one of the big production months of the year. I have never en countered anything like it before in my experience In the Industry." ESIDES buying Christmas presents dealers' committee in charge .... . 1 1 1 J 1 I V.,u V r v foriiano. auiQiuuuue ucojc, o J were kept busy last week were kept busy buying and destrlbuting stickers de pleting the new motto, "Oregoniaps Motor All the Year," and making ar rangements for the celebration run to be held on the Columbia River High way on ' New Year's day. A total of 250,000 sticker have been printed showing a pretty girl driving down the road, with Mount .flood in the background. Framing the picture is a replica of an automobile tire in which the Winter motoring motto is spelled out. These stickers, which are an inch and a half in diameter, are being sold at $1 a thousand and at the rate they were disappearing last week tney win not last long. The design has been copyrighted by M. O. Wilkins, president-manager of the Dealers' Motor Car Association. The stickers are being used on en velopes, letters, windshields, etc. In addition to the stickers, 1000 post ers 10 inches in diameter have been printed to be used by the various dealers. According to the present plans of the of the New Year's day excursion, A. C. Ste vens, E. C. Habel. W". B. Doan, E. N. Howe and V. M. Leeiton-Smith, the run will commence from the park blocks in the Custom-House district at noon on Monday of next week. Arrangements have been made with Rudy Becker, proprietor of a dancing pavilion and refreshment establishment at Corbett, to provide the dealers, ga ragemen, accessory dealers and guests who partake in the trip with hot coC fee to supplement the lunch baskets that are to be carried in each machine. The Winter motorists, in case the weather is propitious, will drive out the highway as far as Multnomah "alls. After lunch the remainder of the afternoon is to be spent in dancing. E. C. Habel. chairman of the sub committee on fun, has engaged the fa mous comedian, J. Stanley Clemence, of Ballou & Wright, as ohief of a band of special police, A Smith fonn-a-truck, rigged up with wire netting, will be employed as "Jail" and a police Judge will probably be picked On the spot. All sorts of freak costumes will be worn and it i hinted that a hungry seven band will be in attendance. R. S. HURD GOES UP White Company Manager Be comes Coast Sales Head. DEALERS FELICITATE HIM MAXWELL IS ON SHOW STURDY ROADSTER WITH RECORD ATTRACTS ATTENTION. Car Driven by Ray McXamara Over All Kinds of Roads Between Se attle, Portland and Spokane. The Hudson "cross-country" car is not the only famous automobile that graces the sales floor of the Boss & Peake Automobile Company en tipper ashington street. The sturdy little Maxwell roadster Which carried MoNamara on his record spins back and forth between Portland, Spokane and Seattle last Summer has been cornered- by William J. La Casae, Northwest zone manager of the Max well Motor Company, painted to i nicety in tan, with chocolate color trimmings and placed on the floor for exhibition purposes alongside the Hud son and a Hudson cabriolet in a Bpe cial designed bower of greens tipped with artificial snow to create a wintry effect. The eroHs-country Hudson is to remain in Portland until January while the little Maxwell will be her Indefinitely. Automobile fans will remember that Mr- McNamara steered the Maxwell roadster over the good, bad and indif ferent roads between Portland and Spokane, a distance of 458 miles, in the total elapsed time of 1$ hours and 31 minutes; between Spokane and Seat tie, 355 mijes, in 11 hours and 55 min Utes. and between Seattle and Port land. 1D8.5 mileo, in five hours and 47 minutes. 'In so doing the Maxwell !. W. Cornell, of San Francisco Of fice, Is Advanced to Charge of Local Branch Change Ef fective First of Year. One of the most .important year-end announcements in automobile circles concerns the promotion of R- S. Hurd, manager of the White uompany Pnrtiaml hrnnch. to be Pa.cific Coast sales manager, with headquarters at the White Company s Pacific coast oranun in San Francisco. Mr. Hurd will assume nis new por tion on the first of the year. He will h immediately under G. A. Urauhart, Pacific Coast manager, and his duties will consist largely in developing the wholesale business in his territory, which includes Arizona. Nevada, Cali fornia. Oregon. Washington. British Columbia, Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, th Philinnine Islands and Australia. Mr. Hurd has been manager oi me White Company's Portland branch lor a. little mare than one year. tie nas ,............- J UaT 'W'V T' ww$ '". . .' 7r . " J :; ' L-i - ; t 4y S V 4 it White Company is the largest in point of territory of any of the departments of that company. Tne bronze emciency trophy for the most satisfactory 12 months' business was awarded to the San Francisco branch in 118. During the years 1914 and 115 it went to Eastern branches. One of Mr. Kurd's duties will be to see that the trophy remains on the Coast in 1917, and dur ing the years that follow, if it can be done. Local Dealer Landed. JIK Hurd is a member Qf the Cham ber of Commerce, the Portland Ad Club, and untilrecently he wa president or the Automobile Dealers' Association. Mr. Hurd speaks with much feeling of his associations with the automobile dealers of Portland, whom he charac terizes as the finest body of men he has ever met in that line of business. Yesterday the Automobile Dealers Association tendered Mr. Hurd a lunch eon at the Chamber of Commerce, where he received many felicitations over his promotion "to the more important post. xne estimation in wnicn mr.,nura is held by his Portland associates is summed up by M. O. Wilkins. president of the Dealers' Motor Club of Oregon. Mr. Wilkins says: "We have all learned to esteem Mr. Hurd highly. He is a man of Judgment, whose counsel ,has many times been invaluable. We re joice at his enlarged opportunity for service, though, we are sorry to see him leave us." C. XV. Cornell Coasea Here. C. W. Cornell, of the San Francisco office, will assume charge of the Port land branch when Mr. Hurd leaves. Mr. Cornell is one of the two highest men in point of sale in the Pacific Coast territory during tne year, ana nis pro motion comes as a. . reward for loyal and effloient service. In addition to the promotion of Mr, Hurd, E. W. Hill, who has been for some time the manager of the White Company's Seattle branch, has been pro moted to the San Francisco .branch. His duties will be to develop and handle the good roads truck and road oiler busl ness in the Pacific Coast territory. Mr. Hill was formerly manager of the Port land branch of the White Company and is well known here. R. Q. Hubner, who Is now connected with the Seattle branch, will assume charce of. that branch upon Mr. Hill's departure. These changes m the Pacific Coast department, following the White Com pany a recent announcement of a new type of motor, indicate an aggressive campaign for Pacific Coast and trans. Pacific business in pleasure cars as well as motor trucks. These several paragraph are to an nounce the resignation and departure of Arthur II. Brown. Northwest mana ger for the automobile division of the Studebaker Corporation f America, I and the arrival of his successor, I A. Keller, a former Portlander. who ha been serving for om time as manager of the Studebaker branch at Omaha, Neb. Mr. Brown will leave with hi family shortly after the first of the year for Albany. N. Y.. where he will become retail and wholesale-aeaier in Diuae baker cars for the territory in and about Albany. Troy and Schenectady, whieh promise to prove exceedingly profitable to him. Mr. Brown say he expects to do a 500-car business in hi new field next year. Manager Former Salesman. The new Northwest manager, who arrived Friday afternoon, wa a block salesman In the . Oregon field when I H- Rose. Mr. Brown's predeces sor, ruled the Portland branch. His brother. George Keller, waa sales man ager of both the horse vehicle and utomoblje divisions at the fetudeoaKer factory at the time control was as sumed by the Studebakers over the old E- M- F. plant. . I E. McKn4ie. wno nas won many friends since his arrival from Pennsyl vania to assume the position a as sistant manager of the Studebaker branch in Portland, remains in that post under Mr. Keller. Mr. Brown came to roruano in juiy. 112. succeeding L, H- Rose in the management of the Portland Studebaker branch. At that time the Portland territory- included the most of Oregon and that part of Washington west of the Columbia River. Upon Mr. Brown s taking charge it was increased by merging tho apokane branch, to include all of Washington, Northern Idaho and all of Montana west of the Rocky Moun tain divide. Subsequently Alaska was added, making the Portland house ter ritory the largest of any Studebaker branch territory In tho United States. . Branches Gradually Closed. In 1H2 the company maintained branch houses in Portland. Seattle. Ta- coma and Spokane. One by one all of these branches, except Portland, were closed and Studebaker dealers ap- DOlnted. Moreover, before a year had elapsed Mr. Brown succeeded in interesting Frank C. Riggs and W, C. Garbe in the retail sale of Studebakers in Portland and was instrumental In bringing forth the Oregon Motor Car Company, which succeeded the local retail Stu debaker branch in the retailing of cars in Multnomah County. Mr. Brown first became connected with Studebakers January 1, 1911. as a. wholesale man out of the Philadel phia branch. He waa shortly afterward promoted to the management of the company's retail business in Indian apolis. and soon gtven charge of the Spokane branch, whioh he managed un til transferred to Portland. He has been active In most of tne local automobile dealers' organisation nd has also been identified with tne Automobile Club, Rotary Club, Mult nomah Club, irvington Club, Laurel hurst Club, the Salesmen' Club and the Chamber of Commerce, He count friends by the score among these mem berships. Mr. Brown originated in AmesDury, Mass., one of the oldest carriage man ufacturing towns in tne country, was graduated from Dartmouth College Hanover, N. H.. and for a short time afterward was engaged in newspaper work In New Bedford. Mass. His first Binerience in the automobile business wn with the Warner Instrument Com nanv. of Belolt, Wis., manufacturers of tt Warner Auto-Meter, whose New England business he managed from, 1906 until 1910. GENERAL COMMITTEE RECEIVES -. MANY SUGGESTIONS. Meeting "Will Be Held la Portland January Delegation of Deal ers Disease Auto Licenses. The Oregon Good Roads Committee has added the following to their mem bership: From Linn County Good Roads Association, A. C. Schmltt, of Al bany, and M- 8. Allen, of Jefferson; from the American Society of Civil En gineers. John W. Cunningham, of Port land, and from the Oregon- Society of Engineers. J. P. Newell, of Portland. In response to a. letter of inquiry to the membership at large regarding the conclusions of the general committee adopted at the meeting Deeember 11. replies are coming in from various sec tion of the state approving in gen eral the plan of the committee offer ing, however, some suggestions on "Highway Routes," "Automobile Li cense" ana "i;c-operaiion ociwccn Counties and State." which will be used in framing the final decision of tne committee. The executive committee Is In close conference and will hold their iinai meeting the last of the month. The general committee will meet at Port land January 6. O. W Taylor, chairman of the gen eral committee, and J. D. Brown, chair man of the ub-commlttee on "Road T.w" met with a committee of the Motor Car Dealers" Association, consist ing f M. O. Williams, H. w. Mitneu. K. S. Hurd and H. L. Keats laat week at the request or tne latter, ana dis cussed the proposed increase in auto mobile license. The dealers' and the automobile license committee of the Oregon Good Roads Committee, will meet in Portland next weea. R. S. Hard, Who Leaves Portland Breach ef White Cvmpany la Becomes Sale Manager tor En--tire Pacific Count. been connected with the company for a number of years, his first employment being In the retail sates department. After serving a short time in that posi tion he was promoted to the whole- ,u lienflrtment. being on the road pilot established new records for each i considerable part of the time- of the distances and a record of 33 I After having been advanced a number hours and 13 minutes for the entire ' of times in this position. Mr. Hurd was loop of 1011 miles. Incidentally Mr. Boss received word last week to the effect that the prices on the Maxwell pleasure car is to be boosted $40 commencing January 1 and that the Maxwell light truck is to sell for $760 instead of $675. as an nounced originally. The truck is to weigh 2400 pounds complete. An automobile museum has been es tablished in London, where there are exhibited gasoline cara made as early as 18SS, a steam trloycle made In 1891 and one of the earliest eteam cars made in I860, DEALERS SLOW TO ACT ONLY St IN STATE GET LICENSES FOR 1917, IT IS DECLARED, AUTO DIRECTORY Chalmers H. L, KEATS AUTO CO. Broadway at Burnside. Broadway 5368 Now Demonstrating the New 3400 R. M. P. $1090 F. O. B. Factory. CHANDLER See the Chandler Four-Fassenger Roadster GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO., 363 Oregon St., East End of Steel Bridge 17 J P Francis Motor Car Exchange rOrU VcLTS Phone E.1199E. 13th at Hawthorne Fords (N ew Car Owners in County. ACCORDING to the figures of M. O. Wilkins, publisher of the Automo bile Record, the following temporary police permits were issued in Portland last week pending the arrival of official state license tags jrom tne oi flce of Secretary of State Oleott; J. H. Folheroun, eoa oucn iri, 5 Medical building. Ford. " East fcllghteentu street. Vlrlt Brothers, of Salem, Is Sole Firm o par W hich Has Obtained Dupli cate Tags for All Alphabet, The attention of the automobile deal, ers of the state a called to the fact that their dealers' licenses will expire on December 31. and after that date they oapnet use their red dealers' tags for the demonstration of new automo biles offered for sale. On Monday of last week only 81 of well H. M. Greene. 60: Y. Bondy. 504 Ford. .., W. O. Brown, 733 HUWUHli vnrmwr. H. J. Blseiina. Third and Madison, Reo. Louis C. Keleey, 410 Selling building, Hud son. nk W. Burke. Union BtocKvaraa. uon. R. W. Ree. 12 8pidln buildlns. Stu debaker. Charles Lepschuets, oa r mn street, ua lnd. ' C. J. Larson, Lents, Or., Ford. Mrs. Laurenee Larkin. 181 Bast Four teenth. Ford. A. E, Johnson, Alder Hotel, DodBe. J. 8 Beodle, 1151 Hawthorne. Ford. J. d! MoQee. 110 East Slxty.jeventh street. Chevrolet. Mrs, Chaster Murphy, 2S1 King street. Ca dillac. . Kred N. Parses, 704 Wilcox buildlns. Ford. Mrs. M. Wurtepberser. Sol Division street. Ford. J. H. Mc8lo. Lents. Or., Ford. Frank Vn Bebber. 69 Kast Ninth street. Oldamobil. O. F, Neff, 8S Front street. Ford. C. H. FarQham, Park and Davis streets, Studebaker. W. A. Van "Atta. Oreaon Motor Car Co., Studebaker. H. s. Anderson, Eighth and Davis streets, Studebaker. Marlon F. Dolph, Mohawk: building, Hup moblle. A. K. Thlrklll, 201 North Twentieth street, Studebaker. Qeorse R. Auger, 635 East Eleventh street North, Chandler. Olenn L. Crawford, Troutdale, Or., Dodge. Clara Schlcfer, 6'W Second street. Ford. W, R. Teltord, Bortng. Or., Ford. OVERLAND CONVENTION ENDS Delegates Place Order for 190,000 Cars Valued at 1 5, 000,000. The big convention of Overland deal era and guests which commenced early In the month with tha Oregon delega tion among the first arrivals came to a close last night and was a tremend ous success. Advices on the progress of the Convention continued to come to The Oregonlan dally last week, the final telegram arriving; Friday, being aa follows: "The arrival or the. Overland dealer from the sales territories of the New York district. Cincinnati and Indianapo lis and Louisville today marked the final lan ef the big Overland dealers' convention. Over 800 were In the AUTO DISPLAY IS UNIQUE CAR, l.NJiVI.N'DOW APPEARS TO CLIMB MOI ST HOOD. OnOE IOE301 made manager of -the Portland branch on October 1, 1915. The convenient new briclc and concrete building at Park and Couch streets, occupied by the Portland branch, was built during Mr. Hurd'a management, and it was constructed along lines suggested by him. Before Joining the "White Company's organization Mr. Hurd wa in the trac tion engine business, but after the mo tor truck had demonstrated its ability to exceed the performance of the trac tion engine, he became an enthusiastic promoter of the motor truck and auto, mobile industry. Tta PacUig Coast department e tne Many Attract to Wlw ef Paige Company, DeeorateeJ hy Sales Manager W. S, Barnes. Just about the most unique and at tractive automobile window display that has been arranged in Portland this year graces the corner window of the store on the southeast corner of Taylor street and Broadway, where W, S, Barne. sales manager of the Paige Motor Sales Company, has dec orated a Paige in rach fashion that it looks for all the world as the car did last Summer when it was breaking all records by its climb, of the south side of Mount Hood. By employing long strips of cotton cleverly in conjunction with mica to indicate the luster created by sunshine, the Paige-Kairfield. is made to look al. most as it did 8500 feet high on Mount Hood July t last. Picture of the car tajen at that time are placed alongside the. dressed car to give the hundreds of window-gasers an opportunity to compare the picture with tha window display. The idea capitalized by' Mr. Barnes not only serves to advertise the fa mous feat of the Paige on Mount Hood. but furnishes as well an appropriate holiday window display. Booklets pub lished by the Paige factory in honor of the climb up Mount Hood are being distributed among those visiting the raise, store iaeQ eaya, SAXON "SIX" Strength Economy Service You Save 3SO If You Buy Before January 1 There be no changa in the model, Tha Saxon "Six you buy today, and until January 1st, for $925 is the same car that will coat you $975 after January 1st. Tou know how prices of all commodities have gone up. So have prices of automobile materials. You know the high quality standard of the Saxon Motor Cars. It will not be lowered. So the price must be advanced $50. ' Come in today and place your order for a Saxon "Six. It will be the eame as having placed $50 to your credit in the bank. 1917 Models S16S Down. S25 Per Month. FORDS 1817 models. Easy terms, f 185.70 down, balance 25 per month. Trade in your old Ford. Ford Service Dept. never closed. Phone for service car. PALACE OARAUE CO- " 704 Kearney St. Mala 90. A-34a. New and Caed Fords Sold on Easy Payments. Rushlight, Ransom & Penney Z75 Luton Ave- Cor. Phone East 79SO. Franklin offers more of "what you actually need and want in an automobile." BRALY AUTO CO. Main 4880, A 38S1. 19th and Washington Sts. Garford A complete line of motor trucks both worm ana chain drive. One-ton, 1V4. , 3V4. 5, n, T and lO-toa tract ors. GARFORD MOTOR TRCCK SALES 522 Alder 8t. CO "trucks General Motors Company Truck ,. 2, 3Vt and 5-Ton The Standard of Portland Business Houses. Columbia Carriage & Auto Works, 209 Front Street to Ultrrait, Simple to (are For, Lone tiie ami aconom .sTM n tf aVQnh.lY MAN LEY AUTO CO. B 1 tL KJ AAA. Eleventh and Oak at Harnslde Streets. and Oak at Harnslde nrosdway 217 Hudson Super Six The Car with the greatest records V. Li. UUOO X V 613-617 Washington Street " Hupmobile Climbs the Aversae Low-Resr HIU High Oear. Come and See the New Models. MANLEY AUTO CO. Eleventh nnd Oak at Ilurnslde. Br'd'T Z1T. Capacities, 1, 1, 2, 3V4, 5, 5, 6, 7H Tons. Complete Stock Repair Parts. F. C ATWELL, Sales Agent. Tel. Mar. 440 Mack & Saurer MOTOR TRUCKS Washington at 21st. Economy records, non-stop records and smallest ' up-keep records. C L. BOSS & CO, 615-617 Washington Street. built by a reliable factory, sola Prices, 9105O, S13SO, lac- Maxwell It A reliable ear, built by VfLt'l' -a MITCHELL. LEW V ' East First and Eai fIS STAVER CO, East Morrison Stseet. Oakland Oregon Oakland Motor Co., Wholesale. Oakland Auto Sales Co., Retail. 522 Alder St., at Sixteenth. Main 414. Oldsmobile Distinctive High Grade. Light Weight. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch. Phone Broadway 1640. Internal Gear Drive, unqualifiedly guaranteed for the life of the truck; i. 1. 2 nd 3-ton aiaea. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO, Park and Flandera Streets. Moreland Distillate A ton to 5 ton. Vim delivery, Vt' ton capacity. M'CRAKEN MOTOR CO, Main 9019. 445 Stork St The "Blltwrll" Series Represents the Latest and Beat ssnav in Motor Cam. .New Value at n-aium i ri:r. VlPi D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Trucks W hn"rs si Ji.-. Pleasure Cars and Motor Trucks The W HI L White Company, Park and Couch Sts. AUTO ACCESSORIES GASOLINE and OIL TANKS bowser m SYSTEMS FOR PVBLIO AMI PHI. AI.Es, s. L- klasaarn, uiatrict oupi. orbett U1UK. Main ii.o. knows everything Electrical. Specialist in light ing and starting batteries. Day, night service. GIBSON ELECTRICAL GARAGE AND STOR. AGE BATTERY CO. Alder at 12th Stock Them. We Hesalr Thsss, We Chart, Thesn. Free Asvles and Inspection. I'TO KLEtrrKIC KQIII'MEJIT CO, Slath and Iinrnstse aimia. Dr. Spark Christmas Gifts for Automobilists 1 As a remembrance for your friend, the automobilist, we are I i showing many practical gifts: Spot Lights, Warner-Lens, L J Robes, Gloves and others. 1 Archer and Wiggins Company fj Otatrtbntors ot Hlts-iirane aioior isr vwwsr SIX'IU STHEET AT OAK &vCMvyi.& Saxon Sales and Service Co. 529531 Washington St QE30: 10EX0! A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All of Our Friends. BALLOU & WRIGHT Broadway at Oak Street